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Gary Trent Jr. Price Point REVEALED – Raptors Wing RETURNING? | Toronto Raptors News

Gary Trent Jr. Price Point REVEALED – Raptors Wing RETURNING? | Toronto Raptors News

we have a major Gary Trent Jr contract update as the price range for his deal has been revealed in a recent report and with this up and down play Messi Jerry Bobby Webster have some big decisions to make because as of right now Gary Trent Jr is extension eligible so we’ll break down that whole situation including an update regarding jonte Porter and his ongoing now legal issues in Canada as that situation continues to get crazier and crazier but folks before we dive into it make sure you guys hit that subscribe button if you want to stay up to date with daily Toronto Raptors news coverage we’re delivering it here on the Raptor digest and things are about to really amp up with the draft and free agency just around the corner but let’s dive into the first topic of discussion the first thing we’re taking a look at is a Gary Trent Jr contract range being revealed now Gary is a guy that seems to be polarizing now to a lot of Toronto Raptors fans he came in as a player that looked like he was on the ascent an elite shooter obviously bucket getter but also impressed on the defensive end early on his career got coined the the nickname Nam star boy was a dude that just had a lot of raptors fans excited but over his past couple seasons has not only not taken that leap he’s statistically at least regressed out there on the basketball court he didn’t improve as a playmaker and frankly outside of his three-point shooting which has been solidly consistent in terms of being high percentages obviously all three-point Shooters have their ups and downs over the course of a year he hasn’t really improved as a bucket getter in the lanes or really anywhere out there on the court so essentially given his current contct contract situation being up a free agent there’s a lot of question marks about whether or not it makes sense for the Toronto Raptors to give a ton of money to Gary Trent Jr given his lack of insane development and growth he’s still only 25 years old but he does knock down threes and provide a valuable skill set but now we do have an update in terms of what this extension could look like for Gary Trent Jr if he comes in and ends up being brought back from side makes that decision so essentially Doug Smith has come out and said that Trent just 25 years old has proven he has an NBA need skill as a three-point shooter and he’s familiar with the franchise its culture and where he fits in in the bigger picture for Toronto he may not have had a great 2023 2024 season but his skills are well documented and proven his contract uh requests won’t be exorbitant he was paid about $17 Million last season and any expected pay raise on his new deal will not break the banks so Gary Trent Jr signed that twoyear two well two-year guaranteed and then one year player option a few seasons ago with the Toronto Raptors that was looked at as a low bunny steal for this Raptor team because of what we were projecting Gary Trent Jr to develop into again he didn’t take those leaps didn’t jump up in terms of production as I mentioned and ended up accepting the player option on his contract last year with hopes of really improving his performance stepping up during this season and frankly he just didn’t really do that and now Doug Smith which is a positive report I want to say this because again Shooters are getting paid crazy money across the NBA so there was some saying hey maybe Gary could be making 20 plus million dollars and stuff in a open market kind of contract so that would be a concerting sort of deal to give to Gary Trent Jr given his uh sort of production I mean we can pull up his stats right Gary Trent Jr 14 points per game 2.6 rebounds 1.5 uh seven assists right 39% from the three-point line only shot 38% on Corner threes you know 90% of his threes were assist upon so he’s still getting a lot of those buckets you know fed to him rather than creating a lot of the shots like a Steph Curry or Damen Lillard or one of these guys so again over 20 million would have been concerning Doug Smith is saying that a prey Ray won’t be a significant increase over what he was previously getting so that’s a a a positive in that sense but I seen a lot of people bring up that they aren’t that interested in uh Gary Trent Jr even getting what he was receiving in his previous contract but the Toronto Raptors do have some negotiation leverage because right now the Toronto Raptors given the fact Gary Tren J’s are already on his team a new rule that was implemented by the NBA is that the current team of the player that they’re on can start negotiating contracts just before I started recording Pascal cakam ended up getting his extension with the Indiana Pacers a Max contract down there so obviously Gary’s not getting a Max but we could give him that extension could offer him that deal to make things happen but more details have come out regarding the situation as Doug Smith basically said Trent will though have choices the question is uh the reason why the Raptors have the advantage as I just mentioned the new rule creates as if Trent takes the money and years offered instead of gambling will be worth uh will be moreth gambling that he’ll be worth more on the market so essentially Smith is acknowledging the fact that raptors have the advantage in terms of what they can offer Gary given the fact they can make their offers earlier and make that happen before Gary Tren Jr enters the open market and then essentially it will give the Raptors a measure of certainty on one of its major summer jobs that will come rapid orders starting next week there is a first round uh the there is the first round of the NBA draft a week from Wednesday and the second round the next day they have decide uh two days after the draft whether to pick up Bruce Brown’s $23 million player op uh Team option and then the free agent Market happens on June 30th so Gary Trent Jr deciding on what to do the Raptors I’m sure are making a specific offer we’ll see how it goes down but we’ll have a good idea because Gary frankly the decision that is made on that front really affects the Bruce Brown situation potentially guys who were going to draft and making sure we don’t have a log Jam at that two guard position cuz the Trona Raptors right now have a few interesting players you know we do have on the on the docket for this team I mean Grady dick is the real sort of shooter that we have that really could take that leap obviously we have RJ Barrett Emanuel quickly brought into those guard positions Scotty barns the ball in his hands a ton and oai baji is a guy that I feel like a lot of people are forgetting about in terms of his development in terms of what he could be able to do for this Raptor’s team you moving forward especially on the def defensive end so that’s uh that’s the whole big decisions the Toronto Raptors have to make and we can also look at other players on the market what the current Shooters are going for because again three-point Shooters especially two three years ago were making just insane amounts of bread but then we look at a contract that was handed out just last off season for a guy like Grayson Allen who again 13.5 points per game four rebounds three assists so he’s a better playmaker better facilitator than Gary Trent Jr and he made 43 47.3% of his Corner three shot 46% from behind the three-point line so was much more efficient as a three-point shooter in comparison to Gary Trent Jr we can look at his contract essentially Grayson Allen’s making 15 million 16 million 18 million 19 million so on average in terms of annual value roughly around7 million $17 million per year so if Gary Trent Jr is getting a pay raise from his previous contract that means he’s going to be making more than what the open market kind of delivered for Grayson Allen which seems like a bit of an over pay so that’s something the Raptors fans can kind of look at as a piece to you know break down and see in terms of whether or not it makes sense to bring back Gary in terms of the other options that could be out there on the market because again Grayson Allen is a is an interesting piece an interesting comparable for Gary Trent Jr but next thing we’re taking a look at is jonte Porter under criminal investigation amongst the Canadian authorities now the jonte porter situation continues to get crazier and crazier if you’re not familiar basically jont Porter was on the Toronto Raptors he bet against the team and uh tanked a couple specific games uh due to you know getting in debt with some type of mob you know and they uh said hey if you want to pay back your debts go out there we’ll put some prop bets do some unders and then you just fake an injury sign yourself out of the game and then we end up getting guaranteed money so that was found out by all the sports books by all these different uh benting conglomerates John J Porter was suspended from the NBA and uh now he’s actually under criminal investigation from uh the Canadian authorities as news Has Come Out Canadian authorities are officially opening a criminal investigation into jonte Porter and this is coming from ESPN so that just uh man that just sucks for a guy that crazy decision given the contract that he made it’s wild that uh that they banned him and uh kicked him out and it makes sense but uh it’s just crazy that this ended up happening continues to escalate so that’s the latest updates in regards to draw tape rep situation just want to briefly mention that there because again that story is probably one of the craziest things in Toronto Raptor’s history but let me know what you guys think about all this news in the in the comments down below you guys best take far subscribe to the channel I’m signing out cheers

The Toronto Raptors have some major decisions to make this off-season and one of the big ones is Gary Trent Jr. Ben Rogers breaking down the latest reports detailing his price point and a wild update regarding Jontay Porter.

0:00 Toronto Raptors News
0:38 Gary Trent Jr. Price Point REVEALED
7:15 Jontay Porter Update

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  1. My greatest concern with Gary is his lack of performance if he comes off the bench. That would likely happen if Grady continues to grow (as expected). Then add to that there is a lot of cap space and it's implied flexibility over the next two/three years. The franchise could find they are cap out well before they are competitive again.

  2. @benrogers gary trent jr is gonna get 20 million a year for 4 years, because the new american cable tv contract is coming up in 2026. thats the reality. if gary has to take less he wont be signing with raptors but with a contender to play in playoffs on a winning team. toronto has to overpay to keep players and gary wont be any different.

    the raptors have about 34 million in cap space. IQ is gonna take up about 30 million of that a year for 4-5 years.

    that means to sign gary trent jr for this season the raptors will have to use the MLE of 12 million and use the trade exception generated from siakam trade of about 10 million.

    so gary trent jr likely get 20 million and change for 4 years to use up that 22 million from siakam trade exception and 12 million in mle.

    if they do that though they gotta get rid of players cuz the possible 3 rookies is gonna be around 10 million

  3. @benrogers i wouldnt hype agbaji up, he is basically a non shooter, so his ceiling is a thybulle. agbaji wont get a new contract if his shot not dropping after this coming season.

  4. GTJ is a one string banjo – those numbers are inflated because he got lots of burn on a bad team, and aside from the 3 pt percentage, those numbers are not good. He is a bench guy, maybe a 5th option on a deep contending team. Think Danny Green w/o the defense – we have Grady, move on, he is too much cap space.

  5. GTJ led the NBA is wide open 3FG % at 51%. If the Raptors can get some talent on the court to give GTJ more wide open looks 🤯. I believe that GTJ will cost between 18-22 million per. And if the Raptors keep Bruce Brown at 23 million then GTJ will be around 23-25 million per to re-sign as he is the superior all around player.

    Jontay Porter has a self confessed gambling addiction and is undergoing treatment. I doubt he would do any jail time in Canada or the US as he is currently co-operating with US authorities.

  6. If I’m the raptors I don’t pay Trent 23 million. That’s an overpay for what he provides. Believe it or not Brown probably has more value on the market than Trent based on his playoffs history as X factor so I would let Trent walk, pick up Brown’s contract and then trade him.

  7. Siakam just signed his extension with indiana.. based on what we know.. Siakam could of signed the same deal with Toronto, but he was greedy and wanted more.

  8. Pacers will sign PS to a 4/189 max contract. The Siakam trade gets even more lopsided.

    Raptors received bench fodder (Brown, Olynyk, Agbaji, Nwora) plus some magic beans (non-Lottery Draft Picks Ind 2024 FRP/IND 2026 FRP)… for Siakam.

  9. We gotta use gary better next season if we make him an inside scorer it neutralizes his efficiency overall

    If we can do that $20/year is reasonable with a rising cap

  10. Doug Smith is Trash, so is Gary Trent, enough with the old, move on, it's a waste of cap space, same with Boucher, Brown, McDaniels, Nwora..ect..bunch of bums players, clear cap space and go get OG back..
    I think if Brown and Gary Trent come back, I'll literally throw up, plus don't forget we lost that 1st rd pick which we tank for no reason…LOL

  11. Gary Trent Jr is a mid level exception player on the open market which is $12m to $13m. He made too much last season. I honestly would move on from him if he wants the same he got paid or a raise. Don’t overpay him. He hasn’t really improved… he is what he is which is probably a bench player. You can’t run a lineup of Poeltl + Barnes + Barrett + Quickly + Trent Jr as it too small and poor defensively.

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