@Detroit Pistons

Three Potential Stretch Five Options In The 2024 NBA Draft For The Detroit Pistons

Three Potential Stretch Five Options In The 2024 NBA Draft For The Detroit Pistons

in today’s episode of lock on Pistons podcast there’s been a lot of talk about who will the Pistons select at 5 but I want to talk about is there any possible stretch five options in this draft whether it’s at five or later on the first round that the Pistons should take a chance on we’ll talk about all that in today’s episode of the lock on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host ker Hill you can find me over on Twitter at CER Hill I want to thank you guys make locked on Pistons your first list of every single day we’re free available on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by prize piics the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz lockon NBA and use code all lowercase lockedown NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 you’re hear more about price pigs a little bit later we are joined by our friend of the podcast how comes on every summer talk about the draft with us um for those of you guys watching on YouTube YouTube I do want to say I don’t know what’s going on with my camera my audio is completely fine but my camera like every now and then just like freezes for like two seconds and it comes back so I apologize for that um I don’t know what’s going on but it is what it is we work with it um but Hal thank you for coming on man how you doing oh I’m I’m good I’m ready to get this draft over with it’s uh it’s it’s coming up quick so we’re in crunch time now no I I’m ready for this whole offseason to get like finished I this like the draft the indecision on what’s going on with Monty this I want this whole thing to just get like just hurry up and over with this is this is too much for me but so the reason one of the main things or the main thing we’re talk about on today’s episode is something that I floated out um I’ve been talking about it a little bit since you know I I think around February or when the Pistons acquired Mike muscala and galinari and it’s the idea of if if Kad and assar which is what it seems like to Me Maybe Tran feels completely differently continue to throw that out there but what it seems like to me is that Kade and assar are the Pistons cornerstones or those are the two guys they are the most high on right now or they you know really think highly of doesn’t mean they don’t think highly of I or Duran but it just seems like to me from what I understand that those two guys are really their guys um if that’s how you want to build or you’re really building the team around is a stretch five the best option then to have next to the s or can you get away with having two non-shooters on the floor um so I’ve really floated the idea of potentially looking at a stretch five whether it’s in the trade market free agency or the draft whether that s the Pistons really should be considering if they really like the S timeson like it sounds like obviously they draft him so they have to like them a lot but like you get what I’m saying um so I had how on come on and we’re GNA talk about three guys and at the end of the podcast I know a lot of you guys are gonna want to hear about donin kinging so we’ll touch on donin King a little bit at the very end but there’s three names we’re goingon to go through on this podcast of guys that could potentially be stretch fives and whether the Pistons should be interested in him so how I’m turn to you the first guy that you brought up to me was khle wear so tell me a little bit about we is he a viable option for the Pistons what’s he like what tell me a little bit about him so where is probably the the riskiest name we’re going to bring up in terms of like the reaction to him um because he had a a rough season last year transfers to Indiana and has a much better season this year he’s huge he’s over seven foot he has the wingspan um he he is a true freak who has a little bit of ability to do just about everything he’s got a jumper didn’t shoot a lot of them but it’s there and he shoots like an actual jump shot he’s the rare big man who has like leg Sway and everything he shoots a real jump shot um and one of the things that he was criticized for last year that he improved on is he can really bang in the post and get a little physical and he’s big um he got a lot better this year at drawing fouls and kind of actually mashing people um and then of course he just has a lot of tools defensively he is for his size a freak athlete I mean he he moves really well the the thing with where is you’re going to end up with a lot of like kind of James wisman uh comparisons where it’s like this is a dude who’s really talented but something hasn’t like 100% clicked for him yet so you know is this the guy where it’s going to turn out that things just don’t work and you know maybe all this Talent kind of goes to waste or is this you know um you know is this a guy who who could end up being a legit starter with you know all sorts of tools um you know it’s really depend on on your coaching your Player Development and just you know how much uh you know from from a I don’t want to cast dispersions on anyone’s character but you know how much he’s willing to put in the work and willing to change some of the bad habits everything but uh one of the more fascinating players and also one of the more controversial players in this draft so what are some of those negatives what are some of the you know the the why the things that aren’t clicking the things that you expect to see click but it’s not clicking that brings you know concern to possibly drafting what are those things he he was accused of a lot of motor issues uh last year especially and I think that’s an area he got a lot better on um and there were definitely issues where he wasn’t yet recognizing the play and so he was reacting late to a lot of things which you know always for a lot of people Blends into motor issues right is it a motor is it just not processing things um and that was another thing that he took a step forward in this year but it’s still not there um and then it’s just like he was he has promised as a shooter does he fall in love with the jump shot and ruin the fact that he’s big right there’s a little bit of of a christops porzingis thing here right where the the power of having a christops is that yes he can shoot but also uh the minute he switches onto a small player right he goes down and mauls them in the post and it’s an you know immediate you know high efficiency bucket that’s what you’re hoping you get out of a guy like Clare is uh someone who just gives you an option for every pick and roll coverage um you know whether it’s the jumper whether it’s the the you know post mismatch um and it’s just about you know decision-making it really all comes down to to decision- making and how quick he’s thinking um and you know whether he can translate all this Talent into production so what’s your what’s your eval on him defensively he’s all right I mean I have such low expectations of young big men um especially big men when they’re they’re like true Dro bigs and kware can move move in space but he’s I mean this is a drop big man for sure um and I it’s very rare to have like an Evan Moy who just comes in and gets it so um you know he’s he’s got a lot of talent he can get off the floor very quickly there’s a lot of potential um I think his defensive tape this year is probably a little better than Jaylen Duren was as a as a um college player but his tape last year probably was about duren’s level so you know he’s made a little bit of strides but but I don’t he’s not coming in as a guy who is you know we’ll talk about kingan later and kingan’s like very good at at you know understanding space and timing and all that stuff we’s still got a ways to go which is why he’s not you know even with all the tools uh he’s not really projected to be like a top five guy so offensively obvious we talk about the ability as a stretch five so first do you believe that he enters the league immediately as someone who can space the floor for you or is it more of a because again I haven’t really watched any of these guys I’ve been busy as as ever so I haven’t really gotten been able to get into any of these guys like I want to um but where is he someone who who is entering immediately as a guy that’s gonna be able to shoot or is it more of a projection based off of you know low volume touch or stuff like that is it is it something like that or is he entering immediately as someone you expect to space the floor I think he’s going to enter immediately as someone who’s going to be allowed to try to space the floor um he he only shot um he he shot 43% on threes this year right so he shot a very efficient thing it’s a very low volume uh like one and a half attempts per game volume right so so very very low volume I think a coach is gonna say hey if you’re wide open on a pick and pop right if that’s what they’re giving you try a couple you know this isn’t going to be a guy who’s gonna be allowed to shoot through a cold streak though right you know if he tries to take six in a game and he’s only made one somebody’s going to get mad at him so uh you know I expect him to to be owed to take some attempts you know I expect him to come in uh probably more efficient than what Isaiah Stewart came in as you know but I don’t think I’m expecting him to come in shooting you know 37% on five threes a game either so outside of that are there any other tools offensively that you really like is he a good finisher on the rim is he a lob threat you know what are some other things that you you think Pistons fans could like about him offensively outside of the potential as outside shooter yeah he’s really athletic so there should be plenty of lob threat um you know transition trailing kind of threat um uh offensive rebounds that kind of stuff garbage man collection he should be able to do all that stuff um and he is pretty good with both hands as a finisher in the post and stuff like if you put a a point guard on him I expect K to to finish so um yeah it’s really just about the decision making you know what does he do when the doubles come that kind of thing more than can he just beat you know one person I’m pretty confident he can do that for anyone but but you know real brutes down L all right and to wrap it up with kle and then we’ll move on to other players the Pistons have the fifth overall pick so how mult multiple questions here one should he be in consideration for five for the Pistons no two okay well let’s move on let’s move on to number two um why is he not considered one of these top uh why is he not why do you believe he should not be in consideration for five and since he’s not in consideration for five where do you think think that he would be an acceptable pick for the Pistons assuming they trade back are you assuming that they potentially could trade back for him or is this someone you’re expecting them maybe to trade back into the first round to or not when I say that not like back like move backwards but like to make another pick in the first round yeah what’s the why isn’t he one of the guys you think could be in consideration five and what’s the situation where you see him potentially being picked by the Pistons uh he’s not in consideration for me at five because the the consistency just isn’t there right when you’re when you’re picking that high uh especially for a center right the the replacement level Center is like some guy who just comes in and plays defense and you know just just gives you stability and that’s what’s really valuable in the NBA right we know we look at a guy like durren right who is flashy is all get out and can do all sorts of stuff but he’s not consistent and therefore you’re struggling a little bit where’s where’s in that mold where he needs time and he can’t give you that contribution early and you’re looking for more contribution early at number five that’s really what you want you want more consistency from the player um even if they’re pretty talented uh I think right now he’s in a tier in my board that’s probably somewhere around like pick 14 to 20 so um you know if that’s a trade back it’s probably because you got two picks I think uh something like the Blazers that have uh two picks in that range otherwise I’d say he’s more of a trade into the uh into back into the first and and you’re looking at him because he’s you know fallen into the 20s uh that’s probably probably more the the speed all right so to wrap up the to wrap up this segment not the podcast but this segment um so let me just the percentage chance what’s the percentage St chance you think the Pistons could realistically consider him a viable option to trade at whether I like I said back into the first round or get a second pick in the first round what do you think he realistically could be someone we see being on the Pistons radar or do you think this is more so uh not not in the pistons pistons ideas it’s I mean it’s new GM right hard hard to know what he values um I’m trying to think of the athletic big man that uh it’s on the he’s on the Lakers now is it that he that the Pelicans drafted Jackson Hayes yeah so like that was an another similar gamble on athleticism tools right so maybe that’s something that that traan langden would be interested in um you know but that’s really all you have to go on right I the chance of anybody trading back in is is relatively low like 20% right it’s not a thing that happens let me change the question would you tra if you were the GM do you value wear enough for this team where he would be someone you consider trading back into the first round for always depends on the price but like if you’re talking like trading into like pick 23 25 something like that and he’s there like sure but not mid L not like end lottery or mid first round I’m not trading for him at like 13 that that’s not what I’m that’s not why I’m making that trade I’d better be getting something else before I’m you know just committing to that all right so we’re wrap that one up there and then we’ll move on in the next segment we’ll talk about Kyle filipowski as another potential option for the Detroit Pistons as a stretch five I we’ll talk about that when we come back when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free LinkedIn isn’t just another job board LinkedIn 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platforms if you haven’t already hit that subscribe subscribe on the YouTube channel or leave us a five star r view on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast we are on our way to 10,000 subscribers we’re about you know a little over a thousand away but we’re trying to get there before the end my goal is to get there before the end of the next season if we could get there before that that would be great but that’s the goal right now prob set the goal at like 9,000 I believe we’re at 8.24 right now I’m trying to rise up the ranks at at lockedown NBA we’re I think we’re about mid middle of the pack right now we should be way higher so if you haven’t already hit the Subscribe button at the YouTube channel I really would appreciate it um but how let’s move on to Kyle filipowski um and I do want to again say the reason why I’m having this episode is because I truly think that if AAR Thompson and Kate are like your cornerstones if Asar as someone you really have highly I personally think that a stretch five is something you seriously need to consider because I’m not completely convinced that you can get away with having two non-shooters on the floor and the time of the pre pre-draft before aar’s draft I had more belief in him becoming an outside shooter eventually I do not have that same level of belief I don’t think it’s impossible but I’m not as confident in that happening um and just because of how good I know small sample but just because of how good it looked with a galinari and muscala not only is it a small sample it also just follows like logically for me like hey if you have a guy who can space the floor five would it work yeah it sounds like it would work let’s see what it looked like oh it looked great okay makes sense like that that’s what it says to me so I I think it’s something they really need to consider now obviously not everyone can just go get a stretch five it was that easy the Pistons obviously would rather have someone who could shoot at five but it’s it’s hard to come by those guys but that’s why we’re having this episode um but how go on about Kyle filipowski is he well I guess the first thing I want to ask you do you have him over where or is he in the same is he in the same range is he below where do you have him compared to where uh I have filipowski slightly above where on my boards okay so tell us why you have him higher than khil so he’s kind of the opposite of where where we is all tools and then like flashes of different skills Philip palsky is pretty consistent uh but he doesn’t have the burst athleticism uh that wear does so uh again this is a this is a true seven-footer um well uh a little a little under but pretty close I mean he’s a legit five and Philip palski also has the shot he shot a lot more he’s got more of a a background in shooting um he’s had about 35% this year um but Philip palski is uh more aleny in his skill set like he’s he’s much more of the the high post passer the dribble handoff guy um we is not like a clever screen Setter um filipowski is like filipowski very much is an angles and and manipulation guy um and he’s maybe like someone you’d consider a slightly lower ceiling player just because he doesn’t have the freak athleticism tools um and certainly like defensively uh he is uh he’s a little better than he probably gets credit for he’s he’s a sneaky sneaky Defender where you know his positioning is pretty good um he moves his feet better than you’d probably expect for you know kind of a bulky looking white guy um but like he’s not going to be a lock down Defender you’re going to want to build uh you know some length around him just let him kind of be in a drop for the most part um but he does have some pretty good vertical tools and like as long as he’s in a a relatively safe system which is not something the Pistons can necessarily guarantee him but as long as he’s in a relatively stable position I think filipowski will do okay there and then just kind of on offense he’s the guy where you can run your offense through him he can run Twan game stuff uh he can he can pick and pop kecot his own kind of face up game that’s really fun um so he’s just he’s just a much more stable and consistent and versatile offensive player and uh you know who you hope can survive on defense and I I think he’s got enough tools to do that in the right context all right so so it sounds like this is a player that you expect to be an immediate shooter out the gate it’s not someone you’re waiting on do you expect him to be an immediate stretch five yeah he’s he hasn’t yet wowed us with the percentages but he’s got a pretty good Baseline going back to high school of taking them and making enough um and then because he’s a guy who can you know give you the dho offense and stuff you don’t feel bad about throwing it to him on the pop because he can immediately flip around and execute something else right he can if if it’s not open or you know if he catches and his feet aren’t set like uh you know Isaiah Stewart for example one of the next steps for him as a shooter is when his shot prep wasn’t great he can freeze a little bit and you know he doesn’t he’s not really a great dho operator and stuff filipowski has no problem putting the ball on the floor dribbling to the other side of the floor execut a DL starting a Twan game you know and and because of that I’m pretty confident that he’s going to be allowed to you know to to take shots and and to kind of stay within the flow you’re not that worried about keeping him involved in the offense so what what is outside of aism what what’s holding his ceiling from being necessarily very high it sounds like he’s a low ceiling player outside is it just athleticism or what is it that’s holding him from being one of these high ceing players it’s pretty much the athleticism he’s not freaky wingspan guy uh you know he’s he just doesn’t have crazy tools um he did have to have surgery going from he’s another sophomore by the way uh he had to have surgery going from his freshman to a sophomore year on his hips they actually like lengthened his hip muscles to try and help give him some more flexibility um he was in a lot of pain I guess before that I thought it did look significantly better which is not normally a thing you say about people who have hip surgery right usually that’s a bad sign um but it it did look pretty good and hopefully you know as that continues he’s going to he’s going to get a little more comfortable as an athlete but uh it is you know he has uh got a a pretty tough ceiling there athletically and that’s like Philip howski is a guy you draft you know to kind of probably preempt a question you’re about to ask me he’s not a guy you’re gonna draft at five right and he’s a guy you’re probably going to trade back into you know around that that uh or or trade back for or trade back into starting at like the 15 to 25 range somewhere in there um you know because you’re hoping he’ll be your bench bck like I don’t really think you’re drafting filipowski with this intent that he’s going to start right away uh if he does that’s probably a pretty bad sign for Jaylen Duren so is he a player so since you said you already answered that question would you trade back into the first is he a player you feel like the Pistons if you were the GM of the Pistons if you were the president of basketball operations is he someone you would consider trading back into the first round for maybe yeah it all you know it’s it’s all so price dependent I mean I I struggle to know what the asset is that you’re giving up in that trade right but uh you know the average value trade for a 15 to 20 pick probably I’m probably fine with that but you know like for the Pistons that asset is like Isaiah Stewart that kind of thing is is usually the price and I’m not I don’t want it you already have that asset I don’t I don’t know why you do that so that’s the only tricky part of it all right fair enough so I want to I I don’t know if I want to wrap it up on filipowski and then move on to homes right now and then in the last segment we can talk about clinging uh should we do you want to spend more time on Holmes or do you do you think we can knock him out in in the next three or four minutes I think I think we could knock Holmes out quick okay so don Holmes do you have him where do you have him between where and Philip pasy is he above both of them is he below is he in between where where do you have him on your board right in that same range we’re we’re still talking in that 14 to 25 15 to 25 range for me so right in the same spot all right why should Pistons fans like him he is very Christian Woody without maybe some of the character issues that have driven people crazy over Christian Wood like he is uh pretty athletic uh like a great first step he does a bunch of stuff like off the dribble and he just has like a very creative offensive game there’s a little bit of like the the Daniel Gafford flexibility where like Gafford will like lean all the way around like scoop shots and stuff like that when he’s finishing the post um Holmes Holmes is like that he canot shoot uh he can dribble the thing about Holmes and he’s and he’s a athletic Defender whose positioning can get a little better um he’s pretty skinny uh he can get kind of bullied a little bit like on rebounds you can like dig him out of out of his position stuff um and the big thing for him is he’s not an amazing playmaker considering the usage he had in college like he was given every touch he wanted um and was allowed to like do whatever he wanted and it was pretty productive but it was wasn’t uh like I would I would say Philip palski is clearly a better passer for me um and really it’s just a question again for him of like decision- making and what does it look like uh I I I don’t know that he’s a starting center in my book uh you know friend of the podcast Bryce Simon loves drawn Holmes big he’s a big fan um and and so I you know he’s another guy where like if he’s your backup center I’m pretty happy I don’t know that he’s got starter potential for me but uh you know he’s a guy you can throw in there and give you the like Bobby poris energy kind of kind of thing where he just gives you a lot of utility all over the floor okay so to wrap up this whole idea of the stretch five I want to ask you how so I I think you and you follow me on Twitter obviously so you know how I feel about this stuff um do you feel and then we’ll wrap up the podcast or why do I keep saying the podcast we’ll wrap up this segment my goodness um trying to kick me out early do you feel similar as me as that the stretch five could or should be some of the Pistons to be looking at if they want to keep on with assar potentially starting next decade um and do you feel strongly enough as I do about this where you would it’s something that you’re like okay we should try to get back into the first round to get one of these stretch fives because I really we need one of these or is it something or do you not feel as strongly about just where is your stance on because I think this is a conversation that at least I’ve been told and I think James has said it on the podcast with me and Omari said on the podcast I don’t feel like I’m leaking anything but like this is if I am oops but like a conversation they’re gonna be having um sure where where do you stand on it I think every team should have the option to go to that right like you want you you should have the ability to put a shooter out of five I don’t know necessarily that I agree that it’s a priority just because I like Isaiah Stewart at the five and I think that uh like Isaiah Stewart right now I’m not super comfortable in his shooting as a four because you’re asked to do a lot of like movement and repositioning as a four when you shoot and that’s something he struggles with and hopefully this summer it’s something he gets better with he’s gotten better every year so um maybe he comes back and he’s able to do that stuff as a five it’s like just pick and pop right you’re involved in the action just pick and pop so I think you have already a player on the roster who can give you that as a alternative give you that as a starter that that’s where it’s like I don’t know that he’s going to be your starting center maybe I I you know it’s hard to say that Duran has necessarily earned the the right to start guaranteed over Isaiah Stewart like that um you know to me it’s like do I want that or do I want do do I want to draft a a pick and pop spacing five or do I Want More Wings the answer for me is almost always going to be more wings like I is because I have stew in order to fill the role i’ I’d probably take that but you know you if you’re not conf confident that Stu can do it you need to find other options because I think you need that option uh whether it’s for assar whether it’s just to give Cade you know even if it’s a a a maximum spacing five out lineup right you want to have that kind of of option to go to Just tactically whether or not a sar’s play all right fair enough when we come back we’ll talk about Domin Klean because this is a player I know a lot of you guys want to hear about we’ve talked about him on the last like two uh draft episodes where we’ve had guest on he’s come up and a lot of you guys go to the comments a lot of you guys go to my DMs like still asking about kinging saying you guys love kinging so I want to get house thoughts on kinging and then there’s another topic I want to ask him about real quick I haven’t told him about yet uh before we wrap up the podcast oh boy um we’ll see how it goes uh but stay tuned for all that when we come back priz picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than five million members it is the most fun and exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players 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five um and that’s Donovan kingan so it sounds like I’ve said this on the podcast a few times the last few weeks so again I’ve been kind of hinting at this for a minute um wink wink elble ubble nudge nudge but it feels like to me that one of of the things that really like a lot obviously the Pistons won 14 games last year obviously everything irked their nerves last year like obviously but I seems like one of the things that was at the very top of the list is the defense from their five position the rim protection the lack of Rim protection the lack of defensive effort just the defense from their fire position seems to have really bothered them a ton which is why you hear them linked to a Claxton why you hear them linked to a hartenstein um and now a lot of people talking about clinging so first before we even talk about I get your thoughts on clinging the player do you agree that he should be summon the Pistons if he’s there at five should be should he be in play uh as the pick there well you should be like exatic if he’s at five because whether you want him or not uh a whole bunch of people want him so like uh if if somebody is going to trade up for the Pistons pick the most value your good probably going to get is because CLA or claxon because kingan is there um so so that alone would make me very excited to see him slide to five because that means that that other things are in play um certainly I think he’s a value to the Pistons I I’ve said before I like Duran I like what Duran could become but like those players are projects they take time and in the meantime you need somebody else to help your kids grow it’s really hard to evaluate whether jadeen Ivy is doing the right thing if Jaylen Duran isn’t behind him giving him the right communication right like be having the five is having a quarterback of the defense it’s not just about that player’s uh ability to do kind of their own positional defense it’s about their ability to quarterback everything else around them and the minute that breaks down you have all the other breakdowns and the Pistons had a ton of um kind of waterfall effects from durren not being ready for the role he was given yet and that’s not really Duran’s fault like he again you can’t expect too much of most young bigs but it you know it also means it’s very hard to evaluate everyone else because you have that so um you know kingan is a guy who comes in pretty readymade defensively and it’s pretty rare for me to say like you should go get him over a veteran big right like do you get kingan or do you go get a Claxton or hartenstein or somebody uh to fill that role but uh he’s played in an NBA Style defense for years he’s really good in that defense uh he is a good communicator he’s pretty smart in defense like I think yeah he absolutely can bring you um you know bring you positive minutes fill in the the gaps and uh compete with Duren and and you know maybe even replace durren if if people decide that’s necessary certainly I think there’s still people who would give you you know trade value that’s pretty high for for Jaylen Duran um and so maybe you just decide that’s the way to go but I think if if uh he’s there at five uh Donovan Klay just gives you a ton of options that pretty much no other player being there uh gives you when it comes to to you you can trade pretty much anyone and and you know make any decision you want because he gives you uh he’s he’s he’s such a known commodity right you you know what you’re getting out of Donan kingan so I take it as would I be correct in saying you are pretty high on kingan it’s not just high like I know what he is and that’s so rare for a prospect I know that Donovan kingan is going to come in he’s going to protect the rim and he’s going to do the basics on offense in terms of like finishing on the roll he can make uh the high post passes hit some Cutters like I know what I can do with him and U like he’s a limited Defender he’s not going to switch or anything but like I know exactly what scheme I’m run you know like that that consistency and that understanding of what role he provides uh is something that like the Pistons certainly don’t have that at basically any position other than Kade right I mean someone like fonio right you know who he is but for the most part like even someone like Quinton Grimes right because of his health situation you’re not entirely sure what you can get out of Quinton Grimes so to have players where you know what they are you know what their strengths are you know what their weaknesses are you know how to you know what should be done to build around them that has a lot of value no I I think that is an incredible point the idea of the Pistons having like and like you said knowing that if you were to draft kingan and you know exactly what defensive scheme you’re gonna have you know what your defensive you know what you’re gonna be doing that it kind of Builds an identity and you know what to build towards that’s something that I feel like I’ve been very critical about this on the podcast for months um that the Pistons have felt I felt like the Pistons have not had a true one from top down it feels like there’s been a bunch of different know it doesn’t feel like everyone was ever on the same page about what they wanted to build towards or what this team they’re trying to build towards and and be um so having that like you said that kind of consistency and just known that hey this is what we’re trying to be this is what we’re going to be building towards this is what you know this is what we’re going to be doing I do think that would really help a lot of people on the roster whoever’s on the roster whether it’s the young guys or whether they get just knowing what you’re trying to be and what you’re building around and what you’re going to be doing it it’s I think that would really help a lot of them um a lot of the players are that are currently on the Pistons right now well the the nice thing is you have Isaiah Stewart to give you the other option right if you if you’re like we’re playing kinging and something goes wrong and and the drop big isn’t working today you have the opposite option you know in the switch big who can who can space the floor and do that kind of stuff like you would have uh you know the ability to toggle between Styles a little bit which is a major advantage AG when you have you know because because Stuart is is very consistent himself right he you know what you’re getting out of him especially defensively so um between the two you would you would have a lot of understanding of where you need to go from the big man position so and this is the topic I wanted to ask you before we left and and kind of surprised you with um so this is a take that I’ve had for All Summer in the last few months and I I’m not saying I’m completely jumping off this but if I had to if I had to move one of the young guys I would be moving Jay and Ivy that’s something I’ve I’ve been that’s the where I’ve planed my flag I’m not as high on jayen Ivy as everyone else I’m I’m not as big of a Believer as everyone else in the ivy Kade back back court so I have been if you’re moving on if we’re making moves to try to improve the team you move Jay and Ivy however now with the talk of you know with everything going on about the big man situation and knowing really and I think this happened when we had James in the pocket like a week and a half ago I really sat back and thought about it after we talked with him I was like wait I don’t know about that anymore because if you’re going to get if you get Claxton or you get hartenstein or you get a kingan he falls you get kingan if you get him they those three options are probably starting may there’s a chance kingan isn’t starting I’d assume he is I know for a fact Harden Steiner cler starting if you if you’re bring him to Detroit they they are your starting fives if that’s the case I think you agree I’m not I’m I can’t say 99% but I’m pretty sure you agree with this Stu is a backup five I do not want to see him at the four I think he is a backup five in the NBA a valuable one I think he started to kind of understand that I think the team kind of un started to understand that and I think that’s why you started to see him get better and better and better he started to be used correctly if he’s your backup if and if you know that the one player that you have drafted that actually has gotten better every year and you’ve actually signed to a rookie extension you should be valuing him and you know his best value you’re getting the best value out of him and his contract and him as a player as a backup five well if that’s what you’re doing where’s Darren like what’s the what where like what’s the point in like I’m I’m finding it hard to you know it’s just a numbers game at that point not even about whether I’m high on Duran or Ivy it says okay if you’re going to get a center for the def defensive concerns which I completely get Duren was terrible defensively like I completely understand it if you do that I would want Stu to be the back of five I think most people would where’s durren so what do you think about that whole situation do you think duren’s the odd man out would you be shocked to see him get moved I I think certainly he’s the ad man I mean it’s like first of all it depends on what you’re doing to convince those guys to sign right like if you’re offering hartenstein or Claxton like the their equivalent of like the Bruce Brown deal right like we’re just going to give you a ton of money up front maybe even a player option so you can get out of this as soon as you want you know we just want you for next year just bridge this Gap until Duran is ready they probably come in they start but like Duran at least then you can look to him and be like hey all you got to do is is get better right like there’s this the the starting spot’s going to open back up for you immediately maybe that works if you’re going to give those guys years you can’t also then tell Duren like hey we we’ve got this this you know Prime role for you this starring role like someone like like Clon hartstein they’re not going back to the bench it’s not one of them is getting traded and sometimes you can get away with that on like a wing position because there’s enough minutes to go around the center is a singular position right you you only get one on the floor at a time especially for the true centers so yeah I think he’s the odd man out I also think he probably right now carries more value or how do I say this I think if if you were to trade Ivy right now I think that you are getting about as low a value as you can get for Ivy like if he continues to be exactly what he is right now and just doesn’t improve I don’t think his trade value dips much lower because like next year he’ll just be a one-year trial player like that has its own value if for whatever reason he resigns here and he’s on year five and he’s still struggling like he’s not going to resign for big money so I don’t I don’t know that Ivy’s value is going to dip much lower where you’re going to be like sh we should have traded him you know we should have traded him in 2023 this is such a big problem whereas I think Ivy’s value can absolutely Skyrocket right Duren we saw this with Andre Drummond where like Duran could be productive and if he’s not that guy on defense the trade value for that doesn’t really Spike so I think the the the fomo right that that fear of missing out that that opportunity cost if you move Duran and he blows up I don’t think you feel as bad about if is if you if you moved Ivy and it turns out that all Ivy needed was a change of scenery right if I if Ivy turns around and by 2027 he’s getting you know an All-Star bid you’re gonna feel awful because you definitely lost a ton of value there um so yeah I think it all kind of points to if you have to move someone you’re moving you should move Duran first um and you got to hope that that this year you can put Ivy in a better position to succeed and uh you know all he has to do is get a little bit better for him to to you know for people to believe in Ivy I I still talk to people on a regular basis who would say that Jaden Ivy the prospect they would put him number one in this draft and they’d still consider like a top 15 pick from this draft in trade value for Ivy which you know I think a lot of people have given up on him you know further than that in Detroit but I think there’s still a lot of faith in the league that he can be you know much better than this and to wrap up the podcast the opportunity cost again I’ve talked about it a ton on this podcast it’s probably my main argument for trading one of IV or Duran it’s been my main argument all off season and it’s something that’s been brought up in James articles over the last few weeks not for a mistake it’s not on accident um it’s a conversation that will be had in the front office about and it and it should be it doesn’t mean I’m not saying where I know where I would end up on but they don’t have to I’m not saying they would be wrong to end up on either end it’s just a conversation that absolutely needs to be had you need to be talking about that um because this is this offing is going to be so important and you don’t want to mess up with that well there’s a timeline right you go one more year and then money starts being a real factor in this so the decision has to be made this year whether it’s this this offseason right now or this trade deadline you’re making it this year right I completely agree I’m interested to see where where they go with this so but thank you Hal for coming on man and talking about this um I might try to get you on again before the draft to talk about somebody um we’ll see though if we can squeeze why does this always sound like a trap it always sounds like a trap it’s not a trap it’s always a good time it’s always a good time so always a blast all right appreciate you how you guys can follow him on Twitter how brius great draft takes obviously great piston stuff as well um follow him over there I appreciate you guys making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day frea podcast platforms hit that subscribe but the YouTube channel leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

The Detroit Pistons have been linked to multiple defensive, rim-running centers this offseason, but are there any potential stretch five options in this draft?

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  1. Cody Williams should be the pick, there’s a real chance Ausar is out the rotation next year due to horrid floor spacing and not being able to play with non shooting centers which happens to be 98% of centers in the league

  2. Trade Duren , Stewart , Ivey Fournier and Sasser to Utah for Lauri Marrkanen and Taylor Hendrick and their first round pick. Draft 3pt shooter Reed Sheppard with 5th pick , Zack Edey with the 10th pick. Draft Bronney James with that 2nd pick so LeBron can come hear and play with his son. Sign , Monti Morris , Andrre Drummond , Luke Kennard and Mike Muscala. Starting Lineup Cunningham , Sheppard , Drummond , James and Marrkanen 2nd unit Thompson , Fenchicio , Edey , Morris and Kennard . Keep Umude & Boihiem. because they can hit the 3. Bronney, the forward from Princeton and Muscala. NBA champions in 2025. Tell me if your feeling this.

  3. I DON'T WANT BUZELIS!! I DON'T WANT THE MAJORITY OF THE CORE BACK!! The pick at five should be CARTER , CASTLE,OR DILLINGHAM!! Then make a trade for CLINGAN or WARE,OR EVEN HOLMES II! Let's go Pistons!! We need a turnaround immediately!!

  4. Just got done watching him…. I'm drafting him top 5… playing him at the 4/5… he would fit with Duran, stew and ausar…he is literally what this team needs

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