@Phoenix Suns

Could the Suns drafting Bronny James actually lead to LeBron taking the minimum to join Phoenix?

Could the Suns drafting Bronny James actually lead to LeBron taking the minimum to join Phoenix?

well speaking of that NBA draft it is just about a week away yeah you okay no it’s fine I just wanted to know who this was so a week away from the NBA Draft take your day uh the Suns potentially picking at number 22 potentially looking at bronnie James now here’s here’s how this story has gone right this was a story few weeks ago it sort of bubbled up and it was hey you know the LeBron Sun’s only going to work out for the Lakers he’s going to work out for the Suns uh and then it kind of went away everybody’s like all right realistically what what’s the what’s the Thought here you going to get bronny and then what are you hoping to get LeBron to join your team for the league minimum is that what you’re hoping to do LeBron James so it kind of went away but it’s picking back up again this is Bill Simmons on his podcast with Ryan rasillo uh from yesterday I think Ronnie is going to go in the first round because I think I think that’s going to um going to be encouraged you think it’s going to be encouraged by the league or by clutch the latter encouraged in a way like if this happens then this will happen there’s a lot of Phoenix Buzz right now I’m just I’m just gonna say it there is and I don’t know if it’s real phix is doing it you think Phoenix is doing it because it’s what they want to do or you think they’re trying to mess with the Lakers well Matt ishia has the same media strategist that LeBron and his Camp has Adam Menon so that makes me a little suspicious but they seem really confident that he’s getting drafted in the first round and if you’re Matt ishia and the draft sucks and it’s like let’s get let’s get bronnie they’re telling us if we take bronnie there’s a chance that we could get LeBron too you got to think about it because I don’t know how many more years LeBron has left but it’s it’s one it’s two it’s three whatever he was an all NBA guy last year and if that’s your backdoor way to get LeBron to play for you on you know for 2.8 million a year or whatever you gotta explore it all right well before you start to go on this I I’ll just I’ll say this as sort of the context you always talk about the grape vine in the NFL and I mean there’s there’s one in each sport if you’re if you’re around it if you’re if you’re just if you’re around it every day you hear stuff that you start to think is just common knowledge because it’s just your workplace like you hear it so much and then you realize you know it’s not common knowledge whatever you think of Bill Simmons he’s around that stuff so I’m not saying the suns are drafted Brony but if he’s saying that that’s a conversation around the league specifically that the suns are then it is a conversation around the league yeah I I guess you’re right on that Luke I I you know once again the entire conversation that we have on this really annoys me it really does that’s actually why we are having it today I I I know it just and and once again it has nothing to do with with disliking LeBron James or or not liking bronny James it has nothing to do with that whatsoever it’s got everything to do with what’s right what’s right and you’re going to sit here and you’re gonna tell me well we’re gonna go ahead and draft bronny James at number whatever so we can actually sign LeBron James you know what yeah you want to talk about athletic privilege there it is right there and I just it has no place whatsoever in my way of thinking in the highest level our species can generate in any sport so the more what you just said philosophically 100% agree 100% agree I’m not drafting somebody’s son because I want the dad to play on the team we’re just I mean that here you just get a free path because of what your last name is nepotism it’s I mean that’s the definition of it right what I will say pretty universally bronnie is not considered a first round pick in this draft he’s yeah some people would tell you some Scouts would tell you he might not even be drafted he might not but there is also a pretty prevalent thought that a year or two down the line he could end up being a pretty good NBA prospect it’s just right now he isn’t a first round pick we all know he’s going to be drafted again there are some Scouts that believe out there he’s not worthy of even a second round pick and I’m talking about professional Scouts guys that have been around which is what makes the timing of this so interesting and something you you can’t just Overlook it right because there are a lot of Scouts that feel like hey yeah a year or two from now Brony might be a first round pick you know he might be somebody that if you draft now he’s a project but you might there might be a big payoff set aside LeBron there might just be a payoff like you know bronnie might be a good player um but if that’s the case then why enter the draft right now unless there is something to the idea that these two want to play together and you know you just heard Bill Simmons mentioned you know how many how many more good years does LeBron have I mean how many years do the Suns have in their window if you’re if you’re on the path where you’re like hey whatever you can do to win if you can get LeBron I mean yeah I can make the argument I can make the argument for you that LeBron might be willing to take league minimum is crazy but he might be able to he might be willing to take less money if it is if he sees it as an investment in his son and his son’s going to make more money down the line and LeBron already has all the money he possibly needs and he’ll keep making money you could at least make the argument I don’t think that’s going to happen but you could make the argument and if you are of that belief that the Suns need to do everything they can to win his window right now is probably the sun’s window I just don’t see it happening you know it’s interesting because you could build a case though that LeBron James could play for the Phoenix Suns I think this is Ron wolfley reporting all right what a weird lineup That would be think there’s a lot of people out there that have heard this of course and know this that you this is 2.8 okay how’s that fit that’s crazy I mean it almost almost shouldn’t be allowed to happen even though you’re sitting here you know you’re the third apron okay we got to build another apron for 2.8 million you know somehow someway you’re going to be able to sign LeBron James to bring him in here because you drafted his son bronnie um so so what is going on here are they just messing with the Lakers are they like what the the working them out thing okay fine work him out because you might trade down you might be in the round and then would might take make a lot of sense to take bronnie with the 51st pick or something right right but if there really is still talk about it around the league then like what why why is that a conversation around the league here’s the thing right now I I think bronnie is going to be drafted in the first round because of LeBron okay because of LeBron or some agency’s doing a really good job of I honestly I I would be if I were bronnie James I’d be like Dad knock it off I don’t want to do this I know it’s your dream I don’t want this I don’t I don’t want privilege because of you I don’t want this I want Hey listen dad you make your own decisions let me make mine I I honestly that I would can you imagine the you get drafted because of your father but that’s what this is right I mean LeBron’s not taking 43 less million dollar per year this is just to generate Buzz about bronnie who’s been talked about more than any other Prospect in this draft and he’s probably not even a first rounder so that’s either LeBron wielding his power or an agency wielding their power or whatever it’s just a PR spin right yes but if you’re a fan base how do you feel about that honestly how do you feel about that we went ahead and we drafted this so we could sign LeBron uh you might feel great about it for me it’s a mockery of the draft I mean the one other thing you would have to think about is who could they get on the vet minimum and if you want to win a championship and you can’t get a good player on the vet minimum well when you look at it that way I’m willing to wow if I start reading off the players you could get on the vet minimum and then I throw LeBron’s name in James ridiculous bronny James how do you feel about that how how do you feel about that all right so it’s simple you draft bronny get LeBron to come here and you trade bronnie I I I feel great it’s my dad thanks for watching wolf and Luke tap to see more and click the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

There’s widespread speculation that the Phoenix Suns could select former USC guard Bronny James in the first round of the 2024 NBA Draft. Wolf & Luke wonder if LeBron James would be interested in joining the Suns to possibly plan alongside his son next season.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photo Credit: Christian Petersen/Getty Images, Amy Sussman/Getty Images the New Yorker

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  1. Or, or orrrr….trade the draft right of Bronny along with Nurk or Beal to get something good in return. Everyone wins! Use the leverage of the pick. Get a better supporting cast in return.

  2. Suns need LeBron without a doubt or second thought and honestly if there isn’t a shake up like this happening prepare to see the Celtics repeat

  3. Hate to say it, but LeBron fixes A LOT of issues with this squad. Only way we're winning with this "big three" is to just go all in with it.

    Also, he may sign for the vet min of 2.6Mil, but there's no way Ishbia isn't gonna be dipping his hand in his pocket and sorting him out A LOT more behind the scenes.

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