@Oklahoma City Thunder

Johnny Furphy NBA Draft Profile, OKC Thunder Mailbag

Johnny Furphy NBA Draft Profile, OKC Thunder Mailbag

on today’s locked on Thunder podcast we’re answering your mailbag questions plus highlighting Johnny Fury and his NBA Draft profile and projection you are locked on Thunder your daily Oklahoma City Thunder podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day it going on lockdown Thunder podcast and the lockon podcast Network your team every day I am your host me member and inside the thunderbeat writer Ryland Styles follow me on Twitter Ryland Styles follow the show on Twitter at L thunderpod email the show L thunderpod on today’s show we’re diving into another Prospect profile and projection this time Kansas’s Johnny Fury plus we’re answering your mailbag questions all on today’s show which is brought to you by our good friends over at FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with the winning of any $5 bet that’s $200 in bonus Bets with the winning of any $5 bet by visiting lockon to get started so let’s dive into Johnny Fury as we continue on our NBA Draft profile and projection series which will not see uh a lapse between now through the draft uh and we’ll we’ll probably double up uh on some on some of these pods to get through even more players uh to make sure that we can kind of uh cover all the bases here but looking at Johnny Fury 67 a buck 89 with a 68 wing span 19 years old out of Kansas you know I think he’s a more physical but yet less reliable shot than Grady dick uh which might not be the best combination but we’re going to peel back back the layers here so I think that gritty dick can make an instant impact offensively as a complimentary player I think he makes the right reads and does everything right in terms of relocating and feeling space on the perimeter uh cutting behind off ball defense and attacking Closeouts Plus in transition he runs the floor properly he doesn’t fall in love with with just floating to that three-point line even in transition he’s able to uh fill the lanes and make sure that he puts his team in the best spot to go get a bucket so I I I think that with Johnny Fury you’re going to get an instant offensive player so when you look at him obviously the unguarded catch and shoot stuff is great I think that that will pop even more at the NBA level as he’s round better player just was not a very good Kansas team uh this season but what encourages you about Johnny Fury is the fact that he can attack closeouts and that he can cut to the basket off ball so when he gets the ball in his hands he can attack close outs either score inside the ark or he can dump it off and redirect the ball uh to to the next Advantage scoring inside the arc will be huge for him and when he cuts you got to love his hands he he uses up and understands how to use every part of his frame so maybe that wingspan is scaring you a little bit six seven with a 68 wingspan obviously you would like to see more you know from from a forward in the modern NBA but he catches the ball high every time he’s able to play a little bigger than he is so I think that offensively there’s not much there a very very very pure jump shot that maybe needs some minor polishing if anything um you know there’s some parts where his feet can can have an inconsistent finish and that you might want to clean that up but overall I think that his jump shot production which was still good like like it’s it’s 36% on catch and shoot but unguarded it was even higher uh 74% at the ram like 35% overall from three it’s still good but I think that with NBA spacing because of course it’s it’s different than college with NBA spacing and with the ability to uh you know have a have a less attention demanding role you know you put him say on the thunder right he’s instantly going to be at best the fourth guy you pay attention to and and that in it of itself will allow him to get better looks which to his credit he’s been able to knock down open jumpers with consistency and with ease so like he’s a guy that if you work to get him an open shot you’re not going to be disappointed like you’re not going to um um ever really feel like it could be a wasted possession and then with that aggressiveness with using his frame he’s willing to mix it up both at The Rim putting a body on guys to finish on the glass to get rebounds or Walling up at The Rim defensively uh and staying in front of guys he has a very high motor um I think that he just has a overall understanding of how to navigate not being the best athlete on the floor so like whenever he’s cutting there’s no wasted movements he’s very Savvy he’s using his shoulders to to to seal off Defenders to get to the to get to the basket right’s he’s doing all that to counteract the fact that he can’t just simply out aete you to the to the rim he’s taking good angles defensively to cut off drivers and funnel them into a better Defender he has really good hands both catching the basketball active hands on defense he’s willing to compete like these are all things that are really good for Johnny Fury now the weaknesses for Johnny Fury I don’t think that he’s athletic enough to be a high-end defender in the n ba like I I don’t think that there’s anything you can really do to fix that I think that he’s always going to be one of your worst Defenders on the floor but understanding how to fight over screens how to rotate that helps him in that off ball role to make him be able to stay on the floor even as one of your worst Defenders but whenever he gets switched into isolation uh he will I think get cooked uh I don’t love his ability long term to create his own shot I think that he’ll mainly be a play finisher at the NBA level and whenever you you kind of look at Johnny Fury the weakness could be that despite his age right like you look at him he’s 67 68 wingspan 19 years old from Kansas and you look at 19 years old you might say like oh he must have upside he’s only a freshman like I I don’t think that that these things lead itself to to upside I don’t think that not being able to defend and not being able to create your own shot would inherently give you upside just because you’re young so I I think that he kind of is what is as like this play finishing weapon and that’s still going to be someone who you need on your roster who can who can complete a rotation but it’s not going to be somebody who you take at 12 for example so he averages nine points a game five rebounds a game an assist per game 35% from three 1.2 stocks from Melbourne uh Synergy 1.3 points per possession as a spot up shooter 1.29 points per possession in transition 1.4 points per possession as a cutter uh and then one point per possession as a pick and roll ball handler 35% I’m sorry 36% as a catch and shoot shooter 70% at The Rim here’s where he’s mocked at uh the ringer has him at 24 ESPN has him at 18 the athletic has him at 18 Bleacher Report has him at 28 CBS has him at 21 draft digest has him at 21 tank ofon has him at 22 Mavs draft has him at 32 uh the ceiling and floor I think that his floor is Doug mcder uh and the ceil is like a a non-defensive cam Johnson which again like it it’s not on inspiring and this would not be a a option for you uh at number 12 but it still be a talented player kind of in this uh you know in this system and and in the in the modern NBA so we’ll talk about that what could be his future role in the NBA plus your maale bag questions all coming up but first one here right now but friends over at FanDuel check out FanDuel today make every moment more right now new customers can get $200 in bonus Bets with the winning of any $5 bet that’s $200 to use every time uh that on your on your you know bonus bet if the if you win a $5 bet first so you can use that $200 on player props over unders the spread uh future bets by going to lockon to get started and and get your big winner uh and add that to your summer bucket list right now the NBA Finals have just concluded but at FanDuel America’s number one 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day thank you so much for making us your first listen every single morning every single day we’re here for you talking Thunder basketball if you’re sick and tired of watching Fox Sports and ESPN all day as you have to turn down the volume because of all the shouting make the switch to lockdown sports today a free 247 streaming Channel programmed for you every day with the biggest stories without all the screaming locked on sports today brings you the camp Miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels part of the lockdown podcast Network your teams every day let’s continue to wrap up Johnny Fury here his future role would be you know a swing closer like there’s going to be moments where you would need a player of his ilk who can play off ball defense and jump the passing lanes and help you out there just a tad but the real value comes with what he can do for your offense spreading the floor and capitalizing on buckets maybe you need to come back or maybe you’re in a shootout whatever there’ll be moments where he needs to close in games rotational fit this season if he was drafted by the Thunder he’d play 10 to 12 minutes um due to his value you know value as a shooter in a few stance uh he’ll play with the blue as well like know he’ll usually get those 10ish minutes or less come in be someone to help the bench unit score and try to limit those scoring LOLs but he’d also work a lot with the blow where like you you would send him down there to work defensively with a very good defensive coaching staff you would send him down there to see uh how he can progress with the ball in his hands uh and just kind of let him develop a little bit in the blue or see if there’s anything to develop at 19 years old uh roster and impact you you if you traded back and got Fury or you went and got Fury you know and traded back into the first round what however you ended up with Fury I don’t think it’ll be at 12 however you ended up with Fury it would end the Lindy Waters stuff right like the the whole bringing Lindy in taking Lindy out to Lindy Waters hokey pokei would end uh because he would then take that spot of like if you need a guy at the end of quarters you need a guy at the end of halves to to go chunk up a three uh with a few seconds left you’d lean on Johnny Fury you need a guy to go to go help the blue develop you’d go with Johnny fury like he would do all of the role that you would that you would kind of uh really rely on Lindy Waters and you wouldn’t want two of these limited Shooters on your roster taking up spots I wouldn’t imagine so why the fender should take him if they trade back and pick up additional assets or if they trade into the first round at the end he has the tools to be a valuable contributor both a contributor this season but also an even better contributor uh in future Seasons um you you think of how many times throughout Thunder history have you have you longed for a guy like Doug M durma or like uh you know Luke Canard or like any of these other Shooters uh on the surface right now you know 10 days before the draft it does not feel like this is after what we’ve build them as is like a is like a viable pick but when push comes to shove these are the kind of guys that help you get over the hump uh and so like if you traded back and got assets or traded into the first round you’d be getting a contributor which is really good why the thunder shouldn’t take them is if they just stay put at 12 like there’s no anti Johnny Fury um business here like there’s nothing you can really uh be upset about with a Johnny Fury pick unless it’s at 12 like you just cannot pick him at 12 other than that um you know it will come down to if the Thunder end up getting a pick later on um let’s dive into your male bag questions so uh at s rebuild says how many potential players work out for the the team in the offseason I’ve never known if it’s a few select players or they try to see as many as they possibly can uh so the Thunder do not release their NBA pre-draft workouts the the the ones that we know about happen from a combination of of some players post them to social media uh agents will tell you sometimes you’ll be able to put that out you know we should have one coming on Saturday like you know that’s where you find out the the Thunder draft workouts uh that’s how we found out about Jonathan you know a few weeks ago and so when whenever you look at the list of like this team worked out this many players and this team work that many players the Thunders will typically be on the low side but don’t get that confused with anything other than the Thunder just do not say who they’ve worked out with you know because other teams just tell you every single player they’ve ever worked out with they tell you the Thunder don’t do that they keep their cards closer to the vest which I think is smart organizationally but sometimes it’ll throw off these lists where it looks like the the Thunder have only worked out x amount of players I can promise you the Thunder have worked out dang near everybody because this is the last opportunity even if you can’t you know even if there’s no feasible way to go get somebody in the draft or you don’t imagine somebody would be a a Pro Prospect at the end of the day this is your last chance to talk to them have a form a touch point with them form a connection with them uh to get info on them for down the line you know like like you bring them in for a workout and then once they’re drafted or once they’re on a new team you’re no longer you know legally allowed to talk to them but one day especially in in this area of player movement like one day uh they’re going to become available whether it’s free agency whether it’s on the trade market whatever and you’re gonna want to know something about them or like have some sort of um background on them so the Thunder will bring in and work out everybody like every single player you can think of I promise you they’ve brought them in and worked them out um it’s just that since they don’t you know self-report these things we oftentimes don’t don’t know about them unless the player does it themselves or the agent um is fine with you letting letting it out so I know the Thunder worked out way more people than what is on the workout tracker at SI but uh that’s kind of how it works there’s no real limit um you can work out as many people as you want and you want as many people to come in as possible um mm Crosley says in a perfect world where Egos and human nature weren’t things which would you consider starting Wallace and have dor come off the bench no uh here’s the thing we can go back and forth on like on like you know Dort and chemistry everything else my biggest thing is Lou Dort is still a a better Defender than qu W is right now um but that’s not even the real concern the concern would be if you start Cas Wallace above L dor you then have Shay KAS jdub Chad all on the floor together now who’s left in the secondary unit to help the Thunder score the basketball and they staggered they staggered Chet and J I’m sorry they stagger chatt and Sh and and that’s way that they kind of cook it to where there’s usually always one of those guys on the floor but what cas’s value is is that like he comes in Off the Bench and he not only gives you not a significant drop off from L Dort defensively like there’s not a significant significant drop off from lud Dort defensively but there’s a massive upgrade from L Dort offensively like not only can he play finish better than L Dort he can initiate better than L Dort he can play off the catch better than L Dort like he does everything offensively better than L Dort and there’s not a ton of of defensive drop off where where do you need that that that offensive injection the bench unit would really take a hit if you were relying on not to come from ludor so I would not change those two aspects of things uh if I was OKC uh van velis oh goodness I’m sorry uh says we should keep giddy on the team for now I don’t think his market value for him in the next five years will be less than it is right now he will get his minutes from the bench doesn’t quite fit the style of play but you have to let him prove himself in order to get good compensation so I I I don’t know that that’s true um I I think that we don’t oftentimes give these front officers enough credit um we we hold on to this idea of trade value of like of what we see but there’s so much more that goes into it like these these front officers have every piece of film imaginable like like Synergy is great it has all the film as well it’s a pleasure to go watch it but like these these front offices they’re smart enough to know what’s going on like the selling point for trading Josh kiddy whenever you go to the discussion table is going to be hey we misused him like hey we didn’t we didn’t put him in in the best position that’s why he didn’t look great it’s not his fault it’s our fault in your system with with your roster where he can be on the ball he’s gonna look so much better and that’s the selling point no matter what happens like in the future like that that’s always always always GNA be Josh KY selling point is that on the ball he looks a lot better and the Thunder even putting him on the bench as we mentioned with the Stagger of J anday there’s still not a ton of Pathways to to allow him to play his style of basketball and so I think that you know when you talk about trading him in his trade value yes on paper it’s down because he just had his worst NBA career like his worst his worst NBA season uh you know in terms of you know getting play Flo in the playoffs and in terms of um you know how it just looked at his worst NBA season by the same token Will Dawkins in Washington who was a part of the drafting of Josh giddy just as one example like he can see through that he can see like yeah well we never envisioned Josh giddy to be an offb Corner three-point shooter that played defense like that was never ever ever going to ever be a part of his game even if he became the best possible basketball player he could become that was never going to be what he did so like they’re not gonna hold that against him as much as you would think and even if in this utopic world where Josh giddy comes off the bench next season for the Thunder and recoups trade value quote unquote because he’s playing better well guess what deflates that trade value the fact that now there’s only half a season left of basketball under Club control if you don’t believe the Thunder will extend him this Summer they would then be trading him uh if they did trade him with with half a year of Club control which is going to tank your value in of itself no matter how good of a player you are you always get more the more Club control that a team has of of the player that they’re trading for you would also be be still again still pitching to the team hey h look even better for you but now you only have a half of a year to integrate him into your team and to and to really test that theory because even coming off the bench he still would not play the perfect role for himself so I don’t really believe that like the trade value is so low right now it’ll never you’ll never get anything back for him because no matter when you decide to trade them if you do decide to trade them you’ll be pitching teams on what you can’t see and most the time front offices are smart enough to see through it John Ham brought up a good point on the Dream Team pod um yesterday whenever me and him and Brandon were answering mailbag questions and the same sort of thing was brought up and he mentioned that you know the the sabonis to Indiana trade where you got Paul George the big thing was like on on surface level it was like you give Paul George for damont sabonis and Victor ladipo but but they saw through like sabonis was not being used properly at all and like he then became Mon sabonis and and led to not only fun times in Indie but also led to theres halberton who who’s been great so like teams can see through this kind of stuff fairly regularly fairly easily uh Kent Nicholson asks jerice Walker could the Thunder getum good ad question mark uh you know I would I would absolutely think that Indiana at some point has to move on from this Log Jam of power forward now how they clean that up whether it’s moving on from Jaylen Smith whether it’s moving on from Obby toppen whether it’s moving on from dce Walker whatever they decide in that category I have no idea but I would imagine that like something has to give there and goodness if you go back and listen to last year’s NBA Draft coverage and NBA draft profiles just go back and listen to DAR Walker’s NBA Draft profile he is the perfect player for the Oklahoma City Thunder the perfect player uh and I would do a lot of things to to get jice Walker and Oklahoma City should the Pacers be willing to move on coming up we’ll answer more of your mailback questions on the other side but first I want to say right now about good friends over at eBay Motors check out Ebay motors today because they understand that passion driv and patient that’s the formula for winning championships it’s also what gives you your ride or die and keep it alive at eay muts for everything you need to maintain your vehicle or level it up to Peak Performance from superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 Million Parts to choose from your number one r or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for with the eBay guaranteed fit your uh part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time the first time your money back because with e eBay Motors you’ll be burning rubber not cash with all of the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home the win keep your R die alive today at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay Motors guaranteed fit available to us customers only check it out today at eBay Motors we’re back on the lockdown Thunder podcast on the lockdown podcast Network your teams every day uh we’ll continue on answering questions another one from Kent is hartenstein uh a fit for the Thunder offensively I think that he fits the Thunder uh in an interesting role it would have to be of course a short-term contract all that all that Financial stuff um he doesn’t space the floor at all as a jump shooter which limits you in the five out he does provide spacing as a roller in a unique way of like his passing is really really really Top Notch for his position he’s a really good passer he’s a really good vertical opop threat and finisher at The Rim um to where he could be a safety net for your guards it would be it would be an interesting tool to have in your toolbox of like he wouldn’t start he he he’ have to be willing to come off the bench and play limited minutes next to next to chat like because they’ve only ran their double big lineup 2% of the time um it’d be interesting I don’t know that he’d agree to one you know come to Oklahoma City two come to Oklahoma City to come off the bench and then you know it go from there but it’d be fun it’d be a very fun fit I I like hardenstein a lot but he’d have to be willing to do all those things uh lrb witchery I don’t expect a full draft profile but can you at least talk about Carlton Carrington’s potential fit in OKC uh good news lrb you will get a full draft profile on Mr Bob I like Bob uh I I think that that would be a a unique blend of of you know High upside with gonna be a contributor so like that would be a unique swing I would say with bub should they draft bub I would I would really like to see at that point them go get an NBA player um in free agency in trades whatever like bolster your roster with an NBA player because then that pick makes all the sense in the world because like you think about last year’s rotation and like even got case Wallace like case W was so good as a rookie but you did not get to explore his upside as a as an on ball player like as a playmaker so if this rotation is in any way improved with an with an NBA proven player the number 12 overall piit can afford to get a longer leash of development both with the blue and trying to work out his upside with the blue and then in his NBA minutes so like I I would be curious to see how they kind of supplement a pick like that who has such an immense upside and you know that they will not be reckless in that like if they draft a guy with such a high upside they would look to maximize it in every way possible which I think would include you know opportunities with the blue to do things that you just cannot do with the thunder on a 57 win team uh OKC Thunder BR Hoops if the Thunder could draft any player from this draft who would you draft uh I mean Alex sawar is like the best player in the draft him and around Holland or my two one and two uh alexar next to chat would be uh would be pretty fun to think about it it it do a lot of fun for our for our summer hypothetical so I would guess alexar uh Thunder topics who is your NBA player comp uh I want to hear a few of the other beat Riders player comps as well my NBA player comp is brandan bass uh let me think here Joelle Len who’s a friend of the show’s player comp would be imagine if Draymond Green was like 61 six but but he was still Draymond Green that’s Joel lenzi um you know Michael Martin friend of the show man Michael Martin kind of plays like a like a cross between like a cross between Jason Tatum that’s not going to sit well with Michael he he’s not a big Jason Tatum fan and Jason Tatum es game he’s one of the best players out there I he is uh he is the best player out there so give him credit there Brandon rabar has also been on the show Steph Curry easy like like oh my goodness this guy can shoot the lights out um I’m trying to think Daniel Bell he has a little Dirk fade in him which is which is fun to watch him break out uh imagine imagine Dirk in the post like Prime Dirk in the post but 20 you know but 2017 Dirk everywhere else that’s what you should imagine for for Daniel pal uh I can I can go into further and other examples if if you want but those are some some off the top of my head uh appreciate the kind words Thunder topics uh t says what’s the next step for Shay’s Evolution shooting more threes and from further seems like a natural progression I actually think his next evolution is going to be his playmaking and his passing like he he’s got to become a pick and roll Maestro with the ball in his hands um at at at finding chat early and often and being able to to maximize the attention that he is put on to him like you see the way that guys like Luca and them can just spin the ball out of traps and out of blitzes and really get their offense uh into a into a unique Advantage being able to do that with the ball in his hands will be massive for also if he became a a better three-point shooter that’ help as well but um I think that can be a huge role uh Caleb Jones says what’s your favorite Impractical Jokers episode and what role would Carrington have on this team there’s an episode of Impractical Jokers where like his one of the guys I think his name is sa brings his daughter to a baseball game and and is like a real mean person to her at the game and all the parents are kind of stunned about it like that was really funny uh what role would Carrington have on this team you know I I I think that he would play similar to year one o probably uh with the with a Chance like just like us had like Us’s first year he was given a chance to crack into the NBA rotation while also understanding like hey you’re gonna you’re gonna be Blended back into the G League because we want you to work on uh some higher level things that you just aren’t going to get the chance to do at the NBA level that’s that that would kind of be what Bub would do in OKC uh the Donnie G how realistic do you see any of the uh expensive proposed twoyear deals being I think that the Thunder will be aggressive this summer but it comes down to history shows us that so far nobody wants to sign Oklahoma City I don’t think it’ll be from a lack of trying though I think the Thunder will try to to use that advantage that they have this unique opportunity that they have I think they’ll try to use it they can’t force guys to sign though like they can’t force guys to to accept those terms uh at Mega TI The Narrative about all the Thunder picks is that they will be used in some way VIA trade for a star so sheer numbers will decrease what if s pry flips them for future picks again and again and then like currency the bank won’t really go empty uh yeah I I think that that’s the plan like I think that the plan is to to continuously have uh a a flexibility about you to go maybe capitalize on a big tradeit if something presents itself but more importantly you have like you have three stars in house everyone who’s listening to the show right now in the year of 2024 on June 18th like you watch the Thunder play you’re you’re a basketball sio like you you’ve seen this Thunder team you know like these three guys are going to be Stars it might be a hot take to to National observers who don’t like watch the Thunder these three guys are going to be Stars you already have one star Bonafide superstar in SGA the other two are not going to be far behind him you know in terms of like elevating to Superstar status or like at least star status and Allstar status so like you’ve gotten that part what you’re GNA need is to use these draft picks and make sure you hit on these draft picks of getting cost controlled Talent um to to supplement the amount you’re going to be paying those three guys of chat JB and Shay uh and even for as great as s pry is he’s not batting a thousand in the draft and nobody is so like you’re right people do view like all these draft picks as like they’re going to be for a star but in reality you’re going to need this many chances to make sure you continue to flush out your rotation with cost control Talent so I I would I would more so lean that way of they they continuously restock the pile of picks and and use them in in subtle ways like grabbing a case and rollace like that was a was a trade where where you you brought on D pons you use some of your salary cap to do that to go get a guy you for sure liked and for sure thought would be a long-term fit in your rotation like those kind of things will happen more and more uh and then the last one from Ben Ben Ellard uh in in what world could you see Stephen HS coming back to OKC as a vet guy muscle rebounding Defender uh none I mean I just don’t think that that Stephen Adams is is that particularly good anymore with where the Thunder are at stylistically I don’t think that he fits this style um I don’t think he’s at a point in his career where he’d want to um play a role where I think where I’d assume he’d be playing an OKC like I I would assume that if you did bring him an OKC his role would be hey you don’t fit our style at all but as we saw in the playoffs like you you always want to be able to change some things and to be able to to have a tool in your toolbox to go junk up a game uh that would be your break glass in case of emergency hey here’s our curveball uh how you do an uncle Charlie type of move I don’t think he’s there yet uh and so I also don’t think that like that would be your only course of action to get one of those kind of guys I I don’t know I’m not I’m not as enthralled with uh bringing in Stephen Adams as a lot of you are until tomorrow folks I appreciate you all listening we’ll do another NBA draft profil and projection and talk about some news that’s breaking around the NBA as the offseason kicks off following Al Horford and S kyuk winning Boston their 18th Championship until next time be good and be good to one another

The Oklahoma City Thunder could grab Johnny Furphy in the 2024 NBA Draft via a trade back, how would the Kansas Jayhawks product fair with the OKC Thunder? Can the Thunder find a better contributor? Will Oklahoma City add Isaiah Hartenstein? Should the Thunder bring back Steven Adams? Will Mark Daigneault shake up the starting five? What is Josh Giddey’s trade value? More mailbag questions

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#JohnnyFurphy #OKCThunder #isaiahhartenstein


  1. Ngl. I like this years prospects in thunders drafting range more than Last draft. Devin Carter, Daron Holmes II, Cody Williams like Damn they are so nice would Love to See them all in Oklahoma soon

  2. Such a fascinating speculation as he has all of the tools to succeed, and could take a big step in the pros. Sam might be reaching into his magician’s bag to make it work. Aggressive and unlike so many freshmen, he is unafraid to mix it up.

  3. To me there so many similarly sized guards in this draft it’s going to be a tough call. I can’t see Hartenstein, with his shortcomings and price. Sam will choose patience and gamble he can find a better fit by doing so. I don’t know why the clueless Nets don’t play Sharpe more.

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