@Cleveland Cavaliers

Former Cavs coach J. B. Bickerstaff admired how Luka fought thru pain to play in NBA Finals, more specifically that he took “shots in his ribs” to play.

Former Cavs coach J. B. Bickerstaff admired how Luka fought thru pain to play in NBA Finals, more specifically that he took “shots in his ribs” to play.

by Potential_Progress45


  1. Potential_Progress45

    Throwing shots at Allen lol what a sore loser

  2. nah no one’s gotta be overly nice about this guy’s departure lol gtfo JB

  3. old_souljah

    “Coach” definitely lost that locker room

  4. BarkerRuffield

    Way to embrace your inner Hue Jackson JB.

  5. AdministrativeLaugh2


    What a sweet word to see

  6. privateenergy

    JB is a nepo baby. Maybe if he had learned how to use his role players our starters wouldn’t have been injured so much

  7. Jarrett Allen never beating the “soft big man” allegations 

  8. Mobleybetta

    This isn’t gonna help him get another coaching job for sure

  9. docc2183

    I love JA and I think he’s a great player. I also believe he could have made more of an effort to play this year and also a few years ago with the hand injury in the play-in. I don’t want to trade him, and I don’t think Koby does, either. But you’ve got a couple of data points out there, and if your goal is to win a championship, I think you have to consider these playoff injuries and his decisions.

  10. Emergency-Top-4505

    Lmao the one thing you could say about JB is he always had his players backs. I guess he doesn’t want another head coaching job

  11. nobraininmyoxygen

    This is great news for the Cavs. It never felt like the players ever had an issue with Allen so maybe it was just the coaching staff.

  12. gen_wt_sherman

    I love piling on JB as much as the next person… But weren’t we also trashing JA and calling him soft for refusing to do whatever he could to play in the playoffs?

  13. elbjoint2016

    maybe keep that one in the holster, JB. gotta keep up the players coach rep

  14. Jeremy-Smonk0

    Maybe if you had an offensive scheme besides Mitchell shoot the ball you wouldn’t have been fired

  15. lovemesomescience

    JA is the reason this man had a job after January lol

  16. Ok-Donut4954

    JB is trying to tear our fanbase apart!

    Now the people defending JA can see it was an actual complaint people in the org had and not just some conspiracy spread by doomers online. Doesnt help that it was our braindead ex-coach who said it

  17. TheBigGadowski

    He also embraced Luka bitching to the refs every play as well.

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