@Portland Trail Blazers

The Blazers should TRADE Anfernee Simons and here’s why

The Blazers should TRADE Anfernee Simons and here’s why

hey there welcome back to the Pod today going to continue our series on what the Blazers should trade who they should trade and what they should trade for we’ve already done videos on Jeremy Grant and Malcolm Brogden you can go look at our Channel and find those videos today we’re going to be talking about where Anthony Simons should be go should be uh traded and who for those three guys we kind of tagged um we’ve had them tagged for a long time as players that probably need to leave the roster soon sooner rather than later allow the young players to step in the primary roles and sort of lead the franchise forward Colton what do you have for Anthony Simons yeah so last week we touched on aoup couple ideas from well we touched on one from a Hawks fan that you know people weren’t always they didn’t seem to be a fan of which I totally understand why uh and then there was another trade that was from an outside Source another website rip city project right this week we kind of Drew them up from me so be be kind to me because we’ll see we idiot we can hash these out if there if there’s something wrong with them we can talk about value don’t don’t jump at the thumbnail right let’s hear the do jump at the thumbnail jump at the thumbnail we want you we want you here we want you emotional just remember we’re hacking your psychology with these titles and all right so this one right it’s pretty straightforward pretty pretty simple to look at um I think all three of these trades are more simple than what I usually do when I Cobble together three or four team trades and that’s because Anthony Simons has a specific Market he he’s a very talented player he’s a scorer he’s a shooter he’s still young he’s he’s a gun he’s a dunk contest winner so he’s very athletic he’s he’s an exciting player he doesn’t fit with what the Blazers have going forward or their timeline going forward but he’s kind of in that one market where if he’s on your team and he’s what you need he could be really good for you so this value right here you know it’s pretty straight up I’m going to say to any magic fans that watch this they are they’re probably going to Target someone like Malik Mon and free agency right off the bat they’re probably going to try and find a guy that they don’t have to trade assets for but they can get that fit fits the skill set and that’s why watch for Malik monk to Orlando that kind of a player they have cap space to yeah because I mean this trade right here is basically slotting in for any into that cap space Anthony Black’s on there too to cut into some of that but you know they’re taking on a lot of the cap as you can see they’re getting 18 points Anthony black is 67 yeah so this might be too steep for magic fans they might come in and say no way Anthony black had a great start to the season that is true you know I’m not a big fan of jet Howard I think he was a massive reach they they took they had two lottery picks last year one was Anthony black one was jet Howard Anthony black is an interesting player he didn’t shoot very well in college he was he’s kind of like a tweener I think you know he’s a point guard it says here but you know he’s could be a playmaking wing he shot better than expected from three but he also shot bad from the free throw line so was it a hot shooting year what translates usually free throw shooting is what translates and you know you have a good shooter if if they’re a good free throw shooter so I don’t know if that was just a hot shooting Year from three or what so it might be tough to get Anthony black but this trade the magic had a great season last year right they get to keep their whole entire core and add the piece that I think they desperately need a shooter a scorer in the playoffs it really showed how bad they need a scorer especially at the guard position I think an fry Simons fits perfectly in their starting lineup he fits next to Jaylen Suggs they got Wagner they got Paulo van Carol they even get to keep wend Carter Jr who you know I thought thought about including and and making more moves here which that could be a part of the pieces as well you could lose one of these Assets in this deal if it stands like this you know one of these picks or Anthony black could get removed but if there’s more player movement it depends I think look for this deal if Orlando swings and misses on Malik monk yeah right off the bat I like the I feel like it’s a good fit for both teams and both players you’re trading off defense for defense um Blazers need more defense at the guard position magic need more offense I thought in their um playoff series against the Cavs which went seven games in there pretty close to taking that seventh game um they just lacked a little bit of scoring particularly at the guard positions a little bit of shooting uh V Vagner had a bad game uh Bol played well but if they had that second option bombing threes and able to get to the hoop like Anthony Simons can dunk contest winner and three-point specialist uh I feel like he would fit really nicely into their lineup they don’t I mean I guess vano and vogner are both kind of ball dominant players um but they don’t necessarily have a ball dominant guard um so that might fit in a little bit better while the Blazers have quite a few ball dominant guards and that’s another reason I think black fits in well here I think he’s a little bit better off ball play defense doesn’t necessarily have to have the ball in his hands which I think is a win for the Blazers getting a guy that doesn’t need the ball in his hands they have a lot of those players and then obviously the picks um very interesting exactly what the Blazers need going forward yeah for me it’s pretty much all about the picks uh as the Blazers move forward we’ve we’ve committed to a strategy and I think we just have to follow through on it um so yeah if we could get a guy like like black that might be able to fit in at least temporarily or that might fill a gap or that might kind of give us a different look I’m all for that but I really think it’s about whether the magic want Anthony and whether they’re willing to give up picks a lot of picks for him um and I think Anthony could be a really good fit you know we talk a lot on this podcast about how sometimes fans tend to overvalue their players and with Anthony I almost feel like we’ve gone the other way a little bit where because we know that he doesn’t really fit in um so we’re just kind of like looking for ways to get rid of him but I mean he’s potentially a very good player on a on a the a team that’s the right fit for him you know I mean he’s at least a 22 23 point a game scorer he could do better than that in the right situation um yeah it’s not this last season was not anybody’s chance to shine really the way that the Blazers played so I mean I think he’d be a great fit in Orlando and I think that that Hall is totally fair for what Anthony can actually bring to a team so yeah I mean I would do the deal but I don’t think that we’re fleecing Orlando with this deal either Anthony Simons is a really good player um but I want I want at least a couple first round picks if we’re not getting like two first round picks out of it whether there’s players involved or not I don’t think it’s a good deal for Anthony and before we move on again to any Orlando fans or anything like that you look at these picks they’re not probably going to be top-of-the-line picks they’re first rounders but one’s via Denver I’ll let that speak for itself unless joic goes down that pick’s not going to be a high pick and if the magic are good like they were this year this is a 2026 pick from the magic so it’s not like you’re getting two lottery picks and Anthony black for Anthony Simons I think this is fair value you’re getting firsts and a young player that might not you know that might be a better fit with the magic and then Anthony black might be a better fit with the Blazers so I think it makes sense all around for that one uh moving on again trying to find teams that fit Anthony Simons and who are gonna want him for specific skill set that he has which I think like you said he might be undervalued at this point doesn’t fit for the Blazers but who do you guys think can help mask Anthony Simons defensive inefficiencies who in the league could play two-on-one defense maybe maybe some guy who would have to duck to get through any doorway that we could possibly the new tallest Frenchman in San Antonio yes so we got here right we got Anthony going over Devonte Graham is salary right you look at the one-year expiring deal at 12.6 mil this one’s kind of nice because it helps with the cap side of the side of the coin um I think the fit is makes perfect sense for someone like San Antonio I think that Victor can cover help cover for anthon’s defensive deficiencies fantastically he’s like the guy in the league that could help with that side of the the ball the most the Spurs get a shooter who will for sure be able to feed if if they try and trap Anthony Simons which teams do up top on a high pick and roll Anthony can find Victor rolling to the rim they can’t they can’t they can’t take off Anthony’s three-point shooting and Victor’s ability to get to the rim and do whatever the heck he does so perfect fit for them it’s just a matter of are they looking for Anthony Simons is still young too is another part of this he fits the wimy timeline especially because it’s not going to take long for wimy to reach his potential I don’t think or at least be a force in the league I mean he’s already he’s already capable of doing what you said he would need to do to cover for Anthony defensively yeah and so the Blazers are getting two first round picks here I protected them top eight you know who knows what how prot or pick protections play out I want to say that the Spurs because of the dejonte Murray trade with the Hawks they have the Hawks by the theones right so they got they have picks other than their own picks they have four potential first rounders next year it’s a strong draft next year but you’re not going to draft four players they’re going to need to start moving some of these some of them won’t convey this year you know one of them’s like Lottery protected from Charlotte Charlotte never leaves the lottery so that pick’s probably safe right but my point is the Spurs do have picks to play around with extra so they’re not going to be like trading away their only Avenue for improvement even after this they can still make moves they can still jettison other players and combine other players and send more picks to get another good guy next to next to Victor what a great place for them to be in right but I think it’s a it’s a no-brainer and if they want to you know protect the picks more or use different picks it could be it could happen like that no qums with your uh talking about how Simons is a great fit for the Spurs I think that that makes sense for them um comparing this to the Orlando trade I like blacks potential you know more I don’t think Devonte Grim would probably be a piece on the Blazers I think black could but these picks look like they’re have the potential to be better than the Orlando picks um like you mentioned the Denver pick probably not going to be super high so yeah I mean it has a lot of the elements on here that that you’re looking for for a trade for rebuilding Blazers team which is draft picks that could either be used in the draft or flip in the future for pieces once hopefully the core starts to develop uh yeah I’d probably take it yeah yeah I like this one better because of the draft picks because again I it’s all about the draft picks for me the players are like maybe a bonus but I’m not really expecting that anybody we get in a trade is going to be like our backup point guard of the future because everything is you know three years away at least and things are going to change so much between now and then we just need opportunities to draft well and to build around you know our core guys um and in a lot of ways I feel like with with both of these picks I’m thinking more about you know how the other team would respond to Anthony as a as an option um you know kind of feel like we’re playing used car salesman of what can we do to get you into this Anthony Simons today you know um but I mean I do think that he’d be a great fit in San Antonio too because I mean they you know the Sohan point guard experiment did did not work I imagine there’s a good chance that they’re going to draft a point guard this year but you know they’re going to that point guard is going to need at least a couple years they’re not going to draft another wimy especially if they draft topic they he won’t even be probably available next season so wait really quick what do you guys think about this fit I know he said he wanted to play point guard if they draft Stephen castle and re shet and they get Anthony Simons I mean what that’s a lot of Defense there to help s to help uh Simons out that’s an amazing off season of acquiring young talented players Castle would be a lock down Defender projects to be next to infiny Simons re Shay you know is that three-point Wing like they could they could set their whole lineup if it falls their way I don’t think R AA will be there at four but I’m just saying like they have options they they have a lot of options and I think anony fits them well like I said the picks might might be a little different these are these are kind of standing because they have so many different options you know they could want more protection they could want not 2025 but a different year they have options but the picks should be there for this deal and Devonte Graham’s just expiring again after one year helps with the cap getting to play with someone like wimy and yeah especially if they could draft a more Talent like re sha or whatever I mean that would be such a great situation for Anthony because that guy is a knockdown shooter you just can’t have him as your primary decision maker I don’t think at least at this point in his career I don’t think he’s proven that he’s a primary decision maker type player particularly with with no defensive help to help cover those his liability at the defensive end but if he can be more of a catch and shoot guy or a move without the ball guy I mean he is a lightning knockdown dagger shooter he would he would make their team better yeah just just to have more ball handlers that are on the team that play defense would help him a lot because that takes two pressures off of him that you know he’s not two weaknesses sort of his ball handling in his defense if you got Stephen castle and wiim Bama those two guys handle the ball and play defense that that could be a perfect fit for Simons 100% this next and last trade this one was kind of more I think these two teams that we just talked about are the best fits for infiny Simons and I think both make a lot of sense it’s just a matter if will either one bite this next one’s a little interesting they’re a team that who knows what the hell they’re doing I don’t know what the hell they’re doing the front office doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing but maybe that means that they might trade for somebody because they don’t know what the hell they’re doing they don’t know what the hell they’re doing because KD and Kyrie railroaded them several years ago yeah so it’s it’s the Brooklyn Nets here uh the Nets rubbed me the wrong way when they wouldn’t trade Mel Bridges everyone favorite most overrated player ever which he had a he plays all the games though Colton he did not have a good season last season I tried to tell people this guy’s not a number one option this guy’s not he’s good but he’s being vastly overrated last year they turned down an a rumored trade that had anony Simons and the number three overall pick going for male Bridges now I’m trying to see if they’ll if they’re open an Freddy Simons any other way so this one who knows but and Freddy Simons you got Robert Williams going as well um more of salary wiggling around Robert Williams health is up and down but healthy he’s a great piece to add right so the Brooklyn Nets are in a spot where they can go and see if Robert Williams health is there right if they’re going to keep Bridges maybe they need to attract more talented players that fit Bridges timeline right maybe not do whatever the heck they’re doing so I think Anthony Simons fits well next to Mel Bridges he’s a great shooter they work out together in the off seon fun fact have the same trainer another fun fact so they’re friends and Robert Williams fits in like I said on the Blazer side the elephant in the room Ben Simmons I do not even want him to enter the building I don’t want 40 million a year that is wild I don’t want Ben Simmons to even touch foot on the practice facility just send him home let him do whatever the heck he wants he’s done he’s retired I I’ve been telling people do not trade for Ben Simmons but here we go he’s got one year left then it’s expiring so that’s good for cap uh this one we got two young players I don’t know if you’re going to get both of those guys but the real prize is Noah Clowney uh he looked very you know impressive in limited time last year Nets fans are going to say heck no we’re not trading Noah Clowney and to that I say I don’t know what you guys are doing so you might right like I’ve said it before I’ll say it again they’re going to say no we’re not going to trade him but who knows you need to get on Mel Bridges timeline or trade Mel Bridges which they might uh and then there you’re only getting one pick on this one because Noah Clowney is a good young Talent he fits the Blazers very well um and this pick is from Philadelphia so it’s not even touching the Net’s cash of picks and all the stuff they got going on and then a second rounder I’m pretty sure that the Nets fans are going to be coming for us in the comments on this one um that’s it’s just the way that it seems to go but I don’t think that they’re necessarily right I’m not saying I agree I’m just saying that I know how much they’re going to Value some of their young talent and I think that you’re right Colton that the the comeback to that is well what are you guys doing like what’s what’s the goal here what’s your plan because it doesn’t seem like there is a plan that involves Bridges Clowny and the future like those are it’s two totally separate things and then Ben Simmons is like a whole other world I don’t know what he’s still doing on the team like you know working out his backs getting better but it’s like even if he came back how would they actually use him I mean he would just totally sink their team moving into the future yeah he’s done so anyway I mean yeah I think it’s a fair trade I think you know Anthony going there is really would be good for them it would open up some opportunities he definitely fits with the mckel bridges timeline the question is just what are they going to do what do they what are their goals do are they fully committed to that timeline now because if they do I think this makes sense for them um if they’re still thinking about trying to keep so many of their young players and everything you’re definitely going to get some push back um I would do it under the condition that Ben Simmons never touches any Never Lands in the city of Portland that’s that’s my condition um but I like the pick and Clowny big Wing we’ve been talking about it for years let’s go we need it we need somebody 610 who can can anchor some anchor some defensive plays and and maybe even move the ball um you know through the through the post this trade is a lot messier than the first two um a lot of the reason that is is because what we talked about the the Nets are in such a bad position still shaking off the KD Kyrie Harden Fiasco from a few years ago they’re obviously trying to make make some of what they uh got back for those players work but they never got enough they they traded all their picks for those guys in particular Harden and didn’t really get any picks back they just got like mid 20s role players back so they’re in a bad spot I don’t think it makes sense for them to continue to lean into this rebuild uh and bring Simons in to play with Bridges that’s not going anywhere that’s not going to be a team that does much I think that their best move is to blow it up trade Bridges um cam Johnson cam Johnson I don’t know about cam Thomas I don’t really think he’s their option for the future moving forward either they could might trade him too the problem is they just don’t they don’t have like any cornerstones on the team for youth moving forward they probably move Claxton too so I don’t even know who would be playing on their team and then picks moving forward they are in a tough spot maybe it’s best for them maybe it makes more sense to not rebuild right now because they’re not in control of their picks maybe it’d be better better to be midling so yeah that that side is a mess um for the Blazers I don’t really like this trade as much as the other ones I like the two firsts more than the first and the second I don’t know I don’t know much about Clowney U maybe he’s worth a first round pick swapping him out for a first round pick I don’t know but I mean overall I if looking from the Blazers perspective I guess I would still probably do the deal you’re getting some picks back you’re getting some youth back um Ben Simmons is obviously just a salary and nonf Factor as far as the rebuild goes or the talent goes but I mean maybe the biggest win here which sounds so harsh is just unloading Simons moving on from him getting him off the the uh the plans and allowing you know the guards of the future to take over it’s tough tough to say I like him and he’s a good player and all the all the things we always say but I mean our first podcast was basically talking about how Damen Lillard and anony Simons weren’t going to be able to work and we’re still in that same position of like we just need to move on from this guy give him a fresh start and allow the Blazers to uh pick the timeline pick the youth try to really try this rebuild for real yeah so often so often with you know podcasts like ours where we’re discussing players that need to move on there is like this air of you know their deficiencies or their problems and I don’t really think that’s the case with Anthony like it’s not that just fit it’s just fit and it’s timeline he didn’t fit with the Dame timeline and now he doesn’t fit with the scoot timeline it’s just it’s just he’s just not quite good enough to like warrant his own timeline you know what I mean he’s not he doesn’t quite have that ceiling uh in particular with his defensive issues yeah and the Nets have to pick their own timeline too this is this is obviously the if there’s Kicking and Screaming saying we’re keeping male Bridges well you don’t have the mega assets to get mega stars but you can get Anthony Simons which is Mel Bridge’s friend and he he actually provides a lot of what you need as well you can light it up a lot you know I I think it it fits but you’re right the better fits were the first two trades we went over first this is just trying to come up with more one more slightly outside the box and you know like I said about this before you might lose you know one of the players on there maybe sharp is gone um from this deal or you get a second rounder instead I don’t know but this one was kind of the outside the box trade and Nets fans let’s hear it let’s hear how a lot of times a lot of times those are the ones that end up happening though are the outside of the box trades look at uh Dame to Milwaukee no one saw that one coming sometimes it’s uh that you just don’t really see coming that ends up happening I mean to be honest with you usually that’s the case in the NBA is some GM comes in from out of nowhere and uh shocks everybody all right guys which of these tra go ahead ra oh I was just gonna say I will say if we trade Anthony and don’t get at least one first round pick I’ll be pretty disappointed I that’s I think that’s the case with Grant Brogden and Simons is like one first round pick at some point in the future is sort of I mean it would it would hurt to lose any three of those guys and not get at least that back all right guys which of these trades did you like the best let us know in the comments let us know if you have any other ideas tell Colton how wrong he is and how bad he is these trades I really appreciates that and we’ll see you in the next video bye-bye bye


  1. I would do this first trade in a heartbeat the second trade is ok I am not doing the last trade we can simply draft a backup center with number 14 and Philly going to sign Paul George so that pick worthless..

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