@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee Bucks-centric 2024 NBA Draft Boards

Milwaukee Bucks-centric 2024 NBA Draft Boards

hey there welcome to the eurostep of Milwaukee Bucks podcast probably a part of the bluewire podcast Network and gspn I am Tai Windish one of your hosts joined as always by my illustrious colleague Rohan cotti Rohan good morning happy Tuesday and unhappy Boston Celtics NBA champions day yeah you know it’s a it’s a it’s a weird day you know I mean it’s got to be one of the weirdest Seasons or playoffs and N I almost said NFL history wow NBA history um the Boston Celtics obviously have won the NBA title they won in five games uh they lost game four uh really bad uh on the road against the Mavs just to come back and dominate at home and win at home and you know what it just sucks doesn’t it it just sucks I mean this finals had no I don’t like to use like just buzzword from the internet but this I feel like this one is actually apt this had this finals had no Aura whatsoever like there was no like there was no myque there was no like Grandeur about these finals right like it just felt like a normal ESPN uh Wednesday night game there was nothing nothing surprising happened aside from maybe game four and it just it just felt like a boring finals it it truly did I mean the east playoffs were a joke to begin with the West playoff at least were fun I’d say like probably the best two series from the entire playoffs Al together came uh from the Western Conference like I don’t I don’t think that’s even close to a debate but yeah the Eastern Conference man it was just so tough every every series without the Knicks was horrible absolutely absolutely they were the only ones keeping the entertainment value in the playoffs in the Eastern in the Eastern side the West playoffs were good yeah I think like game two and three were like kind of close I forget which one was closer they they had they both were ended up being seven-point margins but yeah I mean there was no classic game I mean game four I really thought Boston might come back before halftime but they just clearly were like yeah whatever we’ll do it in five and you know to the Boston’s lack of credit or excuse me to uh Dallas’s lack of credit they did not take advantage of that mindset at all I mean they were horrible in four of the five games and congrats for not getting swept but I feel the same way I felt about the Wolves why was your goal to not get swept your goal should be win the series The Wolves did it against Dallas like you should if you’re Dallas you should know what kind of a loser mindset that is also Jason kid still sucks that’s learn for the finals I mean Maxi kba got rotation run in all five games Rohan he cannot move his arms it turns out that makes it difficult and on the broadcast JJ and Doris are like oh he’s playing as good of Defense as you can play on Jason Tatum no he’s not Jason T’s getting into the rim he he’s sticking with him okay Twi F sure I mean I think I would take a guy with two shoulders I mean they’re just letting him shoot every time Dallas scored under 100 in four of the five games Kyrie super overrated not a would not be a top three player on the Milwaukee box I’ll tell you that much oh no not even close I mean hey do we still have to overlook all the dumb stuff he said now that he’s not playing well anymore how does that work is that a sliding scale is it is it done it’s done now I think it might be I think it might be done now you don’t really have to worry about it anymore I also you you get Redemption once and then you’re just good yeah okay at least I’ve been wondering I’ve been Wonder because I was told yeah he’s playing good now so it doesn’t matter but now he’s not so I don’t know I guess he has to do more dumb stuff for it to matter obviously a joke on my end but his his tweet after the game was I would have thrown my phone if I was a m tribe it’s okay it’s not a big deal kind of is a big deal man kind kind of it’s the finals it’s a little bit deal if you’re Dallas what are you sure you’re getting back there in this era no of course not no I don’t think Boston even should be I think they should feel better about it than most but definitely definitely Boston I mean every single one of their rotation players is under contract for next season no I know but it’s just I mean you know Denver was like oh they’re just losing you know Bruce Brown not really a big deal and then you lose in the second round I’m just saying you know not not team building wise just you can feel great about it and then not even make the Conference Finals oh absolutely and bu I mean the Bucks the Bucks the last three years yeah uh but it’s just it it just sucks man it just sucks yeah like we we’ve talked at length about how we do not like we’re fine with Jason Tatum like he’s he’s like a pretty likable guy the I the I I liked him less than ever yesterday when he was trying to do all the Kobe stuff it was so corny that he tried to emulate the kg anything as possible and it’s like what are you doing what are you doing I feel like his whole career I mean he’s always had the Kobe stuff but like like his personality his own personality is shown through like he is just the boring dad who does Taco Tuesday is fine which is great and other nice moments with deuce and everything but yeah it was like some of the emulation stuff I thought was very corny like just just be a Bor there’s nothing wrong with that I like that I like that Jaylen swore a bunch and like the whole speech was bleeped on TV I thought that was awesome yeah uh maybe Jason kid doesn’t suck in the sense that he got it he got their best player right that’s true yeah jayen Brown look at the counting stats and it’s like oh Tatum was just better at all three of the ones that people track the most but jaylen’s defensive assignment on Luka was huge yeah plus uh if we’re if Bucks fans are leaving here with something in the fact that Chris Middleton still has higher finals averages than uh Finals MVP Jaylen Brown yeah um I I really n said he would have voted for Drew I thought that was a bit much I think it’s a bit much too and we we talked about the Drew stuff last week if you want to hear our full thoughts on that I’m happy for him I noted this last night probably a Hall of Famer now for sure oh absolutely did you did you catch the one moment for the ESPN broadcast when they were doing their like commercial free crunch time and they were just like talking about Drew they’re like they panned to the crowd it’s like oh and there’s his wife there’s his wife Lauren holiday and then like 2 minutes later my friends like to apologize we did that was not true’s wife I’m like what are you doing that’s a bad one to miss too Lauren holiday has been a pretty prominent person her story her athletic career like come on man when they panned I was like well that’s not La shout out to the holiday man no one deserves it more than them I I think I saw Justin and Aaron were there I’m pretty sure they showed them when Drew was talking on the podium I think so yeah but yeah happy for Drew I think he’s a Hall of Famer now could he could add a second ring and a second gold medal I believe this summer which would really I mean that’s a big help for the you know Basketball Hall of Fame te so basically in three years the Bucks need to trade for Drew again because it seems like it’s on a fouryear cycle an Olympic Cadence four years it’s an Olympic cycle but the thing is the Olympics uh took place in 2021 so there’s only been a threee gap yeah but I mean you can’t unless they speed him up for some reason which I don’t want to know what kind of catastrophe is having to move the Olympics up instead of back no but what I’m saying is is it the G is gold but he can’t win a if they both have to happen in the same summer they do yeah I I think I think that’s I don’t think it’s every year he’ll win a ring I think it’s every time every every X years I think it’s every time he can do both go keep him on the Olympic team that’s my thought and you can’t you can’t trade for him before that it has to be the season in which you trade for him yeah wow un like there’s no shot he’s on the Olympic team in four years right no because he he’ll be 38 at that point yeah because he’s 34 now no he’s not no I thought he’s like a he’s roughly the same age as Dame Dame is not that old is he he’s he’s a year older than Dame I know that he’s 34 oh wow he’s a fresh 34 last week June 12th so unless he does some LeBron stuff yeah or some LeBron Dame and Bam Dame’s bringing LeBron and Bam to uh to the Bucks did you see this yeah they’re all hanging out at the Aces game Aces Liberty Liberty look really good by the way oh they do they they look I’ll tell you I get KD Warriors vibes from them except like JN quell Jones is like if you flip Draymond from offense to defense or defense to offense it’s crazy their team is stupid loaded I’m trying to I’m trying to go for when they’re in town against the sky you should have you caught a fever Sky game yes you you get the the full MMA experience they hate Caitlin Clark dog they really hate her I think it’s good for the sport right way it’s not just Bas it’s just a certain brand of basketball yeah but like are you talking about the angel resell I mean that yeah that one was the least I was like that’s just basketball what are we doing here that that thing was on CN men dog obviously obviously the the whole fur about it is stupid I mean do I think Angel Reese is inclined to let kitla know she’s there in the paint for sure 100% I’m not saying it’s a national outrage or whatever like has anyone watched basketball before like yes I I I I don’t think that’s just run-of-the-mill basketball I think it’s a we don’t like you basketball which is fine like even like in the NBA they treat all like this like what are we doing I think it’s a little different but not in a bad way yeah it’s just I think they’re sick of hearing about it I would be too yeah it’s being it’s weaponized for talking points that it shouldn’t be yeah 100% I just I’m ignoring I’m I’m talking about when I sit here and I watch the game and I’m not sharing it I’m just watching it myself I’m like oh yeah they hate her this is awesome then she goes and hits a three and it’s sick like that’s one of the best things about sports is when a team clearly hates someone and they just beat them anyway I think it’s awesome so I’m a big fan yeah if you want if if you’re wondering if this has ever happened before in sports though just ask uh ask the Cavs uh 2003 Cavs what they thought about their new draft pick well yeah it’s it’s yeah the whole thing is stupid I you know shockingly Colin coward nailed it and I what do he say he was like like it’s not it’s not too tough for like it’s basically that like the men watching think that it’s too rough but the women actually playing are like yeah this is just basketball like it’s not too rough for them it’s like all these R the Chicago Tribune was like that’s assault like shut up dude watch Boxing once like yeah Sports get a little aggressive sometime watch football is that assault do you watch the tank Davis fight no not a boxing guy no I I’ll start watching him if Dame comes on the Pod Dame come on the Pod do it and and bring a brightling or is that Giannis that’s Giannis yeah no Dan bring your tiso they bring a t oh we can have a we can have them both on and we can compare the watches TI don’t don’t get don’t like that’s that’s that’s the dream right there I know we can maybe talk basketball too yeah I guess a little bit speaking of basketball yeah so before we get so the main thing of our pod is we’re going to share our buck specific right yours is Buck specific I think we look at everything through a buck L uh 2024 draft big boards and and we’ll walk through the exact process for which players we could include and I I cheated once it was 20 I added one I shouldn’t have been able to add but you know it’s my list like I I I don’t care sue me but first uh an NBA rule was changed in the last CBA technically part of free agency is open right now you can negotiate with your own players you cannot officially sign anything yet or even announce anything yet but that doesn’t mean we won’t hear about anything ahead of the rest of free agency because you know when free agency quote unquote opens which is like late very late June yeah the the was it the tampering window that’s like they move it up a little it used to it’s June 30th at like five eastern or something like you they can’t announce deals then either like that’s just when they can start negotiating which is what this is for your own free agent the traditional start of free agency whenever you think of free agency you think oh July 1st or now it’s June 30th afternoon that’s now extended to now today the day after the finals for your own free agents that’s it you can or players you can extend but only your own players basically players who yeah your own free agents or people who are going to be your under contract who are extension eligible July 6th for your own team that’s it you cannot talk to any other free agents like outside free AGN wink nod nod yeah it’s not like it’s already happening but now we can start to see deals announced for uh for example the cln by W yes not report report we could see the Clippers we could see the Clippers announce a new deal with Paul George today we could see that we couldn’t see the 76ers do it but we can see the Clippers do it is that a good example yeah that’s a good example uh so for the Buc perspective I mean for the NBA persp I that could I I would be shocked if that happened before Paul George could legally talk to the Sixers and other teams but can we take a second to say what uh what is Joel embiid doing oh uh the fact that Drew holiday and Al Horford and Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown all either were or could have been Sixers makes it so much funnier it does it really so so much funnier but what I’m referring to is this I think it was game four right he was on the desk the ESPN desk which just keeps getting no the desk doesn’t get bigger but they keep putting more people behind it and I think it’s the it’s it’s funny but also sad uh people were hitting on Randall last night I was like good for Julius he’s having a good time he’s calling himself mini tibs he’s not pushing an agenda I was happy with Randall but go on have you also noticed uh it was pointed out that all of the players who have been at the desk are CA clients of course they are yeah uh I just think it’s very funny of course but Joel and be made in unannounced like ESPN did not know he was going to be there oh yeah I thought you talking about the no no I don’t even care we’re not doing about we’re not doing he he made an unannounced visit he was like hey can I just come on the show I’m here and they’re like uh okay at game four purely to with Paul George yeah on national TV like what are you doing like have some shame man like like I mean I like Paul George very good podc Paul George too he’s a very good podcaster this is like kind of sad we’re like post Prime no longer an All-Star Paul George is who we’re talking about here it’s it’s like can we just reain it in like Joel like this is going on during the finals in which you have not even sniffed the round before that and you’re out here on National TV just trying to side eye free agents I’m sure ESPN loved it because they’re just like oh my God great entertainment I’ll take it back Paul George was an Allstar this year I was gonna say like I’m pretty sure he was an allar but I didn’t want to risk being wrong but yeah it was it was just like come on man come on but that deal cannot be announced or reported until like June 30th if it were to happen unless unless the Clippers get him yes which yeah I would be pretty shocked it would be very funny though to watch the uh Sixers totally Panic pivot to Demar de rozan yeah I mean they’re going to try to get LeBron he’s just gonna go around and flirt with everyone and then resign because Savannah and the James gang don’t want to leave LA and I don’t blame them they got a pretty good thing going not in terms of basketball but like no just in general definitely not in terms of basketball but hey when you can call up everyone and say Austin re for all NBA player and they say no and you go we tried LeBron let’s sell some tickets baby but the buck side of things not very exciting here um I mean the impending free agents I think there’s probably only two I guess there’s three technically worth talking about one of course is the nasus where you know it’s if we don’t get news in the next couple weeks I it he could still be back right like you know there’s going to be open roster spots probably up until the first day of the regular season if not Beyond then for tax purposes and just because there’s usually only so many players you want on the team I mean we know it’s pretty much up to theosis unless doc comes in and puts his foot down but somehow I doubt that he’s like we have to have you back theosis maybe um so maybe we hear about that maybe we don’t but like you know he’s rehabbing right now he could be really thinking about this decision he’s posting a lot in the IG group he runs I’m getting a lot of messages from him in his downtime which is nice sharing a lot of memes um but who knows but that’s obviously one uh impending free agent I think the most probably interesting to talk about maybe is Pat beev and we’ve heard kind of mixed signals from reporters on if they think he’ll be back or not with the Bucks I will ask you since today is the day Rohan Nerf gun to your chest I don’t want to be as dramatic just hurt a little bit would do you think Patrick Beverly is going to S resign with the Milwaukee Bucks no I do not I do not I think actually I’m I’m like 55 45 just he is a doc guy yeah even though doc was disgusted with his Antics I think he out of the free agents that the Bucks have I think he is the most likely to come back however ta are you counting ta no I’m not counting ta okay uh I think he is the most likely to come back out of real free agents let’s let’s let’s be respectful didn’t I didn’t say if it meant there could be several contexts there let’s let’s be respectful but say real NBA players said real go on what I didn’t say that I know um do you think other teams are calling yeah who the Knicks again yeah the Knicks again I hope we get that report again I think it’s great every time that like tasis turned down offers from XX and X to uh but out of out of the other free agents I think he is the most Liker to return uh purely because he provided the most value late in the season and the postseason as well and we have to remember even though the postseason wasn’t the best for patev he was doing it on like a broken wrist uh so there’s that’s also like a mitigating Factor but we saw as soon as he joined the team the energy shifted the energy changed they needed a guy like that they needed someone to really do that however we don’t really know if that was last season specific or just an an overall need for the buck because last season was just such a mess overall yeah we we don’t know if they need another galvanizing Force because they desperately needed one last season but who knows if they need one after just like a whole summer and just all this who knows but yeah I I said no purely because there’s probably going to be other point guard options like backup point guard options like who knows maybe maybe Andre Jackson Jr takes more of that role maybe U tysi Washington fights for a spot third guy I meant in terms of interesting he is technically a buck owned free agent they could negotiate with so that is the other one where it’s like maybe maybe we see something come through early I’m not really sure if we hear anything though like I do you do you agree it’s almost most likely we probably don’t hear much about the bucks until real free agency like no offense to any of them these just aren’t the kind of players you’re usually doing first right I mean you don’t have to sign them first I mean if if they’re vet mens it doesn’t really matter but I I just don’t know if these are like the Bucs are going to be rushing to get tie tie on a deal right now maybe they are maybe they just want to get it done maybe they agree to a longer like AJ Green non-g guaranteed deal thanasas of course could be a one-year Min at any point and then Pat Bev I I don’t he might want to test his Market I mean Pat B said like he said that himself yeah I I I I like to get the bag and you know what if you can find it good for you the Bucks are very limited on what they can pay him with non bird rights it’ be I mean extremely small cuz he signed he just signed he doesn’t even have early bird he has non-bird so yeah it’s they could basically give him another vetman so he may want to wait on that side so I think Tai Tai and ta are the two most likely that we’d hear in this early period for sure for sure other players are uh Malik Beasley who again like why would he do that now especially like that’s a player who should be like trying to get mle or at least M ml somewhere and Jay Crowder please God no plus man we’ve we’ve seen enough Bost me we don’t know your purpose either oh man such a a funny moment maybe only funny to me when like Ajax and Maran were in Greece the next story up on my my Instagram was Jay Crowder boss man 99 and I was like no I don’t know why in my head I was like is he in Greece too is everyone posting and it was just like some merch that some one of his friends I was like thank God could you imagine just boss maning in Athens I’m here too I can you know what I’d respect it I would respect it I would be I would detest it here’s here’s a fun little thing I was trying to find a tweet of mine the other day so I was searching things up and one thing I found was a pod uh that we we had done two years ago at the trade deadline before the trade deadline and it was like you you were saying like was it oh yeah uh going into this pod I was sure fire that I wanted the Bucks to trade for Jordan Clark but then after talking to thr about it I was like man I think I’m team J Crowder I’m like no it’s like that Meme the interstellar meme just like looking tough I don’t want either of them now yeah any other thoughts on I probably not boss man but any of the other bucks free agents I mean the think who do you think is do you think Tai Tha would be brought back I think I think the Bucks would love to keep saai under ra I mean in the organ a Under Wraps I don’t know what I’m saying but they want to hide him yeah but really they do they don’t really want him to to go out at least I would hope so well I I wonder though do you wait until post well do or do you wait until post-draft maybe as we’ll talk about there’s a couple pretty intriguing backup point guards in that range that I mean I mean you could do like a non- guaranteed I don’t know if he would really want that but he was on a 2A this last year right so the The Leverage is not great for him although he had a very nice season in the G League absolutely and uh we also know the Bucks would be willing to uh part ways with someone that they know has interest from an actual NBA team if they don’t want to promote him to the roster as they did with Mamu yeah so if the if the Bucks are not interested in uh giving or have the capacity to give Tai Tai a full roster spot and another team wants to I’m pretty sure the Bucs would do well by him and and do that I would guess they may want to wait until like post Camp so I wonder if they would just get like bringing back on a two-way for now that he could get like they have the I forget is is that exhibit 10 maybe contract where it’s like where you could you could promote him to an NBA spot if he wins that job through like camp and summer league you know there’s options like that so if if he gets just a full roster spot then I think you could say you know they’re probably not going to draft a point guard and they probably feel really good about him next season so I think the thing it’ll I would I would be pretty surprised I’ll put it this way if he and Pat Bev got contracts announced like in free agency by the bucks for sure 100% And also the Bucks don’t really have anyone extension eligible either so like is Brooke Brooke might be but if that be funny ready to trade Brook lope t on tack on two more years baby it would not be funny Ty I might I might just throw I I don’t know what I’d do what if they what if they just did the Horford here’s another 8 million year you’re not expiring anymore I think that would take away from some of his value well clearly they’re not trading him if they’re extending him that’s what I’m saying like I’d be upset I don’t know I’d be upset if they gave broken extension right now it is technically possible I don’t think any Chris has too many years Giannis should still have too many I think Dame still has too many let me look at their multi-year without having the rules in front of me I mean there’s like a whole it’s like a different thing if uh you know like Giannis I think you can extend earlier but he still got three years oh there there are two bucks who are extension eligible this season oh you where did you find this oh Chris is Chris no no Brooke and Maran it’s Bobby and Pat how would Brooke not be he’s expiring he must be I don’t know but it says yeah it says extension eligible right next to Pat and Bobby weird yeah could be wrong I would imagine Brooke is but maybe because it was only a two-year deal I I have heard yeah but I I thought he had signed concurrently with the same team but maybe you’re right because it was a two-year deal um I I did read somewhere maybe in a Bobby marks thing that like will they extend Bobby poris and and it makes a lot of sense for him to be looking for that for sure I mean the contract he signed was and I would say probably still is under market value I mean it’s like sure less less than 10% of the cap this less than 9% of the cap this season which is very very small um but yeah I uh I would rather see a trade there too no Pat hon you don’t want to give him that full Max extension what if they gave him a full Min extension a full Min extension you know what I might take that three years three V mins he might do it he loves Milwaukee he’s got he’s got new uh developments going on here so you know I even Peter got to stay stay doing it I don’t think they could extend and trade him so the interest there is you can decline your option in an extended trade and then redo that year so they could actually make him more palatable to go I guess he could just decline his option straight up but he shouldn’t do that whatever anyway uh we don’t think there’s going to be any extensions there could be there could be with Bobby that’d be very intriguing i’ I’d be disgusted um but we don’t think there’s going to be any extensions uh and maybe a signing but it’s not going to be it’s not going to be a groundbreaking move for the bucks if they are now deciding they don’t have any they just they don’t have any free they did all the hard work last year exactly they got they got Dame they resigned Chris and Brooke and again they’ll have to tackle the brook thing again after this year but sign the extension and jiannis yes I was like that’s the most important one yeah for I misspoke by the way that they show the first year difference so there’s four more years including next year on Yannis although one’s a player option three guaranteed yeah which is awesome I love that yeah D Yiannis is early to mid-30s yep he turns 30 this year which is crazy yeah don’t want to talk about that anymore don’t want to talk about that anymore speaking let talk about our big boys yeah speaking of age let’s talk about some people way younger than us that sounds weird I don’t think all of them are how old are you right now 24 oh just barely yeah I’ve next month oh man okay so you have yeah now you’re more than a year out from even the old guys in the how you feel don’t remind me you’re only four years younger than Brandon Weeden when the Browns drafted him that true yeah he’s 29 28 or 29 that can’t be true pull it up that’s rid how does that even happened dude the Cleveland Browns they drafted Johnny Manzel CU a homeless guy told the owner to what what you oh my you have so much Browns lore to learn I don’t think I need to I think you’ve got the gist of it now that’s insane can you confirm the Brandon Weeden draft age yeah he was 28 he the oldest player ever taken in the first round what are you doing I mean just imagine taking a 28 like yeah I wonder if he had any advantage over his 19-year-old peers in college yeah why why was he why was he not a good if you’re not a good college quarterback at 28 you’re the biggest bum of all time you’ve had a decade to study the film my guy why was he in college like why was he playing college football at that I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know man like you’re we can’t we can’t we have we we have a lot of players we do have a lot of sub um so I I have one through 21 ranked I will not lie the bottom of my list is pretty squishy I started throwing guys down who I either don’t think are fits or I don’t like very much and I’ll probably reorganize it a little bit I’d say my top 10 is probably the tightest ranked right now it may be out to like 13 14 15 I find those guys intriguing so I think should we trade off some of our like kind of go one one player each on our list and talk about them a little bit and then we can talk about maybe some maybe some bigname players who we rank differently for whatever reason yeah I’ll go one because it’s no surprise here like no there’s no shock in the world whatsoever it’s Kell Weare there’s three on my list right now yeah I mean I we’ve talked about him before a lot uh just a a near seven-footer with a plus five wingspan can shoot the heck out of the ball uh can I hope he can theoretically can shoot the heck out of the ball you go on then I’ll I’ll chime in so data yes good percentage very very low volume but it is capable and IT projects to be a decent shooter he’s going to have a higher shot volume of Threes in the NBA than he would in college purely because he’s going to be you know playing if if he is drafted by the bu like playing with guys like Yannis Dame Chris who would just command space and just a guy a switchable Defender can go defend out in space hard Rim roller athletic go up there vertical space and catcher lobs he is the guy that I like he he he embodies the like truly embodies the type of player that I want on the Milwaukee Buck so much like he he is a floor spacing big like can be a floor spacing big I know that’s a question can be a floor spacing big switchable Defender athletic vertical spacing good hands that’s that’s perfect for me so I I said what I said about the shooting because he took 40 total threes in 30 games which is a very small sample he was only a 63.4% foul shooter last year which is not good and there is like a I don’t want to say there’s like a belief in the basketball scouting community that free throw percentage is damn near more applicable to Next Level shooting from three than three point percentage especially on a smaller sample like this what is he gonna do with no Josh Oppenheimer on the staff anymore that’s a good that’s a great point oh also something we forgot to mention the Bucks got a new assistant coach oh yeah free Jason love oh love I confused my from from the Sixers old old doc guy doc we got coaches and he hires five more coaches I think he’s now hired more than he’s gotten rid of can oh he has he’s brought in four yeah between midseason and now after and he’s still trying to get casselle they said I I don’t think that’s accurate especially with with Van Gundy leaving for the Clippers I would imagine Boston will keep him but the report came out again after and but the report was saying to be his lead assistant and it’s like why would they do that when they just got Darin to be their lead assistant Darin is lead Vibes kman is lead defense Jagger’s lead offense pry is lead inbounding plays and then Cassell’s lead big balls I don’t know I G to say big balls yeah it’s always what I think of with them um but with Kell oare I don’t put much dock in this to be clear uh but he was in the worst groups among all the prospects on my list in the combine Corner three and combine off dribble shooting percentages as well but it was like 44 and 36% respectively it’s not horrible poor Ryan Dunn was the worst on both God yeah I just I dropped him so far down he wasn’t high for me to begin with He’s just never going to play offense dude his he shot 20% from three on an one attempt per game and a list low 53.2% from the foul line this tells me he is never going to shoot I I I don’t think he will ever shoot and I just don’t think there’s value there for the bock at least no absolutely not and uh Double’s advate for the for the shooting numbers for Kell Weare at the combine those are two shots that he’s not really going to take as a member of above break would be the best they didn’t they don’t test as many as you’d like them too yeah if Kell wear is taking off the dribble threes for the buck something’s gone wrong yeah and his Corner something’s gone very not great yeah yeah maybe I like him too like I said he still threw on my board I I the size and the skill set is still tantalizing and I think there’s a ton of potential yes yep a fresh 20 yeah uh six almost seven feet tall right now could grow to be a true seven-footer but he’s a quarter inch away and 74 and a half wingspan as you mentioned so there’s a lot there’s a lot to like I like kware a lot I’d be very happy if that was their pick yeah unfortunately looks like he’s Rising I don’t know everyone’s Rising everyone’s falling I have no idea where anyone’s going to go this let’s I’m very excited for number one on your board and for you to talk about why I’m worried I won’t be able to pronounce it right I knew I forgot to look up one thing and it was this I’m gonna go Kean George it might be kaon George it’s a good question but the the Florida Wing as I look through more players right now three of my top four so I already give the fourth is where three of my top four are big wings I think the big wings in this class are actually pretty intriguing I think there’s some good options who are being slept on and George is the one who stood out to me the most he is I believe was born in Switzerland grew up a point guard and then shot up in height wasn’t on the ball very much at Miami but still has a handle 6’7 with a more than six10 wingspan I think is a real shooter like he gets it off fast has made made some big shots in big games for them nearly 41% from three on 130 total attempts that’s more than four per game which um Baylor shyan took more than eight cam Christie took more than five otherwise nobody else will talk about took more than four like took five or more per game so pretty high volume overall 77.8 from free throw is pretty good nailed the combine shooting he’s 20 and a half years old I and every time I read a scouting report of him it’s like needs to fill out more you know wasn’t used that much in college to me those are like the least red flags like yeah all these guys need to fill out more unless they’re 23 years old right like Tristan D Silva maybe doesn’t everyone else does like that’s normal and wasn’t used more like that’s not his fault necessarily maybe it is but Devin Booker wasn’t used very much I’m not comparing kashan George or Kean George to Devon Booker but I’m just saying Kean by the way I think it’s kesan yeah um I’m not comparing him to Devon Booker but I am I look at him and I see like this guy could be a transformative big wing and I think in a way that like you know my concern with all these guys is either there too many wings already on the bucks he’s bigger than most of the ones they have right now and I think the shooting is farther along than any of the young I mean obviously AJ Green but like the other young players on the team I think his shooting is really real and I think he would look awesome next to Giannis and I like that you know I don’t mind going with an older player whatsoever we’ll talk about some that we like but I like that there’s potential that he could really grow in a big way in this role on this team no 100% I think I think he’s not as high on my board but like it’s just what pops out to you is just it it pops right yeah like I I see your vision I see your vision so much like I’m not big Wing who can already shoot and has a like a real handle and can pass like for sure more and can defend like he’s long he’s got blocks he has disruptive on the defensive end with that wingspan like I’m really surprised I’m seeing him in like the 20s and 30s on a lot of big boards because I’m like this is the player every team wants and I really when I went through and did this I became like a size queen six or five of my top six I believe are at least this guy’s height six7 and above with a plus wingspan it’s like that’s what works in the NBA man that’s what have we talked about all playoff ball is everything so if we can if you the Bucs can get a real big Wing I’m all about it so that’s why I have him too or him W and I cheated and put Tristan to Silva too we don’t have to talk a bunch about him Tech so he technically wasn’t legal in our exercise I know but I’m glad we both I’m glad we both did this um so what we did is we took mock we took big boards from ESPN the ringer and Bleacher Report and only considered players at the Bucks picker below so I did 23 to 40 just to not go super far down uh so the Sila was above 23 on all of them I imagine they’d have to trade up or something crazy would have to happen for the bucks to be able to take the Silva but I would not include him I mean it just makes sense we don’t want to not be covered on a player we like this much and I think there’s not many I don’t think there’s anyone else above here who I either a would think would fall or be like enough to include right like that’s why I made the exception no 100% And yeah we don’t have to belor that point just another like a lot of things you could say about George you can say about D Sila right in terms of like being a big Wing shooting ability like just being able to 39% from three 162 attempted threes was fourth most on this list he shot a bunch yeah five times per game yeah still almost basically at 40% is crazy crazy efficiency the red flag is he’s 23 and he’s not a great athlete but he’s like he’s gonna figure it out he’s he’s gonna be red flag is he’s 23 I’m getting old man hey she she tell me I’m I’m older than Brandon Weeden at Draft Day now so you’re I’m basically done hey you can still get drafted well I mean you’re P it be a new record now they took me in the first round I think it’d be an even worse pick yeah you never know I don’t think I’ve ever seen you throw a football but I used to be good I have small hands that’s why I couldn’t pitch either I Can’t Get Enough spin anyway we’re not talk about this now I had wear three so you had we and then to Silva who is your third my number three was Boby Clinton my number four so I I he rose for me he was the one where I texted you and said I have a number one I slowed down on him a little bit he was going to be the number one he was going to be the number one oh I I like I like Boby quite a bit yeah I mean it’s it’s like what you see is what you get with him like it’s another like what we were talking about with George to Silva another big Wing you can sort of slide in there try to be a defensive Menace get in there just what the shooting concerns me with him yeah it does so he shot 33.7% in uh Karen but but he shot 81% from the line and he did take 3.5 per game so like the results weren’t great from three I would label him as someone You’ expect to develop as a shooter uh he is 21 years old so not super young he did play a college year then went to Australia he did really good at the combine corner he shot 68% in that drill didn’t do great on the pull-up dribble that’s like one of the knocks on him is like probably is not going to be a guy who creates his own shot this that is frankly F which is like perspective you’re not worried yeah the Bucks aren’t taking him at 15 like please be honest someday like no just be like a good you know tertiary Wing or even lower than tertiary quatron Wing Quattro Quattro and that’s all the Bucks need so I agree I’m not really concerned about that I I don’t love the three-point percentage but you know I’m not I’m not terrified by it and like I said I’m just obsessed with the big Wing idea and I really like his defensive upside 68 nearly 69 and by the way the Heights I’m sharing I pulled all of standard height wingspan from the combine so these are without shoes so they’ll probably play a little bigger than this but I wanted to do this because you look through and it’s like Don Holmes is 610 now Don we’ll get there Don Holmes is not 610 he is about maybe if he’s got some platforms on but so I wanted to standardize this so Boby is taller than D Silva taller than Kon 68 and 3/4 with a 611 wingspan is pretty dang big it is and like here’s my thing I I’ve I’ve talked lot about the Bucks needing to get a big need to get a big need to get a big the issue with this draft is is that outside awar none of these bigs really move me too much I mean we’ll talk about homes in a little bit and it’s like Missy yeah it’s like first of all like you just mentioned with Holmes not that big yeah I don’t I don’t I’m worried about him defending the five we’ll talk about him but I’m worried about that and which is why he fell a lot yeah for me and just the rest of the bigs they don’t really they don’t really I don’t know none of them jump out to me as much as we does yeah you you and EAS Missy took the same amount of college 3es last year yeah which is like you would expect but it’s not it’s not great he he did okay at the combine though which I think is really interesting but but Boby I don’t really think it’s interesting it’s a little interesting a interesting it’s a little interesting but it’s also like you’ll watch a warmup footage of Andre Drummond like it makes the Ryan dun thing even sadder right even wide open but again like the free throws are are prescriptive we’ll get to me in a little bit Yeah Yeah but Bobby 81% from free throw like good touch know really good defensive upside like I think if you walk away with George to Sila or Boby Boby you feel the worst about I think contributing soon people would disagree with me I think Kean can play I I think he’s a little he can play but I think you’re like okay these are all guys we feel pretty good about of you know maybe we don’t have the perfect five next to Giannis for the future but maybe we do have the perfect four next to him and that as we’ve seen in the playoffs in the year’s past in some matchups is maybe even more important um so that’s so that we have the same top four no you you don’t have Kean who’s your number four my number four who’s my number four sorry I lost my tab you’re good my number five might be a surprise so I want to hear your number four my number four was uh Isaiah kie I didn’t know where to put him so technically he dropped on only one board so Isaiah ker I think probably goes in the lottery but who was it who dropped him it was a it was bleacher board right oh yeah at 23 so they had maybe I think it Ed mock draft not big board to see like where they would actually fall not where they were ranked so um Kier is like uh it would be the most audacious pick they could make like I really think if he’s there at 23 they would just trade this thing he is a 62 and a half point guard who’s not a great shooter who probably needs to be on Ball but like has a lot of potential in that spot like if they drafted him and kept him what you’re saying as John horse or you know insert bucks executive but probably John horse at this point Milt Newton sure is Doc Rivers hey Dame we have your successor now that’s what the pick would be it would that this is a point guard this is not a guy who’s going to play next to Dame I don’t think ever maybe a little bit like maybe in like a two-point guard you know what I mean but like you’re not starting him he’s a small on ball point guard he’s not like a great defender I don’t think he could probably develop there but he’s like your Wrecking Ball get downhill and playmake or finish at The Rim really great finisher point guard I had him seven and I think he’s probably the best prospect on here but from a Bo which is why I had him four because I was like I don’t know where else to put him I know I I really I had him high down a little bit I my guys that I’m like sure of and then I was as I was working down the list I was like I can’t just ignore him yeah you can’t put him like 15th right I probably have him too low frankly but I’m just like they’re not I’d be stunned if he was there I’d be even more stunned if they actually used the pick and took him because again it’s really like all right Dame teach him teach him your ways we got the next Giannis point guard here I mean they’re much different players but it’ be yeah very very different players but I think you would just have to take from a talent perspective right yeah I mean he’s he’s a caliber of prospect above I think everyone we’ve talked about so far maybe where is in that combo but otherwise just him yeah who was uh who was your number four Bobby was my four five was Jaylen Tyson okay okay so the Cal Wing did a lot on offense can like create his own shot and distribute the knock is he’s only 65 and a half but he has a 68 wingspan so he’s like you know around that Maran level of size I think maran’s longer and probably a little bigger um but he shot 36% again though pretty high degree of difficulty and 143 so he’s taken more than four a game shot nearly 80% 79.6 from free throw and did really well in the combine drills he’s 21 I I just think he’s a really skilled offensive Wing I really struggled with him and my guy in number six on who to prioritize but I think there’s just more chance that jayen tyon is a good player on his rookie deal than the player below him so that’s why I put him at five he’s the guy I’ve seen I’ve seen go in the 30s like to me if you get him with your with 33 that’s a really good pick of like maybe he overlaps a bit with our current young wings but maybe he ends up better so let’s see yeah I had him uh seven okay so not that much that’s why I had Kier so we have pretty similar list so far which is impressive I think I think so uh who was that was your number five five yeah five my five was uh Kean George okay oh so we had almost the same top five and maybe we have the same top seven we might we’ll see about a number six is the guy I’ve been high on I don’t think in our mock draft yours high on so I’m guessing not but we’ll see my number six is Tyler Smith my number six is also Tyler Smith wow so I have George dilva wear Boby Tyson Smith Ker you have uh what do you have we D Silva Boby yeah klier George Smith okay so not Tyson do you have Tyson seven no oh that would oh you said do you have him eight you said or nine no I think I had I no I have him eight yeah okay so we’re still we’re pretty close here if I said if I didn’t say eight earlier I miscounted gotcha Tyler Smith is like I think has the highest chance out of any of the players like in my top six of just not being very good his first couple years he was pretty lost defensively in a lot of his time but it’s the g- league night team they were literally a mess the whole year exactly that’s like a lot of what it comes down to for me is we don’t know a lot about this kid right like no well we know some things we know something we know he’s 69 with a 7-1 Wings Band We Know moves extremely fluidly we know he’s a very good shooter 36% but on the ignite team with their horrible spacing he took 161 threes shot 73% from free throw which isn’t great but not horrible I think his shot looks really good though like he he’s it’s quick and he did well on both of the combine shooting drills too so it’s just like okay 69 71 wingspan can you teach him what to do defensively is it going to be a process during year one and maybe Beyond yes but you can still be valuable man that size that frame with that jumper like that’s an exciting pitch here’s the thing like out of all of these big wings I think I would feel most comfortable with him playing like a small ball five yeah because he’s got the real he’s got the real he needs to add a lot of weight to do it I don’t know if he can do it year one no probably not year one to project on his rookie deal for sure 6971 wingspan I mean like you can do a lot with that he is literally bigger than donon Holmes who is being mocked as a center and he’s younger and he’s not as like actually he’s not younger no he is yeah yeah he is he’s not yet 20 also so he is just like a I know he is just like one of the more intriguing like his upside I think is a really good player yeah absolutely I I think there’s more risk yeah I think he comes in you know you know who he reminded me of when when I was doing this it’s not a perfect comp there’s a certain Mountain that Jordan likes Jordan tresy splash no the the the original Mount oh boy oh boy let’s not ersan no oh no was it who was it mea mea oh my God I not the same guy of the Mirza yeah fears of the Mira Mount mza is erupting Mirza toich by the way for anyone who’s yeah yeah we should we should not assume everyone knows Mount mza what the hell that is uh mza signed in the the great uh 2016 cap Spike summer it was unfair that they were able to get him it really was po uh you know I think he works for the uh what country was he from oh God I don’t want to get it wrong Bosnia and Heria yeah he works for their basketball Federation so that’s good that’s cool at least he did I haven’t checked him but he’s what he reminded me of just like a big guy like a bigger guy who you know he needs to be able to figure it out defensively the good thing is is he’s 19 and not 30 something when the bo got him and he’s quick he’s athletic he’s able to do that he can learn that much easier than Mirza but just like a tall guy who will just go out there and bomb he is one of my great sleepers in this class given some of the guys we have and we’ll talk about the fact that he is like I’ve seen him in the 30s I think that’s crazy oh absolutely I think you I like I like Tyler kak I have him 18th on my list like actually no these numbers are 18th my numbers are not adding up right now but it’s like we know the upside of a player like this yeah like Tyler K look’s a better player right now for sure helps the team Wing now which is why he’s probably getting mocked in the first R because those first run teams are teams that are ready to compete Phoenix smoke has been crazy right it’s just cuz they desperately need a point guard probably help them desperately uh he would help them absolutely uh my Marquette guy Tyler Kik um yeah I should have him above Ryan dun like I said the end of my list is not ideal but he’s like let’s say in that 15 to 21 range or 20 range there should be 20 total okay um so what where were we at Tyler Smith so that was our six my seven was ker who again would just be like this would be the most fascinating pick to me really would be again one of the stories of the I think if you’re if you’re taking ker I think you’re trading it I think most likely but I mean if they love him they love him I think it’d be a wasted opportunity yeah probably in terms of I think he’d be able to I don’t think he’d be able to develop either so I agree I think yeah he wouldn’t be really able to develop and if you’re the Box you have limited assets to begin with if a guy falls to you and a team wants him like what do you think the Suns would do for Isaiah klier if I know I know the suns are picking a head but like let’s say they want him again I know they don’t have another pick but could you suns are a bad example I I know I said the Suns because uh we were talking about them at a point guard but like what’s another team uh the heat the heat desperately need a point guard yeah like if Denver what if Denver wants a backup point guard exactly like they’re they’re already going to lose kcp probably this summer yeah I know he’s not a point guard but terms of like guard depth yeah they do need guards yeah like can you get like move back a couple picks and then pick up another future first or something I would I would want to do that absolutely or even just like a high second all right if you really like him give up a first Denver or a couple seconds that’s true um but yeah I agree who is your number eight EES Mei same here buddy is he actually same here he sure is uh the non shooter a total non shooting big but however defensive monster defensive monster the longest player on here and one of the tall oh no sorry Kell we is taller and longer the second tallest and I the more we go through this by the way the more I’m solidified at wear at number one on my board by the way I like him a lot he’s I would be really excited if they took him I think I think I’m setting myself up for failure by the way my top three are the ones I want most George D Silva we and then my next group is Clinton Tyson Smith and I I Mei would be really fun so nearly 611 62 wingspan just didn’t shoot at all uh and only was a 61% foul shooter so I don’t really picture him as a shooter at the next level either um but athletic monster probably is going to be switchable great rim protector that I think definitely going to be switchable yeah I mean it’s really like huge defensive upside and I think it it’ll be challenging at times for him I think you try and stagger so he doesn’t play a ton with Giannis early but he gives you a true defensive athletic Twitchy big which the Bucks have really not had at this level Larry Sanders yeah I was gonna say Larry Sanders is the closest prox long long long time and he’s a lot bigger than Larry was do you know do you know who he reminds me of this might be not the best comp who it’s not your guy but close same team Jaylen Smith a little bit the oh really I don’t like that I think in terms of like heard that for Holmes I think too yeah but I think I think I think me is more of like projects to be a way better Defender than Jaylen Smith even yeah and I think I don’t I don’t know if Jaylen Smith could defend the five which is why I don’t love the comp because that’s a game changer if you can truly defend the five or not I think the Pacers have tried to have Jaylen Smith defend the five yeah and I think Isaiah Stewart still plays my guy which tells you how that’s working and obviously Turner as well oh yeah what I say another guy who I don’t think can defend the five no no h but Detroit’s GNA Detroit you know yeah hey James wisman baby one day I don’t know who I would count miss you too capella no Capella’s an offensive threat um Lively I mean that’s going to be a super popular one with I don’t even think it’s Lively I think Lively brings more in the offensive end I mean he doesn’t do too much besides just like catch lobs and rim run he made a three in game four he did make a three but like that kind of player DeAndre Jordan back in the day yeah I don’t know if he I think he’s a good screener but like that kind of player where it’s like defend the rim more switchable than DeAndre Jordan was that just white side I mean like no to say it no C John hson could shoot could he he did one year he he he at least had a hook shot that’s fair me’s coming in really raw offense L I think he’s going to like just you know eat up some garbage off the boards and get some lobs and stuff I’ll never forget going to the first regular season game in F Herve seeing seeing John Henson shootting threes I’m like this is this is the good stuff right here because it was the first Bud game and it’s like ah we we’ve made it good times I don’t think we’re gonna see that from EES Missy in his first game of no absolutely not which is why this is what the point I was trying to get to earlier where it’s like the rest of the bigs don’t really move me as much as where because every other big on this board is just such glaring flaws right yeah like Philip howski was eligible for this I had him 16th I just I don’t see it I keep looking I don’t I know he does some cool things negative wingspan bad foul shooter like he people call him a shooter he shot sub 35% from three and 67% from free throw doesn’t yeah doesn’t project could be a great shoe doesn’t I don’t doesn’t really move me as a Defender no just I don’t know I don’t see it the rest of the bigs don’t really move me at least Mei like he’s projects to be elite at the defensive yeah that that’s that’s why he is above any other big besides where and then I have Holmes nine that’s where Tyson the okay the size concern is real for Holmes 68 and 3/4 is like smaller than Bobby poris so I do think he’ll end up in that same like like you know he can go out and maybe trap and maybe he can rotate and switch better than a Bobby but even at 71 wingspan I’m just not sure you can really play the five the true Defender Rim five at sub 69 height maybe he can do it and he did shoot 38.6% from three it was a big jump from his prior Seasons it was only on 2.3 threes per game or 2.5 threes per game 71% from free throws okay he did well at both combine drills I I just a there’s like so many little things about him where I’m just like I don’t think he’s a real five so he’s not a stretch five I’m not sure how real the shooting is or how consistent it’s going to be for those reasons I wouldn’t be that excited you know second round for sure but first round if some of these guys above them are on the board I’d be disappointed yeah for sure I mean what what do I have wasn’t a great rebounder I don’t think either I think Dayton didn’t rebound well as a team yeah I have him I have him 10 okay so I mean not too far off but yeah like just I I don’t know I I know we we’ve talked about him a lot before and like the wingspan obviously is a big plus allows him to size up just not super big I mean again doesn’t project to be the best of Shooters I just I I worry about throwing him in his rookie year you know that’s what I worry about yeah like what are you gonna do there I agree I’m reordering oh there now I have I need to re Resort this now so I have the right order there we go um but yeah I I I I mean I think I think maybe he can play year one but I just don’t know what position and with the Bucks that’s difficult with their big rotation already like I don’t think he adds anything they don’t have already in Bobby poris that’s true that’s true which makes my which makes my number nine just crazy who do you got Baylor shyan I have him 12 but I don’t just the more you dig in it’s like oh he does real stuff like he does stuff on the ball I don’t think he’s probably going to be able to defend that’s the big question no that’s that’s the thing which goes against everything I really stand for D got up 8.2 threes per game 289 attempted threes I’ll tell you man that guy shot him man which is it’s it’s with the bucks right offense was not the issue I mean offense kind of became an issue uh when you don’t have be honest Dame in the postseason but that’s a different story but off shyan wasn’t fixing the offense last last postseason yeah but offense wasn’t the problem right it was a lot of an a mess on the defensive end yeah Baylor shyan does not fix that no six 6’2 and a or 66 excuse me in a quarter with a 68 and a quarter wingspan so it’s positive yeah I just I’m worried about the defensive end but again with the second round pick like I I think he’s probably going to be an NBA player like good size real shooter he overlaps so much with AJ Green and my hunches AJ Green is better so part of me is just like is there ever room for him to play if the Bucks continue to have AJ Green on the roster like do you need two of those guy and I know AJ Green impressed us defensively but he’s he’s not a lock down Defender right like do you want another shooting specialist shman but for sure I do too I don’t I don’t know I don’t really think I I don’t think he’s a very box pick I he’s a bud pick he was a bud pick yeah Phoenix Suns baby um you had you had him 10 I had him nine oh wow so I had Uh Kevin mcculler Jor 10 for the reason that you talked about so I look at him and I think he there was an injury concern like he missed combine testing him and uh daddy who I had 11th spoiler alert he’s my next guy these are the two who don’t I don’t have the combine metri four but I do have their like height and stuff so mcculler Jr only 65 and a quarter but 69 wingspan was a really good Defender at Kansas so that’s why he shot up my board a bit here like okay a small wing who can defend not small but you know actually a small wing with a decent wingspan a small NBA Wing yeah for sure um only shot 33% his last year but it was an 80% free throw shooter I’m not sure he’s really going to be a good NBA shooter though like he took 4.5 per game like he got him up he didn’t shoot great the free throw is good but he’s 23 so at a certain point I’m like you know how much of your game is really going to develop like is he ever going to be a 40% three-point shooter I’m not sure but you know a six foot five Wing who can really defend is useful he is probably the guy most on here though I fear is like whatever sets him apart from the Maran and Ajax you know like how it’s it’s it comes into like can one of them right right that’s what it really becomes is you just get a bunch of these guys who who are who are just these rangy Wings theoretically who theoretically can dribble past you drive uh attack the basket those type of athlete type guys and maybe one of them just you just need one of them to hit right I just don’t know if it’s going be process but with just ridiculously lower Stakes yeah yeah um I would not like this with the first round pick I actually this is a dumb part of my board I would prefer my 11th ranked player over my 10th ranked player with the first round pick but just strictly because of upside that’s fair my my who do you have 10 my 10 was Holmes oh okay so who do you have 11 Uh Kevin mcculler Jr oh nice so yeah do you agree it’s kind of like like it’s a useful player but I’m just not sure anything about him stands out which is like the fastest way to not play in the NBA it it truly is right like maybe the defense that’s if the defense does then maybe there and as a as a as an older player you would hope that he comes in more refined than the defensive end that’s a good point like you you look at uh like the the Virginia guys the the the Yukon guys yeah and by Virginia guys I mean Malcolm brog and Yukon guys I mean Andre Jackson Jr we could just come in in a little bit of older guy but just more polished on the defense of them yeah I I would rather take mcculler than Dunn because I I think dun’s a better Defender but I mcculler has offensive upside in a way I I mean done listen six six and a quarter height S one and a half wingspan a tenacious Defender I get it who do you think is a better Prospect Ryan Dunn or Chris Livingston like right now yeah I would rather have Chris Livingston for sure yeah there you go it’s just for this team spec but really for any team like if you just can’t do anything offensively it’s just hard man it really is I me I’ve seen people C Andre Jackson Jr he shot the ball well if Ryan dun shot the ball that well it’d be a miracle oh my God like ajax’s more of a ball handler I I I just I’m not that interested is a better passer yeah I’ve got Daddy 11th P dader really like a projection kind of a big Wing but not that big like almost six almost 6 midsize Wing yeah yeah um but it’s all like projection he had some good games I think against Ray over in Fr um we’re at the point though where like below am I have shyan where I’m just like and like he’s right between mcculler and shyan who are much more polished prospects and I just kind of toss him here because I’m like yeah maybe he ends up good but I I really don’t know and you know I think it’d be a fun swing but I wouldn’t be like jumping out of my seat if the Bucks actually I wouldn’t want him in the first either I lied it’d be fun it’d be a fun second rounder I think it’d be a reach in the first round no that’s that’s 100% fair you’re not you’re not prepared for a number 12 who is it it’s Tyler K oh I have 15 now I moved him up talking so not yeah not that I mean I think he’s good like I really think he’s good I just am like it’s just not an archetype I’m super interested in just just try and score the ball but here’s the thing with here’s my thing with K because I probably watched him more than a lot of other college prospects is that I here here’s a fun story me me and me and our good friend numac we were at a marquet we’re just sitting next to each other talking about this like you know trying to talk about how these guys would fit in at the NBA level all these guys cuz we’re just nerds cuz we we’re just Sports nerds that’s just how it is and and I love him for it uh but we’re just sitting there and we’re talking about Tyler kak and we’re just watching him we we set a goal for ourselves like hey let’s watch Tyler kak on these next like five or six possessions and just say how many times does he actually look to score the ball do you know how many times he looked to score the ball on those six possessions once zero yeah I’m not surprised it’s like so he would do the thing that Andre Jackson Jr does that just makes me so upset is that he would get penetration and not even look up towards the room not even looking like you’re just immediately looking to pass that you don’t have an attacking Instinct but here’s the thing the passing is really good the passing is really good and another thing the Bucks don’t need him to look at the basket and and he can he can really shoot too I think he was 39% last year 38.8 this year the shot doesn’t look as good to me like well no I think it goes in though it’s just like for me you would need to be wide open yeah which is his preference anyway yeah exactly he he’ll be wide open he’ll be like some guy even more wide open I going to make a decision here no one’s coming at me I guess a coach is gonna be really mad at me if I don’t take this shot okay I guess I’ll take it yeah that type of player the Bucks don’t need him to score and which is what the appeal is for Phoenix I think as well and why there’s a lot of smoke him at Phoenix at 17 just purely because they need an organizer and KCK is right yeah I think Phoenix though you have the benefit of like I think it’s harder to ignore a guy CU Phoenix has like it’s more egalitarian like there’s not a clear one and two and three and they’re like they should have better spacing we’ll see who they play at the five this year but like I’m a little worried about Yannis Giannis colic lineups where it’s just like the other team is just like yeah dribble wherever you want we’re just going to put two guys by the rim now I don’t and I think we’ve also talked about this I honestly don’t think it matters uh with maybe not I think we’re at a point with the Bucks roster with Dame and Chris and Giannis where you can have two non-shooters I want to look up actually I’m glad you mentioned this so I’ve been digging in like the Andre Jackson Jr thing I think is really interesting and I’m a little perturbed that the Bucks lost the Ajax yanis minutes last year but I want to see right now did they lose the Ajax Dame Yannis minutes Ajax I can’t imagine there were a lot of those let’s see oh well you look I’ll talk about why but we we we saw like a lot of Ajax Giannis lineups out there I think I think we probably saw more Dame Ajax than we saw Ajax Giannis and I don’t think we good reason saw a lot of all three um 175 minutes they were plus 3.3 they were 175 minutes is actually shocking to me yeah I did not think it was that much I so they must have been really good with Dame then which makes sense you alleviate some of the pressure on Dame don’t you you Tred your best to you know no actually overall lost the Dame minutes too just the Twan ajx D okay so the so those minutes the plus they pretty much lost all Ajax minutes was the issue I think when he played ear in plus three with d with Dame Ajax Giannis yeah so 292 Giannis Ajax they were minus 3.2 and 279 Dame Ajax they were minus four these are probably some of the same games I’m gonna go out on of limb and say that plus just comes from having Dame and Giannis on the court at the same time yeah I imagine there’s not many groups that are bad with those two but I’m I’m a little I don’t know I think ajx is good I think I think he’s got it figured out enough but I think there is a little bit of a spacing concern and I think because of that I don’t want to add more players with a spazing concern so like if you’re taking a Mei or someone like that like it that’s a little I’m a little concerned so that’s why I really went with a lot of Shooters Mei I just couldn’t ignore just too intriguing see yeah but here’s the thing that’s why I have a guy like Mei for obvious reasons ahead of kak is because you’re not really GNA see Dame Mei Yannis minutes you’re GNA see Dame Mei minutes you’re not me wins the job you’re no they they see a guy dunk from more more than once per every five games they’re like oh is this legal out sanis I wonder I wonder if they’re going to do a celebration for his first alleyoop as they did with Bobby I want to look up who do you think is second on the Bucks and dunks last season and how many dunks do you think they had second okay so first is Giannis can you at least give me a baseline on how many Giannis had once you get that pulled up Yannis had 251 dunks okay I’m going to go out in and say no one else had more than 150 no one else had more than 42 oh Yannis had more than the rest of the Bucks combined probably tripled is it Brooke at least doubled it is Brooke with 42 that’s I mean that’s yeah that’s the that’s the easy answer there that’s depressing Bobby poris had 22 there’s had Ajax had 16 Maran in had 12 and so Ajax and Maron play to combined sub 1200 minutes is ex 1180 minutes which is like less than half of Brooke barely more than half of Bobby’s minutes combined and they had 28 combined which is more than Bobby and more than halfway to Brooke for sure then Dame had eight shout out Dame at age 33 uh thanasis had seven 155 minutes Malik Beasley had five paty had three you will not guess who’s next with three next with three oh God is it Livingston he had one is it Bossman he did not dunk oh God who had who’s a guy with three dunks on the buck roster is it oh is it it’s a two-way isn’t it no oh there’s only two other players who dunk Chris Chris only had two who had three dunks this is shocking and we said AJ Green no he did not dunk it’s my close personal friend no he did not gadari three dunks y shout out Gallo man maybe we’re undervaluing Gallow maybe maybe that’s we didn’t mention him maybe a minute one it’s the bo we completely forgot I didn’t forget I didn’t forget I did I did sorry you’re close person friend yeah that’s okay that’s okay anyway I had I daddy 12 I had shyman 12 I moved up kuy’s Justin Edwards to 13 he’s 13 for me nice I I just like 66 610 wing span I don’t know why I tried to shorten that uh only shot 36.5% from three but 77 from free throw didn’t shoot many per game like I think he’s probably a shooter he did okay in the combine drills he’s 20 years old again I’m just like pretty like okay Wing height but the 610 wingspan is nice like like okay I could see him being a good Wing player I I’ll throw him up decently High here again I wouldn’t be thrilled but in the second round I’d be like yeah let’s try it let’s is this like another Livingston swing basically unheralded Kentucky guy like I think he probably did more in college than Livingston but maybe not I actually don’t remember how much Livingston played but I’ll be he play a lot in college yeah and obviously there’s other Kentucky guys who are a lot more heralded than Edwards but sometimes I I don’t mind just like he was like a the third rated Prospect in the class but is Kentucky also one two tal like let’s just let’s just see if he was underutilized or needed more time to develop exactly like not everyone blooms at the same time it’s tough these are kids like come on like it’s it’s I think that’s something we need to consider even though it makes me upset is that like these are these are kids I know they’re not technically children but they’re kids you know I agree with you um so you had you had Justin Edwards 13 who was your 12 shyan right shyan yeah okay so my 13 was Edwards my 14 was daier okay yeah just like right just maybe he’s good someday yeah and then my 15 sorry who was your 14 Aj Johnson oh like the stats are horrible true like just project I only threw him here because Vini really likes him and apparently com does he know how to like shoot a basketball I don’t think so yeah like the shot is like it doesn’t look good no it doesn’t I should move him down but like I see I see the vision right like he projects bless you to the YouTube VI and I mean to you but for the YouTube viewers you nailed it I did mute for audio no one heard that but yeah you could see it um just I should move him down though because I’m just like he’s sub six5 like I’m putting him below kic he’s going above the D line actually no I’m going to put him below D I’m going to put him below Dunn too below Dunn yeah yeah I get it I think I think Ryan Dunn and AJ Johnson are two of my least favorite prospects because yeah there’s probably guys I should move up here that I’ve just had like condemned to the bottom for a while I don’t even maybe we’re being too harsh on Ryan Dunn I don’t know I mean I I I I I was versus how I was with AJ Johnson that’s for sure cuz I I have done at 16 I have him at 15 so I had filipowski below him now I have a Johnson below him I have Johnny Fury at 18 just cuz I’m just like I at 15 what do you do Johnny fury it’s a good question right but here’s the thing he has the body type of a prototypical NBA Wing right like kind of like he doesn’t have like a massive plus wingspan or anything I think he’s like I think it’s even it’s 67 and a half height 68 wingspan so basically even yeah so he’s like solid three height but not a great shooter I don’t know if he’s he’s pretty athletic but I’m just like I’ve seen a lot of guys like this in the G league and it’s like maybe he’s good maybe he figures it out maybe he excels as a driver right like I’ve talked a lot about how I not only want guys who can shoot I want guys who can attack off the catch right attack a closeup Johnny Fury I think is is suited to do that I just don’t think guys are going to close out hard enough for him to get that leverage that he need right right that’s the thing I don’t know if he’d ever play with the Box tier one with all the guys above him like we’d have to come in and be like just clearly better than like amaran who also wasn’t really playing no that’s true that’s true I mean maybe maybe there’s more opportunity we’ll see how the rotation changes I would imagine there’s going to be more vets brought into um I I had cam Christie even below him at 19 and this one if you just look at the stats you’re like how could you say that 39% from three more than five attempts per game really good free throw shooter too just could not score at The Rim and it’s just like H you might just not be an NBA player then 64 and a half 68 wingspan like there’s a lot of good stuff like it’d be an intriguing second round pick he’s not even 19 yet either he is uh Max Christie’s brother oh yeah I think was like sub 50% at The Rim like another guy didn’t play yeah so it’s I’m just and then I had KJ Simpson below him which is probably unfair but I look at him as a point guard I like less than kic because he wasn’t as good of a distributor and he’s even shorter but he has a longer wingspan no that’s fair those were all the players I that was the 20 I considered for this so hopefully I didn’t miss too many people that folks are really excited about for the bucks but I think that’s pretty comprehensive no to be honest now that I’m looking at my list I only had 18 I don’t know what happened to my last year no I mean that’s I just kept adding guys CU I was like oh he was I think I ended up considering everyone between 23 and 30 just to get like every first round grade that we looked at low first round grade so that’s how I ended up with this many players and then I added Tristan to Silva too yeah yeah so I I don’t know where we stopped I think IIA 14 Fury 15 Don 16 filipowski 17 I had him 17 as well and then Aj Johnson at 18 yeah I could see putting filipowski over I would put Aj Johnson over him just because I I I see the archetype that could work for him and I really honestly don’t with filipowski that’s the thing right it’s like negative wingspan offensive Center who’s maybe not actually a good shooter it’s like okay what’s left okay who who’s a good count for that who’s a good passer old bucks comp for that that’s what I like doing with these guys is like ERS ERS no that’s disrespectful toisan yeah um late stage Andrew Bogan not on the books but not nearly as good of a defender or passer I mean it’s like if Mamu was a little taller and actually played center maybe I think it’s disrespectful to Mamu yeah I don’t think I think Mamu is a better shooting Prospect I think Mamu is just an overall offensive player it’s it I get the Denzel Valentine thing with filipowski where I’m like okay you can do this playmaking stuff are you ever going to have the ball enough to utilize that like that’s the qu like are can your skills are are you either good enough to have the ball or can you do stuff off ball that helps enough and I just don’t I think the answers are both no for filipowski I should put Fury above him I don’t like any of these guys yeah I mean Don it’s like I would be like I get it like a big massive dude right like I see it yeah I mean the S1 wingspan great defender just like I guess all the Dame no Yiannis minutes just put him out there and make it work I think we might be undervaluing undervaluing Ryan dun but it’s just like he doesn’t do anything on the other end yeah like can he figure out how to be a if he could be a short roller his value is way higher and maybe he can maybe that’s Philip Pal’s role yeah man I don’t even know if I would set it like I just have such a high bar for centers defensively I know I think that’s what Brooke has ruined us yeah but now now we’re at a time where we need to like think about Brooke Brook yeah postbrook also also something I didn’t mention up top Silver Lining to the the Celtics winning the title we might actually be done with Al Horford oh you think he might retire I hope so he extended for another year right it’s like a small contract or is that this year no it’s next year I hope it’s it man I hope so you’re 38 years old like get out of here like now poor Mike connley has to hang on and get it done before he reaches the Carl Malone level you know what the best the best NBA record is Carl Malone being the biggest loser in the league history and you know what silver Ling to Al Horford winning a title which makes me want to throw up as I say it yeah is that now the John Stockton’s back to two oh yeah yeah cuz it went Malone Horford Stockton and now Horford you just get pulled away like it’s not it’s like complete yeah because still on there because he because he went that long without winning one I think I think you get pulled off because it’s I think I think the list technically they pull is most games played without winning one you’re right it’s not most consecutive games before or whatever yeah yeah like I’m sure like uh Joe uh who’s a who’s a really old guy that was Ring chasing with the Warriors David West David West won a title though with the Spurs didn’t he not the wait no who am I thinking of I don’t know he played on the Spurs too but he was already washed by then I think he didn’t he start did he start with the Pacers or was he he started with the Pacers he was part of that photo shoot yeah the infamous photo shoot oh he started with the Hornets actually uh but he definitely didn’t win one there but I don’t know if he played long enough yeah I don’t know but the the list he won one in year his 36th season he played a lot of games anyway played a lot of playoff games yeah it’s most playoff games without a without winning a title oh okay damn it probably was on there um but not now it’s back to Malone and Stockton as they should be yeah yeah those guys suck um so should we just quickly run through our list again well let’s do it but let’s do our tiers so what is your however many players you want to include who are the guys and then I’ll do mine and we’ll go back and forth who are the guys like on your list that you’d be most excited about the Milwaukee Bucks selecting at the 23rd overall pick I have two guys here it’s Kell we Tristan D Silva nice I have both of those and kesan George in my top tier and then my second tier so that’s George D Silva Wars 123 and yours is we D Silva two my second tier is Big Bobby Clinton Jaylen Tyson Tyler Smith so that’s my four five6 who what’s your second tier look like my second tier has four players in it it’s Boby Clinton Isaiah ker Kean George and Tyler let’s just include ker in mind too to make it even like I would be ex i’ would be excited but weirded out if they took him and then I think I’d call these the players that like if they took him in the first round I I wouldn’t be mad but I wouldn’t be thrilled and I’d say that’s EES Missy Don Holmes and probably just them to be honest for me it’s uh mey Tyson and I think that might be it so is that 10 for both of us so we have 10 10 first round grades here wait for me that’s for me that’s eight oh really oh yeah cuz you had less in your first one okay yeah so then my next tier is uh I hope they would be the second round pick and that is bayor Iran uh Dron Holmes and Kevin mcculler Jr and Tyler I’ll put kic in there too mine’s bigger so my like I’d be happy with the and obviously anyone in my top 10 or top top nine I had nine excuse me anyone in my top nine if they got them with the first the second round pick I’d obviously be thrilled but these are the guys where if they were to pick at 33 I’d be happy Kevin mcculler Jr Bome dader Baylor shyman Justin Edwards Tyler KCK and I’ll include Ryan Dunn I’d be happy I’d be the least happy out of that group probably maybe above kic but I I’d be like okay I get I see the vision it’s a second round pick he has a clear NBA skill a clear NBA frame even if there’s obvious limitations like there’s still upside there yeah and then the rest of my list is AJ Johnson Kyle filipowski Johnny Fury cam Christie KJ Simpson mine is Justin Edwards D Fury Don filipowski and AJ Johnson God I hope filipowski goes in like the late teenss I don’t know who would take him though who knows I just like why like what team needs that like is that an is that position like that archetype a team like a need for any team that’s what I said it I’m like trying to draw a current is so hard Miami is the most interesting I hope Devin Carter doesn’t go there because I actually the more I read about him the more I like him even though I didn’t love him at first I just think like I say Miami because that’d be so funny if they took Kyle filipowski that’d be hilarious they can turn anyone into a defensive monster didn’t didn’t we make these jokes already with the yic thing that I said we did yeah dorky white guys yeah Sor we talked about this already didn’t we we do we’ve been doing a lot of draft C well we don’t have much more time what next Thursday next Thursday indeed round one we have to wait for the round two to see both picks I hate that so much I know it’s so stupid who’s tuning in just for the second like just do it in one day like there here’s here’s my prediction they immediately revert back next year because the ratings are going to be abysmal yeah is it is it is it Thursday Friday do they move up day one to Thursday I think it’s I think it’s Thursday Friday that’s horrible like um so I have to sit here on a Friday night and do second round Wednesday Thursday we’re gonna go live right after 33 if they and we haven’t formalized our J but I think I think instead of a full I don’t know what do you want to do I guess we could do both like numac did and Jordan like do we want to be live for the draft and then just record when it’s the buck part you know what I mean yeah we could do that we’ll figure it out if you’re interested let us know yeah if you have a if you have a and I’m going to share my uh like with all the info and stuff I don’t know if this is compiled all this stuff anywhere this cleanly so I’m going to share this at the uh at gspn dotinfo at our substack for premium members if you want access to my board and we can share Rohan too yeah all of our uh it is oh it’s Wednesday Thursday it’s Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Thursday thank God yeah so a week from tomorrow Wednesday June 26th round one Thursday June 27th round two so maybe we do a final a final mock our most informed mock to start next week and then draft coverage yeah and then we have to start a free agency yeah which is like also that weekend yeah maybe we’ll see what we do on Monday we’ll have a lot to cover we’ll have two BS to do I guess maybe three who knows we’ll figure it out we’ll have cover going to be a busy week we we’ll be all over the we’re also both traveling so I’m not traveling Oh I thought you were no oh whoops oh is that for is that Fourth of July weekend or is that before it’s before no that should be good oh oh okay I’ll be posted I’m going to be here like DJ academics during the Kendrick Drake thing just not moving from the chair just night after night more stuff I’m I’m still here I’m still live He’s rumor has that he’s still live waiting for the next Drake release and I am disgusted and will never compare myself to that piece of trash again yeah I was going to say what are you doing why do you want to compare yourself to academic like just cuz I was like who who just sits in a dark room all day you could name like any streamer that’s not you could have said your your Kai or something yeah I start a riot accidentally yeah you could have said like your allegedly no I not him I think that’s worse I’ll be lwig I don’t think I don’t think speed’s worse than academics oh I I meant then Kai oh okay anyway that’s enough stre we’ve got our players yeah yeah yeah but uh yeah uh look out for that stuff on the gspn premium uh at gspn doino which by the way you could be listening to this podcast ad free you could be getting our exclusive podcast gspn after dark you could be getting exclusive videos you could be having access to all of our written content and all it is is one subscription you find it at gspn doino you can subscribe right there but yeah wherever you’re listening to this watching this YouTube podcast platform of choice make sure you’re sub subscribe check out the aformentioned gspn info not only for the premium sub but also for all of our links everything you can find it’s all at gspn doino our new hub for all things gspn uh yeah make sure you leave a festar rating and review on your podcast pform Choice uh pod random and we’ll talk to you next time

The 2024 NBA Draft is barely a week away, so Ti Windisch and Rohan Katti of the Gyro Step podcast compiled and shared their full big boards of players who should be available at Milwaukee’s 23rd overall pick and discussed their rankings. For this exercise, Ti and Rohan only considered players who were available at 23 or below in at least one of three big boards: ESPN, The Ringer, and Bleacher Report.

This meant the following players were discussed: Kel’el Ware, Tristan Da Silva, Kyshawn George, Bobi Klintman, Isaiah Collier, Tyler Smith, Jaylon Tyson, DaRon Holmes, Tyler Smith, Kevin McCullar Jr., Baylor Scheierman, Pacome Dadiet, Tyler Kolek, Justin Edwards, Ryan Dunn, A.J. Johnson, Kyle Filipowski, Johnny Furphy, Cam Christie, and K.J. Simpson.

Ahead of the big board discussion, Ti and Rohan shared their thoughts on the Boston Celtics and old friend Jrue Holiday winning the 2024 NBA Championship, and on if the Bucks would come to terms with any of their own free agents given the rule change in the last CBA that means teams can negotiate with their own FAs starting the day after the Finals end.

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  1. perfect palate cleanser from the celtics atrocity i watched last night. good riddance 2023- 2024 NBA season, RIP Bozo

  2. I loved the idea of Crowder but looking back, 5 second round picks for bro to sit there and flex for two seasons what not what I had in mind…

  3. Was this analysis solely data-based? I get the sense you haven't seen many play, or even read scouting reports. There's more to the game than wingspan, combine drill #'s, & box scores. My big board is very different.

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