
The Ultimate Guide to Training By Yourself (Get RESULTS!)

The Ultimate Guide to Training By Yourself (Get RESULTS!)

if you’re a Hooper being able to effectively Train by yourself can unlock so much for you but here’s the thing about training alone there’s no defense and there are no teammates it’s still absolutely doable and actually needed to reach your potential of course but anytime you’re alone you’re going to have to find creative ways to challenge yourself or at least as you become a more advanced player so this may be one of the biggest skills you can have as a player one of the biggest skills that you guys can develop is being able to challenge yourself when nobody tells you how to do that right if you’re in the GM by yourself and you can find different ways to challenge yourself on your finishing on your shooting on your ball control and know what it feels like to be difficult to be challenged to be a little bit frustrating and do that every single day that’s very important it’s not any magic drill it’s just finding things to challenge you and getting to work on those cuz although something like this doesn’t hurt and is good at times just getting up reps it’s always going to be different in a game right higher speeds having to make decisions adjusting and adapting to the defense you got contact and it’s overall just more difficult in a game so I’d imagine your question is now how do I train by myself how do I get the most out of this time let’s dive into it so we’ll cover three different big categories in this video starting with visualization if you watch most highlevel players train they’re super creative with how they visualize and bring the game to life around them and you can see this Kyrie even talks about it here the imagination that I have has empowered me to be able to work on my craft and just imaginary Defenders to me so the big thing I want youall to notice here is the imperfection it’s not just straight line drives and the perfect shots with your eyes locked in the whole time cuz that rarely happens in Game they’re going to be slightly off balance footworks lookoff the timing may be off on some moves or shots and a bunch of other imperfections you’ll see naturally occur in a game so we got to implement this by ourselves as we’re training along now of course this will never be the same as actual defense cuz you’re not reacting and dealing with physic I ality and limited space but it’s still a great tool this time in the gym visualizing by yourself is needed to unlock new levels of creativity and confidence dealing with imperfection but here’s the catch to be able to visualize the game well you need a ton of playing experience for example I played a bit of a bunch of sports growing up but I could probably never vividly visualize for American football soccer and other sports like I could in hoop just because I haven’t seen as many situations so playing actually makes your individ visual training better so the best way to do this just put yourself in different situations that you see in a game Closeouts ball screens transition Etc picture the entire court in every rep have the defense do something different and go 100% intent each rep next is finding ways to challenge your more compartmentalized skills like shooting or finishing so I’ll go through and give you a quick guide on how to train each one in an individual setting for shooting we got a few different ways all of which should probably be included and in my opinion this is probably the most beneficial to train alone and you’ll see why first off is finding different qualities to deliberately train like balance here maybe range potentially working on fluidity the speed of your shot just overall finding different specific qualities to Target with different drills then of course we need a super high level of repetition to improve we’re going to have to make sure this repetition is quality so preferably with these repetitions one they’re on the move a bit or at least represent game situations where you’ll likely be moving into it and two there’s slightly different shots each time to implement some variability into the drill a scientific concept that’s proven over and over again to help you improve it motor patterns like shooting a lot easier now if you can’t shoot 40% on standstill shots you may just want to go more block style reps until you can in other words just shooting the same shot every time and then begin to micro do tougher shots into your work on the flip side of that if you’re an advanced shooter and you want to take it to the next level you can go with some differential learning work which is essentially throwing tough challenges at yourself many of which you actually won’t necessarily see in the game so again this isn’t really meant to represent what we do in the game maybe you’re picking the ball off the floor maybe you’re catching it from a weird situation shooting from a different release point but it’s really just challenging you to be adaptable and learn how to problem solve and shoot and make the shot in any situation and the great thing about shooting by yourself is that because you have to get your own rebound there’s already a level of variability ility and space learning including so even if you’re just doing regular spot up shots you’re still moving between reps and as a result it’s harder for it to be too easy like you’ll see with some block shooting then lastly training psychological tools is Key by including goals on every single drill maybe say you got to make seven out of 10 to move on try to get as many as you can without missing two in a row see how many consecutively you can make this adds in a bit of pressure to each shot which transfers big time to the game next up is finishing in finishing training by yourself is very interesting because it’s such a close quarter skill that it’s very much so affected by defense especially when you’re by yourself like let’s say you just go to the court and train by yourself every layup that you do is naturally going to be easier than it is in a game why there’s no defense you don’t have anybody coming out of nowhere trying to block your shot you don’t have contact you’re not like as tired most of the time so we have to find ways to challenge ourselves challenge different qualities that come back to help us in a game so without defense players can fall into the Trap of making it too easy so same thing here I want you to find stuff that’s difficult enough and where you’re missing at least 30 to 40% of your finishes which is going to take some creativity for non- beginners so this could be challenging yourself to pick up new footworks and coordinations on finishes this could be exaggerating your touch work so rather than going with a mic in where you’re probably making 10 out of 10 most times you’re doing stuff like this develops a skill of putting the ball in the rim and a variety of situations nice we’re trying body control challenges like these help you become a better midair athlete find the rim have touch and control on the way down and much more here are a few solid drills that display this so I like starting off with some coordination work to get warmed up on all these we’re challenging ball control all right so being able to cuff and manipulate the ball off the dribble into the Finish as well as touch so like when you’re trying to get it above the backboard here some movement challenges where we got to control our rotational momentum stay on balance be fluid with it and I say this on all my workout videos notice how we’re losing the ball we’re missing it’s not clean cut it’s not perfect this is how your finishing work should be not making 100 mikans in a row sorry I just had to say then we’re ramping up the intensity a bit and going with an eyes closed finishing drill here we’re dribbling towards the basket trying to open our eyes as late as possible so we really have no idea where we are but as we’re in the air and we open our eyes we got to be able to find the basket adapt and finish honestly a decent ball handling drill too then I like to end these finishing sessions just challenging ourselves challenging our body control our athleticism so we’re setting this hurdle pretty high and then pushing ourselves to get over this and finish at The Rim in a new way each time so remember if you’re a beginner stuff like this may be difficult enough for you to be productive if you’re missing them like you see me doing here if not progress up to stuff that challenges you next is ball handling which once again comes down to finding sufficient difficulty look I don’t have inherent beef with drills like this this I just think that if you’re doing 20 30 60 dribbles in a row with no trouble it’s too easy again we need struggle to learn and if you want to do an easier warmup just to get to feel the ball first sure that’s cool with me just make a slight adjustment for me and do it like this where it’s more free flowing and you’re moving with it trying out different styles because movement is probably the best thing that you can focus on when you’re working on your handle solo things that challenge your footwork developing new movement patterns trying to get more fluid with the ball working on changing speeds and relaxing better with the ball challenging your deceleration and change of Direction ability these are all huge you also got to realize how many different types of dribbles and ways to manipulate the ball there are it’s not just pounding it so being able to manipulate the ball like this and challenging this in a variety of ways is also a great bang for your buck in Solo sessions especially if you can combine this with some movement and then lastly freestyling just trying things out and experimenting while you accumulate a ton of reps sometimes it should feel like you’re dancing when you’re training ball handing alone finally is Court vision and feel which I’m going to be honest with you I think are almost impossible to train alone yes watching film is huge here 100% but nothing beats going and playing 3v3 or 5v5 and learning and developing a feel for all the patterns timing and IQ that go into the game okay okay so I know that was a long category but definitely needed third and final though is experimentation and figuring out new things here’s what I mean by this many times the best place to experiment with new techniques moves skills Etc is in the gym where it’s just you and your game try some crazy stuff think outside of the box of as many possibilities as you can and get after it one of the best ways to do this is with imitation sometimes just watching really good players and then going to the court and trying to visualize and imitate this is one of the most valuable drills you can do well I think that I’ve tried to take aspects of a lot of people for example I think when I first got in I really liked uh Sergio U Nando Ted dosage Keith Langford uh Tyrese rice Malcolm Delaney As I Grew into the league I think obviously spus was great to watch demon Tes was amazing different aspects of different people’s games was just something I like to watch and just dissect how they did it and see what aspects I can take and just put into my game and make it my own but of course once you experiment a bit alone you got to go try it on live defense I can’t stress that enough with all of this so overall try to get comfortable with all of these and then get good at progressing and regressing drills in other words moving the difficulty up and down to find the perfect level if you want all this done for you feel free to just make it Easy by checking out the Virtual Academy that has programs for all of this and more also if you want to dive into the science and the depths of all this knowledge make sure to check out my book deep skill which is primarily aimed towards coaches and trainers but I’ve had a ton of players read it too just learning how to train themselves they’ve really liked it as well so make sure to check out all these in the link in the description if not as always get to it I’m excited to see you guys results I’ll catch you next time

So many players leave results on the table, simply because they’re not fully aware of the BEST ways to train alone. The more you can learn about how to train effectively in individual workouts, the better you’ll get!

🎥 IG: @ByAnyMeansBasketball
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🌍 Global Camps (coming to 20+ countries this year!):
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Deep Skill Book:


  1. I love the fact that he posted this video in the beginning of summer where everybody is working out thx a lot I needed this


  3. As well it's all about your confidence and mindset. It all depends on the person as well, the way I hoop in open runs is the same way I hoop in real games. I freestyle and visualize a lot, when I practice and have fun.

  4. Why ball is always slipping outta my hand? I got weak arms and skinny hands. Ive been training for months.. this is so frustrating

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