@Detroit Pistons

Monty Williams Will Be Coaching The Detroit Pistons Next Season Update

Monty Williams Will Be Coaching The Detroit Pistons Next Season Update

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons talk hope you guys are having a great day so far and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there shout out to you guys no podcast today uh we had a podcast Friday I believe it was with Bryce Simon of the Pistons pulse podcast if you guys want to check that out on YouTube um I’ll put a link down in the description you guys can watch that uh we talked about the the Pistons free agency upcoming draft good conversation about an hour or so uh if you don’t want to watch it on YouTube we on all podcast platforms Spotify Apple wherever you get your podcast um it should be up and available on there and uh if you guys got two two seconds out of your day give us a rating give us an honest rating of what you guys think of the podcast I I would love to get some feedback from you guys of what you think of the podcast um so far since I’ve kind of rebranded it and been doing it by myself would really like to get some honest opinions about the podcast but why you’re here Monty Williams why you guys are here is he going to be let go is he returning as the head coach to your Detroit Pistons for next season now we did get some news yesterday from longtime reporter Mark Stein very respected NBA journalist and reporter and he did get some Intel of what he’s hearing with the Detroit Pistons and we’re going to react to bleach report citing his article in this one so let’s get into it it says the Detroit Pistons are unlikely to make coaching changes this off season NBA Insider Mark s reported that current Pistons head coach Monty Williams is likely to return as team’s head coach despite a difficult season Williams was hired by Detroit prior to the 2023 2024 season and still has 5 years and 80 million remaining on his deal if he were to have been fired the Los Angeles Lakers had been linked as a potential landing spot last season was a rough one for the Pistons Detroit went 14- 68 in 2023 2024 worse than the NBA this includes a 28 game losing streak early in the season and the situation wasn’t improved when the Pistons Fell From First to fifth in the NBA draft lottery so there is a lot to get into a lot to react just Within These couple of sentences from Mark Stein so I’m going to pick a couple of sentences to dissect and kind of give you guys my analysis where I’m thinking uh with this whole Monty Williams situation with the Pistons the first part of this article I do want to kind of dissect and react to is the very first sentence the Detroit Pistons are unlikely to make coaching changes this off season that was the million-dollar question going into this offseason it really was I know a lot of you guys were asking me is he getting fired I personally didn’t know I have no Intel like I hear news the same way you guys hear news I don’t have any of these sources I’m not going to pretend like I have sources because I don’t I I I just don’t that’s why I have reporters on this podcast at least once a month to try to get some Intel from them so when you guys are watching these live streams when you guys are watching these podcasts and listening to these podcasts you guys get a little bit of information and we both learn at the same time now I asked James he said he was 50/50 I even asked Corey a couple of times when we had him on this past season and both of them basically gave me the same answer they weren’t really sure if Monty was going to return but I I think if you look at the choice of words Mark Stein did put in this article it says this off seon meaning that there could be a possibility that Monty Williams could be let go if he has another Bad season with your Detroit Pistons this doesn’t mean that he’s going to like last his whole five six year contract with the Detroit Pistons I think if you go into next season and you lay another egg you lay another stinker there’s a good chance that Tom gors and Company him and Trent Lon try to look for new head coaching candidates but that’s the first part of the article I did want to react to now the other part I wanted to look at is this Lakers thing because this is the first time I’ve actually seen this um and I I’m not like reading Mark Stein’s uh substack every week I’m not um you know I miss some stuff I miss some NBA news now this is the first time I’m hearing it it says if he were to have been fired the Los Angeles Lakers had been linked as a potential landing spot now the Lakers coaching situation is a very weird one to give an opinion I can give you an assumption though um I honestly think JJ reic is going to take the job I do the Dan Hurley stuff was kind of weird and if you kind of read into like Adrien wowski and his relationship with the Hurley family would make a little bit more sense uh why that reporting came out but I think JJ reck is going to take that job now the Lakers would be interested if the Pistons would have let him go which I I get the Lakers are looking for an established name um if you look at their you know their their coaching hires over the past couple of Seasons that that that would make sense just in terms of like the Lakers head coaching candidacy but Lakers could be a sneaky option if the Pistons were to let go of Monty Willams but I did find that interesting that Mark Stein did put that in his article and bleach report did cite that saying that the Lakers had been linked to Monty as a potential landing spot if he were to get fired by the Pistons now there is more into this article we’re going to react to so let’s get in into get into the second part uh of this article so with the second part of this article it says while Williams didn’t Elevate the Pistons in his first season it’s unfair to say that he was expected to lead the team to Greatness immediately Detroit hasn’t reached the post season since 2018 2019 and had a 17- 64 record in 2022 2023 the roster did not have significant change from the prior Seasons but Williams inability to help the team show any Improvement had his job secured coming into question so let’s react to this first part of this article now what I do agree with is this part right here the roster did not have significant changes from prior seasons and that is a fact you guys if you look at the Wayne Casey’s last year when they went 17 and 64 the roster really wasn’t that much different the only real changes I would say is you went out and traded for Joe Harris and you were expecting him to get back in the form that didn’t happen you went out and traded for Monte Morris on paper that move made a whole lot of sense a guy that didn’t turn the ball over and could actually make some buckets shoot some threes at a decent percentage he just couldn’t stay healthy and that’s not his fault it’s just the nature of the Beast sometimes you know um but that was really the only changes you like really made and obviously the draft picks with thear Thompson and Marcus Sasser but the the seasons from you know Dwayne Casey’s last year in 2022 2023 to you know 2023 2024 The rosters were basically identical um and you lost more games with a healthy Kate Cunningham when they only had him for 12 to 13 games under Dwayne Casey but I think I think the rosters it’s a good argument you can make for why we shouldn’t really judge him too hard I’m not making excuses es but you can make that argument with the roster construction it was not the best going into uh this past season now what I will say is this next part of this article um what we’re kind of you know talking about is I’m just going to skip past this and go into this and said instead of picking a new coach it looks like the team will run it back with Williams he had a pretty successful tenure with the Phoenix Suns from 2019 to 2022 23 leading the team to a 194 115 overall record and had even an NBA Finals birth in 2020 2021 this combined with his large contract could be a contributing factor to him getting a longer leash now I’ll say this I don’t think his leash is as long as bleach report is citing in this article I think anytime you set a franchise record for losing not only in a full 82 Game season but losing 28 straight games I think his leech is actually shorter than bleacher reporters talking about in this article not saying that it’s long as it used to be but I again like if you go out into next season and have a symar season where you’re losing a lot of games questions are going to be asked definitely questions are going to be asked now what I wanted to get into and I know I kind of sidetracked I I apologize for that my my ADD is just going in 50 different directions right now I apologize uh the Phoenix Suns thing okay when I hear a lot of Pistons fans talk about Mony Williams they like to bring up well Anthony he he made the NBA Finals he’s a good coach he won coach of the year you’re too hard on Monty Williams I think it’s unfair to compare Phoenix to Detroit and let me explain why the Detroit Pistons don’t have a player like Devon Booker on their roster they just don’t and that’s a fact the Detroit Pistons don’t have a Mel Bridges they don’t have a Cameron Johnson they don’t have a Chris Paul they just don’t I think Monty is a good coach I think going into last season the front office didn’t give him a whole lot to work with and I will give him that credit and that that uh I’m not going to give it I’m not going to say it’s an excuse but I will give him a kind of a pass like the roster sucked last year let’s just call it spade a spade it wasn’t great but you can’t expect the same kind of success he had in Phoenix in Detroit Chris Paul’s not coming here we don’t have a Devon Booker I think mty could be a good coach but we should probably lower our expectations this isn’t going to go from a 14 to a 45 win basketball team there’s levels to this you guys instead of 14 wins maybe we’re at 25 26 wins going into next season think you’re going to have to sign guys to bad contracts for them to come here I think you have to nail it in the the draft and just hope that these guys that we have drafted they take a step in development and this team gets better but I don’t think Monty Williams is going to last the entirety of his contract I I I just don’t see it I think the organization will move on from him that’s just my straightup opinion I think Mon’s a good coach I just think he I I’ve told you guys I think he’s the wrong coach for for this team I think he’s the wrong coach for the Detroit Pistons and if I’m wrong I will make a video and let you guys know I’m wrong but I don’t think I am I I I think this team needs a young upand cominging coach that can relate to them more but let me know what you guys think of this latest news from Mark Stein saying that the Detroit Pistons are going to be bringing back Monty Williams as the head coach of the Detroit Pistons I will talk to you guys down there like always hope you guys are staying safe take care and I’ll talk to you guys in the next video peace PE [Music] oh [Music]

Today I reacted to the recent news of head coach Monty Williams returning to coach the Detroit Pistons going Into next season.

Podcast with Bryce Simon of Pistons Pulse Podcast:

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  1. Great news. While I understand everyone has their opinion, I've never understood what's so difficult about just kicking back and enjoying the games. Guess that comes with being 64 and enjoying retirement. Great podcasts. I'll leave the decisions to the professionals. Just a basketball fan since 1969.

  2. He did not want to be here and it showed in his coaching.
    He should have been gone before Weaver.
    He did worse than Casey.

  3. I’m neither shocked nor surprised. Disappointed? Yes. That is waaay too much cabbage for Gores to eat. Gores was projecting one thing to the public while expressing to Langdon that he wasn’t ready to give up on Monte, or eat all that cabbage. Let’s see how it goes. 🙏

  4. Monty is a good coach but not for the Pistons. They need someone with the times. Someone young.

  5. we didnt expect to win 40 games last season, just monty not playing livers, killian over ausar and ivey.

  6. I feel bad for the players.

    They were playing with fun and showed potential in the Summer League ganes when Jarrett Jack was their coach.

    Monty got a hold of them, and all the players regressed!

  7. All these moves Gores is making are actually starting to look like he's trying to save his bad hire (Monty) and not moving on and starting over.

  8. I don't want to here a single excuse for Monty. People want to bring up "roster construction" and this being his first year, but there is zero excuse for the decisions he made during the season. The rotations he throw out, the players that were getting a majority of minutes, the offensive and MAINLY the defensive schemes, and most importantly the failure to competently make changes when needed. Suns fans literally warned us that this guy does not adjust to anything, and you can see that with his man-to-man defense he preaches that has been obsolete since 2012. Literally ZERO excuse for incompetency at it's finest.

  9. Here’s the thing. I don’t pay to watch coaches, GM’s, and executive’s. I’m entertained from watching bonafide talent playing hoops.

    Even if Chuck Daly or Jerry West returned from their graves, there is absolutely nothing they could do. The roster of players has to be upgraded. Period.

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