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Miami Heat: Will they trade up? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Will they trade up? | Five on the Floor

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9620 that’s mobile CR arm and Staffing services or c-arm and and now today’s episode ride for my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS wear bubble frogs just like bu say you in trouble y’ check the FL plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop one hand and Pat trust this F have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skck you can follow me Ethan J skull and at five reason sports like Greg slander you can follow me at Greg slander and Brady Hawk you can follow Brady Hawk 305 okay so we’re getting close to doing a lot of draft coverage we’re going to do some draft draft retrospectives on prior heat drafts like say 2003 2008 2015 2017 2019 like some of the ones that will stick in your head for players that they took some of those we’re going to do here on five on the floor and some of them we’re going to do at playback so make sure you download the playback app there we’ll do one with the highlights we’ll have our team over there Matt hanin Eternal uh and of course Adele who’s been helping us with a lot of this draft stuff of late he’s going to be appearing here as well so we’ll be splitting those up we’ve got about 10 different years that we want to look at so maybe we’ll do five and five and then we’re going to be getting you ready for the draft specifically as we go forward but uh there are reports that come out so we’re going to address reports even if some of them don’t end up turning to be true and in some cases information is put out there because you know you’re trying to spin one side or another or whoever is revealing the information whether it’s an agent a GM a scout whatever it may be um has an angle of some sort but there was a report uh today from samiko that the Heat and the Lakers and samiko is based out of Cleveland again there’s Sam amch there’s Sam Amo they’re different reporters we’ve referred to some Sam amiko reports before and we’ve had him here on the show um he uh said that the Lakers in the heat are trying or may be trying right or could be trying was somewhat speculative to get into the top five uh so again this is not like a straight report the heat are trying to get into the top five but it’s weird okay because the heat don’t do that Greg right they don’t they don’t trade into the top five in fact I’ve heard of very few instances where they even tried I I remember I can remember once that they tried I I I I think it’s the same one which one is it in your in your memory Lamar yes that’s right that that’s the big trade up and I thought to myself is there a Lamar odm in this draft and not exactly like a player comp that’s not where I was going but is there that kind of like talented upside at the top of the draft that they would go and make this move I think some of it could be a little bit that Devin Carter is rising up in most mock drafts and looking like a top 10 Prospect and at one point there were you know kind of aspirations of having him land at 15 and I don’t think that that’s realistic and then there’s this other anticipa like there’s an anticipation that the heat are going to consolidate and maybe move Tyler herro and I think that those are just the maybe the the dot connection that’s happening right now versus it actually being reality it’s interesting you remember the the morum one because excuse me I do two but they actually I believe and maybe someone from the heat will correct me on this but I remember being at the sunrust building before they uh moved everything to American Airlines Arena and sitting next to Barry since that’s how old we both are and uh and we had heard reports that they were trying to get up and take Darius miles uh who is just like Lamar Odum a player the Clippers ended up taking with that like really young team with Quenton Richardson and Keon dueling and others that really didn’t materialize into much um so they did do it one other time it seemed like the piece they were dangling those days was PJ Brown uh a lot and then they ultimately moved PJ uh in the year 2000 in the uh in the big Eddie Jones deal but Brady let’s go to this okay because again this is not characteristic for the heat to trade in the top five I don’t think it’s happening this is not but okay let before I say it is this the draft to trade into the top five no that that’s kind of the main piece here is like I said before the show started to Greg I was like if there was a draft where we were having this conversation where it was like okay jump into the top five and try to land a top talent this do doesn’t feel like the one just because it doesn’t feel like there’s a big Talent difference from one to probably 15 in their range and here’s the biggest thing go on the internet look at every mock draft you have available none of them are even almost the same like everybody like there could be somebody’s top three pick that are barely at the end of the lottery in another draft draft so it’s like you don’t know what to expect on draft night that saying you’re going to jump in the top five to get this certain guy there’s a good chance you might get the guy you want saying still like so I think that that’s kind of the main thing here um but jumping into the top five uh just feel like the only thing I could think of is it like the idea of maybe having that asset like getting into the top five to saying okay we have a top five pick to be traded to for some of these guys that we’re talking about in terms of uh like Donovan Mitchells if he doesn’t get the extension or this and that like if they have a top five pick in their hands like okay we can move that that’s the only thing I could think of because from a draft perspective I just don’t think it makes much sense well that’s the thing like okay Beyond just is there a player uh that you want but what would the heat even move like that’s my that’s my thing here like I have a scenario can I throw it out there yes absolutely let’s say um that they’re worried about payroll and you wanna kind of reset and take Tyler’s big salary and exchange it for Reed Shepard’s rookie contract and you think that they’re favorable Shooters is that a scenario I mean I’m trying to come up with team do that though that’s my thing like we’ve talked about okay is can Tyler fetch you a first round pick right like last year we believed he could um now we don’t know but then it’s like he’s gonna fetch you a top five pick um that’s you know you know I’m saying like that’s I mean bam would fetch you a top five pick if a team could afford him uh but you’re not doing that and that’s see to me that’s what this comes down to like I know this is not a good draft it’s still a top five pick in a cross- controlled contract like I I those have value to teams and also the other thing that happens here during the draft process and sometimes it ends up being wrong and you end up with a draft that’s that led by Anthony Bennett but players teams fall in love with players during the draft process right so we always hear it’s a bad draft it’s a bad draft it’s a bad draft like another one is a great draft you know What dra draft we heard was a great draft the Wiggins draft the Wiggins Jabari Parker draft I mean Wiggins is has been basically a glorified role player um Jabari Parker’s been out of the league you know what I’m saying so like we sometimes we hear that stuff and then there are other drafts where it’s like it doesn’t look real good and then teams start to work out particular players and they see themselves you know drafting that player and what that player is going to look like for them and their entire perspective changes so Brady I mean I I’ll go to you I mean what would the what would the heat what would they even move like they I mean Caleb’s a free agenty heywood’s a free agent like what I guess to Greg’s point it’s Tyler and I guess that 15th pick and maybe you attach a second round maybe their second round pick because they never seem to make second round picks anyway this they’re new to this over the last few years since they since they got Jay Rich um yeah I don’t know like that that’s the key here and also I was looking at the teams like which team is would be willing to jump back like you have Detroit at five you have San Antonio at four you have Houston at three you have Washington at two and you have Atlanta at one and you would say maybe Atlanta but you’re not getting the first pick right like that’s probably most realistic team that you could see jumping back maybe well I I’ll challenge you a little on that um I think there are a couple teams in that mix that probably could benefit from getting a young veteran I like because Houston and and maybe even Detroit I I I just I kind of feel like I mean Houston has been moving that direction but it does feel like Detroit is finally ready to actually pivot and you know not just stack picks upon picks upon Pi I mean this gets back to what I was talking about with the Clippers way back in the day where they had all these young players and they did it again before Greg way back like the Danny Madden Ken Norman all these guys see it used to be Brady before you were born okay which I always throw back on this happy 21st by the way uh but the uh it used to be that we saw all these players in college like for four years right and so like Danny Manning came out and it was like oh my God it’s Danny Manning you know Danny Manning these days as a Collegian like he would have come out like Beasley did after the first year right like he wouldn’t have stayed for four so we unlike this draft where it’s like literally I’m like catching up now like to know anything about any of these guys I knew everything about those guys back then and like the Clippers kept stacking during those years like the like like players of the year like Reggie Williams from Jordan town and Kenny Norman from Illinois and all these guys and like it just never worked out they just they just kept rolling through these young players with no veterans and it does feel like Detroit’s done a little of that um whereas Orlando and now Houston have kind of tried to supplement their picks Orlando’s just picked better but they’ve tried to supplement their picks with other guys and so um I could see teams maybe saying okay we can get a 24y old can average 20 in this leag that might be interesting to them as opposed to having to develop another guy but then Greg you said like someone like Reed Shepard okay if Reed Shepard’s gonna end up doing Tyler herro like things like why pay for Tyler herro where he’s getting paid if you could pay for Reed Shepard right like that’s so I can see that’s if Reed Shepard land lands at five he could go earlier correct okay so so that’s the thing like I could see it from the Heath’s perspective but I I agree with you br I have a hard time really totally seeing it from the other perspective I’m trying to talk myself into this it’s it’s hard to really uh evaluate it that way all right on the other side of this break we’ll talk about maybe makes sense to trade up a little maybe not to five but is there a player kind of in that mix we talk about a lot of these guys are the same is there a player that makes so much sense for the heat that maybe it’s worth flipping a future second or something else along those lines uh to move up before we do want to mention a great sponsor five Reon Sports Network our friends over at prize picks is still legal in the state of Florida we do know that something happened with the Supreme Court today and uh certain entity down here like is controlling gambling for the next 300 years uh this will not affect prize picks uh they’ve already they’ve already changed their game to accommodate for the State of Florida so you can use the code 5 FIV and get that initial deposit matched up to $100 just like you did yesterday um and we do recommend uh playing this because it actually it’s kind of fun I mean they’ve got the lineup uh it’s really easy now and they still have a lot of the uh formatting that they had before but again uh without the flex plays and stuff like that you know what you’re getting with the power play and you can win a lot of money so check it out use prize piix download the app go to priz use the code 5 fi ve all right um BR I’ll go to you first on this is there any player that is such a good fit for the heat of all these players that are virtually the same in terms of talent level that like if you saw this guy at 13 you’d say on draft night be like okay do something and just get up and get him I think Devin Carter is the easiest example of that just because he fits what they do just because of the natural connection that the fit to their program uh but I don’t even see it what the things the way things are looking like I don’t even see him falling to 13 so 100% like it in that like specific example like if you are sitting there and the guy’s dropping like that I think you do probably try and see if you can work your way up uh and I know there’s been reports up there I think it was Anthony Chang that that wrote some stuff about SPO kind of being more more into this kind of situation with the draft he’s never like in this he’s usually coaching right now he’s not a guy looking into draft guys and he’s not going to get in the way of them I just thought it was interesting because like if he even does have a little of input it feels like guys like Devin Carter he would be like the guys like nudging the guy next to say hey if he does begin to drop like maybe jump up to get this guy um I’m looking at like of the teams in that range that they can maybe trade with the one that pops for me is like if if let’s just go really high let’s say eight San Antonio just because they have two picks in that top 10 and if you’re get a young guy why not like to your example Ethan when you said kind of getting you know a veteran on one of these teams like jumping in and trying to you know San Antonio already got their rookie and you try to get somebody else San Antonio could be a team I guess don’t think you’re getting seven because I don’t think they’re gonna call Portland I don’t I don’t I think that one might be I think that one might be ruled out but uh I think dein Carter’s won but this is the reason I think I really do believe if anything they just stay at 15 just because any of these guys were’re discussing could fall to 15 like they are legitimately top seven top five guys that could fall to them just because everything feels like it’s out of place like we did a playback recently uh or nicoa nia topic who was like a top three top two pick at certain points I’ve seen plenty of mock drafts recently where they’re projecting him to literally get drafted by Miami at 15 so like if you I think if if there’s any situation for them to stay put which they always like to do because they always like to see what what they can kind of outsmart these other teams and see what falls into their lap in a way I think they do probably stay put but that’s the top five thing just seems kind of crazy just because of this specific draft the more I think about it yeah and and Greg um I think when we get to draft night we may end up in this situation that happens a lot which is that we all worried about not getting a guy and then there are four guys there that we talked about and then he fans are going to be angry about the three that they didn’t pick typically because the heat don’t or the heat may not pick any of the four of them more likely they’ll pick somebody that fits their system better that they fell in love with uh sort of like they did with hakz right like that’s that feels like where we’re headed actually I just think that’s much more likely and by the way I don’t think they’ll trade down either no I think you’re right BR right I think that they stay where they are and I think to Brady’s point though but Devin Carter is shooting up mock drafts but maybe every mock draft’s gonna be wrong because I think if ever there was going to be a year where all these people would fall flat on their face with their predictions it’s probably in this draft where this Talent Gap is not substantial at the top so you just may have a big board that has variance to all the other big boards that the professionals have and you’ll see how that plays out on draft night to your point about having like four players that you didn’t think would even be there are there all of a sudden or something like that and you’re choosing between them um I at this point if you can move up for for like if Carter were to be there at 13 you should do what’s necessary if Stefan Castle were to drop for some reason I don’t see that happening I think you lean into that but otherwise there’s probably not a ton that you’re going to do to move up yeah that’s kind of how I feel too and I I I think that um again as we get closer to the draft we’re going to start evaluating some of these guys specifically and we’re going to get into The Bigs and the Smalls and and the and the wings and all of that and I think we have to take into context who may not be here next year I I think that you know get finding a replacement for Caleb Martin I think is probably the direction that this goes um we keep talking about functional size so that’s something to look at I do not think we did the Zach Ed episode I do not think that they’re taking a a s foot5 guy to play next to Bam I’ve been wrong before but does not seem like an erra maneuver but the other thing about this is look Adam Simon obviously you know is is kind of in charge of this part right CAD camera has a big voice their Scouts have a voice um but the spola thing is interesting because he really you’re right he has not had this kind of time before and he’s talked about it and so I do think you’re gonna his fingerprints are G to be on this to a certain degree and so I think then you have to say okay you know there’s certain types of players if he doesn’t think he’s going to play the player they’re not going to take the player okay and that’s that’s even with you know Pat Riley’s predeliction for certain types of players I I think there’s going to be a lean on SPO in this thing um I did hear today and and someone else I can tell you Bri our Brian fona uh heard this today they love Devin Carter like that is it’s pretty clear on this right we we’ve all heard that um they also uh really we’ve talked about this like the kid from Cal um and they worked him out recently right Tyson so uh you know just because they work someone out doesn’t necessarily means something we’ll get into that as we get close to the draft but we’ve heard a lot of noise on him and then we heard about the workout so and he’s a player that you probably do not need to move up to take in fact he’s projected to go later than them so that may be a thing where he may be the guy and then we’ll point back to this episode he may be the guy there’s four other guys on the board right the cam whitmorees right and then all of a sudden they take Tyson like he was supposed to go 26 they don’t give a damn I just want to make that clear right that’s like Brady’s Tyler Smith example like maybe they just go with the guy that they like or Tyson’s an example of like they keep their pick of 15 don’t take him and then they use 43 to trade up to like top of the second round and then grab Tyson who drops like that if there was a stand of them trading up I could see them doing that more than the 15 tree I could also see them selling their second R because we’ve seen them do that before so I mean I think it can go in any direction all right we’ll have more on this as we go forward I think I think we we’re talking about going chronological which would mean we probably I I don’t really see a need to do the pre- Riley drafts to be honest um agree right okay we just made that decision we could do them on playback maybe we’ll do the rice cycl for old heads we’ll bring them over there uh so probably we’ll start with 2003 um 2002 is another place we could look at obviously the Karan Butler draft maybe we do that one on playback as well uh but 2008’s the one I’m interested in honestly that’s that’s the uh the fascinating one to me um because this organization that could have gone a totally different direction over the next couple years if they drafted somebody other than Beasley at two not that Beasley was considered the wrong pick at the time he wasn’t but as I talked to Kevin love about what if they had taken Kevin Love maybe the big three don’t become the big three two years later so we’ll get into a whole bunch of stuff uh related to that thanks to Brady thanks to Greg um we will be on playback as long as the NBA finals are going uh what’s the score of that game right now as we’re recording this does anybody know I’ve paid so little attention to the finals I just got I gotta be honest 4839 Boston is up okay so I’ll pay even less attention to it now all right have a good night everybody thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the five Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad

After a report that the Miami Heat could consider moving into the top 5 in the upcoming NBA draft, Ethan, Brady and Greg discuss how likely that is — and who it would be for.

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  1. They’re probably trying to move Rozier & a second to move up & get youth & size & shed salary; turn the page and pivot to the young core officially

  2. Celtics added a banner yesterday. Fail to understand how is a draft pick (what appears to be a non-remarkable one) moving the needle.

  3. Stupid front office added guys like Cody Zeller, Dru Smith, Patty Mills and Thomas Bryant for serious championship runs. If they were out west, they would never make it out of the 2nd round.

  4. Heat trade Herro and a future pick from Kings for Malik Monk or trade up top 5. Heat draft Zach Edey and Hunter Sallis probably most underrated best PG in the 2nd round, ZYON Pullin, Keshad Johnson, or Antonio Reeves. Zach Edey is NBA ready, great touch on offense, can pass out the double, and when you need an easy bucket. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move. If you trade Jimmy it has to be 5 first round draft pick and 2 young players. If you go for Lauri, you give herro, 2 future first round pick, and sign and trade Highsmith

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis or ZYON PULLIN, Keshad Johnson Terry or Malik Monk

    Niko Jaime

    Jimmy Duncan

    Bam Kevin Love

    Zach Edey Jonas Val or Nic Claxton

  5. Wiggins was one of the reasons the Warriors won their last championship, second best player on that team. We overpay our role players more than any team in the league.

  6. I think Jimmy is most likely going to be traded. Hope they trade Tyler as well. I think he’s close to his ceiling

  7. It makes more sense if we’re talking about getting a top 5 pick that Jimmy gets traded to Houston than Tyler. Because the timeline wouldn’t make sense with a 19 yr old rookie and keeping Jimmy. I can’t see us getting pick three and pieces for Jimmy. Because if it’s anything that we learned for Bos winning the title is we are going back to the era of two stars, draft and develop for the most part.

  8. Rockets, Pistons, Spurs, and Wizards could use a Herro on the team. He is young, can shoot, and fits the timeline for them. Magic too instead going after klay they get Herro younger, cheaper, and won't go for 0/10. I could see him on Spurs for shooting and Wemby can attack the paint and kick it out to Herro. Reed Sheppard is the unknown with Herro you know what you are getting for that price.

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