@Portland Trail Blazers

Celtics Win Finals, Latest Draft Rumors, Blazers Off-Season and more! | Blazers Uprise Live

Celtics Win Finals, Latest Draft Rumors, Blazers Off-Season and more! | Blazers Uprise Live

[Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s going on everybody Welcome in to Blazers uprise live here on a Monday June 17th 20124 a new NBA champion was crowned today well I guess you could call it a new NBA champ champion because it’s the team with the most banners now Boston the Boston Celtics hang their 18th Banner today as they destroy the Dallas Mavericks we’re going to recap the playoffs a little bit we’re going to talk about if it was a good or a bad or just an interesting NBA postseason we’re also going to talk about how free agency is technically already started but not really we’ll get into that in case you’re confused we’re also going to talk about the Blazers offseason we’re going to touch again upon some goals as we’ve gone deep into the draft talk on the previous few streams uh so today I want to kind of reconvene and talk about this Blazers upcoming off season with the draft less than 10 days away we’re going to talk about the latest draft rumors may even mess around with a mock draft Depending on time and that will be today’s show also internet should be better knock on wood fingers crossed I actually had a tech come out and fix the issue hopefully woohoo so hopefully it’s no longer a problem right in time for two draft streams not one we got two because it’s a two-day event Eric how’s it going oh pretty good I I asked my boss I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be able to leave at noon on Thursday so should be able to make both streams and uh how’s everyone in chat doing welcome to the show thanks for being here how are you Tori I’m doing good man I’m doing good I’m ready to hit the ground running today ready to hit the ground running enjoyed the last game of basketball as best as I could I wish it was a little closer but now Eric it’s baseball season um for real though this is like the most I’ve enjoyed baseball so I think I’ll be okay with no football no NBA normally normally as a Mariners fan it’s always miserable this time of year um after the draft and free agency for the NBA kind of dies down and all that going into July August but uh I I’m enjoying baseball a lot recently so I’m set for the rest of the summer of course super excited for the rest of this month yeah I mean uh for me personally it doesn’t get any better than the week or so between uh the like day or two leading up to the draft and then leading into the first few days of free agency uh so it’s that’s that’s my most fun time of the year uh outside of maybe if there’s a big trade or trade deadline or um you know obviously if the Blazers were actually good and would win a playoff series or something that we could talk about that might supersede that but for now that’s all we have right yeah is draft and free agency and we’re not going to sign anyone so I guess all we have is the draft yeah we got the draft and we got trades hopefully hopefully um last year we didn’t have trades free agency until the whole Dame thing pinned out and that was a trade we didn’t want and the draft was us hoping for a trade so basically every transaction last off season came with a lot of stress and uh worry this year it’s a lot of fun thinking about who we’re going to draft and then it’ll be interesting to see who we trade cuz we’re not trying to be good we’re not trying to beat the Boston Celtics luckily anytime soon unfortunately Eric that pick we got in 2029 I was not confident that it would be good and it’s still 5 years away but man the Celtics team looks set up to run the league the next couple of years now we’ve had six different champions in the past six years and the defending champ I believe hasn’t made it past the second round in a few years as well so we’ll see if Boston can buck that Trend no pun intended as we have a member message from hyperprime m for 31 months he says I believe in Dame bucks the Champs 2025 thank you hyper Prime for being a channel member yeah we’ll see if Dame what’s up hyper Prime can make a run next year we’ll see if Giannis can be healthy next year we’ll see if the Pacers the young and up and cominging Pacers can take a step we’ll see the Knicks if they’re healthier if they can hang with the Boston Celtics and maybe Miami will make another Cinderella run you can never count those guys out also could Paul George in Philadelphia get them over the hump East is going to be interesting next year but the Celtics win the finals tonight shout out to Joe Cronin for building a championship winner this was probably the only way he could actually do it Eric but he did it the final piece was foot into place when we gave them that top 55 protected second for Delana Bandon is that what you’re saying yeah that’s definitely the trade that I’m talking about man that’s definitely the trade that I’m talking about I can’t remember any other trades we made with them yeah yeah you know I mean shame on the bucks for uh trading Drew holiday to the Celtics like why did the Bucs make them a contender who knows right um but Drew holiday I mean he’s just a role player there man he’s just but he’s like a perfect role player they got so many like elite elite role players next to two stars Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown wins Finals MVP Jason Tatum had a really good game five had some big time buckets and it’s two Wings it’s two Wings it’s Jaylen Brown can play the two or the three Jason Tatum can play like four separate positions he was he’s been passing the ball well in this year’s playoffs and that was one of the reasons why I really liked him coming out of Duke is I always thought he could be this type of player dishing the ball like this at the highest level took him a few years to kind of uh ratchet up that playmaking but I mean he made the right decisions when it mattered in this NBA finals and led that team to their 18th Banner Derek white coming up with big plays Payton Pritchard loves halfcourt shots I mean my goodness I was I was shocked but I wasn’t I was more shocked that I wasn’t shocked Payton Pritchard hit a half court shot in this game and it’s funny because the announcer says he loves these shots before he takes a half court pullup and he didn’t even beg it it was just straight pure pure so shout out to Portland’s own Westland Zone pton Pritchard and I don’t know your thoughts on this Championship win Eric are the South Tech set up to run the league uh how impressed were you with their Championship well it’s just a overall impressive season um I don’t know how much we talked about it but uh crush bols and I talked about it a lot on CPS Crush about how the Celtics they had to get it done this year they there was no excuses it was set up for them to do so um pretty much all the teams at least in the East that you would have been scared of had some sort of question mark or injury or something going into the off season so or into the postseason and so it would have been I think a pretty bad failure if they did not win um now once they got to the finals I had to play Someone the the West maybe you could have made the argument if it was a good series that it was wasn’t like a failure or anything but uh they they took care of business and they did something that they hadn’t been able to do in recent years despite um several seasons being one of the best teams in the NBA and uh so yeah you got to give them credit and uh yeah a little bit of uh it’s weird because they keep their main two guys together for several seasons for Contin it uh but then they make two like huge changes to their roster as well so it’s not like they just kept the same roster but it’s not like they made they like traded out their big names either so yeah um just kind of a interesting way to build around something they took a couple risks and uh paid out for paid off for them yeah Tatum and brown were always good enough to be the top two on a championship winning team especially when your role players I mean Al Horford veteran super smart Defender like can knock down threes solid passer right like Jack of all trades big man really good to have you got you bring in a 7 foot3 unicorn who doesn’t really fly anymore but uh still he’s 7 foot three and can shoot and can put the ball on the floor a little bit can protect the rim a little bit uh you got Drew holiday one of the best two-way guards in the game Derek Wright w Derek white was phenomenal all season long so it’s just surrounding a Duo that’s good enough to win a championship with Elite role players and this playoffs felt like the uh like a role players playoffs we saw a bunch of role players have some really big moments uh from Josh Hart with the Knicks to Jaden McDaniels with the Timberwolves uh to Derek white with the Celtics and some people look at him like a star because he’s that good of a role player I mean he’s blocking seven Footers very impressive stuff from the Celtics man and I just got to say like just to tie this into into the Blazers cuz I don’t want to spend too long on the Celtics congrat to them we’ve been talking about this finals the entire way um you said this is the year they had to get it done and I think it’s good for them to get their monkey on their back but you’re looking at this team Jason Tatum’s 26 Jaylen Brown’s 27 they still got an extended window for the next five years plus and with those two they are always going to be good even if they don’t have Al Horford even if somebody’s hurt that team is going to be a playoff team I am not confident in this 2029 first round pick that Boston owes Portland in it being any good uh I said that the time the blers traded for it but now that they won it all like I think these two are going to be in Boston for a long time to come they’re still going to be in their Prime in 5 years Jaylen Brown will be 32 Jason Tatum 31 right like they’re still going to be stars at that point uh so just just to tie this back into the Drew Holiday trade that I teased earlier no it was not the Delano band trade the Blazers trade Drew holiday there he helps them win a championship and ironically enough the best asset that the Blazers got back as I look at it right now Eric is the 14th pick in this draft because Malcolm Brogden is not fetching you a lottery pick even in this draft Robert Williams might have no trade value right now and I don’t think that Boston 2029 first round pick is going to be any good which means the Blazers have to do something with this pick the Blazers have to figure things out with this 14th pick in this upcoming draft they have to find a gem at the very least they have to find somebody that can contribute to a winning team as a key role player because it’s hard to see the Blazers getting a better asset out of this Drew Holiday trade even though Drew holiday won them a championship I don’t know just after seeing the Celtics win at all Eric that trade just looks even worse to me yeah I will say though like even if they U they have Derek white under contract for another year um but let’s just say they’re able to keep him and porzingis and and Drew plays another couple years uh Horford just turned 38 so at some point he’s you know not going to be there anymore um and then and they have porzingis but you know his injury history and he’s not necessarily the greatest Center um so I just I don’t know how they’re gonna like fix their depth big man wise um other than just rotating minimum contract bigs because they’ll be in the second apron most likely um so that’s the only thing that kind of gives me pause on them on a long run is their big man depth might be an issue moving forward let me just say this though Xavier Tillman came in in in what was it game three hit a corner three had some big defensive stops they don’t need their bigs to do a whole lot they need them to play defense and be able to finish a play whether that’s knocking down a three finishing at the room yeah I’ll probably sign like a Daniel Ty again or uh Mason plumbley or something and be fine but and I mean they have the 30th pick of this year’s draft like I wouldn’t be shocked for them to draft somebody you know who knows who’s there at 30 but maybe they trade up a little bit get EES Missy if he falls into the 20s like that’s the type of moves I expect Brad Stevens in this organization to make to extend this window yeah they’ll find they’ll find a way they found a way to get your holiday they found a way to get Christof porzingis they found a way to get Derk Derek white and when you look at teams like this they find a way to get the right pieces to surround a Duo like Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown this time last year we were talking about the Denver Nuggets surrounding the duo of niika yic and Jamal Murray with guys like Aaron Gordon guys like Bruce Brown who Unfortunately they had to let go now you could say oh well you know Bruce Brown Walk they weren’t as good this year they lost to the Timberwolves in the second round yeah they definitely weren’t but they were still a very very good team in the regular season still a very late first round pick so man it just it it feels weird but this 14th pick might truly be the best asset that the Blazers get out of the Drew holiday part of the trade and um I guess we’re just sitting here hoping Milwaukee sucks in five years because otherwise that Dame trade does not look good at all yeah I still think the trade itself was okay it’s just sitting here with the assets not having any done anything with Robert Williams or Malcolm Brockton I think is still the issue for me yeah absolutely uh but you know when you you got to have a plan and we’ll talk about that in a second when we get to the Blazers off season right you got to have a plan you did mention something though Tori that I want to bring up this show uh you said that uh jayen Brown and Jason Tatum could be are obviously now guys who can be the first and second best player on a team and win a championship right correct yeah but uh we were told by hundreds of people that hundreds thousand Millions Jaylen Brown being added to the Blazers roster would not have made them very very much better and that uh we would have been at best a playin team or Fringe playoff team um even with adding Jaylen Brown so I don’t know how that’s possible just it was always crazy to me how after years of begging for the Blazers to build around Dame how adding a guy who just won Finals MVP right the next adding the next Finals MVP to the greatest Blazer ever is not good enough to even try it never understood that conversation last off season I mean well the other thing was too is like it’s not like that’s your only move you’re going to make too you can still they still could have signed someone they still could have like made other trades like it just doesn’t make sense yeah yeah so you know that was a conversation last off season there were some whispers about Jaylen Brown being potentially getable for Portland if they wanted to like that’s a whole can of worms that we don’t need to open because we’ve already closed that chapter um just with the Celtics winning G you know it is intriguing to look back on the sequence of events that landed them Drew holiday and that uh crucial top 55 protected second round pick for Delano Bandon anyway Eric today was there cash considerations in that was there cash I mean we love cash considerations here in Portland so maybe that was the true Difference Maker shout out to the Celtics for winning the finals free agency officially started at 9:00 P p.m. our time 12 a.m. eastern time you guys might be confused like oh is this a free agency stream where’s your free agency graphics no this is not a free agency stream we’re not going to be streaming for eight hours and ending at like 5: a.m. Pacific uh as of right now teams can negotiate with their own free agents they cannot negotiate with other teams free agents this is a change under the new CBA normally teams had to wait until June 30th the start a free agency to negotiate with their own free agents um that’s the date when they can negotiate with any free agents other teams free agents Etc but now under the new CBA you can negotiate with your own free agents a little bit early so I would expect a few signings I’m not sure how many cuz we’ve never seen this play out this is brand new but I would expect a few signings in the next couple of weeks I don’t know how fast-paced it will be I don’t know who those players will be I hope that it’s not that many because I want a robust free agent pool I don’t want a bunch of names just resigning and then we hop we boot up the free agency stream and it’s like oh yeah the best free agent is uh Daniel Ty to bring up a name that you dropped earlier don’t want that so we’ll see Eric your thoughts yeah I mean I don’t think it’ ever be that bad um but hopefully not if there’s one thing that was painfully obvious just doing a mock off season where we had teams run through free agency and stuff like that it is even worse now in the new CBA in terms of there’s very few teams that can offer big contracts that have cap space those teams are GNA probably try to act quickly a team like Philly has to because once they have to sign Maxi at some point they won’t have any cap space then um so if these players do not resign with their team there are going to be there’s like a huge gap between players getting overpaid by their current team or getting paid what they deserve from their current team and then having to Poss possibly decide between minimum contracts and stuff like that for really good players because there’s going to be a lot of teams that can only offer minimum contracts or trying to stay under the apron so they’re not going to spend too much money of their tax mle or whatever so there’s going to be a lot of disparity between what a few chosen free agents sign with for teams with cap space and what the rest of the pool that doesn’t resign with their own teams get and it’s going to seem like it’s skewed very heavily towards residing with your own team yeah which kind of boring I want kaaos I like chaos Eric I me I think our first free agent no our no no no no our first free agent stream it started off with like Kyrie and KD to the Nets the Golden State Warriors aren’t going to be a freaking super duper team anymore that was fun earthquake was that there yeah I don’t know I don’t know it was chaos it was chaos I want chaos I want chaos across the league we got chaos with our own team all the time why can’t we enjoy it with someone else you know I want to say the night kawh Leonard uh side it was that is when Zion that was the earthquake during Zion Summer League game or whatever yeah yeah that was what the the was that the offseason before no that was that was it was 2019 that was 2019 yeah so that was when we got Katie and Kyrie to the Nets and then a few days later we get Paul George traded to the to the Clippers with Kawai going there man I want more of that especially because we’re not trying to win anymore so we’re not worried about super teams forming in the west right we’re just worried about trying to form a uh competent team here in the Northwest so we’ll see how it plays out I still think there’s some intriguing story lines going into free agency but this off seon I think is more about the draft because you can get some really good and trades and trades we’ll see what trades play out I mean for the Blazers it is trades but as we like revisit this Blazers off season coming up the Blazers have to the Blazers have to I identify their future at at least one front Court position okay and that’s going to be with a draft pick that’s going to be potentially by actually clearing a spot by trading a player away we’ve talked about the Dame trade a little bit in this episode and the number one piece brought back in the Dame trade was DeAndre Aiden okay and that trade was negotiated separately so we can argue about uh you know whether that trade would have happened without Dame getting traded or this or that but regardless last off season the biggest trade piece brought in was DeAndre Aon for the greatest Blazer ever at the start of a rebuild and now less than one year later we’re already hearing rumors about the Blazers potentially wanting to trade up in this draft for Donovan kingan to be their center of the future and we can debate about whether Donovan kingan is a great Prospect or a good Prospect or a mediocre Prospect or whatever or if we’d rather have him over aen yeah we can have all those debates but this point is not dependent upon all those all those debates if it’s true that poor wants Donovan kingan in this draft then that raises the question the age-old question that we’ve always asked Eric which is what is their Direction what is their plan because the number one piece you got back in the Dame trade at the start of a rebuild was DeAndre Aon and he looked better the second half of the year and now if they truly want kinging that you’re ready to move on from him already so what was your plan bringing him in here what was your long-term plan what is their long-term plan is their long-term plan just like oh we’re going to try and take the best Prospect when he’s there and then if aton’s you know then we can move on from guys like Aon and Jeremy Grant honestly that’s not a terrible plan in a rebuild because you are in a rebuild it just makes me question why Aon was such a great pickup in the Dame trade then of course it depends on what he could be flipped for but it’s just in interesting looking at mock drafts almost every mock draft has Donovan Kling and going number seven a mock draft here and there we’ll have him going number one there’s actually legitimate Buzz about Atlanta potentially taking him number one but a lot of mock drafts have cling and going number seven we’ve heard the Blazers rumors so what is the future at the center position Eric I don’t know now if they go out and draft Matas buellis at seven and then get T John salon at 14 well you’re drafting two power forwards okay you still haven’t really determined your future at Power Forward because if you draft buellis you drafted muray in the first round last year then you should probably trade Jeremy Grant so it’s going to take probably more than one move to establish a long-term plan at the small forward power forward Center position because it involves trading someone away and drafting someone do you agree with that yes absolutely um and I I mean we both agree that that should be the case we should probably look at trading both of them regardless of who we take in the draft but yeah absolutely if we take a center I think you have to move on from aen the only thing I can think of is if they truly thought they could rehabilitate his reputation from I mean I don’t know what would have given them I I guess they kind of did right with his play at the end of last season no they didn’t he played for a tanking terrible team and got to shoot 20 times but maybe you could make an argument that like another team would be like oh he just needed to get comfortable there and look what happened once he started playing well and stuff I think that’s foolish I think that’s foolish I know I’m just saying like maybe like that’s that’s the only thing I can think of right is that they they wanted to flip him like you know you and I would like to do if if we were the GM of a team we we just be constantly getting players to flip for Extra Value later right um the problem is the problem you run into real quick the problem you run into with that thinking is uh making the assumption that other teams are going to Value what players do for horrible thinking teams they don’t right they don’t like Colin SE was averaging 24 points per game is like a 20 21 year old for Cleveland who cared what’ they get back for him they traded him to Utah like I don’t even remember what trade he was in you know like nobody cares Mitchell oh yeah was Donovan Mitchell he was a throwin though nobody viewed the Donovan Mitchell trade yeah that’s right cuz I was thinking like lri cuz I know lri was in the like I don’t know was with the bulls and then there was a three- team trade with the Cavs and I don’t know there was and then he went to the Jazz those teams have done some business part of that trade too yeah yeah so uh but nobody viewed the Donovan Mitchell trade as like oh that’s a win for Utah because they got Colin seon and why was that nobody cared that he averaged 24 points per game on a tanking Cleveland team when he was like 20 21 years old or however much he averaged like putting up stats on a bad team on a tank team like that good teams don’t go oh yeah that’s that player is now better in my eyes than when he was actually playing a key role on a championship contender in Phoenix the downgrading situation even if Aon plays better usually is not going to rehabilitate his trade value at all so I think it’s just a mistake to be in rebuild mode and think that about a player like Aon now if you can take somebody that doesn’t play at all give him some minutes and then he blossoms and he blooms and maybe he’s 26 27 and just needed a chance and then you trade him great but a player like aan who’s already on a Max contract you’re not going to you’re not going to rehabilitate his trade value and if you do it’s it’s not going to be by much to make it worthwhile just for that to be the initial plan with him in the first place so I I don’t like that I don’t like that yeah uh I guess it just depends on if they end up if they drafted King and traded Aon and got anything of value I I would say hey that worked out okay yeah and maybe they can yeah maybe they can uh maybe there’s one dumb team like Charlotte or something that would uh you know like it it would only take one team I guess um and really I mean you gave up nerk and NS and Keon um in that deal uh so and I guess we could have taken Grayson Allen instead of moving him to Phoenix if we didn’t get him so I guess you have to include him but um it’s like the bar is not very high for what you would have to get to have gotten better value than what you paid for him right yeah so maybe that’s all they were thinking was they it didn’t cost them a lot to get him he played well enough even if it was in a tanking situation to maybe have some value to one team out there um and to get more than use of nkit and I mean it it pains me to say this but NS I mean he’s I think he’s still on NBA player but I don’t know past when his contract is up I mean he’s he’s got a long way to go to like stick around the NBA long term Keon I don’t think was in the NBA I think it might have been on a 2A or something or in the G League last year um it’s funny how fast things change in two years huh yeah and ner nerk is you know very uh I don’t know what the right word is but like um there’s very different differentiating opinions on nerk most of them bad um so uh yeah like I I think they could move on from Aon and do that but uh I don’t know like do they think maybe Aon could fight power forward or something even though I think that would be a terrible idea like do they want to try like a two Tower two Tower lineup or something like I I don’t know what else could it be all I I don’t know that’s why I’m so excited for this draft is because it’s going to we’re going to get the answer of who are we taking with the seventh and 14th picks but it’s also going to raise questions no matter who we draft there’s going to be questions about players that are already on this roster now that we’re bringing in new fresh young talent and then it this will always come back to me okay we heard and I believe this is 100% factual it’s what I heard the entire year it’s what every Blazer media person reported Jeremy Grant they did not listen to offers for him they would not they had no interest in trading him they it just wasn’t even a discussion and so if you draft two power forwards like you said or even one power forward at seven and that’s your future hopefully and you end up exploring trades now for Jeremy what like what were you thinking just a few months ago four months ago that made things so much drastically different now like you you couldn’t foresee this coming and that goes back to your point about it then seeming like they’re not sticking or having a plan and that’s my problem with Joe Cronin and this organization right now is because it’s painfully clear to me that they should maximize Jeremy’s value at some point and move on from him they should maximize the value of Malcolm Brock in and move on from him but then you hear that they didn’t even like bother trading him and I think we could have gotten a decent amount for him and we could have also gotten expiring contracts that would have cleared up our cap situation and we would have been a team that possibly could have had some Avenues to take advantage of some of these teams that are going to need to clear cap space this summer instead of now also being in that same boat where we have to clear cap space so um like none of this stuff makes sense to me if they end up trading all these veterans now uh because it just it’s so much harder to trade and get cap space in the off season than it is during the regular season I think if they trade multiple vets they’ll be able to duck the tax um I don’t want to use the word easily but if you do it in multiple trades it is a lot easier um it is a lot easier you don’t need trade exceptions you can just use matching rules to duck that amount of salary because you’re using those matching rules on two trades instead of one where you’re saving money but go ahead well real quick you do need the right teams that can take back more salary because now with the rules several teams are going to have to limit it to 100% instead of 125% or whatever yeah and several teams can’t aggregate players either so very least you got like teams like Memphis as a trade exception big enough for Robert Williams or matis dyall right like there are some trade exceptions out there of that size that you can just lump a player in and like d maybe you have to attach seconds to him and then it’s just funny how we uh you know trade two seconds for him and then maybe trade two seconds to get off of him and I’m sure a lot of fans that like Cronin would not like cap dumping thyo in that way but also it would kind of prove your point like okay we would have had kner um getting below the tax at the deadline now Devil’s Advocate regarding Jeremy Grant like you could say well they didn’t want to trade them because they didn’t know who they were going to draft this off season and now that they drafted their power forward of the future now they’re more okay with trading him like I guess that makes some sort of sense but also you if you’re that easily moved off a guy like Jeremy Grant you should at least listen to offers at the deadline it shouldn’t be such a drastic shift from we’re not listening to any offers to oh we drafted Matas buellis number seven okay let’s get rid of Jeremy now within the course of four months I’m just worried I mean this could be I mean a team like Dallas could possibly I saw some things uh someone posted on Twitter like isn’t the most obvious trade this was I think it was an OKC fan even um the most obvious trade this summer is Dallas to uh acquire Jeremy Grant for he said like Hardway CBA and young prospects and whatever picks they have left and so looking at their pick situation they have 2025 first they can trade now because after the draft uh they don’t owe another pick until 2027 so it frees up their 2025 five and then they could uh trade a 2031 after the draft as well so they could offer two first and some crappy contracts or crappy players um uh so that might be something you look at uh if you could get two unprotected firsts or something for Jeremy I I would say that’s pretty good value I don’t think they’re getting unprotected multiple unprotected first for they couldn’t even get multiple unprotected first for Drew holiday yeah but I mean Boston couldn’t trade another one but like they had other places they could have traded Drew holiday to like I do not think I do not think any team is going to give up multiple unprotective first for jery Grant I mean they just gave up a top two protected first I think it was for PJ Washington they they haven’t exactly been like holding on to their picks a lot I don’t know I mean I’d be surprised if we got it to but yeah I think that’s closer value than two unprotected first for Jeremy Jeremy’s better than PJ Washington but not by that much um I don’t know like Jeremy can score but like doesn’t do the little things anymore like he never was that great of a rebounder defense has fallen off a little bit he he’s just he’ll go out there and get you a bucket but I mean Dallas their third leading scorer this season he was banged up with injury but like there barely playing him and that was Tim Hardaway um I don’t know like Jeremy would make a lot of sense there he’d start there he’d be their third option behind Kyrie and uh Luca but two unprotected picks at the very least I think one of them is going to be protected I would guess that both of them would be protected but I would still do that trade if they’re lightly protected you get two first- round picks for Jeremy you probably do it um that’s the other thing of why they might have decided not to I need to reward this because if they were waiting until the off season four teams 2031 future first to open up because a lot of teams that are in win now mode or trying to win trade away a bunch of future first so maybe last year’s deadline could only trade one but now this offseason can trade two if they were waiting for that then that would make some sense but it doesn’t make sense to not listen during the season so we’ll see that also could have been posturing where they were willing to listen to offers on Jeremy Grant but did not want teams to think they could get him in get him easily get him cheaply so I don’t really have a read on this offseason Eric like and that’s why I really wanted to talk about it reconvene with nine days until the draft I really don’t have a read on this off season yet whatsoever because it was pretty hard to get a read on them at last year’s deadline everything we heard we they want to keep Grant but it didn’t really make sense they want to keep Malcolm Brogden to be a mentor even though he’s not going to play the rest of the season like okay was it the injury there’s a lot of things that were question marks to me last season that now filter into the offseason the Blazers have two lottery picks so uh we’re going to get answers we’re going to get answers and that’s the good thing that’s the fun thing and it’s not the answer like okay are they moving on from Dame or not that’s not fun it’s the answer of are they moving on from Grant that’s a lot more fun to me you know it’s we’ve embraced the rebu I don’t know the order of events in terms of how it will happen if I to guess they’ll draft first and then if anyone gets traded it would be after do you agree or disagree with that um the only way I see it being different than that is if a team like Houston or someone in the draft if they want someone like Jeremy or Malcolm and they that helps us move up in the draft or get an extra pick or some I don’t know yeah agreed anything else up coming if we’re a if we’re able to pull off like a 14 and Jeremy for three or something like then I think yeah I think that’ll be that’s pretty good cuz I think Houston’s one of the teams that could take back a lot more that they bring yeah or could could send out less than they bring in and so we could probably duck the tax that way I’m just a little bit wary of Jeremy Grant’s trade value on the open market like I think his trade value might not be high enough to get three for him and 14 yeah um if there any other draft I would say yes but I don’t know I don’t enough part of it is his contract mhm like his contract is not friend I don’t think it’s like a negative contract or a bad contract but I don’t think it’s a good contract it’s not teams aren’t dying to pay Jeremy Grant 30 plus million dolls a year um so I I don’t know I don’t know and that’s the other fascinating thing about this upcoming off season like if he gets deal okay what does his trade value ultimately look like the problem is Cronin has set a precedent with everyone except for Dame that he will trade you where you want to go and did he have a understanding with Jeremy just like Jeremy had with Detroit uh when he signed that extension here that at some point that he would accommodate him yeah I mean I would expect it drew holiday didn’t even play here he was on the roster for like 4 days and Cron’s like yep we’ll trade you where you want to go oh you gave us a list of like five six teams okay we trade you to one of these teams okay here you go Boston two in you send us two injured players a 14th pick in a mediocre draft and your first five years from now when you’re probably still contending for championships and here you get Drew holiday go win a championship you know what I mean like he didn’t even play here so I’d expect that to be the case with Jeremy Grant I would expect that to be the case with Malcolm Brogden and there is something to be said about like okay this is a front office that does right by their players But ultimately and my thinking has changed a little bit on this since the whole Dame Saga ultimately what free agents are going to sign here because we traded Drew holiday and Malcolm brog and Jeremy Grant where they wanted to go we don’t have money to sign anyone minimum contracts like nobody nobody’s paying attention to that even we didn’t trade Dame where he initially wanted to go nobody’s paying attention to that I thought that that would be like a bad look look to guys that we kept here but it’s the business right like nobody paying attention like nobody’s G to care about that 3 years from now so I I fully expect Cronin to do that and I don’t really understand the return on value because at some point you can’t just keep trading solid pieces where they want to go and getting back pennies on the dollar all of a sudden you’re broke like you get back a bunch of mediocre assets you’re going to get a bunch of mediocre players you need true difference makers if you’re trading true difference makers for another team you need to get back a true Difference Maker for yourself in the future on a timeline that makes more sense for or an asset that helps you get that difference 100% And teams when they trade difference makers they don’t really care about mediocre players or mediocre assets right because you’re making a trade to try and make a difference either right now or in the future in the Blazer case it should be in the future so that is something that I am worried about and I mean we saw and pal get traded to a team you wanted to go to for nothing for absolutely nothing so oh we’re still paying Eric bledo or not paying him but it’s still counting against our c yeah yep so that is something that I would honestly expect if they get dealt it’s going to be like okay Jeremy do you want to go somewhere so like we can say we’re still friends after this trade oh you want to go to Boston too all right we we’ll try and find a way you know they’re pay a large salary but I mean they have their 2031 first right Eric so I don’t know I mean like I’m slightly trolling with this but to be honest I fully expect that to be a Thing If a trade happens this offseason yeah and for the record any trades that go down with the Blazers there’s two things you should immediately look at the first is how much money did the Blazer save because they still if they I mean they could cut a few players uh Banton tanii or Javari but I I don’t know I find it hard you think they’re just going to cut him I don’t know what’s gonna happen but anyway but anyways uh so with those three players and the two draft picks they have 16 players under contract so it’s um you look at the money which is about 7 million minus whoever they cut from that um so how much money did it save us and then how many roster response did it cut off if we traded if we trade like Jeremy for three players coming in then all of a sudden we have like no not gonna happen but 17 19 players on roster whatever like we’re we’re going to have to like make more moves other than that but like so just look at how many players are going out versus coming in in terms of roster spots as well yeah ultimately they’ll cut some guys in that case um who knows who but off season’s going to be interesting man I it’s it’s almost here I can’t wait fix the internet I’m ready for draft stream now building graphics for that let’s let’s get it I am so to once I I know I know I am so curious to see what happens with this team anyway I’m also just very curious to see what happens with the NBA draft as well uh do you believe the cling in number one Buzz I do I I think it’s legit um part of me thinks that Atlanta might try to get cute and pick up an additional asset and still get him by trading back maybe with the Spurs or someone like that um and I’m I’m starting to wonder if there is a legit way to get somehow get alexr yeah I talked about my last video it’d be trading up to three he’d have to fall three yeah so Washington obviously is a wild card if kingan goes one but I could also see the Spurs trading up and and uh they’re worri the Wizards are going to get something the Wizards are probably fine just like um I mean I think they they need a lot of different things so like I think they would be fine moving back a couple spots um and then you know the Spurs could take Reet at two and then all of a sudden Alex R is still sitting there at three with a team that we possibly have talked to about trading up already so we might know what it takes to move up um so I don’t know if it’s like I I mean I don’t think it’s like more than like a 1% chance or whatever but it’s like it has me fascinated that there’s even a a slight glimmer of a chance because it really seemed early on in this process that SAR was going to go one uh but now I don’t know I between rishe or or kingan I I don’t think Zar is going to go one anymore yeah I think it’s 50/50 right now I mean apparently atanta is not too impressed with him though so maybe it’s greater than not that he doesn’t go number one cling in number one I just there’s there’s too much noise about clinging like I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a prospect this talked about that like projected as a role player as much as Donovan kingan before the draft it’s crazy to me it’s crazy to me from T try to trade up for him from him potentially going number one it’s wild it’s wild it’s like someone just like manufacturing value for like I don’t know his agent is is goated then um yeah who knows who knows well you mention this though the how so many mock drafts um we have a guy in our group chat Christian who’s really cool about posting like draft Trends and um all that kind of stuff and he’s been posting like who the most mock players to us and it’s still a lot of mock drafts have us that’s going seven but if you listen to the Insiders or whatever there’s no chance if you listen to them talk about Donovan kingan that he’s going to go outside like the top three even because like every single one that has inside Intel on the draft says that kingan is a top three pick and so I just I I find it hard to believe he’s just going to fall to seven yeah yep I agree um other Draft rumors and let me think a couple donations real quick Isaac furo member for 11 months says can we draft dton connect is he good Prospect if the Blazers don’t want to trade any of their vets Dalton connect would be the guy to pick to come off the bench for 28 minutes a game behind uh tamman Kamar at the small forward spot or behind shayon sharp at the or he can come off the bench of the guard and shayon sharp can be full-time small forward I mean who knows who knows but dton connect is the guy to draft if you don’t want to shake it up if you’re Portland and you just want to try and play for a playing next year I do think he’d be a good fit but I I think that’s also the player that would require the least amount of Trades to follow it up and make it make sense shout out to yeah he is he is a ready to go player um could help us immediately if that’s what you’re hoping for um also Isaac if you want a little bit more detailed breakdown there was one with him in the thumbnail uh a stream uh it was after he worked out for us um and we talked about him in depth and then also the last couple streams since then we’ve we’ve talked a lot about D connect and and uh Tori and I have discussed that thoroughly so um if you if you miss those shows I suggest going back if you want a little deeper dive into what we think about connect yep uh and then Carter dick $2 donation says just for letting me think about S 3 Eric we’ll get you dreaming man and then I’ll try and bring you back down the earth a little bit I don’t even know if we’d want like would we would we be you imagine if we traded up for three and then we took uh we didn’t take SAR like imagine we take castle like I I wouldn’t be too pissed off because I really like Castle but I can just imagine your reaction no you know what would be funny is if they have a trade lined up with Houston if cigan Falls to three but assar Falls to three instead and they they say they don’t want to move up it was only dependent on clinging I mean that’ just be ludicrous to keep a taking a chance on him um absolutely and then shout out to John Smith $2 donation says why are yall so anti- clinging great with scoot flag or it says Scott flag I think that means scoot flag well I mean we don’t have Cooper flag also clinging ain’t worth the number one pick he’s nowhere close to being worth with the number one pick he he’s a role playing big man who has question marks about being able to play any defensive scheme other than drop had foot injury issues in college isn’t the greatest finisher and offensively his most easily projectable role is as a play finisher so how’s that worth a number one pick it’s not it’s absolutely not and uh scoot was uh downright terrible at getting through screens last year uh much like every Blazer is for some reason um and so running primarily drop scheme with Scoot and clinging getting spam into pick and rules I don’t know how well that would work out um I like clinging for a team like Memphis or OKC or team that’s looking to I even I kind of get it for Atlanta if they’re trying to win instead of um be smart and take the best player uh but um I just I don’t think Clingan I think you know what he is he doesn’t have a ton of upside in my opinion he’s going to be a a good rim protector and he’s um smart enough offensively to play in most schemes and be a good uh connector maybe um not like he’s not going to be like a yic creating passes but he can make good reads out of certain sets and knows where to move the ball things like that uh but I don’t think he has much potential outside of that and so I’m I just think you’re kind of limiting your team if you take players like that and kind and then on top of that we already have DeAndre Aton who we’ve invested a ton in in all that kind of stuff so it just doesn’t it just doesn’t jive with any sort of plan if that’s if that’s who we take or who we trade up to get especially yep um other Draft rumors uh Rick Carlile says Bron’s going to go earlier than the 50th pick which was interesting um apparently the San Antonio Spurs really like Devin Carter maybe he’s in play at number eight for them if they don’t take Stefon Castle number four which I think is the favorite for him Tyler kch is a name that has some Buzz with Phoenix at 22 and that makes sense they need a point guard and he’s an older point guard that can knock down the three and run an offense um so if you’re going to take like an NBA ready point guard that can come in and just like play play play off the ball a little bit set up some offense and not make too many mistakes Tyler kak would probably be the top name available at that pick for that um if it was a rebuilding team I would hate that pick but with it being Phoenix I understand it any other Draft rumors that you want to touch upon Eric well first of all I I like Devin Carter for San Antonio a lot um I like him a lot of team for a lot of teams in that range actually my question for him is is he the next Davon Mitchell in terms of a guy who’s shooting took a jump in his final year but he’s not really a shooter like that yeah but he I feel like he shoots I mean I don’t I don’t know how to describe it but like he shoots different types of shots than Davon took I think I mean Davon was a three Lev scorer at Baylor yeah he was Carter took some deep threes though and like he was he was shooting some dame type threes yeah he kind of Bryce hop Bryce Hopkins went down who was their guy offensively so he had to take a load like as a role player you know without the Ultimate Green Light I don’t know it’s interesting to think about it in regards to like Davon Mitchell because DAV Mitchell is kind of the same archetype what if they took like Reed Shephard and Devin Carter and that was their back court of the future very small but I mean you got a seven fo for alien back there so um he can probably make anything work he can probably make anything work and I’m not a huge Tyler coak guy but I do think that’s a that would be a good pickup for the Suns I think he would fit what they need very well and if I’m the Suns I’m I’m either just saying screw it and taking a chance and taking bronnie and hope that you get LeBron and just go all in on that strategy or uh I’m taking a point guard or a center there um I think it would be kind of a waste to take a wing um considering their roster so I think klech would be good assuming I mean if like an Isaiah Coler or someone like that is still on the board I don’t know if you can pass up on his upside for for a guy like but um yeah I’d definitely look at a point guard if I was him yeah Phoenix has to turn that asset into something that helps them win right now yeah they like they can’t play any sort of future game um even if there’s a prospect that has a lot more upside if that he’s not going to contribute to them winning in the next couple years like they almost can’t consider that because they put all their eggs in this basket they pick their Direction which is to try and win a ring that’s why you got KD there that’s why you got you know Devon Booker Bradley Beal you got that big three they just unfortunately don’t have enough around them so they’re ultimately going to have to try and figure out and fill the holes around those guys in order to actually make it worth getting Kevin Durant in the first place because otherwise it was never worth trading for him yep anyway those are latest draft rumors and there was one other intriguing rumor what else this is stupid Tori I I miss I wanted to punch my computer when I read this there is rumors that this year’s cam Whitmore will be Rob Dillingham oh yeah yeah I also saw that that was he’s apparently a guy that some experts are predicting will fall possibly out of the lottery tor I in which case he would go to either the Orlando Magic or the Miami Heat in the mid to late teens and that would be sick for the rest of the league if they let him fall that far in one of those two teams get him I could see Philly taking them 17 I think or no Phil’s at 16 16 the Lakers are at 17 I mean I can see the Lakers taking them too um here’s the thing if he falls past eight I kind of feel like that’s possible Eric yeah it’s because well just just hear me out at nine Memphis they have jaw at 10 Utah like Keon George is their point guard I guess he can move to shooting guard but there may be fit questions there and topich might be still be on the board and might be a better fit there right like cuz topic might slip too okay Chicago at 11 supposedly still want to make the playoffs and that’s like an ownership mandate so they’re going to resign to Mar Rosen they got some you know guards kobby y Alex cruso uh so I can see them passing on him 12 is OKC they got kase Wallace they drafted last year they got SGA they got Isaiah Joe as a shooter Off the Bench I could see them passing on him Sacramento at 13 they got Darren Fox gold and then Portland at 14 like we have three young guards so I mean this could be why a lot of teams are trying to move up in this draft because they know that situation and they could foresee a guy like that being there still available but I I am going to say this right now I know it doesn’t make sense at seven but if Rob Dillingham is on the board or topic or Holland or Cody Williams if one of those guys Falls to 14 you cannot not pass up on a top level talent in this draft because you have a player at that position if you can get him at 14 like I said I understand at seven but in my opinion if Rob Dillingham is on the board at 14 you just take him and you wor you figure it out later you you try to try to trade someone Chad do you agree with that or do you disagree with that as far as Eric goes I don’t know if I agree because while it doesn’t make sense to draft for fit if you’re in Portland situation it does make sense to draft the players that you can best develop mhm I just don’t know and you’ve had this question we’ve been on the other sides of this discussion in the past too yeah like I just I can’t say it so vehemently because I there is question marks of how they make that work and if they could actually even develop a guy like Rob Dillingham yeah like I think you trade out you you find a team that values him and trade out of that pick if a team values him enough or I mean if there’s a CL we there like I could understand them taking a chance on kle we’s upside over Rob dillingham’s and the day kle we might be better but if he cooks in summer league and then you have a huge trade asset who Rob who’s trading for players because of Summer League I don’t know we should have traded Jared bis after summer league I mean um no but like this see to me that would scream passing on Donovan Mitchell because we have Damon CJ and I don’t know passing on who because we have Damon CJ Donovan Mitchell I mean he would have been a third guard I we’re talking about a fourth guard yeah and and and I don’t think Rob Dillingham is a dawn of yeah like I I don’t think he should fall out of the lottery I don’t think he will fall out the lottery but he’s going to be the guy if he falls past a that people are going to start paying attention to like man what team is actually going to take him because you got a lot of teams with point guards same thing with topage although topage makes a little more sense for some certain situations because he’s bigger if I had to put my money on I mean obviously it’ probably be Alex SAR but if I had to pick one other player in this draft I had to choose one to be a star it would be Rob Dillingham and to me we’ve talked about the need of trying to find Stars and I get all the other stuff that comes along with it it would just it’s just uh like can you imagine if we don’t take him and he goes on to become a star you know like yeah I can imagine that and then scoot you know is just kind of above average point guard or whatever you know like you and your detailed hypotheticals no I know I’m just saying like as a Blazer fan that’s like what I’m expecting if we pass on you yeah but I mean we can’t make decisions because we’re scared of I know that’s what we did last year exactly exactly so ultimately it’s like do you have enough resources in house because here’s the thing if he goes somewhere else and becomes a star like Miami that doesn’t mean that he would have become a star in Portland dealing with three other young guards compared to going to a team like Miami who needs a skill set and is really good at developing players could be two wildly different outcomes like I I think that’s something that goes underrated is where you end up matters in the grand scheme of things in terms of how good of a player you become because there’s certain situations that are better for cultivating that cor so I don’t know I don’t know if he’s there at 14 like I’d be cool with taking him for sure but then I mean can he play next to scoot I don’t know if him and scoo can play together man yeah you’re gonna have to decide between one of them long term I it’s just it’s going to create some awkwardness which you know some chaos is always fun right like summer league would be interesting I just I just think it when you’re talking about seven I understand you can’t put the team in that position but if you have a chance and I don’t even know what the Blazers think of Rob Dillingham as a prospect or whatever maybe they don’t have him rated as a lottery pick either but if he’s like in your regular board like fourth or fifth or something and he’s there at 14 I just I don’t understand how you can just justify passing on him uh I I think you I mean I know how you could justify passing on them kind of just did but um I I do think someone’s going to fall I do think there’s going to be somebody at 14 we maybe didn’t expect might be Ron Holland it might be Matas buellis it might be Dillingham it might be topit if topit is the do you have the same problem or because he’s bigger I at least could shoot yeah I mean topit can’t shoot and can’t defend he need he needs the bonus hands more than Dillingham and his size doesn’t really I don’t think helps him out defensively he has a negative wingspan I I’d rather have Dillingham than topic but who knows um I still think there’s a chance buellis might fall out of the top 10 as well most mock drafts don’t agree with that anyway and forth the record I’m not hoping the Blazers draft Dillingham or topit but there’s a difference between that and when you’re sitting there and it’s not a top 10 pick and you have the value of a player that like topic who you know before he got hurt um was possibly going to go number one um like that’s to me that’s how you maximize value in the draft and it could it could backfire it might not pan out um might be hard to develop him um but I just think you you take chances like that um in those situations um especially since we should have already gotten a better player at seven and can afford to maybe take a chance there yep real quick let’s take a look at Mock Draft boards so you shouted him out Christian he puts together a spreadsheet I can actually share the link to the spreadsheet in the live chat just for those of you that here um I’ll share a view I’ll share a view link actually that’ll change all the permissions on it so I’m not going to mess with that right now but I will show it I will show it um this is a consensus board oh my goodness we got chaos um this is a consensus board and let me know if it’s big enough if I have to make it bigger let me know pause um but these are where players are ranked this takes into account ESPN mock draft ESPN Big Board BR mock draft athletic mock draft ringer mock draft ringer Big Board Yahoo mock draft NBA which is just chaos but it seems like they’ve actually like come around to making some sort of sense although they have Dillingham 22 and 24 on their board and draft No Ceilings CBS I wish there’s a way to only include uh mock drafts in this I’ll talk to Christian but kinging on a lot of mock drafts ESPN bleach report athletic ringer CBS Tenon as well all going seven to Portland all the numbers in green are Portland picks at 14 pretty wide consensus you got Salon you got a athletic you got or no you got Salon you got McCain you got D Silva you got another McCain you got two picks of kesan George which is interesting and you do have another Tristan Silva so two for D Silva two for George two for McCain one for salon on these mock drafts and then you also got one for Cody two for Cody Williams if he falls to 14 that might be the other guy who Falls to 14 Eric could be Cody Williams yeah orgo top five I guess orgo top five uh ringer has him top five bleach report has him top five his draft range is very wide yeah so it’s just interesting how there’s like so much clinging at seven but I just don’t think he’s going to be there so who knows and then 14 is just all over the place see I get McCain for shooting but would you would you want McCain or top pitch or dillian yeah I do wonder if McCain has a legitimate chance of being better than Dillingham I have Dillingham higher just because the shot making he showed in college was absurd just some of the shots he hit off the dribble heuse a sniper but mcain can shoot as well and I I wonder if he was held back in terms of what he was allowed to do as a ball handler playmaker because he can certainly shoot I don’t know I mean had a lot of ball handling guards too and Dyan H still showed a little bit yeah I mean McCain still showed some stuff a little bit as well um with Kentucky it was other than Antonio Reeves it was freshman right so it wasn’t anybody that had any seniority with Duke you had Tyrese Proctor there Philip psky even handled some those were Jeremy roach as well yeah so you had some older guys where Jared M Foster yeah Jared M well Caleb Foster freshman but like Jared mcain was more coming in fit in where Rob Dillingham was with a bunch of freshmen other than Antonio Reeves who was just kind of like a scorer anyway not really a playmaker so um any names that you’re surprised as to like where their stock is according to this sheet Eric or guys that you think is too low I’ll just say this Jaylen Tyson at 27 is Criminal yeah um I just we talked about it earlier I just I don’t see how Clan Falls to seven with how much buz he has so that’s the biggest thing that stands out to me um but yeah um I mean d Sila keeps creeping up a lot of boards um I mean he could go as high as like I mean could Memphis even take him at nine like I don’t know might depend on who Memphis maybe at nine taking who D Silva It’s Possible D Silva has upside into the lottery yeah it’s the type of player that teams like mhm I think I think I think one of one of the Silva Carrington Ed goes Lottery they’re different players but I think like you’re going to have a player like that going the lottery yeah um like in this range kware as well you’re going to have one of these guys jump I think Devin Carter goes up there like I think there’s a legitimate chance that like just think about this Blazers drafting at 14 right if Devin Carter gets taken before the Blazers pick and one of those players I mentioned you know Bub Carrington Clare Zack Edy Tristan Silva also gets taken before 14 the Blazers are going to have one of the following players on the board Dalton connect Cody Williams Ron Holland Rob Dillingham Nicola topic T John salon and I think at this point there’s a lot of noise about Devon Carter going before the Blazers pick so if somebody else down here goes before as well you’re going to get one of these guys on the board at 14 falling into your life choice two of them so some somebody’s going to fall Eric like Holland Cody Williams is who I’m hoping is there Salon as well if he’s there but it could be Dillingham it could be topic because Topic’s stock with the latest injury the measurements has completely Fallen he’s 11th we’re talking about him as like a top three pick earlier in the year he’s 11 now so who knows all those ones for ret too and then you got your boy we need to put a for we need to put a column with a fort in it for chamchi see what that raises him to um well our guy mogbo second round we have him first I know uh this doesn’t mean much because it’s all people’s mocks so this isn’t actually what’s in here but yeah but I mean a lot a lot of these people are a little behind like I think there’s some players moving up that maybe haven’t quite snuck up on some of these boards yet yeah or they’re kind of even though they’re moving up in real life you know whoever’s running that particular mock or big board doesn’t necessarily agree with that person so um the uh the thing I keep seeing every time I play out a mock draft that’s not between you and me or like see it like you see those Twitter ones where like different people represent each team and do a draft our guy CH uh just did one of those the other day uh where he was the Blazers um it every one of those there’s some culmination of diet chomi mogbo um jusik like guys I really like that look like they might at least one or two of those guys might be available at 34 and possibly even 40 and if we can get guys like that in the with our second round picks man I’d be I’d be really stoked yeah I I need to watch more on jerisich uh none of the mocks big boards have him as a first round Prospect which is interesting um I just feel like I haven’t watched enough of him to to like confidently keep him where I have him slaughtered right now which is like late teens so that’s a guy 14 yeah I just feel like it’s one of those guys where it’s like oh the little bit of flashes are nice but it’s not enough substance to like rank them that high yet as far as like what I’ve seen I don’t know how much you’ve watched on him but I mean he had a really good year yeah yeah for sure um he’s a little bit older though correct he could have entered a previous draft um let me look up his age he’s 20 turns 21 next year okay um yeah last year’s draft he could have entered didn’t shout out embarking box M for 13 months great news my move is happening Fourth of July weekend Oh hopefully your move goes well thank you for being a channel member box good luck with your move um yeah jerisich I think has a great chance of being there I think doot still has a chance he kept his name in the draft I think just ultimately he goes first round um there’s also a chance Tyler Smith is there I have a feeling like the Blazers are going to draft Clinton there I don’t know why gut feeling right now put a stamp on it if they dra 34 and is there that’s who they’re taking why did you have to do that to me what I’m giving you time to prepare and then clitman is GNA be a stud watch okay if you say so I I have Clinton at like 41 on my board um pass up on like all those guys I just mentioned they’re all on the board and I’m just like stoked and we end up with like Tyler Smith and Bobby Clinton at 34 and 40 I’m going to be oh you’re going to be what not surprised because I wouldn’t be I’m I would not be surprised just prepare just prepare I’m preparing I’m preparing the chat right Clinton 34 if he’s there they’re going to like his size and um guard skills doesn’t really have guard skills but that’s what they’re going to say um just give me Jaylen Tyson please I’m just begging this team to end up with Jaylen Tyson I’m begging Jaylen Tyson to fall to 34 I you guys will see me praise Joe Cronin for the first time ever um if Do’s there taking him Tyson’s there taking them Holmes there I’m taking them now if they’re all there I don’t know but those three I Holmes is going first round though so I take him out but like Tyson might be there Doan might be there I’m taking those guys jurus might be there that’s interesting mogbo might be there that’s interesting those are like the four guys I’m hoping for at 34 that have a chance of falling to there take Ryan dun honestly I would not hate Ryan dun at 34 either I can I I already can see the press conference not that that’s like terrible just like oh we’ve needed a guy with his defensive prowess for years this is the the guy we’ve been needing in Chanty system just act just acting like they do not know that he cannot shoot or that it does not matter I mean that’s the problem with the Blazers it seems is like they identify somebody like oh this trait is really really good and we want that trait so we’re going to go get it without taking into account every other trait they have that could be a negative right like matis d plays defense let’s get matis dyable without taking into account oh he gambles for his steals oh he gets blown by a little too much um isn’t really like that point of attack stopper like overplays gets back cut and then offensively like doesn’t do anything no but he’s a he’s he was all defense one time and plays defense so we need defense we’re going to go get matis thall and then we’re going to match his contract like it’s just very simplistic it feels like um so Ryan dun I could see being the pick at 34 which I wouldn’t hate because ultimately like if you can somehow teach him how to shoot then all of a sudden he’s an elite elite role player on a contending team but it’s a it’s such a big if that I would not like him before 34 MH it’s just like it’s upside if you can teach him how to shoot it’s a lot of upside if you can teach him how to shoot which is tough to get in that part of the draft and apparently he did shoot better before his before his college Years or was he just a one-year college guy right no he is multiple years is he multiple years yeah apparently he was a better shooter in high school I don’t really know what happened I mean his form doesn’t look terrible I think there’s a small chance you can teach him to become an average shooter you know Derrick Jones Jr but he’d be better than Derrick Jones Jr because he’s even better Defender like Elite project is like Elite potentially all defensive team type guy so I’d take a chance on that Eric at 34 all right T Tyson doet on the board at 34 we take a Dem Bona and both are gone by 40 what is your reaction I mean you already know my reaction like I also I I kind of like Bona I would not hate Bona if those guys were off the board and we didn’t take a center at 7even seven or 14 um but if those guys are on the board I’m I’m pissed if we’re passing on them for a d Bona I mean if Tyson is on the board Eric I’m pissed if we’re passing on him for anybody anybody yeah cuz I mean you take him a 14 right so yeah um yeah I he should be in play at 14 it’s just I just don’t I just don’t get it I just don’t get it do not understand like he started to climb up into the teens and all of a sudden he’s back down here I I don’t I don’t get it so like how in what world is Johnny a better Prospect than him yeah I don’t know I mean I don’t even know if Fury’s a better shooter than him and that’s like the only thing Fury is even close to having over him I guess size but like he doesn’t have a great wingspan and Fury’s gonna be a three T Tyson’s gonna be two three like I don’t really care about Fury’s size I I just don’t understand why Fury is a better Prospect doesn’t make sense to me I’d rather have the guy that can pass much better shoot much better handle the ball much better has some shiftiness has some um athleticism with his life bouns that’s not just like straight line athleticism that’s just me though that’s just me anyway I’ll try and get a view link and tweeted out or something on Twitter you can follow us links in description anything else ER what do you think my celebration will be like if we draft or Chi like 40 I don’t know just make it good enough so that I can play it when we cut him in two years what would be your reaction I don’t know dude because you reacted pretty hype for Jabari but I know it would be more hyped than that yeah I’m going to be so sad when he goes like 28 the next cabin gal it’s going to be super fascinating to look back on him and see if you ride or not I’ve never seen you have a ride or die like this this strongly before like you’re putting it all you’re putting it all out there you’re going to look like the biggest genius or you’re going to look like me when I had Kira Lewis Jr in my top three or four or whatever it was yeah who’s 33rd who’s picking 33rd uh Charlotte isn’t it no not Charlotte it’s Milwaukee right Milwaukee there you go well they wouldn’t draft him they wouldn’t draft him at least he’s not going to go the pick before I could think he’s the next Giannis I think I’m the next Giannis then um anyway chat you have any questions before we wrap up the stream let us know what who do you guys got taking Brony I don’t know I assume Lakers at the end of the second round but Rick Carlile said otherwise so I don’t know Rick Carlile yeah you didn’t hear that you didn’t hear that I heard the Pacers coach yeah car says Brony James will definitely go higher than number 50 in the draft I’m not going to say who I don’t want to get fined was his quote Oh oh right right that’s I thought you were confusing with Rick buer or something remember that guy yeah no no Rick Carlo Rick Carlo where is brony on this Brony is 56 which I think what the Lakers pick is 55 there was also Buzz that like Enrique Freeman might get might end up getting drafted in the first round I don’t know if you saw that report I don’t even remember where it was from have you watched any Enrique Freeman enri however you say his name you don’t know who I’m talking about uh no I just I haven’t I kind of dismissed him early on in the process maybe I should go look at him again I mean he played at uh akan for five years so I don’t blame you but shot it’s too old he’s 6′ s he’s like Ryan dun mid major version I don’t know um 13 rebounds a game 18.6 points a game shot 37% from three but on one and a half attempts a game last year better than Ryan Dunn though shooting wise I don’t know I need a watch tap on him I I he played at the combine that’s all I know yeah but anyway anything else Eric for the no that’s it uh so next stream will be Thursday we’ll have then it’ll be less than a week till the draft um we’ll of course be live both Wednesday and Thursday June 26th and 27th for all your draft coverage that you’ve come to expect from Tori and I um as those of you that watch the channel know we try to do as much research on all these guys as possible and try to give you the best coverage um out there so uh hope to see you all on those streams uh should be fun yep looking forward to it um we’ll probably I’ll probably try and do a Tuesday night Draft preview stream I’d like to do a stream the night before the draft um in the night before free agency so we might be streaming a little bit more than usual uh so just check out our Twitter we tweet out stuff regarding our schedule uh there’s a place surprise Twitter as well so we’ll let you know I’m also going to try and sit down one of these days before the draft with Steven and record something and then record something after with him cuz I’ve been I’ve been itching to hear what Stephen thinks about some of these prospects so anyway appreciate got have something other than Hoops crush on the second Channel I know I know I know I mean we’ve been trying with the 503 stuff for a year now but um we’ve we’ve been trying um I would love to get them going but Scorch and trails might get another one here soon uh I actually texted him and he’s like yeah I’m coming back for a one off in my wreck League because my dad’s retiring from Wreck league so I said I’d come back and play a game said he dropped 28 so I guess he still has it but he can’t beat me oneon-one anyway how’s Rich doing by the way or is Rich good uh yeah he doing okay haven’t seen rich in here in a minute so still well he was in here for a minute earlier I must have missed him I always seem to miss him I guess I’m just used to him oh yeah yeah hey gang just came on to say hello to everybody hope everyone is doing well good to see rich as always yeah he’s got a lot of long-term injuries and stuff so just dealing with that yeah for sure for sure well going to record some stuff this week dropped a video trade destinations for three Blazers players you can check that out so you can check out my last mock draft we’ll have another one of those before and we’ll have to do that on a stream maybe we’ll just do it Thursday because no more finals talk um maybe we can just dedicate a whole stream to a mock draft but Tuesday night before draft night will’ll be talking about all draft stuff nothing else and I’m looking forward to it anyway hope you guys enjoyed the the show thank you guys for tuning in live again on Thursday hopefully we can catch you then hopefully we have more juicy rumors to talk about regarding different draft prospects I’m going to dive into more film on uh multiple guys just a little bits of stuff here or there um especially guys that I’m not fully confident in my opinion on yet and we can talk about it on Thursday anyway this has been blers surprise live thank you guys for tuning in we’ll catch you next time and until then as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. Iā€™d hate 14 and Jerami for 3ā€¦ Iā€™d only even consider it if itā€™s Sarr and I donā€™t think heā€™ll fall to 3. I like that mavs trade though

  2. The Blazers are like a vacation spot. They have no plan because theyā€™re just here to make sure they promote the heck out of their product. Theyā€™ll bring you in and out and might sly your patience at times but hey Iā€™ll look good doing it so Iā€™ll never really badmouth this spot. Not the most luxurious so the 1 percent wonā€™t be there but middle to middle lowed will. Okay analogy over.

  3. Dillingham, no. Knecht, yes. Salaun, yes. If we could make a trade with Houston to move up to the 3rd pick without losing 7 or 14, then we could get Sarr or Risarchie at 3 and draft Knecht at 7 and Salaun at 14, that would be a great draft.

  4. Blazers helps knicks got better. They help celtics become champions. Blazers help everyone but themselves

  5. I wanted us to trade for brown so bad. Now Iā€™m wondering if they 3rd pick was even enough for him ever or if the blazers were just trying
    To help the dame rumors by ā€œtryingā€

  6. Blazers need a GM who cares less about making sure "both teams win" in a trade (Cronin's words) and turning down better trades so that the players he trades go to championship contenders. But instead a GM who puts Portland as the priority. I don't know why that's such a big ask.

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