@Chicago Bulls

91 Bulls Vs. 96 Bulls DEBATE! Who’s GREATER?

91 Bulls Vs. 96 Bulls DEBATE! Who’s GREATER?

[Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] start make any noise [Music] hello everyone Michael Jordan fans are the best and today we’re going to be having a debate between alesandro and Sports and Fitness Rance Robin over which team is greater the 91 bulls or the 96 Bulls but first let’s welcome our debate bers first Alexandro how are you doing today very good thank you thank you very much hi everyone and we’ve got uh Robin how are you today yo yo my man D Alexandro what’s up everybody out there in the chat man once again let’s do it guys let’s roll absolutely uh do do either of you have anything you want to say before the debate starts um and for the people that don’t know alisandra will be representing 96 bulls and Robin will be representing the 91 Bulls Al you got anything to say well um as I said to you guys I’m I’m a huge um basketball fan but Chicago Bulls fan so for me it’s pretty hard this kind of debate but uh and uh robbing I love robbing I love is a great guy to me it’s I I think it’s really um a nice guy I I follow his channel as well and uh it’s really nice to hear his opinion on stuff and I agree on on most of the stuff actually that he says maybe I think everything so it’s really hard to have this kind of battle but you know I’m a competitive person so let’s do it Robin you have anything before uh to say before we start uh no man alesandro he humbles me man like I said with his words man uh thank you very much for your support I appreciate that everybody in the chat once again I I appreciate everybody out there that’s been supporting my channel like I said we’re both huge Michael Jordan fans and so once again this will be interesting and for me you know I didn’t know I was going to have to debate a 91 versus 96 angle ever you know I’ve never really thought about this so like I said man we’re gonna just have fun with this man and see where it goes man so yes guys I’m ready to do it absolutely and because Robin has the higher YouTube subscriber count he is elected to go second um not me there we go all right all right uh so uh alesandro uh just like last time there’ll be a 10-second primer for the people that don’t know there’ll be five three minute rounds uh do you have any questions before we start no I’m I’m okay all right let’s get into it 3 2 one okay let’s go um the 96 and the 91 Bulls but from a bulls fan I think it’s really as I said before it’s really hard for me but I have to say that to me the 96 Bulls are not just better than the 91 Bulls but better overall as a team um not only they won 72 games lost only 10 so it’s like 11 games more than the 91 Bulls but also they lost only uh three more games in the in the playoffs they swep the first round they swep the in the Eastern Conference Finals the lost only one game uh to the New York Knicks and only two games in the finals with the with the sonics so overall they Lo they played one under game and lost only 13 so it doesn’t get much better than that and uh but that’s only the the beginning and U many people they just stopped there I think the 91 96 bus they really U have so much more that maybe um many don’t don’t remember I don’t know but uh you know they had Phil Jackson as the coach of the year jerro kuss as the executive of the year Michael Jordan won won the regular season the scoring leader in the regular season and postseason and he won the MVP That season Dennis Robin was the um leader in rebounds and rebounds per game Tony Cooks the Sixth Man of the Year and also Michael Jordan Scot pipen and Denis roban all the three of them they were in the old defensive first team and aside the fact that only a handful of team had three PE three players in the old defensive first team since 1996 there’s no other team they won or not not the title not the team with three people in all defensive first team and all these accomplishment alone it’s really hard to argue in my opinion to find another another team to match that you you can’t find it that’s simple as that you can’t find another team with all this accomplishment in one one season and uh of course with Michael Jordan it’s pretty easy to say okay yeah they one because Michael Jordan but uh you know 72 games is not just Michael Jordan is the old team h plus um again is not just the finals or the playoffs but during the season they had um both Luke Longley and Dennis Roman they they missed I think 20 games each so with well maybe longly was not the best Center of all time of course but when you have Rodman that is a is a great defender and you don’t have him for for 20 uh games throughout the season um it it’s really hard to have that defensive presence they needed and even even so they won anyway they won 72 games so I think it’s uh this the accomplishment yeah so man some great points made by my man allesandro of course coming with the facts so for me what we’re going to talk about in this debate man as we go through these rounds here is I’m going to try to make the case here as the 91 Bulls being the best version of all the Chicago Bulls championship teams whether or not people believe the 91 Chicago Bulls are the greatest team of all time is irrelevant in this debate what we’re debating here is 1991 versus 1996 so what we’re going to fall back on for this debate for me is going to be the the play of Michael Jordan the play of Scotti Pippen on both both sides of the ball because for me the 1991 Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan and Scotti Pippen were at their peaks to me when we talk about their overall careers on both sides of the ball athletically skills wise all of these things it came together in the 1991 NBA season so this is what I’m going to push in this debate how to me Michael Jordan was better in 1991 or the version of Michael Jordan was a little bit better than 1991 the version of Scottie Pippen was a little bit better in 19 91 I think the numers support this I think the on court video footage the way they played on the court it also backs those statements up so that’s what we’re going to focus on in this debate man and that to me is what pushes the 1991 Bulls over the edge for all the other teams also something we must think about when we talk about the 1991 Chicago Bulls this was going to be the first for a lot of these guys right the first time the Chicago Bulls would win a championship the first time the Bulls would beat the Detroit Pistons right so when we think about those kinds of things that’s also something we must talk about during this debate this is going to be the first for a lot of these guys for the Chicago Bulls man when people think about the Chicago Bulls in 1991 and we talk about first the 1991 Bulls I believe they won 61 games that was actually the best record in Bulls franchise history up to that point so once again another first for the Chicago Bulls in 1991 and also something we’re going to focus on in this debate is how for me in 1991 to me that’s really the only year that you can clearly say that the Bulls were not the favorites in the NBA finals going into the NBA finals going into that season 1991 for me is going to be the really the only season that we could really point to and say definitively that most people were picking against Chicago Bulls they were going with the veteran leadership the experience of the Los Angeles Lakers man a lot of people picking Magic Johnson the James worthies the Byron Scott the AC greens these guys had experience the Chicago Bulls had no experience not one play in that roster had any finals experience but yet still they were able to come through in the end so these are the kinds of things that we’re going to focus on throughout this debate because for me the Chicago Bulls in 1991 they showed a lot of people man and they proved a lot to a lot of the people a lot of doubters out there as well as Michael Jordan man so these are going to be the things that we’re going to focus on this debate and I think that’s what clearly makes the 1991 Chicago Bulls that much better than all the other championship teams that was the peak Michael and Scotty P I I’m not going to argue too much about what Robbie just said because he says f facts and it’s just it he doesn’t have a really huge knowledge about about basketball so um I can’t just pick Point by point but to me uh on the other hand even though he he just said right things is is it’s true Michael Jon Scot pimp they were in their best shape in that moment compared to the 96 I don’t I don’t want to argue that but what I want to argue is that the the rest of the team but in particular the other stars of the team to me they were more cohesive and more um more mature in the 96 version of the Chicago Bulls um besides Michael Jon Scotty pipen uh we have Ron arper which uh uh Robin knows very well Ron arper in the late 80s and early 90s before his his injury he was considered one of the the biggest Michael Jordan Defender one of the biggest Michael Jordan stopper and and he was he was really the maybe the third third guard besides Michael Jordan and Clyde dler I think Ron uper was the third guard in the late 80s and early 90s and you have it in your team it was not scoring 20 points per game no but he was still a great defender really great shooter was able to shoot for three from midrange was a great defender overall and in in general I think he was the best overall player besides Michael Jord and Scotty pipen but then you have Dennis Rodman and you know to me Dennis is maybe the best uh the the best defender in um the shorter best defender because he could defend seven footer 72 footer with no problem it could stop anyone it could enter in your mind and you know destroy your mind and that that was his game and it was not a shooter it was nothing like that but he was H it was just a great defender and let’s not forget he was is the only player in the history of the NBA to have two um games in the finals with 11 um 11 offensive rebounds um and it’s just great and I think he also the second best player in the history of the NBA to have I think 41 offensive rebounds throughout the final series and he was really key in that final and I think that many argued that in that final he should be the should have been the MVP of the finals because he played really really great defense and great um it was great in both the offense and defensive um board then you have Tony kach six man of the year but he was not just the sixthman of the year he played here in Europe and he was really an awesome player great great three-point shooter great passer and uh and then Steve Kerr you have well maybe Steve Kerr was not like a star but um yeah so absolutely I’ll made some points about the cohesion of the Chicago Bulls in 1996 the kinds of players they had in that team now absolutely the Chicago Bulls of 1996 listen most people believe that Chicago Bulls of 96 are the greatest team of all time however when we talk about the roster from top to bottom and you mention guys like Ron Harper the Dennis Rodman the Tony K coaches absolutely those players were key to those Championship runs no doubt about it but when we talk about the cohesion it was actually in facted 1991 Chicago Bulls that had the cohesion when we think about the the players uh the core players like a Michael Jordan a Scotty Pippen a Horus Grant a John Paxton all four of these players even a bill cartrite to a certain extent these players were together about four or five seasons up until that point so that’s cohesion right there at his finest that’s what we always talk about on these channels when we talk about the development of a Horus Grant the development of a Scotty Pippen that goes to the cohesion they had on the basketball court so for me the 1991 Chicago Bulls would be the team in fact that had more experience playing together uh than the 96 Chicago Bulls we all know Dennis Rodney came there that was his first year and I believe Ron Harper that was like his second year there but he was injury riddled his first season so with the cohesion I’m going to go with the 91 Chicago Bulls now when we talk about the roster top to bottom we talk about the other guys we talk about the Tony Kos the Steve CS the guys for example think about Craig Hodes for example Craig Hodes was a three-point Champion three times in a row three times in a row Craig Hodes with a three-point uh Championship now it’s not just about the three-point shooting for some L A Craig hajes because for me Craig hajes was better on the defensive end than someone like a Steve cerr so we talk about the bench players a Steve cerr versus a Craig Hodes we can say that’s maybe a watch and maybe I’ll give the edge to a Craig hajes because once again on the defensive end to me Craig hajes was a better presence on the defensive end than a Steve cerr and once again the shooting once again is the same because Steve cerr we think about his shooting in the finals for the Chicago Bulls Steve cerr shot 25% from the three-point line in the finals with the Chicago Bulls so Steve cerr wasn’t known necessarily for his three-point shooting in the finals he was known for just being a knockdown shooter over all so when we talk about the other guys now it comes down to what it comes down to guys like Tony kwach Dennis Rodman you mentioned so let’s think about the Dennis Rodman Horus Grant matchup now this is going to get very interesting here because overall obviously Dennis R is a much greater player than Horus Grant but once again we’re talking about 1991 version of horse Graham we talking about the 1996 version of Dennis Ramen although Dennis Ramen was still very great on that second repeat in 1996 this is not Pete Dennis Rodman Dennis Rodman at his P to me was in that late 80s early 90s the Detroit pons when he in fact won back-to-back defensive play the Year Awards when he was guarding guys like Isaiah I mean Larry Bird Michael Jordan the magic Johns out there of the world so to me as far as the Dennis ran hores Grand match up is going to be kind of even to me because on the offensive end we all know that Dennis rman was a liability to me horis Graham was a little bit better but we’ll dive down more into the rest of the matchups the rest of the lineups as we talk about the overall teams man because the cohesion for me goes to the 91 bullan you made you made great points and I I um agree with something that you said because it’s true maybe Dennis was better during the uh the Detroit business years but what I think in in respect of the orus grant comparison I think that orus was still he needed to have that push from Michael you need to have Michael Jordan saying okay don’t cry if they if they want to um to to keep going on you he he had to bring him to to to that level uh but to me Dennis was still was already in that level he was in in a matchup I think the mentally Denis would destroy orus I loved orus but mentally I think maybe physically not because orus was uh bigger was maybe stronger physically but mentally I think that Dennis could destroy anyone I don’t know a player a single player they they talk about today’s NBA player for example it would be destroy anyone but comparing to the 91 boost again I think that aside the fact that also the the team the 96 boost they had the they were the first um first in offensive defensive rating and points per game rating uh throughout the the all all the the the teams and the 91 bulls not it was seventh I think in the defensive rating but uh when I see the roster and when I remember play The Players the the 91 Bulls besides Michael and um and Scotty and for some extent orus uh they were much much of them they were too young uh bill cartwight was really experienced a great Center um if he wasn’t um I think he had a pretty big injury when he was in New York but besides that he was a great great Center was a great defender and was a great shooter actually um but the other guys I think about BJ Armstrong or Stacy King k Cliff Lon where guys um or Paxton no where Paxton was a little bit better was a little bit older but Stacy king or BJ were much much younger than let’s say a um I don’t know Bill Wellington or Randy Brown uh or um another Sally John Sally another great defender from the Detroit Pistons I think that team was um maybe they didn’t play as many years um like the N1 Bulls together I mean but in terms of um single singularly play even um every player could be really guarding and defending on the 91 Bulls much much better if you compare the two of them um besides that I think uh everything that the 96 bull did was just show [Music] how yeah so when we talk about the offensive ratings the defensive ratings The abilities of both of these teams on both sides of the ball when we think about the Chicago Bulls in 1991 a lot of people know the 96 Bulls as being the one all time one of the alltime great defensive teams no doubt about it one of the alltime great offensive teams right they were great on both sides of the ball you talked about the veteran Savvy of a lot of these guys but when we talk about the 1991 Chicago Bulls a lot of people don’t realize in the postseason the 91 Chicago Bulls were one of only two teams to be holding a teams under 100 points a game they were holding teams to 92 points a game in in the in the playoffs That season which is pretty much unheard of at that time there was only another other team I believe the Utah Jazz holding teams under 100 points in the postseason so when we think about that and we think about the teams that the Bulls were going against once again let’s talk about the Bulls going into this postseason now and let’s talk about some of the teams that the Bulls had to beat and we think about some of the players on these teams so obviously the the Chicago Bulls beat the New York Knicks in the first round three games to nothing led by Patrick Yan we all know about the dunk that Michael Jordan had over Patrick euan going fake left going right on the Baseline around the double team slam dug and Patrick y that was the 1991 NBA playoffs we talk about the 1991 NBA playoffs we talk about the second round the Chicago Bulls beat Charles Barkley Philadelphia 76 is a very good team the Chicago Bulls beat them and then we think about the uh the Eastern Conference Finals where Chicago Bulls would face off against the Detroit Pistons man and to me once again we talk about the first as I mentioned earlier the first the Chicago Bulls beat a defending Champion a back-to-back champion in the Eastern Conference they swept them right out of man the Chicago Bulls that was the only time the Chicago Bulls would ever beat a back-to-back defending champion in any of these runs man the Chicago Bulls handedly beat the the Detroit Pistons led by Isaiah Thomas man so when we think about the quality of opponents that the Chicago Bulls were beating in 1991 the players that they were beating guys like Patrick Ying Charles Barkley Isaiah Thomas and then we think about the 1991 NBA finals and we think about Magic Johnson to me Magic Johnson is the best player the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan ever be in the NBA Finals the 1996 finals with they played Gary Payne and Shan Kemp they were a great team I’m not saying the 91 Lakers are the best team of Bulls beat in the finals but Magic Johnson’s hands down the best player they beat in the finals individual player was Magic Johnson and once again Magic Johnson brought his aame coming off a back-to-back MVPs he was a runner up to the MVP that year now let’s think about the Chicago Bulls in 1991 they only lost two games two games the entire postseason two the 96 Bulls lost three games during that postseason run you mentioned the loss of the New York Knicks and the two losses to the Seattle superon in the NBA Finals so the 1991 Chicago Bulls were in fact a very potent team on both sides of the ball then we think about the Horus Brent and the Dennis Ryman aspect that I was talking I touched on earlier we talk about the athleticism the peak of a horse Grant horse Grant to me once again was a better shot blocker than a Dennis Rodman he got steals at a better rate than a Dennis romman doesn’t make him anywhere near defensive player Denman but he was still a great player um good great Point Robin um you you touched the playoffs and uh that that was actually my next Point as well um because yes it’s true they they lost the 96 Bulls lost one more game uh in postseason compared to the 91 Bulls but what what it’s um really comes down to uh to me is that in 91 the 91 Bulls they had this Michael Jordan Scotty pip and Michael Jord in particular was really dominating in the 96 um actually actually Michael was coming out it was the first season of Michael coming back to the NBA and I think that uh as a team in in total uh they were really much much better in terms of the fact that even when um but the first example is in during the finals we all know that the fin the 96 finals were the were the less efficient for Michael Jordan but the rest of the team they really responded great they had uh three they they won three games um against the the sonics then they lost two games and then they won the last game but um the rest of the team they really rose up to the occasion because they needed to do that because Michael Jordan was not shooting as well as usually we we we usually know him for being 50% shooter and he was shooting under like I think was like 40 44% but the rest of the team and that’s what I want to point out the the the difference here uh the 91 Bulls they needed to have that Michael Jordan with 31 points uh with 11 assists during the finals uh we they needed that in the 96 Michael Jordan was not performing at his Peak but still they won they won 72 games they won a title they won a final really hard final because Michael J was defending really well by um by pton so and during the playoffs yes they lost one more game but they swept the Miami Heat with alono morning Alonzo Morning was really an an outstanding player back then he was the second best center in the league besides um besides Shaq they swept the the Shaq and um penard way LED magic and again the best I think that that was the best magic uh Team Orlando Magic team ever in my opinion and I remember them really really well from that then they lost one game to the the Knicks they actually lost it in the in OT and and The Bu were really going going at them really really well they lost for like three three points so it’s I don’t think it’s it’s that major uh thing uh and then they um again with the uh with SuperSonics they they defended like crazy they uh they were able to um 3 2 1 yeah so when we about the the competition that we were talking about we think about the Chicago Bulls man let’s go back to what I was talking about earlier this is the main point that we have to understand here about the 1991 Chicago Bulls versus 96 Bulls guys Michael Jordan and Scotti Pippen in 1991 guys they were better than they were in 1996 they were just better once again this does not take away from Michael Jordan or Scotti pip in the 96 they were excellent but Michael Jordan was just better in 1991 and why was he better because for me Michael Jordan had the perfect match of the athleticism still and The Savvy the overall game that he had developed remember this was their second year now in the Triangle offense and Michael Jordan was showing that he was able to master this offense he understood where he had to be where everyone else was going to be when we think about Scotty Pippen in 1991 people will often talk about him not being an All-Star in 1991 and know he was not an All-Star but we must think about why because this goes to the popularity of a lot of the players in that time and the great players that played in that era that was part of the reason why Scott pipp didn’t make an All-Star team it didn’t have any to do with his lack of development or his overall lack of game that might be Scotty Pippen’s best overall season is 1991 when you think about his overall game like I said coming to a head you think about Scotty ppp’s performance in the playoffs in 1991 that might be once again his best postseason run I’m talking about from the first Playoff round all the way to the NBA finals and for me Scottie Pippen in the 1991 NBA Finals that might be his best fils performance in 1991 Scot P was not good in 1996 he was not good on either side of the ball man the Bulls like you said had to rely on a lot of people man the the team but once again Michael Jordan was leading them doing other things playing that defense but when we think about the overall play of Scotti Pippen in 1996 his game suffered and why it was this because Scotty Pippen started to fall in love with that three-point shot in 1996 man if you look at his overall game he started taking a lot more jump shots a lot more three-point shots in 96 in 1991 Sky P wasn’t doing that he was attacking the hole more he was being more of a facilitator like I said making executing more off the dribble and attacking that Rim man taking better shots man the shot election for Scott pipman to me was better in 1991 so we have to think about Michael Jord and Scotty Pippin to me being better versions of themselves in 91 on both sides of the ball and we think about horse Grant they used to call it releasing the doberman’s that’s what they used to call the Bulls defense in those early Bulls runs man with Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen and horse Grant these guys were all over the place the athleticism the quickness they would want full-court presses halfcourt traps that’s they did against Mike Magic Johnson the finals man and you think about that NBA Finals man Michael Jord performance in that NBA Finals one of the greatest performances that might be his greatest NBA Finals performance we could argue against other finals Michael Jordan was great in every NBA Finals right we always talk about Michael Jordan raising his level of play but the man was Sensational man on both sides of the ball once again they playmaking you talk about the playmaking guys like Paxton these other guys making shots once again that goes to the death of the roster the Bulls were great in 1991 okay another great round robin for your your points and um I want to uh just recap what I what I think why I think the 96 Bulls are still better than the 91 Bulls uh so to me again it’s a the the total not just the 72 wins but is the fact that they they lost only 13 games in the All Season between the regular season the postseason they dominated everything in the post and in in the regular season and they with with uh again Michael Jordan winning the scoring title and be the MVP of the SE of the season and of the finals and having this great defensive team uh the the starters but also the bench because again this one thing that I I want to U make it clear that to why to me the 96 bu are really better than the i1 because in i1 they really had to depend too much as you said Robin you said really great things because Michael and Scotty they really played great in 91 but that to me that’s the the downside of the 91 Bulls as a team because they had to rely too much on them in the 96 in the 96 Bulls again when Michael or Scotty were not on on the they were on the bench to rest the rest of the team were able to keep the score or to at least defend and not getting uh the other teams to overwhelm them and they um particularly in the finals with the with the sonics they were able to um to bring to bring a to be a defensive team against not just with Michael or Scotty leading the charge but even without them they were able to stop them and to block any attempt to um to to win in they lost only just two games one pretty close the other one was a blowout yes but the other one is really really close and the rest of the of the of the series the bench was really something that the naan Bulls they didn’t have that kind of bench that with the experience with um uh great defensive actions they needed too much to depend on Michael and Scotty to lead the team and even if Michael and Scotty they really play well but the the 96 Bulls as a team was really Mo much more cohesive um with more experience they were able to um impose their will in a way that the 91 Bulls they never they never could do that if if they could they could have won maybe even more more games during the season but they the the dominance of the 96 Bulls throughout the season and with Michael Jordan just in his first season after uh his first first full season actually in the 96 they they didn’t they they they didn’t know that Michael Jordan could be again great 2 1 yeah so conclusion here man this has been a great debate man in conclusion we’re going to talk about once again everything that I’ve been saying when I talk about Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen being the better version of themselves it’s not necessarily the Bulls and the other guys around them relying on them necessarily in a negative way what I’m speaking to is these guys domage on both sides of the ball coming to a head this is why they were able to break through in 1991 so when we talk about these things man that’s what I’m alluding to when we talk about the other players on the team yes the Chicago blows might have the depth as far as the names of rosters but when we talk talk about guys like Bill cartrite we talk about guys like Stacy King the will produce to me these guys were better than a Luke Longley a bill Winnington some of the other big guys that played the Bison deles not saying these guys were not good or anything like that but to me they were more offensive minded players the guys that I mentioned they were more defensive minded so this goes to the overall game of the 1991 Chicago Bulls you know when people talk about Michael Jordan Chicago Bulls not losing more than three games in a row from 1991 to 1998 that started in the 1991 NBA season remember the Bulls started the season with a three-game losing streak and then Michael Jordan went into the locker room as The Story Goes and proceed to lay into his teammates because Michael Jordan’s a true competitor he’s a true leader and the Bulls never lost three games in a row from that moment on with Michael Jordan on the court that started with the 1991 Chicago Bulls man so once again when we’re arguing the 91 Bulls versus 96 Bulls you know what are we really talking about here we’re talking about Michael Jordan so this is what I’m thinking about when we talk about these teams which team that which version of Michael Jordan really was the best version because you give me any Chicago Bulls team with Michael Jordan on it and I’m telling you right now you have a chance to win against anybody any one of those Chicago Bull championship teams like I said as long as Michael Jordan is there you have a chance to win but it’s the 1991 bulls that are special because I said they were the first team they’re the original team and once again the Magic Johnson Lakers that they beat were a lot better than people thought man they went through the number one te Po in Trailblazers in the Western Conference Finals they beat some really good teams and rout to the NBA finals m Johnson was playing at alltime Great level still and like I said the Bulls guys like Craig Hodes the cliff Livingston like I said the John Pon man John pton was key man for the Chicago Bulls and those early uh threee Bulls man so once again when I think about Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan and the level of play that they were at man that was to me like I said that’s that was the start of everything that’s the original that’s the first man the 1991 Chicago Bulls man that 3p version of Chicago Bulls to me was my favorite version of Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan was Unstoppable he was Sensational man once again he was at his Max at his Peak athletically skill-wise all of these things the rest of the Bulls he was just waiting for them to get on board and once these guys came on board they were Unstoppable as we all know so once again this was a great debate a lot of people have the 96 Bulls are the greatest team of all time and top to bottom they are all-time great team probably the greatest team but for me when we think about the 91 Bulls that’s when Michael J and Scott at their best all right all right it was a great debate um 91 versus 96 Bulls I had I was smirking a little bit because some people were M saying it’s Michael Jordan versus Michael Jordan so I thought it was kind of funny but um I thought both man but that’s what we talking about I thought it was a great debate uh either way Robin how do you uh how do you think you did in the debate and uh do you have anything to say about the debate uh no I think that you know I pretty much covered you know I do all the stuff off the top of my head man you know but I did think about this stuff and you know the kind of things that I wanted to think about and and mention so I think that I mentioned you know all the points that I wanted to and like I said it’s it’s an uphill battle when you’re talking about the 1996 Chicago Bulls when we talk about people in general most people consider the 96 Bulls the greatest team of all time so once again what I’m trying to put some a highlight in this debate and hopefully I you know I did that was that the 1991 Chicago Bulls to me was like I said the better version of a Michael Jordan a Scotty Pippen and they were just as deep or almost as deep as the 1996 Chicago Bulls man alandro how do you think you did and uh what do you have to say about the debate well if I was um if I was um LeBron James I would find some kind of a lame excuse but uh it was a great it was a great debate and uh it was kind my kind of my nightmare coming true because I I knew that Robin was was really is really knowledgeable about basketball and he knows everything from the top of his head is really was a great a great to Great challenge for me so no I think that I I I I said what I what I I think it’s the my point because I I as again I’m a basketball fan but I’m a Michael Jordan a Chicago Bulls fan I that that’s the 91 Bulls were were great I can’t say otherwise but again that that’s really what what I feel about because the 96 boost to me uh what I said in the debate is exactly what I feel about the 96 boost compared to the 91 boost yeah no it’s definitely one of those you know which which version is better they’re both great versions of you know in my opinion the greatest player of all time so uh I did a I did a video about it and I know I I think I have both the teams at the highest here so so for me um that’s a tough one too you know what I’m saying so uh my so uh are you guys good to I wanted to drop the link if anyone wanted to have any Q&A are you guys good with that or yeah yeah go ahead all right um but yeah no I always uh it it’s an interesting one because for me in general uh the and I I kind of separate uh the retirement of Michael Jordan into in a way a separate career in a way so it’s it’s obviously the same but it’s a different chapter so for me the first the 91 and the 96 Bulls were both the best teams on both of those three Pats now or the greatest teams um and uh so for me it was really hard and um oh we got a caller already oh it’s t perfect of course Travis how how are you doing today hey guys I’m good can you actually hear me this time I can I can oh and we got Pier hold on I gotta I got Discord like going off so my bad I it just keeps popping everything up but um what you thought because you know you you put the 96 Bulls against the 91 Bulls yes of [Laughter] course yeah and Pierre welcome how are you Pierre hey D how you doing great I’m not gonna stay I’m not GNA stay I just wanted to comment on the guys and that and then get out of here okay uh I guess uh I guess you if you wanted to make comment real fast and uh go for it yeah yeah yeah uh and by the way Dart hope the family’s doing well absolutely you too okay um Robin is always forceful powerful knowledgeable um his ego is is there um you know Alexandra I don’t I never met him before um spirited um had passion when he spoke and I really enjoyed the banter back and forth no um animosity between the two combatants and um I give both of you guys props but um do I think who Ed I think I think Robin edged him a little bit out I think he won awesome uh real fast I see I saw Jamal was in the uh in in the comments asking where the link was um because uh Robin is uh streaming on his channel it’s coming off of mine the easiest way if you want to call in is to come to mine usually I’ll say this on these but I didn’t for this one um and and if you uh like that I hosted this debate between these two gentlemen please subscribe to my channel as well but uh yeah if you come to my channel it’s easiest to to call in the links in the in the my chat uh but Travis uh you had a you had a question or you wanted to make some comments or oh yeah I just want to say I mean I was this is actually one of the more fascinating debates for me because I’ve always said this 91 Bulls team was my favorite version of them just because exactly like Robin said I think this is the best version of Michael Jordan that we’ve ever seen as far as like a uh allaround presence especially like in the finals I think that’s the best player we’ve ever seen for any stretch of games uh especially two-way perspective um I feel like he was you could make an argument for 92 93 but I think 91 is when he kind of apexed and then obviously 96 he was you know I think a better leader but 91 Mike was just uh that guy and you can argue pip and was I think both guys had great arguments uh 9 76 Bulls is hard to debate and so I think Robin K in as the underdog but he made a great great uh you know he came out exactly the way I would I think uh did a great job really a tossup um I might give it to Robin there but it’s a it’s it’s really tough a lot of these debates were you know hugely I think you know the onus was on somebody else to to kind of come from behind and improve some of these things but great debate from both of you guys thank you you uh Robin or uh alandre you have anything to say about that or um yeah well no thanks to God man for your for your words like I said I appreciate the support um yeah it’s like I said it’s like you said it’s an uphill battle like I said 96 to me you know that was always the team that everyone always talked about you know that was a team the 72 and 10 Bulls man you know it ain’t it ain’t it don’t mean a thing without the ring you know Michael Jordan coming back you know with the Reckoning you know I’ve talked about this on my channel like you said he had a point to prove in 1996 that’s why he came out there and felt he needed to dominate the way he did but like we were saying man you know 1991 to me they the original you know championship Bulls they were an underdog you know I saw some people say in the comments that the Bulls were a favorite they were not necessarily favorite they were The Underdogs there were a lot of people picking the Lakers going into that finals when we talking about underdogs and favorites man we’re not talking about Los Angeles I mean Las Vegas and the betting odds we’re talking about what the real NBA analyst what the feeling was around the NBA and the feeling going to into those finals was that the Los Angeles Lakers were going to beat the Bulls because of their experience and like I said when you think about the first game and how it went down it was basically proving all the naysay is right the bulls look Star Struck out there in that game one everyone but Michael Jordan I’m telling you right now go back and watch gamew the 1991 M finals Scotty Pippin looked nervous horis Grant looked nervous these guys looked nervous the only one that didn’t seem nervous was Michael Jordan man so that’s really part of the reason why they lost that game you remember it came down to a last second shot so these teams like I said with with you know with splitting hairs here man to me the 91 Bulls like I said might be the greatest Bulls team uh Alexandre do you have anything to say about it or yeah well thank you thank you to perfect um and yes to to the point Rob was saying I agree with with him about the fact that the Nan bu yes of course they were not the the favorite uh they thought they would choke again maybe because uh because that was the trend for the the past years um but but to me actually I want to point out what what you said about the fact that M that I I do that split with Michael Jordan uh career no and um and I think in the 96 actually he had to prove to me that in 91 because in 91 was was hungry for you know he want he wanted to win his first title it was he cried after after winning the title that’s true but in 96 because the season prior they lost first first only playoff series from 91 since since they won the first tile so to me my was even more um more on point and uh in terms of of of feeling and wanting to to you know be again uh on the on the top team on the and be the top on the top team and that’s why I think the 96 had that kind of version of Michael Jordan and the rest of the team they responded great with uh with great composure and they were much older and much more experienced that’s that’s what I think he cried 96 too but that’s that’s point that when he goes on the floor and all that but yeah I lost I actually lost my father not too many years ago so I it’s uh it’s really hard even at any age is really really hard so yeah my dad died the day after my birthday but let’s not go down that rabbit hole but uh but Jamal welcome how how are you today sir I’m okay uh I just about to say first of all that um U I had an important call from a friend yesterday so I was so upset that I didn’t get to see that 86 and 2017 Warriors so me and my brother went at it and you know we debated hard about that but um as far as this debate is concerned I mean Robin obviously is a great debater he obviously knows how to make his points uh but at the end of the day it’s hard for me to say that the 91 Bulls are better than the 96 even just because the best version of Michael Jordan might have been 91 the the best version of Scott Scotty Pippen 96 is better than Scottie Pippen and 91 Dennis robman is better than Horus Grant now my favorite Bulls run was 93 but 96 if you take the 91 Bulls team and put them in 96 I don’t know that they sweep the Atlant magic but if you take the 96 bulls and put them in 91 they would destroy everybody still um I mean the 91 run was more exciting definitely because I was in Chicago at that time as a kid I was so happy to see them sweep Detroit but I just 96 team was just too dominant the league was more advanced at that time at Penny Harden those guys and as Alexandro saying Michael Jordan was more on point what he lost in athleticism in 91 he got more of with his jump shot and his like post moves and all that he was ridiculous so that’s why I have to say 96 bull just because the team was better but 91 Jordan of course was better he was more athletic so that’s how I was feel about that one uh Robin what do you got to say about that yeah he made some good points there for me though I’m gonna take Scotty PPP 1991 and say Scotty Pippen was better in 1991 when I talk when I talked about or I think about Scotty Pippen in 199 six to me Scotty Pippen once again like I mentioned he started to take a lot more three-point shots he started to rely and be lazy to me and settled for a lot of bad three-point shots Scotty pin was never a three-point shooter never even a shooter throughout his entire career the guy barely shot 70% from the free throw line so for me when I think about Scotty pipper in 96 although we could go back and forth and argue who was better defensively 91 version of Scotty pipper or the 96 version offensively to me 91 was better because once again he did not fall in love with that three-point shot he didn’t just kind of camp out out there which he did a lot in 1996 season man so I I think 91 pipping was better but it’s it’s close like I said we’re not saying that you know he was Miles Ahead of of 96 Pippen and like I said we talk about Michael Jordan’s overall game in 1991 to me like I said it’s just it speaks vies the way that he performed in the finals man people forget he hit what 13 14 15 consecutive field goals in the NBA finals which I still believe is a record the plays that he made at the end of game three when the series was tied one game a piece man he hit that jump shot with Scotty and fouled out in the game man with like 9 seconds to go and then he carried the Bulls in overtime to the win you know someone said something in the comments about the Magic Johnson uh Lakers and said something about the bulls with Michael Jordan are always the favorite once again if you guys listen Co closely if you listen closely at the end of game one when the Bulls are walking off the court Mike ftell says him and Marv ala were covering the fins That season Mike ferello says this is why a lot of people were picking the Los Angeles Lakers to beat the Chicago Bulls he literally says that because a lot of people were pi piing the Los Angeles lers to beat the Chicago Bulls in 1991 man so for me when we talk about um you mentioned something about would the 91 Bulls be able to beat the 96 Orlando Magic once again I mentioned guys like Bill carite the Stacy Kings the will produ those big bodies down low to me were better than guys like Luke Longley Bison Deli the bill Winnington who were known more for their offensive games so I’m not saying they would have shut Shaquille O’Neal down but they had the big b to bang Shaquille O’Neal frustrate him and make him earn man so once again it’s close guys uh Jamal just real fast you have your YouTube on in the background so there’s a lot of background noise that’s why I had muted you if you could turn that off you could listen through uh the the Callin but Alexandre you have anything uh that you have to say from what Jamal had said well Jamal actually made a great point in my opinion uh I I think that as well I think the 96 put in 91 they would be much much better than the 91 bus into the 96 um playoffs because um I don’t know I think look longi was not was never has never been a a great um a great Center in general but still he was able to hold his own um with with Shaq I don’t know C right against Shaq I I don’t know because Shaq was really a monster in 96 from 92 to 96 he was if if he was was a little bit better as a um in terms of you know mental sharpness I don’t I don’t want to say like Kobe but at least a half as Kobe he would be in a good conversation no no question about that because Shaq was really really great then I I read a comment about uh uh oh by self research NBA facts and I I I love that guide as well he’s really great and he said about the the fact that the 96 Sonics were really really much better than everybody remember and that’s true they I think that in the finals um they lost the finals because they weren’t at the same mental level as the naan Bulls so first time in the finals they didn’t know what to do but Shan Kemp Shan Kemp was playing awesome really great the rest of the team was really playing great and the 96 Bulls just they were just better but um you know in in defense uh especially they were really great they shut down Michael J for two games he couldn’t play he really he made him um um Gary pton made him take really really uh poor shots poor shot selection in many many times he frustrated Michael Jordan in many many occasion he talked back to him and I think that that team is really underrated as I think I feel every um every team that played against Michael Jordan’s bull they they are underrated for I don’t know for what reason but you know um they were really everyone was really great team but the 96 Sonics in my opinion as a basketball fan I think the 96 Sonics and even the 98 uh Utah Jazz they deserve to have a ring in my opinion if I don’t think about me being a Chicago bu fan because those two team they were really really great really really great Travis you have anything to say about it uh I’ve kept you on because uh because you you call in all the time yeah uh uh I mean like I said it’s it’s a it’s it’s a tough argument on the way because there’s great points to be made on both sides because obviously you know you can look at rosters and whatnot but at the end of the day it’s just like kind of who you feel was more was more dominant he W uh I really like the point about how um yeah I mean I think it’s fair to say that the Bulls were underdogs because everyone came in and like magic had the far superior resume coming into that finals because obviously he’ been to that was his ninth one um and he was you know just had that Mystique in the aura and then you know the Bulls were just getting past the Piston so they didn’t really know what to expect but then it was just you know kind of a clinic from that point on and uh but you know obviously it just it’s just really tough but uh great points it’s uh really just comes down to what you feel is your favorite or you know what what kind of criteria you use to judge these teams ultimately absolutely um but yeah uh uh nobody else wants to call in and talk about debate uh but uh Robin you have anything you want to say just any final words for the people we we’ll shut it down now just so it doesn’t become the whole thing oh you’re you’re muted yeah s people need to understand the difference between being an underdog and what’s not an underdog and what it is of being a favorite and what’s not a favorite I I want to make this very clear when we talk about favorites or odds and we talk about Vegas man and we’re talking about the coming into the season man the Chicago Bulls coming into the 91 season were not heavily favored to win the title they were not when people talk about the odds going into the finals once again you’re trying to take away credit from Michael Jordan for the way that the Bulls were performing in the playoffs going into the finals once again like I said the real basketball analyst the people who knew the game were picking the Los Angeles Lakers man to win that series that’s what matter the more it doesn’t matter what Vegas says how many times does Vegas get it wrong what are we what are we talking about here so once again let’s understand that number one but like I said man a great debate I enjoyed my man Alexandro going back and forth 1996 vers 1991 like I said you really can’t go wrong either way like I said for me when you think about the great teams of all time whatever the teams are it doesn’t matter who it is when I talk about Michael Jordan in the championship Chicago Bulls whatever championship team it is man Michael Jordan as long as Michael Jordan he’s the difference when we talk about these great teams I don’t care you put Michael Jordan out there against any other great team man give me Michael Jordan because Michael Jordan to me every single time it mattered he raised his level of play he proved that over and over and over again time and time again no matter what the odds were going to look like no matter what he had to do he was going to get it done there were no excuses man I saw people making excuses in the comments about injuries and things of that n Michael Jordan dealt with injuries every single finals essentially man it’s all about 1991 someone mentioned something about the Lakers being injured Michael Jordan had a severely jammed toe in the 91 finals so severely jammed that he tried to play I believe it was game two or game three would have slit down his sneaker he actually cut the sneaker down the middle of the shoe and that’s how he started the game because the pain was so much he was trying to relieve the pressure on his foot there’s no excuses man there’s no excuses and that’s what we love about Michael Jordan man there was never any excuses man so much respect to everybody out there all supporters of my channel everyone that came through the live stream shout out to Alexandro shout out to my man dartman yo shout out to Italy all the people out there man thank you very much guys Michael Jordan you guys know the deal worldwide Alexandre you have anything to say yes well I agree with what what what Robin said about the no excuse thing because in 91 for instance they they talk about the fact that for example the last game worthy was not there for injury Byron Scott was not there for injury but Byron Scott in particular he was a great a great player back then but in those finals he played trash really he was he was really scoring like four for 40 I don’t know he has really abysmal percentage from from the field so that’s not the point if he was on point as regularly he would score like 14 points per game but they would have won the title maybe but he he played that in that way why I don’t know why because they shut shut him down or whatever but that’s not that’s not an excuse um but I want to say something about the 96 bull because um outside the finals or the 91 Bulls played a great finals of course but in 96 I feel that well you maybe know better than me because I was 17 and I’m From Italy so I don’t know the media what they would say back then but I have the feeling that Denis Rodman being the Chicago Bulls was more looked as a liability than than really something great for for them because it was the Loose Cannon so I don’t know I have that feeling so I don’t think that the 96 Bulls they were maybe favorite because of Michael Jordan but not that favorite because of that core new core with Michael Jordan Scotty people then is Robin I don’t know if you you you can ask that you can answer that better than me but that that’s what I feel and thank you Robin for for the debate was really fun and uh go go ahead and do what you do because I love you and I love the to to watch your your videos and it’s great and you too D of course huh oh thank yeah absolutely man uh Travis as a as a uh as a viewer do you have any last words about the debate or anything you want to say uh no one’s a great great effort by both guys quick shout out to my guy D Reed in the chat attempting to inject a little bit of Sanity uh to these complete casuals who are attacking him um but that’s neither here nor there uh but yeah great job by you guys and uh look forward to the next one awesome and for everyone there’s going to be a community poll on my page where you can vote who you thought won if you thought that Robin won for the 91 Bulls click on that button and if you thought Alexandre won with the 96 Bulls click on that button and that’ll determine who was going to be uh continuing in the Winter’s bracket for the mjf summer debate league I thought it was a great debate uh you know it uh and and the whole point of this league is to bring interesting ideas against each other that often aren’t said it’s usually very uh you were you use the term casual T perfect or he just left but um the usual debates that happen so this is something that usually you won’t see happen so I think this was a great debate something that could be had and and was had um but yeah thank you again live chat um and thank you again gentlemen uh Robin Sports and Fitness France go check out his channel uh if you haven’t before it’s great excuse me and then Alexandre thank you for coming and uh we’ll see who comes out on this and uh and yeah I hope you all have a great day tomorrow we’re going to be doing a live stream about uh Robin will be there about uh with Michael Jordan would he be greater in today’s modern NBA um additionally for the people that won’t be there have a happy Father’s Day for the fathers out there um I’m G to be celebrating today because it’s not as busy as what is going to be tomorrow um but yeah and uh for everyone Michael Jordan fans are the best

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  1. The JordanHaters often claim that MODERN players are more skilled and Jordan could not shoot 3s. Let us check 2024 Finals – Celtics leading 3-1: Tatum 29 % from 3point line, Brown 24 % from 3pointline, Doncic and Kyrie both 25 % from 3pointline. Michael Jordan in 1993 Finals 40 % from 3 point line (on 4 attempts per game). never believe what casuals and haters say, they have no clue about basketball.

  2. The Bulls in 1991 were the faves going into the Finals with the Lakers. Lakers were not even the top seed in the West.

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