@Los Angeles Lakers

Austin Rivers on JJ Redick-Lakers, Celtics’ momentum & who wins Finals MVP | The Pat McAfee Show

Austin Rivers on JJ Redick-Lakers, Celtics’ momentum & who wins Finals MVP | The Pat McAfee Show

the NBA Finals where the Celtics are favored by 6 and A2 over the Mavericks 11year NBA vet future NBA coach Austin River what’s up guys hey just putting out in the universe you know future NBA coach yeah just putting it out hey uh Stephen A said this morning that he’s heard from numerous black coaches who are pissed off about LeBron James and JJ reick doing the podcast and then that inevitably potentially becoming like a head coaching interview throughout the entire year we’re going to hear a lot of that type of stuff I think about JJ potentially getting this job if he wins it doesn’t matter if he loses it all comes back to light is that uh an accurate because that’s how it would be in the NFL if it was kind of playing is that how it’s going to be in the NBA as well Austin it’s definitely an easy target just due to the fact that for one it’s a Lakers job that’s like the hottest seat in in basketball um you know the expectations there are so high already you got James Worthy uh critiquing your game you got Magic Johnson tweeting about you you got Snoop Dogg tweeting about you you got every celebrity the world there at the games uh obviously when you coach a player like LeBron James and Anthony Davis uh that is going to be at the top of pressure and then you add the fact that he has a pod with him and now could possibly be the coach you know there obviously is a conflict of interest there so that’s now getting in the way of well is JJ a good coach or not or could he be a good coach or not I think he’s made to be a coach um just from my talks with JJ I played to JJ for numerous years he’s a basketball Brainiac um I don’t know if the timing of him with this Oran organization fits best I I would like JJ to go like a young team and be able to like have input on players and draft picks and trades and have like control you know how some of these young talented coaches go to these programs and they kind of like build with them the Lakers are more like flashing a pan like we need someone can you win right now it’s a lot of pressure uh yeah this could end very well for JJ or it could be you know I don’t know a quick stop just due to the fact that Lakers history Frank ble won a finals championship in the bubble and a couple years later they fired him yeah and he’s been fired two drop I mean the NBA coaching world is crazy that’s why your old man being around for as long as he’s been around he’s also in a show now too clip crushing it he’s also in uh looks good in it anyway it looks great he looks Jack made him jacked in it so much energy too just oozing from his core I mean just he talks a lot of those those rants in that show were unbelievable when they were talking about when he talking about what was it Matt Barn’s wife or I don’t know who he was talking about I was like why I don’t remember that one Chris That Was Then Chris Paul he was on the show whenever we were down to Carolina and he was like my wife and I watch one episode that we’re like what the you know what is and then now there’s a clip of Chris Paul coming out it’s like yeah crying nobody’s really getting portrayed well I think everybody’s pretty pissed off that they’re even uh a part of this entire thing but it’s tough when you make those movies and you don’t have like the actual input from there’s your dad that’s your dad you got say say to your dad please please show some respect to your father growing tough that is Morpheus as your dad have you talked to your dad about how big of a compliment it is for Morpheus to play him though true he was very excited when the news came out that Lawrence was going to play him he was like I mean this is a win-win right I was like so far so far yeah for now ah the Eternal pessimist that is Austin River uh okay so we’re the thing is if you win nobody cares yep and that’s kind of Joe maula’s entire take he was the coach of the month for the NBA and somebody on the team congratulated him he said nobody cares and then he just keep moving forward Joe moua seems to have the right mindset you and others that have talked to JJ re and know basketball say he has a good mind for it we’re put good luck out there even though it hasn’t happened yet good luck out there he’s calling the NBA Finals obviously the next game game five is this evening Celtics favored by six and a half at home they get their asses beat in game four by 38 obviously at a historic rate it’s the biggest blowout in the history of the Celtics finals it’s top four blowout in the history of the NBA Finals as a whole it was a game in which they could have won a championship Dallas had to win it another back againstthe wall game for Dallas in Boston how do you see it going and how should we feel about maybe the Celtics recovering or losing all momentum here yeah this is a big game just due to the fact that uh right now Boston’s in complete control of this series still they’re they’re up 3-1 no one’s ever come back from 3 we all know that that uh the game is in Boston they’re ready to party tonight we know that we know that City’s ready to turn up uh but if Dallas is able to come in there and win it gets a little weird now it starts to get because now the pressure turns to where wait a minute us as the media are going to start running with this thing do what do you mean uh I mean now we’re back in Dallas because if we go game seven we don’t want game seven Luca you don’t want to go against game seven Luka no you don’t you keep him out of that yeah keep him out of that game the key is to win before we get to Seven because you don’t want that man right there the baddest man in the planet uh with the ball in his hands I mean that that you don’t want him game seven I think they win tonight honestly I think Boston wins by like 10 or 11 um plus uh especially coming off to that type of loss in Dallas which was obviously you know pretty embarrassing for for a team like that um you give Dallas Credit you know gentleman sweep they they went out there and they fought and they played hard for them to win tonight though man I mean going to need they’re going to have to have unbelievable efforts from Luca and Kyrie as well as the rest those guys some of these guys who have been quiet Derrik Jones PJ Washington some of these dudes who have had kind of quiet finals they need a lot out of them tonight to win on the road in Boston they haven’t won yet obviously in this series on the road they’re going to need that tonight how about the Mavs just coming alive though in game four in front of their fans too like their fans probably going to be pretty bummed do going into the off season and then potentially last game they see is like the best performance they’ve had literally all year good for them now would be great for all of us if this game if this series continues to go a little bit obviously Connor’s a little bit nervous Austin yeah a little bit nervous Al I like how you say you don’t want you know game seven LCA do you know who has the most points in game seven in the playoffs in the history of the NBA let me in uh Jason Tatum actually but uh funny enough you know just just say he’s playing still people forget he is playing he is still on the Celtics J tat J Tatum going to get a lot of that tonight right there J tat one of these two suban joining us couple of these SL uh but looking at game four Austin is it almost better that they just got killed by 38 points and were able to rest some guys versus like a devastating last second loss what are your thoughts on that and do you think that it does almost bode well that hey we can just bury that one that has actually never happened I believe they were looking at Stats it was the worst offensive game and worst defensive game that they’ve ever had uh at least in the Joe moula era is it is that kind of a different type of mindset when it is that bad of a loss and do you think it does bode well for him I think yeah I I mean listen Sports is like it’s like 50 60% mental man you know sometimes it’s all about perspective and how we label things in our brains you know that’s a game May 90 yeah no for real you know you guys know it’s all about how you view things and how you put things in your head and I think a game like last game where they obviously didn’t have it on both sides of the ball they lose by a million points it’s very easy to go in the the locker room and everybody be like hey man listen this was a nasty game for us let’s flush this one down uh we’ve been great all playoffs they’ve been dominant All Season uh listen Dallas came out in a desperate game they played great we lost let’s plush it we’ll go back to Boston we’re going to take this one this game tonight we’re going to get you know Prime Boston I mean we’re gonna get a their best effort and that is why it has some Boston fans nervous because if you lose tonight’s game oh no it gets it gets weird you know what I mean now you got to go back to Dallas and like the momentum momentum shift I don’t see it happening because even if Dallas did win tonight they’d have to win two more uh and Boston’s just so good but you just never know I mean this Boston team we have not seen them take that that that jump yet you know we haven’t seen them you know kill you know they have it they have it they have the guy right down we need a Kill Shot I need a kill shot from yeah that was a conversation before the fight oh my God what a fight by the way yeah he said uh I guess he said before the fight I heard Stephen talking about it on uh First Take he said you took this fight too early you know because Frank was 18 and0 I guess coming into this fight he said too early in your career to be taking this fight you’re not ready yet and then the eighth round boom bang bong go on face lining him up look at him just lineing he was on the ropes the whole fight and that’s and then to be clear the backflip off the top rope now the four ropes in uh in boxing is certainly something to keep guys in so they can’t fall out tough to climb uh tank obviously says wait a second he’s going to the top rope eighth round knockout perfect backflip from big tank but you’re you’re talking about and he’s uh 30 and I forget 32 and0 or maybe 33 and0 I forget what it is he has a Killer Instinct you know he has a Killer Instinct you’re saying Boston doesn’t but I mean that one right on the button that one like you I think Boston has it I think Boston has it and I think what what put Boston over Edge versus other years is the addition of Drew holiday when they grabed drew I think it added another element to this team just in terms of death and and and overall just having guys who can play on both sides of the ball um I I do think Boston closes it out tonight I really do all I’m saying is that they do not win tonight it gets a little weird okay I know as a basketball fan and for all of us we kind of want we want some fireworks course somebody that does a daily Sports show yes would love this thing to go as long as possible but let’s say they do find the Killer Instinct and they win this thing dbut got a question for you yeah atin you’ve been in those locker rooms you know how these egos work I saw reporter tweet to post something about Steph Curry almost been in tears when he didn’t win Finals MVP one year big game tonight let’s say they do close it out obviously Jaylen Brown got the Eastern Conference Final uh player is that going to be a thing between Tatum and brown like tonight like hey I want to be the guy that closed it out or do you think hey they just get out of each other’s way take the best shot available whatever it is throughout this game or do you think that kind of gets in the way at all no I think they’re trying to win I think they both know they got to win this is a series that they’ll be critiqued much harder if they don’t win this this playoffs or win the finals rather than you know who wins Finals MVP the problem is you know us as a media we do obviously highlight the individual stuff just as much as the the team award and we always look back at that Award with Steph which was so strange we held that as like a um as a as a thing against him for the longest time until he was able to win what was it 2021 or they beat uh Boston and he finally got one everybody’s like hey he got one we’re like I mean he probably should have won the one with with with Andre Gala but they obviously gave it to Iggy um listen Jaylen Brown has been he has played the best uh in the Conference Finals and in the finals oh just say he won the MVP in your eyes he’s the MVP you can say yeah and and and I think Tatum’s the best player in the Celtics but I can’t you can’t give Awards off who you think is the best player who has historically been the best player as of who has been as of recently Jaylen Brown has been a guy who’s played kind of more consistent on both sides of the ball and been a little bit more efficient I mean look at this my god um but if Tatum goes for like 30 or 40 tonight they they want to give it to him right I mean they it’s good for the league it’s good for the Celtics they want Tatum to have that trophy especially after giving I think Brown the Eastern Conference I think that was like a prequel to that they gave him that because they they Boston’s like yo listen Tatum you go handle business in the finals the Big Dog’s yours all right but you got to go do that he’s got to go out there and play well man he can’t have one games where he shoots like 6 for 19 or 6 for 22 and Jaylen Brown has like 30 they’re going to be in a position where they’re like yo we have to give it to Brown I think Connor said earlier he only took 10 shots I guess last game or whatever going to have to be a little bit different this evening and we assume Tatum Brown and the boys are going to go ham tonight that’s seeing that little Leprechaun is going to be doing a little jig on the wooden floor up there in TD Gard you imagine that City tonight can you imagine that City tonight they get another Banner in there especially in modern day era they they were they’re going to be going my God going to be electric tonight if they win yeah it’s going to be crazy my God massholes losing their mind and celebration we haven’t seen that in a long time been waiting it’s been a long time since Boston massholes have been able to really celebrate some February 2019 what you call them massholes that’s not what I call them that’s what they are that’s actually you know there’s like yinzers proud of from uh Pittsburgh hooers from Indiana massholes are from Massachusetts massholes just seems a little bit more there’s just no it’s my delivery that that’s always my issue is how I deliver something is always the it’s a compliment supposed to sound like that that’s how you’re supposed to deliver it yeah like right last week I was out with four massel and I will tell you the night was certainly some lot of question marks a lot of things said but we woke up the next morning we said wow what a night with the B Master fun it was a it was a good time they know it we’re not making this up okay okay I’m observing and Reporting I’m journalist maybe you should think about doing the same exact thing maybe you should think about it maybe you should think about it okay I saw some sweet tats I didn’t know you were all tatted up the way you are with the photo Happy Father’s Day hope you had a great Oney Father’s Day thank you thank you I got a daughter do uh Friday oh wow oh okay congratulations here we go hope for obviously a safe delivery and everything like that how’s house right now I mean we’re we’re she’s she’s good we’re on we’re on yeah it’s defcom 9 right now any day now you know she could look at me be like it’s time to go you it’s my first daughter I’m nervous I got two boys but uh you know so it’s been smooth sailing so far but they say when the daughter comes perspective changes well they also say whenever three come right cuz now you’re you’re outnumbered right is what they say so daughter I have a I have a 13-month-old uh daughter oh nice Happy Father’s Day by the way hey thank you it was a cool day it was a really cool day happy Father’s Day Out appreciate that that masshole right there not a father that’s what I’m saying that’s what he say this whole time what we know true that mullet that mullet in the streets is a dangerous man I can already see right now you not Ling brother you are not lying you should see whenever the music starts hitting his soul too I mean he does a lot of this that’s why I’m already if I go to AB or anything this summer I’m I’m calling you man I need you to come with I’ll be there I will be there if you got a Rea with a one month or two-month old daughter I mean you’re certainly alleged in some people’s eyes but other people what say is this guy from Massachusetts that’s what uh some people will be asking this entire thing hey uh we appreciate the hell out of you man we got a hard out coming and uh we’re thankful that you answer the call seemingly every time we make it so we appreciate you every time every time man you guys call I’ll be here I appreciate you guys’ hopefully we’ll talk to you uh again before the baby girl arrives but if not congrats good luck and all that stuff I’m here ladies and gentlemen Austin River a he [Music]

Austin Rivers joins the progrum to discuss the Los Angeles Lakers’ coaching carousel, Dallas Mavericks vs. Boston Celtics in Game 5 of the 2024 NBA Finals, Jayson Tatum or Jaylen Brown showing up to win Finals MVP and more!

0:00 JJ Redick’s Lakers talk
2:00 Doc Rivers
3:52 “Things get weird” if Celtics lose
6:05 Better for Celtics to have lost Game 4?
8:22 Gervonta “Tank” Davis
10:02 Tatum vs. Brown for Finals MVP
13:35 Happy Father’s Day!

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