@Milwaukee Bucks

When did dame say he didn’t wanna be in Milwaukee? Didn’t he say a bunch of times he’s fine and he doesn’t hate it at all.

When did dame say he didn’t wanna be in Milwaukee? Didn’t he say a bunch of times he’s fine and he doesn’t hate it at all.

by bignedmoyle


  1. xmidgetprox

    Why are you posting Boston fans opinion here?

  2. Colorapt0r

    Let them talk, they know it’s not true at all, they just won a championship let them blow smoke until they come back down to reality 

  3. Wonderbread6969

    He, in fact, never said that he hated Milwaukee or didn’t want to be there. A misleading headline was passed around and people ran with their incorrect interpretations. If you see that anywhere, just take it as a sign of an ignorant person.

    If anyone actually took the time to listen to him or read the actual full quotes they would know too.

    He never said he didn’t like Milwaukee. He said he was lonely…. because he got traded right before training camp during a divorce. His kids, mother, other family members, and lifelong friends all still live in Portland because not everyone can pick up and move their lives across the country at a moments notice.

    Would’ve happened anywhere he got traded. Granted it might be a little easier to be outside in Miami in December but that’s not what he’s talking about.

  4. Drain_Surgeon69

    Why the fuck are we listening to Cetikkks opinions right now? 80% of them shitbirds call Jrue the hard R.

  5. breadbinkers

    Who gives a shit they don’t actually care about us or ever watch any of our games

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