@Oklahoma City Thunder

Seattle hoping to regain NBA team as league eyes expansion | SC Report

Seattle hoping to regain NBA team as league eyes expansion | SC Report

April 13 2008 the superson Sonic’s final game in Seattle all anyone could hear was the crowd it’s tough to find a city that is Pine for an NBA team more than Seattle which retained the rights to the name logo and colors after the sonics were moved to Oklahoma City 16 years ago now longtime Sonic’s fans are feeling hopeful again at his NBA Finals press conference League Commissioner Adam Silver raised the prospect of adding teams once the League’s New Media contracts are finalized media deals it’s been a long process it’s ongoing and we hope to wrap it up you know in the relative near term and then we will turn to expansion there’ll be a committee of NBA Governors that will focus on it Seattle never should have lost their team we should have never lost our team in the first place Gary pyton the most decorated player in Sonic’s history reacted to Silver’s words at an event in Seattle Thursday night if basketball comes back here which it is I know we’re going to have a great team and we’re going to have great band support and that’s what it’s going to be and I’ll be here almost every day it’s not just Payton who thinks it’ll happen Kevin Durant drafted second overall by the Sonics in 2007 said earlier this year that bringing a team back to Seattle is a priority I feel like that friend anch for one is an iconic brand within the NBA and I believe it will be back I believe it will be a part of expansion in the league and to help run the team and help guide the team as they do as they come back into the league I would absolutely love that and you know when I retire obviously I would that’s a dream come true that’s probably one of the only things that I would really lock in like I would you know like I was playing again you know it it would feel close to that aside from player and fan support potential partners and owners are lining up the Seattle Kraken NHL team’s home arena is NBA ready right now and the source close to the situation tells me that Kraken con or Samantha Holloway will pursue an NBA team when the time is right I’m Michelle steel ESPN

Michele Steele reports on Seattle’s hopes of regaining an NBA team after the Seattle Supersonics relocated and rebranded to the Oklahoma City Thunder.

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  1. The Sonics deserve to come back. Everyone in seattle wants it so bad, I’d be extremely excited to go to games if they came back. I’d drop so much money on season tickets if I got the chance. I walk around seattle and see Sonics gear so often. We need them back

  2. I think adding 2 more teams would be a good start. Then I guess you could go from there. Add one team to the East and one to the West

  3. I remember playing 2k8 an loved playing with that Seattle team with young KD great memories 🥺

  4. That would be awesome for the supersonics to return to Seattle. Award Montreal with an NBA franchise in the Eastern Conference.

  5. eff the NBA in Seattle after what they did to keep the NHL out of that market. NHL should return the favor

    The NBA is already boring enough as it is, it certainly won't be helped by diluting talent even further !!!

  7. Seattle had a team, they left why? the locals did not go and help them by coming to the games. BUT the owners left because they demanded the City to BUY them a new arena. Thats absurd to demand. YOUR Team YOU pay for it. . If the taxpayers are flipping that bill then YOU better give the locals 50% off tickets or something. They paid for the arena so you can be a billionaire.

  8. Seattle for an NBA team with Vancouver, BC as their NBA G League affiliate.

    I also say either Las Vegas or St. Louis will be the 32nd team with either Henderson, NV or Kansas City as their NBA G League affiliate.

  9. No yuck, keep this culture away from the west culutre, especially the pacific north west, we have our sports, we don't need NBA garbage

  10. if the league were to expand, theyd have to expand by two teams . and judging by the potential cities seattle and vegas are most likely, but they both in the west. to make things even, either minnesota memphis or noleans would have to go to the eastern conference.

  11. Not the biggest basketball fan but Seattle should have never lost their team. I don't have a favorite city for the other expansion franchise but Seattle should get the Sonics back

  12. I hope Seattle gets a team. I loved the Sonics/Blazers rivalry of the PNW from years past, and would like to see it again.

  13. Meanwhile, Vegas, a city of gambling with no soul and mostly recent transplants is the front runner.

  14. Sonics won the only title in 1979. NBA never had a Las Vegas team, the city of Las Vegas host the All Star game back in 2007.

  15. That sucked! Seattle losing its team to Tornado Alley! That was like Houston losing the Oilers to Tennessee and Brooklyn losing the Dodgers to L.A.

  16. Should be Seattle and Kansas City. Those two cities will sell out their stadium every game no matter how awful their team is

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