@Phoenix Suns

Minnesota Timberwolves vs Phoenix Suns Live NBA Live Stream

Minnesota Timberwolves vs Phoenix Suns Live NBA Live Stream

the situation that you you grew up in to where you are now is just like complete 180 shot up completely tremendously and I think uh you know just their support everyone support my teammates as well I mean like coaches as well like you know just who was in the gym with me grinding you know C hin you know Kev Hansen like those guys really were you know with me uh helping me in those situations as well talking to me communicating to me what’s the last couple of days been like you got a press conference you got the TNT interview you got the unveiling there’s TV there’s radio I’m sure your phone’s blowing up what’s it what’s it been like a whirlwind super exciting but nerve-wracking like just not knowing what what it would be know watching it kind of like it just you know he’s just super exciting obviously nerve-wracking and then uh you know just happy to be you know here where I am today I think uh now we have one more goal in that’s in the championship uh how many messages did you have on your phone uh it’s a lot I I couldn’t even get to all of them I’m trying to get to them still as we speak so a whole lot all right give Will’s fans an idea go behind the curtain here did you know before Shaq announced it because you’re set up for an interview but you at that point you still don’t know really I I didn’t know at all like we were all set up on the interview just waiting to see what would happen obviously at that point my nerves were super hot uh hoping that I win it and I mean yeah like you you didn’t know anything so it was kind of a happy surprise pretty cool to have Shaq a former LSU guy announce it and you said during the press conference that that was maybe hopefully tilted your thing things your way I kind of figured a hope it it but you know they kind of had a few things up there I think the honk if you know I read and like a hat up there so I kind of figured I didn’t really see anything else from you know other guys but uh so I kind of had a clue but obviously it’s nothing like actually hearing that announcement take me back to Growing Up in New Jersey I’m sure there are a lot of people you mentioned people have impacted your life and your career your journey but is there one story you’ve got where maybe you realized hey I can I can fulfill this dream of getting to the NBA was there kind one one point at along the way whether it was in aaou high school somewhere along the way I probably would say like for me I had a Define a moment where like my coach Reggie my aou coach uh we were uh shopping and then um uh grocery store and he kind of pulled me to the side it and let me know like you kind of got like a really big opportunity to really do something with this basketball stuff like you I I think if you like really lock in and you know dedicate yourself to this I think you can really really really do some big things like uh going into you know a college and going into it so forth so forth and so on then that’s going to be the NBA so I think just yeah just you know kind of like listening to that message I think he’s he’s a person who’s really like heartfelt to me who understood me who kind of watched me and groomed me as I growed up as well so I kind of understand his messages I think uh that I I have today I kind of like super excited that I even you know got to be in this position oh that’s interesting that it didn’t happen during a practice on the floor trying to correct something or trying to motivate you just kind of happens off the floor that much had a real impact yeah 100% man it’s like just for someone to even like you think that way of you know me and how I could how I could impact the a a game years later you know I kind of like got to view I’m like all right I could really do something with this Nas Reed along with me just won Sixth Man of the Year as we get set for game three between the wolves and Suns give me a couple thoughts on just this series you guys have played really well the last two games but you’ve really just held home court right is it as good as you played you almost have to remember that hey this thing is playing out yeah exactly I mean obviously you we win the two games but obviously it’s not over it’s seven game series you know we want to go down there and do the same thing we did here I kind of try to impose our will and uh dominate I think that’s something that we were able to do at home kind of now we’re going to go into you know their home court and you know trying still a couple wins and I think we can do that offense defense both playing really well um is has that been the key the overall balance you guys have had these first two games yeah yeah definitely but definitely our defense I think defense is huge for us as our identity has it been our identity all year um I think going into this playoff you kind of all had a mindset shift to where we had to you know up it up everything up everything and I think uh understanding and uh knowing each other and having respect for each other and you know how much time and dedication that they put in you kind of you don’t want to waste that time from them so I would you know what I’m saying why would you waste that from yourself so just going out there and competing putting everything on the floor game three coming up Nas congratulations on Sixth Man of the Year great story great journey you’ve earned it congrats thank you appreciate it Nas Reed Cal let go back to you yeah really cool moment yesterday for Nas Just a culmination and and a celebration of all the hard work he’s put in uh behind the scenes to better his game to to evolve himself he’s come in from off Seasons having lost weight adding added moves to his skill set truly uh one of the easiest guys to root for no coincidence that Timberwolves fans have certainly gravitated to him uh like few fan bases do to a guy that comes off the bench but he comes off the bench and provides instant offense just what the Timberwolves need they might need it tonight in this game three Kevin Durant says uh certainly with their backs against the wall kind of the time for talking and inspirational inspirational speeches that’s long past just said Play We just said play well just said execut you could talk all you want if you don’t execute what you just talked about does you no good you know so yeah talking and the raw ra speeches and all that stuff is cool to a certain point but you got to go out there and execute we haven’t done that U we done it in Spurs don’t get me wrong go out this series and but it’s not good enough doing it in spur you know so sometimes you just got to do it instead of thinking thinking too much or talking too much I think we got guys that done that before who’ve understood that you know it’s just about getting a job done at the end of the day regardless of what’s being said or how you feel or what’s on your heart as a person or play just get your job done I think we’ll we’ll do that but we got to put it together consistently and I think that’s what our season’s been sometimes we put it together for long stretches and then sometimes we don’t so we’ll hear from the head coaches next on the Timberwolves radio network if you’ve got the right tools and the friendly people at US Bank in your corner making smarter money choices is a piece of cake if only our tools and helpful advisers could have helped you avoid some of those not so smart choices in life like that time you tried to pick up unicycling who oh coming through or when you thought it’d be okay to pet that squirrel in the Park good squirrel good squirrel while we can’t help you with all that we can help you bank smartly at smarter together member FDIC Life’s a game you better be ready for it Dynamic drips can give your body what it needs to perform at its very best through mobile IV infusion therapy a professionally trained nurse comes directly to you your office your home your couch even their team administers an IV drip loading your body with 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our best basketball down the stretch and um you know first time going through in the playoffs okay more adversity we’ll handle it and we’ll get better from it so I’m I’m very confident in uh what our game is going to look at look like in game three and game four that was a somewhat tur and slightly agitated Frank vogle after his son suffered the 10593 defeat in game two on Tuesday still all the confidence in the world in his team says the head coach but they certainly have their backs against the wall in tonight’s game three essentially a must-win for all intents and purposes welcome back inside the tip off Show Cal soderquist here getting you set for wolves and Suns from the footprint Center time now to preview what’s possible in tonight’s game three it’s presented of course by US Bank alen Horton standing by with Wolves head coach Chris Finch all right coach game three against the Suns here only two games in 11 days and do you feel like you guys are actually in a pretty good rhythm with the rest recuperation then the preparation and the way you guys have played the last two games I would hope so you know feels like uh it’s been a long time in between games we’re ready to get going tonight um you know I think Ser series picks up pace after this um so uh but yeah it’s kind of I guess La played their third game last night and they started after us so it’s kind of weird but just how it goes in the first round they stretch them out mentioned you guys in a pretty good Rhythm having won these two games the Phoenix offense seemed to get in a rhythm from that first quarter to second quarter but one thing you and I have talked about through the year usually in terms of the Wolves not getting separation they didn’t they you guys didn’t allow them to get separation they only got up by eight and then you put a 60 run together at the end of that quarter and all of a sudden it’s a one-point game at the half how crucial was that I think the 60 run at the end of the quarter was really what won the game for us to be honest with you because if they go in at halftime and you know you know they have enough cushion maybe to survive like uh a fast start by us and then make shots so I thought that was really a key part of the game they got 15 free throw attempts that first half but only four in the second half what was the message about defending without fouling in that second half because I thought the officiating was a little bit different than game one and that maybe guys struggled to adjust to that yeah we didn’t talk at all about fouling at halftime honestly I didn’t you know I thought the game um I thought there was you know some touch fouls in the first half but I thought uh there they you know that was wasn’t called that way in the second half I thought we we played with more physicality in the second half and often times when you do that you kind of benefit from it because um you know you’re you’re pressuring all the time and and and you know you’re dictating so the Ticky Tac files usually come when you’re playing soft the pressure you guys put on them even when you’re not actively knocking balls away is that getting into a mental thing for them where they know they’re going to be under pressure and then maybe that causes them to lose control of some balls well that’s the idea you know they be their best place to answer that question but we need to keep the pressure on them pick them up full court pressure pressure their Vision pressure their dribble uh and keep guarding the way we’ve been do you feel like the offense has sort of figured out what they’re trying to do and what you guys want to do off of that well we’ve been doing a good job of you know making the right play they’ve been putting two on the ball in a lot of different areas different Circ uh situations and uh guys have been really good at getting off of that uh and then moving the ball quickly away from the crowd and is the fact that in game one it was really anunt Nas and nille that kind of led the way in game two I thought it was uh Jaden it was Mike it was Rudy that kind of led the way well that’s what the team’s all about you know we’ve talked about that coming into the series uh coming into the playoffs that you know we we need to be relying on everybody doesn’t matter if it’s your night or not we got the depth we got the talent they’re going to take away certain things they’re going to give us other things we just have to capitalize on that game three coming up wolves and Suns Chris Finch along with me here how good has Rudy been over these two games I mean I know he’s been really good all season long he’s about to get that uh hopefully that Defensive Player of the Year award but these two games he’s just seems to be really really consistent at a really high level he’s been amazing you know he really has been um been up he’s been out on switches he’s gotten back and protect the rim he’s rebounded well um he’s been doing it all he’s even got a few poke ways too he only has one block I think a lot of people don’t know how to accurately judge defense sometimes just look to blocks but boy only one block in two games yet he’s still at an elite level well yeah that you know he’s done a great job of kind of shutting down the drives early which which is really important we’ve talked a lot about that recently for him to be able to go down there and go across and shut those drives down so you know sometimes the blocks are can be a little bit misleading because you can take yourself out of position to try to challenge every block Jaden looks like his confidence level is maybe at an all-time high these two games and especially in game two was just excellent yeah it starts with his activity his physicality his willingness to get to the to the offensive glass it’s given us a whole another Dimensions giving him another dimension I think it’s something that’s really we benefited from greatly going to have to keep it up game three you ended shoot around uh today talking about how you know they’re going to be desperate uh they’re at home they’re down 02 nobody comes back from 03 so this is something they have to hit first key to withstand that opening six minutes it’s the same all year uh series but get off to good starts even more important tonight can’t feed him with turnovers got to take good shots we got to get back we know the pace is going to be High um you know and just kind of hit first and then take their counter punch coach appreciate the time best of luck thank you Chris Finch cowb you all right thank you guys yeah that opening start will be massive and Rudy goar Who the head coach just described as amazing through these first two games says they’re anticipating any and every adjustment from Phoenix yeah we expect them to uh maybe change a few things but at the same time you know I don’t think they’re going to change who they are you know so it’s really uh it’s really about us I think it’s about our mindset uh you know we able to adapt to any situation collectively so just got to be aware keep up our intensity keep up the communication and uh um keep playing the right way we’ll get you back to the Valley of the Sun next on the Timberwolves radio network remembering all the ways Minnesota Lottery dollars help our state is easy just think of this acronym beaches treat cows it stands for bees education agriculture canoeing habitats endangered species Transit renewable energy air quality Trails conservation Outreach water and sustainability see it’s easy since 1990 the Minnesota Lottery has raised nearly $4 billion dollar to help our very own Beach treat cows so say I’m in and play your part in helping [Music] Minnesota hey this is Jaden McDaniels Timberwolves basketball starts now jng left off the drives the bucket it again 22 for Jaden McDaniels temper wolvves up by 17 it’s now an 110 run jadon’s having himself a night tonight the series has shifted to the Valley of the Sun for game three between the wolves and Phoenix Suns wolves playoff basketball is brought to you by US Bank the official Bank of the Minnesota Timberwolves Equal Housing lender member FDIC by Marvin custom crafted windows and doors designed for your world by Treasure Island Resort and Casino the exclusive Casino partner of the Minnesota Timberwolves and by Mayo Clinic your source for medical answers with the Call of tonight’s game here’s Alan Horton in game one of this series the Timberwolves used a stifling defense a third quarter run and a big night from Anthony Edwards to beat the Suns by 25 points in game two on Tuesday night at Target Center Minnesota followed a similar script the defense once again dominant the Wolves got separation with another third quarter run but this time it was Jaden McDaniels who stepped up with a big Knight and another convincing Wolves win over the Suns Jaden stole the show with 25 points eight rebounds three assists all of those numbers being playoff career highs he added to it with an efficient shooting night and his Pat the lock down defense Jayden can impact the game without scoring but when he does that obviously you know uh it’s a big big plus for us and I love it because he he didn’t force the game he was aggressive driving he got some key offensive balls and um you know it’s uh I mean it’s tough when when he does that you know consistently he might not score 25 every night but he’s definitely going to have a huge impact on the game on both hands well Rudy goar saw it firsthand in Jaden’s 41 minutes on the floor Minnesota outscored Phoenix by 24 points in the seven minutes he sat it was the Suns who outscored the Wolves by a dozen and on night when neither Aunt nor cat had it going offensively it was Jaden who stepped up in a big way just uh us living on our defense and just being able to lock in and do what coach has us to do I mean just sticking to the game plan is what’s really helped us out a lot this series so just continue to be aggressive be physical on defense and just play hard yeah the wolves have fed the game plan to a te especially on the defensive end where Phoenix’s top 10 offense in the regular season has been held to an average of 94 points on 44% shooting and the vaunted big three of Durant Booker and Beal they have’t been able to play big at all Minnesota has outscored Phoenix by 27 points in the 63 minutes that those three have been on the floor the other huge factor in this series has been turnovers in game two the Suns committed 20 which Minnesota turned into a whopping 31 points we got to handle that pressure better you know I thought I thought we found some things in the first half that uh that work really well in terms of our our movement and passing cut offense we didn’t sustain it when they went on runs okay we didn’t stay locked into uh that plan had too many lost possessions because of it but um you know we’ve had issues with that throughout the course of the year of of of taking care of the basketball it reared its head tonight and um you know this team is is an elite defensive team the best defensive team in the league that we’re playing against so uh you have to execute yeah much to the dismay of suns head coach Frank vogle who you heard right there it’s been the Wolves Out executing Phoenix in just about every facet of the game and that’s giving the Wolves a 20 series lead adding into game three tonight wolves Suns is next on the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network if you’ve got the right tools and the friendly people at US Bank in your corner making smarter money choices is a piece of cake if only our tools and helpful advisors could have helped you avoid some of those not so smart choices in life like that time you tried to pick up unicycling oh coming through or when you thought it’d be okay to pet that squirrel in the Park good squirrel good squirrel while we can’t help you with all that we can help you bank smartly at smarter together member FDIC the NBA playoffs are here and we all know playoff mode is a thing listen to the evidence playoff crowds are going wild playoff players are lighting up the court even your speakers are in playoff mode okay we’ll take it down a notch but just a notch because this is the turn it up to 11 NBA playoffs playoff mode is clearly a thing playf the NBA Playoffs presented by Google pixel continuing ABC ESPN TNT and nbv is it possible to detect the undetectable could people record their voice and share it with doctors who use Advanced AI technology that can accurately detect signals in the human voice that are indicators of coronary artery disease is it possible it already is because every day we’re doing what’s never been done learn more at Mayo Clinic you know where to go we are professionals We are family and friends we are volunteers we are Community Partners we are a team dedicated to helping you succeed we help protect and serve America’s businesses when you need us we’re here to help at Federated Mutual Insurance Company it’s our business to protect yours rated A+ Superior by am best company you’re listening to the Timberwolves radio [Music] network welcome back to Phoenix game three between the wolves and Suns just about 13 minutes away a 9:51 Central Time tip appreciate you staying up all across the Timberwolves radio network Timberwolves as you know up two games to n in this best of seven series it’s just the second time in franchise history Minnesota has won the first two games of a series the only other time that happened was back in 2004 first round defeat of the Denver Nuggets wolves won the first two games of that series at home lost game three on the row but then won the next two and they took the series four games to one so the timberl have never led a series three games to none they can do that with a win tonight and if they do that that would just about finish off Phoenix in fact it would finish off just about any team in NBA history because no team has ever come back from a 3 Series deficit NBA teams all time zero and 151 entering this postseason when trailing in a series three games to one but don’t tell that to Devin Booker don’t count us out you know it’s a series for a reason you know I don’t think any road teams won so far you know I know that doesn’t have anything to do with us but you know it’s just situation that it is well Road teams have now won a few games but when Booker said that after Tuesday night’s loss home teams were 12 and0 to start the postseason that’s over the first three plus days in fact the Timberwolves were the 12th team to win that later that night uh I think it was Indiana got a road win in Milwaukee but Road teams are now five and four over the last three plus days so Road teams are starting to find their footing now a big part of that is that finally higher seeds in a series are going on the road for the first time just like the wolves are here in Phoenix and if the suns are going to make this a series they’ve got to figure out Minnesota’s thirdd quarter runs in game one the Wolves used a 25 21 to five run over the final six plus minutes to push a lead from four to 20 and it was good night in the fourth quarter game two on Tuesday night the Wolves used an 18 to8 run to erase a three-point deficit and lead by seven going to the fourth and that propelled them into a continuing run into that fourth quarter they ended up going 36 65 outscoring the Suns by 21 in that stretch to go from down three all the way to up 17 and again that was a lead that they did not relinquish over the final half of that fourth quarter so the Timberwolves dominant in third quarter sun Superstar Kevin Durant on the Wolves pulling away in those pesky thirds D run on a run I mean we was trying to figure it out more than anything they just they just play great ball you know and we we trying our best to you know get out of those little slumps when we you know go on a 780 run um and I think we still try to put ourselves in position to win there we cut to like 13 like 12 but we just couldn’t get over that hump so this team’s been killing us in the third with those runs so we got to figure that out over the first two games the wolves in third quarters averaging 30 points Phoenix averaging 21 couple of more issues for the Suns in this series let’s start with turnovers in two games Phoenix has turned it over 35 times and the wolves have turned those into a whopping 54 points they’re going almost a point a half for every Phoenix turnover meanwhile Minnesota’s had some turnovers of their own 29 but the Suns have only gotten 21 points off of those 29 turnovers they’re getting about s points per turnover and the turnovers have been heavy amongst the big three Booker has seven of them KD he’s got seven of them Beal has five they’ve combined for 19 of the 35 turnovers that Phoenix has against the number one defense in the NBA the other issue for Phoenix is their lack of productivity from the three-point line now a large part of that has to do with Grayson Allen who is not going to play tonight he is out as we take a look at the injury report brought to you by Mayo Clinic your source for medical answers so Grayson Allen sprained his right ankle in game one had to leave the game in the third quarter he did the same thing in game two sprinting it in the third quarter and left the game game and he has not in two games been able to hit uh he hit 1 three he’s one of five in the series and he will not play here tonight that will move Roy O’Neal from sixthman to into the starting lineup tonight Royce O’Neal Who had a decent game one he had 14 points off the bench in fact he had all 14 of Phoenix’s non-garbage time bench points but didn’t even take a shot in 17 minutes in game two he’ll get the start here tonight in his 30 second game in a phoenix uniform after he came over from the Brooklyn Nets in a midseason trade but the three-point line has been a problem for the Suns you know when they outscore their opponents at the three-point line they’re 31- seven during the regular season they’re 18 and 26 when they don’t and they haven’t outscored the wolves from the three-point line in the first two games it’s been relatively close it was 98 in favor of the wolves on Tuesday it was 129 in favor on Saturday night in favor of the the Wolves at the three-point line so the wolves have had a slight Edge in both of those games but that speaks to Minnesota’s defense which is top 10 in limiting three-point attempts and top 10 in defending threo shots but you can expect the Suns to fire away from Deep they have to be more productive I don’t know if they have to go Miami Heat against Boston Celtics in game two and they jacked up a ton over 50 three-point attempts a knock down I don’t even know what they finished with plus it was over 22 made threes but they have to come up with something to get some offense going because they’re averaging just 94 points and shooting 44% we mentioned the injury to Grayson Allen Kyle Anderson for the second straight game is available but you get the feeling that Kyle Anderson will play here tonight he was available but only in a reserve role in very rare circumstances on Tuesday he is good to go should see rotation minutes here tonight in game three wolves Suns Minnesota up two games to none in the series starters coming up but first our national [Music] anthem Twilight who stripes and bright stars [Music] all the parts we were so [Music] streaming the [Music] rock [Music] the pro through the night that like was still there oh do that [Music] starled the of the and the home of the beautiful rendition of our national anthem before game three the Suns back on their home floor for the first time in this series but they Trail two games to none it’s a must-win situation for Frank Bogle and his Squad his starting lineup looks like this Devon Booker and Bradley Beal are in the backourt together Booker in the regular season average 27 points a game but in two games in this series he’s averaging his 19 and shooting 38% he’s only hit three of 12 from Beyond The Arc Bradley Beal hot into the regular season averaging 27 a game over his last five games but in this series only 15 points on 44% shooting no Grayson Allen tonight so it’ll be Royce O’Neal starting at one forward spot O’Neal averages eight points five rebounds a game we mention he scored 14 in game one did not score in game two Kevin Durant the other forward averaging 27 a game fifth most in the NBA during the regular season he had 31 in game one but only 18 in game two and he shot the ball pretty well 53% over the two games only two of four on his threes an efficient 13 of 16 at the free throw line but a telling number here in two games Kevin Durant’s played 80 minutes and the Suns have been outscored by 44 points a minus 44 in his 80 minutes Yousef nurkic is the big man in the middle 11 points 11 rebounds four assist a steal and a block per game in the regular season in the postseason 10 points nine rebounds he’s been a minus 22 in his 58 minutes as Rudy goar has outplayed him at the center spot Devin Booker and Bradley be in the back Court Grayson Allen Kevin Durant and Yousef nerkish round out the starting five for the Suns whose backs are against the wall and again no team in NBA history has come back from an 03 deficit Suns must win here tonight on their home floor they had the 12th best home record in the NBA didn’t really get going until Midway through the season last 25 games at home they did go 18 and seven and they took care of the Timberwolves twice here in Phoenix Timberwolves starting lineup for game three sounds like this hey this is head coach Chris Finch and here’s our starting lineup for tonight at guard Mike connley Ohio State left side three Conley again he’s feeling it tonight his fifth three ball guard Anthony Edwards University of Georgia turn the corner on gets into the paint runs it up flash he got it for two more 51 for Anthony Edwards a new career high at forward J McDaniels University Wasington J left handed dribble mid post hesitates Rises top two off the front rim and it trickles in Big Time shot by Jaden McDaniels at forward Carl Anthony towns dbn for Life drives into the paint to the corner here’s towns for the lead he got it welcome back Center Rudy go s France with around the Rudy screen lobs it up there oh Rudy highlight real dunk again what goes up must come down so this diber wol starting lineup which went 30 and 14 when they played in the regular season has struggled a bit in the postseason they were a minus 8 and 14 minutes together in game one they allowed Phoenix to shoot 56% when that starting five was on the floor they were a little bit better in game two plus three in 11 minutes of played and they finally got after it defensively they held Phoenix to 37 % shooting when the lineup of Conley Edwards McDaniels towns and goar was on the floor but it hasn’t been the starting five for the Timberwolves that’s done damage it’s been with the four most used lineups after that that have done some real damage and it’s a combination of the Five Guys I mentioned plus nille Alexander Walker and Nas Reed it’s been a variety of different combinations but the key theme in that was nille Alexander Walker and Jaden McDaniels they’re in all four lineups and nille is a plus 42 in 60 minutes of play that means the wolves have outscored the Suns by 42 points in the 60 minutes he’s played that is tied for the best plus minus in the NBA’s postseason he’s tied with Jaden McDaniels who’s a plus 42 and Jaden has done it in a few more minutes so he’s done it in 79 minutes so technically you’d say n’s number one James number two but those plus 42 numbers are monsters best of any player in the postseason and the wolves have ridden those lineups to a lot of success the Suns their their starting five has not been great in this series but it’s been the only lineup most of their other lineups have all struggled and so in two games they have a minus four net rating with their starting five the wol starting five has a minus 12 net rating so it’s been real interesting with this matchup between the starting fives so we’ve given you the fives we’ve given you some keys to the game with the exception of the start to this game that’s got to be the biggest key here tonight is the Wolves once again going off to a good start matching the energy and effort that you know the suns are going to come out with tonight down 02 and Chris Finch talked about that before the game even more desperate team we still haven’t uh done what we’ve set out to do which is win the series everything’s there um we know what’s coming got to be ready for it got to guard against human nature you know got to keep the hunger The Edge you know the willingness to prove ourselves there it is we talked about the three-point shooting talked about the turnovers and talked about some of the lineup issues that the Suns have had in this series Timberwolves are in their Association white jerseys they’ll wear these uniforms for the rest of the series however long it goes white tops white bottoms Lake blue midnight navy trim they got wols across the front of their chest in Navy with their numbers in blue the Phoenix Suns are in their statement Edition jerseys black tops black bottoms they’ve got the initials PHX in white across the front of their chest players numbers are in orange which transitions from yellow to Orange to purple to mic a desert sunrise and sunset tamber Wolves win the opening tip they bring it up here from left to right glad to have you along with us on a late night back from the Twin Cities and all across the Upper Midwest Anthony Edwards off the Ry screen pops on a right angle three off front rim no and Roy O’Neal has the rebound snaps the outlet to Mid court is Booker on the push to the three-point line gets around Durant I should say around towns drops it off for nerkish is floer a wild shot no and towns has the rebound here’s the an on the push up the middle of the floor stopped by Royce O’Neal now double he’ll go Cross Court cat’s got it extra pass Jaden in the corner McDaniels right-handed dribble into the paint runs it up off glass way too strong never did hit the rim Durant collects the rebound here come the Suns on the push Durant steps through right to the bucket missed the layup and Rudy’s got the rebounds boy and action but nobody can score here’s towns he’ll stop thought about a three off to Conley right back to cat now he’s wide open now he’ll stroke it and the Timberwolves are on top three nothing one minute gone here in game three and the wolves are on the board three nothing Bradley Beal up into the front court now to Roy O’Neal guarded by Conley again towns on Durant we didn’t see that match up in the regular season but it’s been all three games of the postseason here’s Booker driving on McDaniels missed the shot at The Rim nkit an offensive rebound kick out to the corner Beal drains a three over Anthony Edwards we’re tied at three as both teams have connected from long range Conley up left side off the town screen nothing develops here he lobs it to towns who’s relocated now on the right wing drives in Scoops it up off the glass no good cat hits the deck and nkic secures the rebound Booker to the right side here’s Durant left alone he’ll fire on a three he missed it he’s two of five in the series on his threes a low number for Kevin Durand who averages over five three-point attempts per game he’s attempted five in three games here’s ant with it up top now cat cat’s had a slow start to the series he drives on O’Neil lowers the shoulder lays it up it’s spun out the rebound loose Durant loses the handle but Booker Scoops it up here’s Beal on the Move looking to attack Conley wow shoved him out of the way floats up the shot no tip follow that wooden drop for Beal and towns collects the rebound Chris Finch can’t believe there wasn’t a foul on Beal as he just banged connley right out of the way Mike went flying across the Baseline n 40 left to go opening quarter a to the right side and connley into the paint off to Rudy got bumped his shot thing gets swatted and the rebound scooped up by Devon Booker and a loose ball foul it’ll go against Devon Booker Tony Brothers right there to make the call and you can tell the Phoenix fans not too happy with that decision yeah Booker was the aggressor there well the sun’s already looking for Mike connley and when they get that match up they’re going hard at him whether it’s in a loose ball situation but Mike can hold his own off the inbound the wol still have from left to right here we’re still tied at three cat a long three from 30 feet out and he drains it I mean the hash mark it’s beyond that and was there a foul yeah they got Royce O’Neal and a foul away from the play and so that’ll be a four-point opportunity as Rudy goes to the free throw line well the wolves have only had two four-point plays all season and Rudy’s got a chance for an unorthodox four-point play the cat three and Rudy with a free throw our officiating crew here tonight Tony Brothers the crew chief in his 30th NBA season he’s refed 187 playoff games the wolves are one and two this year in Tony Brothers refereed woles games oh Rudy stays extremely hot at the free throw line 12 of 14 coming into today and now he hits this one 13 of 15 from the free throw line four-point play Booker scoots into the paint on McDaniels kicks back down to Durant out of the up top against cat he’ll stop he’ll pop he’ll pull up on the jumper it’s no good cat got him on the elbow though and free throws will be coming up for Rudy goar 73 Minnesota is on top so Durant to the free throw line for two first free throws up and in for Kevin Durant 74 Timberwolves lead by three just underway here in the opening quarter glad you along with us on our Flagship 100.3 FM KFA and the fan and the Twin Cities all across the Timberwolves Radio Network free throws good for Kevin Durant 75 Timberwolves by two wolves from left to right here where their offense has been good their defense has been better here’s towns on a run to the rim the layup is good he just blew by Durant and O’Neal and cats got five of the Wolves nine points there’s Booker catch and shoot left wing three got it not really in transition but on the secondary break and Jaden got sucked into the paint by the time he got out there Booker drains the triple Rooker now four 13 on his threes Rudy’s wide open inside makes the catch P fakes now lays it in for two and Rudy’s been able to do damage in this series at the offensive end of the floor two games he’s averaging 16 points a game here’s Durant his pass inside to nerk is knocked Away by Rudy Rudy’s got a breakway he steps through in the lane off glass he got it Suns wanted to travel no call JB doosa getting an earful right now from Frank vogle got teed up in game two here’s Booker up in the front eight to go here opening quarter Booker switched on to connley lost it out of bounds it’s going to be awarded to Minnesota another turnover on the Suns that is their fourth of the game wolves already with five points off of turnovers they had 31 points off of turnovers in game two a pull up mid-range jumper that drops in seven points off of turnovers it’s a 60 Timberwolves run and the Suns need a timeout Timberwolves off to a good start the opening 4 minutes and 10 seconds they’ve outscored the Suns 15 to8 you’re listening to Minnesota Timberwolves basketball hello I’m Matt Myer fifth generation farmer from Clearwater Minnesota and owner of Thousand Hills lifetime grazed grass-fed beef we believe the tastiest most nutritious beef comes from cattle that are regeneratively grazed for their lifetime never confined to a feed lot never fed GMO plants or grains and not exposed to chemical pesticides like glyphosate please find our grass-fed beef at coburns and your local food co-op 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otherwise go unnoticed leading to more accurate diagnoses and treatments is it possible it already is because every day we’re doing what’s never been done learn more at Mayo Sloss Mayo Clinic you know where to [Music] go temp off to a good start here 15 to8 they have a seven-point lead with 750 left to go in the opening quarter monitor was all out of whack it Still Remains out of whack our Box Score says Phoenix has three turnovers for four Minnesota points stat monitor says two turnovers for Four Points either way wolves have not turned it over yet and the Suns have let’s just leave it at that straight up 8:00 here in Arizona Mountain Time Pacific time nobody knows but it is the top of the hour so let’s pause 10 seconds for station identification all across the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network hey this is Brian giler wake up early with me in 20 7 NBA coach you Year Sam Mitchell every Saturday morning from 700 to 10:00 a.m. eastern as we break down everything NBA on channel 86 along with Studio host and executive producer Cal soderquist I’m alen Horton from the footprint Center here in downtown Phoenix Arizona it’s game three the wolves are up two games to none in the series and they lead the Suns 15 to8 Midway through the opening quarter our engineer is Gabrielle tro our statistician super stats Dave on the road here in Phoenix yes you love to see it for game three our studio coordinators are Alex libolt and Ben Haney glad you’re along with us in the flagship 100.3 FM KFA and the fan back in the Twin Cities iHeart Radio App Timberwolves mobile app NBA app with the Audio League Pass is available for you SiriusXM satellite radio and the Timberwolves radio network wolves just picking up and putting pressure on the Suns who continue to turn it over Durant off an O’Neal screen pops on a straightaway triple that’s offline he’s now two for six in the series nope I’m way off on that yeah two for six that was right on here’s towns right side against beel muscles his way inside floats up the shot hits front rim trickles through gravity takes over towns off to a good start he’s got 10 in the opening quarter it’s an 80 Timberwolves run to lead by nine right side O’Neal catch and shoot three missed that one long and Carl Anthony towns with the rebound well the suns are looking for threes they’ve already shot five threes five of their 10 shots have been from distance ant pulls up off the Ry screen pops on a three that swirled around and it ends up in the hands of YF nkic here’s Durant back to nerk up top he’ll dribble up into the front Court bangs with Rudy lost the ball and a late whistle and a foul boy JB doosa makes the catch and Rudy can complain all he wants it’s not going to overturn this call and really nkit just initiates that and that’s just bad luck cuz if nkit doesn’t fall there’s no call there so Eric Gordon comes in Royce O’Neal sits down so no Grayson Allen tonight how deep will Frank Fogle going on his bench they’ve been playing O’Neal Eubanks and Gordon off their bench inside Gordon gets fouled in the actor shooting they’ll get connley on it right off the inbound two free throws coming up for Eric Gordon Gordon did not score in game one poured in 15 points in 23 minutes in game two but he was still a minus seven during his time on the floor so free throws coming up for Eric Gordon the first one on its way is good 650 left to go opening frame eight point Timberwolves lead two free throws are good for Gordon 1710 is our score timber wolves all time in game threes they are six and seven but on the road they’re two and two towns with it a top off the Rudy screen gives it to Rudy on the roll kicks back out to Mike who fumbled it got it over on the far sideline back to Town’s up top straight away on the three it’s off front rim Rudy shoves dein Booker out of the way to get the rebound and that’s number two on Rudy Gober and that will trigger the Sixth Man of the Year Nas Reed to come into the game yeah the wolves are have been a heavily fouling team this year they have three players in the top 15 in fouls per game towns was sixth averaging 3.3 per game Rudy was ninth 3.1 per game and McDaniels 13 3.0 per game Gordon straight away on the triple he drains it that was a deep three2 hit it over Conley about 4 feet Beyond The Arc he’s got that perfect shooting form 1713 Gordon 38% on his threes during the regular season an doubled in the corner goes crosscourt here’s McDaniels inside against NK up on the big man got his shot blocked and then the ball hit the endline and it’ll be Phoenix basketball well a couple of things starting to go the sun’s way here they’re on a 5 run they’ve got a little bit of momentum the crowds trying to get into it here’s Booker with it up top off the Gordon screen Runner down the right side lane hangs on the rim it wouldn’t drop but another foul against the Timberwolves that’s going to be number two on Mike Conley so two on Mike two on Rudy and Devin Booker will go to the free throw line where he’s hit 13 to 14 in the series Timberwolves basketball on the road here in Phoenix brought to you in part by US Bank proud to be the official Bank of the Timberwolves and by Treasure Island Resort Casino book your stay now TI the exclusive Casino partner of the Timber WS so Mike connley is out and that man nille Alexander Walker is in double figures in both games so far it’s averaging 14 points a game in the series Booker caps off both free throws and it’s a two-point game 1715 70 Phoenix run here to climb to within two Mel will initiate the offense Hornet towns Dives toward the rim Nel now Fires at right side here’s Edwards an with a right-handed dribble sees two Defenders still maintains the dribble Beal tries to reach in for the steel didn’t get it an still with it hunting mid post drop step off glass oh he got it in a wow wow you want to talk about a finish under duress an with a spectacular shot he’s got a three-point opportunity Beal was all over him tremendous offensive play by Anthony Edwards goes to the spin oh beel just fouled him blatantly an free throw is good so Edwards 33 points in game one held to 15 points points in game two but that was just fine with ant as he saw a lot of Phoenix Suns jerseys guarding him boy Durant hanging out in the dunker spot Booker found him and Durant just stuffs it through for two and easy dunk to make it a three-point game 20- 17 here’s Nelle up in the front Court hand off to ant Wing left up top off the town screen switched on to Eric Gordon now McDaniel sets the screen it’s an against nerkish likes the matchup now a double comes he runs away from that to NAS in the corner good up fake Nas mid post runs it up with the right hand missed it long he rushed it rebound off the Durant’s hands Jaden’s got it out to ant three ball no the Suns Escape damage here’s Booker up in the front Court pulls up and a straightway three that’s offline and towns has the rebound suns are three of seven on their threes here to start the game the wolves are two of six here’s ant hunting against Durant in the lane runs it up with the right hand it drops in boy Anthony Edwards getting it all to fall here in the opening quarter he’s got seven right side three Gordon he’s had the hot hand from Deep that’s his second three here tonight and Gordon was three of five in game two here’s an with it left side nkit along the Baseline and a pass out Nas has got it right angle he’ll fire up on the three he’ll miss that one long Mel has the offensive rebound out to an left side good pump fake and a drive Stripped by Eric Gordon Gordon’s got it McDaniels is back Gordon flares out to the wing waits for the Cavalry here’s Beal to the corner back out to Gordon guarded by ant goes around towns oh they call towns on a foul towns literally standing there with his arms behind his back and he still gets call for the foul and cat can’t believe [Applause] it I think a might have to catch his breath here as he is down crouched down at the three-point line as Gordon is going to the free throw line that’s the tough thing about that is that wolves are in the penalty so Kyle Anderson will see his first minute since game one Kyle only played five minutes in that game before colliding with Bradley Beal I think Beal’s knee came up and got Kyle in the right hip that essentially kept him out the rest of the game and in game two he did not play even though he was available free throw is good Eric Gordon Has Come Off the Bench he’s got nine points he’s the Phoenix Suns leading scorer cat has 10 to Pace the way from Minnesota cats now on the bench as Chris Finch going with a lineup that has n Alexander Walker Anthony Edwards Jaden McDaniels Kyle Anderson and Nas re Phoenix 14 to5 over the last 248 we have 358 left to go in the opening frame here’s an on the right side settles for a deep three on the way and trains it from 4 feet Beyond The Arc ants got 10 cats got 10 wolves lead the Suns by three 2522 here’s Booker with it up out Nel on him he shoves him off around the Eubank screen back to the right side Gordon run off the three-point line by Anderson drives in double clutches offl shot is a wild one it doesn’t drop Timberwolves Come Away with the ball they got a five on four advantage here’s Reed in the lane switches to the left hand is floater no good Nas is 0 for three shooting to start the game here come the Suns on the push Booker feeds Durant down the lane oh knocked Away by McDaniels but a foul by Nas Reed who is riding him on his left hip Jaden came in from the right side and blocked that shot but they get nzz on the foul more free throws here for the Suns in this opening quarter suns are eight for eight at the free throw line infection control that means somebody’s bleeding somebody’s been cut and I think it’s Drew Eubank who is uh slowing down the proceeding so he’s going to be attended to at 32 23 left to go here in the opening quarter 2522 the Timberwolves lead by three again 10 for towns 10 for an so they each have the same point total they each have shot four of seven they just gotten their points in different ways ants one of four on threes cats two for three so those two have combined for 20 of the woles 25 points and it’s ironic that those two would be on their game point total wise when when in game two ant and Cat both really struggled to score the basketball cat was in foul difficulty ant was three of 12 shooting seeing two three Defenders but ant made the right plays eight assists and Rudy picked up the slack Mike picked up the slack Jaden picked up the slack in each game it’s been three different guys that have kind of paced away for the wolves suns have been aggressive offensively they’ve drawn these fouls and they’re now nine for nine at the free throw line the free throw coming for Durant that one is short he missed it 320 left to go in the opening quarter Nel will bring it up here from left to right again a big lineup put out by Minnesota got an at the two Jaden the three Kyle the four Nas the five Nas crosses over on Durant drives in out to Anderson and he traveled so a little bit of Rush perhaps for Kyle Anderson who has not played since Saturday night course he’s been practicing shoter rounds and all that turnover on the Timberwolves is their second Suns turn it over twice early Beal left alone left angle three no he couldn’t get it to drop and a whistle and a timeout called by Minnesota the under three-minute break comes with 257 left to go in the opening quarter timberwol lead by two on the road here in game 3 it’s 2523 wolves on the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network if you’ve got the right tools and the friendly people at US Bank in your corner making smarter money choices is a piece of cake if only our tools and helpful advisors could have helped you avoid some of those not so smart choices in life like that time you tried to pick up unicycling Who coming through or when you thought it’d be okay to pet that squirrel in the Park good squirrel good squirrel while we can’t help you with all that we can’t help you bank smartly at smarter together member FDIC at Target we’re homec court advantage for the hometown sports fans and with the timberwol season in full gear we’re here to help you gear up and make your game day prep a slam dunk hear that that’s what you call a buzzer beating three-pointer for the win time to Dish up your famous nachos or put a full cour press on some jalapeno poppers then serve up some sweet desserts to celebrate the w however you do game day we’re here for it at Target and [Music] Quist with a scoreboard update brought to you by your local Toyota dealers visit today let’s go places two other finals earlier this evening including in Dallas where things got chippy in the fourth quarter Russell Westbrook and Luca donic had to be separated PJ Washington got involved uh shoving Westbrook but the result is the Dallas Mavericks capturing a 101 to 90 Victory they now have a two games to one lead in that best of seven series Luca had 2210 and nine dimes Kyrie Irving had 21 19 of which came in the second half and a wild one in Indie this one tipped off at 5:30 eastern time don’t always get that on a Friday but we had overtime Chris Middleton hit a 30-footer with one and a half seconds left in regulation to force the extra 5 minutes he then hit another three that tied the game up with just 6 seconds left in OT Tyrese halberton though making sure the home team got the victory here we go six and S10 left in overtime the game is tied at 118 and N Hart will take the ball from Ed Malloy over on that Far Side hash he flips it into the back court halberton runs it down he’ll cross the timeline with five moving to his right with four he’s in the lane the floater from the foul line [Music] P it’s and put him on the line nicely done employee number zero the floater from the foul line with one and 610 seconds to play halberton with a chance to make it a three-point game 18 points 16 assists 10 rebounds halberton the first Pacer to record a postseason triple double in six years they get a 121 118 overtime Victory and now have a 2-1 series lead over the Giannis less bucks let’s go back to Allen and Phoenix all right Cal we’ve got 257 left to go in the opening quarter Timberwolves their lead is a tenuous to it’s 25-23 fans want to save big on playoff tickets of course you do become a new full or half seon member and get access to member only seats for all the remaining playoff games at an average of 70% off single game prices learn more at memberships or call the dunk line we told you about it in game two the dunk line at 61 2 673 1 2 3 4 to speak with the Wolves representative right now out of the timeout the Wolves will bring it up here from left the right they will stick with the same lineup as before the break with nille an Nas Jaden and Kyle zone defense by Phoenix see how the Wolves try to solve it an gets Airborne top of the key off to NAS Wing left he’ll drive into the paint out to NAS right side three is good Nas Reed knocks it down he aders his first three shots of the night he hits the triple to put the Wolves up by five rules have been up by as many as nine here in this quarter Booker Wing right guarded by Alexander Walker off the Durant screen switched on to Jaden pick your poison Durant’s got it against nille bangs away to the mid post one footed Fall Away up and in Unstoppable he went Durk on the bit Falling Away off one foot getting that off leg up the knee you can’t even get up into his chest on that and he’s falling away plus with that release point about 8 ft up of the air forget about it 2825 here’s ant driving in on Eubanks runs it up left hand the shot no good the rebound to Royce O’Neal snaps the outlet to Mid Court here’s Deon Booker black headband on for Deon matching the black tops and black bottoms on the jerseys he’ll drop it back for Eubanks and Kyle Anderson Just reaches out and fouls the big man two free throws coming up these will be the 11th and 12th free throw attempts of the quarter for Phoenix heavy dose of free throws from the Suns who had just 19 free throw attempts in game two four of those in the second half Suns had 15 in the first half 19 all told game one they had 25 free throw attempts Eubanks knocks down the first that’s 10 out of 11 at the free throw line I mean the suns are only shooting 35% in fact they’re four of nine from distance so they’re only two of eight on their twos they’ve gotten 11 points at the free throw line here in the first quarter they’ve gotten 12 points at the three-point line they’ve gotten six points inside the arc there’s Nas turning the corner down the lane layup is good he beat Eubanks from the wing curling in nice find by nille Alexander Walker Jamber wols putting up a 30 spot in the opening quarter they lost the opening quarter in game one Booker trapped in midcourt finally got it off to Durant he gets to the elow Zips it inside Eubanks bangs away with nas reverse layup is good and a foul so another free throw coming up that’ll be 12 out of 13 when Eubanks hits this one 30- 29 it’s a one-point game Bradley Beal back into the game Eric Gordon will take a [Applause] seat Eubanks free throw is good we’re tied at 30 still a minute 30 left to go in the opening quarter well for Phoenix this is a good sign because they have scored just 94 and 95 points in the two games actually 93 and 95 there’s Kyle in the lane floater up and in with the right hands but the Wolves continue to be really good offensively they’ve got nine assists now on 13 made field goals they’re shooting 50% Booker to the right side here’s O’Neal fakes a pass drives in on Nel runs it up with the right hand it would drop Nas with a rebound he got shoved from behind by Eubanks and finally JB doosa BW the whistle and that will be Timberwolves basketball that’s the first and the final two minutes on Phoenix Eubanks didn’t play particularly well in game one it was better in game two but overall in the series he’s still been a minus in his 26 minutes A minus five here’s a in the lane double kick out theia wide open in the corner in front of the Suns Ben couldn’t hit the triple Kyle Taps the rebound out ant’s got it then he’s fouled going across the lane Kyle Anderson makes that play possible just by getting his right hand to that rebound and keeping it alive back tapping it to ant then ant draws the foul free throws coming up Bulls are only two of two at the free throw line while these suns are 12 of 13 here in the opening frame so ant to the stripe here first one is up and in the wolves are up 3330 even with his playoff career low 15 points in game two and his playoff career low three of 12 shooting an still had a career playoff high eight assists and he tied his career high in the postseason with three steals Durant drive inside in traffic and a late whistle and a foul boy that is another foul against the Wolves that’s going to be their 10th of the game so Jaden picks this one up two on nazri two on Mike connley two on Rudy goar and two on Carl Anthony towns one each on Kyle Anderson and Jaden McDaniels this is a developing story for the Wolves here in game three the parade the free throw line and Durant doesn’t miss at the line 86% this season 88% for his career he’s in the top 20 and get to the free throw line only 5.6 free throw attempts per game this year so 33.8 left and the Suns will go with Kevin Durant at the five we haven’t seen a ton of these minutes in the series only six minutes so far in the first two games with Kevin Durant out there without Eubanks or nerkish playing the center spot sack free throw is good two-point game wols by two HS are not going to go quick enough to get the two for one here an off a horn set drifts to his right side he’s got Durant on it Edwards wayist High dribble between the legs still with it eight to shoot now trying to free himself thought about the three now bounc it to NAS left angle three on the way he’s going to miss that one long and the rebound Nel was up in the air got shoved by Gordon no calls Gordon pulls it down 6 seconds left to go in the quarter Wes don’t have a foul to give Baseline beel stepped out of bounds it’s the second time that’s happened in two games to Bradley Beal another turnover on the Suns that’s their fourth of the game the woles have 4.4 left inbound to an he wants a running start at this back to nille and he fires and on a three and it’s blocked by Eric Gordon who red that play perfectly we go to the second quarter here in game three the Timberwolves on the strength of Anthony Edwards 12 opening quarter points and Carl Anthony towns with 10 more 34 32 wolves in front second quarter basketball from Phoenix is next on the Timberwolves radio network the NBA playoffs are here and we all know playoff mode is a thing listen to the evidence playoff crowds are going wild playoff players are lighting up the court even your speakers are in playoff mode okay we’ll take it down a notch but just a notch because this is the turn it up to 11 NBA playoffs playoff mode is clearly a thing the NBA Playoffs presented by Google pixel continue on ABC ESPN TNT and NBA TV keep the Fun close to home with Treasure Island’s two night Station Hotel package start your stay by playing your way through our newest slots with $50 free slot play go beyond the gaming floor and experience more of the island with a $75 gift card to our restaurants bars gift shop and more when it’s time to unwind make your way to our luxurious hotel for two relaxing nights away book your stay now at tiic Treasure Island Resort and Casino destination fun wolves fans want to get playoff tickets right now skate offensive rebound put back Hamber yes become a 2024 25 season member and you can pick out your seats for the 2024 Playoffs today after in the corner a ballash is home memberships feature phenomenal perks like 25% off concessions and team merch at every wolves home game plus pay for your membership monthly you got to love it learn more at memberships when you drive a vehicle so reliable it’s backed by a 10-year 100,000 Mi limited warranty you stop thinking about what you can’t do and start doing what you never thought possible visit your local Kia dealer today to see what you’re capable of in a vehicle that inspires confidence around every corner Kia movement that inspires call 800 3334 Kia for details always drive safely limited inventory available warranties include 10e 100,000 M powertrain and 5year 60,000 Mi basic warranties are limited see retailer for details you’re listening to the Timberwolves Radio Network [Music] three games in the NBA postseason schedule tonight in overtime Indiana goes up two games to one in Milwaukee with a 121 118 Victory tyres halberton with the game winner in the extra session Dallas makes it two in a row over the Clippers 10190 and our game here tonight game three Suns wolves samber wolves lead at 3432 after one quarter a play but this is not the type of game the Wolves want to get into as their defensive rating in this first quarter was a 119 the Wolves defensive rating over the first two games against the Suns a 99 third best among 16 playoff teams only Orlando and Oklahoma City have had a lower offensive rating through the first couple of games of the postseason timberwol in the first two games have had a balanced attack and that’s something Chris Finch likes to see Team team is all about you know we’ve talked about that coming into the series uh coming into the playoffs that you know we we need to be relying on everybody doesn’t matter if it’s your night or not we got the depth we got the talent if they’re going to take away certain things they’re going to give us other things we just have to capitalize on that well some interesting rotations now for Frank vogle without Grayson Allen tonight bu B’s going to get an opportunity here to begin the second quarter suns are going to kind of Go Big they’ll have nerit and Bub on the floor go and towns are both on the floor for Minnesota here’s Gordon up top pump fakes a three moves on Monte Morris floats It Up Down the Lane shot no towns the rebound he’ll tap out the outlet pass to Nel up into the front Court left wi Timber wols left to right across your radio in the association white jerseys tops and bottoms Frost white Link Blue and midnight navy trim here’s Conley working on nkit Jes him steps back fires the three at circles out Rudy with an offensive rebound turns Rises and dunks it and bull bll is down he may gotten hit below the belt he looks to be okay he’ll try to walk it off 3632 Rudy with a ferocious dunk inside he’s got seven points to go along with three rebounds Bradley Beal right side off the nkit screen swings it back to nerkish who rolls to the rim runs into Towns now floats it up and hits it we got sandwich between goar and towns and still scored it nkic that’s his first bucket of the game 3634 Rudy directing traffic at the hash mark Beyond The Arc now to Conley up top Beal watches him left side Monte Morris with the right-handed dribble Rises free throw line jumpers rattled in boy you get the feeling that’s a big shot for Monte Morris who has not shot the ball particularly well in this series just two of seven entering tonight here’s Beal lost it off his own leg goes into the back court and Scoops it up well I don’t know if the Wolves touch that ball here’s be up into the paint now drops it back Royce O’Neal O’Neal against Conley former teammates together in Utah here’s nurkic at the elbow he’ll fade on the 17 footer that RS off and Rudy’s got the rebound that’s what the Wolves defense does forces you into shots you just don’t want to take you can let nerk could shoot 17f Footers all night here’s Conley looks left side Monte with it right back to Mike against nerkish takes him off the dribble stops with the free throw a little Up and Under shuffles it off to Rudy inside he’ll turn his layup no but plenty of contact and B bow helpless against Rudy goar Tony Brothers makes the call Rudy’s going to the free throw line for two shots so the line up for Frank vogle has Gordon and Beal in the back court with O’Neal bbow and nurkic up front and just like that Devin Booker is going to come off the bench or is he he’s just getting up to talk to Tony brothers so Rudy to the free throw line he’s one for one here tonight 13 of 15 in the series he calmly bends the knees lets it fly with the right hand and rattles it in 3934 Wes are not trailed in this game they’ve been up by as many as nine we’ve kind of settled if you hit the like button come on hit the like button and subscribe too join the family three bounces of the ball lets it fly with his right hand and drops it in Ry three for three and now in the three games 15 for 17 tremendous Beal with it up top against Monte moris takes him off the dribble in the lane floats it up off glass it swirls around it wouldn’t drop the rebound Tapped Out the wolves have it here’s a four on three developing Monte to his right n catch and shoot three on the way in and out no and bull bulls got the rebound Outlet to Beal now the suns are on the push Royce O’Neal to the corner and Gordon he’s run off the three-point line scoots into the paint got Stripped by Monte Morris it falls right in the waiting arms of Bradley Beal lays it up and in for two four point W’s lead 9 and a half left to go second quarter Sam r shooting 46% the Suns 36% but remember they’re doing their damage at the free throw line here’s towns Baseline pull up over Gordon hit the side of the backboard Rudy with it throws it over his head back out to Monte Morris but it was way off line and out of bounds I’m not sure whether Rudy was off balance there and just had to fire it or could he have done better Timber’s three turnovers Suns three turnovers Bradley Beal off the booker screen drives on Conley skids to a stop in the lane drops it back out to Devon pump fakes on Rudy moves to a pullup mid-range jumper and hits it now Booker loves the mid-range he shoots 49% from there he takes the fourth most mid-range shots in the regular season he’s just three of seven from the mid-range in this series though here’s on a driving lane he’ll run it up off glass the shot rattles around and drops in Timber woles were up over 50% shooting Booker a pull up three right side no it just seems to be an air of desperation about what the suns are doing wolves look like they’re more calm cool and Collective lob inside Rudy they got a hand to it but the pass hit the rim and it comes off the rim on the weak side to Eric Gordon Suns Escape damage Booker trying to post up inside Monte Morris they finally get it to him Wing right 15 ft away one-on-one 10 to shoot he bangs away with Monte left handed dribble Booker kicks out here’s Beal run off the three-point line in the paint stops pulls up on a jumper shot no but a whistle and a foul came a little bit late number of the suns were hopping up and down they about to go ballistic but the whistle sounded and Kevin Scott made the call so he mentioned Tony Brothers as the crew chief Kevin Scott is the referee in his 13th year 35 playoff games under his belt entering this postseason and JB doosa in his seventh NBA season is’s the umpires W five playoff games entering the 2024 postseason wolves are three and three with JB doosa this year they’re one-2 with Tony Brothers they’re 4-2 with Kevin Scott all told the wolves are eight and seven with these three officials in the regular season free throws good for bradle be suns are 15 of 16 at the free throw line if the Wolves could stop fing they’d be in great shape in this game because the suns are just shooting 37% 4240 it’s Minnesota by two here Rudy with a hand off to Mike right wing left-handed dribble for Mike top of the key out to Monte Morris who probes now towns holds back up top Monte 10 on the shot clock against bull b Monte pull up top of the key jumper that’s off front rim no and towns as quick to the Baseline Drive tried to shuffle it in traffic to Rudy it’s turned over poor decision Booker hit ahead bull bll he’ll race to the rim and dunk it that’s what Frank vogle was hoping for some kind of B Bowl highlight to get everybody going here’s Mike off the high Rudy screen a kick to the corner it’s Monte Morris who gets bumped by bull b the shot up no Monte got knocked off balance he ends up well behind the basket St he’ll head to the free throw line or will he say he was not in the actor shooting so sideline out of bounds tied at 42 this is our fourth tie there’s been zero lead changes suns have been able to tie it up with this eight to2 [Applause] run and they love bu bold he’s already fouled twice since being on the floor see if the Wolves can find him on the Mis batch here’s Conley up top pops on a three that’s in and out no towns overruns the rebound saves it off the R go bear and he puts it back up and in tremendous play by towns who initially overran it but so did the Suns and then cat was quick as to it then cat commits a foul at the other end he saw the collision with Booker com and he just shoved Booker down that’s number three on Carl and again he looks incredulous that he committed the foul Booker does go down relatively easily there but Towers Town lowers the shoulder Dex him I mean that’s a football hit if you’re a free safety and a receiver is coming over the middle okay that’s fair game not in the NBA towns is done for the half there 706 left he’s got three fouls third consecutive game that towns has found himself in foul difficulty Booker with it up top Mike Conley guards him Booker with the left-handed dribble to the Elbow still bangs away still pounds the dribble lowers the shoulder it’s offensive we’re going going back the other way Tony Brothers makes the call Mike timed it perfectly and with Booker lowered the shoulder bam connley drew it he did just what Booker did on that collision with towns he sold it he sold it and now a timeout has been called with 654 left to go in this second quarter does not appear that the sun’s called this time out to challenge it no indication of that 654 left to go in the first half 4442 timber wolves by 2 you’re listening to Minnesota Timberwolves basketball Life’s a game you better be ready for it Dynamic drips can give your body what it needs to perform at its very best through mobile IV infusion therapy a professionally trained nurse comes directly to you your office your home your couch even their team administers an IV drip loading your body with essential hydration and vitamins you think you’ve been getting but desperately need vitamin C vitamin B calcium magnesium are you getting all those Dynamic drips IV can get you all that in so so much more directly into your body see how good your body can feel Dynamic your lucky jersey your pack your hometown team it’s super fan season in Minneapolis downtown so don’t miss out on a minute of fun friends and non-stop excitement from pregame meetups to postgame celebrations be there for your favorite teams and the big wins in Minneapolis we play For the Love of the Game and you’re the best part of our story visit MLS to get your game on see you downtown catch Minnesota Timberwolves basketball Edwards ahead of the pack and he throws it down on valy Sports oh the block by go the clutch shots he puts it up the Superstar highlights Ed the K Miss moments Pockets another timely three by Mike Conley my goodness watch the timber wolves on Valley sports or stream on the Valley Sports app hello I’m Matt Meyer fifth generation farmer from Clearwater Minnesota an owner of Thousand Hills lifetime grazed grass-fed beef we believe the tastiest most nutritious beef comes from cattle that are regeneratively grazed for their lifetime never confined to a feed lot never fed GMO plants or grains and not exposed to chemical pesticides like glyphosate please find our grass-fed beef at coburns and your local food co-op Thousand Hills lifetime grazed nourishing soil plants cattle and people by holistically grazing cattle for their [Music] lifetime 4442 Timberwolves lead by two five gone seven left to play here in the opening quarter Carl Anthony towns for the third straight game has found himself in foul difficulty he’s got three fouls he has played Just 13 minutes and this fouling for towns has been really evident when you look at the last three years in the postseason you combine playoff games play in games he’s now played 17 over the last three years and he’s been in foul trouble in 10 of the 17 and foul trouble enough to where Chris VCH has to bench him he missed the entire second quarter on Tuesday he’s going to the final seven minutes plus of this game uh of this second quarter and he was in foul difficulty after the three fouls he picked up in the third quarter in game one and it doesn’t seem to be a lot of recognition from Cat when he’s got that second that you know what I’ve got to be careful in the first half like recognizing how many fouls in what quarter we’re in cuz if you got two in the first half well I can’t get that third and you can’t Bowl into Devon book and that’s an easy call for the officials and it’s an obvious one and the Wolves will have to survive without him cross score pass by Conley picked up by Booker now Beal with it spins in the lane runs it up with the right hand and hits it so just like that the Wolves turn it over out of the timeout we tied at 44 woles have now turned it over six times and Phoenix has run their way to 10 points off of those here’s Anthony Edwards sitting on 12 points two rebounds two assists Works to the right side of the lane he throws it away out of bounds and will be Suns basketball so a rash of turnovers here the Wolves only turn it over twice in the opening quarter they’ve got five here in the second here’s Devin Booker picked up by Conley off the bub screen now back to B spins on connley runs it up with the right hand it popped down it popped out six to go bull BS played six straight minutes tied at 44 connley with it against nkit Rudy trying to set up against bu and side here’s Nas against Booker some weird matchups out there Conley against nurkic frees himself fires on the pull up three and strokes it bike did not shoot it well in game one he was Electric in game two and he gets his first three ball to fall here timber wolves go back up 4744 and he’s going to have to shoot it if they’re going to put nerkish on it here’s Durant against Conley up top right-handed dribble to the Elbow runs into Nas now Fades on the jumper and hits it so Kevin Durant three of six shooting he’s got 11 points 10 for Gordon Off the Bench but we have not seen him here in the second quarter Conley a drive and he picks up a foul nkit picks up that foul they’re continuing to put nkit onto Conley and now the lineups are going to change Bub’s out Beal’s out Gordon and O’Neal are in and so are so is Drew euck nkit will take a seat Sun’s got some not terrible minutes from bubo you know into that last timeout he was a plus zero left side three on the way for ant no Jaden up high with the offensive rebound good pump fake put back up with the right hand no they get Booker on the foul so that’s something that Chris Finch has talked about that really has opened up the offense in the last two games is Jaden being aggressive on the offensive glass and when he goes to the gra glass he’s got that length he should be able to grab offensive rebounds and what I like about once he coralled it he had nice little pump fake that got Booker off balance just enough and then you go back up strong and guess what you’re going to get that whistle first free throw up and in for Jaden McDaniels that’s his first point of the night he’s 0 for two from the field one more free throw coming for Jaden and that one is good 4946 Booker’s got seven points he’s two of five shooting he’ll get a high Royce O’Neal screen switched on a AZ re drifting left beyond the AR Booker still with it now a to two crosses over to the right hand drives in lobs it to the corner O’Neal’s got it shot clock dwindling down Booker gets it back shoves off on NAS gets in the paint up Rudy tough fall away 16oo at the buzzer uhuh terrific defense by Rudy goar who’s holding opponent under 40% shooting in this series here’s an to the corner Jam spot up for the the three missed it long rebound Royce O’Neal O’Neal’s on the Move Crossing mid Court from right to left dropping it back Durant against Nas Reed right side the floor Durant crossed him over once twice to the Baseline pull up jumper got it again silky smooth from KD four of seven shooting he’s got 13 49 48 but again you just got to make them earn tough twos and eventually you’ll win out here’s ant with it up top Booker on him off the Rudy screen an switched on to Drew eub I think he likes the match up so Booker comes over and doubles bounce pass here’s nille crosscourt Jaden they move it to the angle good pump fake by Nas he’ll drive down the lanane he runs up the shot short but he drew the foul on Royce O’Neal terrific ball movement and this is what the wolves have figured out about the sun’s defense if you’re going to trap Anthony Edwards from 35t Out Ant is just calmly making the pass out of that the simple pass then you go crossb then you move it then you pump then you drive and a free throw is coming up here for Nas Reed boy that might have been an offensive foul on NAS but Frank vogle seems unaware that uh you can challenge that free throw is up and good and now you cannot challenge it Timber woles nine for nine at the free throw line ah nine out of 10 why did I mention that woles are getting out scored by seven points at the free throw line under four left to go second second quarter Eric Gordon Wing right they got Durant against Nel bends at the way bangs away a whistle and a 3 second call against Rudy goar so a defensive 3 second call against Rudy woles had 17 defensive 3se second calls against them the entire regular [Applause] season and Durant will go to the free throw line hits it six out of seven at the strike 17 out of 18 here in the first half Booker takes a seat he’s picked up three personal fouls suns have it right to left Durant off to Eubanks right back to KD against McDaniels shoves off circles off the Eubank screen bounce it back to Eubank and gets knocked away another turnover against the Suns here’s a up into the front Court stops up top now drives into the bucket reverse layup he found to seam and the Suns defense scores it for two he’s got 14 The Wolves now lead by three 320 left to go first half great swing there O’Neal out to Beal left side Brad right-handed dribble in the lane against the deal stops pops the jumper on the fallway is good again tough shot though that’s what Beal and Booker and Durant do they make tough twos but if you can be as good offensively at the other end they’ll eventually miss a few here’s ant bowls over Beal who flops backwards doesn’t get the call and an scores again on an eight-footer 16 points for Edwards on a hot six of 11 shooting High screen Gordon that picks off Nel Beal to the left side and Durant usually works on the right side of the floor Durant off the beal screen still jadeen an Z starts the back up down to the Baseline spins back middle crosscourt open man beel in the corner catch and shoot three missed it rebound Rudy he holds it up high and a whistle and a timeout Chris Finch calls for one with 227 left to go in the second quarter really good smart basketball being played right now by the Timberwolves 54 51 they lead by three under three to go in the second on the Timberwolves radio network you are our local businesses you are our Community Partners our neighbors families and friends you represent the American dream and uphold the spirit in which it was created since 1904 Federated Mutual insurance company has been honored to serve and help 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18 point 16 assist 10 rebound triple double for halberton Pacers now have a 2-1 lead in that first round series Chris Middleton uh led the way from Milwaukee finished with uh let’s see 42 points new postseason career high in Dallas things got a little chippy and testy in the fourth quarter Kyrie Irving though had himself a second half Luca walks it up with 820 remaining off the Stagger to the right gets the switch with George picks up the trible no look for Irving off his hands recovers at the right wing against pal with eight to shoot isolation drives to his left in the lane back out to ca four to shoot back to Kyrie checks the clock one to shoot got to force it up with Lua hand overhead in disbel at the shot by Kyrie leading to pandemonium in the building 1 to 70 21 in the game for Kyrie 19 came in the second half Clippers with 19 turnovers they got just uh let’s see 16 combined points from Kawai and Paul George Russell Westbrook gets tossed Mavericks get an 11-point win at home they lead that series two games to one this update brought to you by your local Toyota dealers let’s go back to Allen in [Applause] Arizona 227 left to go second quarter 54 51 a couple of new Arizona Cardinals are in the building Marvin Harrison Jr I missed Robinson’s first name what did it say Dwayne David it was a d I watched a little bit of the draft last night but not uh not what the Cardinals did with their second pick a similar theme developing tonight as we saw in game one of this series when the Wolves absolutely dominated the glass they were plus 24 they were 133 on the offensive glass in that game they were 20 to6 in Second Chance points and they were 5234 in points in the paint tonight there were plus 10 overall in rebounding plus five on the offensive glass 11 five in Second Chance points and they’re plus 12 already in the paint Edwards with it in the front Court from left to right the wolves have it up by three off a Rudy screen an to the right side two Defenders chasing him he’ll go crosscourt Jaden’s got it makes the pass to the corner here’s Mike for to shoot off the Rudy screen’s got a pop on a three it’s offline rebound Tapped Out Rudy’s had a hand to it and collects it the ninth offensive rebound here in the first half ant to the corner Mike’s open again can he bury the three he got it second first half triple for Mike Conley tamber wolves lead by six with a minute 50 left to go first half wolves now six of 19 on their threes the Suns four of 11 they still struggled to get three-pointers up and to hit them Durant settles for a tough fade away two right side uhuh Jaden all over him M Daniels has been so good defensively just like he was in the regular season ant making the right play to connley back up top ant’s got it up by six 124 left to go first half Rudy sets the high screen then slips it an still with it takes a dribble now Mike Conley with it against Eric Gordon up top Mike on a drive runs it up off glass oh he drops it in softly that is Mike Conley basketball right there the Third 6y old in his 17th NBA season a soft touch off the glass going full speed into the paint to the rib got it over the big seven-footer nerkish 70 Timberwolves run up top nerkish sets the screen that picks off Conley O’Neal couldn’t take advantage here’s nerkish a little floater from 15 fet out uhuh awful shot nille with a rebound here’s ant up in the front Court pull up mid-range 15 footer it’s offline no 5951 Wills lead by eight they’ve been up by as many as nine here’s Durant left side puts on the deck around Conley in a Hole by Mike that’s his third silly foul by Conley the Wolves didn’t have a foul to give either you just send Durant to the free throw line Durant already six of seven at the stripe Royce O’Neal out Devin Booker back in he’s got three personal fouls oh that was the fifth that was the fourth team fouls look at the wrong category I apologize sideline out of bounds Booker forces one up and hits at the free throw line he was hunting for a foul he didn’t get it he got the shot though but that’s how difficult it is to score against this Timberwolves defense you have to flail yourself in the air throw up a heave from 16 ft 7c differential game clock shot clock sun should get the final possession Timber woles lead by six they get it to an he’s sitting on 16 points off for Rudy screen uhoh Dr the ball down low against nerkish crosscourt makes the right pass to nqu good pump that side steps to his right fires the three he didn’t get that off in time but they say play on he missed it long and Beal throws it away up in the front court and Jaden Scoops it up fires from midcourt that is offline so the Timberwolves up by six at the half a 72 run over the final 2504 in that second quarter timberwol get 16 from Edwards they get 11 from goar they get 10 for Mike Conley they get 10 from Carl Anthony towns meanwhile for the Suns 14 for Durant 11 for Beal 10 for Eric Gordon Timberwolves in great shape through two quarters up six at the half of game three stay tuned Cal sist anchors your halftime coverage next all across the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network why do we say I’m into basketball because basketball’s exciting like catching a t-shirt from a cannon or feeling the pulse of a act Arena there’s the iny face slam dunks the Highlight Reel alley oops and the three-point buzzer beaters it all gets your heart pounded just like playing the lottery Minnesota Lottery I’m in must be 18 or older to play wolves fans want to get playoff tickets right now two on two set the right side wide open scen yes sir become a 2024 25 season member and you can pick out your seats for the 2024 Playoffs today there’s Plumley diving in Audy who blocks the shot the third block of the game for go memberships feature phenomenal perks like 25% off concessions and team merch at every wolves home game plus pay for your membership monthly you got to love it learn more at memberships TimberTech and Timber not only are the best in the business but the decks they develop and the decks they build are the highest of quality in fact in fact you will endure a lifetime of happiness with that deck with TimberTech so ask for TimberTech when putting together your next project and that also can include porches Timber is where you find the free samples once again start at now Mike Conley with it against Eric Gordon up top Mike on a drive runs it up off glass oh he drops it in softly that is Mike Conley basketball right there the 36-year-old in his 17th NBA season a soft touch off the glass going full speed into the paint to the rim got it over the big seven-footer nkit 70 Timberwolves run Mike Conley providing five of the seven points in that 70 Timberwolves burst it saw them take an eight-point lead with under a minute left in this first half Devin Booker though scored the final two points of that second quarter an 18-footer assisted by Kevin Durant so the Suns back within six through two quarters of play 5953 Timberwolves with the six-point lead in this game three in the footprint Center welcome inside the Minnesota Lottery Halftime Show Cal soderquist here with you in the Twin Cities from our NBA Tonight Studios we’ll dive into a few more of the first half highlights in just a second we’ll also take a closer look at that first half box score Timberwolves as usual putting the clamps on Phoenix defensively Suns shot just 42% from the field hit only four of their 11 triples but hanging in the ball game thanks largely to the damage done at the charity Stripes 17 of 18 from the free throw line they’ve got a Healthy eight-point Advantage there and when you go to the free throw line a lot that means a lot of fouls are being called the wolves have several players in foul trouble both Mike Conley and Carl Anthony towns whistled for three in that first half and Rudy goar and Nas Reed with two a piece as well something certainly to monitor when that second half gets going we’ll also catch you up on the another action in The Association on this Friday night of course this late in the evening everything else has gone final so we’ll tell you about it uh in just a few minutes and then we’ll get you set for second half action from the Valley of the Sun including a conversation with assistant coach corus Williamson he’ll chat with Allen just before that third quarter but before we get to any of it let’s pause 10 quick seconds and allow our stations all across the network to identify themselves you’re listening to Minnesota Timberwolves basketball on the court off the court and on devices equipped with Amazon Alexa for the best basketball Insight just say Alexa listen to NBA Radio on serus XM okay let’s dive into the highlights Timberwolves with a six-point lead at the halftime break this of course game three of this best of seven first round series Timberwolves entered the evening with the 20 series lead but the series shifting to Phoenix and of course the Suns team trailing 20 with their backs against the wall hoping that they can lean on their homec court advantage inside the footprint Center early on Rudy goar once again we’ve seen it throughout this series venturing out to the perimeter making plays defensively and tonight turning that defense into offense here’s Durant his pass inside to nerk is knocked Away by Rudy Rudy’s got a breakaway he stepped through in the lane off glass he got it Suns wanted to travel no call JB doosa getting an earful right now from Frank hit the like button come on benefiting the whistle this one taking place in Phoenix that bucket right there from Rudy part of a 17 to eight start to the game for the Timberwolves dream start exactly what you want against a Suns team that we knew was going to throw everything at the wolves in the opening six to eight minutes of this ball game Phoenix though did steady themselves and Rudy maybe a karmic uh everything even evening out in the karmic Universe he was whistled for two personals pretty quickly after not getting the travel call there both he and Mike Conley with two personal fouls pretty quickly in that first Carl Anthony towns would then join them later with two personals as well so the Suns got back into the ball game pretty quickly and the parade to the free throw line was a big reason they did so lost the opening quarter in game one Booker trapped in mid Court finally got it off to Durant he gets to the elow Zips it inside Eubanks bangs away with nas reverse layup is good and a foul so another free throw coming up [Applause] that’ll be 12 out of 13 when Eubanks hits this one 30 to 29 it’s a one-point game Allen’s attempt at a reverse Jinx uh did not work at that uh that try Eubanks would hit the free throw and tied the game Suns hit 14 of 15 free throws in the first quarter alone they had a 10-point advantage in that category so all tied up there and at the end of one the Wolves had just a two-point lead 34- 32 early in that second quarter the suns were were the ones capitalizing on Minnesota turnovers I’ll tell pull up top of the KE jumper that’s off front rim no in towns is quick to the rebound Baseline Drive tried to shuffle it in traffic to Rudy it’s turned over poor decision Booker hit ahead bull b he’ll race to the rim and dunk it that’s what Frank vogle was hoping for some kind of B bow highlight to get everybody going seven minutes off the bench for bull bull but did provide the Highlight Reel dunk right there that tied the ball game up at 42 with and a half left in the first half they traded punches for much of that second quarter but late in the half Mike Conley and the Timberwolves seeking to build some separation forward to shoot off the Rudy screen he’s got a pop on a three it’s offline rebound Tapped Out Rudy had a hand to it an collects it the ninth offensive rebound here in the first half an to the corner Mike’s open again can he bury the three he got it second first half triple for Mike connley samber woles lead by six with a minute 50 left left to go first half some big buckets from Mike Conley so far in this first half he’s got 10 four of seven from the field that triple right there part of a mini 7-2 burst from the Timberwolves to finish up the first half again it was a 70 run that saw the Wolves lead by as many as eight before Devin Booker changed that and got the Suns back to within six 5953 is your halftime score Anthony Edwards in his 16 points leading the way for Minnesota he’s one of four starters in double figures cat had 10 despite the foul trouble Mike Conley had 10 Rudy with 11 and eight boards uh but again Watch cat watch Mike they each have three personals Rudy and Nas with two a piece as well suns are led by Kevin Durant and his 14 points Bradley Beal just behind him with 11 Devon Booker has nine points and four dimes Eric Gordon has 10 in his 15 minutes off the bench wolves though with the six-point lead through two quarters we’ll take another pause come back and catch you up on action elsewhere in the NBA right here on the Timberwolves radio network is it possible to detect the undetectable could people record their voice and share it with doctors who use Advanced AI technology that can accurately detect signals in the human voice that are indicators of coronary artery disease is it possible it already is because every day we’re doing what’s never been done learn more at Sloss mayoclinic you know where to go the NBA app is everyone’s app every fan of every team oh my goodness everyone who follows LeBron Tatum and embiid in the app every Warrior who’s ready to go to battle over three-point percentages every street wear King who’s here for the tunnel fits every Young Buck nugget and grizzly who wants to take a peek behind the scenes of the league and everyone else on this floating basketball we call Earth download the NBA app today available in the Google Play Apple app and Android stores at Target we’re home court advantage for the hometown sports fans and with the timberwol season in full gear we’re here to help you gear up and make your game day prep a slam dunk hear that that’s what you call a buzzer beating three-pointer for the win time to Dish up your famous nachos or put a full CT press on some jalapeno poppers then serve up some sweet desserts to celebrate the W however you do game day we’re here for it at Target and this copyrighted broadcast of the National Basketball Association may not be retransmitted reproduced rebroadcast or otherwise distributed or used in any form without the express written consent of the NBA you’re listening to the Timberwolves radio network still at the intermission at the footprint Center Timberwolves with a six-point lead through two quarters 59- 53 Anthony Edwards Leading The Way with 16 first half points Mike connley added 10 Rudy goar 11 points and eight Bo boards the Timberwolves dominated the battle of the boards they nearly doubled up the suns in the paint 30 to 16 and uh well the turnover battle a slight Edge for the Phoenix Suns 10 to six in points off turnovers but where the suns were able to hang in the ball game the free throws 18 trips to the free throw line they hit 17 of them they’ve got an eight-point advantage in that category and it’s a big reason why they remain within Striking Distance this is the Minnesota Lottery halftime show fans of your game for a little excit say I’m in and play the Minnesota lottery today two finals from earlier this evening the Dallas Mavericks get a 101 to 90 win at home over the CL Clippers Russell Westbrook tossed from this one in the fourth quarter after he got into it with Luca donic and PJ Washington mavsa probably don’t care they’ve got a 2-1 series lead and get to host game four later on this weekend Indiana Pacers it took an extra 5 minutes but Tyrese halberton lifting the home team to an overtime win with a Flo uh nearly at the buzzer with 1 and a half seconds left to beat the Milwaukee Bucks 121 118 that one went to overtime because Chris Middleton hit a 30-footer just in front of the horn at regulations so those are your two finals from earlier today Timberwolves have a six-point lead in Phoenix we’ll take one final pause we’ll get you back out to the footprint center right after this on the Timberwolves radio network if you’ve got the right tools and the friendly people at US Bank in your corner making smarter money choices is a piece of cake if only our tools and helpful advisors could have helped you avoid some of those not so smart choices in life like that time you tried to pick up unicycling Who coming through or when you thought it’d be okay to pet that squirrel in the Park good squirrel good squirrel while we can’t help you with all that we can help you bank smartly at smarter together member FDIC when you drive a vehicle so reliable it’s backed by a 10year 100,000 Mi limited warranty you stop thinking about what you can’t do and start doing what you never thought possible visit your local Kia dealer today to see what you’re capable of in a vehicle that inspires confidence around every corner Kia movement that inspires call 800 333 4 Kia for details always drive safely limited inventory available warranties include 10e 100,000 M powertrain and 5e 60,000 Mi basic warranties are limited see retailer for details you’re listening to the Timberwolves Radio Network at the half here in Phoenix of game three between the wolves and Suns it’s the Timberwolves up by 65953 Allen Hort along with you joined by assistant coach corus Williamson here court side corus I thought you guys did a really good job defensively when there weren’t fouls and sending them to the free throw line would you agree yes I did I mean you know 10 fouls in the first quarter and gave up uh 15 free throws so um once we got that out of the way I thought we did a great job of Defending like you said but it’s a theme that we we talked about at the halftime of of of game two was that that first half he had 15 free throw attempts uh you guys only allowed four in the second half yes so uh so hopefully we we can we’ve adjusted to how the game is being called and uh you know starting to show our hands a little more in defense but we still got to keep that same intensity up and and try to keep them off free throw line what what’s the biggest reason you think this is a more high-scoring game than we’ve seen the first two meetings well first of all I mean f is really doing a good job of pushing the tempo right now and um I mean they they’ve made a few shots here and there but um you know for us we’ve been able to respond uh and I think uh the fact we’re sharing the ball right now I think we’ve got like four guys and double figures that’s been big for us um and you get you you survive the C minutes getting into foul difficulty and I I thought the 60 run to end the second quarter of game two you guys had a S2 burst here not quite as good but still significant to to have that Advantage yes it is you know especially playing well without C being out there and then go into the halftime with a with a run like that gives us a little momentum coming into the second half and we know c will be ready to go all right biggest key uh for the second half to pull out game three uh it’s going to be the same thing I mean we just got to get back continue to take out the three and uh not foul corus appreciate it best of luck all right thank you corus Williamson along with me here as we get set for the third quarter WS are up 59 53 how about Mike connley 10 first half points all of those came in the second quarter of play Mike was scoreless in the opening frame and did not attempt a shot in that first quarter he was four seven shooting two of five from deep in that second quarter wolves had four of their five starters in double figures they had 14 assists on 22 made field goals uh again they they got to the free throw line they had seven turnovers that’s a little bit of a problem well the Wolves overall with a very good offensive rating a 123 offensive rating the Suns with a 110 offensive rating now that’s only good enough for a six-point lead and if the Wolves can keep the fouls down is cor mention 15 free throw attempts for the Suns on 10 fouls in the first quarter Timberwolves allowed just three free throw attempts on four fouls in the second quarter so a nice job there defens defensively by the Wolves actually on three fouls along the Baseline it’s a drive by Booker is cut off by Jaden McDaniels and Jaden is called for the foul as he bumped Booker not any active shooting so sideline out of bounds so here we go with the second half Timber woles with their starting five out there Conley Edwards McDaniels towns and goar and meanwhile Frank Bogle with his starting five which has Royce O’Neal for Grayson Allen here tonight Allen missing the game with a spraying right ankle Durant left side tough two no from 18 ft timber wolves have the rebound conly up the center of the floor off The Horn set Works to the right side towns is calling for it up top with Royce O’Neal on him off the goar screen he’ll pop on a three it’s off the front rim no and the rebound to Deon Booker Booker nice job boxing out nickel was caught on his hip here’s Durant to a cutting Royce O’Neal Royce will stop he’ll pop on the three ball that’s off front rim no and towns muscles down the rebound over nurkic Timber woles up by six a minute gone third quarter up in this series two games the none towns with it up top against nerkish shoves him out of the way Dives to the bucket and lays it in the Suns wanted an offensive foul there towns got away with a shove in the back on nurkic the cat up to a dozen points got nine rebounds lobs it inside deal with a tough catch lost it on the move out of bounds a turnover they’re seventh of the game both teams have seven turnovers tber wolves are up by eight here their largest lead was nine it was back in the opening quarter here’s Conley up on the front Court to towns left of the lane isolated against O’Neal couple of dribbles Baseline runs it up with the right hand and hits it soft touch cat has given the Wolves the first double digit lead to this game 63 53 Cat up to 14 big Collision on the perimeter as Booker runs into towns towns is down they get McDaniels as the culprit for causing it they say he shove Booker into cat and Cat now getting back to his feet he comes up holding his hip a little bit there let’s see what happens here yeah they say yeah that’s exactly what the officials are saying here are they going to look at this on the floor following McDaniels we’re looking at the play to see if there’s a potential hostile act h act on McDaniels so Johnny brothers and Kevin Scott will put on the headsets check that it’s JB doosa along with Tony brothers and they’ll see if there’s anything more in this well I’m not even sure why they’re looking at this if anything that’s I don’t think there’s a lot of contact honestly on McDaniel they won’t overturn the call but Booker going into the back of cat is the dangerous play and even if you say that McDaniels push Booker into cat I would still argue that Devon Booker kind of rolls up the back of towns in a dangerous way but this is an absolute waste of time with 1031 left to go third quarter 6353 woles by 10 the headsets are off and let’s see what they’re going to call here the ruling on the floor stays a foul on McDaniel there is no hostile act on the play the ball will be awarded to Phoenix on the side so Tony Brothers with the explanation the deao timeouts are over and we can get back to playing some basketball Tim wolves have outscored the Suns 112 dating back to the second quarter that’s over the last four minutes and 23 seconds and Beal will have it for the Suns they’re in their statement Edition black uniforms lob inside nkit along the Baseline kicks it back out to Beal where it started good ball movement here Durant open left side three ball no and towns has the rebound Durant is 0 for three from Beyond The Arc tonight he is now two for seven in the series from distance in the regular season 41% on over five attempts per game here’s TOS beating Durant off the dribble l the ball in the lane got it back kicks it out to McDaniels now connley off to ant on the right side an spins away from Beal towards the Baseline his pass out deflected and turned over Booker has it races past connley drives on towns layup good there goes the Wolves double digit Advantage with their eighth turnover of the game suns have turned those into 12 points here’s Conley off the Rudy screen down the lane Scoops it up with the left hand shot no ner gets the rebound Outlet knocked away off Conley bounce and nerkish just can’t believe it he got knocked down there was no call nerkish just stays seated for a moment staring up at the official 6355 an eight-point Timberwolves lead woles won the first quarter 3432 they take the second quarter 2521 Suns holding shot clock already down at eight Beal starts to work to the left side low pass to Booker knocked away it’s loose out of bounds it’s going to be awarded to Phoenix cat was down there and I’m not sure Booker wasn’t the last to touch [Music] that Royce O’Neal will trigger in shot clocks at 3.9 see if the Suns realize it Booker does takes the in Mound fires on the jumper and hits it 21 left side Booker up to 13 points he’s five and nine shooting 42% shooting for the Suns they average 44% over the first two games here’s Conley off the goar screen Rudy rolls against Durant being held inside a freees himself from Beal Baseline left the shot no rebound tapped out and the Suns have it Durkin to Booker three on two book drives kick out Beal right side three offline no nkit offensive rebound he goes right back up and draws a foul it’s going to be on Jaden McDaniels it’s going to be his fourth personal yeah Jaden had one foul in the opening quarter he had none in the second and he’s got three fouls here in the third quarter he’s got three fouls in 3 minutes and 14 seconds well the frustration you can see is Jaden comes to the bench and the Suns might be breathing a sigh of relief finally Jaden out of the game it’s been averaging about 40 minutes a [Applause] night nkit makes it a five-point game it’s a 5 Phoenix run well for get you can follow along with the broadcast each and every game on Twitter on X woles Radio wolves radio on Instagram there’s Conley off the goar screen pops on a three and strokes and Mike up to 13 points he’s three of six from long range he three of six tonight he was three of six in game two Baseline right Durant misses the jumper the rebound loose and a has got it Tim rules up by they’re on the push an with the left handed dribble in the lane against Bei to the corner and Nel Alexander Walker up top cat wide open on the three ball and he drains it Carl Anthony towns has put the Wolves up by 11 807 left to go in the third quarter Timber woles pour Off the Bench solid stretch by Minnesota they have their largest lead of the game and the heads are low for the Phoenix Suns and the crowd is antsy 807 left to go third 69 58 Timberwolves by 11 on the Timberwolves radio network Life’s a game you better be ready for it Dynamic drips can give your body what it needs to perform at its very best through mobile IV infusion therapy a professionally trained nurse comes directly to you your office your home your couch even their team administers an IV drip loading your body with essential hydration and vitamins you think you’ve been getting but desperately need vitamin C vitamin B calcium magnesium are you getting all those Dynamic drips IV can get you all that and so much more directly into your body see how good your body can feel Dynamic bring the fun to family time with a visit to Treasure Island Resort and Casino start by Making a Splash and memories at the Lagoon our indoor water park includes a lazy river an activity pool and more exciting features then hit the lanes at Island extreme bowl for some familyfriendly competition before you head to our luxurious hotel for a relaxing night away book your stay now at tiic Treasure Island Resort and Casino destination fun catch Minnesota timber wolves basketball Edwards ahead of the and he throws it down on Val Sports the block by go the clutch shots he puts it up oh the Superstar highlights the can’t miss moments another timely three by Mike con [Applause] watch the timber wolves on Valley sports or stream on the Valley Sports AB hello I’m Matt Meyer fifth generation farmer from Clearwater Minnesota and owner of Thousand Hills lifetime grazed grass-fed beef we believe the tastiest most nutritious beef comes from cattle that are regeneratively grazed for their lifetime never confined to a feed lot never fed GMO plants or grains and not exposed to chemical pesticides like glyphosate please find our grass-fed beef at coburns and your local food co-op Thousand Hills lifetime grazed nourishing soil plants cattle and people by holistically grazing cattle for their [Music] lifetime tber wolves have gotten separation from the Suns here in game number three they’re up two games to none it started late second quarter when the win when the Wolves finished that frame on a 7 to2 run they have now gone 105 to begin the third so it’s a 177 run over the last 647 Bridging the second in third quarters to lead by 11 with 807 left to go in the frame there’s still a long way to go with the wolves have put together a really solid stretch here you kind of feel things start to shift suns have just been playing from behind this entire series [Music] Timberwolves had the lead in the regular season against the Suns in three games they had the lead for a total of two minutes two minutes in three games heading into game three they had led for 76 I should say 71% of the minutes that’s 68 of 96 Minutes game’s been tied for seven minutes Phoenix had the lead for 21 minutes most of that in game two so the Suns have it out of the timeout from left to right the crow like I said it’s just they’ve been able to explode a couple of times but not by much Timberwolves have won eight of the 10 quarters in this series here’s Booker right at the top of the key out to Beal and again the shot clock down to seven by the T Durant gets a touch out at midcourt he drives on Ant spins lost the ball back tracks tried to get it ant fouled him from behind held him ant commits his first personal foul it’s the 17th foul called on the Wolves suns have been called for 11 like Daniels remains on the bench with four personal fouls Conley and towns each have three two for Rudy two for nasri Corner three Bradley Beal off the back iron no and ant’s got the rebound on the Move where the Suns have not been able to hit their Corner threes they’re just four for 12 in the series ant drives in runs it up off the glass no good the rebound comes out and Beal’s got it on the move to Booker on the right side runs past Conley runs it up off glass for two 6960 is the score Nel will walk it up into the front court with ant Mike Rudy and Cat nille drifts left to cat in the corner back to n trying to get it to Rudy but nkit is over playing him at 35 ft now around to Rudy’s screen theil will pop on a triple and hit it Eric Gordon can’t believe it he throws his arms down in disgust nille drops in a three as first of the night he had missed his first four attempts 72 60 Rudy shoved down by nurkic here’s Durant right in the lane Rudy gets back up defends nurkic here’s Durant fading on a jumper no good Durant is four of 12 shooting he’s got 14 points WS by a dozen 640 left to go in the third an one-on-one against field now here comes cat set the screen then he slips it peel action Rudy does the same ant drives in HS kick out Nel open Corner three Bingo two straight for nil Alexander Walker ant sets that one up and the Wolves now lead by 15 their largest lead of the night it’s a 122 Timberwolves run here in the third quarter Booker with a running start off the screen by Gordon in the lane runs it up with the right hand it rolls off and Rudy’s got the rebound in traffic he’ll get it off to Mike Conley wols in control now up by 15 here’s an with a left-handed dribble he drifts it up top now Rudy slips the screen and they cross score pass thrown away by ant bad decision Booker back the other way lowers the shoulder shoves off on cat drops it for d easy two-headed flush when you’re up by 15 points all you have to do is just not turn it over Phoenix is making life difficult for themselves as it is don’t help them in their cause to get back into this game nille drops it Rudy up for the slam and he got fouled nurkic tried to swipe at the big man fouled him Rudy with a three-point opportunity Nel playing terrific basketball here in the third quarter theil’s got six points five assists he’s played 18 minutes Royce O’Neal in nkit will take a seat that’s the second on nkit that foul and so now Frank vogle would go he only did this at the end of the I think it was the first quarter with Durant at the five but he’ll go small here he’s got to try something why does he have to try something because if his team this game Noam in NBA history has rallied from a three game th un deficit Rudy hits the free throw the last 258 Minnesota is outscored Phoenix 15 to4 they’re up by 16 points with five and a half to go in the third still a long way to go and the Wolves know that better than anybody Phoenix with possession Eric Gordon Wing left Monte Morris is on the floor Durant with it up top against cat shoves off drives in floats up the shot off the back ion no cat picks up his for towns 17 points 10 rebounds but four personal fouls Nas Reed and Kyle Anderson are going to come into the bench uh come off the bench suns are 18 to 21 at the free throw line but they’re shooting just 40% from the field and four of 15 from the three-point line Durant Strokes the first so cat and Rudy come out together Nas at the five Kyle Anderson at the four ant at the three with nikelle and Monte in the back court one more free throw coming here for Kevin Durant who’s five of 13 Beal is four of 11 Booker is six of 11 and that’s those are the type of shooting nights that the wolves have held the sun’s big three2 almost every single game is not been a big night for the big three they average almost 72 points a game in the regular season they’re averaging 58 per game as a trio in the first two games in this series here’s Nas against Eric Gordon hunting the mismatch runs it up off glass and hits it 80 to 64 back up by 16 and an steals a hit ahead pass from Gordon then lost it out of bounds and it goes out of bounds and this I think will be challenged by Minnesota a timeout and now Tony Brothers is going to change his call yeah he’s going to say no the other way he pointed the wrong way again and Kyle told him about it that Tony shoved the ball at him well I’m sure Frank vogle can’t be happy about that because the Wolves didn’t have to use a challenge now even though they win it they would only have one left now the Wolves still have two left assuming they’re successful on their first olles have the ball back up by 16 High post here’s Kyle Anderson turns try to get it inside to anstead to the corner to K catch and shoot three on the way and the Wolves offense just torching this Sun’s defense here in the third quarter it’s a 19point wolves lead the Suns need another timeout nille Alexander Walker and the wolves are on a 20-6 run nil did not score in the first half he was 04 from the floor nille now has nine points and he has two assists in that stretch as well tremendous run by the Wolves 20 to6 they’re up by 19 451 left it’s getting darker and gloomier for the Suns every minute that’s being played right now the Wolves offense is just picking apart this Suns defense time out on the floor in the Timberwolves radio network we are professionals We Are Family and friends we are volunteers 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over the Clippers earlier this evening it’s now a 2-1 series Advantage for Luca and the Mavs game four happened Sunday once again in Dallas Luca had 22 10 boards and nine assists in the victory here tonight we needed an extra 5 minutes in Indie Pacers Prevail with an overtime floater from t tyese halberton with 1 and A2 seconds left in the game he finishes with an 18.6 assist triple double but we only went to the overtime session because of this craziness from Chris Middleton who was a game time decision before tip off the inbound pass coming from Beverly lofs it to Lopez Lopez hands to Middleton Middleton on the outside fires up to three for the tie and he hit it he hit it with 1.4 seconds left Cash Money Middleton to the rescue with a 30 foot threp pointer to tie this game at 111 to 111 do you believe it it is a stunned house here at gainbridge Fieldhouse so he hit that to force the overtime then with under 7even seconds left in the extra session he hit another game tying three before Tyrese halberton broke uh Milwaukee’s hearts with that floater Middleton finished with 42 but the Bucks lose they Trail the series two games to one after indies’s three-point overtime win back to Allen all right Cal thank you very much 451 left to go here in the third quarter wow the Timberwolves have gotten separation over the last 10 minutes from plus one to plus 19 and again most of the Run comes in a Troublesome third quarter for the Phoenix Suns the wolves in game one a 21-5 run to go from up four to up 20 game two 18 to8 to go from minus three to plus seven then they added to it in the fourth to go up by 17 and over the last 10 minutes wolves have outscored the suns 31-13 in the third quarter the wolves have hit nine of 13 shots they’re five of six from long range up by 19 Suns with it be left side Booker they get it to Durant against Monte Morris Cross Court Gordon catch and shoot no he dumps it inside to Eubank so hands it off to be standing right next to him that beel missed the shot from four feet Timberwolves have the rebound here come the wolves up into the front Court up top he goes to Kyle Anderson he’ll drop it off for Anthony Edwards with a right-handed dribble working against Booker bangs away to the Elbow gain to shoot circles back around the top of the key left side now to n in the corner he’ll hoist again this one’s well short it was contested n thought he got fouled Eubanks pulls down the rebound right side Gordon funnels it inside it’s Eubanks the bang shot good with left hand 8366 so the Timberwolves with a Monte Morris nille Alexander Walker back court with a Kyle and Nas up front meanwhile it’s Booker Beal and Durant with eub banks and Gordon Kyle Anderson back to the basket fakes the hand off to ant keeps it himself down the lane out to NAS right side three is good Nas Reed gets into the act the wolves have now hit six of seven for Beyond The Arc here in the third quarter they’re up by 20 86 6 66 here’s Beal to his right and Gordon they dump it inside here’s Booker moves Baseline on Monte forced up the shot off the back rim somehow that dropped my goodness inbound Monte Scoops it up they’re about to walk the dog but Devon Booker recognized that 313 left to go in the third quarter the Wolves by 18 Anthony Edwards 16 points eight rebounds four assists he’s got it up top off to NAS right back to a eight to shoot works for the right side here’s Durant picking him up a between the legs gets inside the arc pulls up deep to Durant outstretched arm affected the shot and the Miss comes down Nel thought he had the rebound but he fouled Gordon while trying to Corral it so it’ll be the second on N Alexander Walker and that is free throws for the Suns here a clapping into the basket trying to get his Squad going here it’s really quiet in the building so Eric Gordon to the free throw line he’s four for four at the strike I mean this is where the Suns have just stayed in the game and if you want to call it a game they’re up by 18 the wolves on suns are 21 of 23 they’ve gotten 21 points at the free throw line they’ve gotten 12 at the three-point line there’re just four of 15 shooting they’ve gotten 36 points on twos free throw missed rebound Tapped Out Suns Havoc here’s Durant into the paint stops bounce pass Eubank he’s wide open in the dunker spot and he flushes so the 20-point lead down to 15 and Chris Finch will use a timeout 245 left to go in the third he step aside on the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network if you’ve got the right tools and the friendly people at US Bank in your corner making smarter money choices is a piece of cake if only our tools and helpful advisers could have helped you avoid some of those not so smart choices in life like that time you tried to pick up unicycling oh coming through or when you thought it’d be okay to pet that squirrel in the Park good squirrel good squirrel while we can’t help you with all that we can help you bank smartly at smarter together member FDIC you’re listening to the Timberwolves radio [Music] network can you bring up the station I can’t hear it at all 245 left to go here in the third quarter the Wolves up by 15 on the Suns they had a 20po lead 50 burst for Phoenix but a big reason big reason why they went up by 20 is the play of Nelle Alexander Walker all nine of his points plus two of his assists have come here in the third quarter n has put up some big time numbers here in the postseason High St and for me myself I would say I credit to the preparation and I just trust God um I have an opportunity and for me the main thing is just embracing that opportunity and accepting every challenge taking a head on and the ks put up good numbers great numbers and again he and J McDaniels came into the game of plus 42 each which means the wolves have outscored the Suns by 42 points during nil’s time on the floor and jadon’s time on the floor those are the best marks of any player in the postseason wolves bring it up from right to left Mike connley back out there with Nel an Nas and Rudy and the sun’s throwing a zone at the woles they have not played any Zone in the first two games well they have here Rudy inside goes up on Eubanks and draws the foul Rudy was setting up kind of in that in between the levels of the Zone then he kind of Dove toward the rim and spotted him just turn and go up did you hit the like button come on hit the like button and subscribe too join the fre throw line where four for four Tonight free throw on its way is good Rudy goar’s now got 15 points averaging 16 over the first two games timber wolves basketball tonight brought to you by US Bank proud to be the official Bank of the Timberwolves second free throw for Rudy that drops in as well it’s 8871 17-point lead with 225 left to go in the third quarter Beal races up into the front Court stops at the elbow and kicks it back out to Durant who holds 18 points for Kevin Durant Nas Reed is on him Durant now with tend to shoot starts to move Nas went for the screen didn’t get it Gordon to the corner Booker pump fakes pulls up on a 14-footer that swirls out Rudy’s got the rebound boy when you think you have the advantage against this number one ranked wolves defense think again you don’t they forced you into a difficult pullup and the Wolves end up coring the rebound they’ve been dominant on the glass wolves are a plus 13 on the window here’s an the drive oh he hangs in the reverse layup is good what a finish Anthony Edwards with a few oo and O from the crowd here back the other way driving layup he answers 90 to 73 153 left to go here in the third quarter PS up by 17 an will bring the ball up the floor Beal picks him up just crossing the midcourt strike Booker’s on conly here comes Rudy to set the high screen then slips it that’s what the wolves have been working on all series long Nas a right side three no good but an offensive rebound it’s Tapped Out by Rudy now connley to the corner nille in front of his own bench got another one his fourth three of the quarter nil Alexander Walker all 12 of his points coming here in the third the Wolves now lead by 20 here’s Durant on the Move in the lane steps through runs it up shot no rebound Tapped Out Conley’s got it up by 20 and with possession 113 left to go in the third connley dumps it inside Nas is wide open nobody covered the big man the Sixth Man of the Year he dunks it the bluebirds are out and the Wolves may have just won this series they lead by 22 points with a minute eight left to go and it’s all falling apart for Phoenix tamber wolves have never led a series three games to none they’ve never won three consecutive postseason games they are just 13 minutes and 8 seconds away from doing exactly that the timberl have outscored the Suns 32 to 15 over the last 727 32- 15 you want to get fat cat into foul trouble have him sit most of the second quarter fine the Wolves will rebound from that you want to get Jaden McDaniels with three fouls and a quarter and sent him for the third the wolves have responded from that and it is close to the end of the third so maybe some fans are going back to the Concourse level but I get the feeling some fans are leaving this game leaving this game 108 left to go in the third Suns only have two timeouts remaining it’s the second straight game that Frank vogle just had to burn through his timeouts I mean one of the remaining timeouts will be the media timeout of the fourth quarter so he’ll only have one the whole rest of the quarter Timber will still with four timeouts left zims in the third quarter hit seven of 10 from Beyond The Arc Phoenix is over for four they’re old for four and they haven’t even attempted a three in like six minutes they’ve attempted just four in the quarter the Suns will bring it up here from left to right they have to stick they just don’t have any options Booker O’Neal Gordon Durant and Eubanks on the floor here’s Booker bottled up in the lane by Nas out to O’Neal now Gordon with on the right side off the Durant screen KD back with it up top his pass Cross Court deflected into the corner Booker’s got it shot clock expires what defense by Minnesota it’s suffocating the Suns could not even get a shot off they goes down is their ninth turnover of the game suns are shooting 42% from the field four of 15 from Deep an will jog it up here for the Timberwolves they’ve got Nas and Rudy on the floor with Mike n and an an tries to dribble through two Defenders they’re going to get a offensive foul against Mike Conley Timber are looking back to the second row to see if they want to challenge this a well time substitution will give them an extra couple of seconds here but they’re not going to not sure what Mike did there I saw him come running up there and he must not have been set that’s the fourth foul on Mike so Monte Morris is in so 35 seconds left to go in the third Timberwolves are up by 22 points here’s Booker with it up top to the right side O’Neal good pump fake got NS in the air now moves to his left fires on the three it’s no good Sun’s 0 for five here in the quarter from deep and four of 16 for the game an gets across the timeline shot clock is off the Suns do have a foul to give if they want to use it an still dribbling gets a high Rudy screen at the three-point line an still with it now with four now with three and a whistle and a foul against the Suns and it was not on Ant with the ball it was on Rudy away from the play so sideline out of bounds here and Frank vogle will send in Josh a Ki for 3.1 [Applause] Seconds J is going to have the assignment against Anthony Edwards you wondered if the Suns would toy with that idea off the inbound Rudy back to Monte he’s got a hoist and he Fires at the buzzer off the back iron no what a third quarter by Minnesota the Timberwolves have taken a strangle hold on this game they led by six at the half they’re up 22 going to the fourth quarter of game three up two games to none on the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network remembering all the ways Minnesota Lottery dollars hope our state is easy just think of This Acronym beaches treat cows it stands for bees education agriculture canoeing habitats endangered species Transit renewable energy air quality Trails conservation Outreach water and sustainability see it’s easy since 1990 the Minnesota Lottery has raised nearly billion dollar to help our very own beaches treat cows so say I’m in and play your part in helping Minnesota wolves fans want to get playoff tickets right now two on two that’s up P right side wide open three yes sir become a 2024 25 season member and you can pick out your seats for the 2024 Playoffs today there’s Plumley diving in Audy who blocks the shot the third block of the game for go memberships feature phenominal perks like 25% off concessions and team merch at every wolves home game plus pay for your membership monthly you got to love it learn more at memberships is it possible to predict the unpredictable could surgeons use a patient’s own Anatomy to create 3D printed life-size organ models to map out challenges ahead of time making surgery more precise efficient and less invasive is it possible it already is because every day we’re doing what’s never been done learn more at possible mayoclinic you know where to go the NBA playoffs are here and we all know playoff mode is a thing listen to the evidence playoff crowds are going wild playoff players are lighting up the court even your speakers are in playoff mode okay we’ll take it down a notch but just a notch because this is the turn it up to 11 NBA playoffs playoff mode is clearly a thing the NBA Playoffs presented by Google pixel continue on ABC ESPN TNT and NBA TV you’re listening to the Timberwolves radio [Music] network what a third quarter for Minnesota it has been a dominant quarter for them not only have the Wolves won nine in the last 11 or the only 11 quarters in this series but specifically third quarters they have gotten separation in each of the three games we talked about it earlier in game one they outscored the Suns 3121 in the third game two 28-20 game three 36- 20 wolves put up 34 in the opening quarter 25 in the second 36 in the third quarter wolves are now shooting 51% they’re now 42% from Deep that’s cuz they knocked down seven of 11 from Beyond The Arc in the third quarter now the Wolves still 12 minutes to go 12 minutes away from winning their third straight postseason game for the first time in franchise history 12 minutes away from going up 3 0 in a in a series for the first time in franchise history trying to go to seven and seven all time in game threes and we don’t want to look too far ahead but they’re keeping Pace with the team they might face in the next round the Denver Nuggets who are up three games to none on the LA Lakers here we go in the fourth quarter an with it off a Rudy screen up top sets a good one now ant weaves his way through traffic in the paint puts it up with the right hand the floater drops in Josh aogi is on the floor wasn’t on Edwards on that possession inside Booker draws a foul it’s going to go against mckel Alexander Walker Sam woles with their largest lead of the game they’re up 24 9773 Booker to the line where he’s only two of two tonight Booker will have four free throw attempts Beal two Durant nine first free throw is good for Devin Booker 27 seconds gone here in the fourth quarter WS have not trailed in this game second free throw is good that’s 19 for Booker that’s what he’s been averaging in the first two games he was shooting 38% over the first two games he’s seven of 13 tonight so a little bit better but not enough as the suns are hitting just 41% of their shots here’s cap right side drives in on nurkic hangs kicks out to the corner n pump fakes the three moves on Gordon up top hand off to Monte Morris his Runner down the lane no good C kept the rebound alive he’s got it again missed the putb grabs the rebound again missed the put back again he thought he got fouled nurkic collects the rebound if you’re not going to get those calls when you’re up by 22 points Josh a Ki lay up inside No but a foul on go and J will go to the free throw line for two cat is battling on the offensive class and you you love to see that but and you have to understand time and score you’re up by 22 you’re just not going to get a touch foul if anything the benefit of the doubt goes towards the Suns they the the team down by 20 it’s the way this game works Maki misses the free throw Mike Conley’s coming back in the game with the four personal fouls Jaden has been on the bench and since he went out with the four fouls about three and minutes and 14 seconds into the third quarter Josh shooting 75% at the free throw line knocks it down one out of two for Joshua kogi he played 60 games 11 starts this year for J Five Points three rebounds who’s in the starting lineup early in the season also last year but uh his offensive liability makes uh that problematic cat throws it inside to goar got stripped and aogi could not hold on to it out of bounds it’ll stay woles basketall 1045 left to go in the fourth the woles up by 21 points on the Baseline ant will trigger in Edwards off to Rudy right back to ant in the corner tough place there he’s trapped and the ball got knocked away nkic comes away with it here’s Bradley Beal Crossing midcourt feeds a kogi left side that pass was behind him that’s slowed down the fast break Booker now with it up top takes a run on theel got bumped as he leaned in drew the contact the shot no but two free throws coming up for Deon Booker well this is textbook Devon Booker I mean he just lowers the shoulder on Nel and’s going to have to come out because he’s got five personal fouls I would love to see a replay of that I mean down the lane Booker just he initiates the contact 9777 that’s 23 fouls in this game bulls has sent the Suns to the free throw line 30 times in this game game and they’re still up by 20 points the Gap at the three-point line 13 made threes to four difference of nine times three that’s a 27o Advantage at the three-point line WS have had some big advantages in this series it was the plus 24 in rebounding in game one it’s plus 27 at the three-point line in game three 9778 up by 19 Conley on a drive floater inside it hits Rim it hits window it drops in two more for Mike he’s got 15 points and seven assists 9978 wols go back up by 21 here’s nkic on the perimeter back door he feeds Durant tough catch Baseline off to Josh AI he’ll rise up and dunk it with two hands 950 and Counting left to play Edwards Jukes on a kogi races up the floor top of the key in the paint and a whistle and a foul Tony Brothers had that will go against toi first against Josh first against the Suns here in the fourth sideline out of bounds Mike will trigger in WS have gone four Deep Off the Bench tonight with Nas and N getting most of the minutes Kyle Anderson seven minutes Monte Morris with nine and here’s Anthony Edwards hitting again on the drive able to finish at the cup the wolves are up 21 here’s Booker at the elbow got held by MC Daniels Jaden picks up his fifth personal foul and then Booker pokes the ball away from Jaden McDaniels Booker’s got a little bit of a temper we’ve already seen that now the two teams are huddled up here some jawing back and forth pushing and shoving and and Tony Brothers just comes in and starts issuing tacticals one on each [Applause] side Tony Adams security chief for the Timberwolves he’s trying to Corral Jaden walks him back I mean Booker started this whole thing it’s just we’ve seen his temper time and time again so matching technicals for Tony [Applause] Brothers I mean Booker aggressively slaps the ball out of Kevin SCS out of Jaden’s hand I mean he starts this whole thing he starts this whole thing they’re going to look at this and they have called a timeout somebody’s called a timeout with 927 left to go in the fourth quarter Timber wols up by 21 and the frustration starting to boil over once again for deavon Booker and the Suns we step aside on the Timberwolves radio network when you drive a vehicle so reliable it’s backed by a 10-year 100,000 m limited warranty you stop thinking about what you can’t do and start doing what you never thought possible visit your local Kia dealer today to see what your capable of in a vehicle that inspires confidence around every corner Kia movement that inspires call 800 3334 Kia for details always drive safely limited inventory available warranties include 10e 100,000 M powertrain and 5ye 60,000 Mi basic warranties are limited see retailer for details TimberTech and Timber not only are the best in the business business but the decks they develop and the decks they build are the highest of quality in fact you will endure a lifetime of happiness with that deck with TimberTech so ask for TimberTech when putting together your next project and that also can include porches Timber is where you find the free 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10180 we’re in the fourth quarter here with 927 left to go the frustration really starting to build for Devin Booker trying to Goat or goat I should say Jaden McDaniels into his sixth they each get a match technical but Jaden and the wolves have had the edge against Booker all series long we approach the 10:00 hour here in the Arizona time zone they’ve got their own it’s midnight or close to it back in the Twin Cities all across the Upper Midwest let’s pause 10 seconds for station identification all across the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network hey this is Brian gser wake up early with me in 2007 NBA coach of the Year Sam Mitchell every Saturday morning from 7:00 to 10: a.m. eastern as we break down everything NBA on channel 86 along with Studio host and executive producer Cal soderquist I’m Allen Horton from the footprint Center here in downtown Phoenix Arizona where they can’t believe their sons are about to go down three games to none our engineer is Gabriel tril our status station super stats Dave Dave Handlin off the inbound a quick shot and a score for Bradley Beal he hits a three just the fifth of the night Studio coordinators are Alex libolt and Ben hany glad you’re along with us on our Flagship 100.3 FM in the Twin Cities and all across the Timberwolves radio network Kyle Anderson’s Feed to a cutting connley gets deflected out of bounds it’s off Mike it will be Phoenix basketball 10183 five of 17 from Beyond The Arc here’s Booker shoving off on connley gets down low bottled up by Rudy out to Josh aogi he’ll try a three and hit so that’s back to back threes 10186 15-point game Bulls need to regain their composure here ant with it crossing the timeline J’s on him former Timberwolf start his career Town sets a nasty screen that levels a Ki Jo pops back up here’s Kyle Anderson lost it momentarily got it back a with it up top right handed dribble knocked away and the ball is kicked so that’ll recycle the shot clock it was down at 2.4 woles caught a break there because it was Kyle Anderson who was going to hold it if that ball got through and he would have had to fire a three three ball has not been Kyle’s strong point this season towns off the inbound quick shot no 20f footer Booker back the other way lowers the shoulder in the lane out to Gordon angle three on the way that’s short Timber wols have the rebound Mike into the front Court thought about going towards the rim get fouled from behind by Bradley Beal that’s a horrific foul by be just their seconds but there’s just no reason for it cat’s got to be smarter at the offensive end about what shots to take here they just gotten the shot clock back to 15 14 and I mean he kicks the inbound turns and fires on it as if it’s at two seconds on the shot clock Phoenix 13 to4 run here Kyle fed cat off the inbound Gordon was trapped behind him in jail and fouled him so there’s the third foul on the sun sideline out of bounds again 10186 inbound comes to Rudy 40 feet out hand off to Kyle Anderson Ka off the Rudy’s screen free throw line extended lobs it inside Rudy with a catch turns lost the ball scooped up by towns to the bucket the layup no but whistle a foul towns will go to the free throw line for the first time tonight free throws for towns Gordon picks up the foul that’s his third fans you geared up for the playoffs get playoff ready with the latest from the timberwol team store a fanatic experience head to shop. right now get your officially licensed playoff gear that’s shop. free throw in and out [Applause] no now chick-fil has the brick two free throws in the second half at Target Center and they’ve got it here in Phoenix 2 this is as loud as the crowd have been all night where’ these Thunder sticks come [Applause] from sounds with another free [Applause] throw he rattles that one in 10286 Booker Cross Court Bei to the corner and Gordon takes a run into the paint lobs it back down to Durant catch and shoot three on the way is good so Durant hits the three 10289 I think the Suns have finally figured out that they need to start shooting some threes 16 to five Timberwolves run and we have a whistle and out of bounds is Josh aogi cat is trying to dribble the ball up the floor he’s got three players on him Chris Finch wants more ball handling out there Nel Alexander Walker is in cats out Nas will come in Kyle Anderson [Applause] out so 742 left to play and the wolves are up by 13 10289 Mike’s got it up top Bradley Beal watches him off in the KE back screen nothing develops now Cross Court the’s got it takes the pass drives in layup Noble to whistle to foul aogi came over and spun theel around when he was headed towards the rim so Alexander Walker will go to the free throw line for two first one’s up and in [Applause] two free throws good for nil Alexander Walker Bradley Beal up to the front court with 723 left 15p Point wols Advantage Beal hunting for some space fires on a three straight away and hits 104 8 92 so it’s down to a 12-point game with 710 left Suns who had were four of 16 shooting through three quarters are now four of five here in the fourth wolves half to recognize they’re hunting the three here’s Edwards with it up top drives in the paint runs it up off glass got a difficult angle he thought he got fouled no call here come the Suns on the push down by 14 driving in on Conley as beel kick out Durant pass on the shot to Booker back to KD fires on the three missed it Rudy got out there to contest here’s an hounded in the back court needs to get rid of it and get across the timeline he’s not going to get there oh he did there’s no 8C call Frank vogle was screaming for it the shot clock was down to 15 it was awfully close here’s ant puts it on the deck down the lane runs up the shot no good but he drew contact he hits the deck sliding across the floor and he’ll go to the free throw line for two shots and three for three at the line another really wellplayed game by Anthony Edwards yeah he’s got five turnovers but 24 points eight rebounds four assists time and time again he’s making the right play Frank vogle now will use a timeout and he’ll challenge this call yeah I think you’re going to find that uh there’s lots of contact in there so a Timeout on the floor with 620 left to go in the fourth quarter a 14 Timberwolves lead and the Suns have challenged this call we’ll give you the result when we come back on the Timberwolves radio network if you’ve got the right tools and the friendly people at US Bank in your corner making smarter money choices is a piece of cake if only our tools and helpful advisers could have helped you avoid some of those not so smart choices in life like that time you tried to pick up unicycling who W coming through or when you thought it’d be okay to pet that squirrel in the Park good squirrel good squirrel sh while we can’t help you with all that we can help you bank smartly at smarter together member FDIC dear Road Rivals let’s talk about extra Toyota offers tons of extra with Toyota Care our no cost maintenance plan good for 2 years or 25,000 M no cost oil changes no cost tire rotations no cost fluid level adjustments and more that’s a whole lot of extra at no cost from Toyota Nissan and Ford charge extra for maintenance and that’s the kind of extra nobody needs try harder Toyota based manufactur sure is data as of 319 2024 covers noral Factory scheduled service for 2 years or 25,000 mies whichever occurs first see participating deal for coverage [Music] details it’s Cal squis with another scoreboard update brought to you by your local Toyota dealers visit today let’s go places well the Timberwolves trying to hang on to this one and build themselves a 30 series lead that’s what the Denver Nuggets did yesterday evening at Arena in LA a 112 105 win last night gave the Nuggets a 3 Series Advantage they’ve now won 11 consecutive games against LeBron and the Lakers dating back to January of 2023 here’s Big Man and likely MVP Nik yic on uh the fact that even though they make it look easy it’s not that easy to be honest I think I gam is tougher and tougher you know you can see the they were up 20 in Denver in the game two uh they were up 12 in the uh today in in the first first half but uh yeah I think it’s really hard to to play against same team over and over again uh you kind of get boring the style of the play or whatever so you just need to kind of keep you especially for us because we want we want the last three just trust what we are doing and don’t get bored with success because it can get wrong it could get wrong really quick well the Nuggets do not seem bored with success through three games in this first round they could be the first team to advance out of the first round with a win tomorrow night in uh La that one tips off at 9:00 central time let’s get back to Phoenix and alen Horton all right Cal thank you very much well it’s tough to describe how this Tony Brothers explained the decision on this challenge the bad news is the Suns won the challenge the good news is that all they did was switch who the foul was on that’s like the ultimate insult to Frank vogle and the sun they can’t believe it so instead of it going against Josh AI it’s corrected to Bradley Beal so Tony Brothers was like yeah you’re right we got it wrong we got the wrong guy on the foul still two free throws for ant you lose your challenge and the Suns they lose the time out although it’s the they only have one timeout left and I can’t remember how the media timeouts go they still might be responsible for the under three minute timeout so they might have zero timeouts left ant hits the free throw 10792 it’s still in this uncomfortable range of 12 to 16 points an with a second free throw got it timber wolves have Mike Conley Nel Alexander Walker Anthony Edwards Jaden McDaniels Rudy goar Bradley Beal up in the front Court he’s got Rudy on him pulls him out to the perimeter looking to drive stop top of the key steps back fires in the three and got it Bradley Beal four of eight from Deep he’s up to 22 points still six minutes left to play in the game it’s 10895 sons have finally hunted threes at their most desperate moment and they’ve held themselves around in this game right side Conley passed to the corner deflected by Gordon out of bounds six the shot block 549 left to play in the game Tim rolles are still out scoring the Suns at the three-point line 13 made threes to nine Mike opposite the woles bench he will trigger in quickly to Anthony Edwards against Josh a Ki three on the shot clock ants double turns goes up on the shot and got fouled Kevin Scott makes the call ANS going back to the free throw line for two horrific foul by the Suns with S10 of a second on the shot clock J commits it he just reached out when an was going up and ant’s arms just went haywire because he got fouled free throw is up and in for Anthony Edwards second free throw is good 11095 back to a 15-point lead Bradley Beal brings it up to center of the floor drift to the left side he’s got Rudy switched onto him he’ll give it off to Gibbs to Gordon right side Gordon on the drive floats it up with the left hand shot no rebound out of bounds it’s going to be tber wolves basketball wolves catch a break there the suns were doing a good job it just getting points on every possession keeping the pressure on the Wolves at the other end now they have the ball up by 15 an has scored the last six for Minnesota ANS up to 28 points eight rebounds four assists Josh aogi on him off the goar screen with it now against Bradley Beal crosses him over between the legs to the elbow and a reach in foul on Bradley Beal did you hit the like button come on hit the like button and subscribe too join seven at the free throw l hits again and it was eight of 10 at the free throw line over the first two games he’s eight for eight tonight so 16 for 18 at the stripe and another one and Rudy goar perfect at the line six for six tonight gosh he’s been tremendous Jo on a drive missed the layup and because he missed it then they’ll get the foul on Conley and Mike picked up as fifth we have three players on the floor that have five fouls nille Jaden Mike 25 fouls against Minnesota 22 against the Suns woles trying to go wire to wire here in game three they have not Trail the game’s been tied five time so it’s not a true wire to wire I consider a wire to wire where the game is never tied and the opponent doesn’t have the lead now of course that’s with the exception of z0 that doesn’t count every game starts Z Z aogi hits two free throws back to a 15-point game Conley with it 505 left to play Conley brings it up on be who reaches in for the steel doesn’t get it Conley feeds ant left side off the RO screen Edwards with it up top against kg they fake the double now he just Rises up for the three missed it off the back iron long rebound Tracked Down by Rudy he Taps it to ant ant drives in on aogi the layup no good aogi did a wonderful job of backing off and pulling the chair and that threw ant off balance big Collision inside as ant went down he rolled in the leg of Beal Who hobbling coming back up the floor here’s Durant up top Gordon they go back left side and Gordon throw it right to Mike connley Mike into the front Court bounc it off Rudy in the lane tried to make the extra pass and it’s turned over here’s Durant back the other way KD runs it up in the paint and Banks it in for two I mean Mike who doesn’t make bad decisions that was an awful decision by Mike gley I’m sorry he feeds Rudy on the run at the top of the key what what is Rudy supposed to do with it there he sees the defense setting up if he if he holds on to that pass he’s going to crash into the defender it’ll be an offensive foul so he tries to get rid of it quickly and throws it to a Phoenix Suns playay I mean Mike has got to know you Circle that thing out and burn some clock you’re better off coming up empty on that possession while burning 20 more seconds off the clock than giving up a fast break opportunity to the Phoenix Suns 11499 time out of the four Timberwolves up by 15 points good news is they do have possession of the B timber wolves uh used a stronger defensive effort in the first two wins with a 99 defensive rating that’s given up 99 points for 100 possessions in basically games one and two uh here tonight it’s been more of an offensive game and the Wolves offensive rating is a 131 actually 132 right now all 13 made threes at a at a high clip at 41 % 49% shooting turnovers 13 for the Wolves 21 to 23 at the free throw line the wolves are a plus 21 on the glass tonight now Phoenix you know I had to I I triple check this number because in this series it certainly hasn’t felt like Phoenix has been a good rebounding team but in the regular season they were the fifth best rebounding team in the NBA they a they out rebounded their opponents by an average of three per game they were a better rebounding team than Minnesota who finished up seventh in rebound differential out of the timeout Wilson right to left Nel against Booker T on the shot clock as Mike gets a touch on the right side off the Rudy screen left-handed dribble Mike probes backs it out six to shoot trying to get it to Rudy on a post up against field Rudy with it in the paint runs it up with the left hand missed the shot and it never did hit the rim so it’ll be a shot clock violation but that’s okay it burned 24 seconds it’s a dead ball turnover not a live ball turnover you can live with those especially with 355 left and a 15-point lead Beal Booker Gordon Durant and aogi Josh has been on the floor for the entire fourth quarter an remains on the floor he’s played 39 minutes tonight here’s Booker with it up top crosses over on Jaden McDaniels in the lane double clutches missed the shot he was hunting for for a foul didn’t get it rout to the rebound here’s a on the push he’ll do the wise thing and dribble out to the perimeter 330 left to go in the fourth quarter Edwards backs it out to midcourt Smart basketball an with it against Gordon crosses him up drives in the paint and draws a foul Beal picks it up that’s his fifth an back to the free throw line where his nine for nine here tonight just a tremendously well played game by Minnesota they’ve just they’ve just had the answer for everything Phoenix has done offensively and defensively woles fans are still time to secure playoff tickets go online or call the dunk line at 61267 31234 that’s the dunk line at 612673 23 4 representatives are still standing by even after midnight tell them at wolves radio told you to call get a full or half season members chips for next season and you will get playoff tickets this year 612 673 1 2 3 4 an scored 10 of the last 12 he hits both free throws J given the three won’t take it he drives in on Rudy never mind kick out Beal good pump fake he moves it off to Gordon Baseline hangs kicks out of kogi right angle three on its way off the rib no and ant’s got the rebound leaking out Rudy pass up ahead Rudy will catch it he’ll race to the rib he’ll lay it up and in he drew the foul it’s it’s an and one for Rudy goar and this might be a flagrant that was a wild swing by aogi and I think he got the back of the head of Rudy goar they’re going to look at this this might be a flagrant foul on Josh aogi Rudy with a solid finish 254 left to play Let’s Take a look at this ant from inside his own restricted area and J got him in the the back of the head and he did have a bit of a follow through there too oh he came down hard on the head it’s a flagrant and it might be a flagrant to ejection we’ll see what the referee say with 254 left to go in the fourth quarter the good news is Rudy is appears to be just fine stick with us coming up you’ll hear from head coach Chris Finch we’ll get play reaction from this one updated scores from around the NBA oh wild swing right across the head everyone’s a big J fan but that’s that’s a flagrant and I think that’s a flagrant uh that gets you ejected he gets him on the head he follows through all the things they talk about no play on the ball flagrant foul two would be an ejection flagrant foul one yeah I think I think Tony Brothers is saying you’re gone now will Tony Brothers explain it on the microphone for the rest of us tough to say the foul on the floor has been upgraded to a flagrant file penalty to the player would be ejected the ball went in the basket there’ll be two shots to make one first throw oh we get a two to make one it’s a rare occurrence ah love it because on a regular an1 you get the free throw but you have to be able to get them the N1 and you get the rare two to make one and Jo heads toward the tunnel after the flagrant foul to now the security Personnel are still on the floor here I’m not sure why they’re walking all over the floor so Rudy’s at the free throw line he’s got two free throws to make one so if you make the first you don’t get the second but if you miss the first you get another crack out it and the Wolves will have possession of the ball short didn’t happen though now see they are going to put it down as a Miss free throw oh now this turns into a Chick-fil-A [Applause] situation second free throw is good nicely done by Rudy is’s seven of eight at the free throw line tonight 19 points for Rudy goar 14 rebounds so the wolves have a chance for a five-point possession maybe even a six-point possession they’ve already gotten three 11999 the Frank V sends out Booker Durant Beal O’Neal and Gordon 250 left to play connley with it up top he’ll pop on a straightway three it’s offline no and the rebound to Deon Booker here come the Suns on the Run Booker directing traffic with his right arm dribbling with his left now to Gordon in the corner it’s Durant Durant against McDaniels backs him down mid post now Fades Baseline turnar around that’s his patented shot but too little too late Durant is eight of 18 shooting he’s got 25 points not enough the big three have all gone for 20 plus well the wolves have six players in double figures led by ants 32 points Edwards on the attack to the Elbow backs it out still 10 to shoot he’s doubled Cross Court Nel he’s open spot up for the three it came up short Booker with the rebound turns and races up the floor he spots Beal right side three ball on its way is good 119 to 104 it’s a 15-point lead with two minutes left to play in the game bounce pass to Conley he’ll lob it into the front Court here’s nil on the right side n circling around spots Jaden in the corner Jaden will burn some more clock smart decision he was open for the three pulled it down ant with it takes the drive circles back out to the three-point line Edwards left hand to the Baseline stop and pop pull up 10f footer good 34 for Anthony Edwards Timberwolves 121 Suns 104 it has been a dominant second half for Anthony Edwards here’s Durant with it up top matched up against Rudy goar crosses over Durant top of the key gives up the dribble now Beal wide open right side that one’s good again 28 for Beal 121 107 14-point game here’s Jaden up into the front Court Jaden into the paint drops it back out now Mike will smartly turn and race out to the perimeter 112 left to play in the game Mike spins away from Devin Booker runs to the right side of the floor feeds McDaniels inside went up for the dunk didn’t get it Durant fouls him 106 left to play ant has 16 in the fourth quarter he has 18 in the second half and Edwards who played 19 minutes in the second half not sure he’s come off the floor might have been a couple of minutes there Jaden misses a free [Applause] throw one more free throw coming up the fans that are left are hoping he misses for free chicken uh-uh 122 to 107 still a 15-point lead with 64 seconds left Beal stops he’ll pop on a right side three that one’s going to be long and the wolves have the rebound with 55 seconds left to play it has been a dominant performance tonight the Timberwolves just doing everything right in this series the Suns can’t get anything going here’s Anthony Edwards in the lane stop and pop the jumper is good two more for ant give him 36 points nine rebounds five assists it has been a masterpiece here’s Booker on the attack to the rim and he dunks it 10 uh 124 109 off the inbound Booker tried to get away from Conley now Durant fouls Nel Alexander Walker coming across mid court and finally Frank vogo will empty the bench Booker Durant Beal all going to come off the floor this Sun’s team which had the fourth best record since December 27th they went 35 and 18 from that point right after Christmas fourth best record top 10 offense top 10 defense they had beaten the Wolves three times dominated the Wolves three times dominated the Wolves more than any team this season but yet the wolves have dominated the Suns in this series N with 15 points make it 16 all in the second half 126 to 109 David Rody the Minneapolis native the former Grizzly drops it for O’Neal who fires on a three it’s an air ball out of bounds 20.2 seconds left oh I see a Durant Seattle Sonic Jersey that is nice from the 0708 season he’s the only member of the Sonic still uh from that Squad that final Squad in Seattle he’s the only one still left in the NBA Timberwolves will dribble it out in the front Court there were five ties in this game but the Suns never LED in a game they had to win the T wols dominate 126 109 first time in franchise history they’ve been up three games to none in a series first time in franchise history they’ve ever won three straight postseason games they’ve done that with a victory here tonight 126 109 is the final an absolutely wild night for the Wolves who pulled away in the third quarter with a sensational 36-20 quarter Mike connley had 15 points seven assists he’s going to join us here post game a 17-point win on the road up three 0 Mike how does that sound up three games to none sounds good man um the job’s not finished though man we know what we came here for um this tonight was the biggest game of the year for us we played like it and um you know we’re looking forward to game four you know you say that and it’s the right attitude to have obviously has that been important to kind of pass all on to the guys that a you know you win game one and okay we got to make it too we got to hold court on on home court and then you get to game three then you get to game four and then it’s the next series that you got to worry about yeah um you know each day is it’s just like a different challenge um at home we had to keep home court we had to get game one get game two uh coming on the road you knew we were going to get their best shot tonight they played very hard got off quick and fast and um you know was aggressive with us early and uh we weathered the storm um came out here with a a win that we wanted to get and like I said job’s not finished we got to get back to it and um learn from tonight and and get ready for game four you guys outscored them 36 to 20 in that third quarter the third quarter has been masterful for you guys they’ve dominated each of the three what what what why has it been so good for you guys I honestly think it’s been our our mentality our Focus level going into the second half um guys are are are committed to to sacrificing for each other right now and you see it out there on the court defensively we’re all over the place we’re talking communicating and when you can do that I think it’s you know over fourth quarter game man second half it starts to wear on people people um and we’re in great great shape great condition and these guys uh have earned it for for us these last last couple games you got going in that second quarter you had all 10 of your first half points in that frame did you know you needed to get it going is that what just team that’s what the team needed oh yeah you know how I am man um I play my role uh you know I try to get aggressive when I can and I knew the second quarter was going to be a chance for me to do that and uh guys trust me obviously and they were doing some switching today that kind of put their bigs on guards and stuff like that so uh try to take advantage of that and uh to the paint make some plays is it key not to get wrapped up in what they try to do late when obviously frustration is growing for them uh yeah that’s what we got to keep our mental right now uh we’re like we’re an emotional team shoot we we uh we’ve been there you know where frustration sets in and you start you know just acting crazy and doing different things and for us we’re on the other end of it we have to hold our hold our emotions back uh keep Our poise stay resilient like we like we have been and uh credit to our guys of of of doing that late tonight and uh we’re going to have to experience it again uh game four yeah Micha we’ll see you on Sunday congratulations on the win well done all right thank you yeah Mike connley along with me after a victory over the Suns here tonight 106 to 92 that was not the final score the final score was 126 to 109 Mike Conley joins us a talking to ESPN and their postgame show nille Alexander Walker talking on Bal Sports North it’s a Wolves win on the road they’re now three and2 in game threes on the road this season nille is done he’s heading to the locker room what a big second half for that young man 16 points five assists the Wolves just pulled away in that third quarter and they have just figured out offensively uh what to do against this Sun’s defense and it’s a it’s it’s a bold strategy to try to double someone 35t away in this in this league and the Suns have not been able to get away with that philosophy but they don’t have anything else to turn to we’ll talk more about it postgame show is next 126 109 your wolves are up three games the none over the six seated Suns on the Timberwolves radio network you are our local businesses you are our Community Partners our neighbors families and friends 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Minnesota Timberwolves vs Phoenix Suns Live NBA live stream
suns vs timberwolves Live NBA Live Stream Play by Play 4/26/2024

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