@Toronto Raptors

ZACH EDEY & BRONNY JAMES & MORE – Raptors Scouting w/ Samson & Tre

ZACH EDEY & BRONNY JAMES & MORE – Raptors Scouting w/ Samson & Tre

hey everybody welcome back to the pullup try podcast where in I Samson folk am joined by my dear friend Travon Heath I.E Trey and uh he pulls up we talk about stuff and during draft season we always talk about draft prospects because he knows more than I do he shares his infinite Bounty of wisdom with me a quick thing before we get into six exciting new prospects that yes we hope this episode bangs because it includes Zack Edy and bronny James that’s those are the the algorithm uh Kings there is a draft party we on the last episode we lamented the fact that like nah there’s not going to be a draft party however there is the night of the draft at three boers Raptor Republic is hosting no fee it’s free I’ll be there you want to come watch some draft stuff with us hang out we will be doing a podcast from there after the words to talk about who the Raptors are picking if you feel like hanging out with people who love the Raptors and basketball that’ll be there like the video subscribe all that good stuff unless you’re listening on the podcast feed which in this just [Music] hey okay everybody we’re here to talk draft stuff Trey actually how are you doing are you good I I’m doing I’m doing good a a long week of rock climbing a few pop pop vessels real real man stuff I’ve been feeling the manliest I’ve ever felt are you feeling any more distinguished with the glasses you know people said they took me serious take me more seriously which I don’t know if that’s a compliment or insult to be honest I wonder if there’s actually I won’t get into any of that so anyway you’re having a good time in your life I’m glad to hear it I see I don’t know we don’t just do the podcast where friends we hang out feels not real you know I’ll say this because under every podcast people complain we are simply highlighting prospects that we were asked to highlight this is not us being like hand selecting these prospects if there’s a guy you’re like why aren’t they still talking about BB Carrington already talked about him if you think we should be talking about khil we and yes it is khil we already talked about him we got six new guys the names on the docket jacobe Walter Zack Edy McCain bronny James that’s right bronny James Devin Carter and cam Spencer who do you want to start with Trey well we should save the big ones to the the end let’s talk about bronny why not you want a frontload with bronny James okay okay yes Rick carile just said that he expects bronny to go uh earlier than 50th does that pass the sniff test for you yeah I I like my thought is like High second round okay and I’m just curious how much do you think the politics of bronny James plays into his draft stock because I’ll read the numbers freshman out of USC has a concerning medical history that isn’t his fault whatsoever but underwent something quite serious he’s 62 210 lbs with a 67 wingspan so not bad there he averaged Five Points three boards two assists on 36% from the field and 7% from three we’ll get into the appeal of him as a player which there is and as an NBA player but curious of your thoughts I I think for every like non- Laker team like maybe 5 to 10% Like with with someone like at his range he’s likely going to spend time in the g- league for maybe a season maybe possibly two season and that’s not moving the needle that’s not selling more more tickets like I’m sure the name maybe um like has correlation to additional dollars but like there’s a good player in there and I think he’s like a draftable player I don’t think he’s we’ve seen other Michael Jordan’s son didn’t get an NBA roster spot and he was considered the greatest player at the time but so go ahead go ahead no I’m just saying like being an NBA kid obviously probably has some advantages but I don’t think it earns you a roster spot yeah well he’s not an NBA kid but I will I’ll use this as a jumping off point five points three rebounds two assists is completely under whelming he performed better in the draft scrimmages than he did at USC I would say and the big thing here is that Brony James was projected as like a three and D Prospect even for those people who really liked his game there wasn’t a ton people were seeing in his on ball craft there wasn’t anything like that he was supposed to be a guy who is really quite athletic moves really well on the floor who you could stick on opposing ones and twos probably not expecting anybody to guard up he would be sticky on ball he would work hard off ball he would be a Plus on defense and he would bang triples that was the cell early looks at USC That was supposed what it was supposed to be he shot 27% from three I’m a believer that the shot comes around yeah to what effect I’m not exactly sure how do you feel about the other aspect of his two-word descriptor the D aspect I I’m very bullish on on his defense he he’s really strong he’s a really good mover and he’s athletic you saw that in the the combine scrimmages as well um I I think a lot of it obviously depends on the shot he he’s not someone that you’re going to expect to to guard opposing threes he just simply just doesn’t have the size for it he’s one of those unique unique players where he he truly he truly has the the game of a two but the body of a one and his ability to to shoot is going to tell it tell the tale but I think the defense and his ability probably to finish within transition will probably be as high as selling points and on top of that too there is just to list these we have guards are similar similarly sized guys here jacobe Walters listed at 195 McCain 200 uh Devin Carter 190 cam Spencer 205 all these guys are bigger than Brony but Brony is 210 Brony a lot of college guards you worry about especially like their ability to take bumps and defend at the point of attack I think that’s the easy aspect of brony’s game to project going forward of course it wouldn’t be elite or it probably wouldn’t even be good maybe not even mediocre to begin with but you’re expecting G League reps I believe in a three-point shot of some sort coming around I believe in the defense to some degree and I do think that like he plays well in transition all those things Merit a second round draft pick even without all the politics coming into it however we’re going to talk about another guy too who might even go undrafted who I think merits a second round draft pick it’s flat we don’t know what’s gonna happen but any final thoughts on bronnie James and I guess 31 would be the consideration 31 seems a bit Rich for me what what do you think would have to happen for the Raptors to select bronny I I think um and and shout out to naal like with the extra day people are going to be able to reshuffle their boards and look for who they want and there’s probably going to be teams the after probably going to get several offers heading into day two and there may be a sit situation where they realize the way the board’s shaking out the guy they want a 31 they can get a 36 or maybe 40 maybe that guy is bronny they trade they trade down they recoup maybe additional second round pick or another Prospect and and they they get bronie plus somebody else as well okay yeah maybe maybe you’re buying a second rounder although I yeah I don’t know what the politics of Bron selection because that is a factor not really for what we’re discussing here because it’s hard for us to project anything but it matters there’s stuff going on there and that will help Grease the wheels for what happens in the second round with him um in the first episode we did we talked about a lot of guys who I think the average viewer perceived to be quite late we talked about them at 19 and 31 it’s kind of a mishmash there a lot of people expected the guys we talked about to be available in the 40s or something in this collection of guys when we’re talking about Walter Carter McCain Edy three out of these guys could jump into the lottery probably well all four could end up in the lottery maybe depending on how it swings of those four who do you want to talk about first let’s let’s talk about Carter okay Devin Carter the numbers he is a junior out of Providence so a little bit older he’s 63 190 is kind of what he’s been listed at 20 points per game nine boards a game which is pretty wild three and a half assists 47% from the field goal range 3 7% from three he takes a lot of free throws he takes a lot of Threes he shoots 65% at the rim with a lot of craft and I think he was 84th or 86 percentile as a pick and roll ball handler in the NCAA he’s a very accomplished scorer he makes good reads against blitzes he has a funky ass jumper like it reminds me of it’s kind of like Jason tatums where it’s like that really close lift to the body and like the fling at the top but he hits him it looks ugly and I think he hit it was 18 or 19 threes that were considered deep threes so at least 18 NBA threes during his NCAA season with Providence Devon Carter thoughts de Devon Carter is uh is a is a Trey my guy selection I was trying to qu my some branding some branding sure yeah you know but um I I really like him he’s strong at the point of attack like 190 seems crazy for the of like strength that he has at the point of attack he does look bigger than 190 190 but I guess he’s he’s really long he uses his size really well against opposing guards and the really good thing about him is he uses his his defense to turn it into offense and he creates a lot of a lot of transition opportunities for his team on on the defensive end he he helps at the point of attack you he also can help with your backline defense and Recovery as well because he’s a really good leaper um offense L I think that’s probably where the biggest questions are one his shooting this was his first year where he really shot the ball well there isn’t a lot of history of him being a quality shooter so that would probably be the biggest swing he gets to the rim really well when when given a close out he’s really athletic he can jump and and turn those often into dunks which is a really good thing you don’t see that from guards and and free throws as well espe Raptor’s guards yes there’s not been a dunking guard in Toronto for what do you go back to like Jared bis Jared I could have V I can’t visualize one Jared B is stck to be honest he got a few of them yeah definitely won against the Portland Trailblazers I was gonna say like DAV stod maybe yeah it’s just they haven’t had that pop yeah which which would be really cool to see I think the in between game right now he’s he’s a a three or or layup type player and and with with his size he’s going to probably I I would assume that a lot of teams would put Wings on him just because he doesn’t have the necessary dribble where he’s opposing threat so he’s going to need to be able to um get it in between games shoot more mid-range jumpers or add additional craft from there because he won’t be able to bully some of the smaller guards that he was playing against in in college but overall I think he he you put him in he’s going to be able to win minutes for you and he might have the ability to scale up and become a starter for you one day he’s starting to get like top 10 buzz when we talked about him he was probably when we first talked about him with Josh I think he was aggressively between like 15 and 25 yeah he’s you know again having a lot of numbers is a really good thing having a lot of volume having a lot of tape is a really good thing and Devin Carter it pops off one thing I wonder about I think he makes a lot of good decisions playmaking in the perimeter and like when he gets blitzed when he sees pressure he’s really good at using an escape dribble and taking a negative dribble and making the right passing reap what I didn’t see that much of outside of like a split occasionally was seeing a lot of pressure and maintaining his dribble positively and then creating from there that’s what I wonder about with Defenders at the next level how that looks because the pick and roll and transition was basically that’s like how Carter made his money that was how he achieved success as a guard with Providence and I wonder that in between stuff how he starts to make it work there that’s yeah an interesting aspect and the three-point shot because he was good as a spot up three-point shooter this past season but it is a little bit funky and it does have to happen at the next level and he is kind of like the interesting thing is that I think he has more juice defensively than like the two-way ass aspect of his game is one of the better ones in the whole draft yeah I would say 100% like I don’t know if he goes top 10 but if you’re looking at the sole output of like two-way impact I think he’s probably like could be like a top seven player in the draft I don’t know if that translates to the NBA but he brings on both sides I can’t remember who said it if it was you or Josh but I think it was Josh who said if there’s a prospect that shoots good in this class they typically don’t defend well we’ll get to you Cam Spencer and if there’s a prospect who defends well they typically don’t shoot that well Mr castle like it’s just like or Dillingham or whatever right like it’s just a lot of stuff up in the air Devin Carter though I think is firmly out of the Raptor range however there has been talk speculation about the Raptors trying to trade up now you could throw a dart at 30 teams all teams talk about trading up teams like a guy above their draft spot all teams talk about trading back so I can say report definitively the Raptors are both interested in trading up and trading back if a package suits them who knows if they might be in a position do you have any other thoughts on Deon Carter I I think a where his where he gets selected I think is a big depend on like the archetype of the the player because like at the guard spot that’s that’s it’s a spot where it requires so much creation and and so much on ball on ball usage and for him I don’t see that as a as a long-term role for him he would like for example he would be really good next to Luca he wouldn’t be asked to do much he’d be able to attack close outs shoot threes and would help him at the point of attack if he’s put in a position where he needs to be the team starting guard I think that’s probably a bit too much but I think he he’ll fit well along another opposing guard who can who can take a lot of that usage and he could make up for it on the defensive end what do you think about cuz anytime we talk about the Raptors we talk about the the looming Emanuel quickley thing where Emanuel quickley ideally probably is somebody who doesn’t guard the opposing one especially if they’re a good point guard he just you don’t want him guarding that many you know possessions like that what do you think of Devin Carter potentially being guy who steps in and is able to do that while I don’t maybe we have different ideas about Emanuel Quickly’s ultimate amount of usage or whatever but what do you think about that fit defensively it make it makes a lot of sense you put Devin Carter on opposing ones or the just the primary ball handler in general and he can in possessions where he can where you would have to switch he can guard up and guard bigger players because he’s that strong um I think offensively they both are situated in in the same way where you’d probably want them orbiting around the the main ball handler and not running pick and rolls uh consistently I think that would be the challenge offensively yeah I think if he falls I’d be like pick that guy right now that happened with Grady any anything we talked about we talked about Grady we didn’t really discuss him as an option at 13 we thought he would be scooped up before then obviously he fell in the Raptors based on what I understand went off their board like they said oh Grady’s available we’re picking Grady dick that wasn’t what they expected to have happen um let’s talk about a big man then Zach Edy who was before the season the NCAA season started was seen as like kind of this Boutique little second round flyer he was the best player in college basketball by some measure he is a very dominant low poost presence will he be dominant immediately in the NBA in the low poost I doubt it will he be effective right away probably does he struggle with double teams yes will the pressure and exercise thrown at him at the NBA level probably Vex him yes is he a better mover than people thought yes he he out tested Donovan kingan in basically every measurable at the combine he was faster he moved quicker all that good kind of stuff he shot what was he 14 of 25 on his triples I think he hit 18 movement or or 18 pull-up jumpers there’s those small sample size I don’t I don’t think there’s a lot of correlation between these little combine things and it’s just Canon fod probably but everything trended positively for him cuz he completely ran rough shot over the NCAA and then he tested better in virtually everything than people expected he shot better he was quicker he was just as big he’s like 74300 lb senior out of Purdue he’s a boiler maker what are your thoughts on zackie he’s Canadian he’s headed to France Canadian yeah um I I like Ed I think he could be a quality backup center pretty much pretty much immediately he plays better at the level than than I thought especially like a couple years ago where he was he was pretty much like a non-factor there and if you’re okay with playing primarily drop then then he can do that and execute that fairly well offensively he has really good touch I think amongst The Bigs he has some of the best touch in in general um he’s going to draw a double team cons consistent just because the size that he has and and the hope is that his his passing can get to a point where that can be utilized as a weapon and help lead offenses especially a bench offense in in that facet I I have no confidence in him like developing a shot and I know a lot of correlation is like the the Brook Lopez thing which seems kind of like a like a I’ve been complaining about the Brook Lopez comp for like as long as it’s existed Brook Lopez was an unbelievable mid-range shooter a good free throw shooter you could see like clear fluidity and he wasn’t a guy who had to like ramp up he just started shooting threes and making him he was clearly just a very talented shooter he was not a project he was just a guy who could always shoot threes who didn’t do it and now everybody’s like well Brooke Lopez turned himself into a three-point shooter it’s like no the league turned a three-point shooting Lopez into a guy who doesn’t shoot threes that was what basketball was he could always shoot him and then he did yeah yeah very skilled skilled B I was told the Raptors picked up after he was waved by the Orlando Magic Kem Birch and he hit four corner threes and everybody started singing about Brook Lopez what are we doing man I remember that summer where Amir Johnson was just post posting videos of him banging threes I’m like here it comes new season it just like didn’t happen that’s summer three Jack anyway Zach Ed I don’t think he probably shoots the three really at the NBA level either and will he ever shoot the three to the point that teams like give a [ __ ] no way no yeah yeah that’s that’s such such a high plane um I I I think Bo bonrs are also pretty lazy he’s far more skilled is a a post player he he has he has hook touch he has he has counters within within the post so I I think if you’re committed to the way that is best suited for him to play I think selecting him in the 20s getting a backup center that can play 10 to to 15 minutes within within the regular season is very valuable and leads to wins so the bowon thing there’s a seasoned reporter analyst I talked to in the media room in March and we talked about the bobon con and this guy said I don’t get the Bon comps I said yeah I don’t I don’t really get it either he says boban’s way more skilled than Edie he’s like have you seen bowan he’s like bowan can do it all bowon is like a a Marvel and his contention was that bobon is far more skilled than Ed however he doesn’t pack weight the same way and Ed moves better than than ban I wasn’t as bullish on boban’s Talent or his touch and skills versus Ed but I do think that bowon is probably underrated I that’s not where I’m taking the conversation we’re not doing a bowon thing but it there is competing conceptions about Ed’s skill level I think it’s quite high at his size is it so high that like the worries about how he processes doubles don’t matter because we saw it 2014 Jayhawks embiid Escape dribble swung it to the opposite corner I know you remember that play we didn’t really see that from Edy you know and and embiid is still a guy who you know he kind of like he’s doubles convex him a little bit I don’t know but I think you’re hitting the the nail on the head here when you say like there’s minutes to be won by Zach Edy and at 19 because I really don’t think Ed’s there at 31 at 19 you have to decide if he’s there you can probably I think Zack e is going to win NBA minutes yeah for some years do you want to select a guy who you know will win NBA minutes who you do have to worry a little bit about like well what does closing games look like what does what do certain matchups look like are we going to see a guy get played off the floor and you’re going to have to worry is this a guy who exists in a playoff rotation these are the questions that people have ask however I know there’s some people who think he’s not an NBA player at all who think it’s a bit of a gimmick I think he’s going to be like an NBA player and one who wins minutes the other stuff has to progress naturally and I guess we’ll see but any other thoughts on the big man out of Canada big big problems for the US this summer I I’ll say that the fber rules they’re they’re fitted for his game he should he should be able to win on the glass fairly often and and cause cause havoc and the Raptor not Team Canada really needs that that help so I’m excited to see him in the summer summer like playing actual NBA guys I’ve been waiting for this because there’s always you know like Team Canada or Team USA will play some team and they’re like these guys play feea ball they know it well it fits their play style and Zach Edy comes up it’s like that’s the guy who you don’t worry about 3 seconds you just plug them in the lane easy peasy offensive interference just whacking the ball around like could be something there uh jacobe Walter you want to go there yes okay so the stats for jacobe Walter he’s a freshman outa Baylor I think he was a top 15 recruit 6595 uh 610 listed wingspan via the combine which is good that’s nice to see he’s pretty electric I find pretty good athlete 14 and a half points 4.4 rebounds 1.4 assists here’s the bad stuff 37% from the field 34% from three he hit a lot of Threes he took a lot of threes he takes a lot of free throws he is quick he’s to my mind a guy who plays pretty well off the catch but shot making he gets in trouble like that last dribble comes a little bit too early a lot of the times he’s on his last step he’s like oh what the hell do I do his shot selection as like a jump shooter is insane which says oh this guy can he’s confident he can take shots he can hit shots but he doesn’t hit much of them 34% three on like a pretty crazy volume I feel pretty good about it’s the rest of the stuff that I’m like oo I don’t you’ve seen more of jacobe so I’m curious on your thoughts I jacobe is one of those guys also that I’d be very happy if he fell a Trey guy I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t give him that but were you were you thinking like I’m GNA be on TV someday with Dan Le bitard and there’s going to be like a little you know it’ll have like a little graphic you know just but um I think is one of the best if not the best moving shooter in in the draft he fits a lot of what the the Raptors want to do the best movement shooter in the draft we’re talking about later but he he shoots really well off the catch and the the initial the his initial instincts when when coming off the catch I I like and I buy the the issue I think with him and where he probably lands is what happens after he puts the down on the court um the shot making and decision making isn’t necessarily there from from the mid-range and that often leads him to Jumping early or flying into the lane where he probably has no business and he doesn’t have the requisite strength to to finish at a at a high level which is why you see the percentages being fairly low but the I’m I’m really bullish on his movement skills I’m really bullish on his fluidity he gets in the lane and he has flashes of shot creation and he tested really well in the combine so I think that he has the requisite tools to become a decent Defender and if those parlay with like some of his decent playmaking skills that bodess well into a starter and if you have a situation where you have both him and Grady as movement Shooters off of off of Scotty it opens up the entire court and what they can do and if both of them are able to playmake it creates easy opportunities for everyone else okay you’re in a teaching position here the like you said decent playmaking I did not come away with the same so if you could sell me on that a little bit Yeah so ear early on in the season in that where he was playing playing his best a lot of what and allowed Mei also to play really well him coming off the catch him turning things into easy dump offs thing things like that where it led to him popping off and he was getting shine within say top 10 top 15 I he had 20 in the first game right like he he came out popped off early early in the season I think what what what what led things probably astray for him and his season probably knows ding is that teams and I’m sure you probably saw it teams knew he he wasn’t able to finish within the lane so they changed everything they were able to show much higher when he put the ball on the floor he wasn’t really a threat to to actually score and that took away pretty much most of his playmaking like my my thought process is if he puts on the the size necess and I think he has has the frame to to do so it opens up a bit more of his game and if he’s a better finisher in the lane his he has the instincts to playm if he had the guile of Cam Spencer that’s well that’s what I wonder about not I we’ll leave cam Spencer for later I like making the jokes though uh jacobe I wondered about when I’m watching like when what I said at the start like how often he’s on his last step I guess I see what you’re saying at the start of year when that last step was being rewarded with like a ton of rotation and he could pass out now there’s just not as much and also like yeah you show a little bit higher you make sure that the backside is protected and you make sure that like some of those dumps dump offs to Missy you he has to go across his body when he’s like catch and go left he has to make a push past the corner he was definitely yeah he got put in a lot of awkward positions but he is of the guys we’re talking about here between cam Devin bronny Jared Edy and jacobe I think he has the highest uh athletic ceiling like he moves the best let’s look at that movement on the other side of the floor defensively thoughts not a good Defender currently like um I think instinctually it just has a hard time especially off the ball knowing like where where to actually be but he’s fairly quick laterally and he shows effort I think he has he has the ability to become a good def good Defender one day I just don’t think that is like the the total sell point on why you’re drafting you’re drafting him for his ability to create gravity him being this move and shooter that orbits off of your your other players like defensively I think that would be a plus but um I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t say that it’s something that you’re buying on or guaranteeing on I just like that he has the skills and especially from like a lateral perspective he I found him pretty interesting there especially like when he’s sliding across the top and staying with a guy I really like that but something that happened to him a lot and happens to a lot of players who are a little bit lighter is that when they Slide the other especially some thicker College guards and wings they can still kind of move you off the line so that they have a more direct line to the rim that happened to them a lot that’s the kind of stuff that like a scout because it doesn’t matter what we say it doesn’t really impact anything but a scout has to decide is this a guy who’s always going to lose the line to the rim or is this a guy who puts on weight and suddenly when he slides it really means something rather than a guy who’s sliding and losing a guy who’s sliding and winning I wonder about if he can make that change because then guys who slide and win fit into defenses all the time like they it’s really really easy and if you can slide and win and you have like tight you work on your your close out footwork and you can make better decisions there you can be a guy who helps in rotation a ton even if you aren’t the most heady I guess off ball Defender there’s a lot of stuff that can go right for jacobe I look at him as like more of a ceiling pick yeah but the floor like worries me a lot like I I could see things going wrong there maybe I I think at like 19 or even 31 like one of the Raptors are in a position where they’re probably not trying to to be the most competitive from from what it what it seems but um I think shooting and hitting on one of shooting and hitting on on one of these picks are shooting and hoping actually on one of these picks are totally fine like they need ceiling they need ceiling um type picks in order to get to where they want to go I think increasing the floor of the team can be done through free agency to be honest it’s 12:44 a.m. other teams are sending in their transaction their suggestions for what trade they would like here here we are Fielding many different trades the whole world in front of us 19 a thing of the past but a player who could go so much power so much power cam Spencer lies ahead cam Spencer a fifth year senior a guy who was caught up in the hubub of covid out of Yukon a national champion 64 205 has of all the guys we’re talking about besides Ed these the sexy stats but keep in mind this guy is older and the protections of college basketball the smaller Court they offer him help there’s a reason why a guy who has 14 points a game five boards a game three and a half assists per game one and a half steals per game and a guy who also had more than two steals a game at ruers 48% from the field 44% from three on like a pretty wild selection of shots he like out out of movement off pull-ups he does a lot with it he also shot 91% from the free throw line the stats are sexy the feet are slow what are your thoughts on cam spancer um I I I’ll start with a good there’s a lot of good things that cam Spencer does that that translate well to the NBA really really good shooter off movement can hit pullup threes really good off catch and shoot stuff and um I think of the movement Shooters he’s one of the best Playmakers in in the draft he although he had a really big Target in kinging Castle was a really good was a really good player in the dunker spot as well he’s he’s able to use like the gravity and like how how violent he is coming off of a lot a lot of these these movement catches and he can desell slow himself down and Lead that into playmaking opportunities that often led to clinging clinging dunks Castle dunks as well he also could turn those stop pivot lead that into scoring opportunities and have the defense rotate and U make decisions from there which is really high level for for somebody within within College I think um the caveat is one really slow feat especially moving moving laterally how do how does that translate into to playing longterm in winning winning minutes and can he survive on a a bigger Court also um the things that he does off of the catch can he get to the spots necessary for his playmaking to to open up because a lot of the things that he he’s doing and when he’s decelerating that’s against an 18 19 year old player that one he can use his size to bully when he’s isn’t getting to his spot and then two they usually just aren’t they aren’t men yet they aren’t the most athletic players that he he’s going against so if he isn’t able to get to the get into get into the nail and and make plays from there how how effective is he o overall I think if you’re looking at him is if he could shoot as well as like Sam Hower is and offer some of that that playmaking then a viable NBA player I just think at 31 that’s probably too rich for me I think this is kind of where you get into like the value stuff I think cam Spencer is an NBA player from what I’ve seen I agree agree with a lot of how you laid that out there um the big the biggest problem is that as you said when he gets middle you can see like he has some of the best craft in all of the NCAA he’s one of the best Shooters coming out of the draft if not the best he is a guy who when the ball touches his hands makes the right decision an elite decision a really really high level of time it’s just like when he gets middle and he has a guy on his back if that guy is as you said an 18 or 19y old player and is instead like a gritty NBA guard that guy probably can get back in front like he can get to the side and then he can slide back in front how how often is he going to actually be able to you know against a college team when he when they play at the level in the pig and roll and he has a wide manipulative dribble which is a good thing but like gets over the edge has like the Rondo fake almost to get it wide manipulate and then one hand gather all the way to finish at The Rim like is do those margins that he’s finding at the college level does he find them at the NBA level those types of ones as a initiator I think probably not however I think against moving defenses how he kind of reads the floor the fact that I do think he will shoot and the fact that I think he is patient like if a guy does catch up if a guy’s hurrying to catch up because they believe the cam Spencer not only is a really good shooter but has good touch for a float or something M when they leap to get back into the play that pump and swivel I think will be there in the NBA it’s just I don’t think as many options will be there as they were at college but I think enough options for him to survive on offense and maybe even Thrive next to other good players defensively he is slow his feet are slow I when I see him sliding I see a guy like on a knife’s edge trying to stay there and there’s that clip that our friend likes to point out where like he slides and the guy uses an escape dribble and he jumps out to him it’s not a good contest like he’s there but it’s not an effective contest there’s there’s room for him to get bullied physically there’s room for him to be outsped on that side of the floor and I wonder how much like gumption and awareness can get him on the defensive side of the floor instead of as we see what NBA teams are willing to do all of the times is like find the pre- switches find the pre- switches pick their guy put him in the action will he be a liability probably will he overcome that to the point that like you get to enjoy the fruits of his offense I think so and that’s why I think he’s an NBA player 31 as we said powerful position who knows I do like cam spancer though I don’t know that’s that’s good I I think a uh a lot of it for me is um I don’t think he’s going to be able to win the strength battle when when going downhill it’s I’m pretty sure like in terms of speed he won’t be able to get to his spot but if he’s able to actually separate with strength that opens up a lot of his game and he can still do a lot of the playmaking stuff that he does once he gets middle but if he isn’t able to overpower like your average guard that that likely will be chasing him off off of off a lot of the mov and stuff that he’s do doing I I find I find it hard for for him to get to the levels of what he was doing within within Yukon if he isn’t able to to win those bumps like uh H Hami hakz not the fastest player in the world but won with so much physicality a player that I missed on last year what wins with physicality so much that a lot of the things that he was doing with his playmaking and and ability to finish within within the lane opened a lot of things up and he’s probably a play in a redraft that goes top 10 yeah and and cam just isn’t as big as what I wonder about what really like rewards those things is if Cam is a guy who is dangerous shooting from anywhere and the fact that he can shoot quickly the fact that he can put the shot up and make it and is so efficient rather than speed the skill is what gets defenses particularly his primary Defender to bite or to overreact now who knows what that’s going to be at the NBA level because NBA teams they’re probably not going to react until you prove it yeah and so the easiest path for cam Spencer I think is that he gets run on a team and he makes shots which could happen and then the cat and mouse game starts and he’s pretty good at the cat and mouse game but he’s a guy who could go undrafted he’s a guy who could go I don’t know like 45 to 60 yeah who who knows who knows what happens with him however we have a friend who’s big cam Spencer believer I do love the cam Spencer tape like I love how he looks he he’s a great great one of the best college players in my mind however College isn’t the NBA and you have to parse those things out there are things to worry about but there’s a lot to like the last guy we talk about here Jared McCain one of the the fingernail painters that’s we’re waiting for one of those guys to pop the hell off who’s the the quarterback oh K Williams Caleb Williams he’s going to turn it around for those guys because everybody everybody who was painting the fingernails they haven’t dominated yet they have because you know what I mean like Dennis Rodman Dennis Rodman wore a wedding dress but he was so damn good nobody cared yeah Jaylen green hasn’t scored 28 points per game but if he did nobody would care Jared McCain Jaylen M Jaylen green kale blooms these guys can chart the course for uh nail painting Liberties freshman out of Duke he’s 63 200 lb small wingspan about even 14 points per game five boards two assists 46% from the field 41% from three one of the best movement Shooters in the draft if not the best he and he and cam they were really fantastic and like he cam is like clever of movement into a shot McCain can just like Sprint to a spot catch and fade and hit he’s very impressive there um we saw a lot of volume from downtown a lot of movement a lot of difficulty and he also ran one of the plays that the Raptors love which is that um two players at the top it’s not pistol but you throw it into a handoff the guy who hands off comes off a flare running away from it the Raptors ran it a bunch they usually used it to get pick and roll reps but for McCain it becomes a a possession to get a three-point shot he he fits one piece of The Playbook already what do you think about Jared McCain big big fan um in terms of like shot making and especially on the angles that he could score like one of the best within the actual draft um I I think where I I differ from a lot of people I I don’t think he probably can be your main initiator isn’t the organizer I think you necessarily want to be especially because of his size you can’t make do you see a lot of people Echo that sentiment yeah wow I because I I don’t pay much attention to it and I didn’t really see that at all I’m surprised that people are taking that away wow I think it’s like you look at certain players and then you see the constraints of within within College where a lot of the reads that you make are are obviously like predetermined especially because you have limited court court space and then this can Propel if he shoots really well he’s able to put it on the floor just’s get propelled to he’ll be able to play and if you don’t listen to the coach he’ll come into your dorm room and like CR it or something you’re B like Tyrese Maxi obviously he’s not as fast Tyrese Maxi Court opens up for him he could play make a lot better than he did in college for example but obviously I don’t think the tools are the same that’s McCain I think most of what I saw was like a limit in the handle yeah like the handle is not very manipulative he’s not I’ve seen him try to go left and like he works hard to like keep it protected and stay going left because he knows guys are sitting right but even then he’s still like mostly getting in a two fo gather and he wants to turn back over his left shoulder but I do love how he attacks Closeouts like I really really like that and I think he is really quite strong out of the Triple Threat yeah I I saw a lot of floaters I saw a lot of like late gathers so he could get to the rim I saw like bumps and finishes it’s not Devin Carter level it’s not AJ Mitchell level these guys like have endless craft at The Rim always finish at the very end of it but McCain I was pretty impressed with in how he got downhill the conceit here the big thing for for you and I at least when we’re looking at this is he’s 63200 with an even wingspan yeah he is so aggressively point guard sized like so aggressively point guard sized but neither of you neither of us it sounds like bu point guard creation there’s a lot to like as a two like as an offguard yeah miles miles McBride level stuff yeah and that brings me to the question because like miles McBride is a guy who has had pretty good stretches of on ball defense Jared on defense what’s the thoughts I don’t think he’s the the athlete you probably want to be if like he’s going to be miles miles mcbad for example but I think he holds up well enough on that end and he has the strength to end up becoming somewhat neutral to maybe a bit positive as a Defender long term and if he’s able to shoot the way that he can and be a connective piece offensively with his passing I think the defense won’t matter as much as long as he provides somewhat neutral neutral value because the things that he can do with his Craft um get in the lane hit floaters I think to some degree is going his game is going to open up with with more space and if he’s I would one thing I would like to see is probably more movement stuff from him overall but um if he’s able to do those things I think he could be a a starter in the league to be honest he is interesting CU like the top 20 players who go in a draft or top 19 for the Raptor sake not everybody of those 19 sticks around past their rookie contract very very few of them end up playing like 10 years Jared McCain is a guy who like if you shoot the ball like that and you attack Closeouts like that there’s just always going to be a team that figures out if you are deficient on defense how to hide you one but two how to like get you attacking rotated defense and sometimes that’s really dependent on how good the star is who you play with but I there’s like a a good NBA player there I think I don’t know how good but I don’t think McCain ends up falling to 19 yeah as we talked about at the start a lot of these guys could go higher than 19 many people thought a lot of the players we talked about in last episode could go later than 19 later than 31 Jared is really interesting yeah he shoots the hell out of the ball when I was thinking of the these guys that we’re going to cover today I thought he was the most awkward fit probably on the Raptors if like in terms of like scalability him NE him next to emanu clicky is really tough to see but especially on both ends of the ball to be honest and um if you you’re you’re buying you’re probably paying Emanuel clicky $100 million this this this off season my prediction was four years 110 million it’s not my money all right but um you’re you’re hoping he develops that that on ball skill so you’re probably looking for the person next to him to like have the requisite skills to hide some of his deficiencies on the ball and I don’t think he wants Jared to be your your main point of attack guard okay so since he’s the last Prospect we talk about let’s rank them by fit so Jared you think is the most awkward fit but this will be the last thing before we get out of here there’s Edy there’s bronnie James cam Spencer Devin Carter jacobe Walter Jared McCain what do you think the the ranking of easiest to least easiest is is Devon Carter that’s that’s that’s super easy he he could um play next manual quickly tomorrow and you could see some idea of how that would work defensively at least I think next would probably be jacobe Walter he does a lot of the same things of why they drafted Grady to to some degree so that that would make sense I think you could come off your bench and replace a lot of the minutes I’m assuming Grady’s G goingon to start this year but who knows a lot of the things that he does within the actual offense um third would probably be Edy you would he’d be a change of pace for for the Raptors he could be their their backup center he’ probably play next to Kelly also to be honest and that would be a nice onew punch uh fourth would be Spencer I’m I’m sure dark Darko is banging the table for him because he he does he does every like when you think of like 0. five basketball like that’s what he does like he makes those decisions really quick he’s like the inverse of oai yes yes like where oai is Elite cam struggles the most where Cam is Elite oai struggles although friend James tells me he’s Elite playing off of two I yeah I would say Spencer fourth Brony Fifth and I think Brony fits fits very well like if if the tools that like I see work it’s just a matter of how they’re going to work like if he is able to be a three and three and D guard and guard ones and twos very effectively really nice fitting with along with most of the team and then last obviously would just be McCain just because of his size okay so I’ll rank them my ranking is different so might as well do it number one I will go with Devin agreed uh it’s good to have good guards and I don’t see anything wrong with the fit I only see positives really although he’s not going to be their 19 but I think he’s number one number two I think is Zach Edy and because I think that all high post passing has become become especially the raids that are baked into the offense I think is overrated I think a lot of bigs can do it and especially with Zach Eed having a lot of clearance to like make decisions I think if it was it’s not against a double because a double is not static a double is kind of dynamic and teams will change where it comes from and the team has to respond and everything kind of looks new right but when the Raptors are running in action Ed just having the ball out of like horns or something like that and having to make okay if this happens I make that if this happens I make that I think that he could step in and like playmake a little bit and I think there is the fit next to Kelly I think that if he’s having a good run of form you get to see how he plays like at the level in drop and I I think that the Raptor’s bench which is kind of starred for offense getting a little bit extra juice of just like okay well we’ll stack a shooter and Zach on the same side we’ll ask him to get offensive rebounds I think that that is a pretty good fit it doesn’t mean I think he’s the second best player here but I do think it’s a good fit then I’m probably going yeah like jacobe SL bronny I’ll just I’ll lean on how you said it because as you as you laid it out I think like actually you know what 345 is just a flex I don’t care between jacobe bronny and uh cam yeah that’s but Jared McCain I think it is awkward especially next to quickly and quickly doesn’t make decisions for your future like his presence does doesn’t move you away from if you love a guard Prospect but it’s just it’s just a tough tough sell there yeah but yeah that’s kind of where it’s that any any final thoughts before we get out of here $110 million sure is informative on your future I’ll tell you that what he’s he’s gonna be there but if you really like a guard yeah yeah Emanuel quickley Emanuel quickley was the 25th overall pick Maxi was 20th you know like good guards pop up all the time they just need usage and then all of a sudden like if quickly makes $110 million over four years he’ll be like the 37th highest paid guard or something like that it’s just so many guards make money yeah you know this I I think yeah I think it depend like I I would if say to pitch Medicals were terrible false the 199 would take him he can’t defend at all so I guess that’s fair guards guards just get paid you know like I know like cavon Looney we’ll see how much he gets paid shout out to S he calls him top 10 Center I guess but yeah that’s a joke my apologies um yeah that’s kind of where we’re at uh for anybody who’s looking forward I think we’ll do one or two more of these before the the actual draft which will bring us around I know goddamn 50 prospects they want us to look at we’ll end up doing closer to 20 probably 25 maybe um and then after the draft I think Blake and I will do some sort of like free agency extra avanza episode which we typically do every year so we’ll do that and just look forward to more anything you want to say Trey um peace love and soul Jesus that’s you yeah oh I’ll say so Trey started rock climbing with us he climbed his first V3 yesterday oh man big man big trouble was the the manliest I’ve ever felt I’ll tell you that yeah it really does it it next to like my ape brain like my like ugab Booga caveman brain I’m like I’m just climbing I’m going up and I touch the top thing it’s it connects to something deep inside of me yeah I I posted the the video yesterday and a couple couple people messaged me for my work where they mention like that doesn’t look that high I was like you the amount of Blood Sweat and Tears that went into that clim you have no idea the climb on a rock climb the route videos never do it justice especially like if you go up to the hold it’s like a hold could be like this yeah it’s just like nothing to grip you’re just like going like that’s what you get maybe that and but everyone assumes like oh it’s a good hold it’s not it’s the worst thing you’ve ever held in your life and you have to fight claw and scratch to get up the wall and now Trevon knows knows that just as well as the rest of [Music] us all right everybody we’ll see you at the draft party uh that’ll be fun and we’ll have a couple podcasts before that all right peace soul and love got into this in the morning or at night have a blessed day and goodbye

Samson Folk is joined by Trevon Heath to discuss who the Raptors should choose in the draft.

0:00 – Introductions

2:35 – Bronny James

8:40 – Devin Carter

16:58 – Zach Edey

24:25 – Ja’Kobe Walter

32:30 – Cam Spencer

41:15 – Jared McCain

47:45 – How they fit

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  1. I don’t understand why nobody’s talking about the fact he will be working with LeBron James. Guaranteed that will speed up his development

  2. I mean if Walter cannot finish in NCAA among 6’ kids what is the rationale of him actually finishing better in the NBA against 6’8” grown men?

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