@Houston Rockets

The Houston Rockets PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The Houston Rockets PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

what’s going on y’all welcome back to Ideal off season this is the series where I get to put on the GM cap for a little bit and help an NBA team navigate through their off season we try to keep this series as realistic as possible meaning I’m not just throwing LeBron on some team and saying all right job done we’re contenders now no we’re trying to take a look at a team and like see where they’re actually at in real life and try to make moves that would actually make some sense for them like if we’re the San Antonio Spurs probably not winning the finals next year right so we’re trying to make moves to make them incrementally better while still having a good direction going forward whereas if we’re the late or something right and they do have LeBron well we’re trying to win a championship but hey if you guys like this series make sure you guys like subscribe and comments I’ve responded to every single comment to my YouTube channel up to this point and I intend to keep on doing so and I’m going to challenge you guys as well when you guys leave your comments don’t just leave a comment like oh this guy sucks or something like that I want this to be a community of people where we can actually have some good conversations we’re respectful of each other we’re all just trying to take in more information but anyway let’s get into the video all righty so we’re here on the ideal offseason spreadsheet for those of you that don’t know this is a little spreadsheet that I put together kind of help me like visualize and bring this series to life if you guys want access to this spreadsheet I’ve given it to over a 100 people already at this point I’m not going to count anymore where I’m at I’m just going to make assumptions I know it’s over a 100 but anyway if you guys want access to the spreadsheet really really simple leave me a comment something along the line saying like I would like access to the spreadsheet that helps my video do better right transparity that’s good and everything or transparency um then what I’ll do is I’ll drop you a link to my Discord once you guys have that you can jump on my Discord and shoot me me a DM that’s where I’ll give you the spreadsheet really nice really simple but anyway Houston Rockets today this is the last team that was on my list that wasn’t like still playing in the season right cuz as of right now I’m recording this on Friday before the Dallas and Celtics game four so if you guys end up seeing this video on Sunday that means the Mavericks held them off if you guys don’t see that until sometime afterwards well that is exactly why man I hope Luca has a good game tonight but anyway the Houston Rockets are in a pretty good situation I would say they’ve got a lot of young Talent on the team young Talent that’s starting to figure things out a little bit as well they’ve got access to some pretty good draft picks they’re not in too bad of a cap situation by any means eventually they’re going to have to pay some of these young dudes but this next season is a very unique opportunity where they can still take in a decent amount of salary to try to make themselves more competitive because like we’ve talked about with teams like the Pistons or like maybe even like the Hornets and stuff like that it’s like okay we’ve spent enough time accumulating all these like young decent players and everything and trying to build something with them let’s start winning some basketball games that’s when development really starts to happen like to win games you got to win some games right and that I know that sounds like a crazy comment but I think you guys know what I mean by that like we’re trying to start winning some basketball games now by the way if I’m fumbling over my words at all today it’s because I’ve slept maybe like two hours each of like the last five or six nights it’s just a busy time of the year I’m watching a lot of film and doing a lot of work right now so just is what it is and hopefully I still have some sanity left as I’m making these moves if I make any bad moves moves we can blame it on that but anyway let’s start our deep dive into the Houston Rockets here so not a bad cap space situation overall we haven’t even hit the luxury tax yet which is good we’re over the cap so we’re not signing like any big free agent or anything like that but we’ve got a lot of movable contracts and so I feel pretty good about that all said and done looking at our draft picks we’ve got the third overall pick which I’m going to be honest with you we’re not keeping it there’s nobody at the third overall pick that’s just worth picking with that one I know what people are going to say like well either you’re going to say one or two one of two things go get Donovan kingan I don’t really think it’s necessary like we’ve got a bunch of other centers that we’re fine with right now or they want Reed Shepard I don’t think the value of Reed Shepard at three makes sense here’s the thing if when we do our draft Reed Shepard is available and we’ve traded down or something like that hell yeah I’m going to consider him and everything but I’m I don’t need to take him with that one we also have the 44th pick got a couple other first round picks going forward a couple other swaps and things like that so in a pretty solid situation there breaking down the roster now Fred Van vit’s making his money had another really productive season last year so out Fred Van vet Dylan Brooks uh obviously you can have your opinions on Dylan Brooks at the end of the day I don’t mind having what I I call just a Bruiser on the team a guy that’s just willing to fight the other team and piss people off sometimes it hurts you sometimes it helps you for the time being he’s on the team we’ll see where he’s at at the end of this video I don’t have a plan to move him necessarily because I think he’s still a pretty good NBA player all said and done but no I like having Dylan Brooks on the team here they brought in Steven Adams who’s already technically a new addition to the team CU he was a mid-season trade he was out for the season due to injury you now have a really really good backup center in Steven Adams you got some of the young guys now Jaylen green Jabari Smith amen Thomson we got a couple of Team options here and I’m going to let you know right now we’re picking up all those Jaylen green started to figure it out for a stretch there uh this last season I noticed when I was watching him that he just seemed a little bit more uh we’ll say conscious of like his movements on the court the thing with Jaylen green has never been Talent right it’s always been what’s going on up here and it seemed like at least for a little bit at points of the Season he was like okay like I’m actually taking the time to process what’s happening at the court I’m not just like sprinting at people anymore and trying to go over him like he could all the time growing up right and so I’d like to hope that that’s still a trend that’s going to move forward um I don’t plan on trading Jaylen Green in this video no I can already tell you I’m not going to trade Jaylen green at all in this video um especially with like the news today that like the the Nets are just not trading uh Mel Bridges like just not all that interested in trading him so I know what I’d be trading Jaylen green for outside of him like Donovan Mitchell I don’t think Donovan Mitchell is going anywhere so I think we’re going to keep trying to build with Jaylen green Jabari Smith junior a guy that honestly showed some improvement in his second season I know that uh he hasn’t quite taken the jump that we all maybe expected him to yet it’s kind of a clustered team and it’s hard to find development and all these like uncertain roles and everything but at the end of the day you’ve got a pretty big power forward that moves pretty well plays good defense sees the game incredibly well um can shoot the three ball a little bit it’s at like 36% % right now in like five attempts I want to say something like that so we take that and honestly like the field goal percentage like while it’s still not maybe great did increase quite a bit from his rookie year so we got to give him credit there it’s continued growth every single year and that’s the Hope amen Thompson I love amen Thompson so much currently slated right here both the Thompson Twins I just like so much I think they do everything so so well obviously accept the shooting but any of you guys are like oh I’m in Thompson can’t shoot so he’s not good for like this or that I’m like he’s literally good at everything else so like just relax all right not everybody’s going to be Michael Jordan we have jacqu landelle who got himself a real nice contract coming to this team was not very good this last season at all which is really weird I was kind of I was kind of digging jacqu landelle when he was in was it Phoenix I think it was Phoenix before that but his contract isn’t even guaranteed so we don’t have to do anything with that but I think he’s a good trade chip too because here’s the thing like $8 million helps fill a little bit of salary teams don’t actually have to keep him that’s an extremely valuable contract you got Uncle Jeff who’s on a team option for $9.5 million I like having Jeff Green on the team is like a vet or something like that but I don’t necessarily plan on keeping him for $9.5 million if he fits into a trade somewhere cool we can use him the same way we might use jacqu landelle today otherwise I’m probably just not going to pick up his team option you have Jon Tate who’s a nice Defender all said and done the offensive game hasn’t quite figured itself out yet so not really sure what we’re doing with him he’s certainly uh a person that could get moved alfrin shenon probably the best player on this team in all honesty like he just does so many things so well and why is he like the sneakiest athlete in the NBA like if you guys just like go watch him play like he doesn’t even have like great dorsal flexion when he actually like goes up to try and like uh be athletic but somehow he still like floats and like really gets up he’s strong he like in a lot of his dunks it’s really really impressive so I love AP I think he’s a great player obviously a center we want to start to build around tar een is a really interesting player again kind of more of a defensive player obviously he just didn’t play a ton this year I I want to say it was less than like 25 games or something like that but in the 25 he played like it really wasn’t that bad like he his three-point shot was solid he played really really good defense and that’s kind of what you get out of tar een but he might be one of those guys that’s buried beneath all these other decent young dudes and so maybe he’s part of a trade as well and then we got cam Whitmore who is a really really talented basketball player he was projected to go like fifth in the draft last year and he ended up falling because uh just giving you guys a little insight when he did all his interviews and everything and people were like watching him like actually play they were like okay this guy’s like maybe not like the brightest up here but and that that kind of showed up points during this season like he is a complete Black Hole when he gets the ball which is sometimes really really good for a score like there are times where you can tell he’s just like no I’m going to put my head down and I’m just running at the rim and I’m going to make something happen and that’s really cool sometimes other times we’re missing some really really easy plays and it kind of messes with things a bit too much but that’s what we’re here to develop right I think he’s too talented to possibly give up in anything so I’d like to keep cam Whitmore around yeah that’s a little outlook on this team the first thing I want to do though is I want to move probably down from this third pick and see if we can’t pick up some like win now players along the way cuz when we look at this team what are some things that we’re missing shooting shooting shooting we need to add a shooter to this team like maybe a couple of them right so moving down in the draft maybe finding another way to get another shooter still in like the top 10 here’s the thing that we have to keep perspective of too when we’re making these trades like this draft class is not very good there’s not a big difference between a lot of these guys as you move down so if we move down from like three to like 10 or something like that we’re probably not getting the greatest Hall in the world I actually saw somebody write something about this like a day or two ago now that I think about it un like ESPN or something like that where teams are like well look like it’s not a huge difference to go from here to here it’s really just the value of being able to pick the guy you want like you’re probably not going to get a ton else for them so I want to try and see if I can use the third pick to work with some other teams and some other pieces that I think could be moving during the offseason to see if we can’t raise the value of it a little bit more I’m sure what I was saying there was somewhat confusing but like I said I’m sleep deprived we’re back here on fanso y’all we’re going to use their trade machine it’s a really cool thing that helps us kind of keep track of everything I really really like these tools you guys should go mess with them as well uh I think there’s a really basic trade that works right here here right now and this is exactly what I’m thinking right here with the Memphis Grizzlies the Memphis Grizzlies are trying to acquire assets they’re trying to win basketball games this year much like us and they’re probably a rival of us in some capacity but I think we can help each other out in this sense so to start number three overall pick going over to the Grizzlies my idea is they probably want Donovan kingan they’ve made it very clear they want to go get a new center this is their opportunity to go get Donovan kingan right at the very least we’re taking the ninth pick back right give us that pick back thank you very much what happens after that is we take a nice shooter in Luke Canard when I say nice shooter I mean elite elite shooter he comes over here to the rockets and now this move alone like it I’d probably say like you have to throw another second round pick or something on it but this move alone and let’s try this just to say like okay oh we actually failed we do not have the cap space to sign Luke Canard okay that’s totally fine we can adjust it from there but regardless we’re not really done with the trade anyway but that’s good information to have um I want to bring a Luke Canard in I feel like we should getting supplemented more from going down to 3 to 9 so I want to try and figure out and I I haven’t thought this part through yet so I have to think about like what’s another team that’s trying to make some moves this off seon that can actually get in on this trade because here’s some of the things I want to try to do I want to try to move a jacqu landelle Jon Tate is somebody that could go tar een is somebody that could go I I wouldn’t mind holding on to Tar if I could but Tate and lock uh taton lock Tate and jacqu Landell are defin two guys that I wouldn’t mind moving so who could use these guys who could use a backup center and a younger Wing to develop I suppose in this situation this could also be a team trying to relieve themselves of some cap space so that’s another perspective we can have going into this but I just I got to think about this for a second of where I can send these guys to where it’s going to be beneficial to them like what about a team like Sacramento cuz they’re not going to have necessarily a backup center for next year where are they at currently yeah they’re in the same situation as us where they’re not in like too bad of a cap situation they could probably use a backup center and maybe they want to relieve themselves of some other money I don’t necessarily know cuz why would they be doing that like Malik monck is going to be a challenge for them to resign no matter what and like are they really going out to get some sort of particular free agent maybe not well is there something that we can do with the Sacramento Kings I’m really spitballing here right now y’all so here’s my thought like Kevin herder is an interesting player right like obviously had a down year in Sacramento traditionally he’s a good like uh 3 point shooter pretty solid athlete like how can I also route him to this team because here’s the thing the Kings probably don’t want him right they probably wouldn’t mind finding a way to get rid of him is there a way that we can get him over here to Houston as well I would love to have the red rocket wearing some red as a rocket whoa I imagine somebody like a Brandon Clark being pretty valuable to the Sacramento King so I would move him somewhere over there as like a backup center a nice uh energy guy to bring off their bench that’s a different level of kind of dynamic for them moves Kevin herder out of the way so that they’ve got uh if Malik monk comes back at all that’s a really good thing but also Keon Ellis obviously uh is able to continue to develop okay so what has the Grizzlies taken on at this point they haven’t taken on any players yet let’s just see where we’re at with this trade and everything yeah no we have to we have to move some people out so where where can we move some people let’s start off with jacqu landelle we could move him back to the Grizzlies cuz they’re still saving a very considerable amount of Change by doing this and it gives them depth at Center presumably right so they’re going to go take like clinging or something like that they’ll have another backup center that’s cheap enough for them to kind of add a little bit of depth to them I presume they’re going to keep him in this case we’re going to try this trade I presume it still doesn’t work it’s actually a success are we breaking any rules by doing this are any of the aprons like violated or anything by doing this I’m not saying that the trade is done or anything but no none of the none of the apron rules or anything would be broken right about now so let me just evaluate this as of right now we’re taking on two players in this and we’re moving down in the draft right that’s the big thing is the Grizzlies got to move up in the in the draft they gave up two players one they probably didn’t really necessarily want and Luke Canard they give up Brandon Clark which is somewhat valuable that’s probably fair to move up to the third pick for them they get a center back too which is cool and the Kings turned Kevin herder into Brandon Clark which I would presume they’re pretty happy about is this just like a good trade in itself kind of want to move up in the second round as well I feel like that’s another thing that could be discussed here so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to move this over to the Grizzlies we’re going to take this one back as the rockets and again let’s take a look at this trade now so we moved up in the second round we moved down in the first took one of their players they get a player back they moved up in the draft no I think that this is pretty solid all said and done I don’t think this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen I like that the kings were kind of able to get in on this save a little bit of cash get off a player that they probably weren’t all that interested in keeping get somebody they do need because it’s hard to find a center right now in this market I know Brandon Clark’s coming off an injury so maybe we have to supplement them just like a little bit more to keep them happy like here’s here’s what else we can do right like we we’ve got this second round pick they’ve got two second round picks where did like the Kings have a second round pick so we don’t really need to move those around necessarily honestly I’m pretty happy with this trade I think trade makes a lot of sense for both for all teams involved so I think we’re just going to execute on this and say that this is where we went with it all righty so what all did I just do now so jacqu landelle is gone that means that I don’t longer have to worry about this who else did we even trade in this one I don’t even know was it just landelle it was just landelle that left for us and we’re taking back two people we’re taking back a Kevin herder and we’re taking back a Luke Canard that we’re picking up his option for I meant to put Luke Canard right there there we go where does that take us we still actually haven’t even hit the luxury tax yet which is kind of insane so okay fair enough let’s let’s assign these guys some spots let’s just assume that Luke Canard is here we’re just accumulating Talent right now if nothing else just adding talent to the team and I’m just going to move Kevin herder here we’re going to try to clear up a little bit more rotational space for these guys like cuz cam Whitmore could play a couple different positions and everything but I just like having these two guys on the team this now becomes a different pick let’s change that up there so this now becomes the net pick which is at 39 we moved up a little bit in the second round and this is now the ninth pick via the Grizzlies so that’s totally fine we can still get a decent player in this draft with that pick I don’t know who it’s going to be yet but I think depending on who we get in the draft and everything with these last two picks is going to influence what we do with probably the next trade on this team like you could say we could probably use a little bit more shooting at the point guard position but otherwise this is an incredibly deep basketball team we’ve already built uh we’re going to want to solidify the center position a little bit more maybe this is something where we reach and take a center here I don’t know like I I feel bad taking young players on a team that has this much depth and everything already you can make the argument as well that like they’re just really going to get a chance to develop in this year’s class isn’t that good anyway though so I don’t necessarily feel the worst about that and I don’t know I think we should just go into the draft and see who’s available and make our selection from there all righty y’all so we’re back on fanso for those of you that don’t know like the fanso Mock Draft simulator the reason that we use it is because it adds a little bit more sense of realism to the series because otherwise I’m just being like hey this guy could get picked in this range so I’m going to pick him here that’s not how I want to do things um so we technically don’t have the third pick anymore we’re trading this pick with where where are our boys the Grizzlies at there’s the Memphis Grizzlies so we’re actually swapping I don’t want to sign in and create an account right now I actually do have one but for whatever reason it logged me out and I can’t get logged back in it literally just won’t let me click the login button so we’re swapping these picks for these picks right here this is the trade that’s taking place are they actually going to take clinging with it please tell me they’re actually going to take clinging there we go now it all makes some sense in this universe right and where where’s Reed Shepard don’t tell me we’re actually going to end up with re oh that would have been such a good storybook moment right there oh Dalton connect is so good I like Dalton connect I’m looking at our roster I’m like I just don’t need another Wing I’ve got Wings on wings on wings and people that can play wings I need bigs and guards on this team right now so what I want to explore is options like that right um looking at guys that can play those positions Devin Carter would be a really nice guy to pick up uh let’s let’s take a look at Devon Carter for just a second here I think Devin Carter could be a really good fit for this team as a way for us to bring in like a guy that’s just kind of ready to play right now um I’ve talked about a lot with these dra with this draft class in particular that I think you’re going to see these older guys move up in the draft as teams bring these younger guys into their camps they watch them play and they’re like uh I’m I’m not feeling too good about this project or whatever like let me just take one of these older dudes and just kind of move on because like the upside still not there for a lot of these guys so I like the idea of Devin Carter Deon Carter is a pretty good Defender he can create for himself he got to the rim well he only really had one season where he shot well from three and it was like this last one so who knows if the shots actually cuz that’s going to be a big thing for this team right is having a point guard that can shoot but I just like that we can start winning some basketball games right away with him on the team cuz maybe amen is playing a wing or something like that I’d like to keep developing amen as a point guard because I think he could be that and be really really good at and he’s a smart enough basketball player to do so he’s also really valuable without the basketball and his cutting and spacing awareness much like his brother assar but I think the logical Choice here while I like connect if we hadn’t gone out and got hurder and Canard already to kind of be floor spacers I like Devin Carter I think we’re going to take Devon Carter with this pick so Devon Carter would be making this much money over four seasons for the time being we’re putting them here this team this is what I’m saying when you get a talented team with this many young dudes on it it’s crazy right like the depth on this team is absolutely gnarly like do you guys see a bad player on this team necessarily like okay I’m sure somebody’s going to say something about Dylan Brooks but like this a good ass basketball team right here y’all but hey we still got the 39th pick let’s let’s see who else Falls all righty so we’re here with the 39th pick in the draft and just like looking at our team right like I don’t know why these lines keep appearing it’s like a little glitch that happens in Google Sheets sometimes um you could say we could look at another Wing I’m not so sure what’s going to happen with that uh we could use another big on the team somebody with a little bit more height probably wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world so let’s see if there’s like we could go with like a crom key I think that’s how you prounce his name uh extremely raw basketball player I actually don’t even know how long he’s been playing basketball but o donon Holmes is still here Don Holmes is someone I wouldn’t be surprised if he found his way into the first round here’s kind of the cool thing about Don Holmes obviously the stats are really really impressive um I think it’s just like a set shooter he’s actually pretty good but to talk about the things that people love about him his athleticism is crazy he’s a really good lob catcher he’s got really good energy and he’s able to like switch on to like people all around the court which is really really interesting I also think his playmaking is pretty good too like he kind of reminds me of Draymond Green in like some ways some other ways not as much but I imagine if he’s given the right time to develop and everything he’s a little bit older as well so you just you never know with these things but that we also like that he’s kind of ready to play right now if we need him right so I can see him being a guy where like I don’t actually even know who it be like let’s say Jaylen green really becomes that dude for us he’s getting blitzed off some pick and rolls or something like that uh he could be a guy that we’re setting the screen with and we’re hitting him on the short roll and he’s kind of operating with everybody else on the team right now so for that reason alone I want to take Don Holmes in the second round we take donon Holmes we get a two-year contract on him there goes that pick there okay so the roster technically filled out right but I don’t want that to be the end of things right um I want to see if we can’t move Jan Tate and possibly tar een I don’t really know I don’t think Jeff Green’s really going to have anything develop for him we’ll keep him on the roster for a second but I want to try and make another move now to see what else we can’t get on this team like for some of these guys if anything else let’s take these assets that are no longer going to be that valuable to us but they’re still valuable in themselves and let’s push some of our assets Back to Future years so I’m back here on the trade we made before because you can’t like save the progress on any of these things who is a team that could use some decent young wings like I think like a Milwaukee Bucks or something there’s no way they’ve got like the cap space to like take on guys like that without giving up something else like we’d have to take on like a pat Conan or something like that which maybe they’re down for honestly but they just don’t have the picks to give up either like that’s just that’s not going to work so we have to find a team that’s maybe like rebuilding or something like that and kind of go from there Brooklyn would probably like to have some young players and they’ve got money to spend on things how can we make a deal happen with Brooklyn that would benefit us to some extent like looking at some of the picks that they have or whatever is this something where we can steal like some second round picks or something for Jan Tate because Jan Tate is not that valuable but he is like he he showed promise really early on in his career and it’s tapered off quite a bit is this something where we can save ourselves quite a bit of cap space they get to take a chance on somebody like this 2027 Phoenix pick could end up being kind of decent for us and I know there’s going to be Rockets fans that don’t like this but I think it’s as simple as just moving like a second round pick over to us here Jon Tate on his way to the Nets and like now you could use Jon Tate in like other trades and stuff but based off of like the progression that we’ve already made in this video like I just don’t need him at this point involved in anything else so I and let me just make sure that like all of this works and everything yeah no that’s totally fine we take on another second round pick a 2027 uh oh that’s a 2027 first round pick ooh my bad my bad my bad my bad my bad okay one second all right just give us this 2028 Memphis pick then okay that one can come over to us that’s totally fine the RO the trade still works and everything moved off a guy that we’re paying a lot of money to basically not play we don’t really have the time to develop him anymore he gets a chance to go be good there we get to push a f future asset down the line so I’m cool with that so Jon Tate comes off the team I think we’re just going to let go of Jeff Green at this point that’s just fine by me so Jeff Green comes off the roster here Jon Tate comes off the roster let’s move these guys up in the rotation this is still a pretty young Team all said and done which I guess is a good thing for us like we still want to be continuing to grow all the time but I feel pretty good about this we’re still not in like the luxury tax really either which is pretty insane so okay this is awesome this is awesome oh and I have to add the pick damn we’re stealing all of the grizzly second round picks that’s awesome okay now we’re at free agency right we’ve kind of done all of this stuff here with fans SPO that we need that’s awesome we’re here in free agency now we’ve let Jeff Green go he can go explore something else like I honestly wouldn’t mind bringing uh Jeff Green back but that’s just not something that’s probably going to happen what I would like to do is bring Reggie bulock back uh I just like the fact that he’s an extra shooter he’s been on a lot of good teams over the years so honestly Reggie Bullock’s the first person I’m throwing a minimum contract at to kind of just be a veteran wing on this team so Reggie oops I can’t spell Reggie bulock would get this much money for his minimum contract cuz he’s above 10 years in the NBA at this point we throw Reggie Bullock here now all of a sudden we got some Shooters on this team right like hopefully AP continues to be a decent enough shooter develop continues to develop into one tar een we hope is going to be an okay one we hope donon Holmes is okay Jabari Smith’s okay hopefully Dylan Brooks is okay we brought in herder Jaylen green is going to get better right Luke Canard Reggie bulock Fred Van vet hopefully Devin Carter like we don’t have guys you can just completely sag off on this team with now uh but we still have to add one more person let’s go try to find another Center or something to bring on to this team I think that that’s probably the way we want to go with it who would be a great name tag cuz there are some guys that would be interesting do we want to just like what do we got right now we’ve got uh we’ve got a guy that’s a skilled passer we’ve got a big time screen Setter and stuff like that we don’t just necessarily have like a ton of height so like that’s something that we could look to go get hell let’s just look at like a mo bomba or something like that like a little bit younger legs still too still like decently mobile enough and maybe well we’ve got so many young guys on this team that like well like let’s take count right like so we got a couple young guys here we got a young guy here a young guy here all of these are young guys maybe I do want just another veteran presence on this team and that’s something that the uh the Rockets are taking a big priority and even right now like honestly like a bismack bibo wouldn’t be like the worst thing ever for this team uh Goa baz I feel like is going to go for maybe a little bit over a minimum and we can only offer a minimum screw why not just like an Alex Len or something like he’s big he’s been in the NBA a while he’s just going to be looking for a minimum contract anyway kind of the final place for him to play if you will so I think we honestly just give him and yeah no we’re not going to even hit the luxury tax with this still so we bring in Alex Len here on a one-year deal that rounds out the roster and there you have it the 2024 2025 Houston Rockets what did we do with this team obviously we started off with trading down in the draft because we didn’t feel feel like there was anybody worth taking we don’t need any more like projects on this team necessarily and that’s why we went and drafted Devin Carter later in the draft someone that probably doesn’t have as high of a ceiling but feels a need for us at the point guard spot as we’re trying to build depth there and everything and he’s just going to be ready to play right away right so we love that we added shooting Luke Canard Kevin herder right hopefully Kevin herder at the end of the day guys like T een I think are going to be really valuable for us still if they come back and they’re healthy if not we got a guy like Don Holmes who can maybe step up a little bit earlier stepen Adams is a new guy on the team that’s just going to be a huge help in general you’ve just got depth on this team and what’s kind of cool is like a lot of these are really tradable deals that you can use and some of them are even expiring going into this next year so if the right player becomes available because we went and moved back some of our assets and stuff and the fact that we have these players we should be able to go get somebody we really want cuz like let’s be honest is this team winning a championship next year no but the idea is that these young guys like shenon Jabari and Jaylen green are going to keep getting better hopefully cam Whitmore as well like hopefully they’re going to keep getting better maybe one of them is going to become a star like Shen goon’s kind of on his way there already I would say but if like the right Elite player like comes around we can strike right we can strike we can go get them maybe the maybe the Nets eventually want to get rid of bridges or something like that and we can flip Dylan Brooks over there and some picks pretty easily uh especially since like one of these picks could be theirs but no I like this team a lot I think this team has a chance to be competitive presuming that they keep getting better and they keep developing and stuff like that but I think we at least fixed some holes that they had last year so they should be able to compete and try to fight their way into the playoffs right so I like this team let me know what you guys think down in the comments below I love doing these videos I’m curious as to when you’re going to see these videos I can’t wait to watch Dallas and Celtics tonight but hey I appreciate you guys as always and we’ll talk to you guys later thanks so much bye [Music]

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