@Philadelphia 76ers

FIRST THINGS FIRST | He is a ‘very realistic’ for 76ers – Nick sees PG as a fit for East contender

FIRST THINGS FIRST | He is a ‘very realistic’ for 76ers – Nick sees PG as a fit for East contender

bask in your Globe Paul George and embiid were on the NBA Finals pregame broadcast and embiid let it be known that he’s looking to add a certain someone to the roster take a listen hopefully you know this offseason we find a way to get better and you know add some pisses and some I mean I mean to be honest that question should have went to both of them I mean y’all sitting here how do y’all really feel Well’s like me uh your reaction just will Bon Su up I got no issue with Joel doing it that’s fine I don’t think it was tampering for the record because he just I mean he definitely also players are allowed to Tamper it’s not tampering of players I’m not sure players yeah players can recruit teams can’t okay I I I am sure that players are allowed to do whatever they want yeah Paul George he didn’t look mad throughout the interview but I’m not a body language expert but I didn’t see any like you know I didn’t get the feeling he wants to go to Philly I think he wants to stay home what he’s from Southern California you wanted more from Paul George I mean just a little maybe a little back and forth like hey we just smile like something like maybe when when MB says that he now we didn’t see it on the screen but he could chuckle like all right poker face but I just I he definitely had a poker face and look he’s from he’s from Southern California I do think ideally he’d like to stay with the clippers but if they can’t come to terms I look I think the Clippers they’re not going to win anything signing him but they made the mistake of giving kawh Leonard all that money so you might as well give it to Paul George now because it’s all about being relevant having your stars who are from that area be there and being a decent team decent playoff team and here’s the thing for Paul George if he does leave to go to Philly you leave one injury plag Superstar for another injury play but I I agreed but it’s I think that to me there is more optimism about embiid being able to make it through a full season at this point than kawhai yeah and I again I those are levels give that but is he even going to be at his best in the playoff sure but also in my opinion the Clippers have no one close to Maxi that because I don’t trust Harden at all in you know the cupboards pretty bare post that so I listen I think Paul George should be the Sixers number number two target this off season oh after LeBron yeah I think and by the way America in case anyone you know takes the internet literally that wasn’t LeBron in that picture with Nick nurse and the other Sixers people uh at the Philadelphia Four Seasons or whatever that wasn’t LeBron but uh that should be their number one target cuz I believe I know some people might disagree that right now at this moment LeBron is still better than Paul George I agree and maybe you can be like yeah but in four years LeBron might be retired Bru point that with Joel embiid you can’t take a four fiveyear timeline you’ve got to take a right now timeline so I think your number one target should be LeBron but if LeBron is not leaving then number two with a bullet should be Paul George I don’t look at there being a close third place they’re like oh trade for Zack LaVine there are other things you could do none of them to me fit as seamlessly as you have embiid Maxi Paul George that team makes perfect sense and you you’ve got Maxie who has shown he’s on the ascent Paul George who I think is pretty stable he’d be the third guy but On Any Given night could be the best guy and so yeah I think it would I think it would be a great fit a great fit and Daryl held that cap space for a reason no he’s a great the key though for them is MB being healthy Aaron Rogers absence of from mandatory mini camp the Jets reply knew about it for several weeks everyone on the team is supposedly cool with it but it was also unexcused Andy was fine so where is he the Jets called it an event and stopped there Albert Breer went a step further he is somewhere that they could not excuse in maintain credibility with the rest of the locker room but would be expected uh would not be an out of left field thing for him so you guys can open your mind so to speak as he’s been known to open his mind sometimes into all possibilities I mean just fantastic writing by Albert Breer there Nick your reaction uh I mean what he’s implying is that Aaron Rogers skipped work to do drugs well what what I mean that’s the most basic version right and by the way I’m not a a Puritan on these things I cons I don’t necessarily agree with a lot of America drug laws and I think he’s a grown man he can do what he wants vaping indoors you agree with that pretty good buddy um inside and so I I don’t think it’s that inside anym um but so I’m not trying to act like a prude but it is that is what it is he and also that makes more sense as far as why you couldn’t yeah take 60 hours away from your trip to just show up with Jets camp because an iosa retreat in South America it’s not going to be as simple as oh I’m in Paris let me you know what I mean let me fly to JFK real quick and do what I need to do I just think it’s mortifying I think it is in any other Walk of Life it doesn’t have to be Pro Sports if it were mandatory team building activity lead a self-proclaimed leader highest paid employee not there hey guys where’s Billy well you know this is the week he had marked out months ago to go do drugs like unless aside from being I think like in the rock and roll industry I don’t think there’s a single industry where it’s like yeah that’s okay we expected it I just don’t and so I just don’t know how you sell this publicly that I had to miss work cuz I really I marked out months ago gosh darn it this is the I’m going to be getting Canabis a cannabis industry Canabis industry I still don’t think you missed that we like what he’s smoking weed we have an offsite and so I I I that’s what I think for look I agree totally with you it’s terrible all right we we people jumped all over Kyrie Irving for taking a week off in the regular season I get it that’s the regular season but still cuz he needed time away right mental break January 6 whatever yeah this dude’s going to get high that’s what he’s doing I don’t care what what else in company accompanies It in America in MO almost all the states it’s illegal all right and you are going somewhere to party do whatever they doing that is that’s ridiculous you don’t think other players on that team M when I look at how many players in the league have been had careers ruined for marijuana use and I know laws have changed but I’m just saying this dude this speaks of the what you talk about the narcissism with him this is like I got a different set of rules and I I don’t know how often they do these Retreats but I’m I’m guessing maybe maybe they could they did one where they didn’t have mandatory team activities at the same time and you could go on your own I mean I’m just saying you are skipping work cuz you want to go get stoned yeah well not I yeah I mean keep the opposite of stone but whatever listen the Iowa and I and by the way folks and then go wild I am open to I’ve never done it but the healing powers of iasa smart people that I respect and Aaron Rogers have talked about it um and so I I don’t think it is I so I don’t want to minimize that there 365 days in the year there are of those 365 I’m going to probably 140 maximum maximum that the Jets expect you to be in the building that leaves you around 200 to find time that’s what I would say I do like the idea as a thought exercise that if Aaron Rogers considered postponing the iasa trip the iasa people are like no no no dude you booked this like you have to be here for this this is when you booked your I don’t let us down I got a whole group of people here waiting for you you can’t bail on your iasa trip we’re waiting for you right but that’s but that is he could have been like two day I’ll be there in three days three days but that’s again to get back to the original thing whatever it was once we knew it wasn’t someone’s giving birth someone’s sick once we knew it wasn’t that yeah it was I’m double booked I’m making a choice and at its simplest level I have two important things to me I unfortunately it is physically impossible to do both I have to choose and he chose the non jjet mini camp option and if that option ended up being opening your mind via iin South America that’s a choice man it’s a choice what if it what if it opens him up he just Cooks has an mvpc that’s ARG better that’s the argument

FIRST THINGS FIRST | He is a ‘very realistic’ for 76ers – Nick sees Paul George as a fit for East contender


  1. Coming from a Clippers fan, I really want PG to sign with the 76ers. A. Because it would force the FO to finally shake things up, and hopefully reset the roster, and B. Paul George being in Philly is gonna expose how much hes declined over the last few years. This has the potential to be worse than the Tobias Harris deal in a year or 2

  2. A Huge Major Loser,,, AKA Paul George,,,, Joining The Ultimate Loser,,, Crybaby, AKA,, Joel Embiid… Both Histories Prove It..

  3. Nick Your Breath really smells, ( In Fact It Smells Like Butt Stink) from you on your knees kissing Lebum's butt all day Come On, Please One Basketball Segment.. Without You Leave Lebum Out Of It

  4. The sixers would have the most predictable post season meltdown you could imagine.

    Embid will be “banged up” and PG will have wildly inefficient games at the worst time

  5. These guys acting like Rogers isn't the best thing to happen to the jets, Nobody would even be talking about the Jets if he wasn't there. Rogers has the same amount of titles as the Jets. Roger is a star. Get over it

  6. Terrible coverage. Weed was villa mixed for years and there are ppl still serving prison sentences for it, while ppl can casually go buy it now. Then mental health is promoted everywhere in this country, yet his method of it gets covered as if he’s just there on meth.

  7. not sure i love PG on a max at this age in Philly but TBF Emdiid is gettiing old and injury prone so they gotta be all in. If they do sign PG to a max I really don't like signing Klay. IF they pop PG at whats he want 40 it will be intersting to see how they fill out the rest of the roster. If they can get Pope from Denver if he opts out have him at 2 and get PG and stick him at 4 beside Embiid and cant get a competent 3 and D SF they would be dangerous for sure. Just don't think they can sign PG and fill out a legit 8 man rotation.

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