@Brooklyn Nets

Countdown to his return begins now

Countdown to his return begins now

by PassProtect15


  1. Goosedukee

    We gonna be counting down for a long time

  2. PassProtect15

    They be hating on you 10. They saying you a negative asset who doesn’t like basketball 10. Prove them wrong 10.

  3. gibsonES300

    I’ll start counting down from infinity.

  4. theRestisConfettii

    The countdown to the February, 2025 NBA trade deadline begins now, yes.

  5. I just bursted into laughter on the train fam.

    nah. the only countdown we waiting on for ben is his departure from this team

  6. Legitimate-Habit-500

    Big Ben on the revenge tour this season…all NBA form again(I wish lol)

  7. Scarlet--Highlander

    Disaster draft but only Ben is on the plane

  8. balldontlie3030

    More like countdown to a trade or the expiration of that contract

  9. skinneej

    Countdown to his salary coming off the books!

  10. larvinmill


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