@Memphis Grizzlies

The Memphis Grizzlies PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The Memphis Grizzlies PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

what’s going on y’all welcome back to Ideal off season this is a series where I get to put the GM cap on for a little bit and help an NBA team navigate through the off season we try to make this as realistic as possible like we’re not just throwing LeBron James on some random team and saying like oh look they’re better now we’re actually trying to take a look at the team their current situation and navigate through and find some realistic ways that this team can better position itself going forward and that doesn’t just mean that we’re trying to make every team win a championship we could be looking at the San Antonio Spurs and we know that they’re not going to win a championship next year so it’s just how do we better position them going forward but if it’s a team like Philly or something they’re clearly trying to win a championship so we’re going to help them do that but hey make sure you guys like subscribe and comment I’ve responded every single comments on my YouTube channel up to this point even the ones that are literally just like hey go uh jump off a bridge or something like that I’m like well that’s fair enough if that’s your take I guess but no I love the conversations with you guys so yeah let’s keep them going all righty y so welcome back to the ideal offseason spreadsheet for those of you that have been watching this series and everything you know where I’m going with this this is a little spreadsheet that I threw together to kind of help bring this series to life in a way right it’s um it’s a cool little thing that I built to kind of help visualize everything here if you guys want access to the spreadsheet I’ve given it out to over 100 people so far all you have to do is leave me a comment saying that you would like the spreadsheet that helps the algorithm and then I’ll drop you a link to my Discord and you can join there and shoot me another DM just saying that hey it’s me from the comments or whatever and then I’ll get you the sheet right there you jumping on the Discord is good for my marketing so it’s mutually beneficial symbiosis look at that but anyway let’s talk about the Memphis Grizzlies the Memphis Grizzlies had a really odd season right they’re a team that had just kind of taken a big step when it with its young core with like John Morant and jiren Jackson Jr and Desmond Bane and you were like okay yeah like this team’s starting to figure it out John Morant gets in some off the court troubles right every single person on this team finds a way to get injured and now all of a sudden they’re playing what did they have like 30 40 different guys on the roster at some point I don’t know exactly what the number is you guys tell me in the comments what it was but it was crazy right absolutely nuts and so because of that the Grizzlies were put in this unique uh opportunity where not only did they get um a lottery pick out of it for a team that has a lot of talent already but they also got to experiment with some other really young players that wouldn’t have also gotten some time and they were able to make a couple discoveries mostly in uh Vince Williams Jr and GG Jackson I did a video on them at the time when they kind of were starting to pop off uh GG Jackson when I was a part of the draft process last year I told everyone I’m like this guy’s top 10 Talent got to take him and he turned out to be really really good so he’s a guy that I happen to hit on in that point um I won’t tell you guys what team I was helping with for that it’s different than the team I’m working for this off season but um I like to I like to feel pretty proud about that one but anyway that’s enough info on all that let’s start diving into the nitty-gritty of things so here’s the current cap situation so they’re not into the second cap yet or the second apron excuse me and for those of you that don’t know I’ve got all of the rules here that I’ve implemented because look it’s hard to remember all these things right even with me working with the teams nowadays like all these professional guys even have all the rules out in front of them all the time because it’s new to everybody right we’re all still learning these things we’re trying to keep them in mind uh the biggest difference with the first and second tax apron is that in the second tax apron you can’t like combine two players contracts to go get one in a trade anymore so it really locks your roster down when you do that and the biggest thing is you have to like basically match salaries exactly or take back less money when you’re in the second tax apron so we’re trying to avoid the second tax apron if possible I don’t know if that’s going to be possible but we’re going to try right cuz we don’t want to restrict ourselves too much and the tax of it all is scary Memphis isn’t the biggest Market team so a big thing to note we do have a decent draft pick situation going on right now we have the ninth overall pick which we could use and we could go get a player we’re going to be exploring what we can do with this pick to try and get a more win now player uh so that’ll be kind of interesting we do have two second round picks that we can play with as well uh could be a good way to find a cheap guy to fill out kind of the back end of the roster it’s a strategy that we use pretty often and you see a lot of championship teams do that pretty common practice we’ve got like most of our picks and everything going forward actually looks like all of them so that’s cool and we even have um yeah there’s a bunch of different ways that this pick could go so it’s it is what it is but yeah we’ve got some decent draft assets to work with so let’s start diving into the players then obviously we got John Morant he should be back next year uh none of his injuries or anything that he’s had or anything all that serious that concern his ability to play basketball going forward uh we hope that he’s going to be on the straight and narrow and everything feel great about John marant awesome player Desmond Bane I have him playing at the three right now just with this current lineup I love Desmond Bane’s game a lot one of the weaknesses is that he’s not really the best at putting the ball on the floor but the good news is he’s good at just about everything else out there which is a nice thing to have he’s big he’s strong he can shoot like he he did show some ability to create when ja was out uh the previous season but I I wouldn’t call him like a secondary ball handler I don’t really want him initiating offense so we might try to find somebody that can do that to take a little bit of pressure off John morance got jiren Jackson who seemed to take a little bit of a step back defensively I honestly haven’t looked at like his defensive numbers much okay his defensive numbers were still really good I feel like it was just foul trouble that he found himself getting into more than anything and for those of you that don’t know uh individual defensive ratings um it’s much more complicated than a lot of you seem to think in the comments a lot of people interpret it as like oh how many points do you give up per 100 possessions and that’s not exactly how it is I encourage you guys to look up how that’s how it’s actually calculated because it’s estimated points given up per 100 possessions and there’s a lot of Statistics that go into it but it’s a cool stat nonetheless I find it to be pretty accurate for the most part so something to look into but jiren Jackson Jr um nice basketball player I don’t necessarily want him playing the five I think we got to go find us a center I’d prefer him playing at the four uh but we like his game we got Marcus Smart a guy that they brought in Via trade last year I think made a ton of sense brings a lot of grit and grind to this team um a real winner so I like Marcus Smart a lot then we get into guys like Luke Canard Luke Canard is really good at what he does and that’s shoot the basketball right makes it quite a bit of money looks like he could be a good trade chip though cuz teams don’t have to keep him either he’s got a team option meaning if a team’s looking for cap relief or something like that we can come in and help them in that way I just don’t think it’s worth us right now for the current cap situation we’re in to pay that much money to just a three-pointer and I think most Grizzlies fans would agree that we’re kind of trying to use him to try and go get us a better player so that’s probably what we’re going to look at for him it’s kind of same with Brandon Clark um Brandon Clark’s an interesting young player Young and bouncy and showed like some life from three for a little bit I wouldn’t call it anything consistent by any means but we like Brandon Clark’s effort and everything uh coming off a big injury now we’re not so sure he’s a little bit small to play the center but is probably a good trade ship and someone’s probably going to be interested in him we don’t have to get rid of him but it’s something to look at zier Williams a former 10th overall pick again a team option here it’s been made pretty evident at this point after like a really good rookie season he had that it’s kind of just falling off a little bit and we’re not quite sure why cuz he showed a lot of Promise in a lot of different areas and it seems like he should be a good fit on this team but it’s just not really working out for Williams right now so he might be a guy that a team looks at and they’re like wow this guy’s still really young still has a lot of potential maybe just needs a change of scenery a different role who knows we can try to unlock him it’s one year like there’s options on him if we need to so not a ton of loss at the end of the day if we bring him in and it doesn’t work uh we got John conar a guy that I’m very familiar with um very just solid basketball player not going to make a ton of mistakes out on the court can handle the ball initiate offense a little bit if needed decent enough three-point shooter pretty good rebounder for his size a good passer just really quality player not going to make a ton of mistakes Jake laravia young player that got a lot more burn because of injuries and stuff for players this year you saw him get up to like 10 points a game which is cool the efficiency still wasn’t all that great but he’s young I mean I don’t I don’t care about that stuff like too much right now when you’re this young into your career so we like laravia maybe he gets thrown into a trade too we got Derrick Rose who is basically brought in to be a mentor to JN Morant um if we don’t have to trade him we won’t necessarily do that we have Utah Watanabe that has a player option here so he can do whatever he wants with this contract if Watanabe wants to stay I’m going to presume he does because I don’t think it’s necessarily a guarantee that he gets another contract I’m totally fine with that Watson a is a good enough shooter we didn’t see much of him in Memphis or anything this last year um so not not the biggest deal in the world to just have a shooter like that on the team got Vince Williams now an interesting young player who really got a chance to shine when uh when he was healthy and on the court this last year uh showed the ability to it was you you guys should go watch my breakdown on it his decision-making process was a little bit slow but I liked his game he played with a lot of dog in him I think could turn into a really nice like backup wing and a secondary ball handler for this team so really really cool player got San Al dama here who’s just a nice big body can get up Above the Rim if he needs to has shown a little bit of three-point life I’m sure most Grizzlies fans would prefer that he was a better free throw shooter than what he is I want to say he was like a 65% free throw shooter something like that but Alama not a bad option to have on the team if any anything just a little bit of size and a guy that’s been on the team for a while and then GG Jackson man do I love me some GG Jackson I truly think this guy can do everything on the court and I just love how athletic he is and how smart he seems already he was the youngest player in the NBA last year um do I think he’s going to be a starter for this team this year no but I think he’s going to be a huge Factor on the team and we want to make sure that we’re leaving an opening for him and Vince Williams Jr to still continue to like develop on this team I think they’re going to be key players for the team we want to make sure we utilize the discovery of last year uh this year cuz they’re cheap contracts too so this is this is giving us a ton of options going forward but all righty that’s kind of the rundown of the team by the way you’re going to see like another like $2 million here that are technically being counted on this team I believe it’s Kennedy Chandler they owe like $2 million too so just know that that’s also like a part of things um I’m going to be a little bit more ambitious with this uh ideal offseason than I typically am and that’s because I think that the Grizzlies are probably going to be one of the most ambitious teams this offseason we saw when they traded step Adams they were like okay this team’s really trying to set itself up to be as mobile as possible during the off season they’ve got all these tradable contracts and interesting players and you know they’ve got a solid core they know they’ve got the draft pick they can use they’re like okay basically any name that’s going to be available this offseason we want to have a shot at him and that’s kind of what they’ve set themselves up to do so I’m going to actually try to navigate a trade even before the draft here that I think could be mutually beneficial and it’s actually a three team I I’m not going to lie I was sitting in the shower this morning I was thinking about this video and I normally just kind of go off the cuff a little bit with these videos but I’ve got an idea for like a three team like framework that I want to explore that I think benefits all three teams but I have no idea how to execute it right now so that takes us back here to fanso you guys know fanso at this point it’s a super cool website that gives us a lot of realistic tools to help us kind of bring this series to life so let’s go over here to where are they the Memphis Grizzlies here and I told you I’ve got a three team trade that I’m working on it involves the Brooklyn Nets and then the other team that I need to bring in here are the Orlando Magic all these teams very interesting places right obviously the Grizzlies we’re trying to start contending a little more we want to get into the later stages of the playoffs right that’s what we’re trying to do with this group that we have here the Brooklyn Nets one of the most complicated teams to look at right now we’re like what the hell are they actually doing right now and I’m not sure they completely know either in this scenario we’re going to help them make a decision and that’s that they’re blowing things up cuz I just I don’t know where they’re going with this team cuz like even if they made like one or two interesting moves this off season like the core is just nothing to like be that excited about like you’re still missing like that big time hitter player and that’s the hardest thing to get at the end of the day and so I just don’t think it’s worth having this expensive of a team that doesn’t actually make the playoffs so I think that we’re going to help the Nets kind of start their rebuild because they don’t have any of their own draft picks either so they got to start to accumulate assets in other ways and then you got the Orlando Magic who tasted some uh playoff success a little bit earlier than they would have anticipated right and um I know I did my Orlando Magic offseason video you Orlando Magic fans I know you haven’t had a lot of success lately slow down a little bit right now slow down like we’re not contending for a championship next year like just because um somebody’s available doesn’t mean you should go get them right now and you guys will see what I’m talking about and we’re going to we’re going to get into it but um just because someone is available and you think that it’s like oh I need this position this guy’s better than this guy doesn’t mean you need to go through this whole process to actually make it happen you got to do this the right way find the right players to support your guys but I think the magic can help us out in this trade and that’s kind of what I want to explore here all right so the center point of this trade is with two players that’s Nick Claxton and oh y any of you guys that have been watching the channel know that I have a really bad habit of calling this fell right here Mall Bridges I don’t know why I say it it’s a habit I’ve had since he came in the NBA and I can’t seem to break it Mel Bridges Mel Bridges but anyway now that we’ve established that I can somewhat read and I’m not a complete idiot uh let’s start working on the framework of this trade this is kind of what we’re what we’re trying to think of right here uh we want bridges over here in Memphis Claxton over here in Orlando right that’s what we’re trying to figure out uh Orlando has made it pretty clear that they’d like a center upgrade I personally don’t think Nick Clon is the best option for them I think with guys like B Caro and uh fron kind of at your Center Point and like you’ve got Anthony black on the team too that you’re kind of trying to develop Suggs is becoming a better shooter guys like Isaac are on the team right like this team clearly needs shooting and I think as long as you have been Carol on the team you should try to have a center that’s a floor space that’s why I’m a big Advocate that they should draft Kell wear and just maybe be a little bit patient like you guys don’t need to win a championship next year but in the sense of realism I wouldn’t be surprised if Orlando goes after and it CLA in kind of hard so I want to try to negotiate some sort of signin trade to where all of this can kind of transpire in one three teamer so in this scenario we’re moving uh bridges over here to the Grizzlies Nick Claxton we need to modify and do a sign and trade so in this we’re presuming he’s going to get like four years and I’m going to guess because he’s going to be the most sought after Center this year I’m going to say that he’s probably going to get 25 plus million most likely especially considering like his age and everything of 25 and he can go out and guard guys in the perimeter I know like he’s not like an All-Star or anything like that but 20 million is kind of the going rate for starters at this point in the NBA as crazy as that is to understand so let’s just say for like simplicity let’s say he gets like 26 right so we give Nick Claxton this contract here right that’s awesome he’s got a brand new shiny contract and he’s going over to the Orlando Magic right so that’s the Baseline of it and just like um trying this trade out and everything like what are some of the things that we have like there’s no assets coming in here right um we’re going to the magic can actually take on the salary right now because they already have the salary cap space so we’re going to have to move some people we have to incentivize the Nets obviously to do it but um we’re in a good starting point for the most part the other interesting thing that I’m trying to work out with this is I’m trying to get us a center out of this one as well because with Nick Claxton going here the Orlando Magic no longer have a need for Wendell Carter now is Wendell Carter maybe the brightest and shiniest names to add to this team no not necessarily but uh we’re most likely going to be increasing our salary by bringing in uh Bridges and we kind of have to ball in a budget a little bit I looked at guys like Clint capella right um you think about other guys around the NBA I can’t even uh think of like who it would exactly be right now like you could maybe convince me it’s an Andre Drummond or something for a little bit cheaper but I like Wendell because he is a good defensive player he’s got really good instincts you get a high motor out of him good box out guy decent shot blocker and can step out and hit a three if absolutely necessary and he played well with like um uh forwards that had the ball a lot last year which would be good for us right if we want to get the ball to a jiren Jackson or a Bridges at points so I’d like to explore how we can then also bring him back uh to the Grizzlies as well so really right now this trade right what’s kind of happening the Orlando Magic have taken on a better Center and lost uh a worse Center um I don’t want to call Window cart are bad but you guys know what I’m saying here so they’re already probably happy with this trade right there’s going to be more parts to it but you know what I’m saying uh the Nets are like okay we need for this like young Talent we’re giving up and everything we need to be compensated pretty heavily right I think the first thing that’s going to come into play here are some interesting young players right I look at like a zier Williams or something or a laravia I’m not giving him GG Jackson you guys can just calm down don’t worry about it so let’s say we’re starting out with like a Luke Canard going over to the Nets just because like we need to make the salary work somehow right we start off with that let’s say zier Williams again who is a guy that a team can see with a little bit of potential they can give him a bigger role here he’s younger and they can try to get something out of him right so we move him over to the Nets as well let’s say just like for Simplicity sake the number nine pick’s probably going to have to be involved with this just because like we’re getting we’re getting a good player in bridges at the end of the day so we’re moving him over to the Nets as well let’s just see where we’re at this trade isn’t by any means complete but okay uh we’re unable to complete this trade uh we need to cut just a little bit more money actually so we’re actually really close already Okay so let’s just get us to a point where um this makes some sense right uh do we want to give up a laravia I think that’s probably the way to go looking at the rest of this so let’s just say we’re also moving laravia over to the Nets so they get another young player they can kind of develop let’s try this out now okay so we have a success now obviously all these guys they accept the team options with them they can do whatever they want with Canard that’s mostly the money they get the ninth overall pick we’re not done with this trade a little bit more has to happen but actually I think it’s going to come for the Orlando Magic because they’re giving up um or they’re getting a better player in this as well so we’re going to ask them to contribute a little bit to this as well so what are the Brooklyn Nets going to want to do uh going forward is they’re going to want to try to build to the draft right they’re going to try to find some younger players and go from there the 2025 class is a very valuable class right and they don’t have their own pick in it which kind of sucks they do have a phoenix pick but you know what Orlando has a spare pick that they can give up it’s not a great pick because it’s the Denver Nuggets one but it is another one so you combine that with like the Phoenix pick or something and maybe you can Mo move up to like a middle level uh uh player in that case so we’re going to be moving this one over to the Nets as well so Orlando gives up something in this so now they’ve given up basically a first round pick and Wendell Carter that’s probably not going to be a great first round pick to basically get their upgraded Center for the future right that’s their hope with this a 25-year-old again who can play great defense be a shot blocker for them and uh just be a little bit better than Wendell Carter I don’t think it’s actually as good of a fit but I think it’s realistic as to what they might do so let’s review this trade right they’re giving up Bridges they get a first round pick this year this one here probably not enough still they’re getting two young players that haven’t quite done a ton yet so I’m thinking that we’re probably going to have to give up like one more pick in this one to make it make some sense so what else do we really have to give up to them here and also what picks are they working with they don’t have any picks in this year’s class so that’s why the ninth pick is so valuable to them right now I think what we do is we throw in our 2026 first round pick we’re going to make it top five protected just in case something crazy happens but uh we’re presumably going to be a pretty good basketball team at this point we’re not going to be looking to take on a bunch of other young players we’d rather have Bridges and Wendell going forward right because they’re relatively uh young guys like at least they’re in their Prime right so I think looking at this trade now um and all that we’ve got here they get the ninth pick right they get some young players to develop they gave up two of their probably most valuable players on the team right the magic get the center that they want we get two basketball players that are going to help us win right now and yeah the Nets can kind of start their rebuild right I think this is a pretty cool trade and I think that this works for just about everybody all right so what did we give up here we gave up the ninth pick here and then we also gave up our 20 what was it was our 20 27 pick no was our 2026 pick yep that makes some sense we gave up our 2026 first round pick beautiful we’re going to be accepting all of these player options so these are all good Luke Canard is out of here zier Williams is out of here laravia is out of here and did we lose anybody else nope that’s who we lost and who did we bring in we brought in listen for it Mel Mel Bridges and watch me still like mess it up somehow because I’m just not the brightest person and also Wendell Carter so we’ll take zier off here we’ll take laravia out of here there goes Canard now Vince Williams has a clear spot to play here that’s awesome we can move these guys up here I’m honestly fine with Kar playing minutes if we absolutely need him to and then where can we put all of these guys right I think we move Derrick Rose down and we move Marcus Smart to like the backup point guard you can kind of call it whatever you want at the end of the day but we’re going to move Bane here we’re going to bring Bridges here because I think that makes a lot of sense right and then we need to move jiren Jackson Jr over here to play the four we’ll move Alama down a little bit for GG Jackson and then this becomes Wendell Carter and now I think I think yeah I know my spreadsheet tells me here that I’ve used everybody correctly there we go we are in the second apron now so that kind of sucks is it worth trading a Brandon Clark or something like that to try to relieve some cap space what happens if we remove Brandon Clark we get ourselves back within the first apron interesting interesting interesting is it worth moving Brandon Clark to try to get ourselves the flexibility to go out there and um make moves if necessary cuz here’s another thing about the second apron actually it starts in the first apron so I didn’t even realize that I was going to mention uh signing a player who was waved during the current season if his pre wer salary exceeded the non-t taxpayer midlevel so basically like guys that um enter the buyout market right is what it’s saying like we can’t play in the buyout Market if that happens and that kind of sucks it doesn’t seem like we’re going to be able to um necessarily get in on that because of that I I don’t know how I can get us out of the first uh apron because of that that’s a really interesting rule I’m kind of wondering what the logic is behind um that being in the first apron regardless it’s the situation we find ourselves in so basically uh with this current team team that we have here um with Brandon Clark and everything it brings us into the second apron so it’s an interesting decision that we have to make with Brandon Clark right and I know we’re not technically like in the second apron right now I’m just presuming because we’re going to like sign a minimum contract guy and we’re probably going to use like these second round picks or something we’re going to hit the second apron right like with $3 million left there’s no way we can avoid it but if we move Brandon Clark we we can avoid it and we can probably even keep ourselves out of the I wonder if we can keep ourselves out of the first apron by doing that actually let me think through this one more time so we have a $5 million buffer between the first apron and us if we can find a way to move Brandon Clark and not take back any salary is it possible at all to do that and then it’s also just weighing the possibility of like is it just better to just have Brandon Clark versus anybody else that I could go out there and get in free agency right cuz any like Reserve Center that I’m going to go out there and get is going to cost me like $3 million as is and then it’s probably going to cost like a million in some for the 39 a million in some for the 58 I think it’s cutting it too close so I think for that reason we’re going to keep Brandon Clark and um we we can always use him as a trade piece if we absolutely need to we’re going to be a little bit small at the center with 610 and what is Brandon Clark like 68 yeah 6’8 so that’s that’s a little bit tough but hopefully we have enough other just like good uh defense on this team to make it okay jiren Jackson Jr is obviously going to play some Center for this team at points to like you got all Nama that’s like 611 on the team so like there is some size it’s just not like conventional size necessarily but hopefully we can still make it work cuz this team should be pretty switchable but um no let’s uh let’s go into the draft now with this all being said and let’s go figure out who we’re going to use the second round picks on all right so we’re back here on fans SPO this is the Mock Draft simulator I’m just going in and changing the order and stuff so that the Brooklyn Nets actually have that pick now so now oop I got to save it that’s how it’s supposed to work I have to give it a name too we’re going to call this Grizzlies cuz that’s what we use for the Grizzlies video save it here but what’s cool about this tool right is it adds a little bit of sense of realism to this series and you guys have heard me talk about this before um get to kind of use the AI Tools in here to figure out like hey um where where could these guys go add a little bit of sense of Randomness to it too because otherwise it’s just me being like um I think this guy’s going to go here so I’m going to pick him with this pick I just don’t think that makes sense oh Reed Shepard fell all the way to 10 in here all right so we’re here with the 39th pick in the draft right and so now what are kind of our priorities for this right I mean there’s probably not going to be a ton of size left that you’re going to find in the second round so that’s probably not going to be a big thing we’re probably going to try to address this uh other Center position in free agency see if we can’t go get a good vet to come in here especially with Brandon Clark coming off an injury we could go find some more shooting on this team possibly because we don’t have a lot of great shooting at like the point guard spots or anything uh Vince Williams I wouldn’t call him a great shooter coming off the bench yeah our bench just isn’t like Elite shooting GG Jackson is actually a pretty good shooter in my opinion um the numbers may not reflect it like perfectly yet but um I think he’s going to be a really good shooter I just love his shooting form more than anything else but maybe we try to find our shooter here oh man you you guys it’s it’s it’s always it’s always daddy yet right it’s always daddy yet let’s let’s talk about the kid so actually in my workings with the NBA team that I’m working with right now um we’re we’re hearing a lot of Rumblings that Daddy yet is starting to move his way up a lot of people’s draft boards the more they’re seeing him um I watched his film a little bit ago and I was pretty impressed with him I think he’s raw and I think he’s going to take a little bit little bit of time to develop a lot of French guys like that right now but what I like about him is he’s got a pretty good handle on him already a really good shooter uh can create a little bit pass a little bit he’s got good defensive instincts I just think it’s going to take a little bit of time for him to grow up he’s pretty young and um just might not be like NBA body ready or anything yet but give him time I think he could be a really good role player and adding a 69ine guy that could shoot around a johnar and he could hopefully put the ball on the floor a little bit going forward I think it makes a lot of sense give me Daddy yet with this first one daddy yet would be making about this much money we’ get him for two seasons I’m going to throw him there all right now with the next pick we’re taking daddy yet here perfect love it a nice potential pick here what do we want to address with the next pick I guess it’s kind of the same thing we only have one roster spot left as well and that’s another thing to consider is this might end up just being like a draft and stash player at the end of the day which isn’t the worst thing in the world I’m not like mad that we uh uh didn’t trade it or anything so we’re just going to wait here see who’s available maybe there’s a foreign guy that we wouldn’t mind taking did bronny James just get picked where did he go I didn’t even see but um I was interested in ainsa for a second too but guess we’ll see what we get all righty so we’re here at the 58th pick uh not always anything all that crazy available at the end of the day um a couple more interesting French prospects that we could take a look at what about parin I’ve seen a little bit of on parin so everything I’ve heard about parin so far and there’s not a ton of film on him he’s really young by the way he might not even like enter this draft class but this could be a guy that we draft and stash for that exact reason uh so that we can uh try to let him develop a little bit more overseas and then bring him over at another time he brings he plays the forward position he’s got a pretty good motor he’s got he’s a pretty good athlete shoots the ball decently well I don’t necessarily like love his shooting form or anything that I’ve seen right now but he’s young and that’s something that they all develop overseas like they’re not going to let you sit with a bad shooting form overseas it’s just not what they’re going to do but 6′ 10 220 at like a young 18-year-old like feel pretty good about that one at the end of the day so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to take parin here uh he’s not going to appear on the spreadsheet or anything for now he’s going to be a draft and stash dude for us but just know that we’re getting the rights to him all righty so that takes up these two picks here wonderful wonderful wonderful and now here’s where an interesting game of uh minimum contracts comes into play we got one roster spot left we want to go find a center and we’ve got about $25 million left not $25 million $2.5 million but uh so for those of you that don’t know the way minimum contracts work in the NBA is based off your years of service it increases uh what your minimum contract is and all the way up to if you’re a 10-year vet you get like3 something million do so I actually have it pulled up here to tell us how much all of that is so if we wanted to get real sneaky and make sure that we don’t go into the second apron we could potenti Target people that are 5 years and less and we can be okay so what I want to do is I want to look at free agents and centers and see if there’s not a way for us to find somebody interesting that fits that bill at the end of the day we’re prioritizing winning but it’d be nice if we had that flexibility right and we we can’t offer anything more than a minimum contract right like we’re not going to be able to get like a betaz most likely or like a mo Vagner or anything I’m not seeing anybody like like is Jackson hay he like a good option for us he does bring a little bit more size in athleticism and that’s not really a type of Center that we have that’s kind of interesting let’s at least compare to like some of the other people that we’re seeing um down the line so like who would be some of the better centers like an Andre Drummond or something like that would be an interesting one otherwise like it’s just it’s not a very good free agency market for centers this year so you know what we might just we might just go with Jackson Hayes and see if we can’t get something at him what is Jackson Hayes he’s got a player option for 2.3 and he would get 2.3 with us again is he going to be willing to leave LA to come play for us we could try to entice him by saying like there’s a potential you get more playing time behind Brandon Clark you could try to win it back uh we don’t have anybody like you on the team so let’s let’s say that we’re able to convince him to do that and come play for us instead let’s go let’s go get uh Jackson Hayes so we had Jackson Hayes here on a oneyear minimum and we just sneak by we just sneak by so here’s where it gets a little bit complicated right like in all realisticness uh somebody probably hits an incentive or something like that that actually ends up counting against the cap and we get screwed but we’re close enough to where hopefully we can try to make things work somehow I don’t know how but it’s it makes me feel good that we hit this at the very least right so this right here is your 2024 2025 Memphis Grizzlies let’s recap we’re trying to win basketball games this year we tried to build out a good balanced basketball team that’s going to be able to compete in the west you got your star player in johnar Desmond Bane who can go get you 20 points and play next to jaw he’s awesome you brought in bridges love Bridges uh is a he’s he’s not a star player is what we learned in Brooklyn most likely he’s a great like uh supplementary kind of star player a guy that can go get you some buckets play great defense he’s always available to play I love bringing in bridges you got jiren Jackson Jr who who will still be a great defender hopefully he doesn’t foul as much this year because he’s not going to be uh in the paint maybe quite as much cuz he can go back to playing playing the four Wendell Carter’s now on the team we’ve got our center it’s probably not the sexiest Center again but I think given the financial situation that we were able to put ourselves in I think it was a great value ad then we got a nice bench with Marcus Smart Derrick Rose is there to kind of be a mentor to this team you got Vince Williams Jr who’s going to get a chance to compete we drafted dadd yet that’s awesome John Kar I think is going to be a solid contributor for this team GG Jackson’s going to get his Time To Shine Brandon Clark is back but we’ve also got Alama and Jackson Hayes to play some big men if needed I think this is a really good basketball team at the very least you’ve set yourself up well with a really good core here that’s locked up for a good amount of time right I mean just look at your top players here that are all kind of locked up along with Vince Williams and giigi Jackson I’d feel pretty good about this if I was a Memphis Grizzlies fan but hey you guys let me know what you think in the comments I’m sure you will hopefully Grizzlies fans like this this is one of my more favorite results that I was able to come to I think we kept it pretty realistic for the most part and uh here’s here’s a goal for the comment section for yall and I will timestamp this if I need to like if you’ve got an opinion like I I love to hear all your opinions don’t just leave it as like a blanket statement though um I was a debate Club kid so like I’m going to be anal about this stuff but like if you’re just going to leave a statement leave an explanation as to why as well because that doesn’t like constitute an explanation and it’s weird to me that you guys just want to yell stuff into the ether and then like walk away and not have a conversation so try that at least I’m still going to respond to you if you don’t but give it a shot at the very least challenge your brains a little bit but anyway thanks so much for watching y’all we’ll talk to y’all later bye [Music]

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  1. Not really of this video but would you put the current Kings like the Bulls the season after they were like first in the East at the trade deadline? Basically both teams have a season where a lot of things go well and they show signs of success in the regular season. However, that gives them false hope which makes them commit to just an above average roster. Personally, I don't see how the Kings can be even close to the top half of the Western Conference Playoff teams when they were not even a Playoffs team this year and teams like the grizzlies will undoubtably come back far stronger than before. Kings don't have much star potential development maybe outside of Keegan Murry but a big three of Keegan Fox and Sabonis is not enough unless Keegan becomes better than both. Outside of internal development, they have some picks but even if they make a trade to become better than now, the last few champions didn't really make trades for large stars but more like quality role players or borderline stars while they had a super star already. From 2019 to 2023, Kawhi, Lebron, Giannis, Steph, Jokic. This year it looks like maybe Tatum/Brown or Luka. Kings don't have any player near that level and if they acquire a player near that level they would need to give up too much to be able to compete with what's left imo. They also aren't a key free agency destination either and freeing up cap space doesn't even seem that good.

  2. It’s the worst when people only leave a negative comment and don’t say how to fix the problem

    Great video

  3. Love the vids especially for my favorite team. He wasn’t gonna be a big piece to begin with, but i’m almost sure Watanbe is going back to Japan

  4. Good moves I think grizzlies cant be content the west got a lot better since the last time they were at the top

    Also cant have an ideal offseason swing without mikal bridges😂

  5. Magic fan here. Firstly, love your videos. I think I've watched almost all of them at this point. Love this Ideal series especially.

    All that said, I'm 100% out on this trade lol I'm not even interested in a Carter for Claxton swap alone. I'm with you on the lack of fit. Paolo needs floor spacers around him. I'm also just not that high on Claxton anyway. I'd be fine if we went out and got him, but I'm not giving out assets to make it happen. I'd rather just play it slow and run it back.

  6. Yuta watanabe left the nba today for japan

    I would love for the grizzlies to get claxton rather than the magic. Magic could use a spacing center next to franz and banchero. Not many in nba especially ones that are available.

    I liked the idea of the grizzlies getting mikal bridges, hard to go wrong with any team getting him tbh anyone could use him or og anunoby type of player. I think the bigger priority is center though

  7. I’m from South Carolina and have been a Gamecocks fan my whole life so I watched a lot of GG games when he was there. My favorite was his battle against Brandon Miller. That’s when I knew he was gonna be good in the NBA.

  8. I really like it. Bridges is the ideal player to have at the 3. The situation in Brooklyn is weird, tho. They don't seem to want to trade him at all. I also like WCJ. He is a bit undersized and has some injury issues, but his fit is great with Ja.

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