@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs To DRAFT Cody Williams?

Spurs To DRAFT Cody Williams?

okay all right this is not the news I wanted to hear today this actually this is actually bad very bad news I want [Music] some are we having fun yet I wanted to have my cake and eat it too but this it ises not look like that is a possibility if if this holds true um so before we take a look at this Cody Williams situation if you guys would like to uh subscribe to the second channel that would mean the world me we already at 300 subscribers I don’t know what it would be when once we upload this video um but that means a lot to me guys because I wanted to go ahead and get this channel up to a strong start um so if you want to support head on over there I’ll put the link right underneath this video if you’re curious of what Spurs Invasion will be cuz I got to fix everything up obviously right it’s not going to look like this um but if you’re wondering what it’s going to be it’s going to be more scripted um videos in which they’re edited and everything and I’m going to do that about once to twice a month I’m shooting for it twice a month three times a month if my schedule will allow it but I don’t think my schedule will allow it um so that’s what I’m going to go for I already have the first script um uh typed up and everything so I’m working on that first video but if you guys want to go ahead and support and and get the the video up uh and and going strong as soon as it uploads please please please go subscribe to the second Channel all right let’s go ahead and take a look at this news guys so rival teams believe that Cody Williams could be drafted by the Spurs or the Pistons at four right four or five and you go to this mock draft here and they have Detroit Pistons taking him at five they have the Spurs taking Modis buellis at four now the reason why this is terrible news is because you guys know I am very high on Cody Williams okay I really do love him as a prospect my my top four right now and it it might change a little bit you know we’ll add some other players but right now my top four is Cody Williams and not not a particular order right now right uh Cody Williams Modis buellis Ron Holland Stefon Castle those are my guys and I’m sticking to it and you know we’ll add our our big board and everything but Cody Williams is one of those where I thought that we could sneak him in right I thought that maybe just maybe that we can sneak him in at 8 because there were so many mock drafts having him later oh gosh I don’t know what that was I don’t know what that was but had him later like I saw some mocks have him at 12 13 I was like oh my goodness like that would be absolute steal uh you can grab him uh so we already done a video on Cody Williams and if you’re interested in that at all you just type in literally Cody Williams Clan the Spurs fan and you will see that I really do like him a lot uh he’s a very very high IQ uh player he’s the brother of Jaylen Williams if if you didn’t know that um many as Spurs fans wanted him but he’s much younger right he’s 19 years old and dude he has a lot in his bag and he’s the type of player that excites me because he’s the one he’s he’s one of those guys where you put him in the NBA and he basically fits in just about any system because of his versatility because of his High basketball IQ and he’s a team player and he’s willing uh to adapt to whatever the team needs him and while his floor is already high I feel like his ceiling could be really nice um if given the right uh opportunity and and you know hit the right strides and I I I really like him as a as a player man I really like him as a prospect and I’m really hoping that he does get past four because I would love cuz you guys know I love Modis Bellos if you can give me Modis or you give me Ron Holland or whatever at 4 probably mice at 4 right how things are panning out and you say Holland’s gone or vice versa I am cool with this I I am jelling okay this would be beautiful if he could land at eight um oh and it SE says right here June 7th like literally a week ago they had the draft spot number 13 so good God man stop changing this please please please put him back at 13 uh so so we would have a shot at him depending on what the landscape looks like once we get to pick eight I would hate for him to be off the board I would ideally love for all my guys to still be on the board by the time we get eight but you know that that won’t be the case uh unfortunately uh but more than likely Castle will probably be gone before 8 let’s see what they have so far actually here we’ll start at the beginning if you guys are curious of what this bleach report mock draft has right now they have Reay at one um alexar at two ree Shepard at three and we know these two have Stefon Castle is six see that’s what I was talking about Donovan kingan at seven and they have us taking Devin Carter at eight which uh I gosh I don’t want to be rude but it’s a little bit of a stretch I think they’re most so more so basing it off of the fact that we have shown that we’re interested in them um but he he is a he will be a great role player uh and then Ron Holland at nine so uh with regardless I feel like we’ll get to get one of you know the guys I really like but I I want as many on the table as possible so we can really um you know choose choose from the uh the stock here but you guys let me know what you think of this um would you take Cody Williams over buellis at four I don’t know if I would I don’t I don’t know uh I I really like him as a prospect I guess it just depends on you know how his workouts go and everything cuz Lord knows I was not expecting the Spurs to take uh uh uh my Malachi brandom at at all I mean I wasn’t expecting him to land to the Spurs uh but it was because of the workout that you know they really adored him so hey maybe maybe that that’ll be a thing as well so you guys let me know um what you think I will get with you guys later man until next oh wait wait no wait don’t forget subscribe please all right bye bye bye bye [Music]


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💲 FOR $20 OFF any Concert or Sporting event go to WWW.SEATGEEK.COM and use promo code: SPURSDYNASTY ! You are welcome in advance.

//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. I would love Cody Williams at 8. If they play their cards right he could be their version of Jaden Mcdaniels

  2. At #8, I like the fit of Cody Williams in San Antonio. Lengthy 3 & D forwards are valuable in today's NBA. I do believe Cody Williams is a player of this archetype and he maximizes the amount of defense on the Spurs, long-term.

  3. I love your vidéo but to be honnest your spaming to much for your second Channel if ppl want like they will do no need to spam every vidéo for 3 minutes

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