@Philadelphia 76ers

Kyle Neubeck joins Anthony Gargano to discuss 76ers offseason plans

Kyle Neubeck joins Anthony Gargano to discuss 76ers offseason plans

seasons for both these teams so I think we need some primer joining us first from the all PHL Sixers show my man Kyle newbeck I love Kyle Kyle what up how we doing today no it sucks today dude all right sucks I hate the Celtics I’ve always hated the Celtics and once again they get title number 18 takes us back in the day to the process Kyle right Jaylen Brown the same draft as Simmons Jason Tatum the same draft as fults Al Horford the big smell was horrible here and you remember because you covered the game that first game of the season when Horford was here they played the Celtics and it was supposed to be bullyball and they dominate the game they dominated the CL they outrebounded Boston like 58 to 33 I’ll never forget because I’m like oh my God this is great yeah but Brett Brown never coached bully ball well and I my so my issue I don’t have a lot of animosity for the tatums and the Browns right like I those guys are are good players guys who have pretty consistently won in the playoffs Al Horford is a really underrated Philly sports Villain at this point like he straight up stole money most of that season that he was here he’s supposed to come in and be you know veteran leader Mr professional show the guys how it’s done yada yada yada and then he’s making all these passive aggressive quotes and press conferences and you know snipping back and forth with Ben and Joelle and all this stuff so you know those I don’t have much feeling for a lot of those guys on that like Drew holiday I think is a great guy happy to see him win on on some kind of level seeing how Horford finally get his ring that that burned me up a little bit I won’t lie about that dude I hear you and I think back to that season and so I made a bunch of trips with them because I was going to do this process book and I’ll never forget he was struggling bad I did a Dallas Indiana trip and he was struggling much Lally and I’ll never forget walking out of Reunion Arena and we’re underneath and we’re going into the bus and he had a bad night it was like a national TV night it was a Saturday night big you know ABC and he was horrendous and he’s walking by himself nowhere near anybody and that trip I was really focused on Horford and he was always by himself no if I told you there was a big fight I forget who was fighting that night and everybody was like watching the fight on the bus and then the the playing to Indiana and he was just off to himself the whole time he’s a sleeper agent the whole time Anthony I I don’t the part I remember from That season it was obviously not a very fun season in general because if you remember too part of the problem was Joelle was looking lustily at Jimmy Butler down in Miami thinking about you know man what could have been keep this guy around maybe we have a chance and so there’s some passive aggressive stuff going on there but I remember their their road trip in La that year where I believe Joelle missed both those games and they do the you know back toback you play the Lakers you play the Clippers and Horford looked like he had just completely mentally checked out he’s getting absolutely beaten like a drum by Anthony Davis and look that’s one thing Anthony Davis is really good and then zubot is like taking it to him and he’s like it’s come on man like show some pride out there you’re get paid know however much to come here and be Joel’s backup Joel’s replacement when he’s hurt and just whatever I so that burns me up a little bit but look now season’s over we move on to the offseason we move on to thinking about the future and hoping that the Sixers can uh get things straightened out all right so let let me let me ask you a question here when you look at this off seon like give us the primer of what to expect right you got the draft next week you got free agency give us you know kind of like the blueprint for everyone of what to expect so my expectation on the draft despite the fact that I want everybody here to watch our draft coverage at phly Sixers is I think they’re trading that pick in one form or another now what they do with it I’m not entirely sure yet and I do think and I’ve been saying this all offseason I think what they do on draft night will be somewhat of a tell of what they think is happening in free agency and more specifically whether they think they can get Paul George because I do think reading all the te Leeves having talked to people I do think Paul George seems like the most likely option at this point if they’re going to l a big star he is the only bigname guy that I think is Avail like truly available on the open market where there’s mutual interest it seems to me asking around I know the Jimmy Butler smoke was there for a little bit but there’s a lot of skepticism that he’ll actually move that they think a lot of people think at the end of the day Pat Riley is you know holding a tough position right now trying to get Jimmy to play more games and earn earn his eventual extension but I I think Paul George is in a position where he kind of feels like he’s been disrespected by the Clippers that they set their top of the market for Kawhi Leonard with the extension that he signed and they have not made an offer to Paul George that has made him feel sort of like a an equal shareholder in their project out in La so I think Paul George is seriously considering leaving I think the Sixers are in a great position because every signal they’ve sent is Hey listen we’ll give you the max there is no doubt about the amount of money they’re going to give him whether they should pay him a Max at you know 34 35 36 37 years old is a completely fair question and I understand all the fans are on the other side of that but if you get him and all you use to sign him is that cap space then you have all these picks to say hey maybe we can go get an Alex K so and add him to the rotation maybe we can get some other highle role players and I think the philosophy on the Sixers end is that if they get a third star then you’re going to get higher level you know minimum contract guys midlevel type guys room acception guys because they’re going to be looked at as a team where you can potentially go win a ring yeah and listen I get that I mean my my only thing about Paul George has been you know he has just failed in the playoffs I mean that’s always is look at his track record and coming up small and you know you you always looked at uh Joel and it felt like you needed someone that could lead them to win but on the floor if listen on the floor it makes sense like he compliments both Joel and and Tyrese well you know from a basketball standpoint the other issue is you know are we we we think the three star model is dead and that you win with you know two stars and really good depth you know so you wonder we’ve heard about this before about getting stars and you know filling out the roster you know you definitely Boston does show you this you got to go seven deep you have to I mean there’s set there you look at you know as much as we talk about Brown and Tatum Drew holl day and Derek white and porzingis even with his injuries had so much to do with it I mean they played vital roles in it yeah but what I would say to that is you know they basically have four or five Allstar caliber guys right like Derek white was in consideration this year I I wouldn’t have voted for him to go to the all-star game but then in porzingis and holiday you have guys who have made all-star teams guys who are at that level and Drew holiday is good enough that he was one of their best players in the series and frankly probably won them at least one of these games like he completely swung a game two them yeah I like what the Mavericks ran into in this series is that you know Luca was pretty good right like he didn’t close the series well last night but he was pretty good Kyrie had a down series Boston really contained him and the Mavericks basically had no answer right like they couldn’t expect you can’t ask Derek Jones Jr or PJ Washington or jayen Hardy coming off of the bench some of these guys to pick up the slack in that way and so I I I I do think the league with the new CBA and all this other stuff is moving in a way that it looks like it might be a two-star league now rather than a three- star league I don’t think the Sixers are operating that way and to your point about you know I I get it with Paul George in the past playoff failures and whatnot but really like this immediate future for the franchise all hinges on can Joelle stay healthy and can he be better than he has been in the playoffs and frankly can Tyrese Maxi also continue to grow and maybe become the closer for this team because if Joelle can’t be the number one guy for a title team it really does not matter who this third guy is you’re not getting you know LeBron James in his prime to come here right like even the The Pie in the Sky pipe dream scenario is and maybe you’re able to trade everything for Donovan Mitchell and he becomes that like lead option late in games so I think if you get that instead of having Tobias Harris sitting on a mountain of money and giving you nothing in the playoffs if you have Paul George who is not good enough to be that one even maybe number two guy but he’s your third guy and he’s the best fitting player yeah and makes life easier yeah yeah I think that has to be the Hope because and I look I get it people are frustrated with Joelle especially you see Boston is winning and not only did they win this year they’ve been consistently getting deeper into the playoffs they’d already lost the final it’s been to like five or six Conference Finals in the last however many years so they’ve been way better and Philadelphia wants more I get that it really all comes down to dwell embiid because if he’s not good enough all this other stuff is just window dressing what what do you say to our uh people who were like our cooworker Vince who who might say it’s t and I had a buddy of mine uh Dom who said the same thing like you know maybe it is time to to try to get the biggest package for Joel now I I wouldn’t do that I I to me you’ve come this far um you could put a Paul George you could you know between George and Maxi and try to fill out a roster you got to take your shot but what do you say to the other side that says hey you know what maybe it is time to to kind of circle back and rebuild it I just look at it and say I I don’t see the sense of it unless you are getting an offer that I have never heard is really out there right like the the reason that teams that trade for stars more often win is because in the NBA they’re just like there is no real replacement value for a top five top 10 player like the Sixers would pretty instantly go from a team that almost automatically wins 50 games if joelle’s healthy and has a punchers chance in the playoffs to a team that is as I’d say pretty questionable Direction you know how do you even build the roster out around Tyrese Maxi what is the pl because you would be getting a lot of picks more than likely you’re not getting oh this guy’s coming in and he’s gonna be the star alongside Tyrese Maxi you’ll get young guys and you’ll get pissed you gotta build it again a whole rebuild I I don’t have the stomach for it I mean quite frankly and I’m this close I I got to take one more shot at it is how I would look at it yeah like look I I think the Tobias Harris point is one that I’ve been hammering it’s like let’s see what this team looks like with a third player third and fourth player however you want to frame it that isn’t actively dragging them down and wasting you know how to $40 million of cap space because that’s the thing like you know once they sign the contract it is what it is like you can only judge him for what he offers on the floor the guy’s taking two shots in an elimination game and not offering you much on the defensive end either and they’ve been so Boxed In by that contract this is the biggest offseason by far of Daryl Murray’s tenure this is his chance to give Joel em be need a proper Supporting Cast add some athleticism add some real wings to this team that’s the other thing like on top of like set aside Paul George let’s say they don’t get him they need to get athletes on this team so they can defend so they can get out and run and frankly so that when Joel embiid comes off the floor they don’t completely fall apart because all these years into his career that’s still the number one problem that he wore down in that series had some bad fourth quarters but it was much much much worse when they took him off and it creates this toxic Loop where he’s got to play too many minutes because they can’t live without him but then he plays too many minutes and he’s too fatigued to be the best player on the floor at the end of game so they got to get better highend depth and they got to fill out their rotation because as much as he needs step up there’s a I like DeAndre hunter from Atlanta G give me some n any names you hear any guys you covet that are getable so Caruso I think is still one of those guys that I think when push comes to shove the Bulls set a really high line on him at the deadline teams were offer multiple picks and turn they were turning that down I think they might have a a come to Jesus moment this offseason and say it’s time like let’s get value for him doesn’t have a lot of time left on his contract and I think he’s the type of guy he will help Tyrese Maxi defensively he’s not a great shooter but he’s one of those like little things con passers type guys can drive a little bit he’s a I’m not a I’m not worried about him in a playoff setting I put it that way I do like Hunter we’ve talked about him I to me it’s really interesting it really depends on what happens with free agency with Paul George or you know one of these other big names because if they sign Paul George essentially you’re limited to I think you probably have like a a $10 million slot and then like a $6 million slot so you’re I think Batum is really likely to come back I know they really like him and I know that despite some retirement rumors I think he is interested in coming back so Ricky Council I think is going to play a role he’s on a cheap deal the next few years but other than that it’s going to be you’re gonna have to do some more Reclamation projects I think like John Collins was a guy I mentioned on one of our shows this Summer that if you strike out maybe you take a flyer on him and say he’s a guy that has been a little bit of a Mal content but he can rebound he’s a guy who offers some secondary Rim protection he’s a good lob guy I’m not sure they they have kept their cards pretty close to the vest beyond the uh the big names though so I we’re gonna see it’s gonna be really interesting all right two quick things and we’ll get out of here um nothing marketing is is a probably no shot yeah I I just don’t think they’re moving him it’s I think my my word that I’ve gotten is the owner I love him I love him next to I love him on this team sucks yeah I think Jazz ownership loves him which you know white guy in Utah who’s really good not surprising that they’re they’re holding on to him pretty tightly but but yeah he would be awesome so unfortunately I don’t think he’s getable and and what’s the time frame like so tell people the timeline uh leading up to the draft and how things would go yeah so now that the finals are over the guys who are extension eligible actually can start signing deals now so I would suspect so the draft is next Wednesday Thursday leading into that we will probably get some form of update on Paul George and that’s why I think if there’s going to be a big trade it will happen draft night and that’s when we’ll know hey they have a real shot for Paul George or they think he’s he’s going back to LA so I think right now from what I can tell looking at the land landscape lot of eggs in the Paul George basket but over the next week There’s plenty that can change and so then you have right after the draft ends there’s like that legal tampering period for a day or two and July happens and We’re Off to the Races so July 1 and onward it’s gonna be fast and furious can’t wait hey Kyle great stuff my brother you know that love you buddy thanks for having me on see you soon Kyle newbeck all phl6 [Music] show like the May

Kyle Neubeck joins Anthony Gargano to discuss 76ers offseason plans
An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. Good lord, you guys are ridiculous. Don’t blame Horford, blame the Sixers for not understanding where the NBA was headed after the Golden State set the template. We built a team with Twin Towers when the league was trending towards going smaller and shooting more 3 pointers. This would have been equivalent to the Eagles sign Mike Alstott in 2024 to open holes for Saquon when the league is pass heavy now.

  2. 76ers are workout former Rockets Sam Dekker Jarrett Culver Tony Bradley Stanley Johnson and other players in the off-season

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