@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Kyrie Irving’s full quote reflecting on his time in Boston.

[Highlight] Kyrie Irving’s full quote reflecting on his time in Boston.

by pokerawz


  1. “It wasn’t one of my options, it wasn’t like No. 1 on my list,” Irving said. “So when the trade opportunity got approached to me, instead of going back and appreciating the Celtics’ history, I just came in with an open mind and just kind of like, alright, I’m just going to go with the flow into this. But I think that was the wrong approach.”

    “Now that I’m a little older, hindsight looking back on it, I would’ve definitely taken the time to get to know the people within the community,” Irving said. “Talk to some of the champions that have come before me and actually extend myself to them instead of the other way around expecting them to be there for me, giving me advice. Because they’ve been through it, they have a championship pedigree here, they’ve shown it for years, they’re one of the most winning franchise in all of sports.”

    “That’s what I was talking about in terms of accepting the choices,” Irving said. “But looking back, I would have shown my respect and have more of a council around me from some of the Boston Celtics that came before me to explain what the pressure is like.”

  2. RhinoBugs

    So you’re telling me the full quote tells the full story, and the media and redditors (including me lol) for the past 4 hours looked at only pieces of it out of context to make him look bad?

  3. human1023

    I hate how this sub tries to create drama out of nothing.

    I guess Kyrie is an easier target because he tries to give more than the same typical response you get from other players.

  4. CP3sHamstring

    Players get poorly aggregated all the time don’t worry about it

    NBA media is trash.

  5. Ok_Acanthaceae6057

    Celtics fans vs Kyrie Game 5 is gonna be really interesting.

  6. actual_yellow_bag

    this thread will get like 30 comments and 50 upvotes lol

  7. HitboxOfASnail

    I didn’t bother reading the other threads but this seems very level headed

  8. Dependent_Way_1038

    Another day, another r/nba overreaction

  9. rzoneking

    Man. Im tired of this shit. Kyrie have a bad moments in Boston and he did not manage it well.. but can we move on asking the same questions for past weeks? Kyrie is playing in the Dallas right now.. why media keep.pushing the narratives about the relationship of the Celtics. Its been over a years.Media is shit

  10. Greennhornn

    It’s so weird to call an organization a cult but then say you should’ve joined it.

  11. Iron_Boat

    God I really wish everyone would let the Kyrie Celtics narrative go.

  12. aita0022398

    Similar to the Angel Reese clip, media will take 5 seconds of a long well thought out answer and try to create controversy.

    Can’t be mad at this answer

  13. DestrosSilverHammer

    Further context appreciated. These comments aren’t nearly as incendiary as other threads suggested, but they still strike me as disingenuous: He talks about how he shouldn’t have expected people to be there for him, giving him advice, but it’s pretty well known that Kyrie put up barriers between himself and people who could have helped him.

    The problem isn’t that he wasn’t proactive in trying to work with people improve his situation—it’s that he was proactive in keeping it from happening. 

  14. Single_Passenger

    Of course, this clip has 10 times fewer upvotes than the top comment of the bait post.

  15. jaysonman1

    People are bitching about his response but i thought this was genuine and really insightful. Didn’t trash anyone or anything

  16. Trees_Are_Freinds

    Its going to come off as a bit dickish and the expectation is that this is delivered in poor faith because this is Kyrie…but that entire conversation with him sounded very reasonable to me.

    A small shot perhaps in one section, but for all the asshole-ery (and there is ample) this is very far down the list.

  17. Objective-Nerve1827

    Media is something else, ain’t it lol .. When will it stop is the real question ⁉️

  18. Effective-Log8638

    This sounds way different in person than in writing. Media trying to get boston riled up

  19. Aldridge is great but come on… you media heads STILL asking about kyrie and boston? Omg move tf on. And the pressure in Cleveland was not bc the city hasn’t won in so long, it was bc of Lebron being pressured and the trickle down effect. Smh

  20. samarajan

    A perfect reflection of media today. Take quotes out of context and make them sound awful. The post that is taken out of context shoot to #1 on the boards, and the full quote gets banished to the void.

  21. gangaramate13

    I appreciate his thoughtfulness and humility in reflection

  22. toofaded40

    Boston fans will continue to hate Kyrie no matter what he says. It’s the Boston way

  23. AdOpen8418

    Ironically he uses “cult” in the true sense of the word and not in a derogatory manor. The Celtics truly are a cult and that’s not a bad thing. I mean just look at their track record

  24. Loud-Appointment-301

    Completely reasonable take and they removed the context to make ragebait.

  25. Okay this isn’t really anything bad as that first thread sounded. We all fell for a bait.

  26. Can-i-Pet-Dat-Daaawg

    So, basically, “I was being a young punk, and I’ve matured since then.”

  27. Numbchicken

    This sub fiends on hating kyrie. Time and again people post bullshit out of context and no one learns


    That is a far more mature answer than I would have expected coming from him. Maybe he’s going up some finally.

  29. hadeanZircon

    yo this is the post that should be upvoted, I watched this after and couldn’t even pick out what the outrageous quotes were.

    I kept expecting them to drop, then at the end I went and looked at what the top two r/nba posts said again and was like “that is completely out of context”

  30. It seems like Kyrie has matured a lot since joining Dallas. He was my favorite player to watch before he joined the Celtics, and I was ecstatic when he joined us. It’s unfortunate how things played out, but I’m happy to see the growth he’s made.

  31. DaTingGoesSkrrrrrt

    Sorry this video doesn’t fit my narrative. Take it down please

  32. MoneyMakingMitch1

    The media is trash and most Celtics fans are trash.

  33. Full quote gives context. The abbreviated quote—I thought he was talking about racism.

  34. AdmiralWackbar

    I watched the interview live and then went on Reddit and was both surprised and then not surprised at all by the spin

  35. seedeegeecdg

    Level headed response and took ownership of his own actions!

  36. I noticed it was mostly Celtics fans that were misinterpreting him in the previous thread.

    It’s been 4 years, move on already.

  37. just-getting-by92

    Like seriously, how can people hate this guy? He’s like this in every single interview. Professional, humble, respectful, mature, and composed. Kai just seems like a straight up good dude.

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