@Portland Trail Blazers

Will the Trail Blazers Hire Assistant Coaches? How Many Players Get Traded this Summer? Mailbag!

Will the Trail Blazers Hire Assistant Coaches? How Many Players Get Traded this Summer? Mailbag!

in today’s show it’s a mailbag episode answering listener submitted questions about chony bps’s vacancies on his coaching staff plus some trade chatter welcome to lock down Blazers let’s get into it you are locked on Trailblazers your daily Portland Trailblazers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up world it’s pass first point guard and Trail Blazers reporter Mike Richmond you’re listening to another episode locked on Blazers part of the locked on podcast network available wherever you get podcasts and also on YouTube thanks for making this show your first listen coming at you each and every weekday Monday through Friday so make it a part of your daily routine make your first listen tell your friends to do the same it’s locked on Blazers your team every day in today’s episode a mailbag episode a mailbag answering listener submitted questions all episode long um Let Me Take You Inside the episode very briefly um had to reschedule an interview so today’s show was supposed to be something else and instead it was a mailbag typically the best way to reach me for mailbag stuff like always always always is my email address locked on Blazers pod but today I actually ended up soliciting questions on uh Twitter I don’t normally do that I probably won’t do that again in the future but I guess if you want to have a fail safe to get in the show you can follow me on Twitter at mikeg Rich uh let’s let’s get into the show uh lockon Blazers pod is where you locked on Blazers pod the name of this email podp name of this email the name of this show locked on Blazers pod is is the way to reach me via email this first question comes from evm evm PDX on Twitter who asks are the Blazers ever going to backfill their assistant coaching vacancies or is Chance G going at it solo next season there was a time uh this was a while ago maybe like 2011 2010 um when the kings were like still in danger of of maybe moving to to Seattle or Vegas and Like the relocation stuff in Sacramento where the where the Sacramento Kings only had four assistant only traveled five assistant coaches like total um which was which is incredibly small staff incredibly small staff uh I don’t think the Blazers are going to do that they’re going to they’re going to um they’re going to hire some folks and and it seems like they’re going to hire Nate borran uh Danny mang of of 1080 the fan and and Jack Ram reported that Nate borran who’s worked under Nick nurse in Toronto and then was very briefly I’ll be got fired after one season in a not so uh not so Rosy exit from the Indiana Pacers was the head coach of the Pacers um you know but someone with with NBA coaching experience has been uh you know around the Blazers during draft workouts has been in the facility and is a strong candidate to join chony B staff I could say from someone I I a source of mine outside of the organization said that they believe that Nate borin has been hired and they just haven’t announced it yet so um you know merang first as they used to say on the internet but like um yeah I think that I think Nate borin is very likely um then they still have two other coaching vacancies they lost three coaches this summer they’re going to hire all of them um is is the reporting from Sean hiken of Rose Garden reports and it would be weird if they didn’t I would make fun of them here on this podcast if they went uh with the light King style coaching staff but um borin seems likely to take the lead assistant just because it’s like uh Scott Brooks left who was the lead assistant uh Steve hsel left who was a front of the bench assistant and then Rodney bips was was not renewed who was behind the behind the bench assistant so like the i i my guess here and this is just a guess I’m not reporting anything is that the name you know Nate borran is most likely to be the lead assistant type and then names you don’t know who are like assistant coaches around the league that like just general people that unless the only the truly truly truly deeply invested in the league and type of things people know of and will like the names we don’t know will fill the other position position so I would guess that borren is is there in the lead assistance um like I said i’ I’ve heard that it’s he’s on the coaching staff uh just hasn’t been announced yet and um we’ll see what they do they’re going to hire them eventually uh it would make sense they don’t need to do it before the draft necessarily although I mean the draft is in you’re listening to Monday J June 17th show that the draft is in uh just over a week um they don’t have to do it but it would be be weird if they didn’t have a full coaching staff by the time summer league kicked off in that second week of July uh the end of the first week of July so soon soon I think they’re waiting they’re going to see what happens with the Lakers coaching staff Blazers job just isn’t very appealing I think that’s one of the things is like so um chn bu is in a lame duck coaching season which is pretty rare in the league it doesn’t really happen very often where a guy goes into the final season of his contracts either coaches get fired or they get renewed bips is not in position to ask for more money and more years he’s not in position to get a contract renewal and the Blazers you know they’ve made every indication that he’s their he’s their guy for this season um so it’s just not that appealing of a job because of the strange situation um so I don’t think there’s there’s folks jumping at it necessarily with a sort of lack of stability I don’t even think the quality of the team is as big of a deal it’s just like the lack of stability within um on the staff itself so you know maybe once the Lakers make their hires and however that might shake out and coaches moving from you know and once once that sort of Domino starts pushing other other coaching staff shakeups the Blazers will make their move um but yeah when you’re when you have a bad job people aren’t going to rush out to go get it um and I think the Blazers are just typically they haven’t moved I would say typically they haven’t moved super super fast with these types of things um and I I think broadly speaking you would want them to like if you fire coaches to like move quickly and get new ones because that means You’ we’ve got a plan uh but sometimes um you sometimes plan a and plan B doesn’t always work out or or maybe they’ve already hired these folks and they’re working in building we just don’t know yet because we don’t need to know yet okay next question comes from Patrick Milligan P Milligan on Twitter who asks who on the Blazers in their current role would crack the rotation on the Mavs and Celtics in this finals I like this question because I like in their role right like if you just like I think I think uh amrey Simons could play pton pritchard’s role pretty well but amre Simons was a starter all year so not the same thing um but I I like I like the sort of hypothetical here I think the obvious one is Malcolm Brogden right like backup point guard he could play over peyon Pritchard he’s better than Peyton Pritchard he would be more useful in that role than than prit um he’d probably play over Dante XM although they’re not similar and what exm does and why exam’s roles like minutes were getting reduced and why they were going other directions they were trying Jaden Hardy and trying Tim ow junr a little bit um was because exom can dribble towards the rim Brogden is not like a great Rim pressure guy he’s more of a pull-up jump shooter uh than a rim pressure guy but he’s another guy who could dribble and get his own shot he’d be very helpful for the Mavs that that was in games one two and three they were just missing another dude who could dribble um that that was that was important um other names that I think like I think Malcolm is a lock everyone else is kind of hard to tell and and part of this is that when you get this deep into the finals in the playoffs postseason in general like teams are just shallow they’re not playing they don’t play no one’s playing bad players right if you if you play poorly um you you typically don’t play except for marway Jr who just got to play all of game three for whatever reason um I think the fully actualized version of Shaden sharp would play over Tim Hardway Jr but I don’t know if act I don’t know if like reality Shaden sharp would play over him uh like as a sort of a bench guard he could have been much worse than than thj was in game three uh but I’m I’m not 100% sure he would play over him like I think he might I think he might that was a conversation um the only starting spot that I think is potentially up for grabs would be Dennis Jones uh Derrick Jones Jr excuse me dere Derek I’m getting my I’m getting my former Blazer Junior’s confused uh Derrik Jones Jr I like I think Jeremy Grant would start over him because he’s better but um I’m not confused whether Jeremy Grant is better than Derrick Jones that’s not what I’m debating here I’m debating the ask Derrick Jones Jr is the is gets a lot of primary Wing assignments right wing defensive assignments like hey go guard this guy and I don’t that’s not Jeremy Grant’s strength right like that’s not where he’s super helpful in fact like um while he’s he can be okay at it he’s not a plus like one onone type of Defender like that he’s pretty good guarding and isolation um and he’s a okay help Defender and he can be like a a a part of a good defense but in terms of like go sit down and stop this guy and guard him we’ve seen the Blazers try to use him in that um that spot his first season in Portland it just wasn’t any good at it so I think he would play over Derrick Jones Jr but it’s not a perfect fit just because the ask for what DJJ is is being asked to do would um is is not ideal but like at some point it’s just Talent so I think I think Jeremy would play over him but I just want to note that it’s not like super clean the other two ideas are whoever you consider the blers Backup backup small forward if I like matis thel is not is is is not the same type of player as as Josh green um because green why he’s been playing in the finals because he’s really physical on ball they put him on on Jason Tatum and he gets up into J Jason Tatum’s shorts and he’s like what’s up and guards him with real physicality doesn’t care if he fouls does you know you know and he’s he’s not shooting very much but he’s a pretty good passer he made a couple really nice passes in this series um but like his physicality on defense is why he’s playing that’s not what matis thel does right like he’s a really incredible defensive playmaker um probably much more impactful overall on defense than than Josh green but again not the same ask and like why Josh Green is playing period is because of the physicality he brings on defense and because of that sort of like he can go out there and die on on Jason Tatum in a way that I don’t think tho would um I don’t think he’ provide the same type of resistance he’ provide a different type of resistance and you could argue on maybe even a better type of resistance but it’s again it’s not the same ask um but I think he would play over Josh green and if you consider tumani a backup tumani Kamar like he would definitely play over Josh green because he’ provide exactly that type of resistance and he’s bigger and he’s like I ideal for what you need to do to guard like if you need someone to guard Jason tum and still maybe give up points but at least make it hard for him for the first you know 18 seconds of the shot clock tumani would absolutely do that but I kind of think tumani is a of him as a starter because that was mostly his role this season so then he wouldn’t play over the other starters necessarily although you could make a case and I think a relatively strong one that tumani would play over over Derrick Jones Jr in fact I’ll just do that now I think tumani tomorrow no matter where he would be would would would likely get the job over over either um over either Josh Green as backup or Derrick Jones as a starter and I think Malcolm brog and easily is your backup point guard those are the two guys who would play uh we got more questions including about trades trade trade trade trades in the second segment join me there won’t you first though I want to tell you that Today’s Show is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs look if you are trying to hire for your small business you’re a small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free LinkedIn isn’t just another job board it’s freaking LinkedIn it’s got a vast network of more than a billion professionals has billion with a be everybody’s already there go find them where they’re at it’s the best place to hire 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trendon Watford uh rip trendon on Twitter who asks what do you think the odds of matis thel getting traded are I’m editing in real time I’m thinking that like 99% with our wings and the likely Wing additions in the draft I think 99% is too high um just in general I think it’s too high um I would put the number like significantly lower but still very likely something like 38% um which is a very very likely outcome of any individual player getting traded um why I wouldn’t say 99 is because like any number of perme ations of other trades could make matis thy very useful again right um can play two or three he’s not he’s not um he’s you know he it’s fine he can play either of those Wing spots some people use Wing to mean power forward as well I mean Wing to mean the middle spots two three and four uh that’s a that’s a a complaint for another day um but I think the logic from rip trendon makes sense here um because yeah the Blazers have have Chris Murray they have Jabari Walker they have tone Kamar they have you know they still have Jeremy grants on the roster they still probably need to find minutes for Shaden sharp unless they trade all of both of the other guards and anrey Simons and malcol Brogden sharp is going to have to play some minutes at the three and they’re in a Range a draft range where somebody like Cody Williams or Ron Holland could easily be on the team tan Salah like there is there’s a number of sort of wings in that range even Dalton connects um if you want the guys worked out for the blazes you want to throw him in the in the mix like um matus pelis I guess you just want to name every wing in the real quick like yeah all of those guys would be another spot to eat up so I totally understand the logic right I I I think I think the logic is very sound matis thyo is likely to be traded because he’s on a cheap contract that could be absorbed into the uh mid-level exception uh trade exception that teams are going to have to access to in the new CBA plus his money is only 11 million bucks like either teams can absorb him outright without sending back players which might appeal to the Blazers if they want to cut some salary or you know it’s easy to make the money work because it’s not um it’s not this fat contract that’s going to require trading a big money veteran like he’s on a he’s on a he’s on a pretty he’s a pretty reasonable deal and he’s a pretty he’s pretty effective Defender he’s a weird Defender you need his specific skill set he doesn’t he’s not going to sit down and lock somebody up but he is going to create havoc in the way that he creates Havoc um yeah I think it’s like a 38% chance he gets traded but I I think the logic in general is like they got a lot of young players behind him they might add more and he is has some value I wonder what his Standalone trade value is right like I don’t think you’re getting a a first for matis th um you’re probably getting some second round picks so maybe you group him with another player in a trade and then you get you know and you get some a sweeter deal maybe you move up from like was going to be a future second and now you get a future first that’s lightly protected type of thing by throwing in tho in the deal um I you know I don’t um I don’t think that you have to hold out and not trade ma because you have to get this great deal for him um but I do I will I will say like on his own on his own he’s not gonna get you like the greatest deal back um although he can be helpful I think he can be helpful to a variety of teams uh his shooting the second half of the Season really fell off and I think that does give we give some teams a little bit of pause okay next question comes from White Thunder 123 at White thunder1 123 on uh Twitter who asks over under two Blazers trades by the end of the second round of the upcoming draft um this is a good one this is a good one right now I think this plays into the mati thall thing doesn’t have a lot of Standalone value so maybe you maybe you trade matis with players uh there’s been some there’s been some reporting from multiple Outlets uh the ringer and ESPN that the Blazers have explored trading up in the draft I think it would make sense that the Blazers would also explore trading back in the draft although it’s not as juicy to report um and in general like the idea that the Blazers are you know tracing cha trading up or in at least considering trading up to to land somebody like Donovan kingan would likely mean that they would have to clear out some vets on the backside I think I think two is a really good number um I think it’s a really good over under I would bet the over at one and half right like if it was two I think two on the nose is what my guess would be so I’ll go under although I know it’s a push this is like one of those bets that I wouldn’t touch I just I just straight up wouldn’t bet it because I was like yeah that’s a good line I’m not gonna I don’t want to deal with that but I do think we’re going to see some action from the Blazers even if they don’t trade up in the draft to chase um uh to chase somebody they have a a roster that is full like they have a roster that is just full up um it’s not you know it’s not absolutely absolutely maxed out but they’ve got 11 guaranteed contracts and three other guys on on partial or non- guaranteed deals the non- guaranteed guys are tman Kamar Jabari Walker and Delano banson banton’s hard to know but they don’t he’s his guarantee is only $200,000 they don’t really have to make they don’t have to chase a decision on him it would be weird if they just let Jabari Walker like walk for lack of a better term if they just like released him that’d be odd um it wouldn’t be like it would be in the trendon Watford level of like huh I guess they didn’t like him um but like it would be odd I think they like him they they I think he they view him as a find and to Moni kamaro it would be just like malpractice to let him walk it would be one of the great one of the best parts of last season was finding someone as functionally helpful as Tani Kamara um so like you think Walker and and Kamar are in that pushes your guaranteed number up to 13 you only have two other spots and you have potentially four rookies uh Ian like conceivably neither of the second round picks get NBA deals um either they’re like draft in stash you draft someone who’s going to stay in Europe or they’re um or or their two-way guys right so they wouldn’t take up NBA contracts but even on it on its own then the Blazers would uh have two rookies coming in to fill up the roster at 15 you wave Delano banson and then you run it back no oh no that would be uh spoiler for later in the show one of the worst case scenarios um like that so you they got to trade somebody and the time for them to make trades is probably around in and around the draft I I don’t expect them to be making trades prior to them being on the clock but because they’re on the clock at 7 and 14 they’re going to have you know a chance to move up back sideways uh and whatever they want to do with those picks they’ve got veterans that are tradeable and movable and in Malcolm Brogden and conceivably Jeremy Grant Andrey Simons uh and you could throw Rob Williams in there as well um and then they have these second round picks that maybe teams that are really expensive want second rounders because of the second round pick exceptions that help really expensive teams in a way that they haven’t in the past and the Blazers make those trades as well so I would I guess I was going to bet the under and then I talked myself into it I’m going over baby more than two trades although I think two is the right number I think on draft night um there two nights it’s night one is the first round afternoon two it’s like a 1 pm start on the west coast to the second round of the draft why uh but it you know afternoon 2 you get you’ll get um you’ll get some I think two trades I’m I’m going to guess I’m going to guess over two but I think two is a really good number okay couple more questions including uh one about who about a Blazer player hitting their 99th percentile that’s what we’ll do to close the show in this beautiful mailbag Monday join me in that third segment won’t you first though I want to tell you that Today’s Show is brought to you by prize picks it is America’s number one also America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 5 million members it’s the most fun and exciting way to get on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less on two or more player stats for a shot to win up up to a hundred times your money that’s 10 turning $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer you can make prize picks lineup in as little as 60 seconds it’s not just two players it’s a b it’s a entry between two or six player stat projections you make that in about 60 seconds and and then you’re locked in um the NBA Finals have three games left in them at the most uh I’ll take less on that if uh if priz pick is going to put that one up there I I’ll go less on on number of games in the NBA Finals I don’t think this one’s going seven but once the NBA Finals action basketball doesn’t stop Hoops action is here and prize picks got you covered for the WNBA all summer long so if you want to get W get in on the action with young stars like caylin Clark or Angel ree or you’re looking to to just you know cash in on the Great ban Stewart DT AJ Wilson you can win up to 100 times your money watching them ball out all June and July as well so download the app use that code locked on NBA for first deposit match up to $100 they can match you dollar for dooll up to 100 bucks on your first deaza but you got to use that code locked on NBA that’s prize picks pick more pick less it’s that [Music] easy still a pass first point guard I’m still Mike Richmond you are still listening to on Blazers and we’re still rolling through a mailbag episode um this next question comes from Mickey I r73 on on Twitter Mickey IR r73 on Twitter who asks if you could take one blazer with a ton of potential and have them hit their absolute ceiling 99th percentile outcome to all caps save the franchise who is it easy peasy Shaden sharp easy peasy shade and sharp um you know I’m I’m kind of picking towards the young end um I don’t really see like a 99th percentile outcome where tumani kamaro Scotty Pippen although I know there are some of you out there that do and I respect it um like same with Chris Murray and Jabari Walker there I don’t what is what is their highest highest outcome I don’t know is that a star uh Ryan ruper like it I guess he’s he’s enough of an unknown that maybe you could talk yourself into like if he hits his absolute ceiling he’s like you know he’s he’s he’s a superstar but to me it’s like guys who I could like squint and see Superstar stuff some of Superstar stuff is can you dribble into your own shot that’s what stars do they dribble into their own shot not too many guys in the league get the sort of um the job to take the ball dribble across half court get into action create their own shot and create for others there are not many primary creators in the league it is a very small subset of the of of of the league and most folks are role players Shaden sharp and Scoot Henderson are the sort of primary Creator types that fit this sort of young young player it’s like Anthony Simons could be there but again he’s played in the league long enough that I’m not sure his like 99th percentile is super duper Star um but he could certainly get a lot better so I’m kind of when like my logic and yours can differ but my logic here is that I’m picking between Scoot and Shaden sharp and if I’m picking who hits their 99th percentile outcome give me the dude who’s 66 over the dude who is 62 I think the 99 percentile like the best case scenario type of outcome for for scoot Henderson is like Russell Westbrook right like absolute Force League MVP a million time Allstar who walks into the Hall of Fame the moment he is eligible um and that’s what Russ is don’t get it twisted but like are you winning a title with a lead a like sort of lead guard in that ilk right who isn’t like a flamethrower from Deep like who doesn’t who is mostly a two-point scoring point guard um who is like smaller and Scoot is shorter than than Russell Westbrook um I don’t think you are I think you can be very very very very very good with that as that archetype of player but I’m not sure that can be your best player on team that wins a title shanon Sharp’s 99th percentile outcome is like freaking T-Mac could you win the NBA championship if T-Mac was your best player apparently not right but but some of that is out of out of out of t-mac’s control and like you know situation dependent and health dependent and all those things but like yeah like Shaden Sharp’s 99th percenti out come is T-Mac and teac is like that’s really special right that’s like the this big multi-positional Wing who can shoot over anyone athleticism to get to the rim jump shooting to score in the mid-range jump shooting to score from three like yeah like if sharp hits his like leads the league in scoring for a couple Seasons best offensive player at his position type of ceiling yeah like that saves the franchise if if Jaden sharp is T-Mac it sh it saves the franchise um that one’s easy for me 99th best best person to hit their 99th percental outcome is um is uh is Shay and I don’t think I didn’t hesitate about this one final question of the show comes from at Fuller hick on Twitter who asks what is the absolute worst and absolute best case scenario for the Blazers heading into training camp I you if you know me you love you know I’d love the polarity of best case and worst case scenarios um I think the worst case scenario is the one that I laid out earlier in the program they signed their two draft picks in the second round to two-way Deals they draft at seven they draft at 14 they add those players to the mix and they let Delano Banton walk and they uh you know guaranteed Tani’s contract and they guaranteed Jabari Walker’s contract and they run it back and they run it back with 13 players from last year’s team and two newcomers and they say hey we’re going to bank on internal growth we got a long way to go that we have were so excited about the growth of of of the young wings that we have and the new two rookies we just drafted and we really like what amrey Simons can become in his seventh NBA season and Scoot Henderson and shanen sharp are going to be healthy this year they’re going to flourish we have we have a deep and talented backcourt we have got a stable of wings and we’ve got a a center with depth behind him in andreon followed by du reath and Rob Williams and we really like where we are that’s the worst case scenario if they run this back the worst case scenario you cannot you cannot pass on opportunities to improve the team or or honestly try to improve the team because you’re going to strike out sometimes that’s the nature of doing this if they run it back that’s the absolute worst case scenario is if they if there are only two new faces on the roster when training camp opens absolute worst case scenario I think that has like a very low chance like it’s a nonzero chance I guess but it’s like very very very very very very extremely low it it’s just not going to happen the best case scenario I think is that when they get for me it’s that they they absolutely trade malcol Brogden it’s that they trade one of Jeremy grants and Anthony Simons and for me I think it’s Simons because I think you get the most back for Anthony Simons he’s like I think he’s better than Jeremy grants that’s kind of debatable and maybe in the the eyes of the beholder but I really value what amrey Simons does on offense commanding double teams commanding that type of on ball attention is valuable for an offense and he’s bad on defense but I think if you get him in the right role in the right spot he can be an off ball player he can be an on ball player he can be effective he can be a he if you if you find a spot that complement his strengths he can be valuable and I think for that reason he might have the most trade value on the team period full stop um like so I think the best case scenario for me and the year mileage may vary is that they trade Malcolm BR they trade amrey Simons they get a a hall of picks back into the future they get some Young Veterans that work out in in in the now whoever that whoever that might be and I’ll I’ll do some more specific trade stuff and episodes in the future I’m not going to do it here in the final two minutes of a mail back but I promise I’ll talk some specific trades for veterans in the future um shout out to shout out to re the Reverend doctor who sent me that uh sent me that trade that mailbag proposal for this very episode but I think the best case n is that they’ve traded Malcolm Brogden they’ve cashed in on anony Simons before he’s heading into a contract year and gotten the most out of him that they can and that they have explored the for Jeremy Grant neither traded him as well and added more vets that are not on ball ball dominant vets but they still have older voices in the locker room to help a young team but they don’t have players who are going to soak up offensive possessions that and have their main value be soaking up offensive possessions um the placers were bad on offense they will miss all of those players if they trade them they were a horrendous offensive team and that would be I am that best case scenario makes them worse on offense I totally recognize that but the point of this next step next stage is committing to a a a future of this team and the future of this team is likely younger um athrey Zs could be part of the future but I don’t necessarily see it I think at some point they’re going to have to make a decision between him and the other young guards and the longer you go down that path the longer it becomes the decision gets made for you one way or another and I think the best case scenario is that you pull the Band-Aid off you trade Malcolm Brogden you trade amrey Simons you go into the into into the season knowing that you are you are probably worse than you were last season record-wise but you’ll have a more defined Direction you’ll have more defined roles for your youngsters and you’ll have more assets to improve the team going forward um I think next season one of the hard things about covering this team talking about this team and all of this is that being bad is going to be a feature not a bug but the way in which they are bad the purpose with which they play while losing games is going to be much more important because another season without like real purpose and direction is really Troublesome that with that said if they win 22 games 19 games that’s fine but it’s the purpose you play with in your pursuit of those 19 wins that’s going to really matter that is going to do it for today’s show uh we do this five days a week rev get Podcast and also on YouTube come back for tomorrow’s show I appreciate you listening I’ll talk to you soon [Music]

It’s a mailbag episode answering listener submitted questions about the Portland Trail Blazers. Topics include: Chauncey Billups’ still vacant coaching staff, which Blazers would play in The Finals in their current, role, Matisse Thybulle’s trade market and which player hitting their 99th percentile outcome would benefit the franchise the most.

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#TrailBlazers #NBA


  1. If they run it back all it does is make sure that Cronin gets fired and Billups isn't brought back. We 100% KNOW Scoot/Ant is not going to work and handicapping Sharpe makes zero sense. Even without the 2025 draft the team needs to pick a damn direction. Lots of expensive vets that don't help the team win and take up the youngsters playing time in a freaking rebuild is just dumb. Plus I don't buy for a second that Grant, Ant or Ayton are "leaders" in the locker room.

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