@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson Might Have Made His Decision…

Klay Thompson Might Have Made His Decision…

people are are losing their minds on social media because clay unfollowed the warriors on all of his social media it’s a common thing now for athletes to do when they’re frustrated and not happy with their contracts Klay Thompson finally did it he declared war on the only team that he’s ever played for in his entire NBA career and at this point it would make more sense for him to leave than him to stay so before we get to the content make sure you drop like subscribe and turn on our notifications to help us make this push to a million subscribers now that we get all that out of the way cue the [Music] [Music] intro today’s video is sponsored by SE summer is officially here which means NFL season is right around the corner I’m personally hoping that I could watch my Dallas Cowboys disappoint me in person and there’s no better way to get tickets at a fairer price than by using seat GE that’s why I need to tell you about my special hookup from today’s sponsor SeatGeek everyone could use 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is a huge reason why longtime Golden State Warriors general manager Bob Meers decided to leave the Warriors to begin with what is the path forward for Klay Thompson in Golden State well this is why I left first of all a lot of times people will say it’s just business but this is not a just business situation he was instrumental in bringing four championships so it’s not so simple as it’s money and years this is why it was hard for me you get relationships with these people especially if you’ve succeeded with them and and that core has been together for 12 years and that’s just so rare now that just doesn’t happen and so this is a delicate negotiation from what I know and see he wants to stay they want him to stay doesn’t mean it’ll happen but it is a test it’s certainly a test this is probably the first real test you see before the collective bargaining agreement changed everything was moving swimmingly for the Golden State Warriors all they had to do was build around the big three of Steph Curry Klay Thompson and Draymond Green they had plenty of depth off of the bench they made excellent decisions like trading for Andrew bogot trading for Andre Gala taking a chance on Shawn Livingston drafting Harrison Barnes and Ry when things couldn’t get any better the salary cap boomed and it allowed the Golden State Warriors to sign Kevin Durant to a Max contract things couldn’t get any better for a team like the Warriors which is why the new active bargaining agreement did the most it possibly could to make sure this never happens again before the NBA would punish teams severely for forming big 3es and if you take a look at the current NBA landscape more often than not the big three tends to fail whether it’s the Phoenix Sons this past year when they decided to gut out all of their depth and go all in on Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal or if it was the Los Angeles Clippers who are just looking for some additional options for the event that Kawhi Leonard gets injured building a big three hasn’t worked in the NBA for a while but now even having a big two in the NBA might cost you severely the only team that is executing it perfectly so far is the Boston Celtics but that’s only because only one of their stars is getting paid a supermax contract currently in Jaylen Brown once Jason Tatum enters free agency as a NBA champion you could best believe that the Boston Celtics are going to make him the highest paid player in NBA history and in years past there would be a single tax apron which was a limit to how much teams could spend above the salary cap and luxury tax line without having to pay added penalties that would bring in other restrictions but as of last year there’s a second tax apron which is a brand new threshold currently it’s at about $1 million above the first apron and while first apron teams are banned from signing a player that is waved during the regular season if his salary exceeds that Year’s mid-level exception the second apron repercussions are insane teams above that threshold would lose any mid-level exception entirely but they’re also prohibited from combining multiple player salaries And Trades as well which means the prime candidate in this case is the Phoenix Suns they wouldn’t be able to trade Yousef nurkic and nir little for one player making $24.8 million they can’t utilize trade exceptions and they can’t send cash considerations over so they could get trades done and it gets even crazier if you’re in the second apron by the end of next year’s season you’ll automatically have your 2032 first round pick Frozen and unable to deal which is a big deal because that’s how the Milwaukee Bucks got Damen Lillard to begin with and it even gets crazier if a team remains in the second apron for two of the following Four Seasons its first round pick seven years out won’t just be frozen it’ll automatically get moved to the end of the first round which is absolutely insane because typically these capped out teams are the teams that are going to go to the end of the first round now why am I bringing all of this up well it’s because the game has completely changed you can’t just go out and all will LLY nilly hand Klay Thompson to Max contract just because you’re feeling sentimental but fortunately the Warriors had this problem before they dealt with this exact same issue last year with Draymond Green Draymond Green was flirting with a multitude of teams he was flirting with the idea of playing for the Sacramento Kings he was flirting with the idea of going to Los Angeles and playing with this sweet sweet King even though the fit there was a little questionable to say the least but when the moment free agency began Draymond Green understood the game changed and he signed with the Golden State Warriors on a 4-year $100 million contract which is not even close to a Max contract but Draymond Green understood that this is how it’s going to be in the NBA now so throughout this entire season Klay Thompson had only one mission in one Mission only proved to the Golden State Warriors that he was worthy of a Max contract the problem is is Klay Thompson pretty much did the exact opposite of that and I don’t want to make it sound like I’m badmouthing because in my opinion he is one of the greatest Shooters in NBA history there’s a legitimate argument for him being the second greatest shooter in NBA history he’s part of one of the greatest back courts in NBA history and has the hard way to prove it in my opinion Klay could have retired after tearing his ACL and he still would have been enshrined in the Hall of Fame based off of the performances he’s given us but even after that he came off of the torn ACL and a torn a killes tendon and help the Golden State Warriors win another championship and a lot of people tend to forget that Klay Thompson isn’t the same version of himself anymore Klay is currently 34 years old he’s set to turn 35 next February he’s playing on a repaired ACL and a repaired Achilles tendon one of the best parts of Klay Thompson as a player was he was one of the best two-way guards in the game but following his Achilles tear and his ACL tear obviously he lost a step in that regard he still could shoot the lights out and still shot 39% from three over this past year but he clearly wasn’t the same player that was able to give Kawhi Leonard some trouble during the 2019 NBA Finals he’s more of a defensive liability now and to be honest that’s what to be expected from a 34-year-old Klay Thompson and throughout the year we saw this negotiation was weighing heavily on Klay Thompson because as early as November of 2023 Kendra Andrews mentioned that he appears to be noticeably more frustrated during games he sometimes sits on the end of the bench by himself during timeouts or he slaps his head after taking a bad shot I can’t blame clay because this is your final contract and if you play horribly you might play your way out of a good contract and unfortunately for Klay Thompson that would happen a few weeks later he called out a reporter for insinuating that he should be bened Kurt talks a lot about believing in his guys especially the starting lineup having patience letting guys kind of you know find their game how aware are you of that kind of patience and how much do you value it what do you you want me to bench me no no no it’s like that’s B wigs I don’t think I said that I mean you could suggest it’s fine but I mean thanks Steve I guess like I don’t know sometimes you earn these things like patience and time to find yourself and I think history will uh is on our side when it comes to that stuff you say that do have you heard people say that or no I don’t care what people say and this would be foreshadowing for Klay Thompson because Brandon psky was clearly the better man to play in the starting five for the Golden State Warriors and Klay Thompson initially didn’t take this benching very well now you get to Klay Thompson but boy when it’s bad for clay it’s bad he was bricking wide open with guys at his face and that’s not going away either so what do you do with Clay a healthy Klay Thompson was bened and crunch time sometimes tough for a guy to take when you’re doing it for the first time so the seal has been broken right like I think Steve G has now made it possible todayy I can bench Klay Thompson in crunch time which you didn’t know how he was going to handle it he was not pleased last night it it sounded like the broadcast he was uh you know kind of stammering around the bench step at one point kind of had to pull him away he was yelling towards the bench it didn’t seem like it was anyone in particular he was yelling I’m sure but uh yeah he was making his opinion felt then he walked over and he hit something on the bench and kind of like it looked like a cup Rack or something went flying behind the bench oh boy it was clearly the end of an era for the Golden State Warriors but to Klay Thompson’s credit he actually embraced the benching pretty well you know you could do two things you can pout or can go out there and respond and I thought I did the ladder very well tonight more importantly uh I really realized I’m going to play a ton of minutes so just got to let the ego go when you think of coming off the bench and all that I mean I embraced it and I think that really let my guard down let me just be myself out there the moment you worry about what people say or what headlines will be written about being benched or the streak being broken is when you go out there and you don’t play with that love that compassion for your teammates and that freedom that has got me to this point so so this made things significantly more complicated for Klay Thompson and the Golden State Warriors because clearly he’s not the same version of himself but typically when you have a player that’s contributed to your culture the way Klay Thompson has and a player that’s missed out on some big paydays I mean I understand it’s easy to look at Klay Thompson and the fact that he earned a 5year 190 million contract during 2019 and I know it’s easy to look at this contract and say Mike this is an incredible contract especially considering the fact that he tore his ACL and was out for a year and the Warriors still signed him to this contract but at the same time Klay Thompson didn’t make it to the all NBA first team throughout his career so he was never eligible for a super max contract which is something he really wanted now I know it sounds absolutely ludicrous to say that Klay Thompson was trying to get even more money despite tearing his ACL but this is something that actually frustrated him prior to his ACL being torn so in his mind he probably thinks he left a lot of money on the table but despite this he mentioned multiple times that he still wants to play with the Golden State Warriors but he feels blessed regardless regardless of the future and if he decides to leave then there’s no question about it I don’t think there’s a player that’s ever had a worst final game for a team than Klay Thompson and the Golden State Warriors and a crucial playing game against a team that he’s torched multiple times in years past Klay Thompson went 0 for1 versus the Sacramento Kings it was the perfect way to go out considering the season that Klay Thompson had nothing exemplify the type of season that Klay Thompson had than this final game things felt weird things felt uncomfortable and he was lost in terms of where he was as a player he clearly wasn’t the same version of himself as he was before and that’s okay despite this Steve kerk gave Klay Thompson a huge endorsement once the season concluded how difficult was it for you to see him struggle like that given everything he kind of fought through this season to have a very good second half to see it end like that what was that like for you it was tough it was tough I love clay so much I mean what he’s meant to me um in the 10 years we’ve been together um I’ve watched him the last couple of years you know fighting the feeling of Devastation from the injuries and I’ve watched him this year really flip his season around with his approach and play with a little more freedom a little more joy so tonight was tough to to see him struggle um but as I told the guys in there it’s all part of being an athlete and being an NBA player there’s incredible highs and and really tough lows and this was a a tough one uh for clay just and for the whole team and it hurts so it’s all part of it and I think that’s a beautiful way to look at it but at the end of the to day you have to remember there’s a reason why Bob Meers left I personally think Klay Thompson should be brought back but if you bring back Klay Thompson on a Max contract just to thank him for what he’s done for the Warriors then there is virtually no chance of this team competing moving forward and I’m sure even Klay Thompson understands that it’s nothing personal and in my opinion the Golden State Warriors already thanked Klay Thompson for his achievements during the last contract they gave him clay pretty much got to sit out for 2 years and collect generational wealth and then come back and help his team win a championship it’s clearly not what he wanted but it’s what ended up happening and now it seems like he’s playing a much different game going into this off season this seems to be like the new Norm but Klay Thompson took it to a brand new level here a few days ago Klay officially unfollowed the Golden State Warriors on social media not only did he unfollow the Golden State Warriors on social media but he also deleted every single Golden State Warriors related post from his account now I wanted to say that we’ve seen this happen so many times before it’s a relatively new negotiating tactic that players like to take whenever they’re entering free agency and here’s Draymond Green’s reaction on it I know all of you were probably looking forward to me talking about clayon following the warriors uh deleting some IG post or something I had no idea that happened I think it’s hilarious just so y’all know I laugh when Jackson I logged on here and Jackson’s like yo so what about clay I’m like what like what happened like oh he unfollowed the Warriors I think that’s comical um I know you all be one like somebody feelings to be heard or something it ain’t that ain’t never going to be that that’s hilarious and Clay didn’t stop there he started stirring the pot even more so when he followed poo buano on Instagram and then posted this picture of him in Florida shooting Hoops saying I miss this place so much man if this wasn’t calculated I don’t know what is now look could Klay Thompson be angling for more money from the Golden State Warriors yeah most definitely I mean this is what you’re supposed to do when you’re entering your free agency period but is there a good chance Klay Thompson leaves to the Orlando Magic most definitely if you take a look at the role that Klay Thompson played for the Golden State Warriors this past year and just the season that he had with the Warriors this past year I personally think that there are greener pastures waiting for him in Orlando if he was to go to Orlando or maybe the Dallas Mavericks if he wants to play with Luca donic and Kyrie Irving first the Orlando Magic would be willing to pay him significantly more money than the Golden State Warriors would and this is in Florida where there is zero state income tax you’ll also be moving from the extremely competitive Western Conference all the way to the Eastern Conference where there are some good teams there but obviously it’s significantly weaker than the West look this is nothing against the East and I do think the gap between the Boston Celtics and the rest of the East is sizable depending on how much ground the Milwaukee Bucks make up next year and what the Miami Heat do in the off season or if the Cavaliers make a huge move and trade Donovan Mitchell or Darius Garland or the Philadelphia 76ers could get healthy but when you take a look at the Western Conference I mean the OKC Thunder had no business being this good this quickly this was Chad hen’s rookie season and they became a first seed the Minnesota Timberwolves finally figured it out and they were the three seed that’s before we get to the Denver Nuggets who are a very difficult two seed and that’s primarily because they lost some of their depth from their Championship season and then you get to the Los Angeles Clippers who are super team and maybe they get weaker maybe they lose Paul George the Dallas Mavericks are the defending western conference champions the Phoenix Suns have Kevin Durant Devin Booker and Bradley Beal the Houston Rockets made a huge run at the end of the season and the San Antonio Spurs are primed to make a huge trade and practically become Unstoppable with Victor web inyama and then you have the Golden State Warriors who in the very best case scenario might be able to get Paul George or Demar D rozan and they’re supposed to compete with all of these teams that are consistently improving year after year after year I just don’t see it happening you could make significantly more money and have a better opportunity to win a championship if you make the move to the Eastern Conference and if you don’t win a championship with the Orlando Magic which you know the jury’s out on whether or not that could be done at the very minimum you’re making significantly more money to go over to Orlando to be more competitive than you would be in the Western Conference I think the Golden State Warriors and the Los Angeles Lakers are those teams that are probably going to be competing for a play spot next year and that’s their very ceiling and this is coming from a DieHard Laker fan and a guy that really respects the Warriors but there’s just too much ground to make up on these other top Western Conference teams and I just don’t see a point for Klay Thompson to stay on the Golden State Warriors make less money just because he’s feeling a little sentimental but what didn’t make me feel as sentimental as this is seeing what Delante West is currently going through this man was once LeBron james’ starting shooting guard and he had some very difficult times and became homeless Mark huban tried to help him and things got a little bit better but now unfortunately things have taken a turn for the worst I think it’s important that we bring you guys this update on Delante West I’ll leave a link to that in the end screen and I’ll catch you guys there I’m your boy Mike and I’m dropping our mic until our next upload

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  1. The money in this game is insane. If he wants to play for the Warriors he should. If money gets in the way then that is greed. How many millions does he need?

  2. Uuuuuugh, can we please stop paying any attention to Draymond and his trap house lookin podcast. Dynamo puts it better but even Embiid makes Draymond sound like he's ESL

  3. As a Magic fan, I don't want us to sign this physically and more importantly mentally broke player. Actually, I foresee him resigning with the Warriors on some good contract for both parties

  4. For the first time I agree w/ the thumbnail, the Orlando Magic are the perfect fit for Klay Thompson. He would fit seamlessly into their lineup &Klay fits perfect w/ the 76ers as well, especially if they could keep Buddy Hield. Klay would need to be promised some things but Klay could ignite the rebuild in San Antonio; cuz not only do they have the #4 and #8 picks in the 2024 draft but they also have two-1st-rd-picks in the 2025 draft. Spurs have a gang of money too so switching up their roster would be very simple. Where ever Klay goes that organization will instantly be better &have a better chance at winning a ring

  5. Like everyone’s saying, he’s not a max player anymore. Plain and simple. You would think he would understand that a max contract would handicap the team. You can’t tell me he doesn’t know he’s not a max player anymore.

  6. have yall considered the squad prob got drunk n said why not troll the internet w you unfollowing us klay

  7. Bob really ran away just to not be responsible of letting go of that trauma bond washer machine

  8. Bro stop the lies Klay didn’t do nothing in that 2022 championship he was a negative on the floor s/out to Curry, pool, Wiggins ….etc

  9. I actually seen that clip of him saying that live and as a long term dubs fan I gave up 😂😂😂 n honestly Dey did fukk klay up On reasonable things

  10. Love how you speak on the Cavs b4 the Knicks in the East lol this why I stopped following your takes at times bro

  11. In the next 4 years GSW will be a different team although…. Remember that Steph Curry Klay and Dray are all 35-36 years old rn

  12. Come on man. You’re not gonna disrespect the Pacers like that and mention all those other east teams. Dang

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