@Boston Celtics

Mavs in survival mode, Celtics ‘at precipice’ of Finals win & 18th championship | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Mavs in survival mode, Celtics ‘at precipice’ of Finals win & 18th championship | NBA | UNDISPUTED

you got me yeah okay Paul Pierce better luck in tonight’s game five Celtics are a commanding six and 1 Half Point home favorite as usual I’m assuming you think game five will be one long Victory Parade for your Celtics as you wear your green today yeah I I threw us off on Friday I had the the the Maverick blue so I want to ensure today that I came in with the green yeah but check this out yeah originally I said five I did say five uh for the series so you know we tried to go off script you know sometimes you go up script you know but we’re back on script you know the script writers called me and was like Paul okay we can’t go off script you know they needed another game so we’re back on script so that was a little glitch in The Matrix last game I don’t really take any stock in the 38 point it was just a lack of uh effort it was I mean they were just kind of yeah oh we’re up three and they thought Dallas would come in here and lay down which wasn’t the case and that just shows you that Luca and and the the Dallas Mavericks have some sort of Pride to their themselves but when I look at the script again the last time Boston Celtics won a championship was in 2008 skip in key yeah you know what the date was 617 uhoh that’s today today oh that’s today so we’re right on script oh so I know Missoula he has some some Kean type of words for them today or yesterday in the film session and and I know that they’ll be ready because there’s no way there’s no way they leave the jungle not the garden yeah the jungle today okay without a victory and that trophy held high so you are guaranteeing I’m guaranteeing today there’s no way they don’t game five well I said from the beginning skip that it was going to be a five game series I just tried to go off script said six and then you went and then I went to five after one game after one game after I saw one game and so I tried to go off script and I was like n n n you know what we back on script so okay you know Missoula ripped them to him yesterday I know I know they pissed off today crowd is going to be into it it’s going to be a lot of drinking started at noon today down down uh downtown Boston and so I expect the crowd to be ready I expect the players to be ready and there’s no way they walk out of that Arena today skip without that trophy okay blowout let me see the interviews this afternoon and I’ll let you see the interviews there not going to be any interviews well we’re 6.5 favorite yeah and usually when we that big of a favorite we usually cover we’ve been a team that’s won by double figures on average in the playoffs and regular season so with the energy they going to have tonight they motivated they know they got their ass kicked by 38 points I think they will be double digit win dig I I do they lost on Friday and if my math is correct that’s two days after the fact before they play on Monday so why would it take him Sunday to rip them a new one shouldn’t he have done that I would I would have gave them the day off and let it you know like when you cook that steak you got to let it rest like we talk about and then you cut it up that’s what it was so look I’m I here here’s where I’m at with it skip you said assuming right so I assume and I’m going to assume it’s over it it it really is in in all honesty I feel like six and a half points they they should be able to cover that and going away at home they know the stakes they know what’s what what is at stake right now if you lose game five and all of a sudden it’s three2 you have now just allowed many people to question what y’all all about and if you can get out of Dallas okay a team that just ran you boat raced you at home boat race and I’m not even talking about the final score cuz the final score they they empti the benches I’m just talking about how from the time it started to the time they empty both benches how they just owned you you don’t want to be put in that position lose this game if you want to at home play that now here’s what I would say about losing at home they have the three times they lost back toback none of them were ever at home they never lost one on the road and one at home it was always on the road so good point a little bit of that is in their favor the two big boys that they have in Tatum and brown have got to come to the party which they know you cannot allow that ghost of Boston or whatever you Garden or whatever y’all call a par whatever that name is at that Stadium the G Celtic pass to seat back into your head going and allowing luuka and Kyrie now Kyrie’s you know he’s got some some some of those Celtic demons in his heads cuz he continues to talk about it but if he somehow goes into Boston does what he did in game three and Luca does what he did in game three and y’all do what y’all did in game four and got to go back to Dallas 3-2 skip I’m off the duck boat I’mma sell my seat what you go 32 you go 32 if you want to if you go 32 guess what you just did all those all them Dallas Cowboys and Michael Irving of the world talking about 77 and 11 and 88 the football guys have arrive they GNA arrive on y’all Paul so y’all have got to close this out cuz I’m get I’m selling it I’m scalping it I’m I’m GNA sell it because I think I I think I can make money selling it to somebody cuz y’all if y’all lose if if if here we go if don’t lose that’s all I’m telling you I’m just tell telling you because y’all going to start doubting y yourself skip 32 oh we Up 3 0 now we just lost two straight and we got to go back to the scene of the crime you come on man that’s a long flight listen I done been on I done been on flight after a playoff loss but I don’t think it’s goingon to happen it’s quiet no cards playing no music everybody got not talking to each other they don’t want that so keesan Johnson just said tonight is a must win for the Boston must win I agree 100% agree yes they got to win skip but but you are all but guaranteeing that they will win correct yes I think they will win I guarantee they will win if they don’t though then I’m coming over there with you I’m coming over there with I’m I’m Don King and I’m G be right there with him smiling and grinning right with a skill because it means y’ y’all getting ready to show us exactly what y’all are so they goingon to make history if they lose today Dallas is going to make history they’re going to do something 156 teams I promise you couldn’t do I promise you but somebody’s got to do it at some point in time Paul and y’all Prime picking y’all if you a 64 win team I’m tell is prime picking a team that’s number-wise is on a historical Pace why is this team Prime picking hey I’m that’s all I’m saying all I’m saying skip you allow them to come into your home when you’re up 3-1 Paul and you lose this game it’s over whoa it’s over y’all ain’t getting no 18 trophy all right all right okay Paul Pierce I’m going to remind you I actually covered the original Dallas Mavericks going back to 1980 and their original colors were blue and green and so it’s that shade of green that you’re wearing right now I did he want to bring that up I left it alone skip cuz he tried to tell me this ain’t this ain’t Mark aguire and them dudes so I left alone Mark aguire Rolando black Derek Harper Roy Ley yeah so you picked out the wrong damn colors again it’s as long as it’s green we good you good okay I’m going to say this again and I’m going to double triple quadruple down on it here we go I still say the Dallas Mavericks are a little better than the Boston Celtics because I still believe the Dallas Mavericks are much deeper than the Boston Celtics we can go starting five versus starting five but all of a sudden on Friday night Jason kid to push two first half buttons Josh green and Dante exom he went to Australia because he went to the two Australian kids and all of a sudden Paul Pierce I’m seeing energy I’m seeing explosion I’m seeing Havoc being wed by two kids off the bench who suddenly made it look real different to me not that Derek Lively doesn’t always make it look real different without porzingis and you say is porzingis gonna come back tonight I don’t know what your gut feeling is on it you don’t know I don’t know we still we still Team without him so I saw a very interesting quote from Xavier Tilman who’s now your backup center I guess unless it’s Luke cornette from Vanderbilt I don’t think you want him in the game and Xavier Tillman said this yesterday when we go through our practices he meaning porzingis is doing some stuff but you can tell he’s very uncomfortable okay well if he’s very uncomfortable in practice is how comfortable is he going to be in games cuz he has a tear in the sheath around the tendon that goes down into his foot I don’t know I I I’ll knock on wood for him I hope he can come back and play a little bit but I’m kind of doubtful about it because I think you’re kind of doubt because I think you think the weight of our Championship is hinged on him no I think he’s pretty important to you yeah he’s important but we won all these games where he wasn’t available we went up we went up 3 0 he was available for one game okay he he played in two oh he played in two games the second game he scored like 13 points and then got hurt we went two whole rounds without him we went 30 and five before he came back okay so that’s a big sample size of we’re pretty good still what did Pat Riley famously or infamously say about rebounding rebound they won the last three games okay no rebounds no rings guess what for the whole series so far for the whole series it’s 181 to 155 that means Dallas is plus 26 in rebounds for the whole series so far in the last two games Dallas is plus 28 it’s 95 to 67 okay but here’s even worse for you I’m looking at points in the paint I’m looking at mismatch because I’m looking for the whole series you’re down 66 points in the paint it’s 212 to 146 a lot of that had to do with last game we lot the last two games Dallas is plus 50 points in the paint it’s 112 to 62 112 to 62 that that should scare you to death no no getting pounded it offsets with the three-point line we’re we’re plus what from the three so it offsets that all right so we’re up 31 and you know what else you know what you know what Dallas is plus six in total points on the series and they’ve only won one game so what is that telling you it tells me that when I look at these numbers if I just looked at at blind resumés here and I just tried to Compare the numbers be down in a series I think you’d be down 3 to one seriously I would I would think you were down to that means we haven’t played well we’re up 3-1 with one game to go at home okay you can’t be that confident would you believe you guys have played this great and you’re down 3-1 that’s what you’re saying would you believe you lost by 38 on Friday night while Kyrie and Luca combined to go one of 14 from three one of 14 from three and you lost by 30 that should horrify you about you know what that loss is though Skip and and look I got to s Celtics winning but I’m not a fool to think that Boston I mean that that the Mavs can’t go into Boston and because of Boston’s history of this lacad isical approach wind up winning the game just like I felt in game four I know I picked Boston but I felt that Dallas could win the game you said that here’s why that game four to me is an outlier because as I said before they got three in the back pocket with four to go so they they got enough they at that point in time they had enough cushion to make a mistake they made the one mistake they don’t have that cushion anymore to make a second mistake because that cushioning starts like this Skip and as they start to take layers from the cushioning thing next thing you know it’s goingon to be bone on bone so they got to be real careful tonight not to allow Dallas to hang around and feel like we can win this game because if they do that Boston’s going to have that long flight that Paul keeps talking about where nobody is sleeping really well they’re uncomfortable nobody’s talking they side eyeing each other they starting to look at Joe Missoula like what what are you doing that’s what they gonna have that’s the problem they gonna have game four was outlier though they they kind of was complete aberration yeah it was like eh we start off slow they got hot on them and then at that point they kind of packed it in so I go back to 11 minutes left in game three in the fourth quarter and from that moment forward when they went on on that 22-2 run if I just look at the score the total score from that moment to now it’s Dallas 151 Boston 99 so they have outscored them by 52 points basically over the last five quarters you that’s what you could say yeah yeah but I would I wouldn’t count the fourth quarter though they’re at home too skip they play better at home so you expect that from them but y’all play better on the road and look what happened we played better at home of late but I mean you got to expect this from a Dallas team going home with some sense of Pride I mean good goodness gracious we’ve already labeled this the best back court we’ve already offens we’ve already labeled Lucas probably the best player in the NBA I mean I would expect the best player in the NBA to get one win right I mean come on I mean he did he did everything that he normally was doing again nothing except he played a little bit better defense and a little more energy based on being lack by everybody in the media the game before it was nothing game planwise it was nothing strategic that Dallas did in that game to say oh we gotta hold on something’s different here you know the only difference they made the only difference was they changed their mindset they said they gonna play a little bit harder and Lucas said I’mma get down on defense and finally play some defense because that’s what we’ve been calling and I’m G stay off the refs so that was the ad he I don’t think he said anything to ref the whole night yeah he didn’t he didn’t so that was adjust every chance he had he actually pushed the pace he actually tried to run down the court with the basketball I don’t know how fast he can run but he’s pushing it as hard as he can no he did that was the adjustment right there serly so if that’s the adjustment it wasn’t game planwise I wouldn’t be worried at all so now we just got to match their energy I saw Jaylen Brown try to guard Luca and then I I saw Drew holiday try to guard Luca and then I saw Derek white try to guard Luca and he toyed with all three of them again and again with 12 he took him down low and just just sort of said n shrug a little bit just went up over him just little more aggressive going to the rim but he he wasn’t efficient no he wasn’t 12 for 26 from the three and if you want to go get specific about his numbers and you want to talk about toy to me if you toy with somebody you’re going to shoot a higher percentage and when you look at his numbers he had 29 five and five that’s below average for him MH that’s below average yeah they they they blew him out yeah and and I get it if he had to played the fourth quarter would have got better but he wasn’t efficient he shot 12 for 26 in the first half so there was nothing that’s discouraging about what they did in game four even though they won by 38 points that’s going to tell me they have the Celtics number they found something in the offense they found something in the defense because to me that was a lack of energy by the Celtics and that was a lack of effort and that was unacceptable and everybody saw it from from the jump Jason Tatum got his three-point shot block Derek ly’s making a three now I mean come on yeah the game was lost the basketball guys was on their side that game was lost in gods that game was lost in the first quarter though cuz when it was 3121 at the end of one if it would have been flipped it would have been the same thing Dallas like I said that day we talked about it Dallas if if the Celtics got off to a fast run Dallas was going to pack it up y Dallas got off to a fast run the Celtics was going to pack it up because they had three in their back pocket Y what happened to your coldblooded basketball Killers who are going to step on the throat and just make short work of the Mavericks and sweep sweep you you had your broom out here you’re sweeping them off the front of the C let me go pick J kid up real quick bring him back where is L J come back my bad my bad that’s just human nature sometimes skip you get a little you get a little content you know you feeling good about yourself it’s like you know what I’m saying you you winning a certain way think about it you at the dice table you winning a certain way you you start adding on some money you know then you then you crap out you know you at this should have just kept everything the same so when you look at this game tonight Paul when you look at this game tonight I picked them you picked them obviously to win the game when when something goes not the way you want it to in this game and all of a sudden Dallas Clips him and it’s 3-2 and they going back to Dallas how you goingon to feel that’s the question how you going to field 3-2 versus 3 that’s going to be that’s going to be a sunken feeling that flight like I’m telling you if let’s just play the skiping Kean if G I didn’t say if if they do lose I mean yeah all the see right now all the momentum still with Boston yeah it is all the pressure is still on Dallas no see I don’t think all the pressure is still on Dallas I think Dallas now Dallas got a little they got a little sense of hope so there’s a little pressure on them they like guys if we win there’s a little more anxiety in that l room of Dallas than still in Boston the anxiety is building yeah to nuclear limits no not yet not yet not nuclear y could implode man no no no sir no really honestly no no sir you up 3 0 you going back home 32 we got we came down here and got our job done how we got to win in Dallas yes you can’t tell me but you were you got two you got two out of three games at home you haven’t lost three out of four games all year long I understand that you hav no you haven’t lost four games in a row you haven’t even lost three games in a row all year long I understand that so over the course of six seven eight months that’s a great sample size to say tell me how consistent you are as a team think about this in eight month span they haven’t lost three in a row games all year long so now we going to wait till the end to do it I just don’t see it you haven’t played the Dallas Mavericks uh well we beat them twice this year during the regular season but they weren’t this Dallas Mavericks yes they was they was the second time in March here’s the point my biggest disappointment about games one and two is that Luca has played by far the best on the road and you better hope that he doesn’t do what he kept doing through the first three rounds which is go into somebody’s house and shut down and shut out the crowd because he just took over games in each of the first three rounds on the road and he had you dead to these Ro at again wait one was it the LA Clippers that’s not I mean that crowd ain’t really Oklahoma City do have a good crowd they all right they all right is that is that that’s this is the garden yeah this is the garden skip this is the Boston Garden loud though let me tell you something when they pull that bus up when they pull that bus up that long ramp in the back it’s going to be a thousand fans out there when they walk into that Arena it’s going to be a thousand fans and then every time Kyrie touch the ball it’s going to be like Kyrie sucks every single time so look at all these different elements you got when you coming out here it’s different it’s different what if Luca walks into the garden and does a number on your crowd the way he can do he is highly capable and you know he’s highly capable I know what he’s capable of doing I know what he’s capable of doing and the thing about this luuka can have a great game and they still can lose cuz he’s had some great games yeah I’m worried about I’m not you know I’m I’m not even worried about luuka go ahead Luka you can go ahead get your little 40 45 you know what we can’t live Liv 45 yeah whatever whatever I I don’t need I don’t need Lively getting me 12 and 10 double doubles I don’t need Tim Hardway junr coming to here me making five three-pointers by by the way I’m glad you brought that up I knew I knew over the game was over stop man he out there messing around this guy look at this guy got a hard way I don’t even recogn the guys on the floor that’s their secret nuclear weapon that’s three look look look at Tim Hardway Jun I’ve been tell I don’t recognize nobody on the floor for C telling you I’ve been I’ve been telling you it didn’t matter who he was playing he got it back he caught fire man that look like a old car over that’s GNA carry over tonight like a Danny age bird m oh that’s me that’s me guarding them no that was Rick car was out there right Rick car he was out there oh god oh come on now come on I just you know it’s the role players I’m more worried about like drick Jones Jr these guys you know stepping up getting uh so you are worried then no I’m not saying I’m not worried about Luca it’s the other guys but you worried that they could lose this game I think there’s no way in hell Kean that they walk out of here with a W tonight not the Mavericks no way in hell they do it for some reason it goes the other way Paul you ain’t going to sleep man I might you got to give them an opportunity and a chance to you got to believe that they could come in there and win the game the thing is I I watch watch a lot of basketball this year and I watched the Dallas Mavericks a lot and the reason I say this is because I didn’t see they I didn’t see nothing strategy wise strategically that they did it wasn’t nothing oh you know what they went to a boxing one or they started zoning or strategically the only strategic thing they did was Luca pushed the ball is Luca didn’t get on the Reps like come on think about it it was nothing like like game plan wise I saw what they did versus Minnesota I was like oh it’s goingon to be a problem with Minnesota I just seen them change and this is this is this defense and and this pick and roll going to be a problem for them all series long I just haven’t seen through four five four Gam nothing that Dallas did but just play with more effort than Boston if we so you don’t think they can come to Boston and play with that same effort yeah yeah but I think Boston if they just match that energy are gonna be better than them on their home floor well I’m picking Boston I’m just not gonna just assume that Dallas can’t win the game Paul Pierce your Celtics do not have a Luca they do not have a Kyrie I don’t think they have a Tim Hardaway Jr when he heats up you don’t have one of those those guys coming off your bench not like that I got Dallas hey I I think we’re going to back to Dallas for game six I think Kean is going to move over to this side of the table by tomorrow if that would have happened skip I’mma be over there on that side of the table I’m to get away from I’m have to get away I’m have to get away from you Paul hey I a shot he said t Hardway Junior we don’t have nobody like that you dropped this one to to to Dallas tonight y’all not going to win y’all 18th I’m just telling you right here we go all right you know what key yo duck boo ticket is revoked I’m selling it if y’all lose I’m taking that no let’s get now so Paul Pierce says Celtics by 10 yeah I got by 10 okay I’ll take 10 for a dinner right now tonight 10 for a dinner you going feed this dude for the next 10 years man you better stop bet huh four dinners huh four dinners not four dinner for a dinner because we going to take the series and and a double digit win okay this is at least two two you you’ll give me 10 points for two dinner I’m up four yeah for two dinners okay for two dinners you’ll give me 10 yep thank you y thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the latest news in sports including Game 5 of the 2024 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and Dallas Mavericks.

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Mavs in survival mode, Celtics ‘at precipice’ of Finals win & 18th championship | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. ima tell you why skip is wrong!? luka and kyrie combined for 1-14 sure but the rest of team is why they win the way they did… Which meanss luka was operating the offense! Thats when they are at their best imo.. is when luka is diming using whole team! Tht aint happening tonight! we gonna force luka himself to have to beat us same way we ply embid and we have plyed him in every other game which we have win by the way

  2. This show hasn’t had 1 million views on any video since Shannon left not a bias just statistical facts it has fallen off

  3. Up 3-1 but two of those three were with Porzingis who is now not available. If Boston loses tonight it's nearly an even series.

  4. Skip always use to play Shannon on bets, now he keeps doing the same thing to Paul P. He will never give them more than the point spread, but he always gets them to do that. Smh

  5. Last time a series went 6 when the other team was down 3-0 was in 1996 against MJ and the Bulls. I think it was Kemp, Payton and the SuperSonics that year. The Bulls win three straight and then the SuperSonics win games 4 and 5. Everyone let me know if I missed any other 3-0 deficits that ended up being a 6 game series

  6. Anything can happen. Boston can lose tonight and still win. Mavs can come back, it’s all on the table. I’m keeping my money out of this but if I had to bet I’d say Celtics cover tonight. They gotta hit shots though.

  7. biggest loss in finals history hahahahaha Celtics suck sooo bad 😂😂 was like watching full grown men bully some kids at the park 😂😂🐎🐎🐎

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