@Phoenix Suns

Suns Found Their Next STAR PG..

Suns Found Their Next STAR PG..

right now the Suns essentially have a three-body problem no not the Super popular Netflix series about aliens fling their solar systems extreme climate swings so please do go watch that if you haven’t it’s great the Suns need to fill three roster spots with three bodies possessing enough talent to actually chase a title this upcoming season no later the problem is doing that while being handcuffed all the way up to the ninth tax AG but fear not because it seems God might be working a miracle on your old son’s franchise after extensively looking into bronnie who likely and shockingly at the same time will probably be gone at 22 the sons are now rumored to be hot and heavy on the path of drafting Marquette senior point guard Tyler Kik so I had to look him up I’ve been watching as much of his tape as possible since the news broke over the weekend and I have to say as of right now I pray that the sons stand Pat at 22 and draft this kid if he’s available and If the rumors of the Suns trying to trade up are true I hope it is for this kid I hope it’s to make sure they can get him kic is about 6′ three with his shoes on and with the shooting and passing skills that this kid already has I don’t think I need to see another Prospect this is the guy if you’re on the side of the fan base that thinks this team needs a point guard to solve some of the glaring issues no judgment if you disagree I’m just on that side I really value Ricky Rubio CP3 style floor General point guards more than most I think and I just named a couple of former Sons point guards but it’s funny because those aren’t even the ones that he reminds me of the most Tyler kic ceiling in my mind is somewhere in between Goron dragic and Steve Nash oh Gabe that’s crazy it’s not a great draft and he’s projected to be a late first early yeah Steve Nash was drafted 15th overall and Goron dragic was drafted round two pick 45 and nobody thought that either of them were going to do anything in the pros let’s go with Goron first and why Tyler KCK reminds me of him similar size left-handed silky smooth both of them really have that slithery ability of just getting to the and Goron was a great left-handed catch and shoot three-point shooter which is exactly like kic who’s actually shot over 39% from three in his last two seasons gets to the rim at will and has ridiculous I am talking ridiculous touch around the rim very reminiscent of Goron and he really uses his body well to negate shot blocker’s length and draw fouls and an ones instead of getting blocked like you would think you would now how can I compare him to Nash the two-time MVP and greatest Nets coach of all time well him leading the entire NCAA and assists and some really beautiful dimes at that while completely controlling the tempo of these games that has a lot to do with it too his overall IQ and ability to score any way he wants while being a crazy playmaking creator for others is what SEALs it for me though his weakness is also on defense but it’s purely his physical limitations that slow him down on that end his defensive IQ is there though 100% And he hustles hard and sacrifices his body on defense for his team but when he gets switched onto bigger players he can definitely get exposed I can live at that considering what he brings to the table overall which for the record is being an NBA ready floor General that can shoot the three like I said around 40% last couple of seasons a young affordable player to develop for the Future and another Rarity on the Suns roster a guy that can get to the rim with ease collapsing the defense ultimately freeing up three of the greatest scores of all time and the league leader in three-point percentage Grayson Allen to do what they do best put the ball in the hole and not have to be concerned with orchestrating the offense how many 17 turnover games did we see last season tell me what you you guys think about Tyler KCK or let me know in the comments what other player do you want the Suns to take at 22

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  1. I mean yeah that'd be great, but jj will probably move up and draft bronny, just so we can find out lebron was bluffing and resigns with LA and then THEY draft Tyler….

  2. It's funny because i remember talking about him and his " nash- like" play for months now. If you go back and watch tape at how both kolek and nash score and pass it's almost identical. All kolek has to do is get the ball to people in transition and shot the three. He can do that. He's also close to being a 50/40/90 player . Just like nash was. Who does virginia's ryan dunn remind me of as a defensive wing? Shawn marion. Maybe we draft kolek then pick up dunn in the second round to cover kolek's and booker's defensive weaknesses. Now all we need is a big.

  3. Noticed him right away, but wondering if this latest rumor came in after the fact. Hoping Kolek is still Plan A

  4. They can draft him but the center position needs to be addressed not winning anything with nurk plan and simple can’t be out there playing 4-5 every time down the court but we definitely need him

  5. Worst case scenario he could be another tj McConnell if you can’t get him from Indiana and put some respect on my boy Nash lol

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