@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown & Jayson Tatum were ‘SAVORING THE MOMENT’ – Brian Windhorst | Get Up

Jaylen Brown & Jayson Tatum were ‘SAVORING THE MOMENT’ – Brian Windhorst | Get Up

Bon looking for history looking to separate themselves from their longtime Nemesis the Lakers and win championship number 18 while Dallas was trying to keep it alive we pick it up two minutes to go in the first quarter this was a close game Jay and then it wasn’t Jaylen Brown a huge part of the action yeah you can just tell right out of the gate the sense of urgency the defensive discipline Boston came to play and they were active defense is the key here all these sequences will show you in the first quarter Drea turning defense into points oh if I had won for frustration with Jaylen Brown is that he couldn’t slam that ball home but you can’t say anything negative about the Celtics defense they forced 13 turnovers scored 17 points off of those turnovers a nine nothing run to close the first quarter now we’re in the second and look at Tatum working hard you know you love that he plays inside out the physicality of Jason Tatum defensively playing the five position as well just did so many things for the Celtics last night late in the half I want you to see both ends of this play first off it’s going to be Jaylen brown with the bucket but winman look what happens to Derek White oh my God his face was an absolute mess after the game last night he’s going to need hours of dental surgery but he did not care he’s gonna he’s going to postpone that I have a feeling for be to afford it that’s right Derek white responding in a big way knocking down the three Celtics by 18 now we’re 20 seconds to go this is where they really put the game away right at the end of the first half huge sequence Tatum with a three then 4 seconds in the half Payton Pritchard do your thing 4 seconds to go missed free throw four for the rebound here’s Pritchard he loves these puts it up half courter the buzzer bang Richard at the buzzer with a three-pointer he’s done it again Jay will is anyone better at anything than he is at that yes Mike brain actually calling it before it actually happened that even describe the sound in the building last night that was Peak Boston and it was basically over the rest of the way was a 24-minute coronation here’s Tatum Boston up 22 after the free throw 5 minutes left it’s still 22 the Celtics can feel it Tatum would finish with 31 and 11 Kyrie Irving when it’s all over giv love to the other side Boston just has not been his place classy there exchanging greetings with everybody but throw deuce up in the air oh congratulations to the Celtics they are the champions Jaylen Brown is your Bill Russell Finals MVP the Celtics win it going away it’s their 18th Championship the most of any team in basketball history and afterward here’s the dynamic duo what is holding this trophy mean to you it was a full team effort and I shared this with my brothers and my my partner in crime Jason Tatum he was with me the whole way so we shared it together it’s a surreal feeling we did it we did it oh my God we did it and that emotion is just extraordinary to see genuinely extraordinary and a lot of people will compare that we did it to the anything is possible and obviously it hearkens back to that but just to see it all of that celebration all of that emotion all of that relief all of those years all of those struggles that moment that scream from Jason Tatum right there really summed it up better than I think anything we say possibly could yeah my emotions first off were extremely happy for Jason Tatum and Jaylen brown but my brain automatically went to applauding Brad Stevens like Brad Stevens the guy that moved from the head coach to the GM position the guy that decided through all the turmoil to stick with these two when everybody in the world wanted to break these two up to add some of the additional pieces of porzingis to let go of Marcus Smart to add the addition of Drew holay he’s turned this team into a Powerhouse and I think he deserves a standing ovation this morning yes the players deserve all the credit but the mentalities that he pieced together to lead them to this point Brad Stevens is a genius no every move he has made has turned to Gold particularly when he broke up to at least some degree that team that was in the final just two years ago trading away Marcus Smart a lot of people didn’t like it at the time but you see uh the way that it turns out making sense and Drea I know there’s a we could put the Tweet up on the screen that uh that Drea was asking about this morning it really is how it started and how it’s going look at those two they looked like they were about 11 years old in that picture on the top they they are such babies like classic haircuts for the time being so we’re not going to give them a hard time and then look at the growth I mean the ability to give a dynamic duo or or a trio or whatever to give them time we don’t see that in the NBA how many teams have put together a big three whether it was a season ago or two seasons ago and we want immediate results the Celtics Jaylen Brown and Jason tanum have shown us that it doesn’t always happen immediately in fact it rarely happens immediately but when it happens the sweetest is when you give it time the way those two performed side by side throughout the finals and shouldered the weight of this team that’s special but it’s a result of the time that they’ put in I got it they’re actually the kid in the kid in play of the NBA there you go Kid and Play there you go I was thinking that I didn’t similar yeah go ahead they were just really really savoring at last night I mean uh Jaylen was very very sort of subdued just sort of turned in just sort of looking at the trophy as you saw there Jason was extremely emotional in the locker room after the game nobody was more engaged in in the moment than Jason was totally um celebrating it together going down the line satisfaction for Chris EP zingis who has had some disappointments in his career played through an injury last night that he said he will now need surgery on that ankle um Derek white fa with a face full of blood his teeth are all Jagged all over the place he filled every single role for this team Drew holiday absolutely can’t believe how this has fallen in his lap he was stunned he thought he was going to spend the rest of his career in Milwaukee his life was turned upside down he couldn’t believe his Good Fortune to be able to contribute to that team and I will say this Marcus Smart’s Marcus Smart’s name was bringing in all their re the players were actively bringing it up it was the brilliant Marcus Smart trade that helped get this team together but they sort of were acknowledging him because he signifies the long journey that they had to get to thisn is up with us early she was there last night Monica again all of these are great storylines at the end of the day this is about Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown more than anything else finally getting it done 100% greeny And I think the moment that Jaylen Brown was awarded the uh Finals MVP trophy and he made it a point to talk about the experience alongside Jason Tatum it just kind of shows you the growth of this organization together right to Drea’s point it doesn’t you don’t have the chance for it to happen that way uh that often but I think the other part about it too is while I’m sure they would have loved to get this done in 2022 or prior to this point I don’t know that they could have right like we talk about the brilliant moves that Brad Stevens makes but we talk about also the fortitude in the to respond going into yesterday’s game and Wendy and I were both a part of this conversation on hoop streams there was still this question about what would Jason Tatum do right and I think through the first half in particular he was a terrific facilitator his team shot nine of 11 off of his passes and 82% he didn’t need to score the basketball and then of course in the fourth the floodgates open up but I think the understanding and the self assuredness that you see both of these guys now demonstrating it just trickles down the entire roster look they were the best team in the NBA from the moment the ball was tipped off in whatever day in October it was that we started this season they played 101 games this year they won 80 of them they finished 80 and 21 and we’ll put up statistics as the day goes on that shows that their domination of the entire league this year of the Eastern Conference with a 14 game cushion when the regular season was over of their record against the West this year which was thoroughly dominant in every way for all we want to talk about how much better we think the West Was than the East they ran through this postseason losing only three games and never really being challenged this we’re going to talk about the Mavericks we’re going to talk about them falling short we’re going to talk about Kyrie and Luca but the first thing to say about them is they ran into a better team the Celtics were the best team in the NBA and I’ve been in that Arena so many times for losses there I was there in 2018 when they lost to the Cavs in game seven with that with really a subpar Lebron team I was there two years ago when it was the other different colored confetti that was on the floor when Steph Curry was holding that Trophy and having his crowning moment the Celtics were thinking that they had missed a huge opportunity they didn’t know if they would be back last year totally missed a chance to get back to the finals losing game seven on their home court to Miami these are the pieces that were around them when they came together for this year to say that this is when they can finally overcome it and so when they were standing there together celebrating now with the white and green confetti coming down this time finally celebrating a great end of the season on their court all of those losses all of those failures contributed to that even though Jason uh and Jaylen are still young they are very very battle hardened and that enabled it this to be so much sweeter for them and to be really great for the whole organization let me very quickly show you just how much that’s true Cindy can we put up full screen number four for this morning because the combination of of of Tatum and brown now get off of a list that no one wants to be on and that is Duos to play the most playoff games together without winning a championship they had won played 107 playoff games together before winning their Championship last night that was the most games that any combination of two players had ever played together in the playoffs before finally winning a championship that’s how long this road has been they’ve been battle tested and they actually answered the bell at the end of the day right and I guarantee you knowing personality traits in that locker room this morning when those guys wake up there will be a significant part of them with Derek weid and Drew holiday and Jason Tatum and Al Horford that they will enjoy the next couple of days they want to win more this is the beginning they they understand that and I think watching the maturity level watching Jaylen Brown come into his own in this NBA playoff season watching Jason Tatum find a way to get over the hump in a game five show you that oh I can be the guy too I can by the way he was in the shooting slump for the entire NBA playoff series so like that’s why I know we were going to talk about it winning one is incredible but that’s the point of this team they can win multiple they have that type of Talent on the court I was thinking the same thing I’m like they won in this fashion and Jason Tatum didn’t even shoot the ball well and and we talk about Drew holiday and his connection to his teammates his cutting the way he offensive rebounds he is the glue to this team in year one his connection to everyone out there is only going to continue to grow as he spends more time with this team like when you look at this team you only imagine them getting better as they keep these pieces and jelling even more together it’s really impressive to think about where this team will be I know we’re here in the present moment but I do see a lot for this team in the future Monica so I I think we’ve mentioned all these pieces but I also think we got to give a n to Joe Missoula right in his second year as this in this role officially as well and I think one of the best pieces of audio that we got from our radio team PJ kismo and Mark kesser and George Sedano they actually had the chance to ask Jaylen Brown about the expectations and frankly having three coaches in a span of four years and what the challenges of that have been like of course Jaylen very Statesman and a competitor he acknowledges he acknowledged the challenge of it but he also talked about the blessing and the curse right in terms of being able to learn But ultimately Joe to get Collective Buy in right as a guy that didn’t play in the NBA from these big time NBA superstars to really be able to have the pieces that complement how he wants to play at some point during this season we all lamented the amount of Threes that this team took But ultimately he’s able to put his fingerprint on this team in terms of how they play and they buy in and the results speak for themselves can I just say 10 years ago Joe moula was at a D2 school called Fairmont State M 10 years ago and he just got got Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown not Oka not with Marcus Smart he got them over the hump over the last couple years of the way he’s coached these guys a D2 coach to a world champion NBA coach in a 10 years span and two years as the head coach and taking over under extremely complicated circumstances uh yes I mean to the victors go the spoils and there’s more than enough credit to go around very quickly also on the dynamic duo again this is where my mind is today in most every way they all deserve the credit but this is about Tatum and brown the bottom line of it is this and you’ve said it multiple times winning a championship is supposed to be hard [Music]

On Get Up, Brian Windhorst, Monica McNutt, Andraya Carter and Jay Williams join Mike Greenberg to talk through the Boston Celtics winning the 2024 NBA Title over the Dallas Mavericks.
0:00 Game 5 highlights and reaction
2:30 Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown
6:00 Monica’s thoughts on the Celtics’ dynamic duo

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  1. I love how everyone except Greeny and Win picked the Mavs and all they did was hate on Tatum through this playoffs and the Finals. Celtics were 16-3 in the post and they spent 75% of the entire time talking about Tatums "lackluster" performance. Now all these talking heads want to act like they knew it all along. Just shut up and stay on your side, keep that same energy you had in the first 4 games.

  2. Someone please bring up the clip of Jay Williams saying “in one game, Damian Lillard and Giannis have less redundancy than Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown have in 7 years” lmao

  3. A perfect sweet is great! But is it better to close the series at home? 🎉 I'm convinced they gave up one game to finish and celebrate the chip at home.

  4. They bring up that everyone was saying break up Tatum and Brown but we know anyone who was saying that don’t know basketball.

  5. In summary Tatum couldn't win without a loaded team. Didn't even win finals MVP😂. Congratulations to the Celtics.

  6. “The best backcourt in the history of NBA” “who’s going to guard Kyrie” I swear these ESPN analysts be so delusional!

  7. Real quiet in these comments today , think it's gonna be that way everywhere online for awhile. Well I'm here to enjoy the spoils . All you haters enjoy this, Boston ain't going anywhere . GREATEST FRANCHISE IN ALL OF SPORTS.☘️☘️☘️

  8. If the Celtics keep the core of 4 or 5 starters and a handful of the bench players, they could win 3 or 4 more titles in the next 6 years.

  9. celtics otw to becoming a dynasty, don’t see no 1 beating them next season until proven otherwise

  10. Let's forget all the storyline for a second and just appreciate fact that a bunch of grown men who dreamed as little kids to win the NBA Championship just did it. No matter how you feel just let that be the most important part.

  11. If any duo deserved it more, it was JT and JB. As a basketball fan, this was amazing to see. DO NOT LET HOLIDAY GO.

  12. So…I was just thinking could it have been a good thing that the Celtics lost to the Warriors in the 2022 Finals? If they had won, maybe they would have kept that team together and never have felt the need to acquire Porzingis and Holiday. But now they've assembled this great team and could be set for a nice run at multiple championships.

  13. all around dominant season for Boston say what you want about their “easy run” but I dont think any team was going to stand in their way healthy or not 🍀🍀🍀🍀

  14. I apologize for not knowing/remembering the gal's name on this video, but she's very good at her job! Need to see more of her!

  15. Celtics, especially Mazulla and the core players, can also be grateful and thankful to Ime Udoka for this Chip. He layed the foundational building block for this success


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