@Brooklyn Nets

How to fix the BROOKLYN NETS

How to fix the BROOKLYN NETS

yo what’s good y’all it’s Jon back from Top B Central and in today’s video we’re going to be going over the Brooklyn Nets and we’re going to be keeping up this series going where we go over each team and what they need to do during this off seon to make them more successful so uh the first thing that I got for the Brooklyn Nets honestly you know last season they finished it out being 11th in the Eastern Conference right underneath the Atlanta Hawks so I just went over in a previous video and if you guys want to go see that go check that out last video and uh yeah make sure to subscribe and like let’s get right into it so the Brooklyn Nets last season like I said finished in 11th place uh barely missed the playing tournament and they were just overall bad last season um I mean Mel Bridges he had a terrible season overall was really un like inefficient really just couldn’t do anything on the floor he had some nights where he had some Sparks out there but most nights was just the shots were not falling um one good side though we found out is you know cam Thomas can be that guy on some nights and he’s really young so I think he can become more and more consistent because some nights you know he was there you know he could drop like 30 or 40 on any given night but some nights he would go out there and just drop like nine points on terrible efficiency but if Cam could fix those things up he can become a really good player for this team and a really good player for their future because he’s so young right now I believe he’s you know obviously I think he’s like 20 or 21 or so but um yeah he has a really good future with him and I have a couple trades on what the Brooklyn Nets could do kind of with Mel Bridges you know sending him away now I know some recent news uh recent news that broke out about uh Mel Bridges and the Brooklyn Nets and them not wanting to trade him at all which kind of is just stupid in my opinion I believe they need to trade him because he’s not going to get them anything soon any type of success in my opinion um I have a few trades that I kind of got that I kind of put together most of them are just with the Houston Rockets So with the first trade with the Rockets I got them um resigning shenon and Jaylen green and picking up Mel Bridges and giving away Steven Adams A Min Thompson and a 2024 first round pick which is the third overall pick in the draft and I believe it would just helped the Brooklyn Nets you know withstand with their rebuild because that’s what they need to be doing right now is just rebuilding and they would be doing that by getting a men Thompson who obviously just got drafted last season or before before last season and um getting that third overall pick for this draft class which could help them a lot they could get someone along the lines of like a reed Shepard maybe who I believe would be like one of the best players out of this whole draft class and and it would just fit in their system and another thing is for the Brooklyn Nets real quick I want to slide in and say that I believe that they should resign Nicholas Claxton by any means necessary because he’s been one of their best players as well in each night um he’s definitely their best defender down low he’s one of the best shot blockers in the entire league and also in that Houston Rocket trade they would be getting a big and Stephen Adams who they could obviously you know use stepen as a depth piece uh to add to their roster but that 2024 first round pick would be really nice for them especially with them just rebuilding they’re not going to win next season or probably not the next season before or the next season after I mean but uh yeah man I I think it would just help them with their playoff chances for the future and just put them in a better overall spot and the other trade I got with them uh with the Houston Rockets would be uh then giving Mel Bridges away and receiving Dylan Brooks a 2024 first round pick the third overall pick in this draft class the 2026 uh first rounder and a 2027 first rounder as well over to the Brooklyn Nets which I think would just help them a lot um they need as many picks as possible for their future because like I said they’re just in a rebuild mode right now and that’s what they need to be locked into now the last and final trade that I have is a you know it’s a it’s a long shot of a trade it’s the Brooklyn Nets receiving seven different picks from three different teams and that would be a 2024 first rounder a 2025 uh first rounder as well from the uh Knicks a 2025 second rounder a 2026 first rounder and also from the Detroit Pistons they would be getting a 2028 second round pick a 2029 second round pick and also from the Chicago Bulls they’ll be receiving a 2025 first rounder they would be giving up Mel Bridges obviously to the New York Knicks and also the Bulls would be receiving Julius Randle and Quinton Grimes and the Pistons would be getting uh Zack LaVine as think this uh trade will work out for all the teams and I think it’s pretty fair overall because the Brooklyn Nets need as many picks to stack up as possible to help their future like I’ve said so um Ben Simmons he’s coming up on his last uh season as well so if he can come back and be really good for them and really nice they could probably get him from for definitely a lot cheaper because he’s been injured for so many seasons and has barely played you know any games um I forgot how many games he played last season but I mean I know it wasn’t even like 20 games at all um if he can just come out and be a nice piece for them he’s already 20 28 years old I believe and he is getting up there and also Cameron Johnson as well he didn’t look good last season at all um but the season or the season whenever they did trade uh KD over there or KD over to the uh Suns um Cameron Johnson did look pretty good in that but um if he can return to that that will help them with their success as well but they just need to continue on and build with their future and yeah I just believe they need toh trade Mel Bridges uh because he obviously hasn’t been good for them at all besides whenever he first got there um last season he really couldn’t do anything his efficiency was terrible like I already said and he was just hurting them a lot and I think a big thing would be would just be trading him for assets and just getting you know just getting a lot of picks for the draft because that’s honestly what they need to be worried about right now is their overall future with like cam Thomas and stuff like that and um but if they can pull that trade or any of them trades off that I said already like with the Houston Rockets that would be fine with me because I feel like that would just help them uh succeed a lot more in their future in their overall just rebuild getting like a re Shepherd like I said in the draft would help them a lot with their defense as well and also if uh cam Thomas can improve his overall playmaking because last season it seemed like he was more so of like a you know catch and shoot type of guy if he can just transition over to a more of a playmaker and add that with his scoring he could become really successful on this team also um his defense uh wasn’t much or his defense wasn’t good at all really last season as well if he can continue to improve that uh by next season or the season after uh it’ll definitely help them as well well and uh let me know Down Below in the comments what do you guys think the Brooklyn Net should do should they trade Mel Bridges or someone else let me know down below and as always make sure to like subscribe and turn on post notifications and I’ll see y’all in the next one I’m out

In this video i go over on how to fix the brooklyn nets #nba #brooklynnets

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