@Los Angeles Lakers

The Lakers Shot for the Stars and Landed in a Black Hole – The Ringer

The Lakers Shot for the Stars and Landed in a Black Hole – The Ringer

by jurassic_snark-


  1. AdministrativeDig845

    Rob and that fucking Westbrook trade smh

  2. TarkovBirdman

    There’s about 25 teams that would love to have what the Lakers had the last 5 years. They’d take a black hole.

  3. nottherealstanlee

    You know what sells? Laker drama. Crazy, I know, but it’s true.

    okay I read like the first paragraph and yikes. Worse than I thought. Reads like a shitty blogger, but I guess it is the Ringer.

  4. pillowpotatoes

    So did the suns, nets(twice), clippers, rockets.

    The lakers have a chip and a wcf appearance to show for it. And unlike the other current super teams, are not in luxury tax hell.

    It could be ALOT worse imo

  5. The funny thing is watching these seem media asshats praise the clippers and try to pretend they are in a great position while they are worse off in every way.

  6. SolarBeam12

    The Lakers FO has issue, I think we can all agree but there are not in this horrible position that people are making it out to be lol

  7. Final-University767


    The same shitstains who mocked the 2020 roster only for them to win it all?

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