@New York Knicks

Knicks offseason preview with CP The Fanchise and Kaz Famuyide | The Putback with Ian Begley | SNY

Knicks offseason preview with CP The Fanchise and Kaz Famuyide | The Putback with Ian Begley | SNY

[Music] TV’s YouTube page I’m Ian Begley sny’s NBA Insider we’re here to break all things Nicks off season down and we got two great guests with you we’ve got CP the franchise Nicks fan TV and we got Cass Feud from draft I’m sorry Cass you’re an n Andy contributor but you’re also with Fanatics I didn’t want I don’t want to mess that up my fault thank you good fellas we appreciate you we got a lot to get to because we got the draft next Wednesday Nick’s having two late first round picks one early second round pick and then we’ve got free agency and the off seon Knicks have some work to do there obviously with trying to resign their own guys but we’re going to talk now about how big a leap they can make this off season you watch the Celtics win the NBA title you look at their roster you think they’re going to be there for at least next season and maybe a couple couple years Beyond so the Knicks are going to have to contend with them the other top teams in the East first order of business for New York bringing back Isaiah hartenstein bringing back OG and anobi uh both will get significant interest on the open market this off season Nicks obviously want both guys back but they’re going to be in that area where they don’t have control where other teams could come in and make big time offers uh still would expect both to be back but beyond that there’s not an easy obvious path for this Knicks team to make a big leap so CP I’m going to start with you based on what you know about the off season what you’re thinking how much of a leap can this Nick team make this off season I I think depending on who you ask a lot of people think the Knicks are fairly close I mean look the Celtics are going to be uh The Darlings of the east no question about it they’re going to be the favorites but two through four is wide open and if you look at the way this niick team competed this year getting the two seed and making it all the way to the second round despite a multitude of injuries uh they could be fairly close and if they don’t make that home run Splash in the off season let’s say they use to mid-level exception to get a backup point guard how do they use the bonovich contract do they go out there and make a midlevel trade I think those things can certainly help boost their depth but the most important things for the Knicks will be retaining both Isaiah hartenstein and oan anobi and then as you go into the season it’ll be the health of both Julius Randle and ogan no that will ultimately determine how close the Knicks are to the Boston Celtics January is great but it’s a long way until April and so the Knicks have to make sure that they can get there both as healthy as they can and then for Julius Randall he’s got to be impactful for this team to have a chance you know CP I feel like this off season is about one question right and what’s the what’s the cost of being great and I think last night we all saw what the Boston Celtics were willing to pay for that cost of being great they had to get rid of uh guys like Mar smart who were beloved in Boston they’ve got rid of Grant Williams and Robert Williams guys who were very productive for that team last year and I think the Knicks see themselves in a very similar position add to the same caveat with injuries there’s still that sort of uh variable about what is it really going to look like for an entire season the good thing about this Knicks team is everything you just mentioned CP the Knicks have the the treasure chest uh used to be able to create greatness they got the picks they got the clap flexibility they got the the trade a contracts if they want to take that extra leap the question the answer is though what is that extra leap um me personally I feel like staying the course right now is probably the best course of action for this Knicks team because of what you lost when you didn’t have Julius Randall towards the end of this regular season not just because of what he’s meant to the building of this franchise but just his actual game the things that were glaring in the end of the regular season end in the postseason were things that Julius Randall succeeds at at a high level which is scoring in the paint which is toughness which is stretching the floor and even be able to facilitate to those shooters that that really got off towards the end of the year so um I think it’s pretty close and the good thing about the Celtics going into the championship is that they’re right up the road you get four cracks at them every year before you get to the playoffs to see just how close you are so uh I I think it’s pretty close I agree with CP and so you if you’re close and you want to bring everybody back you start with OG and I’m not hearing he is the top free agent uh on the market as far as what the Knicks have and what they need to bring back with anobi I think you look at Philadelphia as the biggest competition for New York because Philadelphia has significant cap space right I think Priority One for them is Paul George with the Clippers is George gonna extend with the Clippers resign with the Clippers if not I think Philadelphia has a big opportunity there to go in and get Paul George but if George off the table I think they turn their attention to a player like anobi where you could come in if you’re Philly you can make a really aggressive offer you could force the Knicks to go maybe a little bit beyond where they are comfortable going salary-wise for an anobi uh and if nothing else you impact their cap sheet moving forward so that’s the way I’m looking at the nnobi free agency maybe orlandoo maybe OKC comes in and then expresses some interest but I I just think at the end of the day it’s going to be the Nicks it’s just a matter of what the number is what the length of the deal is what the protections on the contract is you talk to people around the league everybody kind of throws out that $35 million a year number as something that’s reasonable logical for anobi as a starting point so we’ll see exactly where this thing goes a few days from now but CP anobi your thoughts on the contract you would like to see him resign to and how his offseason may go yeah well as you mentioned on on the Hoops hype podcast with with you and Michael Scot and Steph Bondi that 35 million that’s about the number that I’d expect ogan and Obi to sign for and he could as you said make the Knicks sweat it out a little bit and maybe take a meeting with Philadelphia or the OKC Thunder we know those teams will have cap space and does that drive the price up for the Knicks just a bit but if I’m Leon Rose this is a no-brainer you traded RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickly two of a young core for OG anobi who has become a critical piece for the Knick’s chances in in being that Premier team as we open the show with and so uh there’s no number that’s too high for me when it comes to oan and Obi injury risk be damned he has to be in the nick uniform come next Fall for them to even have a chance at uh being the kings of the East yeah CP I feel like uh for what you gave up to get ogan and Obi uh anything less than retaining him will be seen as a failure for in the eyes of many Knicks fans fans but in addition to that whatever money you thought he was going to be able to be worth uh at the end of the regular season at the end of the playoffs last night showed you he’s probably going to be worth more than that because you’re going to need to go through Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum to even have a shot at being the kings of the East and we’ve seen there’s enough data out there to justify that sort of bag that OG’s going to want to demand uh this offseason Jeremy Grant’s a great example you look at the Minnesota Timberwolves Jen McDaniels is a great example having two-way guys that are wings that can guard uh the stars of The League including Brown and Tatum are going to be at a premium this year look at the Philadelphia 76ers they got a bird out view of just how good OG and anobi is and it wouldn’t shock me if they help drive up the price to to sign OG not just because he’s a good player but you get to take him away from that Nick team that eliminated you from the playoffs this year so I mean I expect a lot of gamesmanship this off season and uh I guess it’s all going to benefit OG at the end because I think even with the injury risk it’s not going to stop the bag that he wants to get this off season yeah I’m with you guys not a price too high for Anon Obi for the Knicks you got to bring them back Nicks also have a couple decisions on potential extensions they can extend Jaylen Brunson in mid July for as many as four years I think as much as $158 million Brunson also could wait and explore free agency next summer and can sign a max deal worth in total about 110 more than the extension he could sign so big decision for Jaylen Brunson Nicks obviously would love for Brunson to sign that extension and if he did so he would be giving the Knicks yet another Financial gift because right now he’s on a descending contract and that descending contract obviously gives the Knicks more financial flexibility over the life of the deal and it starts brunson’s next salary at lower than it would be if he was on an ascending deal so he’s also he’s already giving them a favor but doing this signing this extension when we know it’s way under market value for Brunson would be a huge assist to the Knicks and if he did it it would kind of just align with the way he operates he always talks about putting the team above himself he did that with his first deal he would be doing that in the big way with this extension and I think at the very least he will be open to hearing the Knicks pitch pitch on that extension as you get into the off season I mean Cass this one seemed like a no-brainer from a Nick perspective but if Jaylen Brunson did sign that extension what would your thoughts be I will go out to 33rd and 6th right now and get the clay and get the shovels and get the digging right like I will start building the statue right away because Jaylen Brunson we’ve already known just how much he’s over produced on the contract he’s already playing on right and for him to not just up his value not just for his team but around the league and take another potential discount in order to help ensure the future stability of this Nick’s franchise it is it would be I don’t know like as just if I’m not his financial adviser I probably feel some type of way but on the other hand I I will just say it speaks to everything that you love about Jaylen Brunson I mean you hear about the stories about him uh watching Derek Jeter interviews with his dad as far as how they handle New York City and this is another way of knowing that yes you can get the bag here in New York and obviously being a New York City uh Superstar comes with its own perks but I think he knows enough that one of the most valuable assets on that team is his contract and signing an extension this off season which gives the Knicks more flexibility to get better I I mean I don’t know what else you that want the guy to do man it would be some legendary stuff if he could pull that off yeah you look at go ahead CP no I’m with Cass I mean you could start putting the statue out there for him out there on 30 fourth and seventh but it would just be a another you know signal that that Jaylen Brunson is all about winning for this team and and making the sacrifice and players make that sacrifice a lot of times on the court but when they do it in the pocketbooks as well I mean that’s that’s also an an admirable feat and so uh with his focus on winning and and helping the Knicks be as flexible as they can in navigating the new CBA that would be a home run for them yeah and CP you hit on it you know that new CBA you want to stay out of that second apron territory cuz you’re really Limited in what you can do to improve your team once you get up there and Brunson if he took this deal would be doing the Knicks a big favor by keeping them further away from that second AUM just giving them more obviously money but more options to use when going out to improve the team now Julius Randall also eligible for an extension early August he would have to decline his player option and then he could extend for I believe a four Seasons he could also obviously wait it out and then explore free agency I’m going to stick just with what I had in my predictions on offseason predictions um I predicted then that Julius and the Knicks would not be able to come to an agreement on the extension I’m sticking with that at this point and I’m going to start with UCP Julius extension how would you approach that well I’m with you on your prediction I I don’t think uh they they sign it this season and also I if I’m the Knicks I want to maintain my flexibility if there is that home run trade to make you might have to put julus Randle salary in there and extending him could complicate things a little bit and also I’d be Keen to let him play this out take it to the end of next season see how how far he takes his team in the playoffs next year is he there healthy is he going to be impactful then you can truly determine what his market value will be going forward and determine if he’s part of your future or not C if you don’t extend him do you think that maybe that could impact the way things play out on the court I’m Julius is a professional I’m not suggesting that he you know would would play any differently but you know whenever there’s uncertainty in your future maybe it just impacts you even unconsciously so I I wonder about that aspect of this thing if they don’t extend Randall your thoughts there yeah I Julius is going to have such an interesting summer right like a lot of time after entry we didn’t see a lot of Julius Randall we barely really saw him in the playoffs i’ say for a few games on the bench but it seems like ever since the end of the regular season he’s do been doing a lot more public appearances doing uh the NBA uh countdown show before the finals it’s almost like he’s campaigning to stay in New York City and be like hey I want to be here I want to win here and I think any Knicks fan who has watched how this team looked from January on or even in the years past where Julius had had all NBA level Seasons you’d still want to hold on to him unless yes there is that big home run trade out there which me personally I don’t think is really out there the only question for me that comes with Julius Randle remaining a New York Nick is his health the last two seasons were compromised because Julius Randall wasn’t on the floor and for your all NBA player to not be on the floor when you need him the most as much as we love him as much as he’s given to this franchise that’s something you have to keep into account when it’s time to extend someone’s contract so it gets really interesting and it gets really tricky because not only does that put the Knicks in a certain situation but like I said if that trade is out there Julius Randle probably has the most attractive combination of talent and contract to at least make something work with another superstar that you’d want to bring to New York City if you don’t want to uh be in the Julius Randle business for the next three or four years uh me personally I think he’s a fit I’d love for it to work out but again this is a business and you never know how things are going to work out especially when you’re coming off of injuries until of the past postseasons yeah next big free agent for the Knicks would be Isaiah hartenstein Nicks big man obviously stepped in and stepped up big time when Mitch Robinson got hurt this past season played a pivotal role to get the Knicks to where they were and he’s going to command a big money in the off season not many teams with significant cap space but I think if you’re thinking about har Haren Stein’s free agency you look at Oklahoma City you look at Orlando you look at Detroit and Orlando in particular had significant interest in hartenstein last time he was a free agent he chose New York over the magic I don’t know if the money was equal wasn’t equal but one thing about hartenstein he was willing to resign with the Clippers to on a lower number to go back there his last free agency because he felt comfortable in that situation and that just tells me that if the money’s equal or even if he’s taking a little bit of a haircut with New York I would think he would lean towards coming back here because of what he did this past these past few seasons and his comfort level with the group and how he fits this group now look the Knicks can only offer 72 million over four years because they have Harten Stein’s early bird rights team like OKC a team like Orlando could come over the top and really put together a big balloon offer maybe two years 50 million something like that would really make Haren Stein think now I know that after their playoff run the Knicks felt like they were in a good place on both ogn anobi and Isaiah hartenstein while also acknowledging those two are going to get interest from from other teams and they’re going to have to deal with that and so I think as you’d expect right now the Knicks I think are planning for all their options including possibility of losing hartenstein while also feeling like they have a good shot at retaining them and I think they’re keeping an eye on the free agency market with the centers and and seeing what plan B C D would be if hartenstein were to leave Cass for you you’re pitching hartenstein on staying with the Knicks even though he has a big offer from another team what would you say to him and how important is he uh coming back here for this team success my biggest pitch to Isaiah hartenstein will well on top of you know doing you know Jimmy Kimmel spots and the the the certain celebrity that comes with being a New York Nick culture-wise he is you know such an important and integral part to the DNA of what this Knicks te eventually became towards the second half of the Season he is a guy who rebounds who passes better than the average big man who could defend anybody out there did a valiant effort against Joel ID even though he was still on Mars during this playoff season um I think chemistry goes a long way and I think the fact that he was willing to take less money to stay in a winning situation like Los Angeles Clippers gives you a little bit of hope uh that he would stay in New York given the success that this team had towards the end of the season however the Oklahoma City Thunder scare the crap out of me because they’re young they have the cap space to do it they need a guy to sort of protect chat holgren and he kind of fits that mold of their version of what Stephen Adams was to a previous generation of Oklahoma City Thunder so if there’s any team out there that worries me the most about uh losing ihart it it would be the Thunder and that is a team that has a championship window that is just as open as the Knicks but they’re a little bit younger so money Championship it’s it’s it’s it wouldn’t shock me but I don’t want it to happen okayy would definitely be uh you know on that radar of teams to watch even though it hasn’t been Sam prey’s nature to go out there and Splurge during free agency but for Isaiah hartstein I’ve came away with the the observation I came away with after this season is that he needs to be back with the Knicks and he needs to be the deao starting center for the Knicks I was impressed with so many things that Isaiah hartstein improved on since he’s been here with the Knicks his defense his rebounding he gave Tom tibo a lot of credit for that the floater his floater game was on point throughout the season and the postseason the Twan action that he ran with Jaylen Brunson we saw a lot of potential there that I would like to see the Knicks tap into when you have a fiveman that can make high IQ plays both as a shooter and as a playmaker I think it adds a little bit of Versatility to that Knicks offense and allows some more uidity in their offense where you can get it out to your three-point Shooters and not just have to rely on Jaylen Brunson and Julius Randall to create for the rest of the team so he’s moved from just a reserve player to now a vital piece especially when you have to factor in injury time for Mitchell Robinson it may be ideal for the Knicks to move forward with iHeart as a starter and maybe Mitch as a reserve to limit his load as well lot of decisions to be made at the center position for the Knicks right now we’re going to go to our guy Matt spendley SNY social media Guru he’s got a fan question for us Matt what’s happening what’s up guys hope you guys are having a great summer so far hope everything’s going well excited for all this offseason discussion um CP I’m coming to you for this one question is from our guy Don Juan on YouTube any players You Have Eyes On In the Nick should Target so I know we’ve talked about a lot of the similar names that tend to come up around this time but I’m curious for you CP who are the type of guys that you’re actually keeping an eye on if you’re looking for the Knicks to establish L that level of continuity and keep the same uh the same kind of team so who are those guys maybe under the radar a little bit that you have your eye on well the culture has been laid down by Tom Tibido you have to play hard you have to be physical and you have to be coachable you know those are the guys that they brought in in Brunson and divon chenzo and Hart iHeart Duce McBride and so with that mid-level exception with the Knicks needing a backup point guard tus Jones comes to the top of my list another guy who I liked is uh Monte Morris now he he had an injury plag season last last year but a tough guy who can play defense who can shoot the three ball fairly well I like him and McBride back there causing Havoc for opposing offenses and defenses and then I’m also looking at that bonovich contract are they going to utilize it as a trade chip I want to see what’s going on with Atlanta is the jeon Murray potentially available is it DeAndre Hunter potentially available for the Knicks I’d like to see them get that depth to help sh up the bench with some shooting with some defense more athleticism as well Matt we’re going back to you for another one right beautiful I’m coming right to you Ian yeah CP great names I think good for us us to keep an eye on Ian I had a question about um boan bogdanovich the Knicks have about 10 days to decide if they’re going to guarantee his contract for next season uh about 19 million 20 million dollar so do you think the Knicks pick up that option you have any any sense of what direction they’re leaning obviously they would keep him to potentially use him as a contract in trades or keep him because his shooting was valuable at times in the playoffs so I’m any gauge on bogdanovich and how theck leaning there I do think ultimately they will pick up that option I I don’t know if a decision has been made yet um I don’t know if it’s been communicated yet but I I would think that they do pick it up because if you look at the Avenues to improve the roster it is through trade and you need a salary like bonovich is to include in a trade so that’s just talking off the court on the court I thought he started to play really well uh in the postseason start to get comfortable hit some big shots off the Nick bench so he showed you how he can help you on the court you know he can help you off the court if you have that big trade coming up because the other salaries you’re looking at would be a Mitchell Robinson and Josh har or Dante defen senzo Julius Randall to make things work so I think that’s why the bdon bonovich salary is so valuable because you wouldn’t want to automatically move one of those other guys and that’s why I would expect them to pick it up but again I don’t know if a final decision has been made there and I don’t I I don’t know if uh we’re going back to you Matt I don’t think so so I think we’re GNA go oh you you got it Go cook thank you sir we’re gonna go stargazing uh we’re gonna go stargazing now because as we talk regularly uh on this show about the Knicks it is about getting another big player ultimately I think that’s where their focus still lies regardless of what happens in the draft regardless of what happens in the offseason I do think ultimately that’s where they are so let’s take a look at a couple options here one is Paul George Paul George talked about him earlier uh the idea that he may not get a deal done with the Clippers and he may be looking for another team to go out and give him that last big deal that he’s looking for looking for four years Clippers have not been willing to go there to date uh I think Philadelphia I think they would if I had to guess go four years I don’t know if if the Knicks would um I know that Knicks have been interested and Paul George in the past I’m not sure though that if you bring back OG and an Obi Paul George is that guy that you go all in for if you lose anobi it’s a different conversation that’s where I think it hinges on Paul George um CP what are you keeping in the eye on in terms of the trade market and that big name that may be out there yeah it’s hard to see right now because as Cass said earlier on the show it just doesn’t seem like that name is out there um James Jones from Phoenix said you can forget about any of those Phoenix big three being available Kevin Durant and Devin Booker namely I would have no interest in in Bradley Beal Donovan Mitchell or is he gonna sign the extension with the Cavs does he go somewhere else like you had said Ian on on a show earlier it doesn’t seem like the Knicks have much interest in Donovan Mitchell as they once had in two years ago Carl Anthony towns I’m really not interested in that would Minnesota go ahead and try to peel that back after the success that they had and also in the backdrop of ownership uncertainty so is a Town’s Pursuit really there that’s why I go back to a guy like a Deonte Murray one of those midlevel players who can help move your depth a little bit forward you get young you get athletic and it and it just he keeps the Knicks in that competitive Arena around the East I’m just not sure if that that home run Splash is available for the Knicks right now yeah I I don’t think there is one but a name that I’ve really started to really become enamored with over the past uh few has been Brandon Ingram of the New Orleans Pelicans right like he’s a guy who has an All-Star level talent and one thing that I’ve noticed about this Nick’s team towards the end of the regular season and the postseason was like man they scor but like I would love to see them get bigger on the wing and get more athletic as scorers I mean getting being able to to you know finish at the rim and get threes are great but if you got somebody who’s in the 67 to 610 range who could stretch the floor out a little bit and that could score in the mid-range uh that’ll be a great get also it doesn’t seem like Brandon Ingram will cost a farm as you know one of these other superstars might cost for you know a Booker or a towns or any of these other like Mega stars that have sort of been floated around over the past several years uh Brandon Ingram seems like he would be a nice fit uh watching the end of that Pelican series obviously with Zion hurt um I don’t like to play armchair uh psychologist but he looked a little burnt out from the situation just as far as like you know uh his injuries concerned as well U maybe a first start in New York alongside Josh Hart a guy who he played with uh for a good amount of his career in Los Angeles and New Orleans could help ensure some of that chemistry that we’ve seen with the Nova niick so far so um over the past few days I I’m starting to really come around on thinking you know if you can go and make a swing for Brandon Ingram and still possibly hold on to Randall and Brunson and the guys that you really uh helped uh build this team around that could be something really special yeah the Pelicans have a decision to make on Ingram whether they want to offer him a Max extension or or whether they don’t and where they feel comfortable with there obviously Zion Williamson has that big contract and they’re going to have to pay Trey Murphy III uh so they’re going to have big big decisions financially coming up maybe that makes Ingram available um I know teams are kind of planning as if he could be available I don’t know about the Knicks haven’t heard specifically on them and Brandon Ingram I would keep an eye on Cleveland uh especially if Donovan Mitchell does decide to stick around which I I think that’s the way it’ll go at this point I would keep an eye on the Cavs maybe poking around on Ingram seeing what it would take to trade for him because you put him in Cleveland depending on who’s left uh that could be a pretty formidable foe in the Eastern Conference and other names you know Jimmy Butler I think that depending on how high Miami wants to go for him for his extension for his next deal maybe he becomes available is he a Nick Target look they have the draft capital to get involved in any of these conversations uh if teams are looking for top young players back I would think other other teams could put together a stronger package but when it comes down to just draft capital I think the Knicks will be right there with any team that they want to get involved with conversation wise I think so Butler you keep an eye on but I don’t see him as being the guy that the Nicks push all their chips in the final piece here I think that player has yet to emerge so let’s move on because one order of business that the kns have to take care of not in theory not maybe trading first star they have to figure out something with Tom thibo entering the final year of his contract he’s been inarguably the Knick’s best coach of the last two plus decades and no head coach wants to go into the final season of his deal without any protections beyond that nobody wants to be a lame duck so I still assume that the Knicks and the do get something done here on an extension the going rate it seems is around $10 million a year uh for these coaches right now and I’m more curious about the length of this deal um I wouldn’t be surprised if thibo got an extra two years tacked on to his deal I would be surprised if he got an extra you know four or five years tacked on to his deal with this extension so that’s what I’m keeping an eye on but Mor’s cheeks being added to the staff is to me just another piece of evidence that Tom Fido is going nowhere and by the way cheeks’ addition uh did not come in someone else instead none of the Nick assistants had left to make room for cheeks uh he is just an addition at this point so I think that’s important to note too Cass for you tibs extension how long would you go how much money would you give up uh when it comes to tibs as long as he keeps the basketball sickos happy you can pay him whatever he wants right like Tom Tibido is a guy who has uh probably more intertwined with the culture of their NBA team than only a handful of other NBA coaches out there and that’s including the pap ofices the you know spas and those sort of guys Tom Tibido DNA is throughout this team and I think the the weight on announcing what this contract exension is going to be is probably just the year so I would probably do another four you know what I mean like I would go four years make him one of the top five uh highest paid coaches in the league and uh try and keep that Synergy going throughout the front office the head coach and uh everybody else within that Nicks organization it’s it’s quietly turned into one of the most well-run organizations in all of the NBA so it doesn’t really you know I’m not really concerned that they don’t get a a deal done that both sides are happy with I just think this is a product of how well-run the Knicks have been in the past several years where nothing leaks out nothing comes from anybody uh you know I know we’d love to hear from Leon Rose and have a couple interviews here and there but I think that sort of helps you know the the health of the organization right now so uh whatever it takes to keep tibs around I don’t think he’s going anywhere and he’s going to deserve every single penny he should have got some more Coach of the Year votes if I’m not mistaken you pay him what he wants and whatever he gets he would have deserved as long as it’s within that market value of a 10 to13 million Tom Tibido would have earned it as a basketball lifer I mean you got Monty Williams in Detroit he didn’t even want the Detroit job and he’s one of the highest paid coaches in the league and the results are are glaring right now but for for Tom Tibido to have come here uh set the culture and lay that Foundation down three out of the last four years they’ve been in the playoffs the fourth seed the fifth seed the second seed they finished in the top five in the east in all of those years you look at the guys that are are set to be paid as a result of playing under Tom Tibido Emanuel Quickly’s going to get his bag soon Jaylen Brunson soon Isaiah hartenstein soon the allstar appearances for Brunson and Randall all NBA appearances for those guys as well I mean you have to give Tom Tibido a ton of credit for what he’s for the job that he’s done here in New York Leon Rose has done a great job year after year in bringing in the players who want to be coached right when we we we talk about that poll and all those players that have come out against him well year after year it seems like they still can find somebody that wants to play Under Tom Tibido and is thriving Josh Hart Dante dant chenzo Duce McBride as well so listen you give him what he wants he he’s earned it and he’s done a great job so far and as long as Jaylen Brunson is happy with him this is our guy this is our two-man ticket and this is what the future of the Knicks are going to look like I I didn’t hear I I didn’t catch I me either okay yeah well you know another free agent decision that’s going to have to be made here is uh is precious ature he did a commendable job for the Knicks especially in the February stretch when when Julius Randall went down and I think you know they’ll wait as free agent until or wait through free agency allow the chips to fall and see where they are especially with Isaiah hartenstein but maybe if hartenstein goes do they look to bring pre atua back uh some other backup options if they do lose Isaiah hartenstein you have Goga baz 24 years old from Orlando good rebounder good Defender could he be had there for the for the mid level uh Jonas valent chunis he will be a top of that Center list which is not that deep in free agency does Kavon Looney become a cap casualty in Golden State another good rebounder that would fit in well here with the Knicks uh maybe is is there trade to be had is it uh vvi from Chicago not really clear you know what Chicago and their ownership Billy Donovan how they want to move forward with that team do they try to remain competitive or do they start to to peel the onion back a little bit could vich be a guy that could be had I think those are some names that would be on my radar CP a name that I’ve had on my radar for a while is uh my guy slowmo from the Minnesota timber Kyle Anderson a local product here uh in New Jersey a person who uh quite literally plays at his own speed but has been effective at every level of basketball seems like he’d be a very good uh tibs fit and just MoneyWise especially if you lose out on uh any combination of OG or precious or anybody like that I think Kyle Anderson would be a great sort of get if you can go out and get him and uh as far as like Wing scoring as well um I’m a big fan of of uh Doug mcder right like he didn’t really he played for the Pacers I love my guy douge mcbuckets um I’m thinking of people just in case you don’t hold on to a boan or you don’t hold on to some of these guys you know the names aren’t as sexy as they as they can be but these are folks who have been you know have some ties to the area are veterans who are Pros who won’t really you know cost you a ton of money but could definitely still be very effective um Doug mcbuckets is a guy guy who I think could fill in admirably if you end up losing on the boan banovich now Boon’s definitely had more success on the NBA level but you’re not asking him to do uh what you’d ask uh you know boan to do if he would come and be a New York Nick and he wouldn’t cost you a bunch as well so my big thing after this off season is getting Wing scoring I love seeing Josh Hart’s three-point sort of evolve but you know he’s still only about 65 6’6 and when you’re going up against those giant 610 6 eight dudes of the Browns and the tatums of the world which is the standard now there’s no other way around it you’re going to have to go through them and more than likely go through a a retooled 76ers team with a healthy embiid and possibly adding to Paul George you got to get Wing scoring quickly so uh those are guys that I’d love to sort of add on if there was any money left over towards the end of this regular season yeah wing wing depth is definitely going to be vital I like what buan gave the Knicks especially late in the season and into the playoffs but he is older and he’s one of those guys that you have to pencil in injury time for they need to start moving away from some of those guys injuries are it’s hard to predict but certain guys just have a lengthy rap sheet that you just have to know that they’ve got to move on from him if they can get a clear upgrade get a bit more athletic and as you said get some more Wing depth and that could come via the draft they have the 24th pick they have the 25th pick in the draft will they package those two picks and try to move up do they use one and use the other one want to to move back or punt it for future drafts but one thing’s for sure one of those picks I think the Knicks need to utilize and try to draft a wing who’s ready to play a lot of people have their eyes on on Ryan Dunn out of Virginia only problem is can’t you can’t hit the broadside of a barn so I don’t know if he’s giving us you know plus defense on one side but he’s part of the construction business is that the guy we really want at 24 25 it’s going to be interesting to see there’s a guy out of Illinois that I really uh taking a like into especially during the NCAA tournament teren Shannon uh he’s a senior out of Illinois he can get Buckets he is a guy who can score on every single level and I like that he’s a senior I like that he’s got some time and I think his the fact that he is a senior sort of lines up with the timeline of the New York Knicks where it doesn’t seem like they would have to take a bunch of time to develop him as a rookie I like him being drafted in the same sort of vein as a yamy yakz or you know how the Miami Heat always get some senior dude uh who played four years a college and just is ready to contribute right away the Knicks would need to draft a guy like that if they are going to use at least one of those three picks and next week’s NBA draft and Teran Channon seems to be of someone who could fit that bill right away uh for the New York Knicks but as far as packaging it and going for a star I think we’re all in sort of agreeance here uh if that you know star disgruntled player or uh you know soon to be free agent is there to be had those are the picks that you need to use to go out and get them or you take those and Putt to next year and uh see if you can uh you know get another first round pick in next year’s draft which should be a little bit more fruitful than uh this year’s yeah I CP said it I agree I think they use at least one of these on a player if not two or three because uh at the end of the season against the Pacers depth was an issue back into the rotation was an issue not just because of the injuries but they felt that you know they needed a little bit more in those instances and that led to I think some significant conversations about how to approach this draft and the idea of getting at least one quality player who come in and can contribute to the program so I would expect they make one of those in the top 38 you guys mentioned Ryan Dunn they had him in for a workout Long Island’s own they also had uh Baylor Sharman uh shooter from kraton in for a group workout recently I was told so they’re taking a look get some players I’m sure they’ll they’ll talk to many more players as the draft approaches and work out several more guys as the draft approaches but dun you talk to other teams they keep bringing up Dunn as a player uh that the Knicks are linked to or like so that’s what other teams think about the Knicks right now with dun that he could be their guy let’s see how it shakes out because so much could happen before when you’re picking 24 25 so many different things can happen beforehand that draft coming up next week barlay Center round one Wednesday night I know you guys are looking forward to it we at the putback are looking forward to it and so that’s going to do it for us right now Cass we thank you so much man thank you for joining us Fanatics SNY TV contributor CP the franchise Nicks fan TV thanks a lot for being with us man yeah yeah yes we we got a shout out our former coach Jeff Van Gundy for winning the ring last night with the Boston Celtics as a consultant and now moving on to uh La as an assistant under tyou and our guy kristofh porzingis got a ring last night so look at that man all all the alumni moving on and Greener and bigger and better things don’t forget about Luke cornette getting a ring too the unicorn’s got a ring as well man so one day it’ll be us one day we’ll be there man so yeah we’re back uh Wednesday next Wednesday uh the day of the draft so be sure to keep an eye out for us there and for your nightly Nicks coverage on Honda Sports night and and we’ll see you then [Music]

On The Putback with Ian Begley, SNY’s NBA Insider is joined by @KnicksFanTV’s CP The Fanchise and SNY contributor Kaz Famuyide to break down how the Knicks should approach this offseason, including the NBA Draft and free agency.

Today’s Show
0:00 Welcome to the show
1:21 Where can Knicks make the biggest leap this off-season?
4:59 OG Anunoby’s Future in NY
8:40 Brunson’s decision to reach extension
12:20 Assessing the future of Julius Randle
15:33 Isaiah Hartenstein’s odds to return to Knicks
20:30 Fan Question #1: What players should Knicks target in free agency?
22:00 Fan Question #2: What is the next move for Bojan Bogdanovic?
23:35 Possible target for Knicks: Paul George
25:50 Possible target for Knicks: Brandon Ingram
28:18 Possible target for Knicks: Jimmy Butler
29:00 Tom Thibodeau contract extension options
33:46 Should the Knicks keep Precious Achiuwa?
34:55 Should the Knicks target Kyle Anderson, Doug McDermott?
37:17 The Knicks 2024 Draft Plan
39:10 Ian’s thoughts on draft predictions

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  1. What’s wrong with being a 1-3 seed if we keep this team together. Lots of teams will have changes happening and we don’t know what they will look like. Milwaukee Giannis with injuries Middleton asking for a trade. Clippers will make changes sixers are like the Knicks they need to make some adjustments resign a few guys and extensions, pacers are young, hornets are young need to make moves. If we stand pat keep our guys and maybe in the season revisit a big trade for a guy like booker or Giannis if not I don’t think we should make any changes. We have a good back up pg in Milton and deuce

  2. 1. Trade up for Zach Edey, Draft Ryan Dunn
    2. Resign OG Anunoby and Isaiah Hartenstein
    3. Trade Mitchell Robinson, Jericho Sims, Bojan Bogdanovic and future 1sts for Brandon Ingram

    Jalen Brunson
    OG Anunoby
    Brandon Ingram
    Julius Randle
    Isaiah Hartenstein
    Donte DiVincenzo
    Josh Hart
    Miles McBride
    Zach Edey
    Ryan Dunn
    Ryan Arciadiacano

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