@Utah Jazz

Will The Utah Jazz Trade Lauri Markkanen?

Will The Utah Jazz Trade Lauri Markkanen?

Utah Jazz update for you right here on the Monty show um so we have been having a lot of conversations about the Utah Jazz and what are they doing uh leading up to the NBA draft and into this summer and I have told you that Lori Markin is a guy they’re willing to trade and I know that’s controversial in jazz country and a lot of jazz fans don’t want to hear that but the truth of the matter is that jazz have offers and multiple offers for Lori marinin what does that mean not much because the Jazz are going to ask for a windfall they are going to ask for an enormous return on Lori marinin at a minimum a Lori marinin deal is going to be a three- team deal I have been told for going on a week now that the Jazz in fact do have a deal uh that they could execute uh that is a larger return than they got for Rudy goar which I would remind you netted them a ton of picks and Walker Kessler at a minimum um I think that this is a deal that they just simply do not want to make my feeling is based on sources I’ve talked to around the NBA that the Miami Heat are involved in that deal I think the biggest thing that the Jazz have going for them should they want to trade and eventually trade Lori marinin which again I’m not convinced they will but should the Jazz want to move Lorie Markin in I think what you’re going to see is that his salary which is $18 million if memory serves is very trade friendly he is on a club-friendly deal Lori marinin is a guy that is well respected in this league and he’s a guy that a lot of teams view uh is that final piece that could put them over the top um and I think certainly the Miami Heat are going to retool that roster I think they would love to end up with with Lori marinin but who is that third team that’s involved the Miami Heat are cash stra they do not have a lot of flexibility to make a trade and would almost certainly not be able to take on additional salary which again is exactly why Lori markkanen’s contract is such a big trade ship for Danny a and the Utah Jazz but here’s the question you have to ask yourself about the Utah Jazz are they all in today right here and right now on winning a championship as soon as they can and are capable of winning a championship the answer is absolutely they are not in on winning a championship if the Jazz so desired they have the assets and the human capital to make trades that could put them at the top of the Western Conference this coming season they will not do that they have the capital and the human capital to make deals that could win them an NBA championship in the next two or three seasons they will not do that because historically and I say if you look at the historical data on the money that Ryan Smith the owner of the Jazz has spent and the business that he has conducted he has never not once added significant payroll to this roster every major deal every transformative roster impacting deal that jazz have done has reduced liability financially whether it was the gobear trade and I’m not even saying the gobear trade was a bad trade I’m not even here to sell you that the Donovan Mitchell trade was a bad trade it’s what you did in the wake of those trades which is absolutely nothing to make this a better Basketball Club the Jazz are not ones to go out and spend money and until they show us they are willing to do that they will simply be moving parts around to stay right on that line of hey are they a playin team hey are they a playoff team to keep fans in in in what do you want to call it invested locked on the Jazz whatever you want to call it until Ryan Smith and Danny a and the Utah Jazz show us that they’re willing to be aggressive and outlay cash to make this roster more capable of competing at the top of the West Jake I just don’t know why we would believe that they would do that right and and I think that that’s that’s the best way to say it I I I think that past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior and and again I I I don’t even think it’s a thing where Ryan never wants to win or isn’t concerned with winning long term I just think right now it’s not a priority and and I think that we can confidently say that uh because of what he’s done and not done and and everyone seems to think that that’s like controversial or like we’re trying to hot take Ryan and I’m not and again every time we talk about Ryan and and what he’s done and not done I always make it a point to say it’s not personal it’s not like I’m saying Ryan’s a bad guy because I don’t think Ryan Smith is a bad guy I think he’s probably a good dude but the reality is when you own a professional sports team I am going to judge you uh based on what you do and don’t do the trade you do and don’t make I don’t know like Jordan Clarkson why is he still here right like why are why why is Colin seon still on the roster why is that not gotten done yet like there are multiple trades that could be done that don’t involve Lori marinan over the last you know two seasons that could have made this team better that you just frankly haven’t done and I haven’t even gotten to guys like Taylor Hendricks rotting in the G for way too long like I I’m just telling you guys like I’m it’s not personal but you’re not going to get me to say oh yeah wow this franchise is in a great place because the franchise isn’t in a great place his pocketbook isn’t is going to get in a better place because he’s going to get to pair of dollars he’s you know the Olympics are coming like there’s a lot of ways that Ryan Smith can get back into a good place financially but but I’m just I’m not going to sit here and try to sell you guys a package of goods that says oh yeah the Jazz are man winning is all that matters because frankly I think winning is like fifth or sixth on the list right now I I I think the hockey team is number one I think number two is Ryan Smith’s pocketbook I think number three is the NBA draft and seeing who they could get there you know I think number four is going to be Jersey roll outs for the Jazz again you know and this is the other point of contention like I I I don’t understand I don’t understand why jazz fan won’t just say yeah we’re more concerned about bringing the hockey team in and making sure that goes good than we are about winning an NBA championship well and and the biggest question is if you are not trying to trade Lorie marinin why have you not signed him to an extension why have you not yet to this point done everything you can do to either sign him or make it very clear you’re going to extend him he’s going into a free agent year and you you’ve done this with Jordan Clarkson you you you leave these unanswered questions hanging and lingering and sources that I’ve spoken to with the Jazz say that he is without question their franchise player and if you are able to trade a player it’ be John Collins if they could trade John Collins they’d love to trade John Collins he’s their largest contract and I think they understand while John was pretty solid for this club last year but when you look at his deal the cash that the Jazz still owe John Collins is is a bit you know like he’s making $26.5 million and his deal is a player option for 2526 so you owe the guy you’re going to wind up owing the guy $ 53 million that’s a lot of money on a team where you’re not competing for a championship when does Lor’s current contract end after this coming season so let me get this right and I’m just looking at numbers here so you owe John all that money Lori is 1,000% without any type of hesitation or question tradeable right now you just don’t want to trade him then and this is just a guess right speculation my opinion maybe they go all in and they give him the brink struck you’re telling me that next year when this contract comes to an end they’re going to back up a Brink truck that’s on a level of 40 million a year for a franchise player I don’t buy that you’ve never you’ve never seen Ryan Smith do that like and and everyone’s going to say oh well the Rudy contract the Rudy contract was done when he bought the team dude like that wasn’t his deal that was not his he what so basically he bought the Jazz and 15 minutes later Dennis Lindsay then the general manager put a a Rudy goar contract in front of him that was ridiculous is Ryan Smith gonna say no you’re not saying no to that and what did he do he IM almost immediately flipped him and I think people want to give Ryan Smith credit for building a championship team he has not built a championship team with the Jazz he’s never been part of that no and if you look at his cap you have one well-paid player it’s John Collins not your guy you you traded for him seon marinin Clarkson not your guys you traded for them and Clarkson obviously has been here you know he predates ran Hendrick keante George who your general manager Danny a said was not a number one which still is one of the worst things I’ve ever heard Danny a say or do as a NBA executive shocking Taylor Hendricks I think has incredible upset I believe that keontay George is a number one guard yeah in this league Walker Kessler which you know where I’m going with this y Walker Kessler not falls out of favor last year not starting and was arguably the centerpiece of the the deal for Rudy goar available and on the market and now you have will hardy you hire this supposed Young Gun head coach I love the the hire we broke the news of the hire I loved it at the time he’s gone nowhere this team is regressed their defense under Will Hardy has been tragically bad what did Ryan Smith say the other day great young coach he’s our guy we’re lucky to have him are you lucky to have Will Hardy as your head coach I and I’m I’m 100% I’m asking you this question did you hire the wrong head coach when you hired will hardy no I don’t think you did every day that he’s your head coach do you have a question mark at head coach from this date until he proves that he is not the issue here yeah I think you have a question mark Will Hardy has never shown the ability to to build a defense yeah or develop young Talent he’s not shown the ability to do that yeah and Walker kler is the prime example of that and the problem is is that this coming season key and Taylor Hendrick and everyone seems to forget about Bryce sensah are guys that are going to need more minutes and what I don’t understand and I’m not even saying that this is entirely on will but there is definitely a piece that is his responsibility uh I don’t understand why you’re trying to develop dudes in the G League when you’re not relevant in the NBA right now and if we get to training camp and Lori hasn’t been extended because the thing that I struggle with so much on these deals he’s I think he is eligible for extension this like you can physically signed the contract in late August if you get to training camp and you have an extended him and the thing that worries me is nobody is saying that the Jazz are are are are negotiating an extension on Lori Markin and almost every time these deals come up you always hear they’re they’re going to extend him they’re going to extend August 6th excuse me you’re going to extend them I have not heard that one time I have not heard that we heard it long before they extended Donovan yep we heard it we we talked about it on the show long before they extended Rudy you know you know and I’m not bragging we have really good jazz sources we have really good NBA sources I encourage you to go look at our track record I have not heard maybe once about [Music] 18 and even right after the right after the trade oh they’re they’re they’re going to wait and see what Lorie Markin does his first season here Revelation haven’t heard word one have not heard word one and what’s the biggest difference between what Don and Rudy the position Don and Rudy were in versus Lori well Don and Rudy were obviously in a position where they were playoff contenders they were in a place where I was like hey you’re either going to extend these guys and you’re going to continue to try to push into the Western Conference Finals or or you’re going to let these guys walk or trade them and you’re going to rebuild so the difference is is that this Jazz team uh has no business even talking postseason and so the idea and this is this is where I really start to struggle with uh the philosophy of Ryan Smith in this front office because I don’t believe for a second that Danny a just forgot how to build a roster well and there’s murmur that Danny is a little frustrated with the direction that he wants to go versus the direction he’s able to go we’ll see if that ever bears fruit but I just go back to the Jordan Clarkson thing yep when is Ryan Smith authorized some big trade at the trade deadline or a major move or it’s not how he does business those those deals cost you money and so the thing that stands out to me is if you don’t extend Lori marinan before training camp do we have this same conversation going a year from now when he’s a free agent and you’re going to have to compete well does he want to keep playing for you if you’re unwilling to extend him now because are we gonna do the whole Gordon Hayward don’t leave thing again and then your hearts are going to get broken when he winds up in Boston or Miami or cuz that’s the problem he can go to he is a natural fit on on loads of teams in this league where he could go to that whatever team you want to use and they are instantly way better like Lori marinan or Julius Randall uh Lori marinan uh or whatever hybrid big right yeah if Lori marinan is in there instead of christops porzingis if Lori Martin like there are a million places he could go man so I don’t understand like you know why you’re messing around with this extension cuz I do believe that’s kind of where you are right now like you’re in no man’s land with this extension piece like I understand hey you gotta wait till August 6 to like ink the deal okay I get that that’s the rules cool yeah but but I agree with you that it does feel very different with Lori than it did with Don and Rudy it feels like hey the talk is and again I know I keep bringing this up but but I really believe this is the dayto day hockey team hockey team hockey team Olympics Olympics Olympics oh by the way our best player on the jazz is is looking at an extension and doesn’t really seem like there’s much momentum towards that doesn’t really seem like that’s just a done deal that that’s like assume that he’s going to get extended and maybe they will I’m certainly not saying they won’t extend him I just think it matters how you handle player extensions because what inevitably what’s going to happen if if they don’t extend him he’s obviously going to leave or they’ll trade him or you know whatever whatever his departure looks like and then Jazz nation is inevitably going to go down the hey no good player wants to play For Us train when in reality what is it it’s the owner of the team is not yet ready or maybe just doesn’t want to invest like and what was the book of uh the the the package of goods we were sold hey I’m a Utah guy I like I’m carrying the torch we’re going to go out and win and winning is all I care about and like are you are are is there anybody that’s a jazz fan who believes that Ryan Smith will offer authorize an increase of $32 million a year for Lori marketing because his maximum available number is four years and $200 million he’s making 18 now you’re going to you’re going to authorize a $50 million perear deal for Lori marinan when you just brought in an AHL team you’re endeavoring to do a multi-billion dollar deal granted a lot of it’s paid by taxpayers but this Land Development deal in Salt Lake City is there anybody here who believes that Ryan Smith is like yeah let’s let’s kick Lori an extra $30 million a year anybody that believes a $32 million increase for laori Markin who sees that coming and then the next obvious question is let’s say that that does happen just for conversation sake okay you extend lore you’re paying him 50 a year for four years $200 million okay cool then we’re gonna ask well if you’re G to pay Lori that doesn’t that doesn’t that mean you have to go and try and win inside that contract like are you just are you just throwing 50 million a year down the window so you can keep some some sense of marketability with this team because if you if you extend a guy like Lori and you pay him that money and and you don’t invest in winning you don’t add to the roster you have $40 million in cap space yeah here we are and a and what what they’re a top 10 draft pick and you’re telling me you’re not that’s why I’m saying it it does not add up and again it’s not personal this is nothing about Ryan Smith as a dude it’s not personal dude but the reality is you’re not investing in the team there’s no getting around that man like and you look at you look at where did Mike Conley and Alexander Walker end up deep into the playoffs right you look at Jared Vanderbilt Malik Beasley like those guys you traded were big contributors to their teams Jared Vanderbilt being hurt crushed the Lakers defensively and I what has this guy done to add to the team that’s what I’m asking that’s where that’s went to the playoffs with the Nets after they traded him and then the Suns and then the Suns so I’m just saying it is what it is all right let’s get your thoughts in here on the jut Jazz uh Mr downtown Lori for Julius Randall in a first round pick Julius is two time all but I’m being serious though if you put Lori Marin in in Julius randle’s shoes on this Knicks team you’re telling me they’re not better you’re telling me that Lori Mar because I’m telling you right now Lori Markin is a better player than Julius Randall is he’s got a better three-point Dynam he’s got he’s more Dynamic he’s way better in transition he’s a better teammate like he’s a better player so I don’t know like that was a hypothetical I’m not saying the money even works on it but what I am saying is that cool that that’s great that Julius is a two-time Allstar what I want is someone who I can plug in there that’s going to actually make a difference and Julius is making $28 million L’s making 18 how much how much money does Julius have left which again brings me right back to you’re not paying Lori 50 million a year yeah Julius has a $3.9 million player option for 2526 like I got heartburn over paying Julius 30 year dude like did you guys see this story before we get to your comments did you see the story about how the Pelicans are not interested in paying Brandon Ingram 50 a year and I would say I agree I’m not interested in paying Brandon Ingram 50 a year so again but you paid Zion so are you gonna pay Lori 50 a year on the Utah ja I I come on that’s not been who you are Zion Williamson Zion Williamson’s contract will’ll give you heartburn uh 36 39 42 and 45 uh unrestricted free age in 2829 do you know how much money you owe that guy I would you rather give Zion Williamson a $200 million dealer would you rather give Lori marinin a $200 million deal and if you’re Lori marinan I know you’re probably not turning that money down but the Jazz have never spent that money that that’s what I’m saying uh Ronaldo is well known for underperforming internationally but he always takes a load of shots take the shots on Ronaldo I love the Euros you guys if you’re not watching the Euros you’re missing out Al umerski the Jazz have not been serious about having a playoff caliber roster since they traded Don yeah don’t disagree with that uh change the name of the Jazz to the Utah cryos as in cryostasis nothing’s going to change for a long time wow wow uh Brandon Butler hello hypothetically who is the big name or big salary the Jazz could go after would someone like PG take the uh take the hairlines cash without Max stop it uh you know you have no idea you have no idea the the Jazz seem inexplicably linked to Tyler hero and I hope that’s not the case if you trade Lori marinan you’re gonna have to trade for dudes you’re not going to be able to go out and sign a premier free agent if you’re the Jazz right that’s not that’s not who you are and where you are you haven’t won you haven’t won in recent times you’ve traded well-respected veterans and everybody’s gotten better since they left here it makes it a tough sell to a free agent but if you are if you are somebody that’s looking to unload a contract the Jazz can absolutely be a destination I mean there there’s there’s no doubt about that but this is the Russell Westberg conversation when everybody told me I was stupid and he’s going to play for the Jazz and they’re going to make him super up they were never he was never playing here he was he they never that was never going to happen yeah they were never he was never playing here I think you have to use some common sense here the Jazz have to make a deal and those deals the deals that get made are very rarely ones you know about you had no idea Rudy was going to Minnesota you had no idea Don was going to Cleveland MH you knew those deal were going to happen you just didn’t know where and for who like who’ have thought that Minnesota would have included all those picks and Walker Kessler nobody would have thought that and I just I think you look at the the the landscape of the NBA the Jazz need everything you just called out and said your point guard’s not a number one point guard in his first year like and again it’s the David fizdale thing how do you let that guy go and where’s the where your development piece so Brandon I think it’s a very tough sell uh the rules say they cannot extend him until August right that’s what we’re saying August 6 uh I miss old Carl Malone John Stockton Jazz from back in the day it totally different era um let’s see James says is there any way Dallas could trade for Lori I do believe that if Dallas has Lori Luca and Kyrie they could win a championship I mean in a roundabout way any deal for Lorie Markin is probably going to be three teams yeah because I also look at Dallas’s salary cap and Mark Cuban Mark Cuban’s been interesting in the way that he structured his finances in Dallas but you’re super topheavy you’ve got $84 million invested in Luca and Kyrie and then it’s Timmy and PJ Washington and I mean you’re you’re super top heavy you are you have some cap space where you could where you could make some moves and but the other thing I think you have to worry about is like who are you willing to who are you willing to give up I mean are you are you really telling me that PJ Washington’s not an invaluable part of that team I think he was incredibly important to Dallas is does Tim Hardway have 17 or 16.1 million in trade value no probably doesn’t you know good old Danny Gafford Gafford made himself some money doubt did yeah he made himself some money are you willing to trade a guy like Derek Lively because people are gonna ask I would not trade I think he wants he’s gonna get an extension with them at some point but it’ll be interesting I I what do you do with a guy like Jaden Harvey who I thought actually quitted himself quite well in pressure situations I don’t know Dallas has some questions to answer uh is Danny a hands t you mean are Danny Ang hands tied to a certain extent well isn’t every front office guy you know he every trade’s got to get approved by the owner so I mean to some level every guy is uh the gz with Lori right now are at best 13th in the west just because of what’s built around him yeah and that’s the other you know ball breaker if you will for jazz fans you you look around the west and the bad teams are getting better and you’re you know respectfully not getting better like I would agree uh to Jake’s Point Ryan Smith’s priorities don’t seem very Jazz focused they’re not not right now how could they be yeah you know you’re yeah the Utah yetis should be taking his priority or excuse me the Utah hockey club that is eventually going to be the yetis and you’re going to make it awkward and announce it when you can’t have Yeti uniform branding I love how everyone when they announced that they did that last week when they did that roll out if you will everyone’s like oh these are just temporary I don’t care if they’re temporary or not they’re it’s awkward like the timing’s awkward you’re going to announce you announce the two final names it’s going to be yetis you announce the two final names before the season starts you’re going to announce what the name’s going to be a year from now and you’re not going to have the ability to sell Yeti merch Yeti sweaters Yeti so again we’re going to have an awkward uniform thing with the Jazz in the in the yetis with SG how time after time uh yeah I think if they would Max him out big payment front loaded contract but they may not be the best path to cont they when has Ryan Smith ever cut somebody a huge check and I don’t I’m not sure how that pans with his situation I don’t think so I I don’t know why you know so if you think about a $200 million deal what’s he goingon to cut him a check for 80 I mean you’re not going to cut him a check for half his contract uh Marcus Stucky hello good to see you the Utah GS should be interesting in nothing but pick and uh cash right now but but this is my point but how long are you gonna this team has been collecting assets since before you popped out of the womb like you’re the the the idea of oh hey we’re we’re collecting and we’re building the war chest and but by the way we prioritize winning and we want to win we pass on Devin Booker and a thousand other NBA stars but that’s the other thing too like so you guys remember when the the Keon George draft right and they got that was a big deal they picked him up everyone was excited right and now like the fact that Danny’s kind of hating on dude is like so is that draft just another waste is that draft not is that no longer a good draft because I thought and I’m with you I think keontay George is gonna be number one for somebody but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be this team the thing that I struggle with is we all talk a big game and this guy’s a star and that guy’s a star I’m again I if you look at the history of this team and you look at where they have picked tell me again why I should believe that your your draft picks turn into Superstars you haven’t had that since Gordon Hayward your draft picks Dante exom was a bust and where’s he playing for a champion ship with Dallas oh right like he he was a but like Gorgie D like Trey ly now you turn Trey ly into okay great I’m with you on that uh torian Prince I look at these other guys and I say to myself Josh Hart is an intrical performer in this league now not on your roster you look at the Grayson Allen the udoka asabuki of the world like this team does not draft well this team has not historically drafted well and I just I go back to like the I mean and you can pick the year that you want man you look at you look at the guys in this league and you look at the names that were taken in the 2023 draft obviously there was only one Victor wanyama you took Taylor Hendrick n and stashed him in the g-league when I think guys like I don’t know I mean like who was who was taken after you that mattered Pro Derrick Lively probably is the guy that you would point to but you you took keante at 16 and okay those are two guys but do we have any belief that those two guys will be productive Allstar level players for the Jazz what is our belief system when the general manager came out and told us how crappy Keon George is I’m exaggerating but you understand what I’m saying yeah I mean I I I think the struggle is like it’s worse than it was with the draft now because I don’t believe that you can develop guys that’s the problem and and it’s not this is a will hardy thing but it’s not just will hardy I I from a franchise big picture perspective the Jazz have never you know developed guys into huge differen makers and everyone say oh well what about goar and all those Defensive Player of the Year Awards yeah but but I could have developed protector in the league like what did that turn into yeah like it’s not like that turned into uh a Western Conference Championship is it a is and again if we’re talking about collecting assets is it a paollo bonero is it a Chad holgren you like I look at I look at 2022 is is it a who what is it because I I don’t I don’t see that I yes you got Walker Kessler but what is that turned into a apparently a bench guy right that it it’s it’s turned into not a lot and so I struggle I I look up and down the Jazz draft history they don’t have a history of taking assets and turning them into productive goddamn players so then we get ask why don’t you guys talk more Jazz why don’t you know why like it seems like you guys aren’t talking as much Jazz what’s there to talk about like what like what what are we supposed to do with this like you’re not drafting well you’re not developing well you’re not spending on the roster it seems like there’s hesitation in extending L marinin uh we’re getting uh all this hockey team stuff we’re getting taxpayer dollars to fund it we’re getting the Olympics uh and I’m just sitting here saying great cool awesome when’s the next time you’re gonna win anything yeah anyway so that’s that’s where we’re at I think ultimately the Jazz will not I don’t think the Jazz will trade Lori Markin that’s just the feeling I get from talking to people would take such an inordinate amount of return and I think that Ryan Smith is very worried about fan sentiment right now and I think my biggest fear is that a year from now we’ll be having this exact same conversation about Lori marinin and it is it is terrifying to me it is uh where do you guys come down on a team tanking I think it’s horrendous Ryan Smith has no reason to tank but are they even tanking because this is the other thing you’re either tanking or you’re doing everything you can do to win a championship that’s the God’s honest truth in the NBA you’re either the Lakers trying to make trades and you’re either the Knicks trying to make trades you’re going to get Drew holiday if you’re the Celtics or you’re the Jazz who aren’t doing a whole lot of anything that’s the truth so is tanking real sure I guess but are you operators or not they they haven’t been operators uh why can’t they call it the yetis they stick with yetis why no s because the yeti I don’t know I because they’re the Jazz and the yeti I don’t know the Jazz will be tining again this year I hope not I think Ryan Smith is at a critical point in his stature in this state and I wish I wasn’t the only one but again I’ll be the only one to to ask why does a billionaire need billions in handouts why does he need taxpayer money he’s a billionaire uh fight on nates would Danny uh ever make a trade deal with the Lakers he’s made multiple trades deals with the Lakers he’s done that already OG Gary the jazz is a developmental team for the league they a ain’t serious about winning there you know uh now that the NBA season is over time to focus when Dragon Ball comes out you know cool I I must with that uh with that is happening in the Sports World the last year the Jazz relevance has been at the bottom of the list I watched three games this past year when it was back on TV you see what I mean like it’s not like I remember that too that’s another great point I hadn’t thought about that in a minute like the whole Jazz plus TV thing that was a wreck like I don’t know I just didn’t have a great experience with jazz plus and and I’m I’m going to be honest like I’m not really inclined to pay for it anymore I’m not like and I know I can get it in the middle of the season if they’re doing well yeah like I but Jake do you even watch Jazz games what’s to watch like I I hate to say that but what’s to watch I can I can honestly yeah if you and I would challenge people to do this just to try it right now with Jazz games with where this team is at and the lack of relevancy in the market if you don’t want to pay for jazz plus you’re going to be just fine you’re not missing out on a whole lot and that’s really sad because when the Jazz are good it’s much better for our show when the Jazz are good and Jazz nation is engaged and we can talk Jazz every day that’s way better for us and it’s so incredibly frustrating that that even when you’re bad we can’t get like real good in-depth trade talk that we actually think has a reasonable chance of happening

The Utah Jazz are navigating an offseason where expectations are not particularly high, yet still the Utah Jazz are in the middle of conversations that could remake the franchise? Will the Utah Jazz make significant, roster changing trades, or will it be another season of mediocrity and change for the Utah Jazz?

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  1. Ryan is just trying to milk all the money he can out of the Jazz fan base. When he makes his investment back, then he will spend money to win a championship. I think he is a thief of tax payer money, and a douche until he let's Danny do his job and bring a championship to Utah!

  2. You guys have a very negative tone about your podcast. And your track record about the Jazz is none. Maybe new sources?

  3. Big game hunting doesn’t look great this year. We are better off being bad next year but keeping Lauri with an extension. There aren’t many big game free agents worth their asking price. Next season looks a lot better.

  4. Who would the Jazz be able to trade for that could put them at the top of the western conference?!? Any player better than Lauri would require Lauri and picks. I fault the Jazz for not tanking harder the last two seasons but the future is through the draft, then trade for solid players to fill out around your young star/stars. 2025 draft is huge, land a top three pick and the future will be bright.

  5. Hey Monty, who are these players that the Jazz could trade for that put them in the top of the west? I am curious because I don’t see or hear of anyone available that puts the Jazz in that relm.

    I am 100% that the Jazz should extend Lauri in August and go Lauri and the kids for this coming season and possibly 2025-26 as that is the true path to building a true championship contending team.

  6. It makes no sense of paying Lauri that much money (which I would do it since he is great) if next step is to build around him with rookies and try to tank for years. And why Jazz so focused on jerseys every year?

  7. Gonna be honest I’m giving Ryan smith the benefit of the doubt for now but the second Lauri is not extended or traded by August eighth or the beginning of training camp for trading him I lose all good will in this ownership.

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