@Miami Heat

The Florida Panthers are Building a CULTURE using the Miami Heat Blueprint – Butler & Heat Break-UP

The Florida Panthers are Building a CULTURE using the Miami Heat Blueprint – Butler & Heat Break-UP

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O [Music] show ride a r a ride how you feeling my man you feeling good I’m feeling good trying to figure if the NBA season ends tonight and in a way kind of hoping so not because I’m rooting for anyone because that mean free agency starts that means we move closer to the draft getting ready so for the heat to shove this all aside maybe uh it turns out that Boston simply is not going to lose more than one game to any team during these playoffs and that they are what we thought they were and by the way it was kind of you it’s you make me feel like Saturday night like I’m doing the the panther post game here on the platform and it’s like yo guys relax dude it’s just one game yes they lose one or two games in every series you know what I mean like sometimes you just got to tip your hat you know they’re super desperate they do have pride they don’t want to go out because if you if you lose four stength and you get swept in the finals it makes your season look flukish it looks like you didn’t even belong there and they know that so you know you know in that fourth game it’s going to be so difficult and the Mavs and the Oilers they they had some pride they wanted to avoid you know embarrassment now the question is you know oh well does this light something up I don’t really think so because I think the Celtics and the Panthers are just the superior teams but they’re not perfect you know what I’m saying so it’s it’s just one of those things I think It Ends Tonight I think you know it’s really interesting because the parallels between the two series like you spoke about getting out to the three- nothing lead the other team coming out and dominating a game four I do wonder if the Mavericks win tonight if Paul Maurice uses that as motivation they said hey guy we saw what happened in the NBA they let one go and all of a sudden getting letting go with the Rope a little mentioned that in my askra at this morning so there are very rare Parallels for this reason also I don’t think anyone bigo would say that the Dallas Mavericks were the second best team in the NBA this season I don’t think anyone would say the Edmonton Oilers were the second best team in the NHL this season it shows you always have a puncher chance if you come around at playoff time but these also are teams that should be swatted aside because besides Luca donic and K and Kyrie Irving there isn’t much there on Dallas with all due respect to our friend Derrick Jones Jr and Beyond Conor McDavid and dry Sidle and Zack Heyman there isn’t much there on the Oilers so this is when you have to prove that the strength of a team is stronger than the strength of individuals so I do think the Panthers will be watching tonight to see what an underdog given life can look like and what you have to do Boston returning home tonight Panthers returning home to Amir banks at Arena tomorrow you have to squash early you have to step on the bug you have to let him know hey you had your game four moment God bless you now watch us in our building and here’s the other thing Dave I mentioned this in his column when he went up to Edmonton and I think it’s so much more true in hockey than basketball you can celebrate an NBA championship anywhere because the Larry O’Brien trophy is just a trophy it’s like when you win the college football playoff they’re holding that big block of glass no one knows what the hell it is but bigo to skate the cup at home is completely different to skate the cup on Saturday in a eerily silent arena in Edmonton would have had one F you would have heard the Jubilation of the players not just you’re God damn you’re 2500 miles away you’re so far away from it yeah but just skated at home tomorrow in front of your adoring fans what would have been a 10minute ceremony in Edmonton if they won could turn into an hour of Jubilation and overtime for all the workers at amaran bank because of that so in a way I think even more so in hockey winning at home means so much the he were lucky they’ve won championships at home in 2012 and 13 but it was so different when they won in Dallas in 2006 they were out of that building they were off to their party in Dallas with the one shirt one tie and they even that got wet and then they went home so you know what God bless the Celtics to celebrate under those banners means something but even more so God bless the Panthers if they could skate the cup at home by the way um do does it does it give you like flashbacks when you see what Viola and sefue have done how they stayed with it how they built it and then this weekend when you see 20,000 at the arena in a road game uh it’s very heat esque right I mean it reminds you of how you know the dedication of the Arison family to winning and and these guys clearly saw the blueprint said if we’re going to do it we got to stay with it and they stuck with it and now they’re building their own following just like the heat built us up as a basket because the heat really I know I know maybe people at the University of Miami might be bothered a little bit by this but you know what helped you is that the heat culture and making it a basketball town made you then appreciate what was going on on College too at the same time so I think that whole vibe flowed over even into into college basketball a little bit but does it remind you a little bit of what the Panthers have done as an ownership group compared to the team you cover it does but it also more so to me because owners are in the background they are what they are they have the money they spend it’s front office what they’ve done and Bill Z bold stroke which I’m sure if I was doing an acur of pemra Pine’s Panthers report and we spoke about the huberto trade we might have been a little trepidacious he was beloved here he was a career player who wanted to be here but they realized they had to make a bold stroke heer sort of in that position right now they’re good but they’re not good enough does Pat Riley I never thought I’d be saying can Pat Riley be be Bill Zito I always thought it’d be the other way around but did the Heat have that bold stroke in them now hey that was a big time risk the Panthers were trending slowly in the right direction not like this direct Ascension the parabola we’re seeing right now so I think the front office really is what inspires when you make inspiring moves look Pat Riley has done it big three Shaquille O’Neal even bringing in Jimmy Butler but you constantly have to be at the top of your game that’s what the Celtics are now they got Drew holiday they got porzingis they took off so I yes Panthers ownership stay with it but Panthers ownership made the Right Moves coaching which the heat seemingly always have done but also front office now with the bill Zito move yeah no I’m I’m with you there by the way I I was uh trading I was I was actually saying you had to trade huberto so I was I don’t know if you know that but I was like on before they traded hubero I said you you can’t win with barov and huberto as your leaders of your team you need a mother f on the team as a leader you need who turned barov into that also barov who went to the nice ice Folly guy and then kachu showed up and all of a sudden you know he’s a rough and tumble guy a two-way player take a check give a check so yeah sometimes you know what I hate to use this word let the Panthers come up on their own but it becomes a culture thing as well when you add one piece of culture be it going back to your day bigo with a zo and a PJ brown or when you add the type of culture with the toughness remember when they made the Ganson trade and they gave up on their toughness and they went for ice Foles and they wound up skating in the wilderness same kind of thing so you know what the heed might have delivered this as a basketball City but in a way I think the heat also have delivered this as a culture City culture from the heat culture from the P Panthers culture from Jim larena culture from what Dusty May built in FAU I know you and I Interac pimber Pines report sometimes have mocked the whole culture cliche because it goes over the top when you put it on uniforms and you put it on courts but there’s something very real about it also bigo no listen Don schula had a culture bro I don’t give a tell me bro he just he just didn’t tell you it was a culture he just told you it was his hardnose jawed way of playing the word culture wasn’t throw it in it did it didn’t matter oh so we have Woodstock we’ll figure it out oh I have Doug Peterson will win 325 it wasn’t just about Bob greasy and and and Marino no dude you knew the culture would oh we’re in the scabs no problem schula will Coach their asses up and we’ll be one of the better teams and were we one of the yes we were one of the better teams it helped us get to the Super Bowl because he could coach up anybody and I’ll give I’ll give you another example of culture without it being called culture the you and the U and what they did at the U with their culture they called it swag they didn’t call it culture but it’s the same sort of thing so I know cliches get tiresome but there’s also some use to them when you realize you have to have that embedded and ingrained in order to grow as a franchise the heat habit the you gained it and now you can see it in the Panthers Sid Gilman had it okay you know Vince Lombardi had it I mean you know it just there’s a culture yeah it’s just it’s just one of those things dude you know uh uh Holzman had it with the Knicks back in the in the 70s I mean you know come on dude it just it you get in a role with a certain coach and and bellich or whatever it was that culture that’s kind of the way it is once you have a a winning formula whatever that winning formula is dude that works for you you know that that’s that’s where okay now I need that’s what zitto has done to bring a full circle Zito zto finds them he he knows exactly the player he’s looking for and he it’s like human Jengo Jenga and he just plays it perfectly dude it’s amazing the Gus bus I agree yeah yeah it it really is all right so what you know if the heat is going to make those kind of moves I think in the end they’re going to need the ammunition so what do we hear about you know the whole you know I said this on the show I think this is going to be an amical breakup I think it’s going to be a really nice breakup between the two and with Jimmy coming out this week last week are saying you know he really wants to stay in Miami I think that’s what you’re supposed to do on his end on the heat end you’re supposed to say oh well we love Jimmy and we want to work but behind the scenes it’s hey let’s let’s let’s work through this and let’s get you to where you want to go but at the same time let’s take care of our franchise and let’s do it in a decent way so I think this will be a breakup but I think this is going to be a clean breakup unlike a lot of the that Jimmy has gone through because I think Jimmy also appreciates that he was here for a bit so I’m almost getting the feeling that there’s going to be a clean breakup so you tell me what you’re seeing and this is how I would plot it out if I’m the heat I would not offer him the extension I would tell him we want to wait and put the ball in his court then if he decides that money is more important to him than growing this team then all of a sudden hey this isn’t us we’re still paying you we still gave you that big contract last time we’re still giving you about 50 million for each of the next two years we’re willing to embrace you and bring you back but if at this point in your career the money means more to you then it does continuing on with us hey we respect you Jimmy buckler let’s get you that money let’s get you a landing spot and then it doesn’t look like Dwayne Wade and then it looks like five years of service credit you get your jersey in the rafters because you’ve left amicably which even Chad didn’t and he got his jersey up there anyway and you become a part of the team’s lore to where we don’t give out with all due respect to James Jones also number 22 again your number is forever hallowed here and thank you so I think that’s what the heat do I think you cast it as a money decision not being cheap but being prudent and being patient and saying you know what Like Pat Riley again we know agendas when Pat sat there on May 6 and said we don’t have to do this right now and wouldn’t let Ira werman continue to ask his question we knew that going in that was going to be his comment we don’t have to pay him on July 7th we can wait till June 30th next year for that extension or even beyond that would agenda setting so I think that’s how you do it and here’s the other part bigo I have no issue if Jimmy buler goes then you know what 100 million the next two years I’ll take my chances after that I’ll come back here I’ll bust my ass I’ll play so many games this year that I’ll opt out and someone else will want me and then I’ll put the screws on you and do it that way so it could be a win-win but the heat did not have an easy offramp with Dwayne Wade they do with Jimmy Butler any way of Wayne Wade leaving was not going to look good telling telling Jimmy Butler and the public hey we simply cannot commit to your 38th birthday under a $50 million contract but God we love you Jimmy buckets and then you put the ball back in his court yeah no I I think I think that makes a lot of sense and it at the same time that he kind of need this they don’t need another kind of termoil type of breakup and those kind of things plus it it this is the best way to create value for yourself too at the same time because if there’s animosity then the other teams know there’s animosity and so well we’ll just wait till everything completely blows up and then you’ll have to give them to us you know because he’s just going to implode you know that kind of stuff so I think this is the only way to handle it but I think it’s really the best way to handle it right now I don’t think the the right future is to stay with Jimmy Butler because you cannot complete your team if you stay with Jimmy Butler whereas if you part ways with Jimmy Butler you almost have a better chance of creating some kind of a better future foundation for your team but if Jimmy Butler is willing to play without the extension and willing to have a prove it free agan type season and shows up for 75 games at the top of his game hey I’m fine with that I’m fine after the crappy season they went through to get a guy who so wants his money that he’s going to bust his ass to a level here to for unseen hey I’m fine with that also pad Riley is holding the cards right now he can play that hand and big old what I like about this mostly is this while Jimmy’s extension window opens on July 7th they don’t have to do anything but they can start the ball rolling then they can have creative conversation to where if Jimmy says Pat give me the money I’m gonna pay 75 play 75 and Pat will go no play 75 then I’ll give you the money and they can go through it that way and work or else they can also look for deals at the same time because you don’t want to wait till the trade deadline you don’t want to wait till options are limited you still want to have your number 15 draft pick to put in play your future picks maybe see what you need to do or not with Caleb Martin and Hayward heith and free agency get it done now give your coach is going to the Olympics when he comes back a full month to know who he has and then move forward the only thing with that is and and this is the cynical one in me I don’t think he’ll ever do that why because I don’t think he can trust his body I don’t think so and I think he knows he can’t trust his body and I think the heat knows that he can’t play 75 games anymore and so I think it’s too much of a risk that if he tries to do that he will damage himself in his chances to get that extension in the end so that’s why I think it goes you know either one way or the other that either he just Flatout stays or he gets traded but sometimes ego overrules that and Jimmy’s ego might be the other voice in his head saying you can do it you can show him you know you can ball out there sometimes players make irrational decisions that turn out to be very rational hey does Jimmy have 75 games in him plus a full playoff run I don’t know but I sure as hell would like to see I know but he’s made such he he’s even in his you know craziness of moving around he’s always gotten his way so it’s not like he’s never ended up on top overall and so I just he doesn’t end up doing it while he acts a little crazy his his end result is you know very uh methodical and effective you know what I’m saying maybe P Riley’s words resonated and maybe they do fuel him to a different level we’ll see we know he can get fueled also we saw it in the bubble we saw it on the run to the finals a year ago all right so 15th what are we doing uh Edney Zack Ed I I I like Zack Edy but there are there is going to be a contributor there for him um I’m posting a story later on Ron Holland a player who’s expected to go number one who played in the g- league mik great defender ready to go Defender might fall for the heater 15 they can get a quality addition but do they need more young or do they need something they can package for something to round out the top seven of their rotation so for the next week at I’m going to be previewing the draft would not be shocked number one if they trade the pick or number two if they draft a player we start talking about him and then come free agency he’s packaged with a player before he signed for another pick it’s a very intriguing draft for the heat because I could see them going both ways is is is Edie the kind of guy that that uh Riley you know because I mean he loves his big man Riley does but spoler doesn’t because he wouldn’t play whide without a bile so we’ll see who holds the cards but I said this in the story I about Zack last week if Eric spoler is the Beall endall and he is and he can make it work with anyone which he shown he can then I do think whatever lump of clay you put in front of Eric bolstra the first thing he does to Zach Ed goes yeah 7 foot 300 no 7 foot 280 we’re going to go for that get your butt in shape See You in September and go from there the heat can add a quality contributor at number 15 they probably can’t add an instant make a difference player a 15 it’s a interesting draft it stinks so bad at the top of the draft that I contend that the number five number 15 pick could be as good as the number five pick that’s when we’ll see The Scouting chops of Adam Simon now listen Whiteside and Edy were I think something tells me Edy is uh slightly more mature than uh than Whiteside something tells me Zach is going to be probably a lot easier to work with than whes side so that’s where I you know you you know whight is what he is you know what I’m saying while he had a lot of talent and that’s not my ultimate comparison and Spa was also made him work with adabo alongside Al Lin he’s made him work with adabo alongside Myers Leonard or are they just looking for the one guy they can trust for the 14 16 minutes when Bam’s not in the game it could be that also but they’re gonna have a variety of options next week on our draft special preview on the acur of Penbrook Pines report I’ll go through a list of names with you because the draft is first round a week from Wednesday yeah I would imagine Zach is a little bit more like bam where he’s mature and probably has a brain I wor about him last week good head on his shoulders ready to do whatever is asked to do two that’s the kindy of that spoke and work with because he’ll be willing to work absolutely it’s got to be a two-way street whereas with Whiteside I just don’t think that was the case all right follow him on Twitter at Ira heatbeat as he gets as he gets you ready for the draft and the Heat’s number 15 pick Ira as always thank you my brother hope you had a great Father’s day too I did I hope you did also and next week in re Penbrook pin report we’ll go through the draft two days before the first round two-day draft this year second round next Thursday so we’ll get you ready next week in our Acura pemr Pines report thank you Ira appreciate it you got it there you go and at Acura Pembroke Pines they are celebrating their 16th anniversary baby get on down there to 15601 Pines Boulevard and by the way the ZDX is there there’s a a it’s like a powder blue type ZDX it’s like a little darker than powder blue but it’s close to it I mean it’s beautiful it’s beautiful okay you got to check out the ZDX the electrified ZDX gets over 300 miles to the charge it flies I drove it I test drove that thing and I’m telling you uh it if it had wings you’d be in the air okay I mean 0 to 60 like that it is awesome so check it 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