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Miami Heat: What would a Bam build look like? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: What would a Bam build look like? | Five on the Floor

latest episode five on the floor in five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app Apple Apple podcast Android Spotify or the Five Reasons YouTube channel also check out off the floor that’s our Discord server actually this episode comes from that server so we take your ideas also you can communicate with Heat fans all day long check it out $2.99 cents per month get away from Twitter link is right here in the description on the podcast feed and on the YouTube Channel also check out the great sponsors the five Reon Sports Network our friends over at Water cleanup of Florida you can find them at um flooding yeah there’s been a lot of that lately right you don’t want to have a leak too um then it becomes really problematic reach out to our friends Michael Robert the rest of his team based in Boer rone they service the entire Tri County Area they can take care of you beforehand that’s what we recommend but also they can take care of you afterwards work with the insurance companies clean it up check it out water cleanup of Florida if you’ve got the schuts they got the guts and now today’s episode my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS we bubble frogs just like Buck said you in trouble y’ check the Flor plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and Pat trust have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skullnick you follow me Ethan J skolnick and have five Reon Sports I got Greg slander you can follow him at Greg slander make sure to check out the last episode that we did I tried to put a jinx on the B Celtics it worked for one night we’ll see if that continues likely not because I just mentioned it but Alex and I went through it and I gave my Mia culpa about the Celtics and the fact that I said they would not win a title this year uh and then everything literally everything broke against me uh and so you know that’s like I said they not excuses they’re just reasons I gave you more than five reasons for that uh but maybe by the time you listen to this episode the Dallas Mavericks will have taken another game we’ll see um that would be nice uh although I know that some Heat fans Greg would rather just get over with at this point like let’s just move to the offseason like I feel it on playback like we playback. TV5 RSN like nobody wants to watch the finals with us it’s just it’s like the inevitable right it is uh well I’ll say this um the Panthers did the same exact thing I mean they they went in game four and going to close the thing out on the road and just decided to get blown out I’m going to say they decided to get blown out pretty pretty similar EXA exactly what happened to the Celtics so we’ll see what happens in that series uh but today we’re going to talk about bam we were going to do this anyway but then there was this of course you know photo that surfaced of him hanging out not just with LeBron but also with Dame and then you know there’s this hysterical group of Heat fans and I actually saw you know I call him our friend Sean hiken I’ve known sea a long time um but like I feels like his whole game now is to troll Heat fans because uh because he covers the Blazers and of course we were trolled him all of last year uh last summer and then Dame didn’t end up coming here and so uh he basically tweeted like is Bam going to request to trade to Milwaukee now so that that’s kind of where it’s at so we’re gonna we’re gonna cover the BAM thing here from the perspective of a do you think there’s any way that he would ever move on from him then we may address that quickly or that he would ever want to go somewhere else we’ll address that probably even more quickly and then since I don’t think either of those two things is going to happen uh what would a bam build look like if Jimmy Butler is not here in a year uh which is something that could happen because Jimmy has the power on that he has of course player option if the heat don’t extend him and uh actually as soon as that Celtic series is over the heat will pretty much be in position to do that I guess by July 7th so so let’s get to it let’s get to the first question do you think there’s any way that the heat would trade bam adabo in his prime Greg hell no next topic no I there’s just no way they’ve basically as the captain of the team the carrier of the culture they’ve in a lot of ways given the organization to him so like there’s just I know that there’s an anxiety ridden group that you know feels like oh no the superstars that we see bam sitting next to didn’t get to Miami and would he rather play with them that kind of stuff but I wouldn’t let that get too far because for instance when bam was up for the Max and they wanted to kind of wait for the Giannis thing to play out they paid him I think that they’ll continue to pay him when he’s uh you know ready to be extended and so I just don’t see that as a viable option at all all right so I I’ll get my view on this um in his prime no you know I I think again there there’s going to be another extension coming up I never say never about anybody since I saw Dwayne Wade go to Chicago so um but again it was an older Dwayne um and uh there was a lot of history there that was it had gotten a little ugly the last couple years I people always forget what happened 2015 summer which was I mean that almost played out the same way the 2016 did and they had to again the Arison invited Dwayne to the house and uh Pat and Henry Thomas Dwayne the late Henry Thomas Dwayne’s agent at the time got out of the way and they got a Oney year $20 million deal done um but kind of lingered for the whole season and and you knew there might be an issue so again I’m never going to rule it out bam is not Dwayne I think we’ve got to establish that there there’s nobody who ever going to be Dwayne but bam is the second best player they’ve ever drafted and uh and obviously he has been the carrier of the culture and and it has been uh he was anointed by those who matter he was anointed by zo by BOS by Haslam um to a certain asent by Dwayne and so uh I I’m with you on that so the second question becomes do you think there’s any scen and let’s put it into context if you are someone who believes that the Heat have not done enough to uh supplement Jimmy Butler if you’re one of those and and we can have a long discussion about that because I think there are arguments on both sides of it but if you are to be one of those people could you make an argument that bam has seen that because I think this is where the people on Twitter go uh that bam has seen that and said and also knows that Dwayne didn’t spend his whole career in Miami Etc they probably been conversations to that effect uh Haslam has probably talked to him in positive but also realistic ways because I I know their relationships very close do you think there’s any way that he would say you know what there’s going to be a better place for me than Miami someday to win big is long as this head coach is here I tend to say no I think that it’s again a thing where if they’re going to be able to pay him more than anybody else and provide an environment that at least is competitive or attemp is attempting to be competitive with him at the Forefront of all that I don’t think that he will look elsewhere I don’t think you can never say never I think that that’s an important part of all this conversation but ultimately um this is an organization and a player that seam Taylor made for each other and so for now for now things always can change but for now they I just don’t see any sort of split between the two either way right I think that’s fair too um I I don’t really see him getting to that point you know I look around and I’m like there’s very few uh there there there there there’s very few places better than Miami to begin with right not just organizationally but it’s Miami uh no state tax whole bunch of things along those lines you’re in the easier conference at least for now we talk about that cycle that cycle has not changed in the past uh 20 plus years um you know it’s year after year after year it’s the same thing so I don’t see it either um I think that they would reassure him in a number of ways that they will do the proper things I think he’s more likely to believe them than not so I don’t see that either so I’m with you on that um I I think that’s I I think that these are sort of irrational concerns born out of frustration of inertia over the past couple of years and I I just I don’t you know the heat go through various build periods and and sometimes they’re more active than other times and we could get a flurry of activity this summer we don’t know um at this stage and and also I think bam is open to anybody coming or going he’s seen some of his best friends move on like DJJ Gabe Etc uh then they bring back best friends like Josh Richardson so I I I think probably uh that is a concern that that is uh is overstated all right when we come back we will talk about though what a bam build would look like want to talk about a couple great sponsors of the five reason Sports Network our friends over at better Edge use the code 5 RSN that’s the code five RSN get $20 to play right away what’s different about better Edge than the other books there’s no 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get the best of Jimmy Butler during that time but they could also trade for a player who fits Bam’s timeline better you know Bam’s 27 um sort of on entering his prime you could say Jimmy obviously going to be 35 do you see a scenario where they pivot I mean if the Jimmy thing comes to a head they’ll have to Pivot right and I think the I most Heat fans the optimistic view of the Jimmy Butler scenario if he has to leave and you need to still find a the good in that would be if he go went out the door and another uh reasonably ranked Superstar came in his place that fit bam timeline I think an important part of this also is that it’s a pairing that works for bam on the court and optimizes all the things he does well I think they need a pick and roll partner for him uh it needs to be you know if you don’t have a Jimmy level player it can’t just be Terry roier and Tyler hero in the back court with with bam like they’re gonna need to uh Elevate there so that that’s I think where I where my head goes when I think of you know post Jimmy it’s find the backc court guy a really um reliable prolific score because that’s just another part of bam being relied on to do so much on defense I think you need to continue to funnel offense to other guys and look at his offense as incremental to what you’re trying to do um at least to some degree so to me it’s finding the the the next player to go alongside him uh a Donovan Mitchell um a dearin fox level player I’m not saying him because I don’t know that he’s available but like those types of guys are I guess the the next wave of players that I would look at to pair with bam we talk about dearon fox or others I mean one conversation we had with somebody like Lori marinin right like if you were to empty you know everything right now to get Lori Markin in you would have a pivot some pivot time right because you bring him in and then you have to make a decision okay are you going to extend him you trade for him you probably are going to extend him at 50 million something dollars you’d have Jimmy Butler if you don’t extend him on under contract for close to that amount along with bam for one year you kind of see how it goes and then you know if Jimmy leaves you’re pivoting around bam and marketing the thing is my thing about pivoting around bam okay is you are gonna have to get an elite offensive player like that’s that’s the key to this okay like we’ve gone from talking about okay you got bam and Jimmy and then your third guy needs to be a really good offensive player you you need to find uh you know someone who can carry because I just don’t think with everything regardless of what we talk about with bam ceiling offensively with everything he’s asked to do defensively the idea that he’s going to essentially be Giannis okay and carry that I think we’re past that I I I just I don’t there there’s too much responsibility on his plate there’s always going to be and so you need a natural scorer bam can be a very good complimentary scorer at times he can be a lead scorer I don’t think he’s ever going to be at the point where he’s going to a lead scorer consistently and so if you’re going to Pivot around him you need to find that guy uh now Darren Fox that’s an interesting name obviously there’s a lot of relationships that bam has that could be leveraged here Mitchell would be ideal that looks like Mitchell’s going to resign where he is okay Dame would have been ideal for a very short period of time but not really on Bam’s timeline I do you do you see any scenario where they can get some even younger than bam that’s an interesting one um especially if they end up moving Tyler hero like let’s just say that they think that it’s time for him to have a new start elsewhere there’s scenarios that people have floated about do you target someone in the draft and then you kind of take the clock back on your build considerably I think the more rookies you add to the roster the less you should think that you’re in contention at least to some degree I know that that might not make every fan feel great but uh usually young teams are not the ones making deep playoff runs so uh I don’t know how much younger of a player because also this is another part of this you got to wait for the right situation to be to make itself available and right now there’s not a ton of those guys out there so you’re right in terms of like with marinan maybe you have a bit of a bridge maybe you need to start thinking about players in that ilk whether it’s dejonte Murray if you think that he’s got enough upside um look around the league at other guys that you think could you know maybe Shake free uh but there’s not a lot of names that just pop up I mean is Brandon Ingram a name that really po that that jumps off the page as a player next to Bam I don’t know that it does so you start to run out of options and then you just have to build the best team possible and at that point it may become more prudent to bring a lot of young players in and then it’s is Bam going to be patient enough to go through that process so I think there is some delicate balance that is working here uh I don’t think you can go too young yeah I don’t think so either the problem again of course is the young players are going to be under contract right with their own teams for a period of time relatively cheap I I I think that a lot of this is going to have to be bam working hand inand with the organization too and we talked about kind of Dwayne working hand inand with them and it does feel again you know there are back Channel things that that can be done um I I don’t think first thing like I said I don’t think the pivot is coming this year I I think Jimmy will be here um extension or no extension and I think that you know again a lot of this depends on what they move beyond that like does Tyler get moved for other pieces that fit bam I I I’ll say this okay and I I have been against the whole idea of well bam is a center bam is a power forward but when I saw the the on Twitter you know this uh this concept here well not concept but the list of guys 69 and over who’ve started next to Bam and how weak that list is beyond yic who is the still developing player that they need to get more size um it doesn’t have to be a seven-footer uh that forces bam to play out on the perimeter it doesn’t um they obviously had a spacer at seven feet and Myers Leonard but he was a a journeyman type player they need to get more overall size I think the key to this is whatever the build is around bam they need to take burden off of bam they need they take burden off of bam so that he can be at his best you know he’s done some things they asked him to do 15 shots or more he got to that all the rest of that okay okay but we’ve seen last year shots per per uh shot attempts per game per month declined every single month that’s not coincidental so I’ll let you close on that like a bam build what would be your expectations like what is the upside of that you’d have to build another titled contending team and hope that the defensive principles that come with a bam out of bioled defense is enough to at least have a foundation for a roster and then you have to bring in that thre level everyday score go get a bucket there’s no screen needed all those funny things that we talk about you got to go get that guy whoever that guy is uh to compliment bam and then go with the trends of the league finding bigs functional size as as everyone wants to call it now um that’s the kind of stuff that I think are the basic principles that are going to reshuffle the deck and make a that could make a run but that’s a lot of stuff that you’re shuffling up here so I think that it is um I don’t think we should put the cart before the horse in terms of this happening uh I think that this is more in theory than anything that they’re going to have to confront right away all right we’ll get some more of this as we go forward again check out the recent episodes uh the one about Boston like I said hopefully that holds off for a little bit longer we’ll dive into this more but we just wanted to kind of set the table we’re going to discuss it more on Discord what would a ban build look like also we’re going to start our draft series uh starting this week we’re going to start reliving previous heat drafts did they make the right decision how did they get to that decision we’ll try to give you background on all this we’re going to cover a lot of drafts from the we Wade draft to the Beasley draft to the hakz draft uh all of those drafts we’ll do some of them here and some of them on playback so make sure you download the playback app and look for the five reasons room have a good one everybody thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the five and Sport Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad

Whether Jimmy Butler gets extended or not this offseason, he won’t be with the Miami Heat forever. So what would a pivot around Bam Adebayo consist of? What kind of players would the Heat need? And is there any chance the Heat would move on from Bam in his prime?

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  1. A play in team. We saw what a Bam led team looks like vs the Celtics and the Celtics weren't even putting in efford.

  2. Bam will never be a leader of this Miami Heat team
    He's an accolade chaser
    Without Jimmy he can't takeover the game
    I'd rather have Domantas Sabonis and Keegan Murray inplace of him

  3. Adebayo will never leave the Heat because he’ll never find another franchise so delusional to think he’s an untouchable franchise player. Only Heat fan boys and apparently all media that covers the team. They never got anyone for Butler but isn’t the Captain franchise piece supposed to be that guy? Adebayo has failed Jimmy.

  4. I think the real MVP of the Finals is Pat Riley. If he doesn't F-up the Dame trade the Bucks don't trade Holiday and the Celtics don't win a chip become a possible dynasty.

  5. If the Heat sign Jimmy to the extension everything will stay the same and in the next 3 years Bam could see the writing on the wall (no chip as a Heat), and move to his friend Tatum's Celtics. Bam knows without a chip he's not going to the Hall.

  6. Sylvander should remember that Spo is overrated. He is barely over .500 if you take away the Lebron years. His small ball is unwatchable and joyless. And his offenses are always among the worst in the league. What's so special about that?

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