@Los Angeles Lakers

UNDERMINING DARVIN HAM? 😬 Is LeBron’s podcast a BAD LOOK for JJ Redick in hindsight? | Get Up

UNDERMINING DARVIN HAM? 😬 Is LeBron’s podcast a BAD LOOK for JJ Redick in hindsight? | Get Up

we reported he would JJ reck interviewed for the Lakers vacant head coaching position seeking his first coaching role after playing in the NBA for 15 years he of course will be in Boston tonight with the rest of our crew um doing game five of the NBA Finals uh so what can you tell us Wendy about the latest as far as LeBron James coaching situation and JJ reck’s candidacy Well w told us it was going to happen he went to LA over the weekend and you know the finals are still going on and but the other important thing is Lakers have let it be known that they are want to have their coach in place by the draft the draft is a week from Wednesday so you can just using the calendar start to figure out where this is going and so it’s about really sort of making the deal JJ has had a significant amount of contact with the Lakers at this point I don’t think there’s any more Discovery I think each side understands where they’re at the question is how does his fit fit with what they have and what their plans are going forward well part of that contact of course has been what you keep seeing here all of this with the podcast that he does with LeBron James which is an extraordinary good insightful interesting podcast if you are a basketball fan but at least in the mind of our Ste Stephen A Smith it is also somewhat problematic here’s what Stephen A said the other day damn it LeBron James is his own man you’re wearing a Lakers uniform you are a player you know your coach is on the hot seat and deciding to do a podcast about games about basketball with specifics in mind schemes and and and how you coach and how you draw plays and you knew the Lakers would more than likely be looking for a coach next season is one of the most egregious things we have seen a basketball player do to a coach very strong comments from Stephen A Jay will your reaction I I I just want to State for the record this has been something that you know Maverick Carter LeBron James Spring Hill a couple companies mine included we’ve been discussing this for four to five years so this just didn’t rear his ugly head all of a sudden when Darin ham was specifically basketball show where you’re discussing ingame schemes you’re discussing Personnel like trying to almost like reverse like re-calibrate the way we talk about basketball from a media perspective about the nuances of the game so it it this wasn’t just put in place to undermine Darin ham LeBron James when you talk basketball to him it it sounds very different when you have those Barber Shop conversations and there’s a reason why the podcast is doing well there’s also a reason why red bird Capital has deployed a lot of money into Spring Hill and that they’re trying to deploy it into JJ reck’s platform because they believe it can go extremely well I don’t think anybody expected JJ to be a candidate it may have evolved into that but that was not going into it the reason why born from it was exactly that is them being together meeting of the minds and maybe LeBron realizing like I really like the way this guy thinks and maybe that’s what came from it but you’re not hiring a coach to coach LeBron he might as well be the coach you just need somebody to coach everybody else he meaning LeBron James yeah the see the thing is we’ve had these before right Kobe did it before he tragically died d his part and pton Manning and some others but they’ve all been former players it is very different when an active current player is sitting there analyzing everything as insightful and Brilliant and fun to watch as it is and as exactly the right person as LeBron is to do it but it is going to be very different when he’s analyzing the things that are currently happening it has to be different for his teammates and it has to be different for his coach one or the other I’m not suggesting it’s the wrong thing but I think you do have to acknowledge when an active player is sitting there giving you that level of insight into what we’re doing on a day-to-day game- to game play-by-play basis that’s not something we’ve ever seen an active player do before well I I haven’t listened to every single podcast I’ve listened to a lot I don’t see him breaking down plays that he’s had in the Lakers I think they’re just talking openly about scenarios right I I heard him like let’s go back and revisit game three of the playoffs like I haven’t heard him revisit things of that sort he’s just talking we have guarded joic in the finals left I didn’t mean it that way but it there’s there’s almost no way that it doesn’t equate to that on some level uned I agree with talking this way D yeah I think it’s interesting you know I don’t know if the goal I don’t think the goal at all was for JJ to get to Lakers job but I do think knowing JJ he’s wanted to be a coach he’s always talked about coaching I know he probably saw this as an opportunity to show his basketball mind was it to go get the Lakers job was it to get a job this year I don’t think so but I do think part of it was showing the way he sees the game for anybody to also see the kind of coach that he potentially could be in the future now the future is just here sooner well but JJ has expressed to me and I think to others that he’s always thought that this kind of exactly what they’re doing is what’s been missing from the basketball conversation that we will stand here on a Monday on get up and we will diagram everything that happens in the NFL and we’ll break it down piece by piece and that we almost never do that with the NBA I know Adam Silver has always been interested in seeing more of that kind of thing they want to see rather than all of the you know trade talk and stuff like that like break the game down like that it’s great no one suggesting anything other than that but I think Stephen A’s point is when you got LeBron James and JJ reck on there doing that while LeBron is an active player and now JJ is a candidate to be the coach you can’t help but have it feel have it hit differently even if that wasn’t the intention does that make sense not to me I did not think that’s what was going on here Stephen A said I was on the air when stepen a said I disagree with that I said I could be naive and wrong I didn’t expect it than if there was one thing at revealed one of the hardest things is for LeBron to respect the coach that’s one of the reasons why darham was hired because when he walked in the door LeBron would have respect for him and they discovered in that podcast LeBron’s respect I mean we knew LeBron respected JJ but they saw the Lakers saw the respect and they know if JJ Walks in the door he has it from day one there you go I think it looks it might look bad in hindsight but I don’t know I didn’t think it looked bad at the time either I didn’t think twice about it when it when the podcast came just from somebody just from somebody who loves schemes you go back and you watch a lot of schemes that Darin had they weren’t the best of schemes that’s why person I’m being honest I like Darin he could be a good coach [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

On Get Up, Andraya Carter, Brian Windhorst, Jay Williams and Alan Hahn join Mike Greenberg to discuss Stephen A. Smith’s disapproval of LeBron James’ podcast with JJ Redick as a lead candidate to be the Los Angeles Lakers’ next coach after the firing of Darvin Ham.

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  1. Get jj off the ABC nba broadcast😂😂😂😂😂 Bring in Tim Legler. Tim paid his dues. Tim is not buddy with da KANG. Tim ain't "cool" with the nba thugs like Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson.

    Jj is like the white dude who black people knows. Ah bro, Dat jj man. Heh cool.

  2. In 2019 Lakers had the smart pick in Frank Vogel and the sexy pick with the Tye Lue Lebron reunion. They ended up winning a championship that season and idk man I really hope JJ is as good as they say he is but that's kinda what they said about coach Ham. In my opinion I would choose Sam Cassel as our long term coach. He's ready and he was a hard nose point guard in the best defensive era 00's. Had some good game with KG and Spreewell in Minnesota too.

  3. They started that podcast because sports media refuses to cover the sport respectfully. It's all insults and tinfoil hat theories and no Xs and Os.

  4. Lebron is a billion dollar empire so nearly everything he says and does is calculated . That said, if what Jay said was true (which I believe btw), then the notion that this was an egregious and calculated move to indirectly force the lakers to fire Ham is unfounded. That said LeBron is smart enough to know this would be the narrative and he probably didn’t mind it one bit. Let Stephen A. And the fake media make this about race but it was clear as day Ham wasn’t ready. The players realized he was incapable and stopped “running through walls” for him and the timing and circumstances worked out perfectly in JJ’s favor. Only time will tell whether it was the right choice.

  5. Draymond was hoping on youtube the SAME NIGHT!!!! After wins and defeats. Not sure what this noise is all about.

  6. Also, if Stephen "shout so loud" Smith had been analyzing the games and breaking it down with guests, JJ and Lebron wouldn't HAVE A PODCAST doing it!!! Stephen A just upset he told JJ to go do a basketball podcast and no one will watch and JJ said "bet" and made a successful podcast.

  7. Yall shud subscribe to goat james podcast mind the game so screaming clown stephen a will be more jealous😂😂😂😂😂

  8. I bang with brain if you oay attention to him he jeep it real he will not agree with you just because i respect that

  9. JJ and Lebron just Monday morning QB. They are not going to get anything done next year. Play in team at best.

  10. They didn't see it or expect it?? People called this as soon as the podcast was announced…lol

  11. I can't believe ESPN would allow such nonsense to be discussed on their program. 😵😵🙄🤣 This is really embarrassing, ESPN you don't need media clowns and BS, are you trying to become irrelevant and ridiculed ??? You may not be trying, but you're making it for sure.

  12. I can't imagine anyone the Lakers hire getting them past the top teams in the West unless everything goes right without any long term injuries. At this point in time, I'd almost just like them to hire Michael Cooper and Byron Scott. They're thinking championship or bust so that isn't a place for a first time head coach at any level. Maybe have Cooper and Scott as assistants if they do that?

  13. Poor move . Lakers can’t ever seem to keep or to sustain a coach ……. As long as Lebron is there then it’s not going to work . Going to be
    non-stop drama

  14. ESPN puts out such a trash product now. They begrudgingly talk about the Lakers but you guys are the only ones consistently talking about us. And why is that? Because you know we bring numbers!

  15. Cant wait foooools who subscribe to screaming clown stephen a will unsubscribe him and will subscribe to mind the mind jj and bron podcast cuz stephen a doing too much click baiting dragging brons name 😂😂😂

  16. Stephen A be trying to sound so hard when it comes to LeBron, but he always just sounds like such a whiny little… nevermind lol 👶🏾😫😭

  17. Stephen A be doing so much sassy, sarcastic, chatty patty, whiny BS every day on the biggest show in sports media and then wonders why LeBron always wants to redirect the narrative 🤣🤔💡

  18. This take by Stephen A, might be one of his most moronic ever, and that’s really saying something given he is a guy that makes a living off moronic takes.

  19. JJ Redick is a pretender and usurper. He trashed prior generations of basketball
    All Stars as a mechanism to get noticed. But Greatness recognizes Greatness. All you need do is look at the respect and admiration seen when the NBA assembled the 50 Greatest Basketball players of all time as proof JJ Redick is not relevant. Redick was not once selected for an All-Star team during his career. He was never a star in the NBA he was at best, just a role player.

  20. Please God let JJ be the coach so he and lebron can prove their ultimate point with these xs & os. The Lakers are not a coach away from a championship. Every season look the same regardless of the coach

  21. If people & the lakers think jj can coach lebron just hire a 10th grader they both would not know how to do the job but the 10th grader would be cheaper

  22. LeBron loves Mark Jackson he should've done a broadcast with him if that's why Lakers hiring JJ is based on.The media wouldn't have push Mark Jackson like that because the NBA owners are working together to make sure he never gets another NBA job.

  23. TNT celebrated Steve Kerr's coaching job at GSW.
    But Steven A hates it when his colleagues have success.

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