@Phoenix Suns

The Phoenix Suns Could TRADE Devin Booker But Why They Hell Would They?

The Phoenix Suns Could TRADE Devin Booker But Why They Hell Would They?

consider this your trigger warning Gerald’s trading Devin Booker today it’s pH andx Suns and it starts in 30 seconds thank MCO what’s up everybody Welcome in to another episode of the ph& night Suns podcast I’m Lindsay that’s Gerald that’s Flex that’s who is completely full of it Gerald would like to uh lies are starting off the show with li we’re burning this mfer down today oh no uh oh happy offseason everybody yay yay it’s here all right before we get into trade machine Tuesday yes we are going to be talking about Devon Booker trades but it’s just an exercise and to keep things Fair we’re going to talk about all seven guys under contract okay just the same way we have as all tra TR machine Tuesdays before this but before we get into that and fire up the trade machine we’ve got odds on the betting Sports books for next season es but where did the sun sit oh get ready the bookmakers uh don’t really uh have much faith in the Phoenix Suns uh you could see it here B MGM has the Suns at a plus 2500 to win the title no this is not every team this was just six that we found interesting means they have the same same odds as the Clippers right now which they don’t have two of their guys even signed right now which means they don’t even Vegas doesn’t even know who’s on their roster and they still think they have as good of a shot as the Suns the Knicks are better Mavs at a plus 900 nuggets at a plus 750 and the defending champs now at plus 300 the Boston Celtics are you guys feeling this this down because these to me and and I’ll give you another one uh another book bet 365 has them at plus 3300 oh wow to win the title this is the kind of thing to me at least I’m putting a few bucks down on because if it hits I make pretty good money you know yeah might as well take a swing I mean I think they were like six best odds in the west or something like that which is kind of surprising I know that it’s mostly a placeholder because they did finish six in the west this season um but yeah I guess everybody else is not as high on the Suns I understand it I do think with a year of familiarity under their belt now now and a new head coach I do think there’s something to be said for that uh even if they don’t make any major changes uh some of the teams that are ahead of them are interesting like you said the Clippers still have major question marks about what their team’s going to look like a couple months from now um the Knicks I get it they play in the East they had a really great season they can bring their guys back but they still got to get through Boston in that conference so to have their odds that much significantly higher it’s a little surprising but it is what it is comedy yeah just comedy we’re not even 24 hours removed from crowning an NBA champ we don’t know what the draft looks like we don’t know what free agency looks like we don’t know what shuffling during during this off season’s going to look like got no damn clue consider where they were sitting last year too at this point they were one of the favorites to win the title so there you go so don’t mean nothing really it’s just it’s just something to entertain you uh on June 19th 18th 18th 18th just um Eric in the chat brought up LeBron in a different way but if you think LeBron might be coming a phoenix you definitely want to get in on this at these odds because they will drastically change if that does happen now’s the time so get in get in now in general right because nothing’s happened in the off season nobody knows anything so get in because it could dramatically change on multiple fronts besides comedy that’s what I saw in yeah opportunity what about uh MVP odds how are those looking for us these are my favorite let’s take a look at this so yic at plus 400 Luca at plus 400 Shay gild Alexander at 650 uh Victor wanyama plus 2,000 right and then you got Devin Booker and Kevin Duran plus 8,000 from BET MGM on bet bet 365 uh KD’s at plus 8,000 Devon Booker’s at a plus 10,000 okay so interesting how the mighty have fallen that’s pretty crazy I mean I guess to some degree having two MVP candidates can sometimes cancel each other out that’s what I’m choosing to believe out of these odds but like yeah it is it is kind of crazy to see wemi that high up I I do think he’s gonna win an MVP within his first probably five years in the league I think that’s entirely possible for him but man like year two to have that much better odds than Kevin Durant and Devon Booker is pretty surprising well especially with a team that like isn’t attempting to really make their move yet i’ guess year three is probably when San Antonio really goes in on trying to change their fortunes could be but they have a lot of cap space this year so depends on how they want to approach it honestly hey if you want really good odds on a future son uh Lebron plus 15,000 right now to win MVP so you know there you go interesting yeah I mean listen again this this is a little very comedic to me I bet the house I bet the house and some money on what that a guy like W’s not winning MVP I thought you meant on book or what are we the house on yeah like like there’s there’s just no way um it he just doesn’t play for a team that’s going to be competing doesn’t play for a team like Luca is incredible man Luca is one of the best players I’ve ever seen in my life and Luca is struggling to get MVP and look what he’s done already up until now uh I know he’s up there on the list higher but man when WBY leads the Spurs to that three seed in the west this year look out hey I’m not say offseason shakes out I’m not saying I’m not saying that’s not possible but listen wy’s gonna be great wemi if he stays healthy and continues to build on his game I I don’t think there’s any there’s any doubt that in three years W be might be the best player on planet Earth but I got to see a little bit more just had a good rookie year let’s see him follow up on it to me like I don’t expect Devon Booker or Kevin Durant to win MVP I’ll say that but I’m kind of looking at this as the way people are feeling about players are ranking players right now yeah and we go from Devin Booker and Kevin Durant being considered each top 10 guys last off season in the NBA too that Bloom’s really falling off the rows right now right they’re not viewed as that these these number these odds to me uh say more about the perspective that has shifted about these guys rather than will they really win MVP compared to where they were in those odds this time last year yeah people are down on the Suns man I mean rightfully so they didn’t have now’s a good time to get in yeah that’s it they just down on the Suns this stock is down or everybody else something we yeah exactly I don’t know all right well those are the odds if you want to get in on the action but it’s officially the off seon and Bobby marks tweeted out some rules of the off seon that started as of today so what is allowed now that we are under the new CBA negotiating with your own free agent negotiating with a player on your roster that is um rookie extension eligible and negotiating with a player on your roster that is a veteran extension eligible as of July 6 here’s what it’s not allowed yet though negotiate with a free agent not on your roster a team can begin negotiating at 6 p.m. eastern time on June 30th for that announced publicly IE teams agents and players that a team and free agent have reached agreements on a contract the first allowable date is July 6 at 12:01 p.m. eastern time that doesn’t mean we won’t get some woe or Shams bombs though tentatively agreed to exactly we just can’t get anything official from teams agents and players and violation of the rules fines up to $2 million forfeiture of draft picks and or suspension of Team Personnel we all uh got a little slap on the on the wrist last year for tampering and uh violating the rules let’s not do it again let me say this I would take a James Jones suspension a $2 million fine and a removal of one of those draft picks uh in two years uh for LeBron James go ahead and do that I don’t care violate the rules okay that’s fine I guess and just don’t do it for Drew Eubanks 2.0 like if you’re gonna get in trouble for tampering at least get in trouble for tampering for something that like really moves the needles it’s like if you’re get arrested for shoplifting don’t do it for gum do it for like a television right see this a little different because the money your charges get up at that point your charges will you’re gonna get more than a second round pick fine for this but if you’re gonna if you’re going to do it go big right see that’s what worries me like you don’t even really have second round picks so what are they going to take next take the first suspend James Jones heck this is this this is why I genuinely don’t know this is why you don’t talk about LeBron James until it’s time to talk about LeBron James man LeBron I mean this is it LeBron plays for the Lakers on the contract on the Lakers hey le Lebron can’t be talking to the Sons Sons can’t talk about LeBron wink there’ll be a time for that just talk to bronnie at his second pre-draft workout right there you go just talk to bronnie you don’t talk to LeBron maybe maybe because that is a little rumor that’s floating around right now we’ll maybe dive into that deeper tomorrow I don’t know but with these rules that means we are officially on Royce o Neal watch everybody tantalizing know tiating but here’s the thing Royce O’Neal is one of the only and best path forward for the Suns not only because he was good for this squad but for some flexibility the future like we’ve talked about how are you guys feeling about where we’re getting numbers from Royce O’Neal I know John Hollinger suggested four years $55 million what are you guys kind of thinking as of this point that that number seems a little steep but I’ve been we’ve said this the last time we talked about Royce O’Neal I wrote about it a few weeks back if you weren’t here for that the reason that the number might be more than you’re expecting is because they he has all the leverage and if they let Royce O’Neal walk they’re not getting any of that cap room by letting him walk so all they would have are vet minimums to replace him you’re not going to replace a guy like Royce O’Neal uh with vet minimum deals so you need to resign him even if it’s just for trade flexibility down the road so that way you can potentially move him for a contract in the midlevel range in the future remember the Suns cannot take back more money in a trade than they send out either as a second tax apron team so if they structure his deal around you know three years40 million something like that or even four years in the 11 to13 million range don’t be surprised by that because that’s probably what his value is on the open market and it makes sense to kind of bring him back at that price range yeah no I I listen I think he’s a midlevel guy that’s what he is uh if you can get him on a three or fouryear deal I think it’s a good deal for the Suns good deal for Roy I don’t expect there to be much of a hold up with this this is going to get worked out Royce O’Neal is going to be a phoenix son everybody knows it uh we can’t afford to lose him I think he likes being here I think it’s a good fit they’ll meet in the middle find a good ground and and we’ll move on from this I know this will never happen but I’m in the 2-year 44 million just give him it all now trade him next year for a guy that makes 22 or trade him at the deadline but obviously you don’t have enough sweetener to get somebody to take Royce O’Neal at at 22 million you know and and circumvent this new second apron that way but I think you guys are right it’s probably three four years in in that in that range uh MoneyWise like you’re talking about but you have to do it right like you said Gerald there’s no there’s no way you’re getting a guy that does what he does uh if if he walks right you’re you’re going to be trying to get a guy that does similar things to him at a lesser skill set uh probably at an older age for vet minimum so just pay him what he wants get him in here for the next few years and figure out things in the future you know because you don’t have options and if you’re all in like it seems they are you’re going to have to happen okay Mike from Mesa asked a good question in the chat we’re talking about potentially overpaying rice O’Neal a little bit for some trade flexibility down the road and also because we want him back on the roster and he has all the leverage here but Mike said how do you trade um someone who’s overpriced Roy Royce wouldn’t be overpriced Rey is absolutely a a mid-level exception level player that’s what he would get on the open market as well as probably here that’s not overpriced like the new NBA the salary cap is going up yearby year the new TV deal is going to kick in 11 12 13 million a year for a player is the going rate for two-way Wings in this league whether they’re starting or coming off the bench and it’s going to look like peanuts in a few years anyway so if all it really costs is Matt ishbia some luxury tax money it’s not overpriced and that’s pretty easily tradeable or um movable to some other team down the line well and even if you pay him slightly more than what his perceived value is and you and you include some kind of draft compensation if you’re getting a slightly better player fine there’s ways around it but it certainly gives you some additional uh opportunities here uh by the way to whoever asked yes I’m okay with cheating I think it was uh somebody from Mesa Mike from Mesa yeah why not nothing else has worked in the last 57 years so you know if you ain’t cheating you ain’t winning is is what I’m I’ve been hearing here I also love that Mike for Mesa has Jesus as his uh as his Avatar while I’m saying yeah let’s cheat go ahead right there we go now honestly you’re gonna try and tell me that 29 other teams aren’t lowkey cheating at points in times throughout they exactly they all do this yeah they just exactly playing the game just don’t get caught don’t get caught play game I also like Raymond who says espo for president hey gotta cheat there too to get up in politics so why not by the way hi Eli hi guest and wow factor and Jason Lee hey Dot and Brian uh Timothy I’m not saying hi to you with what You’ been throwing around there Darth VOA in the chat yes we do have the best hair and Mike and welcome uh and please become a Die Hard you guys support the program in the chat we love to have you support the program on the website goph oh void you guys are great in the comments right now I’m not reading that one es brought up becoming a DI hard there are a lot of great perks for becoming a Die Hard first and foremost you get access to our Discord you get access to Die Hard exclusive content you get discounts you get a free item from our locker upon signing up a shirt or hat of your choice you get um a whole bunch of really cool specialty items and things of that nature uh for becoming a die hard so go to go and click on become a die hard to see all of the things you can get for becoming a die hard today and sign up today as well also while you’re over at go hit up that events tab because you had a lot of really cool events coming up including June 20th yes in two days y’all this Thursday we’re going to be out at chicken and pickle for trivia night from 700 p.m. to 900 p.m. it is a free event it’s going to be an absolute blast I think I think it’s sports trivia right yes sports trivia should be really good at it yeah Timothy come on out I’ll show you what I know about basketball it’ll be a lot of fun uh you know we love our friends over at chicken and pickle they’ve got food they’ve got drinks they’ve got pickle ball courts they’ve got games out on the lawn it’s a really big facility um and it’s a really cool facility so come hang out with us also the PHX Cardinals true is taking over Miami and who wouldn’t want to go out to Miami this fall so if you are interested in that also make sure you check that event out as well also our friends over at mintmobile want to hook you guys up after years of fine print contracts and getting ripped off by overpriced Wireless providers if they’ve learned anything it’s that there’s always a catch so when uh I heard that for a limited time all mint Mobile Wireless plans are $15 a month when you purchase a three-month plan I thought what’s the catch but ESO after talking to them there is no catch right it all just made sense no ran Reynolds and I had a great conversation about mid mobile and he showed me all the fine print that they don’t have that there’s no catch here Ryan rolds just wants to take care of you right that’s what it is mint Mobile’s got you covered I love it I use it for my second phone no not for cheating purposes for not having to deal with these guys on the weekend pH that’s a side piece phone players understand what we saying get to side P you bought a second phone so you can have to ignore us on your main it’s a dumb phone that all it does is make calls and get texts from my family I literally zone out so it’s perfect when you want to tune out you don’t you want to like control your screen time but you might not have the willpower to be like yeah maybe I need to get off Tik Tok right now amen that’s exactly what it if connected when you need to be connected but also lets you check out for a little bit exact so say by-bye to your over overpriced Wireless plans draw dropping monthly bills and unexpected overages uh to get this new customer offer and your new 3month Unlimited Wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month go to Suns that’s Suns cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at Suns $45 upfront payment required equivalent to $15 a month new customers on first three-month plan only speed slower above 40 GB on Unlimited Plan additional taxes fees and restrictions apply see M for details you know I I’ve been accused of not knowing much about basketball but you know what I do know about basketball what’s that they’re smooth right basketballs are smooth I don’t like and if you want a smooth sack summer our friends over manscape can make your boys feel like them basketballs nice and smooth oh no yeah oh oh yeah it’s a sexy sack today for just all of you out there it’s the smooth sack summer and it’s officially upon us when you’re playing in the summer son make sure you’re groomed from pubes to bum there’s other places you can groom too but this is where manscape wants you to be groomed from thanks to our friends at manscape you can make the season your smoothest yet you want to be smooth with the ladies they got you covered all right uh they won’t help you in the club but in this area they’ll take care of it oh and your package will be ready for performance the performance package 5.0 Ultra is the ultimate bundle to keep 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Bradley Beal sure feels like it still gonna be biased with him over Tatum I don’t know about the tat Bradley Beal over Tatum I don’t know about the Tatum part but I yeah I think people are lower on Bradley Bill than they should be and it’s mostly because of his contract not even because of what he did on the basketball court which is unfortunate but I get it’s part of it minor setback for a major comeback I love I love a good comeback story that’s kind of what I look forward to this Sun Season there’s a lot of opportunity for that because everybody’s poured the dirt on this team so why not uh watch something that people aren’t expecting I kind of love what’s happening right now with the Suns and the narratives and all the negativity I love it uh failure is good in basketball and and I I these guys man I’m telling y’all they they they keeping receipts man I Brad bill I can confirm that Brad Brad B is a good basketball player man I mean people being down on Brad come on man chill out I can’t wait for this season I’m excited I think these guys are gonna have a really really nice bounceback season Brian sent us one and they said byebye Luca always a ringless hoe never a bride damn chill out man Luka played his ass Luka played his ass off man that guy gave it everything he had hurt can I get the two shot here oh man Jaylen Smith has more wins in a fin than LCA donic right LCA will forever be my my boy my boy Frank Kaminsky is a better player than Luca based on number of wins in a finals all right let’s let’s stop with this narrative that he’s the best player in the world look at all the guys on the son’s roster who had more finals wins than him always a hoe all right honestly that I I was trying out for ESPN did I make it you did I make it you get a call back at least we’ll see we’ll see about a real job uh fantastic Super Chat though I laughed really hard at that heat check sent us one and they said Flex what’s up with bronnie getting a second workout but other teams are struggling to get one workout eyeball Emoji eyeball Emoji who’s bronnie we can talk about bronie we can’t talk about the other one oh that’s right okay yeah no yeah listen if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck what’ I say don’t call Megalodon that’s the new One S yeah I mean yeah I mean listen he’s come he’s coming back for a second workout and you are correct there are people that can’t even contact him so you read into that have you won’t read into it man but I I I tell you what uh what is smoked is fire you feeling about better about a second bronnie workout or Gran Turismo oh Gran Turismo man bronnie got some work to dois he got some work all right guys hold on can I read Sean’s comment Sean says left side espo greater than right side espo it is very tough to hold to host a show and be this guy it’s not easy all right well yeah because you have to drive you can’t drive and be the drunk guy in the back seat I can’t be I can’t be the par and the annoying child exactly like you know it is what it is um all right guys guess what time it is baby it’s train machine Tuesday train machine Tuesday trade machine Tuesday trade machine Tuesday I got Applause the way Lindsay’s face lit up when she heard the Applause I’m glad you got Applause but I don’t I don’t feel like this is the trade between Tuesday we should have had an Applause probably not oh that was just for Lindsay thank you I appreciate that Gerald wants to trade Devon you guys isn’t that isn’t that what your article said I love that I keep getting thrown under the us on this um yeah so this is the disclaimer portion of the show Y where I reassure everybody the suns are not going to trade Devon Booker I don’t think that they should trade Devon Booker or want them to trade Devon Booker Devon Booker still wants to be here so none of this is meant to raise your anxiety levels or suggests that the Suns need to do this or do that as we’ve been saying for weeks now on this program we’re doing this every week with all seven suns players under contract as a thought exercise because guess what it’s the off season and we want to be thorough we want to cover the possibilities of what is possible under the new CBA as a second tax apron team we also want to give you guys an appropriate kind of trade value for each one of their players but again the suns are not trading Devon Booker they’re not trading any of the big three this is just like a for fun harmless little exercise so stop stuffing me in lockers you don’t have to beat me up it’s okay put down the pitchforks put down the Torches it’s not going to happen this is just to kind of figure out okay if they did trade somebody what would Devon Booker trade even look like and that’s it nobody wants to trade Deon Booker he’s arguably going to be the best Sons player of all time and you don’t trade guys like that when they’re in their Prime you just don’t do it unless he wants out and again there’s no indication he wants out so everyone just relax it’s okay so I have a couple things um because we’re already saying a whole bunch of this in the comments no this is not just to get views it’s not clickbaits it’s just being fair and being thorough too like we told you at the beginning we were going to go through all guys on under contract with the Suns for over a month now we’ve been saying this and it’s only fair that if we’re going to do it for one we do it for all of them this year specifically because the new CBA and there’s very few of them under contract anyway so why not and also there are a portion of people in the chat right now that are saying why not we should trade Devon Booker he’s not good enough to be the number one player on a contender yada y y okay well then there is value in this exercise because I went through all third all 29 teams to see what a Devon Booker trade would look like and my conclusion walking away from it as we’ll get into some of these trades is that a Devon Booker trade probably doesn’t make you better or push you closer to winning a title this year so just something to keep in mind no you’re absolutely right I mean Timothy says I want to trade him in the chat like there is a portion of suns fans that think that this is the best path to being a contender or to get out of whatever slump or situation they feel like we’re in currently as the sun’s franchise so it isn’t just crazy that some people genuinely want to move on from Devon Booker and that is your opinion you’re entitled to it all but this is the exercise look and my friend Mike in the chat asked would you trade Devin Booker if it guaranteed a championship yes I trade family members if it guaranteed a championship I’d trade all three of these people right here if it guaranteed a championship I’d trade Eric even if it guaranteed a first round win oh my God oh my God just a single game just a sing game damn we got to up your trade value here Eric er’s going to end the stream we got to sign Eric to a new contract that’s ridiculous God all right now we’ve got all that out of the way uh you do know that Devon Booker and the Nicks have been tied together since the Suns got bounced in the first round of the playoffs even yesterday the athletic had an article bringing it up again but here’s how they wrote it right they said touching on more big names that may not be on the move but could come up in Star thirsty conversations we know the Knicks are thirsty for Devon Booker so let’s give the Knicks a Devon Booker trade first and foremost we’ve got the Knicks receiving book and the Suns receiving Julius Randall Josh Hart and four first round picks so Julius Randall averaged 24 points per game 9.2 rebounds five assists shot 47.2% from the field 31.1% from Deep this last season Josh Hart averaged 9.4 points per game 8 three rebounds 4.1 assists shot 43.4% from the field and 31% from Deep yay or nay I mean all of these are going to be nay for me but but just in terms of talking about actual value here I don’t think this is Enough from a player perspective like I like Josh Hart a lot I think he’s one of the best roleplaying and he is the best rebounding guard in the NBA um he played great for the Knicks this season and Julius Randall I think is a little underrated at this point point but that’s not enough value for book even like four round first round picks okay I get it you get a lot of draft Capital but how does that help you next season with a 35y old Kevin Durant how does that help you with Bradley Beal’s window like it it doesn’t push you any closer to a title for next year which would be the point if you are trading Devin Booker instead of somebody else so for me as much as it’s nice to restock your draft cupboard and all that stuff it’s not enough value for me here look I’m I I know everybody’s sitting here and saying oh no I wouldn’t trade if I’m a GM if I’m sitting in James Jones seat I gotta listen to everything right I’m not doing my job as a GM if I’m not listening to everything now this wouldn’t do it for me this wouldn’t even get close this would be well thanks for calling and wasting five minutes of each of our time right uh because this this isn’t the kind of thing that gets me closer to my ultimate goal but you’re damn right I’d listen if if it got me closer to my ultimate goal and that’s my job as a GM is to put a Larry O’Brien trophy in that case so I’m not I’m GNA listen to these as if I wasn’t actually sitting in that seat and consider it this one doesn’t clim close to enough value to me though and there’s a lot of question marks with Randall and health and everything that went on and four draft picks do nothing for me right now yeah listen as a GM your job is to listen to everything right um if if I’m a GM and I’m if I’m James Jones and I’m sitting here of course I’m going to listen to trades for Devon Booker I’m gonna listen to trades for Kevin Durant I’m gonna listen to trades for Brad Beal are they gonna hold my attention very long that’s really what the exercise is as a general manager um and so yeah you listen you hear what they’re offering and then you you hang up and this is a this is a hang up for me like this is like okay yo I appreciate y’all reaching out it’s nice seeing what you ate for breakfast today but there ain’t no Devon Booker treade getting done unless you’re giving me a guy that has clear all NBA potential um and has a lot more years ahead of him than behind him this trade comes nowhere close to draft capitals cool but you’re not trading Devon Booker for draft Capital draft capital is not going to get you uh Devon Booker and you can’t do Devon this dirty he just got away from the disgraced former owner and then you’re sending him a James stolen nah you can’t do that and there were some people in the chat that are asking some questions here so to clarify this uh no they can’t do Booker and nerk for a larger package there because a they can’t aggregate salary B ogan and Obi can’t come back to the Suns because he’s probably going to opt out of his player option and the Suns cannot add players through a signing trade so again this is kind of why we’re doing this so that we can educate people on what isn’t isn’t possible in trades also to the point of the person who said why not just swap book for Klay Thompson do a sign and trade there one I don’t think you make that move ever but also want the corpse of Klay Thompson but also the sign and trade aspect that was the biggest portion of that one is that doesn’t you can’t do that the Suns cannot participate play in a sign and trade yes and like there are better players on the Knicks that you would obviously want to Target but guess what they’re not trading you jayen Brunson coming off the season that he had ogn and Obi as we covered is going to be a free agent so you can’t do a sign and trade with him same thing with Isaiah Haron so like this is kind of what you’re limited to here yeah and that’s why it’s a quick no yes that one’s a hard no so we’ll move on to the next one this is a trade with the Wizards they’re receiving Devon Booker in exchange for Kyle kusma Denia AA I always his last name always gets me and so does this one b kulali and four first round picks so kozma averaged 22.2 points per game 6.6 rebounds 4.2 assists shot 46.3% from the field 33.6% from Deep abdia shot or averaged 14.7 points per game 7.2 rebounds 3.8 assists shot 50.6% from the field and 37.3% from Deep kabali averaged 8.4 points 4.1 rebounds 1.7 assist shot 43.5% from the field and 34.6% from Deep can I be the uh the Washington GM here sure hey James can I be James yeah you can be James hey hey James yeah talk to me do you want Kendall’s other ex-boyfriend we got Walmart Devon Booker that you can have in Kyle kozma uh some guys you can’t pronounce in that first round picks you don’t like anyways what do you say James uh [ __ ] out of here man yeah pretty you know what I’m I I do want to say something real quick I don’t want to control you yeah no I’m good okay so we do this trade machine Tuesday I’m seeing the chat and Gerald everyone here has done a good job of explaining it’s an exercise um but there are people that seem to be taking it the wrong way and to them I’ll say this instead of looking at this like we’re sitting here trying to trade Devon Booker or we’re trying to make up these fake Devon Booker trades how about we look at this exercise as these this is what other teams are literally trying to do for Devon Booker right this is this is Washington this is really what Washington would try to do put yourself in Washington’s shoes don’t look at this like we’re trying to trade Deon Booker or Deon Booker want sh the Suns would even do this take this exercise and say hey this is what the other teams would be doing and we’re going to give the verdict and yeah right my my verdict if Washington called with that would be uh go get a croissant dog Mike fora says does Walmart Devon Booker play defense no Walmart loses billions of dollars every year they don’t play good def oh my gosh Buddha the skitso said be would be so mad at this trade and that’s that’s the one that’s the funny okay so first of all this is how I feel about this trade we go it’s not good at all it’s bad um I I like Denny AIA a lot I think he’s one of the more underrated role players in the league two-way players and their rookie kabali is he came into the league as one of the most defensive ready rookies that we’ve seen in a while I think he’s got offensive upside but this is the type of move you make when you’re blowing it up and the suns are not blowing it up um and they’re definitely not do like why would the Wizards do this either when they just traded their franchise starway last year why are they going to trade for a I get the book’s younger than be but it doesn’t make any sense for them to go that route either so yeah no it doesn’t make sense but I like what Flex said in terms of like this if it helps you think about it as what would other teams that they wanted Devin Booker be able to offer at their best and the verdict is probably going to be not enough in most in almost all of these look at it as what you can turn to your friends who are saying they should trade Deon Booker and go here’s does any of this interest you exactly you like this all right then next up some of you will like this one maybe I don’t know a trade with the Brooklyn Nets the Nets get Devin Booker and the sons receive cam Johnson mckel Bridges and their four first round draft piics back so cam average 13.4 points 4.3 rebounds 2.4 assists shooting 44.6% from the field and 39% from Deep Mel averaged 19.6 points four and a half rebounds 3.6 assists shooting 43.6% from the field and 37.2% from Deep what say you gentlemen this is my troll trade this was this was like I’m just gonna stab you and twist this is like trading in your Corvette for a Ferrari and then going oh I really like I I really want a different car now uh but I’m going to give you more to get my Corvette back like I’ll give you I’ll give you I’ll give you that car you you let me buy on that tradeing and another $100,000 on top of it like yeah what what would James Jones be saying if he actually made a move like this can we play the game again you’re Shan Mark I’m I’m calling you you’re call I have to call you with this offer James yeah yeah I know I [ __ ] you with that KD trade oh you want to erase it but give me Devon Booker instead does that make does that make you feel better so Sean here’s what so you’re telling me that uh we basically we we just gonna go back in time and I’mma trade Devin Booker for Kevin Durant because that’s what we’re doing here that’s what we’re doing here except with Cam on a worst contract except with C on a worth contract and you know Mel having come to reality about his whether he’s a number one or two so yeah so we we doing this dog let let me tell you come on dog I’m the Joker and you’re Batman and we’re just going to keep going around in a circle like this forever we’re just going to keep dealing guys back and forth until each of us are happy because right now yeah I don’t feel like either of us Eric in the chat said this is a curveball though tugging on the heartstrings LMFO I don’t think people would know what to do no I wouldn’t know what to do would it wouldn’t listen I genuinely don’t think it would be the same though like we love the twins we love Cam and Mel don’t get me wrong but the whole team is different and now you’re not even having book with them and book and Mel and cam were all pretty tight too I feel like Cam and Mel brought a lot out of book personality wise I just don’t think it would be the same it it’s like one of those things where you’re like nostalgic for it but then you kind of go back and you’re like wait a minute it ruined this was only better when I was 19 and young and dumb and all the things ruin them as fan favorites for them to be the guy that you traded away for KD you miss for so long and then you trade Devin Booker for them and they come back and they’re not going to be Devon Booker so that would be brutal I’m sorry I’m not I’m not leaving my wife for a hot girlfriend to go back to my wife and and go like why why bother with it why did you have to take it there why bother with it why are you always the one WR like if that’s where you’re going like no this is stupid I like I like what Lindsay’s saying it they all have to be together for you to feel that feeling again it’s not if it were book without them or them without book it would feel weird so no but anyway to back to the exercise um yeah this is a this is a quick no this but this was a little bit of a troll job I think yeah was by the way like you’re not WR Theon saying we’re just raging because the folks here at pH andx hate Booker so much I love I love that we’ve I love I hope it is it’s got to be so the pulum is swung so far right now facts Eric in the chat telling me to stop probably goodia telling me to stop probably good I’m not saying I’m going I I’m saying it’s stupid to do that um all right we’ve got a few more here but before we get into that a couple things from the chat I don’t know what this is Mike just said hear me out you guys should be DX for Halloween what’s DX WR oh wrestling Triple H Gerald is Road dog espo Billy Gun flex xack and I’m China okay okay lowkey be triple but I would rather be I mean sure China was legit I used to watch wrestling when I was a kid just behind the curtain but I would rather right it was a blast I don’t know we do have a couple super chats here as well so super chat from be calm See Clearly thank you so much for your super chats that I will not be reading but I appreciate I appreciate your love and affinity for Devin Booker and I hope all your wishes come true one day really glad this trade machine Tuesday could bring out that side of bcom secret can I can I just re no read the whole thing I just like I get filthy when that liquor get into me at least we understand a little bit more that was the most mundane part of the Super Chat exactly I support it I support your appreciate I don’t think he’s C he or she I mean I don’t know I don’t think they’re give us some clarity on that I don’t know if we want I don’t think so I think I like the amb It doesn’t matter I do um Altech sent us another one and they said my Beal over Tatum bias comes mostly from STL folks being poser Celtics fans those same folks won’t root for a Chicago team if they had an STL native so that’s where theas can yes she is I get I get that one uh listen you guys know I was on vacation and I missed my friends over at Circle K specifically the slushy Polar Pops you guys because thankfully that where I was the weather was a little bit nicer than it is here in Phoenix but you know summertime in Phoenix there is nothing that hits better than an ice cold Polar Pop whether you’re getting a Coke a Gatorade a tea you name it they’ve got all kinds um a 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character too asra the Grouch was orange but Nookie monster also orange maybe purple some sometimes and our friends at illegal pets are excited for you to join them out in their tempy location uh patio season not here anymore but they have nice indoor you can go there have nice beer uh they still patio beers they just inside uh they’re Mar Marita’s strongest in Arizona uh you arm wrestle them they kick your ass uh that’s right irres irresistible drinks mouthwatering food better than uh cookies all right uh not that I like cookies I Nookie Monster not Cookie Monster uh they’ll they’ll fill your heart’s desire with these amazing mouthwatering drinks but their menu oh their menu I love me some uh some illegal pizs the Bulls tacos salads burritos nachos uh and they’re amazing so uh and they’re piping H quo can’t forget that uh right now they have their legendary soundtrack deal you bring ticket Stu from any event any event any any event any and you get you get a a draft beer or house Margarita for one penny one penny that’s right uh so uh illegal peace wants to celebrate with you whether pregame or postgame party they got you covered all your game day needs must purchase adult on TR to redeem illegal piz sound check deal illegal piz your go-to spot for burritos buddies and the beers uh this might be a weird time to ask for this but hit that Thumbs Up Button y’all we appreciate it desite every five of you being saying no please hit the like button all right next up we’ve got a trade with the Oklahoma City Thunder they obviously will receive Devon Booker and in exchange we get Lou dork K Wallace and Jaylen Williams so Dort averaged 10.9 points 3.6 rebounds 1.4 assists shot 43.8% from the field and 39.4% from Deep Wallace averaged 6.8 points per game 2.3 rebounds 1.5 assists shot 49% from the field and 42% from Deep Williams averaged 19.1 points per game four rebounds four and a half assists 54% from the field and 42.7% from deep in just a second season in the league so he’s got a lot of side yeah I think I mean honestly Jaylen Williams might already be in that category of like we’re not trading this guy uh he’s only two years into his career but he is a really promising two-way player with a ton of upside and the thunder in a position where yes they can take a swing on a star player but they also have a ton of cap space to go out and sign one rather than give up assets for one um for the Suns like I think this like you’re still a good team obviously with Jaylen Williams Lou Dort who’s one of the best most physical defenders in the league and case Wallace who had a really good rookie year but I don’t think this is really enough value for the Suns honestly like I I like and I like Jay Jaylen Williams a lot but again if you’re trading Devin Booker now this summer which you’re not you’re doing it for a deal that pushes you closer with Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal I don’t think this does that and if you’re the Thunder why are you disrupting your timeline I I don’t I don’t see either side pursuing this I I mean listen again for the sake of the exercise I like every player in this in this trade I mean we all know we love Devin Booker uh Jaylen Williams is becoming a star one of my favorite players in the league I love l d I think Cas W is really underrated this is of all the deals we talked about this is the one that kind of would make you think a little bit but again this there’s no uh it’s just I the suns are not trading Devon Booker and that’s not enough although it’s it’s better than what we’ve seen that’s nowhere near enough um I’m also big on like I I love upand cominging players that have potential but I am not I need to see that potential play out over some I there needs to be some longevity but that’s like trying to have your cake and eat it too no it’s because you can’t you can’t ask to see it play out more and then be better players and still want that saying I’m asking to play I’m saying my thing is before I start crowning these upand cominging players I I need to see things play out little but jaylen’s a really good basketball player I think he’s gonna be terrific but is he in my eyes anywhere near Devin Booker no it’s not even close and so for me in any deal I I’ll continue to say this in any deal that another team is going to submit to me as the general manager the Suns and the trade for Deon Booker there has to be a clearcut all NBA superstar potential player that is not based on potent not hey this guy played good for two years if he does that for five more years he’s Devon Booker nah that that ain’t enough for me I I need to see a guy that’s got the resume equal to or better for me to even come around it and so no you be Sam prey just sit there for a second get stuffed Sam prey no I’m not doing this because you know what this is salt in the goddamn wound because Shay Gil Alexander and Devin Booker should have been the back Court here in Phoenix I ain’t ever letting that happen anywhere else in the NBA out of pure spite even if it was the best offer even if I got Chad holgren in the deal no thanks though see the people in the chat are feeling a little bit better about this one though Salem Salem said throwing a couple of pics dot dot dot I’m game Larry said my reaction to that trade is the kombucha girl where you’re like n well no yeah I didn’t know that’s what that Meme was called yeah she’s was trying kombucha for the first time know yeah um so at least this one is you know not making our head hurt this one doesn’t make me throw up yeah exactly there you go doesn’t make you throw just like nausea yeah nause Pepto Biz mode upset stomach diarrhea always out to take it there um there is a super chat from bomy clearly about this one oh boy and they are just um basically saying they would have loved to have Devon and SGA together I’ll read this one if you’re going to spend the money I’ll read that this one’s okay the things I could have done to Booker and SGA together ghost Emoji I didn’t damn cheered for them damn yeah cheered for them yeah I kid supported them through the good times and the bad I have no words listen beom see clearly we love you but if you guys want to see their super chats you just have to come to the live YouTube video viewing portion of the program they’re an experience cuz like yeah there’s a line I’m sorry iose line is a little bit further than mine but for me there’s a hard line that line was that that was the line there from now on but you know what it’s the line okay all right next up we’ve got a trade with our beloved friends the Lakers they’re getting Devin Booker and in return the Suns receive Anthony Davis Jaylen hood chafino and two first round picks so 80 aage 24.7 points per game 12.6 rebounds 3.5 assists shot 55.6% from the field 27.1% from deep and then Hood Shapino average granted listen let me just put a disclaimer with this one before I read it only played in 21 games and only averaged 5.2 minutes okay so maybe we don’t even need to read the stat line because it’s pretty sad but just know that yeah I mean so this one can’t even happen until August because ad just signed an extension with the Lakers uh that prohibits him from being traded for a full year so this couldn’t even happen till August so that means we have about two months for Deon Booker to suddenly decide he doesn’t want to be in Phoenix he wants to go to La and the Lakers to decide well LeBron James left we don’t want to build around ad so let’s trade him for Deon Booker LeBron James none of those things are happening okay uh but yeah I don’t know I I don’t like I don’t like this one this no yeah this is the this is the one where LeBron James leaves to go play with Devin Booker and then we trade Devin Booker for Anthony d and the Phoenix Suns become the Lakers again yeah that’s that’s that’s that’s what we doing James Jones let’s make it let let’s make this simple if you’re interested in this deal just cut out the middleman and break Devon Booker’s legs you get the same return all right I mean you’re getting Anthony Davis the guy can’t stay on the court and he’s proven it time and time again that’s the last thing this team would ever need is bigger injury concerns no thank you yeah keep walking yeah it’s not a it’s not a good trade Mr glass stay in La bro yeah but this would be where this would be the type of thing that La calls you on the phone with if LeBron leaves and doesn’t go to Phoenix somewhere else and this is the example I was saying uh if you make these type of proposals there’s got to be a clearcut dude in the packet now Anthony Davis is a b great basketball player so yeah you you you you get me to take the call and actually talk to you for an extra minute or two in this in this scenario and then I hang up and say no peace out Wally says ASO he played 78 games this season yeah and what do you think the chances are he’ll come even close to that after playing that many minutes like and he did get hurt in the playoffs too like so look I I get it I just no thank you no thank you at all yeah thanks but no thanks all right well then next up we’ve got our friends down the street from the Lakers the Clippers they’ll receive Booker and in return the Suns will get kawhai Leonard and a second round pick and this is where I don’t hang up the phone quite as fast as the other ones okay interesting you’re open to this a little bit open to this I get it Kawai has injury issues as well and concern but we saw what he was able to do in Toronto in one season with severely less Talent around him than he’d have in in Phoenix he’s good great defensively I would be intrigued would I pull the trigger no but I’d at least I’d least listen where I wasn’t laughing on the other end of the phone with this one yeah so this one would only happen if Paul George and James Harden leaving free agency and Steve balmer’s like well now I’m left with an aging injury-prone kawh Leonard we’ve got this brand new Arena we need to put butts in the seats let’s trade him for a guy who can be our franchise star who’s still in his prime that’s Devin Booker or a guy like that um interesting salary Quirk remember how second tax apron teams cannot trade for more money uh or cannot bring in more money than they’re sending out he and Kawai are projected to make the exact same amount of money next year so both of these these teams if they were tax apron teams could still make this trade because they technically wouldn’t be bringing in more money than they’re sending out um but they also don’t have any draft Capital to offer except for this year’s number 46 pick which I like kawhai a lot him and KD playing together would be a lot of fun that’s a lot of length on the wing a lot of scoring ability um but kawai’s injury stuff is concerning to me the age is concerning to me and the lack of you know any firstr draft capital is concerning because if Kawai is injured again your title window’s done and now you don’t have a younger Devon Booker to at least retool around a couple years from now so it’s a it’s a no for me yeah quick no for me yep not even a thought um and again I hear what you’re saying I just can’t get past the injury stuff I just can’t for me simply this was the closest to okay Topline Talent yeah we got that somebody would be offering back and if I’m looking at KD being here is my real window then the age thing whatever I’m going to have to rebuild anyways in the in the near future you know and you’re looking at when that be contract comes off so that’s why I wouldn’t say no right away I’d have to you know think about it a little bit more than the others but I don’t think we even and I know we’re not going to talk about it but I think the best one is still in your article the the Pacers one is the one I probably actually would sit down and consider consider because you’re getting draft Capital you’re getting guys that can help you now and potentially in the future if you haven’t read that one I highly recommend going to go because if I’m James Jones that’s definitely one that I’m doing the math on and thinking about before I just say hell no right off the top there there are I mean I did 15 of them we only did six on the show so there are plenty more if you are interested in playing this Twisted game that’s never going to happen uh go to go check it out there’s a Cavs one that I kind of liked that’ll probably never happen but uh there’s also one involving a certain Finals MVP that people were arguing about earlier in the chat so make sure to go check that out if you’re interested in reading more Yep again that is okay we do have a super chat here it is from Etc they said more likely Suns drop bronnie or trade the first both can be true what if they both happen both can true that’s what I would say isn’t that isn’t that the uh from that the M from the Taco commercial why not both yeah exactly yeah I Honestly though I feel like if they are gonna draft bronny it would make more sense to trade back or to acquire another second round pick to do it I I don’t drafting him at number 22 feels really high to me yeah I agree I think uh I think there’s a way to do both um which is again uh when we did our show yesterday go back and check it out that was my preferred option was to move back and it’s particularly because of a lot of this stuff we’re talking about if you can move back and get bronnie and not to use him news22 that’s ideal so did we do it did we make it through the de Booker trades without anyone bur burn down burn or we burn down as 36 don’t bother baby that’s perfect makes sense I I think we survived this trade machine Tuesday I think so we did wait till next Tuesday though [ __ ] that’s when we trade Gerald and Lindsay it’s gonna get spicy oh man we I already tried trade how much would Y how much would you take would how much yo what would you get for me dog if you traded me come on let’s just have and with that we will say good no hold on hold on I’ll just take the C I’ll take the cap space back tomorrow it’s going to be such an awkward show not son’s Legend cap space not can I get Cas cash consideration some cash cons cash considerations that’s what it is how much cash sorry I sold you to PHL you got to talk Philly sports yeah well you know what ESO Wally put in the chat we’re trading you for Landry shamut so gtf he’s here I’m demanding a trade now now I’m demanding a trade hold on I’m okay because does that mean I’m getting paid Landry shamut money to make it going to wherever Landry shamut at do Brian would get Emma for you uh Dar VOA our friend said he trade two math Matthew lisses for you says J he threw an he just traded he traded one of his good friends and two of his brother-in-laws he cloned his brother-in-law just to send him out it’s good trade Darth my guy thank you for hanging out with us on this trade machine Tuesday that we all powered through together and survived uh we appreciate you all being here hit that thumbs up button on your way out rate review And subscribe wherever you get your podcast and of course be sure to give the show a follow on social at phor Suns you can also follow me at lindsy Smith a you can follow Gerald at Gerald VG you can follow Flex at Flex from Jersey and you can follow espo at espo espo take us home just remember his name’s Gerald boray and he tried to trade Devin Booker slander we all sitting like the mayor

The Phoenix Suns offseason officially starts! We’re on Royce O’Neale watch now! Plus, it’s Trade Machine Tuesday and we’re talking Devin Booker. Join us for the latest around the Suns and don’t forget to follow the show on social @PHNX_Suns.

0:00 Intro
1:00 The offseason starts today!
11:00 We are officially on Royce O’Neale watch
24:00 Trade Machine Tuesday: Stupid Devin Booker Trades Edition

An ALLCITY Network Production

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