@Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia 76ers Potential Free Agent Targets

Philadelphia 76ers Potential Free Agent Targets

what’s up everybody welcome back hope everybody’s having a great day or night whenever you’re watching this I want to talk about the Philadelphia 76ers and the potential offseason targets that they should have uh there’s a lot of rumors around a particular one that we’re going to talk about but ultimately I think that the Sixers they need help at the wing spots and the backup big spots because you need to be able to give Joelle some rest and you need to also be able to play off of Joelle with a better Wing player I don’t think Tobias Harris is coming back so I think ultimately they got to add to those two main things and these are just guys that are not on the team so I’m not going to talk about like Kelly U or Nick patum Kyle Lowry any of those dudes I hope to see all those guys back uh if they take pay cuts obviously they would need to be on probably minimum deals um but ultimately I got two wings and two backup bigs that I want to talk about we’re going to start with the wings uh before I do if you’re new to the Channel Please Subscribe if you like this kind of content please like the video and let me know in the comments who do you want to see the Sixers sign who’s who’s your your dream targets and who’s your more realistic targets uh we’re going to start with the wings right now though and uh it may be a dream Target in some eyes but uh he was on the NBA pregame show for the finals sitting next to sitting right next to Joel embiid and his name’s Paul George obviously if you don’t know the name I don’t know if you’ve watched much basketball lately but All-Star level player the perfect Wing to play off of Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid Paul George doesn’t like to handle the full workload of an offense in terms of creating for everyone so he would be like the perfect ideal guy because he can be that second and third option who’s playing off of Maxi and embiid and he’s just a flat out souped up version of Tobias Harris and uh I think that would be super awesome to watch and there’s a there’s rumors from NBA sources saying that uh Paul George and the Clippers are not on the same page in contract negotiations and that’s it’s kind of seeming like he might be either using Philly for leverage to try and get the money that he wants or he’s legit thinking of Dipping and uh I would love to see Paul Georgia in Philly that would be awesome I think Nick nurse would be an awesome coach for him I think he’d be the best coach that Nick ner or that Paul George has ever had and yeah I think it would be a lot of fun out there and it’s just obvious right like he’s the All-Star level player he the perfect ideal third guy on this team if everyone’s healthy and he’s just a baller it’s that simple I think another one and I I’ve said this in a previous video I have no idea what his contract situation will look like in terms of what teams are going to want to pay him but miles bridges in Philly if you can’t get PG would be a perfect like fallback piece because the Dude can get you 20 points a night he can get you a bunch of rebounds he’s hyper athletic fits the mold of everything right and I think we haven’t seen what he can be defensively because he’s in Charlotte and if you want to take any look at anybody look at PJ Washington from when he left Charlotte to go to Dallas the difference in his defensive ability is night and day so I think that’s situation in Charlotte is is horrible and if if miles Bridges were to bounce and go to Philly with Nick nurse as a coach and playing alongside Joel embiid and Tyrese Maxi that would be pretty fire and I think transitions cuz you know Maxi loves to to Blitz full court the whole way through uh that would be really uh exciting to watch with Miles Bridges being as hyper athletic as he is he’d be a lot of fun in Philly obviously there’s the off the court baggage uh which is it’s pretty damn bad um but if if you’re looking at just the basket the basketball side of things I think he’d be a great basketball fit and I I look at him as like a like how we said that uh Paul George is like a souped up Tobias Harris I think Miles Bridges is like a souped up version of Kelly UB now those are the two wings that I think would be awesome there and that’s not counting maybe resigning Kelly UB or Nick patum any of those guys but the backup big spot has been a a problem for Philly for a long time and it’s just because like embiid he he doesn’t stay healthy very often right so like you’re not going he’s not going to play 82 games but you need that backup big that one can step in and be the starter for a week or two at a time or a month or two at a time depending on whatever happens with Joel but you also need somebody that can give you 15 minutes when Joel is healthy so that he doesn’t have to play 40 minutes a game right and you need somebody that can actually like be on the court and not be a liability and I think one guy that would be pretty fire in Philly and it’s these aren’t going to be star guys cuz CU you just want somebody that can come in and play like vital minutes Mason plumbley from the Clippers would be really nice he’s a really good passer for being a big and obviously he’s not a shooter or anything like that but he’s a really good passer and I think uh the dhos and the the pick and rolls with maxi would be really good in second units uh just because he is a good passer good pocket passer has good hands he’d be a nice fit on the team and he could give you a 15 to 20 a night or he can start if you need him to and then uh he’s also a good rebounder too he’s a big body he’s he’s he’s a solid player and if if the contract is right I think he’d be an awesome backup uh you know to Joel and then you know probably start a few games here and there and you know whatever happens I think he’d be a good fit now the last backup big I want to talk about is Xavier Tilman he’s only 25 years old and he’s been good in every situation he’s been in he’s been good on a good Memphis team he’s good on a good Boston or a great Boston team right now he he’s a good center right it’s just quality player makes plays doesn’t hurt you too much uh but he he can do some things out there uh there’s been times where he can space the floor it’s not super consistent but he’s also a good roller uh good good rebounder like when you looked at the Memphis Days jiren Jackson didn’t play the five it was tman a lot of times when Adams wasn’t playing Tilman was playing the five and he was kind of pretty solid in that role and then in Boston now he’s had to step up and play the five in either starter or backup big minutes and he’s been good so that’s really just what Philly needs just just players that are good and aren’t horrible when they’re out there filling in for Joel embiid maybe if if you don’t like Tilman or plumbley maybe Drummond if you wanted to go down that route again I thought Drummond was pretty good in Philly I thought he was pretty good in Chicago it’s a good backup player um but it just depends if Drummond wants to come back and if Philly wants him back particularly um but I think any of those guys would be awesome in Philly it’s just a perfect nice ideal backup big you don’t have to overpay for them more than likely and they can provide you minutes which that’s all you need cuz when you get in the playoffs you’re playing seven or eight guys and you just need somebody that can give Joel 10 minutes to to to not be dead by the time the fourth quarter comes along and have no legs so I I think that would be good ultimately Paul George is the dream for Philly I would like miles Bridges if you can’t get a Paul George and then on the big side of things if you can get a plumbley that’d be amazing if you can get a tman that’d be dope and if you can get a drum and if you strike out on those guys that’d be solid as well ultimately Philly has space for the first time in a long time and they are going to need to spend it they’re going to need to spend it because you know Joel’s not getting any healthier as he ages Tyrese Maxi is you know like a budgeting star who was awesome in the playoffs but they have a this is like a a one or twoyear opportunity in my opinion where you have you have to strike now because Joelle is getting up there right for especially with the injury history and you have Tyrese who’s ready to just to take that next step you you need to supply them with the pieces that are going to allow them to be the best versions of themselves and I think a a wing that isn’t Tobias Harris out there would be great if you get Paul George O that is a finals contending team right there and if if not there’s still ways you can go to make this to make this work but ultimately it’s just going to depend on health if you’re Philly it’s been that way for the last 5 six years and it’s not going to be any different next year so you can add all the talent in the world but if they’re not healthy by by the time the playoffs come or they get hurt in the playoff you’re screwed and we’ve seen it every single year the team that wins the championship is usually one of the healthiest teams in the league and that’s if Philly wants to get there that’s what they’re going to need to do and you know if you add the star power and those guys are healthy come playoff time they’re they can beat anybody but ultimately let me know in the comments who you want to see play in Philadelphia next year who’s the who’s your guys’ dream Target mine’s Paul George and if that fails miles virgin will be pretty cool miles plumbley or uh Mason plumbley would be pretty solid and then you have you know Drummond if you need him tman if you like it there there’s a lot of good routes that Philly can go but they they have to get a good backup big and they have to get another Wing that can that can put the ball on the floor and score so what do you do do you agree I that’s what I think but anyway if you’re new to the Channel Please Subscribe if you like this kind of content please like the video I appreciate you for watching but yeah I cannot wait for middle of July when these free agent things kick off and Philly’s got money to spend for the first time in a long time so let’s see how this goes but thanks for watching I’m done peace

The Philadelphia 76ers need to get Joel Embiid his 3rd star and a backup big if they want to win a championship. This offseason probably determines if Embiid will ever win a title. #nba #philadelphia76ers #joelembiid #paulgeorge #tyresemaxey

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