@Atlanta Hawks

How to fix the ATLANTA HAWKS

How to fix the ATLANTA HAWKS

[Music] yo what’s good y’all it’s John I’m back from Top ball Central and in today’s video we’re going to be going over the Atlanta Hawks and basically what I would do to fix them over the off season and really just what they can do to make their team better and that’s going to be a new series we’re going to be we’re going to be doing where we just go over each and every team during this off season and what they can do to honestly just get better and just improve their team overall and we’re going to be going in alphabetical order so with the first team we got is the Atlanta Hawks I mean the Atlanta Hawks just finished up on a pretty disappointing season all the way at number 10 in the Eastern Conference but honestly the Atlanta Hawks really haven’t been impressive in a long time so I got some things as some notes Here on really what they can do to become a little bit more successful and just put them in a better position position to win now one good thing about the Hawks is they have the number one overall draft pick but this year’s draft class really isn’t that crazy so I have a really good trade proposal that I think the Hawks should do so I got the Hawks in a three-way trade with the Pelicans and the troll Blazers basically I got them uh trading over uh Deon Murray who honestly I feel like like they should honestly just trade in general and one person other or another person that they could trade as well to me would be Clint capella because I mean I feel like they’re going to get a big man anyways or they need a different big man that could just stretch the floor um so I got them trading de jante Murray to the Pelicans and the troll Blazers are involved in this trade as well I got Clint capella getting sent over there also DeAndre Hunter as well and the number one overall draft pick and in return the Hawks would be receiving Brandon Ingram also Malcolm Brogden Robert Williams and also matis styel I think this would just be a really nice trade for the Hawks it would get them a lot of death pieces that they could honestly use right now um Brandon Ingram I believe would just be the perfect fit but um because they would also be getting Robert Williams as well who is a solid big and then they could just draft one in this year’s draft class to help them well you know just in case you know they need someone else because I know Robert Williams does get injured a lot um they do have Ana but they need a forward and I believe that Brandon Ingram would be the perfect forward to add to this team with Trey young and also o Jaylen Johnson as well Jaylen Johnson is on the come up he’s a really good young talented player last season he really put on some good performances especially uh towards the uh beginning of the year but Brandon Ingram would just provide extra spacing next to Jaylen Johnson and Trey young he provides that shooting that they need and then Malcolm Brogden I mean Brogden you know is obviously the six man that he is he’ be such a good player coming off of that bench and also with Robert Williams and matis styel it would just help them that much more on the defensive side of things as well I know they’re getting rid of Clint capella who’s a you know really solid big for them but they are getting Robert Williams and retiring he’s just one inch shorter than uh click capella and he’s already proven himself and that he can hold down is a big man in this league obviously showed that on the Celtics he was really good for them but um honestly I think Deon Murray on their team was just a failed Mission and they don’t really need him honestly anymore because he doesn’t really need to be on this team he doesn’t fit there but Atlanta just honestly has to figure out what to do with that Deon Murray and Trey young back court because honestly it was just a failed attempt like I said and this team just needs to look much more different if they want any type of success honestly because they really haven’t had any success in multiple Seasons because obviously last season was one of their worst seasons in you know a while and they really haven’t done anything since like the 2020 or the 2020 season which has been four years now and it’s just been way too long uh whenever they went 41 and 31 and had lost in the conference fin finals that was probably the best year that they’ve had in a while but honestly they just really have shown no improvement since them uh their team has just really just been mid at that now it’s just getting worse and worse uh each and every season it seems like so they got to make some action now especially now that they have the number one overall draft pick but I have another trade proposal as well that the Hawks could do to actually save the number one overall draft pick they could trade for uh Brandon Ingram and Alex Caruso by giving away to jeon Murray and Clint capella over to the Pelicans and also and also Chicago would be receiving Dyson Daniels AJ Griffin and the number uh 21 overall draft pick in this year’s draft um I think this will just be a really good trade that would just benefit both sides and Atlanta would just be getting a really good playmaking Wing play player with that size and Brandon Ingram they really just need a forward to go along with Jaylen Johnson um and just provide that extra overall spacing they need someone who can just create shots for themselves and I think this will just be a perfect fit and you would just be also getting one of the best point of attack Defenders one of the best on ball defenders in the entire NBA and Alex kuso um it’s just really something that Atlanta needs a really good Ball Hawk someone who could just track down the ball and just be able to get stops on defense and help out Trey young because obviously he’s a little undersized and on the other side of the trade uh New Orleans would be getting you know a point guard to help lead their offense and de Jon and also a rim protecting big who is also pretty a pretty solid overall offensive rebounder and Clint capella uh de say you know he’s on a really favorable deal giving New Orleans some really good overall flexibility giving New Orleans some really good overall flexibility to just extend herb Jones and Trey Murphy as well uh the Bulls will be getting you know two really talented young players on cheap contracts and also a additional first round pick back for Caruso who was going on to the last year of his deal but this lineup would look pretty solid in my opinion having Trey young at the guard spot uh Alex Caruso also you know shooting guard Brandon Ingram Jaylen Johnson and in the draft class because they would be saving that pick I would say uh Donovan Clingan or uh Alex SAR because both of them are really talented centers but I do think Donovan would be the better overall first draft choice for them to take um yeah I think either the first trade or the second trade would sound pretty good either way they would be getting Brandon Ingram though and whatever trade you would go with I think would benefit them that much more and just help their team become way more successful I think they would shoot up all the way to like a top six top five seed in the east at least uh with both of these trades because I mean you’re getting a big who can stretch the floor both of them can and Donovan Clingan or alexar and um you’re just adding Brandon Ingram to this roster that that I think just needs him um because they need that extra Wing to go along with Jaylen Johnson out on that floor um you know that’s that that just that extra overall forward and in either trade they would be getting a lot more Defenders to help them with their defensive uh struggle Les because they were last season one of the worst defensive teams in all the NBA they proved that a lot of times that they were the worst right next to the Indiana Pacers um but the Pacers have the offense to back it up and was able to make it pretty far in the playoffs but um yeah in the second trade I think I think I honestly like the second trade a little bit more because they’re adding in Alex Caruso and Brandon Ingram and he still don’t have to give away that number one overall draft pick but in that first one you get matis dyable who’s a really good Defender really underrated he’s got a lot of size and um and uh yeah you’d be getting Robert Williams as well he was a really solid Defender uh down low but yeah this defense just really needed Improvement but with that second trade I think it would just help their bench become a little bit more lethal the first trade would still help them a lot as well but having bo uh Bogden bogdanovic uh DeAndre Hunter on yeka and also Kobe buffkin coming off the bench uh would just be really solid overall they’re improving their defense around them and just don’t have to sacrifice much of the offense and kuso is also a really good three-point shooter as well I forgot to say that and will just be a tremendous fit alongside Trey young like I already had mentioned I think this is a really solid trade you know for all teams in each of these trades I think it’s pretty fair let me know down below what you guys think you guys think this would help improve this Atlanta team I think it obviously would because dejon Murray has proven that you know he just doesn’t fit right with this team he needs to go somewhere else and find a different spot to play next season let me know down below and as always make sure to like comment and subscribe for more and I’ll see you guys in the next one

In this video i explain how i would fix the the atlanta hawks #nba #atlantahawks


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