@Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – Kings Forward Keegan Murray’s Development In the NBA

The James Ham Show – Kings Forward Keegan Murray’s Development In the NBA

welcome in James ham hey James hi friends Hammer with us you know what we haven’t talked about yet is uh Klay Thompson scrubing wow wow I don’t know what to make of it what to make of it to be honest I think I think he’s gone though you do okay James I I have a theory and then uh we we’ll have James weigh in on this James you you we know conversations take place right especially with uh your current team it’s really easy to have those conversations and then be you know very simple and and and easy and whatever even though like formal offers can’t be made in different things like that my guess is they they they have an idea of where the Warriors are and Clay’s not happy about it I think it’s as simple as that yeah yeah I think you can I mean by NBA rules you can have a conversation with your own player the entire season so it’s not like you you don’t know where you stand you know when you get towards the end of the season you can have an honest conversation you’re agent is having honest conversations with their people so I don’t know I don’t make all that much out of the whole unfollowing and all that stuff I mean I gotta be honest I wouldn’t put it past the Warriors and Klay Thompson to just be like spinning a tall tail here that just you know like playing it up so it’s some big media driven talked about thing that oh my gosh is Clay leaving and I think that’s what they did with Draymond and Mike Brown last year you know Mike Brown loves Draymond Green if watch out for the Sacramento Kings meanwhile everyone in Sacramento is like yeah yeah nobody wants stomper here yeah that’s that’s not a St stomper yeah yeah not typically I I don’t well I guess when you talk comes to football this is usually a football tactic where they scrub their social media of the player I usually don’t or of the team excuse me I don’t pay too much oh that would be funny if the Warriors scrubbed all references to Klay Thompson that would be funny then they’d be leaning into the uh to the bit and then that’ be great but um there’s something about Klay Thompson doing it in this situation that makes me think kind of like what you talked about like they’ve talked about a number they know where the Warriors number is and could have been as simple as worri like this is about where it’s going to stay like we’re not going any higher than this and and Clay feeling like I can get better I’m gonna get better I guess my time here in Golden state is done I think he’s I think he is gonna have a different team next year yeah I wouldn’t put it past him I I mean like look I think this thing is all up in the air and you know I I was joking with Kyle earlier we have you know all of these different versions of Klay Thompson you know Clay on a boat and and clay with his dog and all these things this can just be like clay the like Instagram guy like he’s just like wiping out stuff and making it like building the drama of it because again I do think that they are like pretty dramatic down there in the bay um although like look there’s been enough talk about you know who’s interested in him Orlando being interested I’m sure Philadelphia would at least kick kick the tires um but but the Warriors are in such bad financial shape that I don’t know what you do like there there’s not a lot you can do because if you go out and you sign clay what are we talking about 15 20 million a year I think he’s I think he’s thinking he could should get we’re talking like 25 million 2530 hey if that’s it like the Warriors in order to do that they’re going to be out 50 60 70 like that’s not that’s not what you need to do if you’re the Warriors especially for like let’s be honest it’s it’s a player whose skill sh skill set has diminished and it’s tough but you have to be honest with people and um when when you see somebody on the down side of their career uh you can’t you can’t kind of skirt around it you just have to say look there might be a team where you’re very valuable for them right now and they’ve got young players and all these things where that makes sense but we’re not that team anymore and we’re aging and we need to get younger and we also we need to cut payroll and if you want to come back and and be part of it but like 105 million dollars a year that’s fine but outside of that we can’t really do this and I’ll be interested to see at the end of the day what happens um I mean his legacy is always going to be as a warrior he’ll be a Hall of Famer as a warrior um but you know you can’t pay everybody especially you can’t pay everybody at at 34 35 36 it just becomes a really really tough game because that team is not going to win they’re going to be a you know eight n 10 for the next couple of years as long as Steph is there but really nothing more than that unless they find some crazy young player out of nowhere that they don’t currently have on their roster I’d be I’d be mad too you PA you paid you paid him $100 million you better find a way to you wanted to keep the band together for him but you going to let me go I’m I’m arguably the second best player of my position next to the dude I play with we arguably have the greatest back court of all time second you gonna let me go over him second best player maybe in your franchise’s history no disrespect Barry no disrespect to Chris Bing but I’m just saying like he has an argument for that brick Barry will cuss your ass out for that yeah he probably cussing at the guy right now he probably is somewhere he’s somewhere he heard it through the you know he one thing that’s for sure is he’s somewhere angry yeah well he’s taking the shower somewhere that was interesting did you guys see the report that Brent Barry won’t be back with the as the assistant GM of the Spurs this year just found that interesting he’s a good dude I sat with he really boted last year’s draft I think that’s part of the he did he totally blew it really he really screwed that thing up to your point though Damian like I I the the the Warriors argument would be we can’t do this because the financials and all this other stuff like we can’t do it and Clay would be like no you can’t not give me money because of the financials the problem is you gave him the money that’s what messed up the financials if you didn’t give him the money you wouldn’t have no Financial issue so don’t tell me that you can’t do something you made your bed when you brought him back now it’s time to pay what you owe and there he would lose that argument because they’ll be like we can’t do it we’re not going to pay $250 million for this eighth place team2 250 extra million dollars for this for this eighth place team like we’re not gonna do it uh you know they could always sign him and then trade Draymond I mean if you can find a taker for the last I don’t think yeah I don’t think he got a market for years I don’t know you could you you could at least break his contract up he’d retire I think so too I think well then he won’t get any of it well he’s not going to starve no that’s true well but I mean if that’s the play I I think there’s also possibility like the Warriors I mean the Lakers have a like a group of 12 million doll players they could they could trade Draymond for a couple of1 million players and get out from underneath that deal serious question like all hate aside who would trade for Draymond like I’m I’m a the Lakers the Lakers I think would you know who might OKC could probably afford to trade for Draymond okay would he play in OKC Begg it’s not a bad it’s not a bad team no I think team wise I think he he’d be fine with it I don’t know if living in OKC he’d be fine with it but I think that’s that’s a team where he could they have enough around around him where his lack of production on some nights wouldn’t hamper he could just be this rebound assist guy like I think that would would would potentially be an option I’m trying to think of seriously think of other places where he could go that’d be a tough team though because they already have Josh gidy who’s not a great three-point shooter in the starting lineup and so you would have to ask him to come off the bench U I do think I don’t know no that wouldn’t really work I think there are some teams out there like I don’t know uh Cleveland could use like a like an energy dude someone who who uh you know a little more forceful than some of the young players they have but I asked the same question with all of these teams would he play there because I think there m Cleveland’s interesting I think there’s only a few teams he’d play in fact I can he he’d play for the Lakers I feel like if he was traded today play for the Los Angeles Lakers I don’t know that he play for Oklahoma City I can’t imagine Sam Presley would want him with those young guys Cleveland I don’t know what Cleveland’s doing nor do I understand why they haven’t hired a head coach I feel like I know why the Lakers haven’t hired a head coach I don’t know why Cleveland hasn’t hired a head coach um so I’m really not sure what direction they’re going in at all I I don’t I don’t once again not I’m not hating in this conversation I’m having a real Draymond conversation okay I think he possibly would go to OKC because they’re a good enough team that’s already good that if he comes there and they go to the Conference Finals he could take the credit for that he could be like like even though he have nothing to do with it like they were two games away from the Conference Finals this year and they were a young team and they could have just gotten better um with a year of experience but if they got to the Conference Finals or the NBA Finals I came in and I changed the the culture of this team quite frankly those who don’t understand the game don’t understand that yes they were the number one seed last year but now that they’re the three seed and in the Conference Finals I changed everything yeah no that’s good you’re getting your stuff off today that’s good but you do you hear what I’m saying no that was Draymond Green oh I heard it I’m making a joke but no that that was it that’d be the podcast after the you know the Conference Finals run or whatever yeah I mean I think he thinks he’s going right into TV and maybe he does but um I think over years we’ve become we’ve like been able to sort of Charles Barkley has tamed himself down a bunch where he’s really funny and like he’s quirky and all those things but I think Draymond thinks he can be that and I don’t think he can be that because he comes off at as someone who is vindictive and like always pointing fingers at people calling people out all the time and I think Charles can can say stuff about players can can be tough on players but it doesn’t come across as somebody who like has a bone to pick with him and is trying to get even on some score that no one knows about and so I don’t know I’m I kind of wonder what it is he’s got that like Draymond Green is going to show up wherever he gets traded to he’s got get $75 million to to go show up and if he doesn’t want to show up then he’ll violate league rules like I just I don’t think that they’re retire James that’s that’s what I’m saying is like I just think retire yeah like he’s closer to retirement than anything else I’m sure we’ve done a Draymond Green you know pocket watching before um what what you say so he has three years left that’s 75 million boy spot track is a slow website in this studio it must know how vital its information is to us so it moves pretty slow 12 years in the league 177 177.816 177 to 255 that’s a that’s that’s a big number that’s a big number um all right maybe he does come back maybe maybe maybe he will maybe he will play for the thunder in this fictitious TR that we’ve created like that Joe lob would never approve in a million years no he wouldn’t I feel like the Thunder might be might be the only team that like off the top of my head like I’m thinking maybe Dallas that would make a play for him yeah the Lakers would why do you think the Lakers wouldn’t I think they would the king is still there right mhm oh he hasn’t had a chance to get sick of Draymond Green the player that team would be aw he likes Draymond Green I know that you know that James knows that the nearly thousand people watching this and God knows how many listening know that Rob palenka doesn’t oh man jeie bus doesn’t the ruses don’t oh happy women’s International and JJ reck probably doesn’t so what the sad thing is JJ IC probably does he’s like hey give me my give me my contract and that’s right I’ll coach whatever it’ll be weird when JJ and Draymond get in a fist fight on the third day of training camp Oh what if well see the money in stuff don’t work out Milwaukee huh oh no Milwaukee’s got they could trade like Brook Lopez Doc Rivers Draymond Green gonna play for Doc Rivers that’s not a good because then we got Kenny doing both parts oh oh well that’s that’s Draymond Draymond I we need you to calm down just a little bit here I need you you know to play more of that four position look coach I don’t know what you’re talking about I know basketball quite frankly I think you should step to the side Draymond I don’t think you know who you’re talking to Draymond I don’t think you know who you’re talking stock River this is a say by the Bell scene all over again it’s good I can I can ruin everyone’s day more than Kenny’s impression oh no don’t say nothing crazy don’t say nothing crazy yeah Brook Lopez 20 million straight up Bob Fitzgerald is gonna call the Olympics oh really yeah with who it look well oh Yik War this is such a sad moment Warrior press release so so his his uh his uh his broadcast colleagues aren’t mentioned but yeah he’s going to call Olympic basketball in Paris damn it wild whatever they hopefully they have uh NBC Peacock act peacock app this is an opportunity for you to show the NBA the shoulder programming the alternate um broadcast that you can have for the NBA give me the I don’t care give me the Spanish broadcast that’s what I watch wow wow and Michael Scott Paper Company Inc is all of us we are watching Olympic basketball on mute wow they were just voted the worst broadcast in the NBA yeah look man I’m not goingon to hate on the men’s I don’t hate on nobody getting their bag you got another bag salute him I just I’m GNA watch the Spanish announce team well little bit of there’s no bag involved not that you don’t get paid you get paid but you you absolutely get paid but it’s also like hey come call the Olympics free it’s prestigious for them just as it is for it’s a platform yeah yeah like but it’s I there is one thing it’s not is not a bag it is not a bag and if it is it’s a Jan Sport with all due respect oh man shout out to Jan Sport it’s solid bag it’s Sol it’s solid but it’s not not it’s not what you’re used to the Toyota camri of BS been the of this show W that’s the second time like in the last couple months you’ve disrespect you do take a shot at Toyota pretty regularly it’s quality car it’s a great car it’s more like a Toyota Corolla it’s not quite the or or let’s see it’s more like a hauna Civic you know I feel like the Honda Civic is a little higher than the Camry I mean the No No in the world a Corolla and a Civic are the same and then a cord and a Camry they’re the step up okay there you go there you Goa Accord is a good car I wanted one of those at one point time so did I like that car those are good cars they look good they I like it El model what I ended up getting was a Toyota Solara that was a really good car I enjoyed that card my Prius was fantastic even though Prius is like the butt of all jokes a great car I don’t either I’m mad that I sold it I should have just given it to my mom I was looking for a Prius when I was looking for new car yeah what you said Alon a cyber truck I wish I saw one of them things this morning and I’m still up to believe that joint is ugly hey I I like it I like it but how many miles does that thing get do we know want to say like 375 oh so it’s roughly the same as a newer I don’t know to me they’re hideous no they’re awful man they got all the bells and whistles does that mean what do you need to run over stuff for you live in El Grove there’s you know potholes that you know you need to run over po see that’s not true we saw the river video with the Tesla it couldn’t even get out it’s not even a real truck oh it’s tough 340 is its estimated range which means it’s really like 27 280 yeah just for those who are unaware that estimated range is crap I don’t even think I’ve ever even paid attention to that 340 is if you’re driving like oh the miles if you’re five miles under the speed limit downhill then you’ll get three with the air off with the air off you got to make sure you have the air off yes but not the windows down no not with the windows down you got to keep the windows up just be hot sweat and you’ll get uh you’ll get more miles out that’s funny that that was that did uh that was bad news though yeah B I didn’t mean to I knew that would ruin the show I should have saved that for the end you just ruined it I’m listen to the the chman announced team I’m G learn I’m learn gonna where are you GNA find that I’ll look for it other than that they have a version of this truck called the cyberbeast there’s a re a rear wheel drive an all-wheel drive and a cyberbeast come on man that thing don’t play it don’t play okay I sound interesting like I think it’s called a Honda Honda oh they have a new SUV um but it’s like smaller than a pilot that’s full uh full electric that looked interesting the reality of the situation is as much as we may not like this man like I said Tesla’s about five years ahead oh he’s got the electric vehicle thing figured out yeah he’s got the electric vehicle thing fig he got that he’s a jackass but everybody not saying that the people can’t catch up I’m just saying he’s got a head he’s about five that’s all they’re trying to do is catch up like even companies that have electric vs Vehicles like Mercedes they’re trying to catch up um that company we were talking about last week oh lyric Lucid Lucid Lucid they’re they’re trying to they can’t they’re trying desperately to create an imprint in the market and can’t I I maybe this isn’t exclusive to him or not they just be upgrading my car out of nowhere bro it’s crazy like you know the the yeah here you get you get you got a you got audible now like here my I like the new little update they did that shows the traffic on the trip come on man it’s fire look and then did you did you have the issue where they they you would turn on your turn signal and if you wanted to cross two lanes before used to be able to turn the sign on and it wouldn’t stop until you were in control of turning it off they did an update and as soon as you would change lanes the signal would go off automatically and I was so pissed off about that I can’t a week a week later they changed it back they changed it back bro it’s czy so that’s the type of stuff that pisses you off no that really did piss me off because no this you literally get mad over nothing and like the turn signal turning off too quick because this is what would happen right so you’re used to you turn the turn so say I’m merging I got to go two lanes to the right so I would get to the second lane Y and I would turn it off well now with this one I would turn I would put the turn signal on I’d get over one lane and I’m so used to turning it off it already turned off and now I’ve signal to get into the left lane and it would happen all the time and it would piss me off I said this is how can you fix I was looking up YouTube videos and all this other stuff they fixed it they just fix without me even asking they just fixed it bro it’s crazy you put in the call to Elon just like that huh I didn’t have I didn’t put in no call this is just what they do I didn’t put no call in well what do you call it when you can contact them from the Tesla I can’t contact that man I don’t believe you yeah I’m with James I’m with James in virtually the entire chatty house we think you’re lying we’re gonna come back and James is gonna tell us who the Honda Accord is of the Sacramento Kings oh man oh who’s the Honda Accord compare Kings to gas efficient cars when we’re back need to do that we might need to do that who is the Honda Accord Ste Casey on ESPN 1320 well that’s what Kenny do call Elon so Bryce I understand what you’re saying that you have a cell you throw your phone at the wall right now Bryce you have a cell phone you have the internet Bryce has been texting that same message for like three years just completely oblivious to the fact everything he does is being uh uh tracked so I’m digging I’m gonna check out this the Honda prologue I’m checking this out I like I saw it they had one outside the Costco the other day but for some reason all of the versions that they sent out all the pictures that they sent out to all the other companies is like a teal green one that’s just hideous like I don’t understand you said a prologue the fun family minivan it’s not that doesn’t look like it no that’s what the um when you when you type in the head it that’s what it says the fun family minivan that does not look like a minivan at all no it looks like the Chevy uh the Chevy Blazer which I would love to get a Chevy Blazer but the problem with Chevy Blazer is it says Chevy on the outside and I just I just don’t trust it’s chy sponsorship that is a hell of a color that they chose to use as their yeah advertising vehicle this is their first all electric SUV I like it that’s the other thing I hate is when these companies like oh we’re I’m not going to do completely you know electric just a you know just enough to show we’re trying oh yeah the the hybrid ones yeah yeah no I like this though before I got my car now I definitely wanted a um a Kia ev6 I think it was I saw one in Vegas like before they got a little popular and it was like so obviously somebody you know spruced it up but it was like matted out with some black rims or something like that I was like this is fire and then they wanted like $75,000 for that car and they couldn’t tell me when the next one was coming in I said come on I’ve never seen one of these Lucid in person I have a friend who just bought one yeah yeah they may even be listening to the show they just bought one it’s a little sketch though so like I I’ve had Lucid stock for a while their stock is in the tank their their stock is ass well the problem is that they can’t guarantee that they’re going to survive right so so I don’t know that you want to buy one right now I mean leasing one might be okay but like there’s a possibility in a year or two like they won’t be around and then who’s going to service your car especially something but they’re so high-end and gorgeous like it’s an amazing car it’s beautiful and it’s it’s priced like a high-end car like it’s priced like the s model yeah it’s it’s close to well I think it’s over 100 well no they have they have they have some they have some that are are at 70 and okay 80 um but yeah they’re they’re higher yeah they definitely have higher end ones that are 100 well well above but their problem and this is what like their CEO said they’re trying to address is that they are trying to create something that competes with the three and the Y like an econom a more of a economically sound car to gain an imprint to where it’s like okay we trust this car maybe next time around I’ll spend $75,000 on one of their higher models but because I’m not gonna lie to you that’s what Tesla has me thinking I mean let you buy one of the higher end models next time yeah I’m kind of locked in bro mhm oh if I upgrade if I get a new card it’s going to probably be in the same family mhm oh I’m I’m gonna go check out this prologue I don’t know the prologue it uh you can get the tax credit well I think you could get the tax credit for any full EV vehicle for the next maybe till November question mark no it’s got to be built in America oh you get one for a Tesla well because they’re built here Teslas are built here oh they have they have the factory in Reno they may have just assume that was a front no they probably build all the parts somewhere else and you’re probably right it probably is a front Okay but they assembl them here yeah wow we’ve lost our way how are we going to recover commercial it’s fine I thought they were down in Ry say sooka I thought they were down in La too I’m sure there’s more than one there goes doc with this he’s a winner he’s a winner La fish didn’t even know who that man was which is a very believable Story by the way that Lawrence I absolutely believe that yeah he had no clue who Doc Rivers was huh all right that man making Academy Award winning movies he ain’t worried about the Celtics or Clippers head coach he’s a great actor we could we could just spend the next uh 20s something minutes on Lawrence Fishburn movies that’s that’s true story true story we’re coming back Hammer James wants to discuss Lawrence Fishburn for the next 20 minutes he just mentioned that as we glanced up at looked at Doc Rivers and repeated the line that Lawrence fish didn’t know who Doc Rivers was which I stated I fully believe know I don’t know about that like it’s not like Doc Rivers like passes the mom test but if you watch the NBA he probably doesn’t watch he said that he said I don’t watch B I don’t watch sports I didn’t know he said he didn’t watch yeah it’s it wasn’t like hey I’m a big I’m a big Kings fan I had no clue who Doc Rivers was no like he’s like I don’t I don’t watch sports s was believable H damn doc sorry I didn’t know who you were that’s tough like if if like you know Johnny B Broadway doesn’t know who you are like it’s no big deal when it’s like Lawrence Fishburn yeah that kind of sucks well that’s like when I was down in a bar in LA and I said Casey in La they like okay bro the hell away me Fishburn has been in a lot of movies he yep I need to check some of these because I counting eight seasons nine seasons of Blackish I still haven’t seen the end no we’re getting close though she’s talked about it okay good luck with that yeah I guess what they gave me for uh for Father’s Day they gave me a gift card to Chipotle that I’ll probably never be able to use well you’ll just use it when you’re alone [Laughter] I appre they took care of me on Father’s Day they took care of me man you imagine the Chipotle Father’s Day gift card is what finally takes out Kenny you what was funny about like because I was with like Casey’s family on Friday like did any of your boys James look like they just constantly want to beat your ass because that’s what Ryan looks like Ryan looks like Ryan she was crosses two St Ryan just looks around like I’m gonna Jack one of these dudes up and I feel like it was me like hey and I look at her and she looked at me like bro get your get your get your grubby little hand off my foot well yeah you were talking to somebody else I like did any of your boys ever look like they just wanted to beat people up no no and he’s got daughter that’s gonna you don’t ever have to worry about Ryan when she gets older boy because ain’t nobody gonna cross her see you should uh like like get a little pre-marriage like right now with with little baby rain because rain fox has that look like bro don’t test me R be looking at the whole time he looks like he super serious little man like don’t you don’t you touch me be looking at people like you sound ridiculous he looked at the TV like that punk ass camera out of my face face leave me and my dad alone that’s right yeah Ryan Ryan was kind of pissed off though the Jun she she wanted out of her stroller that’s what that’s what it was well she probably thought them local acts was performing too long she probably thought she could get on stage she probably could have wild she probably could have we had a few slots we could have filled we had time that was old boy’s name the the showstopper uh ski SK yeah M2 ski yo man hey ski was the show stop shout out to my man ski we laughed cuz we’re like oh white dude is closing the Jun celebration all right he didn’t he brought him out bro and here’s where I’ll shout my man out he performed he one he had a very good crowd two he performed like there were a 100,000 people out there and killed it he had the best performance no no disrespect to uh no they were all good yeah to any of them but he had the best performance of the day next to your boy your I forgot his name who counted to 100 yeah J’s world really he counted to 100 in rap form like he was for the kids and the whole song was counting to 100 J’s world was doing his thing and then I liked uh what were my girls the the steppers the steppers uh uh confidence is everything C cie I like that I mean I like there wasn’t anybody I didn’t like all good but uh Ski’s energy cuz there was nobody around when he started and he started rapping and Performing and people gravitated towards the stage it was crazy it was awesome yeah he killed it no it was it was it was good it was fun to watch some of those local performers Rock uh this past weekend um okay James you’ve had enough time who is the Honda Accord of the Sacramento Kings oh damn it who is the Accord and who is the Prius oh man um come on man this is easy the Accord is Harrison right yeah wow yeah that’s a good one that’s a good one wow the Keegan yeah we like both of those cards the Camry is the one that would feel disrespectful remember that’s how Jess well the Accord in Camry are the same they that’s what James said I thought it was they are now if you want to start talking about the Lexus which is just a fancier version that’s right Toyota people get so upset about that really do they not know like no they they were like how did the Lexus become this luxury car out of nowhere it’s just a [Music] Toyota I would say the the Prius is probably Alex Len because you know it’s reliable but you don’t need to you can’t go real far in it like you’re not going to trust it for major minutes but like still really reliable knows its job gets good gas mileage so you said the Accord is is Harrison because the Accords last they last they last right yeah oh yeah yeah that’s 100,000 I mean I mean I think all Toyotas do I guess I was a little too highly 300,000 a minimum on a Toyota you thought Keegan was the Prius I yeah we like the Prius is not flashy but it gets the job done yeah I had the Prius for 10 11 years or whatever it was yeah what is Keegan huh dear and domas are out of the Toyota family right what’s a car that’s like a like a nice efficient car like on the verge of being a luxury car sometimes like you like it varies people don’t know right on the verge of a luxury car I I would say like like if we I would say I’d put him in a BMW range because I think a BMW is a little bit below Mercedes but maybe I’m wrong top it’s top of the top though but it’s still like highend yeah yeah it’s top of the top okay yeah then you you know what’s dear a Rolls-Royce he’s a Rolls Royer he’s a PTP yeah he’s a rollsroyce yeah that reminds me of speaking of Keegan sorry I I literally just thought about this sorry but um did you see what what javil had to say about Keegan Murray I think Tristy had highlighted it our girl Tristy um had highlighted about javel no talking about like he wants Keegan to experience the NBA a little bit more go to dinner with your friends like or with your teammates not not like you have to be in the club or nothing like that but live a little bit more of the NBA life he said he thinks it would help him as a player and as a teammate if he did that I totally agree um I don’t you know because we don’t travel with the team and even if even if you’re a beat writer traveling with the team like I did did for a while where I was you know like 15 20 games a year uh on the road um you don’t travel with them you don’t stay in the same Hotel because you can’t afford their hotel it’s not part of your uh concur like list um you so you don’t travel with them you don’t eat out with them for the most part like um I I don’t know like how much he spends out with the others but that’s a big deal like they need to get him out of the hotel and I like what jav said I think he said it on doimo I think that’s where she pulled the quote um but like definitely said like you know we’re not talking about taking them out to the club and we’re not talking about bringing them out and drinking with him we just mean like he needs to get out he needs to experience the cities he’s in whether it’s New York or whatever City it might be you need to if you’re going to spend he said if you’re going to spend four days in New York you need to go be a tourist you need to go check out things and like figure out the city and all that stuff you shouldn’t be going back to your hotel room to watch video every single every single night that’s just not there’s a uh there’s something about being an NBA player that um I think we we all understand but unless you really think about it like these guys get to go to cool cities all the time and stay in five star hotels but they also like they have security or they they have people that will go with them to go to you know name that place and so they he does need to get out if that’s a problem that’s something that like his his vets need to sort of get in his head and pull him out of his shell a little bit more and say hey look this is we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna have not a crazy time but we’re gonna go out and have a good time and and at least see things where we’re at and and um shout out to Du Mo I didn’t I didn’t know that’s where it came from shout out to them but um the the tone that I got because I just read it I didn’t see the the interview I just read it the tone that I got from javelle wasn’t to say like like Keegan’s wrong or anything else like that he said I I think this would help him I think this would um help him you know with the chemistry with the teammates and his growth as an as a NBA player and as a teammate I think it would help him and he kept saying like he doesn’t have to do anything wild but you know go to dinner with your guys sometimes man and and and have that you’re you’re going to some of the best restaurants in the world little what your what Your what what your teammates and experienced that you’re in the NBA you worked hard G get that get that type of experience I I just thought it was it was interesting to hear uh Jael speak on that like that yeah and I mean Keegan as even under his rookie scale contract makes like n 10 million bucks a year this year um you know even after taxes he’s still clearing you know four and a half five million bucks he can afford to go out and and that’s some of what jav was saying like look you’re young you’re a millionaire like what are we doing like let’s go and um I think it like sometimes it takes players a little bit of a little while to get comfortable and you know it’s also possible that maybe Keegan has uh is still I think I’m not sure if he has his the same girlfriend when he got to the team um but if he does then it’s one of those things where like you don’t want to be seen out you don’t want to like as a young guy I could see him being like Ultra conservative about it and not wanting to get in trouble but you still can like go enjoy a City without getting in trouble H you think it matters I’m trying to because my my first inclin like no but trel’s a 10year NBA what am I disagree with him like if J 17 year betet if javelle says it m it matters like if javelle says there’s some there’s there’s some there is camaraderie in that then then there is and who the hell am I to say that oh javelle that’s silly you don’t need to do that he’s been all over the league with championship teams multiple Champions how am I going to disagree with that it’s not the first thing that would come to my mind like I was going to say we don’t spend any time together when we’re not working but we’re home like if we go to hypothetically Phoenix next month right yeah like we’ll we’ll probably go to dinner in Phoenix and we’ll you know we’ll we’ll we’ll do some things out there you know we went to Atlanta together I I could see that being uh yeah sure I could see that I see that once again it felt like javel he didn’t say there was an issue with Keegan and his teammates right now it seems perfect he was kind of say it could be even better if you kind of add this approach every now and then I I think that that’s part of it but I also think a lot of this it it comes back to that same basic theme that you have to be more than just a basketball player like you have to be able to like stimulate your mind in different ways a and push yourself in different ways it can’t just all be about basketball and it’s why I like the Marvin baggley like rap career I never had a problem with it like it’s not my cup of tea I don’t want to listen to it same Liller did yeah well he yeah but but I never felt like ended it exactly sorry j sorry I never felt a need to like call him out on that like oh this guy’s out here doing this and this and this no man these are young 20-year-old dudes who need to have some sort of Vice outside of yeah they need an outlet they need to figure out things like on the on the flight because that’s that’s how we grew up we had other things going on um outside of work and you know sure you work and you do all that but then you know for for me I know I played a lot of volleyball I played a lot of basketball I played Sports all the time um you know you you’ve got to have more that you’re looking forward to and more that’s like sort of feeding your brain than just studying film every night and just playing basketball you know four nights a week it’s an interesting thought um it’s out there now I wonder I wonder if that has been conveyed to Keegan and I wonder how regular that is too is it like uh you know hey hey you know keegs we’re going to dinner tonight oh no all right cool no problem and then the next road trip hey keeks were going to dinner tonight oh no because there could be circumstances where you mentioned his girl his family there could be reasons that they just don’t line up but if they’re going out every trip or you know close to every extended trip and and he’s always passing yeah that’s a little that’s a little bit different um I be curious how that what happens next yeah like with that it’s a it’s certainly a dynamic I don’t think a lot of us uh think about as it pertains to you know being a teammate or being you know new in the league young in the league we always think about it the other way like oh man these guys are out too much he’s he’s living that NBA lifestyle a little too much you you rarely hear a teammate go yeah he ain’t living an NBA lifestyle enough like I remember uh thought about that uh uh man and Beasley Malik no Michael Beasley Michael Beasley he’s living that he’s living an NBA life a little too much little too much and yeah you really don’t hear it very often like yeah he’s not living the NBA life enough you don’t go out so I’m curious how Keegan responds to that if he you know responds to it at all we do have news uh according to Tim McMan Joe moula on Chris porzingis he’s available expecting to see him tonight yeah what Joe MAA meant was if we’re not down 50 yeah he might play you think or you you’ll see him he’ll be sitting right there on the bench do you think because I was listening to the Insiders and I think both Kyle and J very good show we try Kristoff is never gonna play this season do you think that that’s the case as well Daman like he’s he’s done for the season and they’re just kind of maybe courtesy or whatever playing him or did he not play in game for because it was such a big blowout so uh Joe MAA clar he didn’t clarify he weighed in a little bit more after the initial report from Shams that not uh shirani and not Cunningham that he was gonna be available that chrisos porzingis was going to be available but then he you know he clarified a little bit more saying okay yeah he’s available but like in certain situations and if needed he was never needed Friday um I’m going to shy away a little bit from James and Kyle’s thinking here whereas if we have a different type of game tonight and Lord knows I hope we do yeah I think we’ll see chrisos porzingis out there uh I don’t think we’re gonna see him play 30 minutes even if the game is close but I think we’re gonna see porzingis I think Kyle’s take was he’s done we’re not going to see him I think like I’m not convinced of that like but but the longer you wait I think the more likely it is that he does play like if you if there is a game six um I think you would probably want to see him on the court like and that would be a week but again we don’t know what this injury is that’s the problem like he’s probably getting an MRI every day so they can start to study and see what it is what’s happening so they at least have a there’s no blueprint to operate off of there’s no uh hey this happened too it’s like hey buddy I don’t know what this means but moua said there’s no minutes restriction either no that means if he’s gonna play he’s gonna play like yeah that they’re not gonna Li not starting right well yeah but like he wasn’t starting when he was healthy game one that’s true yeah that’s tough tough never gonna start an NBA Finals well no that’s true and be and be one of the more impactful better players this series his first game back was game one right yeah yeah yeah that was in just a phenomenal like performance throw some Icy Hot on the ankle wrap it up let’s go dude you gotta win a ring today well that’s probably what James is talking about like Hey how do we tape this thing like how do we like and and I’m and I swear to you like I’m not trying to be funny what direction do we tape this with the injury we do we have to change the direction do we double tape it tape it both ways I have no idea yeah well I don’t know dude because then the shoes gota fit at some point like you gotta but it’s his yeah yeah but I’m I’m not thinking double tape I’m thinking that initial thing of tape stretches right it’s stretches your skin stretches everything do they have to tape it in a certain direction because of where that injury is they’re probably trying to figure it out yeah probably why he didn’t play in game four well no I think it was the 50 point deficit that kept figure you know what Joe he’s ready but we just don’t know how to tape this tape job was ass man we might want to give this another shot no I honestly I think they’re they’re literally like this will be a case study and they’re gonna sit there because it’s one thing for like your normal everyday Joe Schmo to do this right that no one like he’ll go in for someone would go in for an MRI they’re like oh yeah we have a tear here that’s weird we haven’t really seen that before and then you just kind of watch it I mean maintain it over the course of a couple of weeks with it with an NBA player like they want to see what what’s happening with the growth and how it’s like how it’s reacting and all that I wouldn’t doubt that they’re G to just keep taking photos of this thing and like okay is it healing on its own is it not like we talked about like the grade one grade two grade three like a grade three in the ankle is a complete like severed ligament but it grows back together but then the ACL doesn’t repair itself the MCL does repair itself in the knee so all of these things are different and you don’t know how this particular injury will heal itself or not heal itself so whether it’s a surgical procedure that’s needed or if it’s going to grow back together by itself it’s just like all of it’s very strange in the three plus years we’ve been with James three years we’ve been with James I think the thing he gets most excited to talk about is injuries I love injuries and if he can demonstrate like a turned finger that’s his bag that’s his bag it’s the Kings and then it’s injuries mallet finger what happens it that’s mallet finger but what dearin got was an inverted mallet finger oh what what uh the hammock bone is that what what was sabon ham bone is right here he talking about ripping what was it oh yeah that is a he had a oh no um a UCL joint the tendon and the ligament rips off from an evulsion fracture there it is an evion fracture there it is yeah that’s much different than a severed ligament it’s where the bone pops off takes it the the ligament pulls is gonna get like he’s gonna get like little diagrams behind so like like little like skeletons like you see in the doctor’s office with tendons attached so he can pull it up and say okay so what happened and he could snap a t in and be like it broke just like this uh jessee’s making us end the show because he needs to get home and he needs to do a different pregame routine than he did on Friday so hopefully we’re back and we’re popping champagne for well we’ll definitely be back hopefully we’re popping champagne for our boy uh tomorrow morning at 10: a.m. when the Insiders take the air here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 B seante is though

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