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Celtics Today | NBA Finals Game 5 | Boston Celtics vs. Dallas Mavericks

Celtics Today | NBA Finals Game 5 | Boston Celtics vs. Dallas Mavericks

coming up on Celtics today game five at the Garden what kind of atmosphere can we expect on Causeway plus Jason Tatum shares the unique perspective Joe Missoula gave his team heading into game five and what could Kristof porzingis provide if he returns tonight Celtics today starts right now [Music] what’s up everybody Welcome to Celtics today Drew Carter and Mark Deo with you going to be home yes back in Boston this is where we’re supposed to be yeah this is where it’s supposed to happen back home for game five let’s get it done today would it have been nice to wrap it up in a sweep in game four in Dallas Friday sure that would have been nice did the Celtics want to do that absolutely but are we complaining about having a game five another show to do no we’re not complaining that’s not to say that this was done on purpose no one would say that but of course it’s a pretty good second opportunity to to take down the Mavs for an 18th NBA championship an 18th NBA championship and today is 617 day happy 617 day to everybody out there also the 16th anniversary of that 2008 NBA championship so maybe the Mojo is right maybe The Vibes are falling into place here the stars are aligning that’s what it feels like it does sort of feel like that and you know we got game five at the Garden which means that place is going to be Juiced up I mean if it’s anything like it was for games one in game two it’s going to be insane in there it’s going to be loud anything like the watch party for games three and four the game wasn’t even happening in Boston and it was still sold out and people were were Juiced up they were obviously very into the action um and this is a town Mark where you got the the Red Sox I think had two sellouts in a row against the Yankees Tom Brady goes into the Patriots Hall of Fame that place looks like they’re having a concert there at Jette Stadium not a see in the in the barn and then of course the Celtics at the Garden even when the games aren’t here that place is full yeah I I have a certain level of expectations going into this game for the crowd right because I’ve been here for 16 Seasons now and I’ve been a part of some crazy crazy environments inside that building I have never been inside the building when the team has had an opportunity to win a championship so like what we’re all about to experience tonight inside this Arena I personally have not experienced and I’ve been working here for almost two decades so like I expect this to just be at a total other level of like hunger excitement like just people going berserk from start to finish so I I’m really looking forward to this I think it’s going to be just a wild night for everyone to be a part of I think it’s not just going to be inside the arena but probably outside of it as well really across the city across all of New England we cannot wait to watch this game with you here’s the thing the Celtics have a great homecourt advantage and they’ve somehow been better on the road in these playoffs of course with the exception of of game four in Dallas where you know lose by 38 points don’t talk about it yeah you know it felt it felt like the Mavericks were desperate and they came out and they played like it but don’t let that distract you from what happened in the first three games where the Celtics for the majority of those minutes were the better team on the floor and that’s not even a question like there’s no question about that if the Celtics just get back to what they did during the first three games which we’re seeing here in these these short clips if they just get back to doing what they did then of playing with like absolute Max effort sharing the ball playing with Pace uh making open shots right like if they just get back to those things that they have done all season long they’re going to be just fine tonight and obviously that’s not saying or guaranteeing that they’re going to win and it’s not there’s no guarantee that they’re going to play the way that they did dur during those first three games but if they do they’re going to be in position to win the game and I think that’s all you can ask for in a clinch opportunity of the NBA finals and a huge X Factor will be the availability of christop porzingis who didn’t dress for game three in Dallas did dress for game four didn’t play at all more in the paint is coming later on porzingis on what impact he possibly could have and hopefully we’ll have an update on his injury status later on during the day but look outside of game four I mean the Celtics they they built that three-oh lead for a reason they deserved it and I think we’re all hoping that the Celtics proved to be the team that they were for the first 99 games of the regular season in the playoffs where really they were dominant I mean one of the most dominant teams in NBA history yeah and one of the reasons why they have been so dominant is because they don’t let things snowball like I I’ve been on this hill screaming for the whole season that this team is different because because they do not let things snowball within a game usually they did in game four but they definitely don’t let a snowball into multiple games so they played a bad game a poor game in game four I based upon a 100 games of evidence now I would be shocked if that happens again tonight and just keep in mind folks for some more historical context we’re talking about anniversaries and the stars aligning 40 years ago in the NBA Finals 1984 the Lakers waxed the Celtics in game three and Boston end up winning that Series so you can you can have a stinker and still come out and win the series and they won the first three games so they gave themselves an opportunity not that they want to but yeah they gave themselves enough cushion where they could have a stinker and then come back home and maybe do it tonight and and here’s the thing is a game five gives us a chance to have some more social time so let’s do [Applause] that moving over to the big board for a little social time and of course when it’s social time time to bring in Celtics in Arena host Melissa Valdez gentlemen welcome back home we missed you guys last week but it’s looking to be a great night how were the watch Parties By the way incredible the energy was so good it almost felt like the players were here like it was the actual they were right with the with the jumbo TR but the energy was incredible all the fans came out and it was just so good and I know tonight it’s going to be time 100 taking it we’ve been searching through social medias to see what the fans are talking about there’s a lot of excitement a lot of funny stories and post so let’s check out the first one and see what they’re saying what do we got what do we got this a holiday oh my goodness okay so obviously we had a rough game in the last one but it’s either you know a little comparison here Celtics lost by 30 or Celtics win the finals in Boston which hopefully is tonight that’s right and shout out to Celtics United 18 I think Celtics United 18 makes the show every time because this is just money social media content when we get a really good meme like the sad bus happy bus like this is perfect right like yeah we were all sad they lost by 30 but it’s not over it’s not over chance to win the finals in Boston so it’s nice and bright over here let’s concentrate on this side I like that nice energy let’s take a look at the and speaking of winning at home tonight it is 617 shout outs to at en Angelo for this incredible post right here Celtics won their last title on June 17th 2008 Monday today is June 17th 2024 Boston area code is 617 and it’s all part of the plan check out our Squad right here superheroes coming through I wish they would have added Horford to this you it’s always getting left off there’s there’s only so much room there’s only so much head by the way got to give a shout out to double dribble right like a lot of people have been stealing his artwork and not giving him credit double dribble down here is the one who put this together this is amazing and it really is all part of the plan like tonight is the night so a shout out to double dribble for sure and Melissa we talked about your Avengers maybe blind spot when when it comes to superhero movies they look like the Green Lantern here another another thing to add to your I’m taking notes it feels I’m feeling all the superpowers coming through but it feels like today is our night fellas that’s what that’s what the Rings are going to look like too cannot wait hopefully they got a little more blink cannot wait and this last one of course speaking of L leave R so here he is he has the last banners around him 2008 banner and tonight hopefully we will get one Al Horford deserves this trophy he’s been working so hard and the fans love him of course Che and we’ve all got to love the Boston brick my he puts out he puts out great artwork all the time super unique stuff this is awesome we all know like everyone said we got to get this for Al we got to get this for Al and I can’t wait for that man to be able to hold that trophy in his arms I’m just in awe of this this is incredible this is beautiful up here on the big spr powerful post well done it’s our night tonight game five Celtics fans bring the energy let’s be louder than we’ve ever been before and we cannot wait to get that trophy I’ll see you guys on the court absolutely technically we’re in the media but something tells me I might be screaming today too game is that professional or unprofessional whatever whatever we got to roll with look it’s going to be loud in there tonight we know the Celtics fans are super talented and they’re going to be super loud for game five tonight Melissa thank you we’re back with in the paint right after this game one of the NBA Finals his history and it wasn’t close that throws it down with violence and Thunder with the right hand clean strip of Luka flies in for the right hand slam pivot a little bit turns the corner he’s got a lan to the basket he flies in and slams with two hand now wford sets the screen Tatum rocking a three got it brard shov back to porz having a trail three got it drew holiday out of the front Court gos a pass out to the corner Hower off balance three and that’s good Jay Brown flies in two an left ball goes Tatum spins attacks two an left wow Tyreek cannot guard Jason T jayen brown and he’s got [Applause] three all we’re staying at this big board we’re going to do in the paint which is where we break down some x’s and o’s from the Boston Celtics try to give you maybe a players or a coaches Viewpoint of what they’re seeing out there diving in a little bit deeper than just your points or rebounds and your assists and what do we got today Mark not quite X’s and O’s but we’re going to take a look and this is not saying that Chris D porzingis is playing tonight okay this is simply saying that if he is available this is something that he can bring to the table even if he’s not at full speed so if we dive into this first clip here that we’re going to take a look at the the very first thing I want to point out is that one thing that Dallas was doing with him from the very start his first touch of the game in game one they were like all up in his airspace I mean crowding him and making sure that he did not have much comfortability with the ball in his hands however one thing with Chris Tas porzingis that will not change no matter how injured he is no matter how slow he might be if he’s hindered by this injury if he plays he’s always going to be seven fo2 he’s always going to be 7’3 whatever the numbers that you want to say and he’s always going to be able to get his shot off so that’s exactly what we want to look at here so if we roll This clip we could see the Dallas Defender is all up in him that’s Derrick Jones Jr he’s trying to get the steel he’s trying to get the steel porzingis is always going to be able to get the shot off so even if he’s not at full speed during this game if he does play even if he can’t really move because there was another play where he actually drove right past Derek Lively and took it to the basket for a dunk even if he can’t do those things he’s going to be able to put be able to put the ball on the floor for a couple of dribbles and take a shot if he needs to so this is just an element that the Celtics did not have in the last couple games that if he is available no matter how limited he might be he’s always going to be able to do something like this he he can take advantage of a mismatch no matter what and I mean the defender there is Derrik Jones Jr who has one of the biggest vertical leaps in the NBA like this is a vertical player and here he’s going to stay on his feet cuz he doesn’t want to pick up a foul but that’s the thing against porzingis is unless you’re about his height you got no chance of contesting this shot exactly it’s like Kevin Durant right like Kevin Durant he’s always been able to get a shot off in his careers that’s not to say he’s 72 or whatever but because of how long he is because of how high his release is he can always get his shot off so poor zingis no matter when he plays if he does play he’s going to be able to do that no matter how limited he is in his speed if he is limited at all that’s one thing he’s going to bring to the table for the Celtics yeah KP played in games one and two he played a total of 44 minutes and he was a plus 25 in those minutes that ain’t bad it’s pretty effent all pretty efficient and even then it didn’t seem like he was really 100% with that that catfish you to come back from so hopefully we get to see Chris stops porzingis tonight hopefully we have an update on that very soon be nice to bring it back for game five Jason Tatum’s going to tell us a little bit about their mentality going into that that’s next in small bites it’s time to toast the NBA finals Legends because a new era of greatness is on display the Dallas Mavericks Dynamic combination of Kyrie Irving and Luca donic made them the best in the west the powerful Duo of Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown made the mighty Celtics Beasts of the East two teams giving it their all here to the NBA finals [Applause] we back at the comy set to uh break down some sound from a player or coach with the Boston Celtics and of course we’re going to go to number zero Jason Tatum who’s got some thoughts some insight he shares from what Joe moula told the team look when coach Missoula is motivating his guys a lot of the time it’s a little bit unorthodox you never know what you’re going to hear and uh haven’t heard this one before so get ready here we go this is Jason Tatum before game five you know Joe did a great job today of like reminding us that um it’s okay to smile during war it’s okay to have fun during high pressure moments uh that’s what makes our team unique and special we would love to win tomorrow more than anything but if it doesn’t happen it’s not the end of the world we have more opportunities smiling during Warfare who doesn’t do that never would have thought that we were going to hear that yesterday at practice but listen I I think the whole point that Joe moula is just trying to say is that don’t put too much pressure on yourself to close this out like what has made us such a great team and and a successful team throughout the season we’ve had a lot of fun on the court together as a group as a unit so he’s just saying go out and do that and then that last part I think a lot of people kind of took that out of context over the last 24 hours thinking that the Celtics like don’t care if they don’t win this game that is not what they are saying they are just saying don’t put the pressure on ourselves that we have to win this game and if we don’t it’s over they’re just saying tonight’s the next opportunity for us to close out the series it doesn’t have to be the only opportunity for us to close out this series yeah to me this reminds me of between the Eastern Conference Finals and the finals there was a lot of noise and a lot of useless discourse of course the Celtics want to win this game and of course they’re going to be motivated and they’re it’s the NBA Finals like to suggest that they’re going to punt this game or that they punted game four to totally ridiculous and it’s not just Jason Tatum who said this pton Pritchard said something similar Xavier Tilman did as well clearly the message is getting through and I think you’re right man go out there and play loose you know you don’t have to you don’t have to act like the season ends if you lose this game tonight you have given yourself the ability to play loose because you built a three lead but at the same time I would love to see them play loose take a lead and then just like go for the kill like that we we all would love to see that tonight where we just see this team like pounce attack and just take the Mavs down and close this out let’s hope it happens let’s hope that happens I mean look like we said 617 Day game five at home going to be a rockus crowded they’ll have opportunities to do so I think even though this isn’t a Do or Die game five it’s not a must win it’s not not a mustn that’s all they’re saying but yeah you just knew that was going to happen when these quotes started to come out but I think it’s the right mentality and hopefully it pays off for them tonight speaking of paying off you’ve waited did it’s time for snow [Applause] time all right it’s time for one of our favorite segments we hope it’s one of your favorite segments as well here on Celtics today and we have no doubt that it will be if it’s your first time it’s Taylor Snow’s favorite segment that I know it is the Abominable Snowman’s favorite segment Taylor snow here to provide some great stats and some levity as he always does some cold hard stats that’s right let’s go t Snow Yeah couldn’t couldn’t handle the Dallas heat didn’t didn’t do any snow down you were you were melting down there yeah you know I kind of like coming on toward the end of this show to deliver stats it’s kind of like how pton Pritchard comes on at the end of quarters that’s right he the closer and and Taylor also checks himself into the show we didn’t want him back but he just showed up and made the graphics so I guess we’ll just roll with the Taylor go ahead what do you got for us so now pton he hit the what Joe missula that was the biggest shot of game two when he came in at the end of the third quarter hit banked in that buzzer beater and if it seems like he’s been doing that a lot this year it’s because he has he’s made 15 field goals within the last 3 seconds of a quarter this season and that’s fourth in the NBA which is crazy when you look at the company he’s in he’s got Daren Fox Jason Tatum Trey young all three Allstars guys who average 35 Plus minutes a night and then you got Pritchard coming in off the bench averages 20 plus minutes a night so that’s that’s some pretty impressive company as he said after he made the shot this is what I do this is what I do it’s funny I got to tell everyone this that during game four the Celtics got the ball late in a quarter there was like a second left after the Mavs turned it over and Taylor looks at me and he’s like they got to put they got to put pton Pritchard in and pton Pritchard all of a sudden jumps off the bench and checks in I was like great call Great call Taylor but then he caught the ball and he stepped out of bounds really count luuka was going offense defense so he gets back up off the bed probably had to take all of his wrapping off it was kind of a funny moment but I’m I’m jealous of you mark that you get to have the Taylor Snow experience during the game all game you should be jealous of him that he gets to have the mar Deo experience all G I wouldn’t go there but yeah come come sit next to me tra trade spot Mar yeah you’ll upgrade you sit next too oh God no I’m out on that I’m out on that now if you look at just three-pointers toward the end of quarters he’s made nine this year within the last 5 seconds and that’s tied for the league lead with Jason Tatum that’s crazy so SN crazy this guy plays what he average like 20 25 minut just a little more about 22 minutes a game that’s crazy that he’s in that company yeah and speaking of Jason Tatum he has a chance to make some history tonight wow if he scores 15 more points he will pass Kobe Bryant for most playoff points before turning 27 that is some great company there I had to sneak those guys had to sneak Jaylen Brown down there at the bottom As Nice Emoji work as well pointing out which one of those guys play for the self this entire list is Hall of Famer right like that’s Hall of Famer and Jason Tatum is about to be at the top of it I know you said that all he has to do is score he’s going to score at least 15 points tonight he’s going to get this record and he’s going to be number one of all time that that’s pretty nuts and I was looking at players under 30 he’s he’s already in the top 10 scoring for players under 30 and he’s only 19 so yeah he’s still 19 the joke that never dies the joke that never dies it’s it is amazing though that he is in all likelihood gonna break Kobe’s record and that’s his guy I mean the irony that’s his Idol yeah so be a pretty cool night for for Jason Tatum if he happens to get to the top of that list which he’s going to and if he happens to get a win and share in that uh what Kobe accomplished at such a young age I think that’s going to be really special for him get us 15 get us a win we’ll all go out for burgers later Yes sounds good we we’ll all get the same shirt you said you had to eat what Five Burgers and five minutes to get that shirt yeah something like that yeah it wasn’t too hard that’s why I’m sick right now from eating all the burgers you s it’s time to eat tonight that’s what we’re going to do yes let’s eat great work Taylor nicely done thank [Applause] you tonight’s forecast a little preview of what we expect for game five we’ve told you about what we think the environment will look like we’ve showed some of the best posts from social media we’ve got some great stats from Taylor it’s time to talk about the actual basketball on the floor there’s a game tonight and thankfully and hopefully it looks a little bit different than what we saw in game four and look that that’s feels a little fluky feels like the Mavericks came out and they were extremely desperate maybe tonight the Celtics have a little bit of that desperation on their home floor if the Celtics play desperate they’re a tough team to beat right and if they play with like absolute high level energy and effort they’re a tough team to beat and then if they make shots they’re a tough team to beat so if they do all of those things something tells me we might be raising a couple glasses tonight yes they’re they’re going to be very tough to beat if all those things happen now one matchup I think Dallas probably feels good good about is what they can do at the five after porzingis went down missed both those games in Dallas Derek Lively especially in game four was simply phenomenal and we’re going to put the stats up right now for this series the 100% three-point percentage is is funny but that was the first three he ever made in his NBA career he’d been 0 for two in the regular season as as a rookie and then that was the first one in the playoffs he attempted I think with Horford it’s fair to say that with porzingis out there are times where it we’re asking a lot of Al Horford you know at 38 years old and going up against Lively and also Daniel Gafford who you don’t see here but those guys platoon those guys are young they’re active they’re high energy and I think that’s another reason why porzingis would be so crucial coming back if he’s able to yeah and Lively really like those first couple games he just didn’t play well he didn’t look like himself these last couple games double doubles in both games he’s played really well he made a three-pointer as you said the first one of his entire career and it didn’t look like it like we were just talking about this off camera like it looked like he’d taken a thousand of them before in game so let’s hope that he doesn’t make more three-pointers tonight but yeah to your point for Al uh he’s had a couple days off right had Saturday and Sunday off hopefully that gets him a little extra juice coming into this game maybe porzingis comes back and gets him a little bit of relief in terms of minutes but something tells me Al Horford has one more big game left in him and I’m not saying like 30 points or 15 rebounds or anything like that but I feel like he’s got one more really good game left in him in this this series and maybe that’s tonight and if it does come tonight again we’re talking about ways that the Celtics are difficult to beat when Al Horford plays really well they are very difficult to beat maybe another Fountain of Youth game from Al Horford is loed that’s what happened in game five against Cleveland back in round two when he was the best player on the floor seven of 12 from three or something crazy and and so hype and you know you could see him getting that emotion that crowd involved he was just tremendous and hopefully we see something similar tonight if that does happen feel like it’s going to be a long and beautiful night here in the city of Boston and maybe it’ll be a long time before you all see Celtics today again I hope so hopefully Banner 18 is coming tonight folks let’s go get it folks enjoy game five we’ll see you at the Garden see you everyone

Game 5 tips off tonight at TD Garden with the Boston Celtics having an opportunity to secure their 18th World Championship on their home floor ☘️

Drew Carter, Marc D’Amico, Melisa Valdez and Taylor Snow dive in to preview what the environment might look and feel like tonight inside the arena and what the Celtics need to do to grab a win (whether Kristaps Porzingis is available or not). They also pull in some fan art showcasing why June 17 is such a special day in Boston and then Taylor jumps in to relay some wild stats on Payton Pritchard’s end-of-quarter shooting and a leaderboard that Jayson Tatum is about to sit on top of. It’s all right now on Celtics Today, live from our Celtics Headquarters.


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  1. Please Celtics get the championship and close it out for banner 18 ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Get the ring

  2. Ogni contributo aggiunge un nuovo livello di ricchezza alla discussione. È come guardare un arazzo tessuto davanti ai miei occhi.🔥

  3. I’m sending all positive positive thoughts to TD Garden and the Boston Celtics! Time to get that 18th banner tonight let the Mavs take it away this evening☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️✅✅✅❤️

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