@Utah Jazz

FULL SHOW: Utah makes an offer to an Olsen | U.S. Open drama | Can Dallas Mavericks force a game 5

FULL SHOW: Utah makes an offer to an Olsen | U.S. Open drama | Can Dallas Mavericks force a game 5

the noon hour is here it out and you’re locked on to Utah’s highest rated most listened to sports radio station it’s my station it’s my station this is H sson and Scotty G A 975 the KSL Sports Z you know what I want to do what strut [Music] hey welcome in 975 the EK KSL Sports Zone hands in Scotty look at my guy strutting over there what a weekend for your dude man this is a proud dad moment the offers have been coming in and uh a big one yesterday how long you been waiting to play the strut on me a little bit yeah a little bit the struts for Scotty I will say this this is for you Scotty before the show Lloyd start Lloyd goes hey can we do the strut I’m like if you say no we’re going to have problems cuz the strut Knows No Boundaries it you started kicking the legs out like come on dude I I I started looking at the calendar I’m like did did Utah State win an NCAA Tournament game h did they just win a bowl game cuz this is that’s when we strut no no no no we strut when good things happen to us and this is good man youah coming in saw the Tweet yesterday yeah appreciate the heads up though yeah a little seeing the video of the family and the phone call and stuff like that yeah pretty fun huh yeah I just wish I got invited to the pool that’s all I want it wouldn’t have it wouldn’t have it it couldn’t even fit me I mean I cuz it had Rock and pojo his his cousin and Ken and Loki his other cousins and there was about 2,000 lbs of beef swimming around in a little 20 by10 so I don’t know if you wanted to be in that pool no I’m good but yeah it was cool a lot of fun and it sure is it’s been a real eye openening interesting time this this recruiting stuff is really interesting how weird is this world man like to be on the I mean we’ve covered it for you know decades now yeah but to be in the middle of it how weird is it it’s really weird yeah it is it’s it’s strange um but you you learn a lot and you have to lean on people that know the world uh and you know it’s it’s been eye openening yeah it’s been eye openening it’s just uh it’s people have come out of nowhere that have surprised you for good and for bad I’m sure yeah yeah and every it’s so nuanced it’s so detailed um per kid if that makes sense yeah like every kid has a different path and story and understanding and relationships and conversations and ability especially ability and and and future and it’s just it’s weird because in the world of college football recruiting Scotty like there’s a lot of what have you done for me lately there’s a lot of what can you do for me in the future yes yeah I got to say that University of Utah coming in with the offer for rock I mean where rock is and and the Reps that he’s put out and and he went and and played his butt off at their at their Camp there in by Camp he did an amazing job but it’s like Utah’s got a it’s a really high standard yeah you know and what I’ve told rock is hey all in all reality son like in all reality you’re not even close to sniffing it and you just try to you try to keep the head down you try to keep the humility you try to keep the edge and the the recruiting world is just it’s just different the coach’s conversations with kids are different and but I but I’ve loved watching it and I’ve been so grateful for just the coaches and and how they’ve handled it and I I’ll tell you this Scotty and and nope you know this isn’t just because you’re up there with the color analyst um or sorry the uh play-by-play voice thing at Utah State it’s has nothing to do with that Cooper Basset the online coach at Utah State one of the most honest one of the most integrous one of the most um transparent good recruiters I’ve come across wow yeah he’s he’s very very good and I I got to the the conversation between Jim Harding and rock was Private yesterday so you saw the video yeah I we didn’t I didn’t get to hear but um when Rock got off the phone I said what how to go what you think he’s like uh he’s he’s already you know coaching like it’s he’s already coaching and I need you to do this this and this and show me this and be better at this yep yep and I think that’s one of the coolest things Scotty is like these coaches that that recruit your kids like they really do have designs and Visions for where your kid fits and why they’re recruiting them like and it’s it’s different for each school like one school school and the reason they offered as compared to another school the reason they offered all of those all of those interests are different and it’s like well eventually it comes back to what can you do for me on a football field yeah and you got to really keep that in in perspective because you know you got to keep telling your kid if you’re out there with a recruit you got to keep telling them like doesn’t matter doesn’t matter yeah they they they love you uh below an assignment and let’s let’s just see how that goes see how that goes come out week one blow some assignments yeah let’s see how that goes well and it’s it just mounts pressure the other thing too is that these these coaches obviously they they have relationships with these kids and they want to see these kids do well and and um and everything that goes along with it but also as a coach at the Collegiate level your number one priority is to have your position group or your offense defense whatever you’re in charge of to be humming along in the season at a high level but a close second is and and this may actually be more important than that is you got to be able to bring in recruits yeah and those recruits need to flourish once you bring there because your name is going to be tied to that kid and if that kid does not live up to the expectations that you have for him that is a direct reflection on you as a recruiter and I’ve heard a lot of stories about guys and I don’t know nobody here in state but I’ve heard people talk about guys like you know he’s actually not a very good coach he’s not a very good position coach but he’s a hell of a recruiter so they make a spot for him and they’re like make it work on the football field but ultimately you’re here because you can bring in recruits oh yeah yeah and you have a good eier talent you can close them and once they get here they end up being really good that ABS absolutely and and I’ve seen I’ve seen and heard a lot of that Scotty and the the recruiting process has been interesting just watching how many different pieces there are to it there’s so many different pieces to it like there’s guys behind the scenes that work their butts off yeah there’s guys behind the scenes that have been direct messaging and texting and and reaching out to rock that most people wouldn’t even know their names yeah most people wouldn’t have any idea who they are you know well I remember I think I’ve shared this story on the air I I’ve told you off the air but so Matt Wells is not just you know look I just didn’t work with Matt Wells I consider Matt Wells one of a a dear close friend and so that’s why I admit I’m a little impartial when I talk about mat Wells he’s just a really close friend and during that covid basketball year Utah state was playing New Mexico and the New Mexico Governor wasn’t allowing games to be played in New Mexico so the Lobos were playing games all over the place so that they could get their season in and one stretch of games they played were in l and so I went to lck for a couple games to call Utah State versus New Mexico well Matt’s there Matt said come on by hang out with us in our offices we got some stuff going on but I’d love to catch up so I go over to the Texas Tech offices and I’m sitting in Matt’s office and we’re just shooting the bull his wife’s there his family’s there and all of a sudden one of his lead recruiters one of his coaches goes hey I think I got a beat on this kid I think we can get him to commit today and Matt’s like are you okay hanging out while we work on this I’m like sure absolutely so I was a fly on the wall when he has this staff meeting and incomes the lead recruiter incomes the coordinator in comes the uh recruiting specialist the social media guy and they have this meeting and they’ve got the graphic up so that they can give the kid when he’s committed so he can tweet it out they’ve got all this all of this work and it was fascinating to see a behind the scenes and then and then I was there when they had the kid on the phone and and the kid announced or kid said yeah I’m going to commit and it was just really cool to see that side of it and to see the work that goes in to closing the deal and then what goes into executing the graphics from a social media standpoint the hey this is this picture we took do you like this one how do you like this one we’re going to send you this you can tweet it out at this point blah blah blah and it was a really fascinating process in which I was like I had no idea yeah I had no idea the kind of work that goes into this it is it’s just it’s hard to believe I I you know and that and that process is unique for each school yeah I think each School kind of has their own standard and kind of their own style and how they want to handle and manage it I’ve seen that with camps you know just going to all the different camps that rock went to this this just off this offseason just this summer so far like everybody runs their Camp different and the way they recruit the camp is different and the way they talk to the kids and handled every Camp was so unique way way unique and none probably better than others just different none better than none none overall better than others just different yeah but you know I I would say if I was running a University’s Camp project like I would have a specialty camp set up where I can pit the best of the best together if if if that’s possible yeah I would do that because what I’ve seen is there’s kids that show up to Camp because they want to get better there’s kids that show up to Camp just because they they want to be coached and learned some techniques and that’s great but what camps have become are kids are showing up trying to get their offers they’re they’re they’re they’re fighting for an offer and so you’re you’re watching a bit of desperation out there and and so camps are camps are tough for parents and tough for kids nowadays I mean you know I I would say to parents out there if your kid’s a recruitable athlete if your kid really has a chance then find the camps that that they can highlight in front of the coaches of the universities that they want to be at find find those if your kid just wants to really get better there there are camps out there that are behind the scenes that nowadays are being run by the players like there’s College players that are running camps and I and I’m trying to get my kid to improve I’m putting my kid in those because they’re going to get more one-on-one work and more specific drill related advice and it and it’s not as saturated yeah I hope that’s making sense it’s kind of eye opening to what camps have become it’s not like when you and I were going to camps this isn’t old Roger French camps Scotty um this isn’t this isn’t Old Coach strall camp for me at Boise State you know I went to boisey State camps with my team I never I actually never went to a camp as an individual a football camp that’s crazy to think of now did you no no no I that BYU was that was individual it was individual because I wanted to go to that saved up all my money that was an individual camp that was an individual Camp you just wanted to go and I just wanted to go and get better and get some instruction I mean as an LDS kid in heavy LDS Central Southern Idaho and your coach puts up the little brochure up on the locker room about BYU camp and and I was like oh that that looks like fun saved up all my money went got told I was too fat to play fullback and got moved to offensive line but you did you play offensive line or fullback after that fullback yeah yeah I mean you you stayed the course yeah what did you going to tell you what Would You Walk Away Learning what what do you mean what did you walk away from that camp like did you did you oh no I learned a lot no it was great you know how to pass it was it used to be like what a three day yeah it was oh GE it was like four or five days oh was it it wasn’t padded though but it was like a four or five day camp yeah it was a long Camp yeah we got after it it was fun so that’s expensive oh back in the day four it was yeah it was like 350 something like that it was a lot of money lloy did you go to individual camps in high school where where it was just you going to a camp and trying to show your skills uh I did like a camp uh but this was when I was a little bit younger but it a camp out in uh which by the way involved nol and Ryan uh out in mosqu oh no kidding yeah well he came out the mosqu yes Nolan Ryan yes it was uh it was like this big Camp they had out there and it was did you did you get to shake his hand I did did get a shake his hand big hand big mitt big mitt yeah yes I would have loved to have seen him put put you in the headlock and just give you a few little robin ventur only me though right Scotty yeah so when I was in high school or sorry I was uh yeah my freshman it was between my eighth grade and my freshman year I paid to go to a John Smith wrestling camp do you know who John Smith is wrestler uh no I don’t I feel like I should lightweight world champion okay he was famous for a it it was just called a pick single leg he would drop levels and he’d shoot from about 6 feet away and he would slide across the Flo and grab a a heel and and throw his shoulder in and it was this really unique specific takedown that is not designed for heavy weights so I paid all this money to go to this wrestling camp with John Smith and I learned nothing like no everything he did was like like Freestyle throws crazy lightweight ankle picks like I am not of the demographic where I can get away with this oh D and I just remember there was like one two other heavyweights it was in Rexburg it was it was back at Rexburg times and I was like I walked away from that Ricks had a pretty good wrestling program didn’t they they had a great wrestling program back then yeah yeah yeah back then and they had all their their wrestlers out there and and and then we had a little heavyweight tournament and I got my butt kicked really oh I was such a fish when I was young like freshman and sophomore year as a fish just didn’t realize what and who and then all of a sudden you’re like oh the light comes on and I’m strong Bigg than that what are you I’m just going to let you take me down no no we’re done here well that’s not how it’s going to go so the girls like it when you’re good at something it always comes back to that oh I know look look we all had our Edge right we all had the thing that drove us you know and and we can look somebody could write a thesis paper from a psychology department on me and I think they could climb inside your head and probably get some good information there but but ultimately I know what drove you yeah yeah it’s yeah you’re right yeah but did did did that drive all of us or no just me uh I think you probably at a higher level than most was Lloyd would you agree with that what drove you to be good Lloyd come on come on all right parties yes things got a little things got a little weird out there Murray uh what’s the number one rule party party hey we got a busy show coming up a little bit later on back coming up next we’ll talk some uh US Open Fun Fun tournament man we got to oh Bob Casper is going to join us coming up at 105 so good we got to get to the NBA finals is there a shot could we see this thing get extended or does it end tonight I think you and I both have one big strong opinion on that uh NHL playoffs as well uh with the Stanley Cup so we got teams that are kind of hanging in there trying to stay alive no pun intended but uh I think we could see some things end here pretty quick so a lot to break down a lot to uh really analyze and get going here hopefully not yeah yeah no doubt I don’t know those eight eight goals the other night though oh my gosh that’s a big number somebody showed up somebody showed up a little vinegar it’s like hey man you know maybe you should save some of these can’t keep that type of energy going um have have we learned enough about NHL to know that at 81 you can’t take you can’t take six of those goals this like the European basketball like aggregate score over a series yeah when you put eight in the net they they’re good for that night and that’s it they’re usable for that night yep but let’s see if they can spark something this isn’t like when your when your mom would uh go to Kmart before Christmas and do a layover like you know you can’t hold on to them when they’re gone they’re gone yeah you know I’d say 60% of our audience probably doesn’t even know what what you just said oh man that was a big deal back in the day that’s how that’s how you you know how much of our audience would know what layaway is uh I would hope a lot but I don’t know that was a big deal that’s how that’s how you paid for you know if you were you were middle class living paycheck to paycheck in the 80s it was layway you go to Kmart and do your layway program Kmart yeah was Kings we the only thing we had downtown Weezer was Kings yeah and and I can tell you it’s almost a running joke I I had a running series of GI Joe guys on layaway like I’d get one oh they’ let you do it yeah a kid yep oh wow I’d put one GI Joe guy on it get it paid off put another GI Joe guy on it one time I found $8 on a parking lot bought three GI Joe guys yeah let those dudes escape from layover let’s go hands and Scotty this is 975 the ekl Sports Zone 3 2 1 it’s the 10th Annual top 60 and 60 get your college football fixed every day at 1:30 as the Zone counts you down to the start of the 2024 season by listing off the top 60 players in the state of Utah as voted on by the local media and you the fans you’ll also hear from the coaches as they talk about the players that will impact their season the most it’s the top 60 and 60 weekdays at 1:30 presented by five star paint on your home of the best college football coverage in Utah 975 the KSL Sports Z miss any part of the show every moment of every show is available in podcast for by searching Hans and Scotty on your favorite podcasting platform or online at KSL this is H olssen and Scotty G on 975 the KSL Sports Zone 12:32 hands and Scotty 975 the ekl Sports Zone hope you had a good Father’s Day Lloyd everybody treat you well yesterday you get spoiled a little bit you know it was uh it was a great day um it went out to went out to the range and hit like a few golf balls in the morning with the with the family and good yeah then we had a little little Father’s Day whiffle ball classic in the backyard later in the uh later in the evening yeah it was by the way the temps yesterday was amazing oh I know right high of only of 80 had a nice little breeze in the backyard it was great you like how we have a freeze warning coming up tomorrow yeah what is going on I don’t know it’s supposed to be like in the 60s or something like that it’s crazy unbelievable you sit down watch little golf yesterday I did yeah that’s that’s one thing uh usually the boys and then sometimes they’ll watch a little bit but there’s something there’s nothing better than watching a little Us open on Father’s Day you sit there you got up early or whatever you know went out did some stuff whatever you needed to do and then you kind of just sit back maybe even doze off a little bit with the the calming voices of hearing the US Open great hands in Scotty 975 the ekl Sports Zone you doing all right oh yeah doing great yeah doing great uh all right we’ll get to the NBA Finals but you text me this morning and I agree with you I haven’t had that much fun watching golf in a while I mean my heart bleeds a little bit for Rory and myself a little bit because that probably shifted the balance of power in the major pain in the butt I don’t know we haven’t got an update on that oh I did not I didn’t score it oh okay I worry about it don’t worry about it had Bryson you had Bryson right I had brys oh you’re won then no no because um sep straa ended up at plus 12 so I know I had two that were what’s our bonus points for if your guy wins it plus three yeah you probably won it yeah it might be really close because Matti had a heck R Rory was right there Scotty Sheffer though just let’s not worry about it well let’s not wor got you move on to the Open Championship well it was moving on Bill we’re moving on to the British I haven’t been pulled into a major that deeply since 2019 Masters wow yeah I’d say I’m trying to disagree with you on that one but I’ll thought my head I think you’re probably right at least for me and I was by the way I was I was openly rooting for Rory I wanted Rory uh you got it’s the US Open you got to root for the American uh I I still can’t come on board with with Bryson yet I don’t know what it is I don’t know doesn’t Rory feel more American with his stance on the tour than than Bryson based on him selling out to the live it actually might be true and by the way everybody take the saud’s money everybody’s drinking all of Bryson’s milkshake like he has apparently he needs to pay that that whoever took over his PR his PR firm has done very well for him with the weird YouTube videos that he’s doing now and dressing up and all this stuff like he’s he’s you can tell a PR firm has gotten their fingers into him and be like okay this is what you got to do we’re going to fix you and they have fixed him beautifully uh so help me out of here a little bit because I what what am what am I missing on the P the The Firm like he’s just the the YouTube videos I haven’t seen a lot of these things yeah I mean they’re just going out of their way to make him look more likable yes and he’s going out of his way to be more likable like he’s trying you can tell he’s trying really hard well he did turn to the fan base and and tried to get there him going on what was that like 16 yes 15 or 16 he was trying to pull the fans into and he was doing it the whole tournament I think uh day three he was really getting into it um you know something that was interesting to me did you guys feel like every shot around the green the commentators were overly complimentary and detailed on the difficulty of the shot Bryson was about to exit cute or is that just me didn’t it feel like the commentators were like ah this is one of the toughest shots in all of golf he’s tucked in here behind this bunker and you’re looking at you’re like no that’s actually a little bit of a Runway there to the pin but they’re like if he pulls this off oh he’s gonna he’s trying for 15 feet and then he tucks it into three feet and you’re like yeah that was kind of I think that that am I wrong in that what maybe I just don’t know the shots well and that’s the thing I didn’t really pay attention to it I usually am kind of volume down guy a little bit so I just felt like there there might have been a little bit of that there might have been a little bit of that but it did seem like every shot was hard going into the green that’s them setting up the drama too yeah but how just tell me this like it it felt like it was a scripted final Rory maoy missing a what was that a two foot putt two foot putt Bryson de Shambo finding himself behind a stump and under a tree all the drama how many times did he step away from the ball I was like dude you are over think I didn’t think he was going to be able to do anything there cuz he was overthinking it but Mr rules over here help me help me remember this Mr rules he if if in his backstroke if he hits a leaf and it falls off the tree that’s a stroke isn’t it in his in in not not his practice but I thought in all that maybe that’s something I have to ask Bob yeah I think we need to ask Bob I don’t know that one I think there’s a rule that if in your back swing if you cause damage in your back swing that that that’s a stroke I might be way off but that’s why I thought I had heard that but why he’s taking so long I am most definitely not rules guy the thing is his practice swings he kept kind of going into that tree a little bit so it could have easily happened just in the practice swings I think it’s a rule that you can have a little hole cut into your pocket and a ball can just slip down your pants and all of a sudden you’re in the line of play and you’re good to go wow look where I landed you get three of those around as long as you don’t tell anybody about it has to be between you and the golf Gods that’s it oh my gosh that’s funny even at the open well look at that it just came out from behind the stump and here I am not under the tree you see that little that little thing that that that’s like attached to the foot you can like yeah yeah the little release so what’s the biggest storyline Bryson winning a Rory losing what do you take away the most from this US Open to me losing yeah Rory losing did you guys see how he jumped in his car and oh yeah six minutes off six minutes no media just bam and that’s a little squeed the tires on his way out I’m a little little disappointed that was a that’s a Bryson move right there I’m a little disappointed in Rory because Rory’s been a big boy about facing the music before and this one broke him this one felt like it broken he hasn’t had a major in 10 years like wanted this one more than anybody was it just 10 yeah it’s 10 it’s over 10 it’s 10 plus nearly 10 years yeah oh my gosh could you guys he’s standing over a twoof foot Hut to to to take the lead in this thing oh no no to tie just happened to be on the wrong side of it it was it was slippery what does that man what what do you mean layman’s terms it was downhill what do you mean what do I mean you know what I mean what are you talking about don’t act like you’ve been don’t act like you’ve been away from the game he cooked that fried egg pretty good there was no fried egg though I saw plenty of fried eggs what do you mean by a slippery it was like you barely touching it you might be 10 F feet past did he did did he hit it through the break did he put too much pepper on it uh as they would say keep going too much vinegar did he put too much vinegar on it because I he missed he missed two that were in that in that rang yeah that mustard came off that hot dog and it just wasn’t the mustard came off the hot dog it yes he strugg you know what the last three or four holes were were not kind to him but that shot but the shot by Bryson well okay so with the stump no not that not that one as much the part three but the the no no no no the shot to get on on number 18 to put it where he did okay yeah I thought was ridiculous I thought it was over I didn’t think he was going to put it anywhere near and to be able to put it where essentially he put it where uh maro’s second putt was I was like that’s easy that’s gravy it’s over so hey oh go ahead Scot so Lloyd I’ll ask you the same thing is you seem like you’re more on Bryson winning than Rory losing that you’re taking away from this tournament I think so I think I I know he didn’t he struggled down down the stretch Rory he did but Bryson the shots that he had to hit he had some saves some par saves through that through that round that final round he had some par saves that were huge like he stayed steady Bryson had some big time par saves big big big big time up and downs long I you heard the the commentator saying how difficult every one of them was oh dude there you go they they did paint a picture of anxiety with they they did a good job of that they they their commentary pulled me in I just felt like it was a little too dramatic at times like if he doesn’t hit this one he’ll have to go through the pit of Gators and the Gators could death roll on you those gators you know they’ll death roll on you it was a little dramatic but so the other thing I found fascinating that I loved about this tournament and and I my eyes can’t Envision the proximity of the two did you see how they were gaming each other one was trying to get the Putt in before the other one was chipping because they were so close in proximity with each other yeah so that’s what I couldn’t really picture but Bryson’s here in the cheers of Rory I’m sure Rory is trying to putt because he knows what position Bryson’s in and so he’s trying to get the crowd to play games with bright there were I think there was a lot going on that we don’t know about like when he hit that shot on landed on the green on this on 17 on that par for reachable seven uh number 17 I think it was yeah it was yeah and and he sees where he’s at yeah yeah the gamesmanship was was Next Level it was awesome it was fun it was crazy entertaining it was a great way to spend your Father’s Day for sure sitting back and watching that bad boy well what did you take away it’s Rory losing it’s 100% Rory losing for me uh Rory is so damn likable and obviously i’ vested interest from a selfish standpoint but uh I I look I will always cheer for Rory over Bryson 100% Bryson to me is fake I think what’s going on with him is fake I think it’s all a PR scheme to try to make him likable and the fact that it’s working bothers me a little bit which is interesting because I still I think the same thing’s going on with Kyrie Irving and hopes of making him somewhat likable and I’m getting sucked into that and I’m buying into that fans have bought into I can’t Bryson but I can’t do it with Bryson I just can’t but but everybody is everybody seems to be yeah they whatever whatever his sponsors are paying that PR firm or what he individually is paying him or what it’s working and that’s why I’m saying find a good PR guy if you’re famous because they can change your life in a hurry but he comes away with that thing and off he goes man just a couple of details on it so it’s the biggest purse in US Open history he walks with $4.3 million just in winnings crazy 4.3 million just in winnings guys and and that’s the biggest purse for the winner by a long shot there was over $21 million to be distributed in this in this tournament yep and by the way all those golfers thank your friends at the uh the live so you can hate them and that’s fine but they everybody has to be watching what boxing promotions has done and all it is is selfish get mine and do it my way yep but that’s what these live guys did they tried to be selfish do it their way take the money and it actually forced it infused money back into the tour so so that’s good and then number three or number two Scotty there were eight golfers out of of 150 let’s see was it 158 I think there were eight golfers out of8 that finished under par wow eight golfers and and the point I’m trying to make Tony feno came in tide third yeah maybe other markets wouldn’t mention it but we could we couldn’t do enough to overstate it he came in Ted thir four under at the US Open fighting through all kinds of heat nastiness mental games is his stroke is his swing the most unique swing in the tour right now uh I’m not X’s and O’s guy on that but it sure looks different to me Lloyd Tony fow swing is is it not his back SW his his retrieve and everything is so much different than it feels short it’s like very short and it’s and the way to be honest with you try to like emulate it really yeah because I don’t have not a lot of power but what what he’s able to do with with such you know little movement all the way back it’s it’s Unique he’s got to get we got to get him a major though oh he’s he’s got so many T5 finishes he does the pressure is just mounting now for him yeah he’s like there was that point where Phil Mickelson was the greatest golfer not to win a major for so many years and it just felt like oh no didn’t happen again didn’t happen again and then when he got one then a bunch came along with with it and I think the same thing would happen to Tony he just needs to get that one and I thought maybe but but then things took just a little bit of to turn but man he birdied I think he birdied 18 yeah he did he birdied 18 to get the four under and a full T3 finish only two of them tied for third so I mean good money yeah he’s gonna he gonna take home a bunch of money um this is I don’t know maybe this is something I need to not worry about but got under my skin because I did I had the noise on and I was listening to the noise of it what do we got to do to get Tony’s story told ah I’m with you on that he’s he’s in the hunt he’s in the final day and he’s got one of the best stories in the in the tour where where where are we with the the story of the Polynesian culture where is his PR firm right where are we with all of the the first for him and the culture that he represents and where where is it yeah so cool him by the way after after losing in disappointing fashion you know having that that triple bogey that killed him yeah uh but then they’re answering the questions and they’re with his son on Father’s Day it was pretty cool and what he say like anytime I can walk off and see my kid essentially that’s a win essentially I’m a winner like oh man how can you not like this guy uh I just wish that I just wish that his story was told yeah I uh that triple bogey was day three that was Saturday’s round and when when that happened my gut fell out yeah you knew you knew it was it but but why is this story not getting told Scotty I have no idea I think that’s intriguing television I think that’s an intriguing intriguing storyline and I don’t know why well you know his family like I know his dad really well I know Tony really well pull those guys side and build a whole thing out of it I mean I found out everything that I needed to know about every other golfer in that thing oh yeah I knew everything about pavon and kley before that before the thing was done yeah don’t care either it might just be selfish but 12:49 what you may have missed coming up next Bob Casper will join us coming up at 105 it’s all right here on 975 the ekl Sports Zone hey when does the PGA Tour cut Rory maroy what do you mean like let him go send him on his way he he go playing some he’s one of the most popular players out there on the PGA tour so um but I think the tour is quite happy to have in fact he think he’s the chair of the players committee this year so this is this is DJ and PK joined Now by Bob Casper what was the grass you were talking about Wire Grass Brian Taylor came on on and started bringing up Fescue and then I told Brian I said hey Bob tries to get under my skin so my response to Bob going forward is Fescue no fesu way to play along Bob well done well done Bravo Bravo Now British Open has fesu on it my work here is done Bob’s work here is done oh you guys are awesome Bob we love having you on thanks for coming on again and we will talk talk to you again when the Fescue takes over and Royal TR catch DJ and PK mornings from 6:00 to 10 presented by Murdoch Hyundai Utah’s number one Hyundai dealer for 16 years in a row on 975 the KSL Sports Zone you’re locked on to H Suson and Scotty CH that’s right on 975 the KSL Sports [Music] so Bob Casper is going to join us coming up here in about 10 minutes we’ll recap the US Open with him get you ready for the British as well but Bryson dambo your US Open Champion so a little bit of what you may have missed everybody get your popcorn get your drinks it’s another elimination opportunity for the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics if Boston can get the win at TD Garden back in Boston Massachusetts they’re back there back home I I you called the almost the exact design in in how this series would go bring it back to Boston celebrate with the people bring bring the NBA Championship back home yep I think when Boston won game three they’re like yeah we can we can chill for game four we’re fine sure felt that way yeah because we’re winning game five in front of our home crowd and off we go I would say that the Dallas performance was akin to the Oilers performance I know I mean it’s crazy how these series are just so stinking similar identical yeah and and now you know you’re headed back to Florida give the Panthers an opportunity to finish it off at home in front of their their home Crow home crowd which which that’s what I would want like if this were the Utah Jazz I don’t want the Utah jazzz to B in Chicago no you want to win it in front of your home crowd yeah as much fun as it is to kind of rub everybody’s nose in it on the road as a player yeah come home but still to be able to be in front of 18,000 fans that are just losing their mind because you get to hoist that trophy in front of them come on that’s cool uh so also just kind of following the Chris apps porzingis trail of interest you know I think he plays a big role yeah agreed and I think that that’s a storyline you’re really going to have to follow tonight um but Boston with an opportunity to finish it yeah I don’t know I it’s just so it’s so hard to put the nail in the coffin it is it is but I think it does happen tonight I hope it doesn’t because oh I I hope it doesn’t either I think in in our world the only thing that we really look for is history to be made yes because that is a lot of fun to be a part of you know this NHL team coming to Salt Lake City like that’s that’s history you can sit in it getting the Dallas Mavericks back to a 33 with a game seven that’s what I’m living for I just look I don’t want to get into an offseason where we don’t have NHL or NBA to talk about although we do have the draft next week got the draft next week and uh the 60 and 60 will be in the 50s next week uh into the yeah no doubt gets into the 50s next week yeah or 40s 40s I mean gets into the 40s next week I know all right in fact coming up in 30 minutes we’re going to announce number 52 in our top 60 and 60 975 ekl Sports looking for the latest on the Jazz you cougars and agies we’ve got you covered this is H Olsen and Scotty G on 975 the sports [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up Hans in Scotty 975 The ekl Sport Zone hope you’re all having a good Monday hope you’re having a Bryson Monday not a Rory Monday joining us now bobcast for real golf radio right here on 975 the KSL Sports Zone Bob how are you hey Bob I’m doing well so this is the number the operative number for the day 496 for 496 for the year three feet in inside and he missed that one yesterday oh no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa uh slow this down let’s let’s really draw this number so people understand what just happened with Roy maroy give those numbers again so 496 for 496 so he was perfect okay 100% oh boy inside 3 feet oh boy and he missed it oh my gosh it was 16 16 was the killer one yeah yeah because if he makes 16 he’s still a shot ahead and and you know uh that momentum you know you know that you guys that momentum helps him Propel him to probably win the golf tournament yeah oh yeah oh my gosh Bob I’m I I can’t even put it into perspective I can’t even because and and I gotta imagine at this point it’s not about the money it’s not about the 4.3 or whatever a million dollars right million or 4.3 or whatever yeah it’s not about that for Rory right it’s it’s the glory it’s it’s getting all the naysayers off my back kind of take me through what he was dealing with in that short putt moment and then what led to him taking off with a screeching tires okay so H as as a player in key games okay are you are you fired up or are or or is there some nervous nervousness to you when you’re playing in key games it’s it’s a it’s a mixture of both but along the way you shake a lot of the nervousness and then you’re just in the moment of the competition right so but you’ve got a team behind you as well right so you you you know your you know what you need to do and you execute what you need to do okay Rory’s on his own he’s on an island okay and um and so when he missed that putt on 16 that little short one inside three feet um that that kind of probably shocked the crud out of him and then now it’s now it’s um apprehension and maybe some negative thoughts coming into it that kind of thing for the next two holes and then he misses the short one on 18 now I had that Putt in May that putt from up above the hole okay I hit the putt I missed it low just like he did except mine didn’t hit the hole in it went 20 feet by okay down the hill his only went just what two or three feet by and then he knocked that one that one back in but when it means something to you okay which that that win or that major championship meant to him then that’s when the pressure starts to build and that’s when it’s that’s when it gets tough on you um and so you know it’s been 10 years 10 plus years since he’s won a major championship he’s won four of them like you said he wants to get that monkey off of his back and all of that’s building and he played the 10th through the 13th hole phenomenally and he had a two-shot lead um uh 14th hole 10th through the 14th because he birdied 14 and then he turned around and he bogied 15 hit the hit the ball over the green ended up making a bogey and then he missed the short putt on 16 the short putt on 18 wow so I’m gonna ask you the same question that I asked H and Lloyd earlier in the show when you look back when you look back on the 2024 US Open two years five years six years from now is it going to be about Bryson winning or about Rory losing it’s going to be about Rory losing yeah in my opinion because he gave it away now have to give Bryson Kudos because that bunker shot that he had on the 18th hole to get it to 14 feet right underneath the hole was amazing it was amazing because that’s that was a long bunker shot that was that was 30 yards oh and he hit a great bunker shot carried it up onto the green kind of on the down slope and it ran up the hill four feet below the hole but Rory not only the 16th hole when he missed that putt but when he had that chip on the 18 or that pitch on 18 from just short of the green short of the hole you never want to get it above the hole you always want to have a putt uphill because then you can be more aggressive with it and keep it online and the problem was he hit it four feet above the hole so Bob a little bit of clarification uh Lloyd Scotty and I were going back and forth on this as Bryce and de Shambo found himself in a pretty tough spot behind a root and under a tree and we were watching him take all his practice backstrokes what is the rule on that back stroke hitting that tree knocking any off that tree whether it’s a practice stroke or the actual play stroke well um the the actual play stroke is different the practice stroke is a one-hot penalty um if he were to take a back swing and knock leaves or a branch or something off that’s that’s um that’s the one shot penalty now if he if it happens when he’s in the process of making a shot and then it’s then it’s okay okay so so it’s the practice swing that’s it’s the practice swing okay well because in in essence what you’re doing with that practice Wing when you knock something off there it’s like almost improving your light it’s improving your chance to be able to hit the ball that makes sense okay so okay so so but when he was taking those practice swings Bob he he didn’t look like he was being overly cautious with that I I I was watching I was thinking maybe it’s only on the play stroke that if he hit something no it’s the practice stroke wow what so what did you think about the that shot like give us the the level of difficulty of that shot and then what he pulled off from that shot was it overly spectacular or not much to write home about well you know the that shot was where he hit it was was probably about as good as he could do um not not spectacular or anything like that the spectacular shot was the shot out of the bunker I have a hard time blaming Rory for this because I think I would do the same if I were him but he is getting some grief uh Scott vel’s going after him a little bit oh yeah the immediate leaving of the tournament afterwards now look if I go through something like that I might do the same thing so I’m having a hard time blowing the guy up but he is taking some heat um what what are what’s your opinion on six minutes after that tournament’s over that dude screeching tires and getting the heck out of there and uh he doesn’t care if he’s sheffler he’s dragging anybody with him that might be attached to that car yeah no doubt about it and and um I you know I don’t I don’t give them a hard time I I totally understand what the media is saying and how they would have liked to have heard what was what what was going through his mind and that kind of thing um but you know what they’ll find it out they’ll find it out this week if he’s playing in Hartford at because that’s a that’s a signature event it gives him a chance to reset to take a breath to um you know not be belligerent and that kind of stuff and they’ll find it out this week or if Rory doesn’t play they’ll till the British Open they’ll find it out the week of the British Open so um at at the moment totally understand it what a crazy ending Bob I I my take was this was the most I’ve been pulled into a major since the 2019 Masters I oh the story lines were just deep I mean so deep do you do you feel like uh how close or how far away do you feel like Tony fena was from winning this thing well I I was gonna say how about Big T and finishing tied for third that was awesome um I think the you know his big mistake that probably cost him the tournament was on Saturday on 13 when he made that triple bogey um but yet he still had an opportunity made two Bogies early but turned it around and made an eagle on the fifth hole so those two Bogies early would have got him to 6 underpar which would have been in a playoff so um you can’t look back on stuff like that um but he played for nomenal golf from there out he made an eagle and he made three birdies on the back nine to get to uh to get to four under par and Hallelujah great playing Tony best finish in a major um since his you know British Open and um he’s a kid that is learning more and more and more um how to compete at that top level the putty made on the last toll was amazing and um he’s going to you know what in my opinion he’s going to win a major if not Majors kind of remember back in the day when you and I started Ed doing these um you know a long time ago um I’m dating both of us a little bit doing sports radio but I remember the old thing with like is Phil ever gonna win that major and people forget that it took Phil a long time to win that major and then when he got it then multiple came along with it it just felt like okay it’s off my back and and then they started to come in a little more a little bit more it kind of feels that way with Tony once he gets that first one I imagine number two and number three probably wouldn’t be too far behind yeah no doubt you know he um the same thing kind of happened with just winning regular events yeah you know he he won one and then it was a while and then he won the next one and then he and he reeled off four more in the next couple of years I think that’s probably like you said what’s going to happen with him once he gets over the hump with a major championship and um Tony’s game is such that um if he um his game does not lack for the big stage and to win a major championship you know Augusta is perfect for him uh PGA Championship perfect for him he’s learning better and better with the US Open o Open Championship is perfect for him because he hits it long and and he hits it great into into the greens now where his game is a little off is probably in his putting but I noticed last week that his putting was smoothing out it wasn’t so jabby wasn’t so short and Poppy and and um and he was able to stroke through the Putt and kind of hold his finish a little bit more and because of that he made more putts last week so if he continues on this road he’s gonna he’s gonna um he’ll knock one off okay so Tony’s 34 years old yeah born in 1989 how many years does he have left at this Peak Performance oh at least through the rest of his 30s and into his early 40s okay so still plenty of time yeah and you know what the interesting thing about Tony is uh you know DJ and PK were asking me this morning about guys that at the top of the game and how they uh and how they act and who they are and that kind of thing Tony Tony Tony loves playing the game of golf and he loves competing same with Scotty sheffler okay but family is what matters with those guys and that’s why they are so awesome is because yes they’ve got that fire that burns inside of them to compete but you know what when it’s all said and done you know having their family there like Scotty did at uh Memorial and like Tony did when he walked up the 18th green at uh at the US Open that’s what it’s all about for those guys and that’s kudos to them yeah 100% so dare I say and I’ve talked a lot about this with Kyrie Irving Something’s Happened with Kyrie Irving in the NBA where all of a sudden he’s been a little bit more likable he’s lost a little bit of the edge he doesn’t say the weird that drives people nuts he’s matured a little bit and I can see that with Kyrie um Bryson it feels like a PR firm has gotten a hold of him with the YouTube videos and things like that like there’s some work going on behind the scenes to make Bryson more likable and it seems like it’s working um are you buying into the new Bryson that is somewhat of a likable person as opposed to what we’ve seen in the past or you think it’s a facade no I I think I think it is I think it is is really good for Bryson he’s he’s endeared himself to a lot of fans a lot of kids um that kind of thing um it’s almost like you said a PR firm or maybe even like Phil Mickelson because Phil Mickelson was the same way he was always playing up to the crowd giving them the thumbs up all that kind of stuff and you know um maybe this is a way for Phil Phil to to give him some tutelage but um but yes um I I think I think it’s a good thing he’s not the bomber gouger Basher guy anymore although he still swings at it hard and that kind of thing but he’s learned how to play what he calls boring golf which is a little bit more pointto point and uh oh does and not think that that a golf course like the Masters is a par 67 for him because he can hit it so far and birdie all the par par fives and everything so um kudos to him with his game and what he’s been able to do is as far as evolving with his game and also with his attitude and the way he he plays up to the crowd now so now what do we look forward to Bob what’s next well there’s another signature event this week um and then we’ve got the British Open mid Monon in July um and then uh we’re looking at the looking towards the playoffs in the Tour Championship and then the um the president cup up in um Canada where where Mike Weir is the captain for the um world Squad what what are the chances this drama carries over to the British with Rory and and Bryson um I don’t think there’s any animosity or anything like that it’s just that you know Rory Let It Go and Bryson ended up finishing off which is which is what Rory’s upset with himself about that he didn’t finish it off um I you know it it could Bryson could be right in the mix again I mean he’s been in the mix for um the three Majors so far this year um his winning this week was very reminiscent of Brooks kepa winning last year in the PGA Championship you know coming off live winning a major now Bryson’s coming off Liv winning a major um I you know Rory Rory needs to reset clear his mind and be ready to play another major championship here in another month and uh and these guys have a great Knack of being able to do that Scotty Sheffer the same way you know his worst finish absolute worst finish of the Year finishing 41st tied for 41st um when he had won what six out of his last seven or five out of his last seven something like that so uh so he’ll he’ll reset and he’ll be ready to go for the British Open again too well Bob we appreciate it great work as always through these Majors we can’t thank you enough uh you NBT Saturday morning are always great with real golf radio but this is one we’re going to talk about for a long time and uh this was a fun one to have you guys there on the scene and breaking it down thanks for your help us all right guys you bet yep there he is Bob Casper real golf radio you hear it every Saturday morning right here on the Zone nobody does a better job when it comes to the game of golf than he and BT so Lloyd did you hear the end of that did you hear his breakdown on that back swing so if if he knocks a leaf off on that back swing in his practice it’s that’s a stroke but then in your actual gameplay stroke it’s not a stroke I actually like the sandwich thought that was yeah like when you’re in the sand can’t touch the sand can’t touch the sand on your practice but you can hit it on the swing yeah and that makes sense because total sense he you can’t clear any type of backstroke path yep you can’t sit there and take 10 practice swings and be knocking branches off like I do sometimes I’ve never noticed because that that happens there you would see me at the US Open hacking out that in and toughed to grass in front of my ball trying to hands breaks out the tree trimmer hey you have a swing you have a you have a club in your bag that has a p saw on the back of it dang it I was gonna ask Bob how crazy was it that it felt like nothing was in the Fairway from mroy or de Shambo yeah everything down the stretch was behind a tough to Grass the toughest one was that Roy maroy one that it might have have been on 18 I think it was 18 think I know what you’re talking about it was just right behind this big old thing of grass and he blew the whole thing up with his his swing to get the ball through that’s drama man that’s exactly what I want in the World of Sports H and Scotty this is 975 the ekl Sports Zone hey bro you hear us every day with our crazy opinions well now it’s time to hear from you hey great show download the KSL Sports app and fire off your thoughts with a call-in tab on the bottom of your screen your show is fantastic it’s the one that captivates me the most you can tell PK to stop singing let Jake and Ben know what you really think of the Jazz tell Hans and Scotty about your favorite barbecue spot or what color of tie JJ should be wearing on TV the best entries will be played on the air download the KSL Sports app now and hit the Callin button to let your voice be heard I think you guys do an incredible job this is not 975 the KSL Sports Zone every moment of every show is available in podcast form by searching Hansen Scotty on your favorite podcasting platform or online at KSL this is H Olsen and Scotty G on 975 the KSL Sports Zone [Music] [Music] what [Music] hands in Scotty 975 the KSL Sport Zone down on his luck so tough where’s Bon Joy fit for you you’d love this I mean you can’t not hear this song and not love this song it gets you doesn’t it yeah it’s up there he’s up there I don’t know where you at where you at on him heavy uh I think my maybe my second or third make out was to uh beta roses really yeah huh Y and uh that that will be forever what’s up Wendy no not that one no was that number one no that was oh okay that was just geography oh man no that that was never yeah anyways okay my bad sorry but better roses Bon Joy holy cow man dead or alive Bon Joy oh yeah Dead or Alive now you’re not making out to that one but what’s funny is when the AFL was rocking and rolling everybody wanted to play for that Philadelphia team because he owned that team oh yeah and you got to have Little Rock concerts here and there and like those players were spoiled over there yeah I remember interviewing him in Vegas with Bon Joy Bon joovie yeah did you yeah he’s pretty cool guy oh he was cool so let me ask you this and Lloyd is a producer let me know your direction on this so me and Ryan hatch are hosting a show in Vegas it was Utah just got in the franchise so they flew a bunch of media members down there for the uh for the Arena Bowl so we’re down in Vegas we’re on media row and we’re in commercial break and Joy is making the rounds kind of like Pack 12 media day he hitting every station and so we’re in commercial break we got a minute to go and we’re just sitting there talking cool guy super nice shooting the bull Jake Scott’s producing back in studio and I’m not blaming Jake because I don’t know if I do the same thing or not and we came back from break and Jake plays a bonjovi song so do you play a bonji song while Bon J’s listening to promote the Bon J’s on their air it felt a little awkward to me sitting there with bonji and then us playing a bonji song but I probably would have done the same thing if I were Jake back in stud it was just being there with him it’s like wearing a t-shirt to the concert of the concert you’re going to it just it felt a little weird for me being there now if I were back in Salt Lake producing I might do the same thing producer’s doing that the producer is absolutely going to do it and I could but I could see the awkwardness of hearing that song as you’re looking at Bon joy and be like yeah that’s that’s you that’s you huh that’s you is that you hey we’re playing that song you you wrote that what was that like when you sang that hey hey you recognize that guy huh that’s you right hey guys would it be unruly would it be out of bounds for our next bracket to be alltime makeout songs oo that’s a good question there I don’t know on that one alltime makeout songs is this for uh a Valentine’s bracket is this what you’re talking about maybe during Valentine’s Day maybe during Valentine’s yeah okay I like that I do I actually do like that let’s maybe just keep that one in the hopper yeah let’s do that all right time for number 52 top 60 and 60 as we are almost through the first 10 let’s get to it this is the top 60 and 60 60 the Zone counts you down to the start of the 2024 college football season and now it’s time for today’s selection as voted on by the local sports media and you the fans the youths feel like they’ve struck gold on this transfer player who started eight games last year for UCLA and posted over 200 yd receiving now he’s expected to fit right into the Utah offense in 2024 coming in at number 52 from the University of Utah 6’4 250 6 lb tight end Carson Ryan University of Utah head coach Kyle Whittingham Carson Ryan unfortunately was injured during uh Spring football uh actually the injury was prior to but he was not not able to participate in Spring looking forward to seeing what he can bring to the table to the tight end position group it’s a strong group for us and he has one of uh five or six guys in that position group that should be a a big positive this is the top 60 and 60 presented by five star painting on 975 the KSL Sports Zone big thanks as always to festar painting you’re presenting sponsor of the top 60 and 60 but uh Carson Ryan transfer player from UCLA getting into the top 60 and 60 it’s almost impossible not to put him in because his year last year with UCLA was awesome it wasn’t record-breaking it was just awesome it was all fundamentally sound he wants to be in a tight end system where the tight ends are highlighted can’t say I blame him right now with Utah right he wants to be in a tight end system where tight ends are are drafted where they get their NFL shots so he’s made the decision to transfer I I also want to remind people that Carson Ryan’s a local product yeah he I think I think he started American Fork and ended at timw or started at timw ended an American Fork I can’t remember what the the process of that do do you remember Sky I don’t I just remember he played it both and then he committed to UCLA and his freshman year I think he got some play time and then last year started to really blow up for UCLA I he did wrap up at American Fork I don’t know where he started but he did graduate from American Fork okay then he must have started at temp because I know he played for both about 90% sure on that okay so he’s a local guy that we should all be cheering for and but but you know he’s in a deep tight end room this is a deep tight end man then this is a four deep in my opinion right yeah Brent keithy Landon King Carson Ryan and Miki suaga it’s a heck of a four to go with it’s a heck of a four so and and it just gives you gives you a lot of schematic versatility you can you can build in designed routes that force you to have more than one nickel that force you to have one more than one route defending outside linebacker that Force safeties into taking a Peak at underneath routes where you might lose the object of the over thtop so it does a lot of it’s a lot of very tough things to defend against oh yeah you had two good tight ends out on the field at the same time yeah and you can keep guys fresh and healthy those two don’t always have to be in your blocking schemes you can still roll Carson Ryan and ly King out there in in jumbos oh yeah in heavy blocking schemes yep but you heard coach you know unfortunate injury in pre-spring ball kept him out so he’s going to have to make up some ground in Fall Camp hands and Scotty time for The Good the Bad and the Ugly 52 in the books Carson Ryan from Utah let’s kick it off it’s time to saddle up and talk about the winners and the losers this is The Good the Bad and the Ugly now here’s the good good the bad the ugly brought to you by RGS exteriors you’re looking to revamp the outside of your home whether it’s rain gutters whether it’s a Fresh coat of paint whether it’s a complete remodel the outside of your home you are good to go with RGS exteriors and construction obsessed with quality results so they rolled out Fox Sports rolled out Tom Brady for his broadcasting day debut at the UFL championship game on Fox standing between Kurt me mene and Joel clatt and that’s his debut UFL Championship Tom Brady and here’s kind of the opening of who Tom Brady is as a broadcaster Tom Brady legendary quarterback just had his number retired I can’t go down there on the field anymore you can’t play anymore he’s joining us here at Fox Sports is I’m sure you have heard his analyst this fall can’t wa to see him so far what are your impresses this early going championship game sometimes teams can be a little bit tight it looks like it may be right here they’re all a little different you get into these games and there’s a lot of Defense out there right now you see defense can go out there and play with a lot of energy but someone’s got to get the ball down the field and try to open this field up a little it’s a lot of horizontal passes and the defenses are swarming and trying to punch the ball out so make them defend every blade of grass that’s what weed say and and and as a quarterback sometimes you just got to go to your play caller you say hey give me something uh great it fascinating stuff so what do you think I’ve got so many thoughts on this first of all what do you think about how they rolled him out at the UFL Championship dumb strange yeah I you know you want to get his feet wet a little bit though like it’s one thing I know they’re doing they’re throwing out all this tape and they’re sitting in a studio and trying to recreate games and stuff like that but there’s something about being live on the air so it’s smart it’s smart but it’s like it’s still UFO I will say I do love the tone of his voice I I like the the sound of his voice and I think he he is not going to be like Tony Romo brings heavy energy yes you’re not going to get that with Tom uhuh no no you’re gonna get it’s a little bit more like who who’s the guy that does Monday Night Football that Collinsworth Collinsworth yeah it’s gonna be more I don’t think it’ll be Collinsworth likes to joke around a little bit too and I don’t think he’ll be Collinsworth either no I don’t think he’s going to be as jokey I think he’s all serious all the time yeah I just don’t know I don’t think it’s G to be good honestly I think it’ll be fine but I don’t think that I don’t think it’s going to be great I don’t think you’re going to walk away from a game in which Tom Brady calls and be like wow that was a great experience remember that early stuff with Tony Romo when he was calling plays and like they’re going to do this and this and this yeah that was awesome that was really cool um you know and I like colins he’s got some certain things I like uh Aman Aman will be really critical of guys and I like that out of Troy Aman like there’s certain guys that they have something that you know that you’re going to get from them whether it’s good or bad you know what you’re going to get from them I don’t know what you’re going to get from Tom Brady like the dude’s vanilla man even from his you know he’s opened up a little bit with his endorsement stuff he’s having a little bit more fun but even early he was really kind of bland and boring and I just look I I’m a little bit of a skeptic when it comes to him as an analyst I mean I mean obviously one of the greatest if not the greatest quarterback to ever play the game as an analyst I think he’s going to be kind of vanilla like I don’t think you’re going to get a lot from him I hope I’m wrong I I really hope I’m wrong I really do like I think his voice is nice you I mean yeah because a voice does play a role yeah for sure it has to be a something that you can consume and it doesn’t feel like nails on a chalkboard yeah so I like that you know that his brain is just jam packed full of things like he went you know got to defend every blade of grass that’s descriptive it it paints a picture I mean it’s it’s I had never heard that exact saying I’ve heard things along those lines but like those kinds of things would be great I just I wonder I I wonder because I want I need that energy yeah I need energy and I want analysis and I want I want uh you be fair but be critical and I don’t know if how critical he’s going to be I got to tell you calling to BYU games has been it was it’s it’s the most excitement [Music] and energy and um it’s it’s that it’s exhilarating yeah oh yeah when you’re standing in that booth and and you’re watching the game and the game I love the game so much that I’m in it and so my voices goes up my inflection comes down my emotions go all over the place I’m living the game and it’s almost like you’re living the game along with the people listening and and and so the energy is hard to get away from I just wonder if if he’s gonna live the game yeah is he gonna live the game or is he bigger than the game because it feels like he’s bigger than the game that’s that’s what it all comes down to like Tony Romo lives the game yes he’s in he’s like oh my gosh if I’m a quarterback I’m definitely watching for my middle backer to drop back in zone because they keep running these underneath button hooks with these tight ends if they drop that back I know that I’ve got my post my I’ve got my double move on the outside like he’s in it he’s energized he’s excited and you’re watching it like gez Tony like tell me more I’m with you let’s go let’s go yeah hasn’t he been critical of some of the changes with the NFL as far as rule changes and stuff like that Tony yeah not not Tony no uh Tom yeah I mean you’re talking about being critical I thought he had been a little bit more critic I’m talking about critical of players that’s what I want I want him if a guy screws up I want I want my analyst to go after him be like you screwed up like you can’t do this this is not okay like or just like Well’s you know they’re going to address that at halftime and he’s he knows what he needs to do to be better and he’s capable of it no I’m like hey you know what that was bad can’t do that gota be better that’s an interesting line too isn’t it Scotty yeah well in college we’re a little different it’s an interesting line but you know when somebody coughs up a ball in a critical moment and you’re in that emotion in that second and you’re like you know there might only be one more possession in this entire game yep and that may have cost you the game and you know that is a a heavy thing to play on a kid hands in Scotty 975 the KSL Sports Zone there you go you’re good the Bad and the Ugly coming up next another edition of whole world news we got the roulette wheels absolutely stacked we’ll get to that coming up at 230 uh talk little NBA finals coming up at 205 it’s all straight ahead 975 the KSL Sports Zone this is Jake Scott and Ben Anderson what’s the conversation we’ve always had about Utah if they only had a quarterback what we’re actually saying is Well they have everything else they just need like an okay player at quarterbacks they just need a guy who’s a little better than average and when you get that guy who’s a little better than average look at them they take off they’re unbelievable cuz one of the things you’ve said for BYU to win is they need to go get the Superstar quarterback and that’s always been their recipe for winning the problem for BYU even now at this point is if you go and get that best quarterback in the country I don’t know if that lifts everybody else now and I don’t know if BYU has everything else right now at that point you’re never going to have a good defense you’re never going to be more athletic than the other team so play your advantages so how does BYU do that I think they do have to sell that there’s a greater purpose to be at BYU and then I think they have to figure out how got to find the next stud quarterback to go there for whatever reason here Jake Scott and Ben Anderson every day from 10: to no on 975 the KSL Sports Z all right folks you’re a busy man you’re a dad you’re a the globe for the hard-hitting news you care about well not really but hey at least we found it interesting this is whole world news on 975 the KSL sport Z We Got the Whole World in our hands You Got the Whole World in our hand We Got the Whole World in our hand We Got the Whole World in our hands we got the whole world in our hand you got you and me brother in our hands you got you and me sister in our hands you got you and me brother in our hands and Scotty 156 time for another edition of hands of whole world news let’s get it did you like Sandlot love Sandlot yeah absolutely what were we in college when that came out High School College uh trying to think yeah I know I remember I remember it was in the 90s I think it was like I think we’re in like high school elementary around there yeah I want to say it was High School yeah would it be considered a cult hit like a Napoleon Dynamite or is it I think it’s a little bit more mainstream than than Napoleon what does it say Lloyd what year is that on I want to say 90 93 wow all right junior high for you wow 93 1993 well the uh I guess it’s a little bit of a sports crossover in today’s whole world news the guy that plays Smalls yeah the main character the main kid his name is Tom giri he can’t stop getting arrested oh man come on yeah but this one’s different I I guess he’s got a feud with a neighbor yeah and his neighbor’s got one of those jacked up white Jeeps oh boy so Tom’s on the ring camera walking over to his neighbor’s yard with a 35b dumbbell and he and he Chucks the dumbbell at the windshield of the Jeep and it hits the windshield and then it rolls down the bumper and and falls off the Jeep well the cops come and they arrest him and they’re like you’re on film dude what are you what are you doing and the neighbor was actually outside when the cops were arresting him and you can see Smalls yelling at his neighbor he said he said his neighbor said you broke my Jeep window and he yelled back back that sucks man I’ll pay you back I’m sorry I’m going to get you back I did it yeah I’m sorry man I’m coming back to get you I I’m sorry brother I’ll pay you back that’s what he’s he’s yelling at his neighbor then a ring camera of him ringing the doorbell holding a knife has now surfaced so this Feud I think has gotten pretty bad for Smalls wow and he got arrested back in 2013 um I guess he was getting arrested and he tried to kick a cop in the face and things got really out of hand on an arrest but Tom G geez Tom he’s not the old kid with the long brim hat that we remember from Sandlot come on man guy’s having a feud with his neighbor pull it together there GE he played a pretty dark role on did you ever see the movie Mystic River oh is that oh that’s right he was in that yeah that’s a horrible movie it was a horrible movie yeah he was the brother that oh at the very end movie I haven’t even thought of that movie in years yeah that’s a tough one man that’s a tough watch oh man I’m sick that you even brought that movie up that is a terrible movie Nobody watched that movie yeah don’t do that there’s certain movies out there you’re just like yeah don’t yeah the acting in that got a little bit overboard yeah but um apparently according to reports his neighbor had bought sheep well that’s enough to put you over the edge right there oh just kidding he his neighbor didn’t well if he did that’s understandable understandable there’s certain reaction that’s enough to put a neighbor that’s that’s enough to to be like okay I get it I get it can’t say I agree with you what you’re doing but I get it but I know those sheep are loud they’re stinky right here on 975 the ekl Sports Zone you’re locked on to H sson and Scotty CH that’s right on 975 the KSL Sports Z [Music] swe out on the streets of a Runway American dream at night we R the manions of [Music] Glory hands in Scotty 975 the KSL Sports Zone kicking off the final hour of the program to 12 up and down the was front Us open in the rear view mirror and NH HL and NBA coming up with game fives do we see a competitive uh shift in these series or are we just seeing a are we are we seeing a uh just a couple of uh gentleman sweeps in the making please be a competitive shift yeah please 122 to 84 H whoopin that Dallas put on Boston in game four 122 to 884 whooping Dallas went 15 to 37 from three for 40.5% yep they were still terrible in free throws oh Dallas has got to figure out their free throw issues man they’re just not doing good um aggressive aggressive in the lanes um aggressive on the boards they they outrebounded Boston they they had more steals than Boston they just felt like they were everywhere and I don’t know it’s like your question about Roy maroy and de Shambo was it this or was it that and this is was it Boston or was it Dallas it almost felt like Boston was like yeah we’re gonna mail it in and Dallas is like we’re gonna do everything we can because it was like the the perfect game for Dallas but is is it a competitive shift that’s your question so this is I know this is going to sound really weird but the fact that they were both blowouts lead me to believe that nothing’s really changed like if this was a competitive crazy hard fought and both Dallas won and Edmonton won I think okay maybe they’re back in it but the fact that they were blowouts almost leads me to believe that it might be just like yeah whatever we got our game three Victory we’re feeling pretty good we’re going to go back and close it out why what’s the big deal here I don’t know maybe I’m up the night on that but it didn’t it it’s I know saying it out loud makes it sound even stranger but the fact that they were just so uncompetitive doesn’t lead me to believe that there’s been a competitive shift in these series does this make sense at all like yeah it almost feel does because it feels not right it doesn’t yeah it doesn’t feel right and it just feels like such an anomaly with those two individual scores that there wasn’t a heavy interest in like when it felt like it was slipping away that Florida and and Boston were like yeah let him have it let them have some fun and we’ll close it out at home it does feel that way okay well this is what I could promise you I could put a guarantee on this no chance Boston has a 14-point quarter tonight yeah exactly they don’t have a 14-point quarter yep in a clause out opportunity game five don’t pick up the momentum I don’t want to go back to Dallas every single person on that Celtics team does not want to go back to Dallas no no so I just don’t think that they have a 14-point quarter I don’t think that that exists in hardly any realm or any world against Dallas tonight so I think that’s probably my answer is yeah it feels fake it feels manufactured between Boston and Florida not not really feeling like the sense of urgency to end it on the road but thinking okay well we got all the Firepower we got everything we need let’s take this one back and give it to our fan base now that’s actually a scary questionable line of thinking if if that was a plan I don’t think it was a plan it just I don’t think the motiv when like I don’t think they went in saying all right let’s just blow off game four but and you’re probably best to answer this as a competitor but there’s like a moment in the game where you’re like okay the momentum is slipping away and the motivation may not be as high to come back as it would if it was a game seven or if it was a you know you’re up three games to two and you don’t want it to go back to a game seven like I’ve got four games to get one yeah exactly you’re just like in your mind and and you don’t mentally it’s not like the coach is like like hey guys be cool man we’re fine we’ll close it out home I don’t think there was I think it’s just a mental state where you’re just like yeah you know like whatever that’s cute let him have it like I don’t think I don’t think it was the plan I don’t think it was talked about I just think that there’s a mental hurdle that you have to jump to make sure that team doesn’t get away from you and I just think that there was a point in that game we like I’m not ready to make that jump I’m not ready to take that hurdle so do you feel like Boston Celtic just they they just open up the body and they just destroy him tonight uh I think I think there’s a good chance yeah okay so I don’t know if you guys have seen any more recent reports on Chris ABS porus the only thing I’ve seen it came yesterday from monms he just said it was questionable I don’t know if you guys have seen anything I not seen any updates now but did you hear the assistant coach the Celtics assistant he was like yeah he’s in a lot of pain every time he’s on the court he’s in a ton of pain yeah I don’t think he was supposed to say that did you see that controversy kind of s swirling yesterday and that could be a problem so I guess what they proved in game three is you you don’t need him you don’t need them they could dominate him destroy him without him even on the road but I think that’s another piece that you look at tonight I do think he’s in a lot of pain well I don’t I mean I I don’t know how he’s not in a lot of pain honestly yeah yeah he’s he’s dealing with some pretty Ser how much how much um of the uh the old uh toall the injectables yeah is that what it is tal yeah that’s what it was I don’t know if that’s what it is anymore but that’s what it was you can you can do a lot of that it’s just and again it’s been so long the thing that was always a concern is when you shoot up areas that can further damage themselves yeah and and and you feel fine so you go out there and you’re really pushing and then you cause more Dam yeah Pain’s there for a reason that’s exactly so you don’t know how much pressure to put on that thing because you’re dealing with a ligament that prevents you’re dealing with a bad ligament that prevents dislocations if you push the right amount of pressure on that thing because you feel a little bit better about it and I don’t think that’s a good thing to do to somebody but it’s also up to Chris STS because he’s thinking to himself I want my Championship yeah and I want to be on the court for that Championship I want to be a part of this I don’t want to be wearing street clothes going out celebrate with my teammates right when I when when people see me out with the ring on my finger or you know they see me out and they know I want a championship I don’t want them like talking behind my back like yeah he’s got it but he wasn’t much a part of he wasn’t there he doesn’t want that none of nobody wants that he had that big game one and then that was about it yeah so I’m sure that he’s very motivated to be on the court but in a lot of pain but then do you take the injectables or do you play extra precaution because you got an another eight years 10 years of NBA life left in you yeah I think that those are pretty tough calls but I also think that pushing all Horford on the court for 27 minutes yeah you’re taking your life in your own hands there 28 minutes I think you’re taking your life in your own hands so that’s such a I think he goes that’s such a tough one to weigh you do yeah I think he’s on a limit count I think he’s on a pitch count for sure but I think he goes what is questionable typically questionable is what 70% I’d say 70 yeah yeah 65 70% that’s the last one I saw from Bon Tims I have not seen anything more recent than that and then just hearing the coach talk about the pain he’s in worries you about the amount of pressure he’s putting on those joints not to say that Tatum and and brown and Drew and crew can’t do it without him because they can they certainly can I think I would weigh that probably even more but LCA donic and Kyrie Irving geared up I mean the other thing is does Luca take it too much upon himself uh I like he did in game three I think there’s there’s a possibility of that and Kyrie’s chirping a little bit about playing again in Boston and wanting to shut Boston fans up yeah was that like Kyrie’s slipping a little bit like he’s he’s had the facade of being the good soldier and you can tell like was him walking out of the Arena that he threw up the hand the five yeah is that what that was I think so it was game two right it was game two and he threw up the the the five yep to Boston fans so he did get the five but yeah he he he was kind of putting himself out there a little bit yep that’s right right yep yep kind of a a bit of a Donovan Mitchell moment so here’s his quote he goes I mean let’s just call it as it is when the fans are cheering Kyrie sucks Kyrie sucks they feel like they have a psychological Edge on me and that’s fair of course if I’m not making shots or I’m turning the ball over that makes it more of a pressing issue that they can stay on it for me I think in order for me to silence them I have to silence my own self-doubt let alone the crowd out but the self-doubt when you make or Miss shots that’s just as important as making being sure I’m leading the team the right way and being a human being through this experience too and telling them how I feel and I feel that I can keep them quiet by my play in game five well I hope he’s right game four he was 10 of 18 from the field one of six from three this this was the um so if there’s anything that points to uh if there’s anything that points to a possibility of of a game five Luca donic and Kyrie Irving they they combined for one of 14 from three one of 14 from three yeah in game four in that blowout win so there there’s a bit of encouragement there that they could do it I mean if they just change those numbers a little bit I mean if they just hit their averages and they’re not one and 14 a one of 14 comb mind I still feel like they can be back in I do too all right so how hard is it as a player knowing and I know you’re football you’re not best of seven guy but you know the player perspective better than anybody you live this so you don’t need to worry about game six and game seven right now you’re worried about game five because if you win game five it’s now 3-2 and game six is in Dallas and have a chance to tie this thing up like this is a massive this would be a massive win obviously because the series would end if you lose I mean that’s the dumbest thing I’ve said in weeks and trust me I set the bar pretty high there but if you’re able to get this win the pressure shifts from you now back to Boston because Boston knows like oh crap we got to go now we got to go back there and try to win game six and then if we don’t do that now we got to come back here and win game seven like this game is absolutely critical IAL so as a player do you feel that kind of pressure or do you just feel like okay look let’s just close out and be done like like what’s how do you think big picture like that is a player no I I just i’ feel an air of confidence if I’m Boston of there’s no other option other than ending it tonight that’s our only option there’s no other options and everybody’s on board and everybody’s on Deck Chris Abs if we got to have you come out and and use your bummed up leg and possibly rip it in half well we got to do it so what you know we we’ve seen it before Kevin Durant did it Kevin Durant knew that he was playing on a bad will I’m sure that he felt some strain in that calf and that leg and he was out there because they felt a sense of having to do it and that thing popped and it changed the trajectory of his career I mean he’s still great but who wonders what he could have been uhhuh yep so I kind of feel like everybody in their mind is just thinking there’s no option they don’t think past game five you don’t see a game six you don’t even know it exists because the only thing you’ve got is game five Boston fans will end it here will Hoist the trophy and there’s nothing else past that yeah that’s the way I I I think I would look at it I think that’s the way most competitors would look at it all right 226 hands and Scotty we’re going to spin the wheel sports youlette next right here on the Zone 3 2 1 it’s the 10th Annual top 60 and 60 get your college football fix every day at 1:30 as the Zone counts you down to the start of the 2024 season by listing off the top 60 players in the state of Utah as voted on by the local media and you the fans you’ll also hear from the coaches as they talk about the players that will impact their season the most it’s the top 60 in 60 weekdays at 1:30 presented by five-star painting on your home of the best college football coverage in Utah 975 the KSL Sports Z the wheel is loaded and it’s time to talk some sports this is sports roulette with Hansen Scotty on 975 the KSL Sports Z [Music] H Olson Scott Gerard 975 the KSL Sport Zone time for another edition of whole world news ah no sorry my bad Sports roulette we take some of the big story lines we put on roulette will we spin it wherever that uh little ball lands is what we end up talking about so with that let’s not waste any time Lloyd fire that sucker up stepping away from the crown Charles Barkley okay all right sorry sorry Charles Barkley yeah uh I’m not Sir Charles okay I get it now all right uh I’m not buying it I don’t think he’s ready to retire I think again Charles Barky over the weekend said look I don’t next season’s going to be my last regardless what happens with what media deals that come down the pipeline I could try to keep the show together we could try to do some other stuff but I’m shutting it down after next season uh you say that now and I think he believes it now but saying it and actually following through with it I don’t know man I don’t know if he can stay away and maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part that I because I love me some Charles Barkley that he and Shaq will go form a show on Amazon or find another platform to do essentially Inside the NBA I just think it’ll be really hard on him to step away from something that he knows he’s so good at that there’s such a huge demand for and I think he might be like a lot of these wrestlers or a lot of these rock stars or a lot of these boxers that say they’re done and then when it’s actually time to shut it down that they actually follow through with it he’s younger than I would have thought yeah that’s the other thing too I would have thought he’d be mid 60s or just past mid 66 67 he’s he’s 61 yeah that puts him at 62 you and he goes I’m gonna play golf every day will you play golf every day anyway yeah that’s he’s got plenty of time to do that he’s gonna be bored yeah out of his mind yeah I just don’t see it now we were just talking with ton and Ethan and and retirement and getting yourself there like it’s it’s exciting and I’m excited for the time that I can retire you will be a miserable miserable retiree I think I will yeah and that’s why I plan on doing the show with you for a long time is because not gonna go anywhere because I the same thing with me like like we’re not digging ditches here and I know make that joke all the time like it is fun to do this show it is fun for you and me to hang out together it is fun to be with Lloyd every single day like it is the highlight of my day it is my best three hours of my day I love it I love everything about working it’s like what else are we gonna do and again if I was Charles is having a blast if we’re working at a at a plant uh making you know like I spent a couple months you know assembling exercise Gear Up in Logan during school that’s tough that was not fun yeah that was not fun I assembled ladders if if I if I had to do that every day yes I would be counting the down the days until work if I was still slinging treadmills taking naps in tents in Sporting Goods be questioning I’m GNA keep going but here I mean we work for a great company was that Sears yeah yeah I like how Jake Scott still has his Sears show every now and then yeah but like we work for a great company we get a hang out with our best friends we get to talk sports which is what he’s doing we talk to really cool people the work I mean I mean it’s not that hard it’s not that hard it’s great I mean we put in a lot of hard work make no mistake but it’s fun time consuming but it’s fun work well and he’s got the ultimate positions Scotty because he gets to do it because it’s fun like we’re doing it because it’s fun but it would be really nice to get to that Financial point where we really are doing it for one reason and one reason only and that’s because we’re enjoying the entertainment part of it you know uh I I still work dayto day because I truly need the income yeah same I’m not saying yeah but it would be really nice to be Charles Barkley where you don’t need a single penny and that’s why you see him jump on a local tvet work and drop the f bomb because he just doesn’t need it and he doesn’t care he’s got blank you money yeah can’t even imagine how much money he’s got yeah well I mean he tries to give it away at the gambling table that now that does make you wonder how much he’s lost there and how much he really does have after some of his addictions but yeah Charles Barkley says he’s gonna step away after next year all right Lloyd spin it she’s no angel oh boy angel Reese coming in with a flagrant foul she’s not happy about it against Caitlyn Clark now the weight of the uh anger of the Caitlyn Clark fans are now at Angel Reese Angel Reese is upset about the call doesn’t think it should have been a flagrant call and again this goes back to what we’ve been saying forever Hans if you want to be treated like the big boys guess what the these things happen got to play you got to play I don’t have a problem with what she did it was a it was a hard foul we see that nearly every day in the regular season of the NBA would again when we’re talking about having both Sports being equal how much would we be talking about this foul in the NBA level in a in a regular season game not much not much Maybe not maybe not a mention if if Draymond Green H maybe draymond’s not a good because draymond’s got all of his history but I’m trying to think of a comparison somebody fouls Steph Curry like that is this a big deal we talk about a little bit but it’s not it doesn’t overlap I wonder how many people actually know who won that game yesterday they’re sitting here they’re blabbering about the call these people that are like the cin Clark apologist or the Caitlyn Clark haters or the angel Reese lovers or the angel Reese haters because there’s huge animosity between both sides on those seems like you’re either team Angel Reese or team Caitlyn Clark and you can’t be both and you have have to be very passionate about what side of that of that debate you’re on if we were to pull 10 of those people five being Caitlyn Clark fans five being Angel ree fans they’re like okay we get it you’re upset about the call One Way or Another who won the game how many people would actually know out of five out of 10 out of 10 six five that’s what I think maybe half people yeah because they’re not really paying attention to the game itself yeah they’re just getting angry they’re just getting angry because somebody disrespected Angel ree or somebody disrespected Kaylin Clark so there two things with this situation number one it’s it is continuing it’s repetitive it she’s getting hit she’s getting fouled but guess what my game plan would be going in against the fever tomorrow hit her and F hit her Fowler make her let’s test her toughness see how much she really wants this we’ll send out our Regulators remember you got five to give or whatever it is in in the wnb ba they sat Reese because Reese had a backto back so after she got the tech the very next possession she fouled again and went directly to the bench I think that was her fourth foul so hey we’ve got x amount to give make sure we were using him on Caitlyn like that that would be my game plan let’s go test her toughness because we’re here to win a game not not bow down to the almighty Caitlyn Clark so that’s my game plan but that’s what everybody’s game plan is and we’re just seeing it now how do you stop it if I’m the fever I’m asking myself how do I stop it well I continue to beat teams and and their record is not good I think it’s they’re like five and 10 or something they’re playing better lately five and 10 something so we’re going to continue to beat people and upset them and number two we’re g to try to become more of a team I did see one teammate it was an earlier foul in the game and that’s me admitting I I did watch most of the game but it was an earlier foul in the game uh klin got locked up with a girl that was trying to defend her and actually hooked her elbow and ran with her and then another one of that the the defensive teammates came in and kind of bumped her and there were two of them in her face and one of her teammates came up and bumped the girl and kind of got in her face and Caitlyn walked away there’s got to be more of that I know that te their her teammates are getting called out at at a very high rate right now and it’s probably getting really obnoxious to the teammates but at some point you’re like all right all right let’s we we want to make this a real game we want to make this a watchable product let’s fight let’s go if if if it’s coming down to throwing fists then let’s go because that’s that’s what the sports do that we watch yes yep they come to blows and and you can’t sit there and be like well women can’t do that are you kidding me some of the best UFC fighters are women yeah you you watch as much if not more women’s UFC figh you do men the the Mixed Martial Arts women’s division has been as big or nearly as big for me going back to gono which would have been 26ish 200 sish somewhere in there it goes back that far like the women are are earning the rights to be fan favorites and watched in mixed martial arts stop it we we watch the games for competitiveness fight break out when you’re angry or you’re being disrespected if she keeps getting disrespected fight BR bring it clear the bench serve suspensions but say we’re not this isn’t how it’s going anymore and we’re not just going to sit there and take these hard fouls here’s one for you here’s a nasty hard foul it’s going to put you on your butt it’s G to leave you with a bruise and then oh you want to retaliate for that how far do you want to go because we’re going to go as far as we got to go to protect Caitlyn Clark as a as a team and if I’m the coach on the bench and I’m seeing a hard foul that that’s happening now every night I’m not offended by it yeah I’m just stopping it yeah what do I got to do to stop that crap and by the way props to like I have no issues with teams saying all right you know what we’re going to rough her up and we’re going to make her earn everything and if she takes a hard foul she’s going to take a hard foul and guess what to her credit she’s rising to the occasion it feels like she’s playing better basketball now yeah she is and the numbers she’s putting up are really impressive like I’m impressed with a lot of things that are going on in this whole thing a lot of things that are people are freaking out about I’m like okay this is sports this is what happens but to a large degree I can kind of appreciate the the shoe that angel ree has put on yes and just said I don’t I don’t need to be your Cinderella yep I don’t need to be some dainty princess that is trying to fight for fanfare what I need to be is a competitor and a winner now they’re losing at a higher clip than the fever yeah Angel Reese’s team is bad bad and most importantly in all this we’re talking about this pretty much every other day that’s right every other day that’s right you’re relevant enjoy that because if everybody was being like Oh don’t you know be nice get along let’s let’s not be enforcers let’s not be antagonists then nobody’s going to Care nobody’s going to Care we’ll all watch walk away yep yep all right 248 we’ll wrap this thing up next hands and Scotty get you ready for JJ and Alex Straight Ahead 975 ekl Sports Zone hey bro you hear us every day with our crazy opinions hey what you doing well now it’s time to hear from you great show download the KSL Sports app and fire off your thoughts with the call-in tab on the bottom of your screen your show is fantastic it’s the one that captivates me the most you can tell PK to stop singing let Jake and Pen know what you really think of the Jazz tell H and Scotty about your favorite barbecue spot or what color of tie JJ should be wearing on TV the best entries will be played on the air download the KSL Sports app now and hit the call-in button to let your voice be heard I think you guys do an incredible job this is 975 the KSL Sports Zone you want so much to give you this love in my heart that I feel feeling for you let see with crazy I don’t care about that put your hand in my hand baby don’t ever look the world around us just fall maybe we can make it if we’re heart to and we can build this thing together standing strong forever it’s going [Music] [Applause] toop H olon Scott Gerard 975 the KSL Sports Zone it’s coming up folks we do it every year this is what third fourth year we’ve done this this will be our fourth it’s been so much fun it’s the day of adoption coming up with the Utah uh Humane Society $12.80 that’s all you’ll pay for an adoption fee all day on June 25th we’ll be out there big thanks to Jake and Ben they’re going to be with us from 10: to 12 doing their show love those guys thank you we’ll be on the air from noon to 3 bring home a furry friend from the hands and Scotty day of adoption they need us and there are so many animals out there right now homeless abused scared they don’t know where to go they need help with food they need you so what I’d ask and and I love that we do these reads early um Scotty because we kind of all donate our time for this thing because I it’s it’s just so important to me all I’d ask is if you youve ever thought about adoption we’re giving you some heads up so clear a little bit of space in the house go get a couple food dishes get yourself a a nice container crate and make some plans to just come out take a look at the animals maybe it’s a bunny maybe it’s a hedgehog maybe it’s a cat maybe it is a dog but these animals need our help so badly and this I I just love this event man animals changed my life yeah and I just love this event and I love that our listeners show up we’re averaging about 40 pet adoptions per day of adoption I would say this be there early on June 25th yeah but also yes please and but also remember they bring in extra pets they do in fact they’ve got guys that donate their time their pilots that have their own plane I found this really fascinating there’s guys yeah that love pets so much they’re retirees and or or they just donate their time they’ve got their own plane and they will haul pets around the country to various shelters that have open space from other places that are overrun because it means a lot to them yeah I thought that was just amazing the animals need us and so I’m so excited about it again that’s next week June 25th all right coming up next JJ and Alex right here on the zone

Hour 1

• Hans struts into studio after a great Father’s day gift

• U.S. Open recap

• What You May Have Missed

Hour 2

• Real Golf Radio host Bob Casper

• #52 – 60 in 60 – Carsen Ryan – Utah TE | Good, Bad & Ugly

• Whole World News

Hour 3

• Dallas @ Boston game 5 of NBA Finals

• Sports Roulette

• Final thoughts

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