@Miami Heat

Rich Paul GETS REAL On LeBron’s Best Teammate

Rich Paul GETS REAL On LeBron’s Best Teammate

we got to talk a little bit about Lebron and uh some of the discourse around him so recently there was a conversation about who was LeBron’s best teammate and your guy’s friend Stephen A Smith had this to say you know when we start asking about the greatest you know the the greatest teammate for LeBron James and stuff like that you know wait a minute now wait a minute let’s not forget Dwayne Wade if it weren’t for Dwayne Wade I could make a legitimate argument there would have never been a Kyrie LeBron didn’t know how to win until he got to Dwayne Wade let’s call that what it is he didn’t want to go to the free throw line he didn’t want to take game-winning potential game-winning shots during an allar game it was a lot of stuff that happened but the combination of South Beach Pat Raleigh coming to Cleveland and putting them rings on the table you want one of these am I lying so rich what are your thoughts on Stephen A Ron didn’t know how to win until he got with Dwayne Wade I think I understand what he was trying to say um it just didn’t come out how he probably wanted to say it uh when you talk about each teammate you know and and I’m going be quick with this like I can’t I think it’s unfair to try to decide who was the best M they all won yep that’s the goal to win I think there’s different moments and times what I will say is about D way specifically is the art of coexistence matters when you’re trying to be successful at anything MH and dwade was extremely selfless dwade because they had a friendship going in there was automatically a respect for one another to where when there were hard times he could take on the challenge of holding LeBron accountable in those moments there’s already respect there as friends that makes that a little bit easier it was way County remember going in but LeBron Trump’s any of that because his his he’s just such a big thing and so how do you coexist and often times as star players it got to be about me MH and the reason why that worked is because dwade was selfless enough he had enough awareness to understand no this needs to be about us this idea of the handh holding and not knowing how to win again I understand what Stephen A was trying to say and just for context for some people who probably couldn’t pick pick it up there’s this there’s winning and then there’s winning a championship M right Gilbert as you know I was sitting there Courtside plenty of times in DC series when you guys couldn’t get past the Cavaliers right I think 29 straight points in the fourth quarter against Detroit that team had won a championship had went to six straight NBA uh uh Easter Conference fin so 2017 you go to the finals against Spurs and and they’re big three and their continuity Etc so winning that is winning now getting over the hump to win a championship you know that takes a lot that takes number one Talent right and so I think when he decided to leave uh and and and to Miami the biggest thing was about being able to actually win having enough to get over the hump especially after what Boston had just done and so I think the biggest component for me was the fact that dwade being who he was and when you really think about it it all makes sense when you get to know dwade at his core forget the basketball player he’s just a good a good dude and he knows who he is he never tried to be somebody he wasn’t and so that embracing helps we need to exude that more just in humanity because we’re taught it got to be all about me but nobody nobody is successful by themselves that doesn’t work now the the The Narrative of the handh holding and couldn’t get out of this and you had to go to a a um press conference um and and have a chaperon that wasn’t the case that first year they were trying to make sure that both parties felt prioritized so there was a strategy of doing the press conferences together so no one would seem to be above no one else which is the actually the right thing to do but that can’t be looked on him saying like oh I needed this chaperon because I don’t agree with that um but but again I know what Stephen A was trying to to say in that manner now Kyrie in the finals so I’m not going to touch on him because I don’t want to distract him I will say his talent was a huge reason why the return is there right the belief to know you can win and then when you think about ad again Midwest know who he is when you think when you think about ad’s parents great people you know there’s there’s no there’s no um you know the out there’s no noise that says that that creates this animosity or this competitiveness internally right because that tends to drive a wedge but I was there Randy was there Maverick was there glow was there Savannah was there The Supporting Cast was there so it wasn’t like you know it’s this it’s it’s all on how you come into the NBA right so when you look at Dwayne Wade he got to be a entity for one year right 16 points a game and then a mega star came in which was Shaquille O’Neal yes so he got to grow with another entity he got to learn from another entity that was bigger than him yes right so he already learned how to coexist with something that was big so when LeBron comes he has this already I I know how to deal with this yes this is this is easy for me I’m older I’m better but I know how to deal with this yes Kyrie had a team by himself and when he was getting into his stardom he felt the success and then his enti comes it’s like wait wait and that’s tough what is this for anybody right yeah okay okay and the winning I’m winning why is he getting all the credit that kicks in right and it was the same with you know Melo right the success happen and right when he’s getting ready to blow it becomes who team is this when certain players already got to share that responsibility fair point so if LeBron was there when Kyrie was a rookie and stuff this wouldn’t have been an issue now Kyrie moving around when he’s with Luca right it’s easy now I’ve already I’ve already tested same thing with ad got Superstars to come in and he learned he already learned but but yeah I I think but I don’t I don’t take I’m not choosing which one I think it they’re all different all different I think you embrace you know the that partnership for all of them and that and because they they you know they they really all won but the art of coexisting matters when you’re trying to be successful and and that translates over to too understanding how to coexist that matters man that really did

Rich Paul GETS REAL On LeBron James’ Best Teammate as he joins Gilbert Arenas & The Gil’s Arena Crew to fire back at Stephen A Smith for his comments saying LeBron needed Dwyane Wade & The Miami Heat to win and sets the record straight on who between Wade, Kyrie Irving and Anthony Davis is LeBron’s best running mate during his legendary NBA Career.

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  1. Dwayne taught lebron how to win, he was Lebrons big bro, lebron was his understudy on how to win. Lebron took that role towards Kyrie and AD. Dwayne is easily Lebrons best teammate because it saved his legacy.

  2. not knowing how to win, and not having the talent to win are two different things.. know the difference. SAS ignorant ass take, per usual.

  3. @mrstephenasmith wud be jus like saying Mj ain’t no how to win until pippen Jordan got his 1st ring at 27 bron got his 1st ring age 27-28 with Miami 1st year

  4. If I’m dwade thus wud be disrespectful to me to have this conversation, now as far as the topic of who gel wit Lebron more who fit better in their prime as far as pride and chemistry that’s the real debate

  5. People keep saying D-Wade easily are not factoring their level of play when they were teammates with Lebron. By the time the 2013 playoffs started Wade was clearly on the decline even though he showed up in pivotal games throughout that run but Lebron have finals mvp Wade for pretty much 2011/2012.

  6. So what I'm getting from Rich Paul is LeBron James didn't do the same things that Dwyane Wade did for him when he returned to Cleveland to play with Kyrie Irving

  7. Lebron took the cavs to the finals in 07 at 22. Obviously he knew how to win he just never had the in Cleveland

  8. Wade taught Bron how to takeover during the finals. After losing to the Mavs Bron tapped into another level after that. It’s D.Wade hands down.

  9. What the fuck, dude talked for about 10 minutes and did not say anything. Just answer the damn question fool.

  10. Lebron ain’t know how to win…or did he lose to better teams. That was he 1st team Bron played on that had other stars

  11. The Asian bling or display of wealth seems to be the most elaborate of all races. It's mind-blowing sometimes the extent they get to.

  12. This Nigga needs to enter politics. He likes to hear himself talk. He thinks he is the smartest person in the room. He takes 10 minutes to give an answer that's should have taken 1 minute.

  13. Finally some real intelligence on this topic and not these definitive statements that make no sense.

  14. Finally some real intelligence on this topic and not these definitive statements that make no sense.

  15. Yall taking way too much … Wade was his best teammate ever. Wade and bron were must watch basketball their skill set complemented each other .if lebron don’t choke in 2011 they win 3 out of 4 they won 27 games in a row … also Wade without Shaq in 09 took a sorry heat team to the playoffs by himself and put up mvp type number … when is all
    Said and done Wade will be ahead of both Davis , Kyrie and Bosh in the top 75 list

  16. This just like Scottie is Michael best teammate MJ ain't win SHYT til he came nobody can beat a team 1v5 but bron was winning a lot of games just couldn't win the big state cause they were jumping him 😂

  17. Ummm Dwade was a champ before Bron came. He was the 1st of their draft class to get a ring and br finals mvp

  18. I don’t think they sayin who is the best player bron ever played with. They asking who was his best teammate that complimented him well and vice versa. I believe it’s kyrie. They needed each other. And they produced magic together. Wade didn’t need bron and vice versa. Their games complimented each other so well.

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