@Orlando Magic

Should the Orlando Magic Sign Klay Thompson?

Should the Orlando Magic Sign Klay Thompson?

by OrlandoMagicHQ_com


  1. FricKnStRicKn

    Yes! Klay replacing Gary Harris is a huge upgrade. Brings championship pedigree to Orlando. We need 3 point shooting and should have tons of good looks w Paolo and Franz consistently slashing. Perfect fit and I think most fans that don’t want him now will change their tune once we get rolling next season.

  2. dracoolya

    I’m not gonna watch that video but to answer the question…Yes but for the right price.

  3. they_jem

    I mean, if *every* other option to bolster our backcourt falls through and he’s willing to play for pennies and leave his ego at the door, then sure.

  4. cigamodnalro

    Yes. We need shooting and playoff experience. He brings both in spades. He’s lost a step, sure, but we have the pieces to cover. If we can get a team option on year 3, especially, I’m more than fine overpaying him for two seasons.

  5. AardvarkUnfair4937

    I don’t think he’ll be awful, it could maybe work but I’d prefer younger talent

  6. darkside1579

    People who say he cant help this team win are crazy. Hes still a really productive player… right now. Obviously the wheels are already falling off and giving big money on a long term deal for a 34 year old is just crazy. Something like a 2 year deal at 20 mil per year would be good for the team but also I’m not sure why the Warriors wouldn’t just match that.

  7. Sweet_Agent70

    Is Klay the guy that can take us to the next step? I don’t see that in him anymore. So I’ll have to pass.

  8. Decent-Ad-6137

    I am GSW fan and Klay is forever engrained as a franchise icon. None of yall have watched his downfall to the extent I have.

    He is not the player he used to be. He lost us a lot of games last year throwing up bad shots. He is also a negative defender at this point.

    I have no agenda. I dont want him for anything more than 20 mil if im being honest.

    I think Weltman is smarter than that. It might be another example of them covering up their real intentions like they have in the past.

    I just think there are so many better options for yall than an old, injury prone Klay.

  9. Embarrassed_Proof808

    You can see all the noobs in here saying NO 😐 how on earth can you say NO to a 4 time champ that’s one of the greatest shooters in History?? He’s still only 34 and will still be good for 2-3 years after his contract expires AB and Jett will be Men

  10. Kevnugget

    Yes for the right price (much lower than current value) otherwise definitely no

  11. Due_Wave_5212

    Hell yeah ! 4 chips & one of the best shooters to ever play. Yall bugging. Imagine klay off the bench. We already had one of the best bench in the league and you add a shooter like this.

  12. safwan105

    Magic sub:
    Sign a volume shooting vet, top 2 shooter of all time and a proven winner: gross no 🤢

    Sign a locker room cancer, teams get better as soon as they get rid of him, and a snitch: he’s a point guard he can shoot 3s 30 mil for 3 years take my babies 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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