@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Victor Wembanyama Leveling Up With Jamal Crawford

Spurs Victor Wembanyama Leveling Up With Jamal Crawford

what’s going on everyone so vikor wanyama is coming off of a very impressive season right this is a guy with so much hype so much anticipation I mean the most hyped Prospect since LeBron James he was a guy that was being tooted as like know he’s he was made to end the Jordan and LeBron debay he is going to be the greatest player ever and you know I don’t like the expectations that people put on some of these young guys like kind of just like let’s wait and see before we crown him the the greatest player ever right can he play a season or two before we start really hyping stuff up but man was he impressive and and alien is like the perfect just perfect name for him because he really is I mean with his size his skill set his versatility I mean the the impact I mean he might already be the best defensive player in the league by like a a good margin and he was a rookie right like he should have probably won def defensive player of the year and he flashed the skill SKS to do so many different things right from handling the basketball initiating the offense know stepping back you know put pulling up threes taking guys beating guys off the dribble he’s obviously so big and long that you could just throw it up he’s constantly a lop threat even from the three-point line he’s a lob threat right he’s like the Michael Jordan stretch and Space Jam it’s just ridiculous he just got arms for days and it really was it was very just special to see what he’s able to do and it’s just like you can you can already see the the Takeover is inevitable right like this is Thanos saying grabbing the gauntlet and going okay I’ll do it myself type thing like this is like you know it’s coming and you’re just hyped and excited and he’s only going to continue to improve he’s only going to continue to get better and the sky the limit for this kid and it’s terrifying to think of like what he could become and the Spurs I mean they got the they got the Cornerstone all right they definitely do but one of the things that really separates the the truly great players are the the the the willingness and the lack of ego to reach out and speak to other former NBA players to help with specific skill sets and Victor wiama was seen working out with Jay Crossover Jamal Crawford now I think this is terrifying for the league because again like vikor wiama is a big man right he Center power forward and yes you saw his ability to handle the ball a little bit Jamal Crawford is a guy that we when you think of I mean his name his nickname is Jay Crossover right when you think of a guy that has insane otherworldly handles of the basketball yeah you think of Kyrie and then you think of Jamal Crawford right like Jamal Crawford working with Victor wh minyama is one I love the out of thebox willingness remove the ego willing to go and and and learn other skill sets right cuz you know he could work out with other big men and and learn various you know post moves and skills and stuff like that but and I’m sure he is right but him to also go hey I want to work on my handle I want to work on my dribble I want to work on my shot right I want to be able to bring the ball up and initiate I Victor whama is leveling up here I mean this is a guy that he he’s he’s unlocking point point wimy right like point Wy is going to emerge here and again I love stuff like this like for example like Kobe working out with a keing right like I love seeing that stuff because he was like Hey I want to I need I want another skills especially as I’m getting older right like I want he won a championship and immediately got into the lab and was working out with other players that played positions that he never played because he wanted to learn some of the footwork he wanted to learn some of the skill sets he wanted wanted to learn some of the like I love stuff like that and for a guy like Victor whama to basically just say hey like reach out and and want to learn and adapt and work on things like his handle like his shot I think is very very impressive for just a young man right like cuz most of these guys like yeah there’s a lot of players that work out with former players and stuff and know go to various camps they and all kinds of stuff right like they’re they’re doing all kind of stuff in the offseason to work and they’re working out together and stuff like that but usually the young guys are working out with like their teammates or they’re working out with their TR they’re kind of doing their own thing usually see kind of the by year like four or five you see oh this guy’s working out with you know Jay Crossover Keem or no Wim is doing it immediately right like wimby could just do his regular workouts and everyone would be stoked to just see it right but for him to again be willing to go and say like I don’t want to just work out with a big man that is just going to help me on my post moves and whatnot no I want to work with a guy that can help me with my handles and and sew up and tighten up my handles better and be able to operate better on the basketball court right and and move more flow and be able to to develop you know a better passing game and a better handle and a better shot cuz Victor wama again like he he had his moments where he was cooking from that three-point line and to to be working with a guy like a you know Jamal Crawford he’s going to help him in so many ways with all the skill sets that getting kind of make Victor special right all the things that we saw cuz it’s not just that he’s you know 8 foot 10 with a 12 foot wingspan right he’s 75 W’s 75 with a seven was seven 10 wingspan whatever or eight foot wingspan sorry right so it’s not just like the 8 foot wingspan and the the seven 75 height and stuff it’s it’s that he’s that big and that long but can also handle the rock can step out and shoot the three can knock down the mid-range can take guys off off the dribble right can can make the pass like all those things is what makes him impressive his his ability to shoot over the top and so him working on those things and really ref refining them to a level if he can obviously I don’t expect him to be out there you know like Kyrie handling the basketball but just to be better you know and be able to like I said get the rebound and just go and and not you know kind of stumble over yourself or anything like that or you know and have that confidence and that comfortability to to be able to basically push it up the court and and operate as you know point wimy like I was mentioning I just I I was really impressed to to see him working out with Jamal Crawford because again it’s like usually you’ll see guards like point guards and stuff working out with guys like Jamal Crawford right you just see the Big Fellas working out with other Big Fellas right cuz it’s like oh like they they understand the what I need and how to do this right Victor he’s like no let me go work out with a guard that can help me know better handle the Rock and shoot and it’s just I really this dude’s coming let me just say that this dude is coming and it’s going to be it’s going to be a fun fun Journey fun just I’m going to enjoy watching and I’m I’m here for the ride without a doubt but anyway as always this is a discussion pass a question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts do you agree with me do you think like yeah like it is very impressive that he’s working out with Jamal Crawford he’s really you know developing and honing his craft how do you think like no I mean hey this is you know what guys do because again I mean I get guys work out in the offs right they all do you know they all team up and go various places you see players working out with each other they’re all flying La flying here flying there and you know working out with one another but to just see such a young man come into the league with so much hype and so much excitement and expectation that he’s going to be x y and z type player and then basically prove all the naysayers wrong and prove all the people that were hype on him right like oh no this kid is really going to be that special to to immediately jump right into working out with again like not a not another Center not with no he’s working out with somebody that’s get working on his skill sets that make him so special and and so that to me is what is so impressive that to me is what just gives me such excitement cuz it’s like you know this you know the next two off Seasons he can work on his handles and shooting and stuff like that to really be able to to adapt to the modern NBA and then you know maybe 3 years from now and whatever right work out with AEM or and work on the low post moves too and it’s just like then every year you just add a little more to the bag little more to the bag little more to the bag and by like year five this dude will be like unfair I mean he already is kind of unfair but imagine just you know you just keep adding a little bit more a little bit more a little a little bit more it’s just very impressive but again however you feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you hav liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot so me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subcribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs superstar Victor Wembanyama was working out with Jamal Crawford. Wemby had himself an amazing NBA rookie season and should only continue to grow and get better. Having a big man as talented as Victor Wembanyama working with one of the better ball handlers in NBA history is a testament to the level Wemby is looking to achieve.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #nbanewstoday


  1. Call me crazy, But Wemby is "That" this KID WEMBY…..IS THE ONLY PLAYER THAT IF HE STAYS HEALTHY…..HE COULD ACTUALLY DETHRONE JORDAN AS THE G.O.A.T.!!! WHO SAYS WEMBY ISN'T CAPABLE OF BEING THE G.O.A.T. of G.O.A.T.S 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐💯.!!!! Spurs4Life baby signing out!!! 😎🤟💕💯

  2. He makes us ,the french, proud of him he is genuine, à hard worker , kind with people and he is the truth that frenchies speaks english too
    But also you can see how good sports school are good in France

  3. Imagine pg wemby at the top of the key, just controlling the offense with the greatest range and passing ceiling we've ever seen

  4. Before the Philly game Wemby came out early and told Tyrese Maxey he wanted to be all time defense against him. Tyrese said no one had ever said that to him before. Wemby wants to learn something from everyone

  5. What impresses me the most is his demeanour and i m gona run this walk kinda attitude. He has always been humble even younger

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