@Utah Jazz

Can the Utah Jazz actually win a title?

Can the Utah Jazz actually win a title?

all right guys the Boston Celtics just won the NBA Championship and as a jazz fan we got to ask ourselves can we actually do it let’s talk about it it’s the Hoops nerd [Music] show okay before before we get into this guys make sure if you’re a jazz fan that you like and subscribe to the channel this is the best Utah Jazz podcast YouTube channel content whatever make sure you like And subscribe and help grow this Channel all right guys so the Boston Celtics win the ntion the national champ the NBA title whatever you want to call it and for jazz fans this is tough because the Jazz aren’t even close to there right now and it just makes you ask yourself if you’re jazz fan can the Jazz actually do this is this something the Jazz can actually do and I’m here to tell you that yes they can but it’s going to take more than just the easy road that the Jazz have historically always done you know the easy Road has led them to get some good players in the past but if they do not do what they are supposed to do and should do and what all the other championships team championship teams do in including the Los Angeles Lakers who we all think they just feed players to them no there’s a certain way you got to do this let’s look at the Boston Celtics so the interesting thing about the Boston Celtics and the connection to the jazz is obviously Danny a Danny a was with the Boston Celtics and has now been kind of the Builder of two cores that have won titles with Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen and then this one with him drafting Jaylen Brown and and Jason Tatum and people can argue well he tried to trade Jason Tatum well yeah but they end ended up not making that happen we don’t know all the ins and outs of everything and guess what to make a championship you got to get a little bit Lucky in a lot of different ways but you can’t argue that he did not put together the cores of both those teams that won those titles um Brad Stevens deserves a lot of credit for what he’s done after Danny a with bringing in Chris abs porzingis uh Derek white was an incredible trade and if anything you’ve got to look at the the San Antonio Spurs like could you should you have gotten more and then obviously the Drew Holiday trade which was just bad management by the Milwaukee Bucks and honestly should probably talk about that a little bit and what we should do as a team and how you build a team and honestly not necessarily how you build the team but how you should not build a team and that can be taught by the Milwaukee Bucks this year in fact let’s start there the Milwaukee Bucks who had won a title with Drew holiday Giannis onmo and Chris Middleton that core won a title and they decided because the the coaching from last season which you know I agree was not the best out there uh Utah is familiar with the coach Bud type coaching that they got in Milwaukee where it’s just set in stone this is what we do we don’t ever change and it cost them games and what did they do they trade Drew holiday to the Portland Trailblazers to get Damen Lillard who can’t play defense at all and he’s also older and it didn’t work out it worked out about as well as as much as you’d expect because guess what happened Damen Lillard with the Bucks did the exact same thing Damen Lillard did with the Trailblazers yes he had some incredible shot making moments but he also had injuries that he had in Portland and that came over to to to Milwaukee and Milwaukee also couldn’t defend on the perimeter with him it was really bad and so it’s one thing we can learn from Milwaukee is you should not be trading away Elite defensive players that are also great Playmakers and leaders for bad defensive players uh regardless of who they are Damen Lillard is a putrid defensive player and there were a lot of jazz fans that wanted to trade for for Drew for uh Damen Lillard and it turned out that was not the ca that was not not a good idea now it’s interesting you know you could argue why it made sense because they needed an end of game score but they didn’t even get to that point to have him and obviously they lose Giannis in the playoffs with injury and that’s the end of that but that’s not the way you win titles you win the title by getting a core and you draft that core and win them and that’s what we’ve seen from both Boston Celtics with their former ERA with Paul Pierce and with this era with Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum what happens with Paul Pierce they draft Paul Pierce he becomes the number one option they they play with Paul Pierce they have multiple Seasons where they’re trying to grow with him and by the way Paul Pierce is not an off-ball shooter like a Lowry Markin and Paul Pierce is a guy you can give the ball to and he can score and dominate a playoff game and they went through their lumps they had some difficult years but Paul Pierce slowly developed and they were able to make a big time trade for Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen you got to give credit to Danny a for doing that but that doesn’t they don’t win that title if they don’t draft Paul Pierce first just flat out this second idiom that they go through how do they get Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown well the interesting thing is those both were not Boston Celtics picks they were Brooklyn Net’s picks that that they had traded their core you know ironically Kevin Garnett Paul Pierce to Brooklyn they get these uh picks from from Brooklyn it was a revolutionary trade most people thought it was a ridiculous thing to trade these good players for future picks well those future picks turned into two incredible ones the one that was Jason Tatum if you’ll remember and I believe it was pick swap goes number one so they get the number one pick that’s what it took to get Jason Tatum and what does Danny a do because he knew that markl Foltz wasn’t the one he wanted and he knew Philadelphia wanted him he knew Lonzo ball was going number two to the Lakers he trades back to three and takes Jason Tatum who was his guy all along and they’ve got their their number one option star that can handle the ball and score and facilitate in the playoffs 6 fo n 610 huge scoring Wing that just can dominate games now Jason Tatum is probably not a top five player but he’s a top 10 player especially when he’s playing well and that’s what Utah needs it’s not complicated Utah needs that ball in the hand player or at least dominant player that when you put the ball in his hands he can dominate a game and score and facilitate for your team a guy that gives problems to the to the opposing Team every single night and it also needs to be a guy that can play defense Paul Pierce played defense Kevin Garnett played defense Ray Allen played defense Jason Tatum plays defense Jaylen Brown who by the way also a Brooklyn Nets pick who goes number three overall goes to them and they have their core now I need to write about this and I should probably just do a video about it maybe we’ll just talk about it or maybe we’ll just talk about it now in fact yeah let’s just talk about it now this is what you do this is how you build it you have to get your stars in the draft it’s the way the Jazz have done it your number one star of all time Carl Malone he was drafted I can’t remember was it 12 uh or in that range and they get him in the draft he drops probably because of some of the offc Court things and that’s why he dropped but the Jazz got their top five player in Carl Malone in the draft and then how do they get their second best player on that team John Stockton in the draft and then what do you do afterwards once you have that core Duo that you know is going to dominate games and be a perennial playoff team that’s when you go out and make big time trades just like Boston trades for Derek white and and Drew holiday and STS porzingis and all these guys Utah did the same thing when they trade for Jeff hornek right they didn’t quite do it enough with Darren Williams they get Darren Williams at ironically number three they trade up to get him for I can’t remember what it was it was like from five or six or something like that they trade up to get Darren Williams and then they tra then they get Carlos Boozer and free agency which is arguably the greatest free agency signing for the Jazz in their team history I don’t know if that’s actually that arguable and and that was the core and then they get uh me okur and that team actually made a Western Conference Finals but you don’t get that team and here is the theme you don’t get that team without that number three overall pick and getting Darren Williams right flat out let’s talk about the Dallas Mavericks they lose tonight but guess what they tanked go ask go ask Mark Cuban they lost games on purpose he was fined $600,000 by by uh by Adam Silver for actually admitting it that they were tanking and they get they go into the lottery they were number the number three worst team that year they were a mess and that included with an old uh Dirk nitzki they lose their Lottery fall to five they get lucky and they’re able to trade up to three like the Jazz were for Darren Williams and they get Luka donic and then what do they do once they have that star you know they had Jaylen Brunson they made a terrible mistake by not keeping him he goes to New York but what do they do and what were they able to do trade for a secondary star in Kyrie Irving Utah is upside down right now thinking about the Jazz right now what do the Jazz have the Jazz have some young nice prospects in Keon George and Taylor Hendricks and a little bit of Bryce sensah but I’m a little higher on Keon George and Taylor Hendricks and they have a secondary star in lry marinin now maybe Keon George becomes that Ballin the hand Superstar maybe he becomes you know Steph Curry you never know never say never I don’t know if I see that but I do think keontay George and Taylor hris have the potential to be those secondary kind of stars you know why can’t they be the the Derek whites or the Kyrie Irvings or those types of players that play off of that Superstar player you know Taylor Hendricks has some real interesting things about him the defensive ability is very apparent and he can shoot the three and he showed a little bit with the ball in his hands so we’ll see who knows maybe he can become an elite level player you know but Utah does not have that number one top five potential player you know they don’t have the Anthony Edwards that mil that Minnesota has that nearly got them to the title you know they don’t have Nicola jic who’s a top five player and I know there’s people out there that will say you don’t have to lose games to get that top pick it is extremely rare for that to happen if you do not get a top five pick you are asking for miracles you know like even Giannis on the Milwaukee bucks they drafted him he was like 6’8 6’9 he grew three in after they drafted him is that the is that the plan is that you draft some guy out of Greece that you have very little tape on and then when you get him you just hope that he also grows three or four inches while he’s in your training camp is that is that the plan no or that you get Nicola yic in the second round you just hope that some guy out of Serbia or wherever he’s from turns into the best player in the ba very unlikely what is likely is that when you know a player of elite caliber Talent is there at the top of the draft and you are not a very good basketball team you can ensure yourself a chance to get that type of guy by being bad right and you need to be really bad and to be honest even if the Jazz renegotiate l markon in August which is when that’s possible are they are we sure they’re not even a bottom five team anyway the issue is would you rather go into the lottery being the fifth worst team or the first worst team because guess what even if you drop two or three spots like the Jazz did this last draft you’re still in that top three four or five because what happens is after that point you get to you keep your position so if the Jazz are terrible next year and they get a shot and they don’t even get it they still ensure themselves at top five big and in the upcoming draft that’s worth it completely worth it and to be honest it’s a a path that jazz have kind of forced themselves into they traded for John Collins last year which is fine it was free he’s basically going to be free to whoever wants him now they have Jordan Clarkson who they resigned doesn’t make a ton of sense to me why they resigned him but they’re going to probably trade him this offseason they have Colin seon they they gotten their trade probably Ava like very likely available if someone wants to actually make an offer and I’m guessing that’s one or two first round picks but most likely one good first round pick will get them uh Colin seon but the reason you get all these picks the reason that the Jazz traded Rudy goar and they traded Don of a Mitchell was to get these good picks but the thing is is the difference between now what the Jazz have from Cleveland and Minnesota and those picks is Minnesota and Cleveland those those trades actually worked out for them you know Rudy goar won Defensive Player of the Year in his second season with Minnesota so the first round pick that the Utah is getting next year not this draft but next draft is likely going to be late 20s or mid 20s or somewhere in that range Donovan Mitchell all the reports are that he might resign so if he does that helps them win a lot of games I don’t think they’re going to win a title but they’re going going to be a pick in the 20s so the Jazz can’t expect that one of these picks is just going to fall into the top three now who knows maybe something crazy happens like injuries and all these things and one of those teams get snake bit but you can’t you can’t bet on those things happening right if you bet on Miracles Good Luck Good Luck what you can do is put your fate into your own hands and make this happen so what Utah can do since they don’t own their pick next year unless they’re bottom 10 is make sure you’re bottom three don’t even make it close go out and trade lry Markin in for an incredible offer get the picks you want and be bad because guess what you want to be the champion of the NBA you’ve got to be the best team and the Boston Celtics were the best team right how you don’t need to worry about how good you make someone else like if the Lakers come calling and they want to give give you three underprotection off their 2027 pick you got to think about it because they’re going to they’re poorly run and it’s very likely post LeBron that they’re not going to be very good you know but you can’t worry about that what you have to worry about is that we’re going to go out and get our MVP caliber player and there’s a potential there with Cooper flag and Ace Bailey there’s potential there and then the following season there’s AJ debons there is Cam Boozer there’s a ton and just as a refresher course Utah does not get their pick next year unless it’s bottom 10 and if they get bottom 10 then that means the following year it has to be bottom eight or it goes to Oklahoma City so Utah has to now take their Destiny into their own hands make some tough decisions do the right thing do you guys want this title do you want that championship trophy to be in the Delta Center in the glass case and you walk by it every time you go to the game because I want that I want that but it takes time and it takes sacrifice nothing that was hard or worth it was ever easy and the Jazz are playing it on hard mode this ain’t La LeBron ain’t coming ironically ironically tanking is the reason that La won their title right here’s how La had like three top number two overall picks L Lonzo ball D’Angelo Russell I think Julius Randall was a never number seven overall pick they traded all these different players for the pieces to go around LeBron they don’t get Anthony Davis and win a title get that second star with LeBron if they don’t tank those years and aren’t bad and don’t have the players and picks to trade right if they don’t send Brandon Ingram to the Pelicans they don’t get Anthony Davis this is how it’s done this is how it works you have to get your stars in the draft and if you want to make sure you get a star you’ve got to ensure you get to that top of the draft especially when the superstars are there and there’s one coming and you know I think low marinin is a great guy he’s a really great secondary option on a good basketball team we know he can be that but do you really want to be the Milwaukee Bucks and make your decisions based off of what makes low marinin happy because that did not work out for the bucks and they were doing that based off of Giannis who’s a literal MVP Defensive Player of the Year Finals MVP Champion Lowry marinin did not make the All-Star team last year he is a non- Allstar this last season you’re going to make your decisions of your team based off of the wants of a non- Allstar is that really what we’re doing Ryan is that what you’re doing you are going to make a decision on the future and potential Championship possibilities for this team on a non- Allstars whim that’s not what I would do that’s not what the Jazz should do because doing that is not how you win a championship that is not how you build a championship team and by the way even when you get those players it takes time they have to develop it took Jason Tatum time time it took him playoff runs to lose build those Battle Scars and lose Jaylen Brown had to get better and better and better remember we talked about how he can’t dribble left and all this stuff gets a BigTime contract well he certainly proved all us all of us wrong now they’ve got a title and if Utah wants to do it that’s how it’s done there is no other way as you know in The Avengers when Doctor Strange goes through all the different possibilities in how to defeat Thanos and he finds there’s one one scenario when he tells Iron Man there’s one scenario that they can defeat Thanos and this is it Utah has to get their stars and preferably two superstars in these drafts and these upcoming two drafts they have to have the secondary Stars next to them which they potentially already have in Keon George and Taylor Hendrick but they do not have their top five guy yet they don’t they don’t have their luuka donic they don’t have their Jason Tatum they don’t have their Anthony Edwards we don’t have it and you have to have it we don’t have our Carl Malone we don’t have our Darren Williams and unless you have that you aren’t winning a title so would you like to be a B+ team or you know a B minus team that gets blown out in the playoffs in the first round or do you want to actually win a championship and Crush losers and fools on your way to a title because that’s what I want all it takes is to get the best player and the Jazz can do that you just have to draft them you don’t have to save all these picks just to trade for them how about you just literally go to the draft and you can draft them and they will be a part of your team and you can win a title doing that that’s it that’s the formula it’s not complicated it takes time it takes patience and if Cooper flag doesn’t turn out to be then you do it again and if if you’re lucky enough to get debons doesn’t turn out to be then you do it again and you keep doing it and doing it and doing it until you get that player and then you make the trades and then you get the secondary guys and then you make the team building moves to get you over the top but the Jazz aren’t there yet so these ideas where people say things like oh trade for Brandon Ingram Oh trade for Zack LaVine or trade for these guys that other teams don’t want on their team that’s not the way that is how you become a B minus basketball team and never go anywhere that’s how you become the Chicago Bulls that’s how you become the Sacramento Kings that never won anything forever and by the way the Sacramento Kings who made all these trades and blah blah blah they didn’t make the playoffs last year traded halberton uh for domas sabonis and they made the playoffs and now they can’t even make the playoffs you got to draft your Superstars guys and you have to make sure they they are the guy can’t be doing B minus basketball teams all right guys thanks for listening this is I had to talk about it this is important we’re talking we’re doing jazz videos every day this was today if you’re a jazz fan you haven’t liked and subscribed to the video what are you doing we’re here every day now Monday through Friday Monday night through Friday night I record so I guess for you guys it’s either it’s Monday night through Friday night there we go that’s the schedule it is what it is all right let’s give a shout out to the allstar I keep forgetting to do it let’s give a shout out to baby Elliot Matson Ryan Perry the legend Nathan but nett bergart Christian house money the hos The Outlaw Jesse James Nelson and R the man from Down Under see you Alexa later buil for tough Alexander toughs Jorge araga mimo theak Jordan the goat best R Tyson price The Price is Right Austin R Grant editor extraordinaire kg10 to th5 Patrick kba The Connoisseur and Robert Hall of Fame like I said guys like And subscribe to the channel I will talk to you tomorrow

After the Boston Celtics win the title is there really a chance the Utah Jazz could win an NBA championship too? How do the Utah Jazz actually win one? Well, the Celtics and all other title contenders left a blueprint and the Jazz need to follow it.

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  1. Draft the right players that we know will be future stars, then the losing isn't as painful short term. I think that perhaps that the Celtics winning a title had to hurt Haywire's feelings.

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