@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Need MAJOR HELP

The Detroit Pistons Need MAJOR HELP

Kool-Aid a little slightly off topic here yes sir but we’re gonna we’re getting into basketball so hypothetically Klay Thompson GRE become available to the Pistons which would you rather have would you rather have Klay Thompson or Draymond Green Man part of me wants to go the defensive thing and say you know what we need the toughness we need the defense we need what Draymond can bring but the Pistons needs shooting shooting we kind of talked about it and you guys are right in my opinion it’s just a matter is is Clay going to be that consistent shooter or is he going to be another boam bonovich if you bring him in here and that’s my one worry I do believe that if you bring in Draymond he will be able to give you something of value on a defensive end I don’t know what he’s going to give you shooting wise don’t know what he’s going to give you if he wants to over dribble the ball so I don’t know man pardon me no bro I gotta bro you’re a basketball guy I got Draymond coming in would make this team that much worse at shooting we cannot be getting worse at shooting the basketball has nothing to do with Michigan St what happens if Klay toy comes in here and he lays a dud from behind the arc he’s not contributing anything else clay okay he’s not as quick as he wants well he’s not he’s lost lost his step he was once one of the better perimeter defenders in the NBA he knows how to do it maybe maybe he can coach up assar coach up Marcus cesser maybe not for the money that the contract he probably signed but I see where you’re going for for for the sake of shooting for the sake of shooting though it’s it’s it’s a great question it is a great question because I want to be able to say clay I want to be a I want to be able to believe that he’ll come in here and he’ll be that guy from behind the AR maybe not what he once was but somebody can come in here and be a consistent 37% three-point shooter what you think about that question man can I say neither I mean would you rather you know the rules to Clay you know the rules and I mean at this point in their careers it’s like no maybe five to six years ago I’d be jumping over joy for either one of them but you look at at at Draymond yes defensively he’ be great but this is the last thing this team needs is more non shooting defensive playing you know uh bigger people um and and Kay he’s he’s just a shell of himself man I’m sorry he’s not the same Klay Thompson that we once knew the injury kind of just it it took the last of his uh ability to put the ball on the floor and things of that nature and he’s not as consistent from three as he once was so I’m I’m good on both of them actually man I I would I think there’s better options out there just being there far better options out there defin being real but you already know the Pistons got a B load of money and as you would have been jumping for joy for either one of those guys three or four years ago I’m sure one of those guys are jumping for joy for the Detroit Pistons and say you know what take this cash come over here those are not the stars that we talking about when we say you know what go out there and find like All-Star level or All-Star type players those are not those guys and maybe if this team was further along I’d be more on board with a clay or or Draymond move but just they are just not there right now we we need to find the identity we need to figure out who is going to be here a part of this core long term yeah that’s that right there is the uh The crucial aspect of it and it sucks because this past year was supposed to be the assessment for that yeah so it’s like are they is trean L ni Co entering into this season looking to start that all over again you know do you got that mon Williams graphic just so we can uh for the people yeah you know before Williams yeah yeah before the Monty Williams let’s uh just to reset it let’s talk about the FED Vin and news just real quick um for the Woodward Pistons fam as well of course yeah that graphic should be uh up next oh yeah there it goes there it goes yeah Fred Vincent is joining Monty Williams’s Detroit Pistons staff as an assistant coach I wanted to be able to put this one on first because it instantly sent kind of social media AB Buzz Pistons fans AB buzz like yo so does that mean that the assessment of Monty Williams that treas Lan was going to do does that mean that Monty Williams are staying and then that next graphic with the Monty Williams on it we got the breaking news that Mark Stein that Monty Williams is going to be retained by the Detroit Pistons that should be the next graphic on there bro yeah oh got to fix that one up to yeah that’s a big Monte full Monte but no we can go back to the K one because where this thing starts and we’re going to do an offseason kickoff I know that the NBA draft is next Wednesday next Thursday the wo crew is going to be running the show in the years’s past I’ve had different Caster characters help me with the Woodward Pistons kind of NBA draft coverage this year we’re doing an allout kind of offseason kickoff we got to get this thing right man and so we’re going to be asking all the questions at the press conference and trying to make things work but um where this thing starts is right here with this guy K Cunningham and rashed Wallace has some big words to say about Kade he said I F with Kade I really like him because he’s a big Point as in point guard as we always say about Scotty and I believe that’s Pippen and and Edwards and Luca or maybe he’s talking about Scotty Barnes all he say he’s a point forward I like the comparison everything starts here just like with the hypothetical when we talk about Draymond and Clay if you had to pick one naturally you’d pick one you believe compare with K Cunningham and that’s where this thing needs to start whether you’re assessing this thing as it relates to what you’re going to taking a draft free agency or what’s already on the roster I’m hoping that that assessment is taking place right now yeah I I I you can’t go into a whole another season where you’re like you know what let’s try and figure out what we got in these young players especially if you’re bringing back am m Williams who openly declared during the start of training camp last season that this is not a roster that he’s comfortable coaching it’s not one that he’s used to whether he’s looking to say you know what let me at this stage of my career going ahead and try and make this thing work now may me go here right now in my career and trying to change my philosophies and change my style of coaching I I just don’t see him necessarily doing that personally so I do believe that this is a situation where you want to be able to get this thing off the ground and running the right way sooner rather than later not that you want to rush traser L’s process but why run back what we just saw this previous season do you look at with the two teams in the finals right now are they a blueprint to anything that the Pistons should be trying to do we talk about K Kate and luuka the comparison here from Rasheed Wallace do they need to go look in the the Kyrie type of Realm obviously nobody’s like Kyrie but that type of you know play making scoring point guard or do you go the the I don’t know the True Team around the the Boston route where you got Kade whether he’s Jason Tatum or 1B and Jaylen Brown however you want whoever is the 1A or 1B and then put these really just really good perfect fits around them with Chris stpps with Sam Hower and pton Pritchard and Dre Ru Holliday which I would have loved on the Pistons last year but nonetheless what route do you take or what do you pull from the two teams in the finals this year yeah it’s the identity kg said it earlier the identity of the players that the Boston Celtics have defense rebounding h in kind of giving that a little bit of an extra Edge on defense not really afraid if they get a foul making sure they’re not giving up and ones bro the Detroit Pistons gave up some and ones last year that’s kind of the identi the identity that I would like the Detroit Pistons to be able to adopt and it’s not one that we are you know that that we’re like unfamiliar with because it’s what the identity of every winning Detroit Pistons team yes that’s what we won out of them and that’s what I like more like I you can say a lot about the offense of the Boston Celtics but more than than anything seeing how their defense has made a huge difference in the series honestly I just sit back and I’m just like yo I remember that it’s like you know me it’s like that that Leonardo DiCaprio me where he’s just pointing like bro I really remember that like I remember those times here in Detroit I wanted to get back to that where they stepped out there in the court and we knew even if the pist is going to score 85 back in that day they’re still going to win 85 to like 70 yeah I I want that identity back when as you tri you remember that feeling almost more than individual games it was funny no like every body pregame is talking it didn’t matter if it was regular season playoffs finals the Pistons ain’t going to be able to score the Pistons aren’t going to be able to score the Pistons aren’t going to be able to score and knowing sitting back just chuckling as a fan as a young fan knowing you don’t know what defense is it’s like it’s like y’all lost some aspect of what the game is they were going there and vice scrip teams and it was it was beautiful basketball well everyone on the outside talks about their inability to score the teams that they’re playing in the 24 hours leading up to playing those Pistons teams they are with the trainers they are taking their V they’re getting M they’re doing anything they can to be as rested as possible because whenever you were going up against those Pistons teams it was war for 48 minutes it was the worst game of your season the most miserable game to play you come into Detroit or Detroit comes into your house yeah you you have to be ready for war and with this this Detroit team people come into this house and they bench their star players yeah and and then those bench players are coming in and popping off for 30 points 20 points 40 points you know you’re they they’re third and fourth uh tier players are going coming in like Desmond Bane dropped 40 50 points on us here like that was that was that was crazy to watch we were all sitting here saying when we were trying to figure out which one of these games is going to break the streak when they were on that long historic losing streak Des bang came in here and said I don’t know why y’all penciled us on your calendar just because John Miranda’s out and he dropped a bucket on our heads man it was crazy to be able to see something like that and it’s just like you know what if they had a little bit more of an identity a little bit more of an a little bit more of a flare and sometimes that does have to be taught it does a lot of times players are worried about files they’re worried about trying to play the game the right way and sometimes playing the game the right way is your coach being able to put you in a position to have that right amount of edge that’s what we likeed about Larry Brown the Pistons played defense before him but it got a little bit nastier a little bit grittier a little bit dirtier when Larry Brown took over the Rings it wasn’t just what he did to unlock Tony bips as a player and this is why we got m up here right now it’s going to be if he’s the guy if he’s the coach it’s going to be on him to make sure that these players can take that next step and can understand and can be taught you got to have these guys going out there and looking like they know what they’re doing because the defense in my opinion look like it regressed this season more so than it did last season and I thought they have more Talent this which it shouldn’t have it shouldn’t have like that’s that’s what we need to see the I don’t buy that these any of these players are B kilan hates okay bust but there’s too much talent with these guys even if hypothetical even if Ivy is not the guy in Detroit yeah he’s still talented like he’s a player that shouldn’t look how he’s looked or be used how he’s be used or the lack of use like assar Thompson yes he had some struggles offensively but he’s coordinated it doesn’t look ugly he’s just not there yet like these are players that I think can truly develop into something and that’s now on Monty and his coaching staff that’s part of when we heard about him coming and Jared Jack and now Vincent like like this is we need to see that now if Monte is the guy whether he gets you know commitment for this full season upcoming or does he start on the hot seat I don’t know we better see development from the very start like we need to see these guys getting better yeah yeah and that’s what you know obviously a lot of the young guys are talking about the exit interviews uh K Cunningham was one of the ones really championing this putting out there what his weaknesses were what he knows he needs to improve on obviously you said the turnovers the ball handling he needs to be a little bit tighter in defense those are the three things that he’s focusing on and he gets to go into this off season with that being his only focus not recovering from injury not rehabbing from a surgery not resting all summer this is the first summer of his NBA career where he’s able to just go in knowing now what the NBA is knowing that he can perform in this NBA and just do work he can work out all summer to add to his game rather than just get back on the court and that to me is that to me that needs to be the theme of the Detroit Pistons all of these guys work to get better this year everybody is going in healthy obviously Simone fio is the only one that really had some type of a serious injury that required surgery but he’s going to be back in no time go out there and work to get better I like what they have some money from Teo more of those players please a lot more of those players I like assar Thompson but he should be the only mold or Arc Type of player like that on this Pistons roster when you start to have more than those guys on this team it starts to make things a mess for K Cunningham who needs the floor space he don’t need just Shooters but at least players that will cut y’all heard me cry and scream about that all season nobody cuts on this squad then you get a Sone fanto who does a lot of movement without the ball and you saw the type of connection that he and Kate had instantly when Ivy when he is cutting you see the type of connection and the type of way that the offense flows in his beautiful basketball for some small Spurs yeah for some small Spurs but um but that’s you create space by if if you lack certain shooting skills like you create space by cutting by by adjusting your offense with with movement which they have the guys to do there was way too much standing around especially with a guy like Cade who’s such an elite passer and absorbs the gravity the whole entire defense whether they are actually stepping to the middle or not the the defensive scouting report y’all got to understand is everybody has to keep an eye on K CUNY because one pick and roll and that guy you look at his uh at his mid-range efficiency K Cunningham can really hurt your team from the mid-range I know that that’s weird to say in this era of NBA basketball with a mid-range shot it’s supposed to be one of those ones that is like highly discouraged one of the least efficient but when K gets into that mid-range whether it’s him pulling up or you guys already know it that kind of pump fake hesi and then he gets all the way to the Rack or he can drop it off he’s deadly when he gets to that point so defenses know everybody has to keep an eye because it’s not just a pick and roll guy when they run a pick and roll with K cunning the weak side defense has to be weary of of the lot pass so they have to step into the paint or at least make sure they’re covering and then the guy that’s strong side on K they have to do what’s called drop into the paint because you got to stop penetration and you got to force a kick out out to the arc from K Cunningham so it’s like you got to make sure that this guy has the types of players that will know don’t just stand in the corner we’ve seen a lot of players kind of live and die here basically off of just standing in Corners with Sone fento if he’s strong side and this Defender sub starcade sonea fos cutting back door for the easy layup the easy dunk we need more of that type of stuff more Rim runs more dribble handoffs more action Cuts more Dives more motions and get the types of players in here that can execute that whether they’re vets or not at this point in time just get those types of players in here

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