@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Reject Multiple Offers For TOP 10 Picks in a Alex Caruso Trade

Chicago Bulls Reject Multiple Offers For TOP 10 Picks in a Alex Caruso Trade

uh let’s keep this thing moving along hit that like button subscribe to the page leave that five star review y’all know what to do uh we got to talk some NBA my boy here we go gotta talk a little NBA because all our beloved Chicago Bulls are dumb w we got some dummies I just want to say that though the the views Express by designer only of this in this particular incident I’mma tell you this right now I’m gonna tell you this right now I’m gonna tell you this right now I’m gonna tell you this right now I got the green it doesn’t matter all right here we go let’s take this right let’s take this we at who we at who we affiliated with we are going to be honest I am at the home of the white socks and they are the worst baseball team in baseball history right and they are run by one of the worst owners in baseball history all right so here we go so you all are ready for this one so uh the Chicago Bulls apparently had received offers it’s Crimson rip to 200 in the chat hey rip to that cuz as soon as you hears you go hey it is it is what it isy that it is what it is we got we got to report the news though we got to talk about what’s out here to talk I I just want to say this Joe you don’t watch much NBA nowadays I gotta ask you I gotta ask you this baby listen Joe who does Alice cruso play for hopefully but I will ask that’s crazy if you actually said that um would you trade him for potentially a trade package revolving around a top 10 pick in this year’s draft I can’t believe they did I I had just found out about that I’m like he’s like a six man he literally is like six you’re not Trading I I mean I’m just I’m lost for words like I don’t know what they’re doing over there if I have to add this I’m going to say this it’s not dumb in the sense of them wanting to maintain a shot at being a playoff team here’s where it’s dumb for me because he is a pivotal part he’s a very pivotal part for to be a these credits R let me finish let me cook second before you cook can we tell the people what what we’re talking about before we actually get I got you I got you the reports are that the rejected trades around Alex Caruso number one being a a top 10 pick for Alex Caruso they even uh had the Warriors being involved in that particular trade as well this is coming from will I can’t pronounce it last will golet there you go uh that gentleman now you take that with uh there you go you take that with a grain of salt though but apparently this is credible enough for us to talk about it anyway good coverage we’re good we can move on we’re gonna move on so listen the reason why I am going to say that this is not a bad thing initially is because I like the premise of which they positioned it hey we want to maintain some level of competitiveness so that we can be M be a playoff team here’s the problem not playoff team we suck we suck we suck we haven’t developed enough people and we are now our star is pretty much under 25 this is a perfect time to do what Pat what it starts with r rebuild there you go Pat don’t worry about it thanks for playing our word game of uh Scrabble or whatever you want to call it anyway listen it it’s the time to rebuild and for some odd reason we are stuck in this level of mediocrity that only AK seems to be uh tied to so my question to you is uh Pat if you had the chance to trade as Caruso for a top 10 pick in this draft would you have done listen I’ve been I I’m I’m so irritated at this and here’s what irritates me the most hey his posture changed did you listen my B my B took a my B look like he about to line up right now like I feel the same way like this is ridiculous because here’s here’s what irritates me the most about this I can’t even look at AK on this I can’t even look at mark everley on this this is not Acme I don’t get and it makes me question how much blame they’ve taken because the report literally says says ownership ownership will not allow this per will got Li this is what he had to say in the article according to sources with knowledge of the situation bulls have received offers from multiple teams consisting of multiple protected first round picks one of those deals includes a pick that is in the top 10 of the 2024 draft The Source said the Golden State Warriors were among the teams who made a strong off for Caruso uh the source indicated that this was a mandate from the Rin dorfs to fight for the playoffs that no doubt impacted the front office’s decision making when it came to pulling the trigger on any Alex Caruso deal and this is why this irritates me this is why this pisses me off because I watch this I watched the white socks open up a window I watched them have a team that actually looked like it was going to be a competent baseball team dare I say a competing baseball team Tim Anderson Yan Manata Luis Robert ELO Jimenez you know what I then watched them do I watched them go out and say we have to write a wrong that we did back in 1982 we have to go hire Tony larusa we can’t make moves because we have to go out and we have have to keep our guys in the building we have to build this internally I can’t even blame AK for this I can’t even blame Mark everley for this because I watched them do the exact same thing with the front office that the white socks had and then I watched them blame them for everything that went wrong fire everybody and bring in Chris freaking gets I this is a Rin dorf issue this is a ownership issue you have ownership who seemingly right remember it’s supposed to be Michael’s team supposed we taken our hands off of it this a decision this ain’t a Michael decision this a Jerry decision this is a Jerry move that we’ve been seeing Jerry make for a 100 years because you know why he’s taking advantage knowing that people are going to buy tickets until people stop actually going to the games what is the motiva motivation the bottom line doesn’t stop if we keep bringing in the Hey Joe and the funny thing about don’t nobody go to wh siiz games no one goes to we don’t put up no no no but this this is the thing it has nothing I love when people say this is oh you got to affect their bottom line you have to affect their money that don’t matter he’s operating with a 1985 mindset in 2024 that’s very true the most expensive player the socks have how much people getting paid in baseball 600 million how much you Daris just get Jesus 600 million 700 million they got a lot of money the most expensive player we’ve ever seen sign 88 79 million Andrew been intended by the way he’s the third worst baseball player in the majors yeah dude this is a Jerry reinsdorf mindset in the wrong era of basketball like everything that he does he’s sitting here saying we want to be competitive so that we can keep our team in the conversation no one’s talking about you except to laugh at you but he don’t care because guess what the seats are with the businessmen and all of that and it doesn’t matter about if people are going to the games or not going to the games this is how he operates this is the teams that he builds this is how now phenomenal businessman that’s phenomenal businessman that’s what it is phenomenal businessman but as far as an owner he could care less about actually improving his basketball team to Championship level because if you did care there’s no way that you’re interfering with what your GM can and can’t do if you went out paid this guy and I believe Michael went out and found AK I believe that Michael got 80% of the way here and dad was like n bro let me take that back real quick I like how we do things let me show you the right way Dad’s way and then there’s the right way I don’t think he doesn’t care about winning I think he cares about winning under the certain param like you said 1985 meaning I don’t want to spend the money that some of these other guys are with the spin I’m and and and the reason I say that is because if you go to it like we I went to multiple games last season they were competitive games we actually beat Milwaukee in one of them every game I went to last year we won like they were really competitive games the spirit in the UC was high actually I went to one that wasn’t competitive because we blew the doors off Indiana Oh and then I went to one we blew the doors off Detroit it was even like listen we were literally just sitting there like just kicking it by the second quarter like it’s competitive enough but it’s not Championship competency it’s it is complacency had the best you don’t you didn’t want and you didn’t want to play the best do we really know what was really going on back there like you knew you had the best you didn’t you blew up a whole Dynasty because you did you not want to pay 30 million you didn’t want to well to a degree they use an excuse for the guys getting older right Scotty with the back ETA Etc you had it you but they they knew they had a run of 10 years worth of sellouts but they used Mike for the next 10 years then they had then they made enough where Jerry kind of semi- rebuilt the team a little bit then they bring garpa in they got they built the squad with Kirk then they get lucky with but you got understand it’s it’s about where by the way take another shot it’s about where they cheap out at history it’s about where they cheap out where they cheap out at that next team what was that next team Joe which one after the Championship team what’s the next team they built uh it was the baby bull squ Elton br Ron artes Jamal Crawford Jay Williams Brad Miller all of them are all stars and they almost broke it up again you they did break no they because they went and traded Elton brand where they were gonna move him earlier but it’s like you didn’t want to pay Elton BR but then they didn’t get coach you you went out and you got your buddy you went out and got Tim Floyd that’s what I’m saying there are certain moments where you actually get it right right Derrick Rose you got it right but some of this and then somehow you go out there and you find a way to f up that combination that dude’s done we don’t believe in him anymore we don’t think that he’s going to be successful anywhere else he goes Jimmy Butler’s been successful everywhere else he’s gone Tom tho has been successful everywhere else he’s gone everybody that you get rid of is successful everywhere else they’ve gone because you want to sit here and operate like a mom and pop shop over on the corner of freaking who gives an AF this also goes back to coaching because we’ve had several players even from the last two years who W is even in the finals right now two of them are actually in the finals right now yeah both on the same team DJJ and uh and Daniel Gaff but to me what the what what the common denominator is strong personalities that stand up to Someone Like A Ryan dorf 100% it’s it it reminds me of the Bears it’s strong personalities that stand up to the ownership who probably questions them right and it gets to a point where you’re not appreciating the talent or because you gotta think about what rydor did right when he bought that team they were nothing right what like the last dance to me it showed you the mentality like you just said about how those owners a lot of those owners thought it’s a new day right now it’s a lot of ownership groups that run these teams now it’s more modern thinking type of owners he’s still one of the original dudes what is he 80 83 84 agewise or when he bought the team no he’s like 80 something years old both both are right by the way both of them are right age wise and when he bought the team he bought an 81 or 82 whatever it is but he’s 88 he’s 8 like that person is still running things 88 years old he’s still the he’s the last of that Blackhawks yeah and like and what happened when Rocky Works he’s didn’t he passed away son a new owner modern thinking his son took it over we have to think differently and honestly that that’s a lot of people get stuck in their ways this I’ve been successful this is how we did it this is how we’re gonna do it what’s that Tony Stark line um that’s the way Dad did it this is how we’re going to do it yeah that’s how it’s always been done I I I’m optimistic to say that the Bulls are like one step away from doing what the Bears recently did the problem is and here’s here’s here’s why I almost can’t compare the Bears the I can compare the Bears before George took over when George took over his first regime is is John Fox right he let eria Cory right his first regime is John Fox though yeah through Ernie though but that means that he went through one GM you anybody you get a new job you got to figure your job out you got to figure it out yeah he went through one GM yeah he was like that didn’t work we got to fire everybody Ryan Paul’s his second GM we love everything he’s doing so I can’t give you for George mcy what I could have gave you for Michael what I could have gave you for for what was done right after Mugsy end up passing away that’s a different Bears regime what we have right now because George looked at it and to me it is a difference because Mom said hey look Virginia said this is y”s the build y’all got to figure it out let one son go through it he went through his lump she ain’t step in and say you got to do this now she stepped in when she was like Hey you suck I gotta fire you huh like you when you you know you bad when your mama got to fire you on National Television yeah but you’re talking about egos like these people that run these type of teams again I think it’s a difference when you have an ownership group that understands the business business like really understand the business what we’re seeing now with Chicago is for the first time you see a major change that once Ted Phillips goes away who does the bidding of what the Masis want to do now we bring in a a pres of operations yeah who who ran the Big 10 he was successful in St Louis he built a stadium in Minnesota like this is big-time football we’re not talking about like if you got to spend a little bit money to get what you want at the end of the day and so it’s just disappointing or just it’s it’s refreshing in a sense that now we like we got to get a quarterback like we this our whole team has changed the the energy is different now but I think my point in all of that is that I don’t look at the Bears and the Bulls as apples the apples mama let it go it’s gone hey it’s on it’s on you to figure it out George it took George one regime to figure it out now for us the regime is right John Fox is what that’s six years ago seven years ago the equival so that’s a long time but the equivalent is like that’s like Virginia is still running the team but that’s what I’m saying that’s why I can’t get I can’t put the Flack on the Bears I can put the Bulls are who they they this is who they always been well right they get rid of Vinnie D negro when Vinnie and John Paxton get into it now they here’s the thing that’s what everybody here’s the thing you said that this was mostly a Ryan R we know we we attribute this to mostly Jerry I don’t think this is a Michael move and I think that we’re closer I think this is a Jerry move we I think we’re closer to Michael being able to have more say because the the it’s getting louder we’re getting loud the Press is getting louder around hey this is not how things I’m still shocked care about that Michael cares enough that he end up moving everything when the All-Star game came to Chicago and he’s like hey do y’all think we a real franchise and like no I’m with you that’s when the changes and I I think we’re closer to that reality happening now again he’s 88 yeah right I’m not saying that he has to transition or anything like that I’m saying that eventually you know he steps away I think that’s going to be one of those things where that that happens it’s not happen all and you can get and some of these moves let’s be for real some of the reasons why we are where we are is absolutely ak’s fault right let’s not be let’s think abely got the emperor behind all those moves no but here’s the thing I’m not I’m not saying that the moves he made aren’t his fault but if the moves I’m making are with me handcuffed okay what’s the best move I can make here Patrick Beverly it’s better than most hey what’s the best move I can make here the fourth overall talking about listen they’re talking about not trading a sixth man for a first round a top 10 pick draft is bad or not where’s you can’t tell me that he also has one of the highest plus minuses on the team he’s a frequ ridiculous stuffer a good glue guy but I’m not our team isn’t going anywhere statistic let’s be real let’s be real let’s be real let’s be real if he’s on a championship team he’s he’s he’s draym MRE I wouldn’t on the championship team I’m going tell you this right I’m tell you this right now if he’s on the championship team we’re talking about him going to a Hall of Fame who 100% wait what if he’s on a championship level team let me add Clarity to we’re talking about him going going to Hall of Fame no yeah let me add context to it he does so much yes he he does so much defensively he does so much on the offense and how it flows what am I missing like Draymond you’re saying that this Alex kuso is going to the I’m say not a stat stuffer right realistically he’s a they call him triple single right he get you seven points seven rebounds seven assist he’s going to the Hall of Fame but he’s going to the Hall of Fame because when he gives you that seven s and seven he cooking in so many yeah Alex kusoo could be a starter the no but what I’m saying is if he I said if he was on a championship level team then he would be doing more here to do something right now we’re not set for him to be successful no Draymond Green is not set up to be successful I might have to roll cribs on y do no do no it’s just if draymond’s on his own team will he do more I understand understand where you’re going but Draymond to me is more he would score a little bit more right Alex cruso had his highest output offensively last season when they asked him to do more he was able to do more but he’s doing the Dennis robman type of stuff we need you to sacrifice certain things to do in the total scheme of things Alex Caruso to your point he is a very good glue guy he’s not that guy that goes to the Hall of Fame regard if if he’s even that type of impact we should be doing more because he’s still the six man young hold on hold on hold on better just to no way better 30 young just just so we’re so we understand this right you know the Lakers don’t win in the bubble without him facts I I agree he’s a good glue guy that’s not a glue guy okay if you’re a guy that you don’t wi in the bubble without that’s more than a glue guy they had a lot of glue gu if that’s a guy if you’re a guy that I if you’re a guy that I don’t win an NBA championship without you’re more than a GL necessity dude no n name name a glue guy that a team doesn’t win an NBA championship without Andre uad Andre Gala was more than a glue guy he was the finals MVP he was an allar like no a team Dynamic is he he was the six man to Meo is kind of in that Tony Allen type of vein really good dude Andre igu defens MVP getting cooked I’m just saying my point is that we I appreciate Alo trading him for a top 10 pi no no no no but the percentage is me freaking uh give me you know who I want listen list we have we’re having two different conversations I agree with you I’m just saying we could get Joel I agree with you to trade him true I I’ve said I’ve said this the entire time I agree I think I think if you traded him to Houston that you could get the third overall pick I think that that’s a real conversation anybody that give me a pick for freaking I also think you’re very much undervaluing Alice Caruso no I think he I have him right where I think he’s supposed to be I think he is a valuable player he is Noto on the heat they go a lot farther no yeah oh yes they do yeah no he’s a good he’s a good see that’s that’s the part that’s the part that you you you’re under valuing Alice kuso he’s what 10 10 points six assist Joe the NBA don’t even value Alice kuso as low as you as you value that’s a fact they offered two they offered two first round picks for last year I’m I’m I’m I’m not seeing top 10 stuff but here’s the thing you’re not seeing it because of how he’s utilized here but even here he has moments to shine La he was decent in La no in La he was la la he was he was a he was more impactful than Austin Reeves but he just couldn’t shoot his well D Austin and Austin Reeves is a no is a note Nation y’all trade Caruso or not it’s no we all trading Caruso nobody’s saying that no one say no one saying don’t TR we believe the Bulls should start rebuilding we need we think the Bulls need to start rebuilding but yes the conversation that we’re having has nothing to do with that he ain’t going no godd dang Hall of Fame I didn’t say he was going to the Hall of Fame either if he was on a championship team of Fame no he’s no different he’s Ron Harper the Bulls he’s not he’s not he’s not when Ron Harper gets to the Bulls he was like six points a game and very very irrelevant was above he was a starting technically point guard not even a starter and came to the Bulls who is he who just say you said all of I I was just I’m sorry I’m about to go crazy over here Joe I’m just I’m I’m telling you like if if he was on a perennial championship team he was gonna be a good player on a really good team that’s he’s he’s white he’s white over there in Boston that’s great you’re wrong but I like I like that you’re saying it I like how you’re saying just said Hall of Fame his offensive plus minus and his defensive plus minus on this are two of the best in the NBA yeah so it’s like it’s it’s just how he as a player his impact is he does a lot of stuff that don’t show up on a stat sheet you know what we’re having two different arguments okay we are we are we not my blood pressure we’ve literally said this you’re not you need to put beig rage on for yourself I’m about to lose my stuff they also let anybody into the Basketball Hall of Fame but that’s a whole different conversation this is a great comment and this is I’m not trying to put you on the spot but it me know exactly where we are how what do you know about Mel Bridges he’s a and now he to me I mean that’s a decent shooting guard right there he’s a starting guard for uh charl right huh for who wait for Brooklyn miles you thinking miles you thinking mil mil you thinking miles M bridges yeah one of them it’s the same thing they both honestly I ain’t gonna lie to you I ain’t G lie to you both of they both of their profiles is kind of like yeah you can say the same thing it’s a solid guard for uh whichever team you Pi I mean M bridg is Iron Man Bridges Iron Man I’m saying I value Caruso just not at that that level of not wanting to trade a top no I agree with you but the league does value him that high and I and I think that’s my problem with it that’s my problem with the bulls when somebody this is not an overvalue to me this is a APT value shut uped you like your friends that’s your brother asking Jo ball questions he a watched since 98 oh God on my crazy ain’t nothing like your brother to sit there always put you know try to always come for oh dog I love it I love it hey let’s keep this thing going man appreciate y’all tuning in showing love uh finals in tonight boys yep no yep I got Boston 4 too but they lose tonight they they they’re going home why why even draw out well I don’t think they want to I don’t think Boston wants to what kind of answer was that why even draw it out like I don’t it’s it’s you can beat them or not they get home they did what they had to do that all you need to do is take one game on the home on the home team yeah it depends on it depends on how all right Chris

🏀🔥 In today’s episode of Windy City Breeze, we dive into the latest breaking news surrounding the Chicago Bulls! 🔥🏀

The Bulls have reportedly rejected multiple offers involving top 10 draft picks for fan-favorite Alex Caruso. Join us as we analyze the implications of this bold decision and what it means for the future of the Bulls’ roster.

Key discussion points include:

Detailed analysis of the trade offers and why the Bulls turned them down
Alex Caruso’s impact and value to the team
Potential long-term strategy for the Bulls’ front office
How this decision could shape the upcoming NBA season for Chicago
Don’t miss out on our in-depth coverage and expert insights. Whether you’re a die-hard Bulls fan or just interested in NBA trade rumors, this episode has something for everyone.

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  1. This is why i don't watch or follow the bulls. Jerry got really, really, really, really…lucky to get Jordan. He's shown to be an extremely incompetent owner for both of his teams.

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