@Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland Cavaliers Offseason Preview! (2024 NBA Free Agency + Trades & NBA Draft Picks) Cavs Rumors

Cleveland Cavaliers Offseason Preview! (2024 NBA Free Agency + Trades & NBA Draft Picks) Cavs Rumors

YouTube with the Cleveland Cavaliers having a busy off season in 2023 acquiring big role player pieces like Max stru and George Nang to fill out that Wing position and with a young talented roster on the books they still fail in 2024 to reach the Conference Finals now I will say just a few years ago this team was a lottery team and credit is deserved to the front office to getting them where they are now but the Cavaliers have a pivotal off season for their franchise moving forward their three best players have been all linked to trade rumors leading up to the 2024 offseason and that is Darius Garland Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen the Cavs are kind of better AC Crossroads you know like I mentioned before they have a lot of young talented pieces but they just aren’t able to get over that hump with the roster they have now and with the firing of JB bicker staff in the off season I think the Cavs are going to have another busy off season in 2024 in this video I will attempt to answer the question along with you guys what’s next for the Cleveland Cavaliers what’s the best route they can take in the 2024 off season to solidify this team and give their franchise the best chance they have to reach in the Conference Finals or even the NBA finals in 2025 we’ll be diving through the roster we’ll be exploring you know trade options free agency their draft and everything to do with the Cavs off season in this video like I said it’s a tricky situation for the Cavs and they really have to be smart about the way they handle this I will have my takes on it but this video more than ever I really want you guys to give your feedback down in the comments section because a lot of it is just really hard to decide what this team should do I mean we’ll get into it later but you guys always seem to give you know better input than than me on a lot of things so definitely let me know what the Cav should do and with that let’s attempt to answer this question here folks what’s next for the Cleveland Cavaliers let’s talk about it so like I mentioned before the Cavs they’re a really good team in the Eastern Conference not good enough to really beat a team like Boston this season and if everything stayed the same they probably wouldn’t be able to next season either so there’s been a lot of trade rumors naturally right this is the NBA folks and Darius Garland in particular has been linked to many of them including the S Antonio Spurs the Spurs looking to pair Victor wanyama up with a you know Premier point guard in this league and Darius Garland has been the subject of a lot of trade rumors involving San Antonio now the front office has mentioned that they would like to hang on to Darius Garland and keep him around in this franchise which is a pretty interesting thing to say you know from the front office but like I said Donovan Mitchell as well is due for a contract extension soon and seemingly will be getting the max contract as he’s one of the League’s best players it’s pretty unclear whether he wants to sign a Max extension with Cleveland and I could name 29 other teams that would be willing to give up a lot of assets for Donovan Mitchell which makes this so interesting Jared Allen as well in my opinion an elite tier big man in this league and super underrated has been linked to trade rumors and here’s basically the interesting Crossroads of the Cavaliers on one hand if you’re Cleveland you have a lot of young talented players that are ready to win now even like Darius Garland like Evan moley like Jared Al I mean none of these guys are in their 30s and they’re all so good at what they do right you have two Elite tier guards on your roster and you have two Elite tier bigs and that would make you think okay we’re about a superstar away from you know really taking this thing to the next level right the problem is the cap situation the assets you already have just don’t lend itself to acquiring a superstar right like I said the problem is you’re very close to competing for a championship right now and you have a lot of talented players as I mentioned can’t stress that enough but it’s clear that you know something isn’t right with this team in terms of you know Championship pedigree so what do you do do you just hope that Evan Moy gets better again do you hope that some of your young pieces can develop even more I mean you know Darius Garland’s still in his early 20s that’s what I’m struggling to you know work with because it’s like the players that they have on their roster are super hard to come by and then all of a sudden you’re going to just trade one of them or two of them away to try to shake things up cuz it’s not working the best or you get a new coach in here see what he can do with this current roster and then make a decision in 2025 it’s a lot of questions that I have make sure you guys let me know down in the comments let’s dive through the roster of the Cleveland Cavaliers so here’s what the team looks like right now folks you have Darius Garland as I mentioned before he will be set to be under contract all the way until 2028 which is a good sign I mean Darius Garland like I said one of the Premier point guards of this league maybe not quite you know top 10 or top five level but he is certainly an All-Star caliber player as he has made an All-Star in the past so you also have Donovan Mitchell who will be under contract next season earning $ 35 million but he does have a player option in 2026 and I would assume he’ll decline that and get a lot more money so that is going to be a Hot Topic item of discussion like I said so Jared Allen is one of the best big men in the entire league no question about it a true fiveman great roller amazing in the pick and roll game can really finish a lot of stuff at the rim and one of the better screen Setters and passers from that five man position in my personal opinion Caris LeVert is due to expire in the 2025 off season so he’ll have one more year with the Cavs Max stru who you paid a lot of money to in you know last off season will be under contract till 2027 on a you know role player friendly deal Isaac auro has a team option going into the 2025 season and I think he played pretty well last season I mean Isaac auro one of the best perimeter defenders in the league no question about it 23 years old still and you know really showed signs this season of being able to knock down a catch and shoot three pretty consistent l so I think you got to extend Isaac auro in a role player friendly deal like I said Evan Mobley has a team option for next season and this season so you know that’ll obviously be picked up the question is do the Cavaliers believe he’s a Max Level player that’s what remain to be seen but I think you got to give him the max Evan m is basically the future of this team still only 22 years old maybe you hope he takes a giant leap in 2025 but we kind of hope that this season didn’t really happen so that’ll be an interesting thing to you know keep note of you signed George Nang in the 2023 offseason to a three-year deal he’s under contract to 2026 Dean Wade a stretch big is also under contract till 2026 on a role player deal Ty Jerome is also under contract set to earn 2 and a half million next season Tristan Thompson expires Sam Merl who showed a lot of flashes of being an elite tier shooter in this league also won a Team friendly deal only set to make $2 million next season and as I mentioned before Sam RL shot the air out of the ball this season amazing shooter and you got to think he’ll be up for an extension next season Craig Porter Jr showed some flashes of being a really you know solid NBA caliber backup point guard in in the future and is on a rookie deal and he could be under contract until 2027 so you other than that I think the rest of the contracts are pretty you know minimum and I don’t know that I’d expect any of them to return so that’s kind of the roster you have now I mean you have a lot of things going for you you have plenty of shooting which was a problem of the Cavs a couple years ago bring in guys like George Nang samre kind of breaks out as that shooter you do have some project pieces as well like Craig Porter Jr and you also have a ton of win now Talent as well as I mentioned before I mean the role players are pretty good you know I’m not sure they’re good enough but we’ll see I mean Max Ru definitely made a really big impact on this team this season and proved to be a pretty good signing I know he was inefficient at times offensively but you know he’s another guy that’s able to handle the ball and kind of facilitate an offense at times maybe not the guy you want to be putting the ball in his hand that much but he is capable of you know doing that if people go down or if you just need someone from that second unit to come in and fill that role so lot going for the Cavs obviously that we wouldn’t be talking about them that much if there wasn’t a lot of potential on this team and you know really solid players a big thing to note I think for this team is this is the thing you have to be able to figure out if you’re going to move forward with this you know core of the big four right Mo Allen Garland and Mitchell in my opinion you I I’m not an expert or anything like that I don’t claim to be and I don’t watch every Cavs game but I have watched a decent amount this season I am a league pass owner I’m just not sure that this Darius Garland and Donovan Mitchell fit has ever been the best right I think you took a stab at it and I think it was a good move to do that but I’m just not sure the fit is great you know you have two small guards who can get attacked on defense pretty easily in the playoffs as we’ve seen before two guards that you know virtually are doing similar things you know Garland’s more of a traditional point guard in my opinion but Mitchell can do that as well I mean these these guards are a little bit redundant skill setwise and I just wonder how much you know Donovan Mitchell or Darius Garland are limiting each other in terms of on ball creation I mean the strengths of both of them are offensive on ball creation and so two of them can’t have the ball at the same time setting up an offense that’s just you know one of those guys is going to have to stand behind the three-point line wait for a catch and shoot three or it’s going to have to be my turn your turn and as I mentioned before defensively it’s not a great fit either so this is what I think the new coach whoever it’s going to be is going to have to deal with and figure out in the 2025 season and that might determine whether or not the Cavs want to move forward with a Don of a Mitchell Max extension but you guys can let me know down in the comments section if I’m missing something about this pairing but I just don’t see it as a great onc Court fit a lot of times you know these are two great you know Elite tier guards as I mentioned before but I do think it is a little bit limiting for each one of them to be on the same team and floor at the same time so let me know if I’m you know getting something wrong there but that’s kind of what I think and that’s a little bit of the issue with this team at times um just in general right the cap space situation is interesting for the Cavs I mean you know as I stated Evan MO is going to be up for a Max extension he’ll certainly get it I mean like I said this is not a guy you want to play around with in terms of his future with the team I mean he’s clearly one of the future cornerstones of this team and one of the best potential players on this team he’s still a super young player I know offensively he hasn’t been with a lot of C fans wanted early in his career so far but he’s only 22 years old and I think giving him some time to work with a new coach a new staff maybe find a different role in that you know team next season well again this coaching thing will be very interesting to see how it plays out for a guy like Evan Mobley but defensively he’s a dpy candidate every time he’s on the floor and every season I mean I believe he was a runner up two years ago and certainly capable of being a elite tier defensive anchor for this team being able to guard so many positions and using his you know length and athleticism to protect the rim at an elite level offensively you know he’s just it’s the jump shooting you know in my opinion it’s him being able to knock down a consistent three really opens up your offense and he just hasn’t been able to do that consistently if he can find a rhythm and find a way I mean in the playoffs he shot a little better this season so who knows right but Evan mbly will certainly be getting an extension no question about it and it’ll probably be the max that kind of leaves your cap situation in a little bit of a mess because let’s assume you let a guy like Caris lebert go in 2025 which I would expect unless something crazy happens that I’m not worth seeing but either way you slice it I mean the Cavs are going to have so much money on their payroll you know Darius Garland certainly unless a trade happens which doesn’t seem like they want to do will be on the books for upwards of $35 million for the next few years Jared Allen under contract till 2026 you know you have two big centers that might not be the best fits again you know a guy like Jared Allen could really use some shooting around him from the front court and that’s not Evan Mobley right again a little not so much redundant there because they are two very different bigs but a guy like you know Jared Allen to maximize his encour ability you would would need a power forward that would be able to stretch the floor so I think in the past the Cavs have done a lot to kind of avoid that situation you know putting Evan Mo and Jared Allen on the floor together kind of you know reducing uh Allen’s minutes but you got to wonder is Allen you know going to be there for the Long Haul I’m not so sure I think Mo and Allen might not be the best fit and that’s who you might see go if anybody which is unfortunate because I think Allen is the better player at this moment I think Evan mbly could eventually be the better player no question but Jared Allen does so many great things for a basketball team and you have to think that if he’s going to get traded it’ll be a slew of first round picks right you know something to note that if the Cavs do decide to you use c space in the future which you know every team does a stupid thing I just said but if the Cavs have a plan of using big cap space I mean right now in 2025 they’re set to be under the first apron and second apron I mean so that is something to note they could sign a good mid-level exception guide this season if everything stays the same with their contracts right now and they could add some veteran minimum guys so that’s you know definitely something to take note of right their cap situation certainly isn’t the worst League let me put it that way they don’t really have any bad contracts which is a pretty good thing I mean you could argue Caris lbert Max stru or George Nang are not so favorable but I don’t think they’re bad contracts by any means so you know this team will have a lot of flexibility and options to you know trade certain players and maybe free up cap space whatever they want to do I don’t think cap space is going to be the focus of this team I think it’s going to be through trades if something big happens but I did just want to note that for the video as far as draft picks they have this season the 20th overall pick which is their own pick in 2024 for so that’s a pretty good draft pick I mean you could maybe trade that with another player to get a superstar or something we’ll have to see but again these are the types of decisions something big is going to probably happen in this offseason or next offseason you know my guess would be if they don’t see anybody they like on the trade market that’s worth you know a Darius Garland and a pick they’ll probably just end up running it back with a little bit of extra help like I said through that mid-level exception through some of those Avenues right in free agency and maybe they take someone with their 20th pick and you know with a new coach try to see how it goes that can always definitely be a big Difference Maker I mean it could just be a totally new system so you know that’s definitely an option I think could be on the table for the Cleveland Cavaliers but also there could be a massive trade this season you know it really depends on how they believe in this core if they really still do and just think the coach could maximize them a little better then I think that’s going to be what they go with this season if it doesn’t work out then I would assume next season you know something Big’s going to happen within the next few years but just a matter of when right as far as their core four goes right as I mentioned 20th pick that’s a really solid you know first round pick don’t have a second round pick this year they do have two second round picks next year one second round pick in 2026 two second round picks in 2027 one second round pick in 2028 and 2029 respectively and in 2030 they have their own first round pick for the next four seasons the Cavaliers will be sending their first- round pick to Utah from the Donan Mitchell trade so you know they don’t have a lot of future first round picks which is interesting that’s why I think this 20th pick could be so pivotal in what they decide to do and that’s why their offseason is so important part of the reason but that’s pretty much it for the inventory on the cabs that’s everything they have everything they’re you know looking at this off season I think you know the biggest thing for me would be let’s see you know let’s maybe not make so many big decisions this off season kind of see around the deadline with a new coach and a new system in place how this team is how this core four is able to be maximized maybe get some mid-level exception players and the better and minimums to come in and improve the team that way just you know slightly on the margins you hope for an Evan Mobly uh breakout season you hope for an Evan Moy uh Improvement offensively shooting wise and get a new coach to come in maybe you really believe in him he tries to maximize this core for if he communicates with the front office around the deadline or next offseason that this core for just ain’t going to cut it they’re not a great fit then I think you see a Donovan Mitchell trade then I think you see a Darius scarland trade or a Jared Allen trade something big is going to happen within the next year or so 365 days or so with the Cavaliers just depends on when it’ll be like I said I still do have questions about the fit I still do have questions about you know the pairing of Darius Garland and Donovan Mitchell you know as I mentioned before I think they are limiting each other’s potential and Evan Mobley and Jared Allen unless something changes with Evan Mo’s game I think you know there is a little bit of a question mark there in terms of the fit it’s hard for a coach to maximize a core four when they don’t maximize each other ability wise right so you I think the coach will be the biggest thing you know what he sees throughout the first half of the Season or so could determine everything maybe they just get ahead of it and make a big trade now but I wouldn’t expect that personally let me know down in the comments section what you think the Cavs should do right and also what they will do right I’m not a Cavs expert I’m not a basketball expert I just I’m passionate about I’m just a fan right I’m just a fan who loves sharing things with you guys so let me know you know this video more than ever if you have takes on this let me know if you’re a Cavs fan what do you think they should do what do you think they’re doing wrong or doing right let me know all that stuff down in the comments I just love you know talking about this kind of stuff and we actually do talk about this stuff every single day on the channel so we upload NBA content every day if you guys don’t want to miss it make sure you guys subscribe to the channel the finals are still happening it could be actually you know game five is tonight at the time you’re recording this so it could end up you know being over tonight which would mean the offseason will officially begin so final stuff offseason stuff the Summer Olympics are coming up we’re going to be doing draft trades free agency all that good stuff every day on this channel I don’t want you guys to miss it man make sure you guys subscribe if you haven’t already drop a like really helps out but make sure you stick around we got a lot of fun stuff planned and I really want to share my passion for the game with you guys right hopefully you guys have a fantastic rest of your day today like I said let me know down in the comments section what you think of this situation Cavs fan or not I know a lot of you guys are you know smarter than me in the comments every single time I find amazing feedback down there so definitely take part in that if you want to you know help this community so it would really mean a lot to me I’ll catch you guys in the next one this your boy de Haven as always peace [Music]

Cleveland Cavaliers Offseason Preview! (2024 NBA Free Agency + Trades & NBA Draft Picks) Cavs Rumors

In this video I will be attempting to assess the Cleveland Cavs 2024 NBA Offseason in the midst of Trade Rumors involving Donovan Mitchell, Darius Garland, Evan Mobley and Jarrett Allen! With Cleveland needing a new Head Coach and an improved roster for the 2025 NBA Season… It sure will be exciting! Hope You Enjoy and Any Feedback is always Appreciated, Thank You For Watching!

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Tags: cleveland cavaliers,cleveland cavs news,cleveland cavaliers latest news,cleveland cavaliers update,cleveland cavaliers offseason,cleveland cavaliers offseason guide,cleveland cavs trade rumors,nba offseason trades 2024,2024 nba offseason predictions,cavs offseason,nba offseason preview,nba offseason predictions,nba offseason predictions 2024,2024 nba free agency,2024 nba free agents,cavs rumors,cleveland cavaliers rumors,2024 nba draft,cavaliers,nba,nba news

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  1. What should the Cavs do this Summer? 🤷🏻‍♂️🙏🏻💛 (editing mistake midway through the video, i really apologize 🤦🏻‍♂️)

  2. If Mitchell doesn’t sign his extension early in the signing window then they should trade everyone else away, load up on picks, make Mitchell play 24-25 on a terrible rebuilding team and have him begging for a trade 25-26. If he loafs around 24-25 then it only hurts him

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