
Angel Reese on flagrant foul on Caitlin Clark: ‘It was a basketball play’ | WNBA | SPEAK

Angel Reese on flagrant foul on Caitlin Clark: ‘It was a basketball play’ | WNBA | SPEAK

woo oh wait the graph is crazy though the the punch like that was wild right there though so much to say and let me just go ahead and sound off can I get my one shot so I can talk to the beautiful people at home please first let me clarify something Angel re should not be suspended for that foul let me dispute that wild notion that has been circulating on social media Angel re should not be suspended for that foul it was a basketball play let me get ahead of that now what I will also say is Angel your actions are starting to speak so loud we can’t hear what you telling us because what you told us if we go back to March 31st was simple you said you think people just take it like we hate each other and Caitlyn Clark and I don’t hate each other I want everybody to understand that that’s what you told us the problem is your actions vehemently disagree because on June 1st after Kennedy Carter cheap shots Caitlyn Clark you get up and you celebrate the cheap shot of Caitlyn Clark and then you proceed to hug your teammate who just cheap shotted her then fast forward two days later you say I’ll take on the bad guy role then fast forward two weeks later you wear Joker shoes now for those that don’t know Joker is obviously a notable villain character in one of the most famous stories that we all like to celebrate in Batman and then yesterday you get a flagrant foul by hitting Caitlyn Clark in the head it was a basketball play family but what I want is simply for angel and those that are a little bit ignorant to what has been going on to understand that Angel’s actions are starting to speak so loud we cannot hear what is being said for those that are unfamiliar let me tell you all there have been 540 minutes of Chicago Sky basketball pay attention to this detail 540 minutes of Chicago Sky basketball of which Caitlyn Clark has played 74 minutes against the sky the sky only have two flagrant fouls All Season y’all want to know who the two flagrant fouls are on Caitlin Clark so was it a basketball play yes it was should she be suspended absolutely not but if you’ve only played 540 minutes of basketball and of those 540 74 have been against K Caitlyn you only got two flagrants and they happen to be against Caitlyn I don’t think it’s coincidence I think there might be causation and for sure correlation slick what’s your reaction to Angel Reese’s flagrant foul on Caitlyn qu uh it was a basketball play yes sir we see it all the time I don’t have problem with it being called a flagrant foul uh I don’t have a problem with the fact that angel Reese did it because while we showed the behind the the the angles of plays can often give you a distorted view of how they are we showed it from the back where we just see Caitlyn’s head going sideways when she gets hit if you see it from the Baseline angle you also see that angel’s eyes are on the ball the entire time and she miss time it and just she gets her she she she gets her in the head um so the issue the great issue that I have is that we are now taking this uh the treatment or what’s happening to Caitlyn Clark and we’re attaching all sorts of other things to it other than the fact that she’s a Phenom coming into the league that is uh that people are her her her supporters are saying is going to take over the league and is going to be the best player or already is the best player that we’ve ever seen if I’m in the WNBA if I’m a player I’m going to go hold on I’ve been here for a minute you’re telling me this new this newcomer is better than me you’re telling me this newcomer is going to take over the lead I got something for her and if she’s not particularly strong she’s not particularly fast how am I going to compensate for the fact that she’s Ultra Ultra skilled I’m going to try to be physical with her I’ve I’ve got a daughter who plays Collegiate basketball I’ve been watching the game close for the last8 nine years at every level WNBA Collegiate High School you name it the women’s game is more physical it just is way more physical way more physical and the referees conversely have a more difficult time of figuring out how to deal with the physicality and also the back and forth like the trash talking that that you mentioned right and and so the fact that they when I saw Cameron Brink camer Brink in the play in the in the NCAA tournament she got fou she fouled out and as she’s walked out that and she’s walking to the bench and she’s dropping F bombs on the ra as she’s walking out and you know what happened not a damn thing and I’m watching that and I’m going that would never be tolerated in a men’s game in the ncy doua no I mean that dude you be gone right what why you think that that the women tolerated and they they I I think that the the aggression and the level of competitiveness that women have they are every bit as competitive as men but I think there’s a psychology that we don’t know what to do with that we don’t know how to curb that or we don’t like we we don’t know how we don’t know how to deal with that I think and what we’re seeing now is we’re seeing an attention on the WNBA which is the highest level it’s going to be most physical it’s like any Pro Sport right we’re being an attention now by a bunch of people that have never paid attention to women’s basketball ever right and so now they’re having all these judgment oh my god look what’s happening to Caitlyn Clark but I got I gotta answer this answer this because I’m with you on everything you said thus far but the problem is when you see that you’ve only had two flagrant fouls all year Y and the two flagrant fouls are on the same woman you only got two yep you’ve seen a plethora of players at this point in time I believe they’ve played probably every team in the league if not all but one or two teams and the two flagrant aren’t just on the same team yeah they’re on the same woman on the same team it’s not coincidence unless you believe that it is cuz if Draymond Green has a cheap not a cheap shot if Draymond Green has a flagrant foul on Rudy gobear next season we all gonna say well you know what there’s history there yeah so while Draymond might have been making a basketball play there’s history there but don’t you think that the referees are hearing all of the chatter about Caitlyn Clark and whether it’s a whether it’s called a flagrant foul or whether it’s just a physical foul looking at going oh they’re playing moreal and as a result we we might need to curve we got to keep an extra eye on this to say make sure that it’s not going in a certain direction and that nobody else is getting it that’s a great point now I I’ll just talk about the the foul from Angel Reese that was that was a basketball play right she’s going for a block I think cuz who the person was make it a big deal now the framew should have happened right I think that and any game especially basketball girls or men getting hit in the head come on you know what that is so I don’t think she tried to do that that was accident but I will say this for the the the Commissioners right of the WNBA and and the refs let me talk to y’all for a second because because David Stern did a great job of monetizing that right for the NBA when he had certain Stars how can I grow this game right when I got the people there in place let me make it bigger that’s what he did with the Michaels and all that now when I look at it’s like you have you have the Messiah there nobody was watching women’s BK’s watching it yeah but Shady Michel Jordan took his beating he fix it right away okay but did they fix it they fixed it so my thing is when I’m watching I watch this game right so I watch this game I seen the F all that and I’m thinking like okay there’s certain times where the ref Corner a certain foul on her or or or or the ref is calling a walker like all the small little like ref bro nobody’s here to see you though right they not here to see you in the men’s game they’re not here to see you in the women’s game let the women play that’s what they they there to see Caitlyn play that’s what they there to see so some of these fouls that she’s getting called for I think they was she was she was trying to a screen she like kind of pushed off they called a foul I’m like like what we want to see her with the ball in her hand so I’m saying as as the refs and as the Commissioners we have they have do a better job of making the game bigger now nothing’s fair right I know people like well it’s not fair Shady it’s not right the way that when NFL start getting bigger and bigger and bigger we start making all this money the quarterbacks they had to protect them more than anybody else I think the quarterback and the and the the fat D linan they are both important their Mas and Dad care about them the same way but the growest game the D line is not is not as important as a quarterback so when Tom Brady got his knee up on right and he’s out for the season and there’s no more Tom Brady of the whole year who loses out The League loses out so now when you have a Tom Brady or Michael Jordan wearing 22 right for the fever Caitlyn you got to monetize that and make sure that she is protected enough now I’m not saying that like she should just have a a cover over her you can’t do nothing to her I’m not saying that but I am saying that yes it should be certain calls that she should get it should be certain calls that you shouldn’t call on her and on certain fouls you need to call it right away to send a message to everybody else in the league because if you don’t don’t and this girl gets mad enough where you know what I don’t have the passion for the game no more you know what I don’t love this game no more you know what I want to get out of here M if she do that we all lose yeah and fouls on Caitlyn are more significant if Caitlyn goes down yesterday with a concussion that’s vastly different than any of the other on I’m not watching oh she not playing she not line I’m not watching let’s real quick to win a rookie um award this year right I think it’s Kaylin is favorite right she’s the less bet on I was like why the hell is that so I go check the numbers out you know I like the gamble she’s minus a th000 to win it so everybody they mom and their cousin their sister they brother is all betting on her to win this award that’s how important this girl is don’t mess this thing up do not me you already did it with the USA team you messed that up already right the viewers gonna be down already because she’s not playing don’t keep messing this game up that’s all I’m saying James what’s your reaction to the foul to all of it I mean I agree with all y’all it’s a basketball play she was going for the ball it’s a basketball play I Love It I absolutely love it and I’m not saying I love the cheap shots and none of that but I love it because whether we like it or not we have ourselves a rivalry and this stems back to college and Angel Rees can say whatever she wants about me and Caitlyn don’t have no beef and that might be true off the court but when we step in between these lines I don’t like you like that and vice versa that these girls are competing this is a rivalry I love it it’s great for the WNBA because you are going to tune in whenever these two players go go against each other because you know it is going to be something to get your popcorn ready that’s just what it is and whether we like it or not Caitlyn Clark is obviously the biggest name in the WNBA right now obviously yes but second is Angel Reese and it ain’t necessarily even really close you could talk to ASAS you could talk to Kelsey plums you could talk all the girls the Banna stores you can talk all the girls that got game better game than these girls but if you asked anybody who is in the WNBA I promise you these two girls names is going to be said first so whether we want what name gonna be first though whoever Caitlyn Clark be first sure but Angel Reese is right behind of really being a notable WNBA player and this is great for the WNBA these girls are competing we just had a topic about Jason Tatum we want some of this dog to come out these girls is letting this dog out here’s my frustration and maybe I’m biased I will admit it I’ll always admit my biases you said they don’t like each other and vice versa on the court on the court Caitlyn hasn’t done anything to say that she don’t like Angel cait didn’t do this to Angel Caitlyn obviously didn’t do this cuz she couldn’t because they lost Caitlin hasn’t flaged Kennedy Carter or angel or anybody on the Chicago sky so at this point right now it looks to me like Angel is going get Caitlyn but Caitlyn ain’t really worried about angel or anybody else quite liter for that matter kitlin just hooping want play basb for me it’s it’s different emotion right you know what I’m saying like Kaylin’s emotion might be step back three I’mma yell in your face and all that but she’s not even doing that listen acho you are talking about so you mean to tell me that playing at Texas every single time you stepped in between the lines like you had to say something personal to somebody off like to step in between these lines and you don’t like them just because you don’t say nothing don’t mean that you ain’t trying to compete I’m saying like how do you know so I I know that watching when I watch the game and I see the stuff she says on in interviews and stuff she tweets I could tell that sh a like Kaitlin I don’t care what she talking about I could just watch her actions right the first she said was that Kaylin said yo it was a basketball play I don’t think Angel did it on purpose that’s what she said about re said well look it must be a special whistle out here for somebody else you see what I’m saying she always takes her little Jabs at him she ain’t the only girl here I help uh bring this game up too or she says um what do she say um um about the charter plane she just keeps going right she keeps doing Jabs at Little D little jab little Jabs right the other girl don’t say nothing to her so when you say that they both don’t you can see they don’t like each other where you see this is me I’m more on the competitive side of this thing competitive Ain saying I don’t really rock with you no this is what I’m saying Aaron Rogers never came out and said nothing bad about Tom Brady to the to the public or media but in that locker room when we playing Tom Brady and on that practice field he wanted to beat Tom Brady is what I’m saying so all I’m saying is Angel may say some of this stuff but Caitlyn does not want to lose to Angel re so that’s all I’m saying so yes she might say some Stu but when you step in between these lines we don’t like each other she saying the right stuff he’s not getting P slick she don’t want lose to anybody cuz what I’m asking James is it looks like it looks like angels has a has an issue with Caitlyn easy Kaitlyn May have an issue with everybody or not issue with everybody but I’m with Shady Caitlin don’t want to lose anybody but it looks like Angel particularly has an issue with Caitlyn that’s just what it looks like that does does that surprise you wait what part that she that she that angel would have a problem with KAIT it it don’t surprise me you know why cuz she really wants to be her she wants that attention she got she wants it no she does though she keeps going back and forth to it why do you make a big deal saying yo she ain’t the only one that got everybody watching women’s basketball I had some special yeah it’s not only one person she always brings her up and the other girl every time she has interview she says hey look I’m here to play basketball I’m trying to get better for my team we’re not doing well I’m trying to get better everything is that so H so how how can I know what she really thinks if every time I hear a girl talk she’s keeping it peaceful and keeping about basketball than the other girl every time she talks she always got two two in her mouth every time where I’m from if you keep my name in your mouth you thinking about me subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

Angel Reese said her flagrant foul on Caitlin Clark during a Chicago Sky loss to the Indiana Fever was “a basketball play”. Emmanuel Acho, James Jones, LeSean McCoy, and Ric Bucher discuss the foul and if there’s a heated rivalry brewing between Reese and Clark.

#Speak #WNBA #CaitlinClark

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Angel Reese on flagrant foul on Caitlin Clark: ‘It was a basketball play’ | WNBA | SPEAK



  1. Lmao @ the bootleg skip on a pander tour. He knows if he criticised Angel at all he gettin jumped robbed and fired 😂

  2. Lmao @ the bootleg skip on a pander tour. He knows if he criticised Angel at all he gettin jumped robbed and fired 😂


  4. Basketball play? In soccer it's called a professional foul. When in the course of a tackle you leave something, give her something extra.

  5. Stop PUSHIN the bs❗️like reese said yall gonna play that vedio to death.. didn't nobody talk this much when reese go took out. Yall blk people are the biggest problem.. all yall are 🤡

  6. The refs don't know how to handle women's competitiveness & physicality? Women's hockey has been around for a long time and its way more physical & the refs know how to ref.

  7. I don't say this often but acho has a point. You only have 2 flagrant as a team and they are both against the same player in different games. One more and that's targeting plain and simple. No other excuse or reason would even make sense. I'm also not offended. Sports be physical sometimes but we can still call things what they really are lol

  8. Caitlin Clark would get ganged-up on if she fouled someone like she's getting fouled. Her own teammates won't support her when she gets fouled. It's sickening….and SOME of them have said what it's REALLY about. There are two HUGE issues (and some lesser ones) – and everyone knows it.

  9. Of course Angel Reese should be suspended for that "basketball" foul. Why? Because it's dangerous, callous and she expresses no remorse what so ever. Which would lead a sane person to suspect that Reese might actually do it agaín. Which is a direct, physical threat against another WNBA player. The league needs to send a strong signal that enough is enough. Superstars in the NBA always get the whistle to protect them against unsporting fouls. D'oh! And this panel is supposed to be "experts"?

  10. Also, I have to address the flagrant blindness on this panel. Angel Reese puts on the thousand yard stare of a hardened convict as she prepares to foul. She's trying to be tough. That's it. If she had been looking at the ball, maybe, but this was done on purpose, knowing full well that she could never "get the ball". What's more, look at her screaming at Clark who's going down hard. Reese's mouth is twisted into the ugly expression of hate and contempt we see in violent videos. She actually hates and fears CC and the league had better wake up. This could be over tomorrow.

  11. I can't lie… Caitlin needs to just go through the MJ initial years. She's gotta take the hits

    The script is going well so far. The "star" is being hindered by her "rival".
    The WNBA are playing this right

  12. Crazy how the media is trying to portray Reese as some thugette. The thumbnail photo is an optical illusion made to create the appearance that she’s putting her fist in Clark’s face. She’s not standing anywhere near Clark.

  13. The white dude said “ angel reese had her eyes on the ball the entire time” lol she is looking at her head until the last second. Watch the clip again buddy

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